HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-24, Page 7I It ... ; , — " ' . . _—....._ 1, lu - 0 ­Ww--;��, A" 1. I I I , , - - kl,`, - .... I ,fie-?,, ""% ieAf ar+ +' n✓"� �t i'ly� _ ed'sr,.., it - V • 6 '',rA, viiC1:`, rw a4 :;. . , ., �_ . ^ t_ .... - —-.--.:....... —..-.....---. YI I • rI I Am biuging of Home. OHRISTIANITY AND ROOMY. THE, VICE "one' THE A036 ii IN DEHLANc>a ov THEIR DI6APPOINTAfENTs AND 2'lIILPlC�RgP$ICJ 1.SUA![MeR (By Rev. J. Layooe,k.)• It has been ,s.ia in de e>nco of she laud.. s>zv$asEs ,.. -, �- . •__1__ R11 I am singing of 645, ,lio- the rkereal Home,. - : ,.._ '- - eeyetam of EagGn , which compels the were essentially hA T A . Of-ita t0rapla riot' bili with bands, many ion a t Y ppy " Women, wine, -' '- �'a In the mists( of the city whose streets are of gold, 9II Who Reap W119i8 They g14YA � y' he few for permission to fame, the table, even ambitions' he wrote $arnum's funeral tools plasia in Bridge- � '""� �fFh a omaportof are pqe el c batudose realth is untold • live on the land of the country, that a to Moore . 'i sate now and then, but every port, Conn., yesterday, and was very The home of the flagella bands, Not sown. ,. „ leisure olaeA is very Useful in literature, turn of the card, or coat of the div, keeps largely attended. I am singing of home, and my soul is aglow art And invention. On the other hand, the gamester alive • and besides," he a4dffl.. - The..ateameh[ p. Em With rapture I cannot express. re, THE $E1>�6DY PiiOPOS%;iT �� Satan finds eoime . mi gshief. still. for idle_ ""' one nen gamble at lanai Fen timeee longer voted to issue Yokohama ou India A rtlisl7t>; home-ot our lova ones redeem'd from ke , , hands to do, and there are reasons to than one can do anything diii." But wb4v wand soh il.nr�egv ,*U6 ! P low, he follo wing its a Aly uopeia of a lecture believe that morality would be more general the law cannot abolish public opinion may a t -,- , - - - ---- -- �rV a the vile and polluted never can go- re. anti g Montreal L Etendard says that the non- palace of righteousness. y delivered by Mr. W. A. Dougfas, in England if all the people (:o• called moderate, and in bringing that force to disallewanoe .of the Manitoba. `School Act of Toronto, before the Young Men'a Chris nobility included) had to work for a living. bear upon the principal offenders of our Will considerably shake Confederation. ° i I am in ing of home, and the glory bright ,, usu Association at Burlington : The London World after referrin to the time, the precept and example of the great Io the land where they need no sun, g g IJeither h • moon Christianity t nor stare to give forth their light, ani y teaches the principles distinguishing viola at the seventeenth censorrrtorum of Marlborough House would It is said tkt4t Lord RtndoJph Churchill Where (hod is the day and there ie no night- accordin to which wealth should b d v end ei b l' . h _ 4 Q tli. J{Y. rt a c,lti ea _ _ f _, �.. , _ _ 1 F p . s _ gat,, �. ^2,; amarssrrrrr.. .��. ,. ,.r';?�,*r':ft� .+F?•ac�..�r`�r�.i z , r �:.� •�b""'�1,� ��,...�.,.�.�.,� ...mu„ �� :"�3i^5.°. ,szsr":.z•:s��. .,.._s�t9�e,,.•�::.,�"':�' r'c/•li"P� � .,:^;t`�.,: >.^r^,., ruc3 watitaak 5 U lE0bl�Ililll��"0�4 pllt`O 1r18Or1aD 0 tlr0 own( ctrrs�tu2y� -sus _.� _......� �:.•�:,. - �t�ti�ln'�'�ra'tiri�`-'tits►tr-o�Y `kl"'�beb - -,:1,.-.,;;; '!�.�.�„ i stares wild instead of hearing of the Prince of, &I as winner of the City' a}n¢ Babarban bandi- I am singing of home, of its golden lyree, applying these principles. It has been hove no difficulty in demonstrating that ,the umpire in disreputable card rows among Cap. I Of its harps made of sbining gold, assumed that if we could make every man the ruling passion or dominent vice of the hie friends of both sexes,, we heard of him . D. E. Kimball, ticket agent , for the Of the pealing orgaus, transcendent choirs: right then. eooiety would necessarily be period in which it is oar privilege to live is as the opponent of high play everywhere, Northwestern road, shot and killed him- s The thmusic ogl that , that never tires- ri hs. Herein,lies a fatal error. An en me gamblin and that in comparison with it we confess we should have, mach greater self Tbursday-morning in a Turkish bath Of the songs that never grow old. g B• g, is something more than a mere aggregation as a social factor every other passion or hopes of its disappearance than any we room at Oaasha. I am singing er home, its gardens and bowers, of parte. It is an adjustment. So eooiety vice is, we will not say nowhere, but in a can at resent entertain, and we are quite Patrick Sextan, aged 22, fell on a airoalar j Of its ranee an woodlands green, is more than a mere aggregation of •indi= condision at least of temporary and partial oertsirp that Hie Royal Highness would saw at Gettman's lumber mill near $tone The fragrance ngnd bloom of immortal flowers, viduals. It is an adjustment also. Wemay eclipse and abeyance. Wherever titers is O 'd'be lEden of an ela, that soon shall be ours, - - , - - . _ _ _ _ __ _ MQ gaLnOW", svo - - - - -Magid a far larger In --- - -- - - p e° more sailone (tin saner o dying quietly from his ipjariee. , �� i'I I am singing of home where the wear rest but it we have bad adjustment -our spirit of headlong speculation reigns � y social arrangements .may pgrtion of his future subjects than any Art explosion occurred 1 And the wicked from troubling cease, g y become self -de- supreme among us. Cammeree in all its amount of success in the former and P yesterday in the Of the trees of life, with their healing leaves, etruoti•ve. Here the speaker pointed out branobes and departments has been trans- humbler ca soil can powder magazine adjoining the Sultan's w" p y possibly secure for ,alace, Zanzibar.- Thirteen . 'I Of r to realm of joy where a soul neer grieves,. the terrible resalse that proceed from s formed into an arena for desperate enter hit, E persons were Or longe for the sweet calm of pesos. lack of economic investigatiou. Every city prises, devised and executed on the well. killed and twenty wounded. , I am singing of home, our Father's blest home- on this continent shows precisely the same. known principle of " heads I win, tails you DINED ON ROASTED MLN. j be Locomotive and Engine Works Homo of Christ, our saviour and Friend, kind of development, two monstrosities -a lose." Rings and cornere everywhere Y Camphny, of Kingston, hen closed s awn• Wherein every soul His ngfo graces doth bloom, cuonatrOoity of suparabundans wealth at .corr'imand the market ; and as far as what Tale of a Fiji Cannibal Who Ulaims to Have tract with the Canadian Paoific Railwayci Kiss love and blessing forever iliums That of the just at life's end, one extreme and a monstrosity of blighting used to be looked aeon es "legitimate Eaten Heamah F1eeh, for the ooaetrnction of fifteen engines. poverty as the other extreme. Many business " is concerned, there is scarcely a At a meeting of the Toronto Public ' It is Not Death. people without invtasigating astribute this pia'a oboiob to be made between the city The general curiosity of our entire town was aroused by the appearance upon our Library Board yesterday afternoon the ,; [Dedicatee to Mrs..(lieu.) Wm. Morton and result wholly to individual 'ohe,raoteriaties and the turf or Monte Carlo. The one atresia of an individual who was born upon statistical report showed that 40,908 vol11 - family in their hours of soro bereavement.- because some are thrifty and others not. A grand object of everybody ie one of the Fiji Islands, says the Atlanto umes had been issued during the month. ' By Ite,v. J. Laycock,] little investigation shows thi r t0 be x00 TO G&T MONEY WITHOUT'EARNING IT, 00natitution. 'Shia Stratford Oannoil hue signed a Oon- It is not,destb to fall asleep hasty a conclusion. Observe the history tract with the Bell T630 phone Upon your Saviour'N breast, of two men in a new Country, They start and the one grand method for accomplish- He wore a very red or Cardinal. colored phone Company to To close your eyes, wbilst loved ones weep, ' about equal, each wish s section of land.' ing this to which everybody resorts is suit of clothes. knee pants and jacks,( supply the City with an automatic fire- And enter into rest. sheer unadulterated gambling in some shape trimmed with black velvet collar and onffd. alarm system. The work is to be eom- 1 . The one section continues a farm, the other or disguise. Over his shoulder he carried a cloak that was menced at once. Al tie not death to cease to breathe, becomes the site of an immense city. What In these circumstances it is not sur- tied over the left shoulder and under the , Mr. Dawson M. P. for Addie ton, in a To fling life's burdens down, are the respective fatures of these two ,. g, OP glory end to n the wroath men? The former puts in a lifetime Prising, however deplorable and discredit- right, made of white and red flannel. - Flia speech at Harrowsmith on Thursday, said ' able it may be that high la should have head was covered with a blouse that fell he would support I of toil, producing great abandenae, and Y R play phot( Sir John Mpg-.tonald, as It. is not death to say farewell ends his life, pr:rhape, with a fortune of become not so much a mere fashion sa an down his bank, and still over this a eom• would also the Liberal party, if he came To every fleeting thing, five thousand dollars, or, .perhaps, with a absolute craze among the so�cslled smart braro. His shoes were tied under the out for continental free trade. And leave this mundane sphere to swell people of both sexes. Despite all that hoe inetEp with a one half inch Wide braid, Tito chorus angels sing. mortgage hang round his nock, and leaveB A cable from London says the French I io his successors for all generations toil been done by the Legislature andtht police that wound around the lege up to the Government, on representations made by It is not death to part from clay aitaLlar t0 his own, producing abundance for putting down gaming in those forms in knees. His general appearance was very Sir Charles Tupper, his consented to admit • ' So long our mortal prison, which they can take Coenizanoe of is, it is gaudy. g products, and same oorteign- bat. enjoying only aompare►ivt Susrcity. Canadian ho Toon soar above earth's gloom and spray now prootised, under oonditiona which This native was oonveried when 23 ears To dwell with Christ, the risen. On the other hand, the owner of- the oily Y merits have been already msda. i lot toiled for only a few years, but with preclude the interposition of . the old, and is now 74 year@ .of age. His It1a t death,'tho step to take law and its emioserieS, to an father lived,to be 130 years of age. Iiia At Kenton; Ohio, 100 disguised men went the..texrestrial-stand every rnoreaee of o alauon hia Ortaue _eaten4 -,aIId _.__in_.__�...__.menn - - 10 'IilAli08 Bon a engin 'leo�nrin on the -to•tb-e--couuty-jail-at--2--o'alock..yesterday- - �~� In o 13oaven's life boat and forsake grows Larger and larger. He endo lite as a would have astonished even the veteran dition of hisp people. He sDeake tweet morning and took out. William Bates, who arth for the Fatherland. millionaire, and leaves to hie suooesaors the frequenters of Crookford's and she Cocoa lane flnen$ly.p Y murdered Edward Harper, a palioeman, on power to live without toil for all generations Tree in their palmy day@. It is true that When 5 or 6 pear@ old be saw an Indian It is riot death when kisses seal March 3136, and hang him to a tree. From friends our eyelids down, to come. Had the city grown on the first cards have Supplanted dice as the leading woman throw her obild to a crocodile that Secretary Noble has ordered all intraders • A If angel kisses them ur,seal section, the fortunes of these swo men instruments of e To view a throne- crown, would ileus bean rever3ed. We reward p©onletion, and that bao• weighed 1,000 pounds. The animal missed out of the Sao ,and Fax, Cheyenne and :+ . It io not death, ye neodkot weep men now, not , according • to their carat instead of hazard is the pastime grin• the child; and the mother caught it a@ it Aresphge and Iowa and Pottawattomie I When one whose work is der, indnatry, • or according to the benefit cipally in vogue. But for all practical per• ran back to her bagging for its life, when Indian reservations, and has instruoted the an�of.-God; lies-down-to-slee a� ear -on soots poses the-i}ret are -not lee@ effective lha X113. soldiers-to y, n Scoot ing to ntrY-' a And we_ha"on Canaan's shore. the lOoation and growth o! population. the second in ruining fortunes and repata- This time the crocodile struck it with its Z he engagement of Mr. Ogden Armour, The mon who acquiree posses ion of land tions, and lend themselves quite as readily claws, "tore it into two pieces and ate it very eldest son of Philip t >. Armour, the multi- EXPRKSSION DONS IT. where .population wentrea,eicgnireS power to to the transference of .large sums of money. quickly. She then reported her note to the millionaire dressed hetf packer, to Ai iss . -- .appropriate most ce the volae that worts In many respects, indeed, the gambling of Hagen priest, and, he blessed her, saying to S,neldon. a member of a prominent New1. Why .livery Fate Should be Beautiful to the tend, Simply through the growth of the present in far more open to objection her, " Go kin no wore." York family, is announced in Chicago. , ` P' Forty, pOpAlatlOn. We thna`sllow him to sppro• than the gambling• of .the past. In the old fie also was a oannibal. When he was IYir@. Andrew Doll, of Hermai,, Neb., who Threw thine enter into beano fine Priest product without prodaoila , and we time when gaming•hoaeee, whether in 7 years old there were twenty-one minis• K Y- g had lately been relea;ead from an inesne� fessurea, color and expreusion. The featuree, thus prevent the producers enjoying the THE SHAPE OF CLUBS OR ORDINARY HELLS, tare who were caught travelling and l,ros- asylum as eared, crushed her two ehil- roetuot of their iadassr peoting for places to locate oharohes, orifi . i • the. forms of brow and neat and shin, be- p y and compel shorn caro tolerated, high play was for the most dren a Braine -ant with an nae and then, , - eluesis, coming Often from far ancestors ; to surrender it to the landowner. As part restricted to men. No doubt a few one of these ministera was beheaded every suioided by drinking concentrated lye. ti our colors, too, are in the main bequests, Population increases the power of the land• notorious women of rank and fashion ware morning k•y their high priest and his flesh Mr, Campbell, the Inch member of depending on she quality of tisane and. of owner to appropriate increases also ; his in the habit of playing high at one an• oaoked, and the natives were made to stand P r, larsnnt + p Y g k in a row and each one was given a art of Parliament, nae brought en aosiun against blood, the more immediate parents give is ; grows ; the producera must our. other. a own houses. But nearly all the K P the proprietors of the Cork Herald, which I � .i but expression is ver largely our own render more; their obligation rows. We gamblin was practiced at gaming clubs or the flesh, and they stood'andMo it. This . P Y' K Y g K K P K K affair. And, even with good features and thus allow the growth of population to act hells, and to thein women cert not ad• was continued every day for twenty-one recently stmtGa shat he procured hooses d the clearest, colors, 'Expression is the be«t huge wedge, lifting one part•of society muted. In addition 'to this, no p� far the, mtatin of 111x. Parnell and Mira. asp ha days, until all the ministera were eaten n K to enormous wealth while crushing, the marl either belonged to a gaming club or and he ate art of swent preachers. O 13boB. part of baaaty. The play of thought er,d IIs says P Y one will and feeling on the faoe-of noble other portion beneath an obligation, entered a hell except with the fall intention ys the natives never do eat one A despatch from Rome Says that the thoughts, firmnea@, self control, and pure, continuous, increasing and never ending. of joining in the diversion there provided another unless one is taken in war or as a `Ithlian G-,;vernmont has .threasened to one- nnaelfish, gentle feelings -we can secure it We have fallen into this error by con• for him, and, whatever hie luck might be, missionary ; that it lea a mistaken idea that Pend stl diplomatic rE,la$iona with the we will., Ten years of habit, three years, founding together two thing: that aiffer as he incurred the rieks to which he wan ea- they slay one another to eat when this man L nito,l States if a reply is not given today or only • one, wil'I affect, expression widely as darkness differs from light. The posed deliberately end of mslioe prepense, and than is fat enough to eat, that the to its law( uommuicaaion on the New u much. Someone said that " Every face boast 8, faosorits, machinery and goads in At gamingolubs and hello, too, pnblidty beasts oftbeficldneverslayoneoftheirkind Orleawt in%ste r. I •: , ought to be beautifal at forty,'' and another our cities are produced by labor, they are generally, if not . invariably, insured fair to prey •upon, and that the eavagsa have T'ha water In the kVelland Canal will be that -No old pereon has a right to be something added by labor to the oonve• play ; and, save in.the way of loan: from never gotten to be lower than wild anim ale drawn off from the 18:h to the 25sh April, - _- , ugly, beoause he hue had all his -life: in niences of this world. Laborever tries to the, proprietary, there was then no -credit. ' • in: craer that the annual repairs may 'be I `1 " make, them abundant. These thins will Between the gamesters themselves ever HOW TO KEMP YOUNu.' -,P(le. The raids and fsotoriea on the old �.: which to grow beautiful." That is to say, g g y ,� life's opportunities if nobleness, or even not stay ; they are consumed or worn out. transaction was a ready -money one, and —' ua,ual .will in eonaegaence be shut down �t Look Alter Your Stomach and What Yon ear.. than time. forty pesrs of opportunity. it well used, are labor mast ever, put .forth its energies to thus, while winners received their gains at K 1 enough to .make eon mnoh within that it can. replaoe them. Such are the charaoteria. once, losers were checked in'any reckless Rat' •fine K.nsas City. .Pecking Company " 1 not help coming through the surface in ties of the products of labor. Abandanae, attempt that the might be disposed to It you want to be good looking, it toil to p• y g P y K g. You tiv ,!ch f,aliecl .last November and which has f graceful habits of the nerves and mneleleo. produce them traneient in duration : make in order to recover themselves. In 'want to keep young, worship your stomacb. recently bt,on re -organized with a Capital The transfiguration of a pleasant smile, toil needed to replace. them. Land value, private gambling all this is changed, .and, Trost it well, offer it neither insult nor st ,--k of $2,000,000 and is now stylea the kindly lightiugs of eyes, restful lines of on the other hand, is exactly opposite in iea with •every di•eadvsntsge, not a single ad. abuse, heed its slightest summons and make •' ,0boo ,ix Packing Company," has resumed 1. - solf-control about the lips, pure shillings of oberacteri:tics. This value increases as vantage i;'y anSal to public gambling is it subordinate to nothing. First of all, gut ee,ctive oparationa. the face as great. thoughts kindle inwardly Population increases and land becomes present. In --certain well-known London it in good running order: If it doc:en't Tito troopship Himalaya has arrivad at -these thinga no parent makes inevitably more scarce. It is not a product of labor ; drawing rooms and at a host of country ,work right have it regulated by some Pl"itmenth from India having on board s ours, and no fitful week or two of goodness it is not transient in duration ; ,it does not houses, physioian'who makes a specialty of repsir� I$rge number of Soldiers. There. were 200 ` gives them, and no Schooling of the visage require toil for its replacement. Land value . WOMEN ARE NOT LESS EAGER THAN MEN ing old and disabled stomachs. Don't cases of inflaeuza among the troops daring j tither, but only hsbitu&l^ nobleness and is as different from labor products so any` drink ice water ; don't try to drink steam• the last fnrtni ht graciousness within ; and this will give two tbinga cad' be different, grid ' ' i to burry to the card -table, end neither in ing hot soup, tea'or coffee ; don't swallow fortnight, bat none of them had a playing nor in paying can many of them, Ut,l termination. them all': in our legislating, whether treating of the whole food ; remember plumbing pipes , it is to be apprehended be held -up as ea=• At u ntetirng of the Plumbers Copper - Splendor. from within 1 It is the only diritribution of wealth, the rights of will not carry off ashes and kitchen ga,r• ampler o! reositade and preoieion to' the , ware Association of the United Stsatea, thing whish makes the real and lasting property or the imposition at taaa$ion,.we bage ; dont drink bad water or eirong splendor wishout I Trust that inevitable treat these two things cxaetly siike. Wei othor sea. Whether people will or will'not liquors ; don't believe that cheap held Mc 'Philadelphia, a great trust or coin - low of self•expresaion. Be, not seem 1 act SO foolishly so the dootor who com- join in the game, .more especially in the foods, coarse moats, .ancient dairy biro was formed for the. purpose of raising pounds fopd and seclusion of a rustio retreat, does not the prioe,b of their wares, which have re - seclusion to seem. Be beautiful, and you will by P poiaon. To rectify this products or tainted green groceries wronh, we mast most religiously observe depend peon themselves. They ore ea are nourishing or, even " good ensu h fur gently baba dapreesed by cver•prodaotien. and by seem so, Carve the face from g y ecEed to do as others do, and in certain 6 , g within, not dress it from without. Within ilio distinction between these two values- p• the children ; dont gorge ; don't oak the �� lei'. na r,f`ey William Murphy, aged 13, lies the robing. room, the oaulptor's work. the value of labor products and the value .circles an invitation may be equivalent to same wort of food for rsuy length of time ; of Br„e a'1, near Goderiob, while playing a command. Moreover, it does not e3eem , wikh n loaded revolver accidental) dia- shop. For whoaaevtr would be fairer, of land. The first is canned by individual don t pat Off easing for business and don ' y to be by any means clear $bat even in the oL6rr;t d it, the bullet enteric his right illumination meet begin in the soul -the eutnrpriee and industry and should .never holt your ,meals.. It you have a pain,. K - g aeleetest aaEomblies the mistakes and ea%'ic i ,>me dimttel over the re ion of the _. °taw apes the glow only 'ffiom that aide: br+'' aseeseed for taxation. The lend vales, something .is wrong. Exae up. Lay off, + Y g' It il�e a hit's beant ohs$ makes the o the contras should be most onrefoil wrongs of fortune are always permitted to Rsat a bit. Apply a hot-water bay hot heart. liff,rte to find the.bnl!et have•thus • P y �' y' y pase uncorrected or u re aired. And PF Y beist.fsce, even for the evenings company ; appropriated by the community for public p P olo;h or a mild plaster to the region of dis=• far l.ruwr� t unavailing, and the c,ea fe 4 and spirit beent" is silt ar►l begat ibex Par case, otherwise We farther, when everything is fair and above• serioua c%a it fl,%mmattun has set in. The p' y y y P perpetuate the turbanee. Use pldxity of warm drinks in . wrong b board, it is imlroseible among friends and bo •'e, inoe hrr, who lives in Detroit putlaste .the work and weer and pain of K y allowing one part of Society to preference to drags and follow r; laxwtivo J ,h'ap been acquaintances to refuse credit, and So to • life. -Tine Bombay Guardian. ' • t;,t•ow in wealth , by '.the spoliation and with rest and the lightest and moot, disges. set't lor. , , de +redation of she ocher prevent plunging and- the importation of R part o! Society. tibia food. The human Stomach is Au-',a'ccidens hitppenod yeatorday efter- We cavae malad aetment P what may prove to be impossible SaIm9 for pony the owner to noon at ilutchineon & Colo. works on the CONFIRMATION OF QIQTQICY. j ,that. moat re- .the benefit o! those who may have snfi�red whimeioeAl but it will + I sent an impassible barrier to the progreas indulge it. .Che polio of bullying it is not Cort vial, Canal enlargement at Mille from a ran of adverse look. ,On she whole, Bopulse of Four Thousand Manlpuri—The of Christianity and the growth of eiyiliza- a good one became not permanent in effect. Roahes.•.by which one man was killed and I' Ikebet Chief Executed. tion. in trach, as the late Lord Lgmington, the A atrong organ may be neglected, but aweak another wjardd.. They were working in an last survivor of the - Gaming Committee of €� bs A London cable says : A deapstoh from the House of Commons, whose report tau one needs am much care and warmth and an e:xusvMtinn when tlSe bank gave way, Glad to Gia. , P p' aoexing its a new baby. In the abeenae burl int; one man named Pokras eine ' the Viceroy of India confirms the nova pressed Crockford @and the Landon he:ile g generally, stated in '• Rlaokwcod's Maga-of a long cont, cloak or robe a stomach heal. bru;hiu the arm of John Cummings. The that Lieut. Grant on April 6th repulsed Brooklyn Life : Minister( (to youn ds o is of more vital importance t 4.000 Manipuri natives armed with un@. widow) --Death Dame very Suddenly to zine shortly before is eteath, hmd they K portance than a body ni 1. oitras was reaovered in about b%lf . chest, protector in sold, wit or windy an harir, r,ut life was extinct. ,Reinforeementa are rapidly pushing for. your husband. I trust he was prepared been aware of the dim. nnions which private, weather. Ninety per cent. of all the illness , A Gladstone, Min., despatch says .� A wsrd. The Miranzeis -continue to re- SO die ? comes from a disordered stomach and 0 man t,atutd Shore Woodside livib mane gambling. was destined so assume, she'y I aiat the authorities and are erecting -stone Young Widow -Yee. I'm sure he was. won�ld never have recommended the aboh- g i breastworks. In the :.firanzai rising four. I bad just told him that mamma wsS Com• tion of pnblio gambling, whiob cf the two per cent. of all the people are so afflicted. on a farm.near here, tried to take hia life • in td•mOrrow, to Dentists, doctors and Cooke will tell yon by anitinl; his threat. Not aaoom li,hi❑ to of the British wore killed and twenty- K 4 y a month, and he ie by far the leas injuriona and liable to P K ,r " this, and it you want to sew for yonraelf ahia h„ swallowed something which he • sev wounded. II said Goodbye o lmly, and corned his nouns. just look at the tongue of yonrfriend in the em ,a wan carboiio soid, The neigbbord who �, 1 wast t�le eenapntty, or bommander in- few© to the wall and died. '' AGAINST THE PRACTICE OF PRIVATE GAMBLING mornir� a@ he laA he talks Or Binge. A ca)led` to See hila say he had bin tbrsat alii !, of the 1'nanipnri torose who was � Q g • y r killed in the engagement between Lieut., Ja shat a musioal enthnsiael -Who as against the private practice of otht�i good stomach moans good digestion, good tightly bound n so raven( is bleeding, and K Y P P 6' hi � Grant's forces ad force o! Mani oris, is yonr favorite composer, Mr. Gaz1Ay ? vieee, since it does not effect public deoeredy digestion means good health, and flood held the bandage in his band mud would' 1e �' referred to in Vestarday'e despatches, and Gazley-Well, Ur. Choker composes we or order, the 'law is powerless. Nothing health good men and beantefat women. Lena not allow any one to examine bia wound". ' 4ea i + short of an organized System Of capions e, bread, meat, tea, coffee and Leer, and mora His cicthin was onvereid with blood. Tis ` not the usurping rajah. .Cho faster, accord. Sooner than any other minister I ever K ii ing to a Ietter received by the Viceroy listened to. and es -total disregard of individnal.freedo�, fruit, vegetables, eggs, Cereala, milk and is c0it,.plaining badly of burDing pains in 4 o! India, wea executed by the loyalists Tho McHale Bill, -Which prohiliite the would be effectual for the purpose; and, likht wine will profit a family better bio Stomaoh. 1 he People here du not great, se the evil unquestionably ia, the than smart olethea, druge, lotions and goa. tbink it is carbolio avid be took. He is after the e. massaore' of the British forces at wearing of tighie on the stage and aomlcis remedy would be a reat caval worse, rustics. thea wearing o! at Llel%gto--,.o,..a'hct. t :okirt;,..h,r g,:, ; . y g _ _ atilt Nave_.-.. _ ,. . . ,... .,:,,,• ,: ,._...,. • - wagering in some ill i , t iia' y go Putting on Airs. ` A Dutiful Daughter. k �- passed the Minnesota Senate. g K f will inevitably Ko g f e. l� •!' " Robert Mantell will be under hie own Rose Cogblan is playing "Peg Woffing. on, and, as soon as it eesoe6 in one ehspe; New York Herald: John 11n11 -Hello, Buffalo Neus : "tom," she whiepered, . ,� ,. ;,„ , management next seenSOn. He closed his ton st the Fanrtoenth Street Theatre. will malcEa.it ;appearane3e in another. It tubal riieskaa 8a s0' lltuclr up ? ae thr+y boclo good night, "mamma . says ,V' . engagement With Pi►ou a taaauagement last Si owill be su waded next week by Joaeph has been defined by an old author as "fin Uualo $am ---Why, m. dear tollaw I k'eat I runt nover accept anything fro.in . t,- I'' Saturday' might in Naw York. Murphy in The Kerry Gow, enohanting witchery begotten._of, idleness _have risen to the dignity of having a �var yanng men," and standing on iiptooa she � . k 4' " Alabama," a now American play by -He-So Jack isn't devoted to I�at3 any and avarice," and while idleness and soars. 'giye his kisses back agnin. i . iZ?14 i�' Anggn�stus Thomas, has been produced at more. Did they fight ? She -•Yes ; , they avari% exist there is very little . r .A. M, Palmer's Theatre+, New York, and had an engagement. - probability that their offspring will " I can't See," said Jimmieboy, " why Sister lliary Paul, Superior of the SfAera I 11 "P i, .l become extihot'.As a source of excitement fish have t'a be cleaned. They're in both• of Charity of the United States, died •` q ',.y; plays R $11 600 in six weeko b bard wrndegarned " has made a hit. Manrioe Barrymore l Ned Bantline is said to haves o e la S the leading role, y icing. Sir is has few, if any, rivals; and excitement is• iah+•allt the time." _.__. Cinatanation. Thnr'sda�ight.._._ --- a �-.--.---.--•- •-- ....-Y--.. _-_ ge-41im4ng+vt.-L-ho-Start,)- 4wond,ei witiab Wwiter Seto$t-roasivad'- 40F,'00 -fo-r"i� Woo any e31�" Ss ognArfd Againat _boredom or - c +pu e, The 204th performsn0el o! "Poor JoLa " 'i hia Fewer of the Pr ala " has W -- r are the evil stars ? ache -'Che ones that steak, the work of $bras month@. an,irlasoiii ennui smobg those who bave ".i an',..will._ ta_ i�vera.let,,.kli_e.Qsoinca• n, ar ...T . t . .. - =`` a, • ., _ _._ .. _ ..,, , , __.. _ .....,_ __. _ w w..-. _kI {'._ A 1 it rLrEet" sveurSS ..as .the . Stiar Tied ::,11, � 4,. tvrilk.---Celtatitly -each loandnrxt is very Mdifew Rgnktn has been plltyih t' Th- ` 6-V- 3iug t� clb. Yt wla fi5r-liri'i rrsaor7 dont 28ti1. LillianRaesoll la s: th _ s ir• . 1.i- rr r y _ plays., e 1 ad g York; nndar dug"uAtna Paton'! _ ,�r , :.: > .� .. }p�� a, t,, reprehensible. Canuck at Niblo s. 1# ron was wont ;ion idKi'"iti'til that gambinra role. Mont, r.' �,,,, ii.,aa Im q 4