HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-24, Page 4Pk. „ 1,4R,
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The Lucknow Sentinel,Bruce 0ounty, Friday, April 24th
:me Department -of Agriculture at
Ottawa hes just issued 'a very valuable
111• •
••&. Judging, from the experience of
the Rest two years -the English barleys
give on the' whole the best results, but
some fine growing and yielding varie-
ties come from Germany and Vrance.
Id reference to oats, the French
varieties should be placed first, all
things tionsidered, although some kinds
from Germany do nearly as well.
6. The average yields obtained frbm Ulster Clatits,
of barley are not far different, nor is
there much difference in the average
weights of the two classes.
" 7. The average returns from t he
fureign varieties are in a majority of
instances superior to those from the
.13,1,lairtson, on matters relating to t e
*.stablishrnefit of cheese factories and
creameries. It gives the law relating
t.. the organization of companies for
the -e purposes, by-laws for the govern-
melit of companies, complete infOrma
tioe relative to the machinery, etc.,
'masonry and places for the most iiii-
prOved ltind of buildings suitable for
ch -se factories and oreameries. The
builetin may be had on application to
the Agricultural Department, Ottawa,
Canada. •
- One of our contemporaries gives its
readers, some • spring medicine in the
form ef advice which is good for all
d ,-!lers in towns and villages. All
yads—Should 1 ,cleanetliof the winter'q
accumulation of rubbish, so as to avoid
as far as possible, the contamination
of shallow wells ; and as a. further
precaution the wells should be emptied
aftthe surface water disappears
w removal o wise, t y Imp
and fences. and a coat of paint applied
to t hose which cannot be removed, will
improve many other .plaees' in Ontario
•be'sidesi .the one referred to. ., rhe
ad vice .to attend to drainage, , to plant
shade trees- and to eradicateweeds is
aI,excallent. By attention to these
lit.t Matters ninny a pleasantly Situ-
..ateki• little town dr village could attract
sweater visitors; • besides vastly
ir-oving the health and comfort of
as own people.
. .
The authorities of the Ontario Col-
lege at Guelph, are great on experi-
ments. In fact, _making experiments
seems to be the chief object for- which
the ,..•ollege exists, and as experiments
are always attended with considerable
expense, it is no wonder that this
institution is not self-supporting. A
bulletin Lias Just been issued giving
the result of an experiment just con-
The object of the experiment whs to Now is the time for the ladies to call and leave .
eluded, regarding the—feeding of hoes.
ascertain whether hogs fatten more
rapidly on •solid food alone, such as their order for
meal. or whether better results are
obtained by mixing the meal withf A SPRING•'BONNET!,
greon fodder. Certain theorists it
with some bulky food it secures A 0 -u -T -stock -was selected by--Miss-M-arkle,--with-:.-ant,
more thorough digestson of the meal,
since it prevents impaction of the same
Jacket Cloths,
'. b. nfteracctift 'S
Now is your time to secure bargains.
'llikveStigations regarding various
varieties of spring grains were carried.
On at the 'Guelph• Agricultural C011ege
tarn! Idst'• ye r, the details of which
have' been. sent • out in the form. of . a
bulletin. to all members° of farmers'
ite.titutes. In' the feilow•ing conclu
• it will be leiticed that Pro. Shaw
,d 'not dommitt himself hastPy
a.;;‘' veipinJy pOsitive assertions, as
"1:1•,,bable.," "highly probable" "likely,"
vul.4 thinxite.: thar it is better to
than sorry.. Our 'readers
• always bear in mind a1s. that
t h r conditions of soil.' •etc., may be
• 1,2.. different from . those at • Guelph
at, . the results' .would therefore -vary.
,('-i:teraIy in east, of certain •grainsl
• n. Conclusions drawn :
1. It is highly probable .that so,ue
• of he breian varieties of barley . wit 1
tAind. to ivt iii.,htr yields thaw.
arieties now grown in Ontario
w ,1 they have be:so. me inore generally
It is probable that in some kt
'• s the Ilerison Bearded spring wheat:
ixi;•; be found w be an improveinent on
-;:a;:y. of the varieties thr.: are et:M.
4 , From .pre se. nt indications., based •
•t the trial given in the table a4a,
n a trial cn a arger sae on :he
faraii; the \rummy pea is likely to
1.1.4 ome a generally useful variety,
al11,3tigh the straw is...not highly valued
for feeding purposes owing to its coarse
„habit of growth. ,
4. That four varieties of Preach
Qa..ts. viz., the Goanette Black, the
it:louden Black, the Chenalilles and the
Neck Etampes, are likely to prove of
much value to the farmers of this
Province, as they poses s in common
most valuable As.racterisrtids of oats.
Their color will, liaisever, &count
them in the eatinii6on of the oat-meaI
millers. The behaviour of the Oder-
brucher, also a white variety from
Germany, has been such as to entitle
it to the favorable considesation of the
____faLtaers. It has been most htverably
iti the sttruatich.
The hogs were divided into three
groups, eac. group .,ontaining t tree-
ani,nas as ra arly alike • as possible,
The pigs in the first group were -fed
a11 • the meal they could eat, those in
the second group about three fourths
a- inueb, Mixed • with a• liberal sappy
of green fodder, and those in the third.
greitp were fed •one • third as much
inenl•as . was given to greup1, .while
they had an abundance of green fod-
der.. When the experiment was ended
it ,V1 found that while the • pigs . in
group I had increased at the. rate of
64 per' cent., those in group 2 had
increaed at therate of 50 per cent.,
while' those iI proup.3 had increased
at: the rate of. only .13, per cent. , The
conclusion therefore arrived at was
th.it it is better.to use no green fodder
Whatever,and that where a large per-
centage of such. fodder is used, • instead
of there being a small profit from the
raising of hogs, that there is an abso-
into loss. If this • experiment can be
relied on, farmers,. should difamiss . the
• idea . of fattening their hogs. on green,
• to please her numerous cu5tomers.
Ladies Will Receive the Best Attention
• MERE is a heavy crop of election
protests to come" before the election
-courts. Twenty' -one - were filed on
• .
Monday and luore will likely follow.
Those given below have already been
entered :
Against Liberals., Against Conservatives,
'East' Bruce, Glengarry',
Kent, • North Bruce,
North \% aterloo, Stxtb Norforlk,
Nor th tisrk, West Middlt sex,
East Elgin (cross petit) East Middlesex.
South Victoria (cross). Peel (cross petition),
North Victoria Halton.
Ea:4 York, . East Elgin,
Sonth'Perth, Kingston, -
Peel, South Leeds,
n sr. •Sutb Victoria,
Lit ilastings. N'orth York,
Prett. 'Listrar.
Wt York (eros1 . Riniien.
Three Rivers.
Ttal ...... ...14 Ritneuski,
Quebec West
Pictu.• •
7 —
Total • 20
SuPPOSE those c_Lhronic izrowler8 who
are pe3retually howling at,out the cor-
ruption. depravity and wickedness of
people were to turn about and look for
the good in the community, the honesty
and truthfulness, and then sing that
awhile for a change. The world can be
made good oy praise far more effectu-
ally than by the eternal ding dong of
blame. Then, too, when. all is said
and done, there is far more of good
at)th thsajority of rnollritql WOtild be
cutthroats and horse thieves,
whereas as it is, the majority of man-
kind are 14 least half way decent,
honest people.
The pcpalation of Skye is increasing.
The mew taker finds it very difficult
n this Department, as Miss Markle is always pleased
to show goods.
WM_ C 01\T lOT
•Go to T. /Lawrence if' you want anything in
He has just received -a- fresh assortment of mixed paints in all shades. Alabastine in all shades.
Kalsomine, White Wash and Paint Brushes " Daisy" Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal"
Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers. '( 'arpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds.
Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey Extractors Dairy and other Pails. He also
has in stock a full' line of fencing wire, .\ nnealed. Gab- inizod. Barb and plain, and Zebra.
Coal Tar, Coal 'Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster ...)f Putt, Paints, Oils, Glass and
Putty. • He wotild also call attention to the. new Adjustable wire window and dooi,flyscreens.
Done on the shortest notice and at, reasonable prices. All kinds of repairin:
promptly attended to.
TqaCla T_LAvriR, T_: -CT c r oW. o :N -T
Jotmato,N--JO.H.NSTON—In the .
Mai. Lck-
uw,in April 1.5th. by 'ley, A. Mackay
' Mr. Geo. Johus4on t. Anzelly. 'sec-nd
----AA-trim-ter- --of Mr. Alex-.---John:t 401.0f
- • •
- gn
—Two young men of Q wen Souild, so
aged 19 and 217 have been cotninit tett .nd
to jail' fer 40 days eazh 'for saturating
a do with turpentine an d setting him t'
on fire. 6g.
W , )3er
ICH — SPEVIcE:••• 11 444
• v fi- m. and 6:A) p. m. Sr.n,iay, SJ. 1.
230p. m.. Superl.ntendi-rt. Wm. S. 1-1u.,•&
Adult cia...c.17. evi•*• .VV•ttitt-•clayeNtr.ir.; at •
S o'clock. Bible and prayer 1..,k1.. -..s, r.:s. All
Are welcome. R --v. It. .1. C. a, PaAt% r. xis'
'• and
years. Prior so Inas sne u.
teacher. For the last nineteen year -nit 76WO'' WAINC
has been in charge ot echoole at Wattc
leigb, neat Bristol. During that time sI
has.increased the Merit grant to;the aches ,
from Z10 to £40. Last year, howevai
H. M. Inspector advised, on the ground c
age and e.#.e,. that she should a 1
PP Y c
a pension. Thistle did ; but, after a length
correepondenoe, the pension tins refined!
on the ground that she has not 'laved f�
forty years. At the same time, the mat
agere, in view of tho Inspeotor's opinion
insist that she shall retire at once. Thi
unfortunate lady has never had more thai
£40 a year, on whioh she has brought up
family. She ha consequently oast upon th.
world, after thirty•nine years of eervioe
without provision of any kind, and with kit
prospect before her but the workhoUee. ;
should hope that the parties responsibb
for such a result may yet me some mean
of avoiding it.
A Genuine Stirprise.
Buffalo News: She—I'm ready, now
Jaok—Imposeible. Why., only five mifl.
ntes ago yon said you'd be ready in five
, • . •
id tid'YE t Wasn ita00.
.-iked London Tiet•Bitti• shetrittitg, do YOS
love we?
He (kiseing, .her rapturously and re.
peatedly)—Do I ? I wish you were •
two,headed girl. That's. all I can say/
—Very many of iheevening bonnets haw
no crown whatever. •
14.4403.044.-:0&011,--etber- unies.zthey,..ijDw
first been in love.
—A ND—
• Adam l'hompson begs leave to tha th
ittlial..itatits of T.Itckti"w and surroundia
e,...;.ltry for the liberAl patronage best(iwed,i•
him during the last seven years, and wishes g
continuance of his 1441 customers and a
:1Aare of the new, as Ie is in a better pnilti
than ever to supplythe wants of. the enbi
He always 'has on hand a stock of
Wagons & 33uggies
of all kinds, He also will remind them of MS
far famed
sem:soli DiAtitotto_NAHRovls-
which he alway has on hand ad ate made
the very best„material. Parties wanting an
thing In this line will do weIllogive him seal
and see'Prices before purchasing 0 ewherg
Particular attention pildto
flatfeet , contractions, and interfering.
ADAM THOM Peterd_____
- AgAR4401-13tred