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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-24, Page 2
� . «. . .. �, .. "-. .,.i . yw,.,w. .7' S•. , ti� ,. or 1 9^., w idl I.,tj��.',F`.; P: 'R;^}N' 4 �,a•J ..fkr?.,,,:. �.� ^9 h ',r,, " ..,w>; «�.,.,.,..ti ".a,ra•w•u...r ` >,:a.�.n><.,e�'7+.la.a .-^..�-„.m.w. s I. �It :,, >.:. * :F�,. ,d,% 7 ,.. •, e 1 `�^`1 .. a,,.M1•',y'f” -u.w L'*^'.•'•-••" "-B' x-. r: 1� � <, tom,,, I. .. ,, ,~, .., .. n. t. 3 .i e.... F. .1 .:,. . -.. ... c , ,, ,yil, 4 r.. , . �.. , .. '�' .,1�,•'i�r `r ! 19 -•r4 TKZWr,^a_ ' ,r, . ,v. .,d„ 4 ,.••..Bks , },. g� n,11 � P 7 .M:. i� -a "��� 7 '11"W" M 1 ' , ,�[. I P -. k y P ' a . - --- ---- .. . . -- _ h - r t.f4^'r•.F ,.......„ .,..+-naw..._ .,.._.., w,..... .., .�-.-.• ,. 4 - U 1t1tI8t3ION 1$T , ,1 ARGYMS T a _ _ , Gt L8 N DI�4IIT8B T,IB>� av>aos a. FUN 8T A F `µ y , . np v nn �pp onaou or the tlemestle and lot iX k: ;• m� 1 1 11Y �i4!R,!• reignMipg49;4Aair06 need, by Turu w ,,, r.-R� ► r oken heads. aid P,49>, . _ B Ail 'r H Meeting In .: �. ���� > If n, ge oroe' Q# pra�en tIInt at +ba Lady Zetlgrid And Mica $alfoar sa Trish. London deo tach sa e : The Board of E r • Ps y the Hose oa al Stranger• s , 1 a a �+�'# yeAlil 11t' rile y Lad Boulitlfuls, ?,'Dint of fire Ba�onat. y Management of the Domestic snc�Foreign in �- c wIZ � �� �',0 e Mesionary Society closed its sessions here x ---- , , �W 1. 4, th wevening. • TWENTY MEN BADLY INJURED. ,'. � � .-���� •,,y am , THP! RESEL6 OFFER TO BUBAIIT. HI(IHLY QOLORED PICTURE. The Generat-Treasurer, J. J. Mason, of 9 a D A,� 01WBWDG�Fs & ®DD8BSi3• Hamilton, reported' that the folk financial p A 7Gf7ilkesbarre despatch awe : serious r ; ee erda While .:. '' ' °3oa .#,r segs At the As. ASimlacableSaye: Aletter received he;e A Duiblin Bible says :Lady Zetland and statement world be made in October, ae eiet oconrred 5t Kingstony S " t ° 11 to day Robert Murray, convicted yesterday from the leader of fi=iiWiipur in' 7Yitide► 7Rrlfo►i►' �+isiis3 41ia isEcri3A of .large sums were due. Appropristione were the local fire department wad Ening ichiri y ,11", Clare and Innisaboffin Wednes- „ ,, " 0L'ep a" sughiaduring the Presentelttinge, who ordered the massacre of Chief Com- Inneakes, made on the game lines as !set year. a fire, Martin Duffy, from. Edw■rdaville, � 4 a ht 'n far sentence. Hon• Mr. rnissioner James W. Quinton and hie Dol- day. They entered many cabins, convere. It was decided to hold the next meeting .forced his way inside the lines. Upon his n ' iwtx rr, k ed th Q ,lh n. I9 a : ... .. ..a.,,_, •,,, .R ., n- .,T •�bJF r -•r +•a+a.,w+•. `^4'O'. ..-.r .,.- .,. '?... .. •• A Q.1�..- .(n.. ,R ,�P*n`.+.1, .%rel ♦ L k. .1.� {�■p ,� tl °� . „ . r 'r ''n_, .,,,.._. '{. Ji „!. ... .. ., ,� ... .. n .. :i� .4•'. .TP '.tF. .. t. ,r!r!:C*,+ ., m w. 'T'R➢ e•,t 'rt:r4a..,r. rn r. ni».n` r r�•.' �ry7�, �' ,i •.us.e.s"L�_" ' ..se t-_-.�..- .vi'-� . x" .r^.?f7^'I �`.,,.�,_. ,,A. ,y 1i "C• a�.'44_a:-ElS �e �,r°,: t4, -le i;,; ..,� }, qm. _'Ru' ,.,�7.rv37nr �„�yu ^iw. _"'-:wc. U" 7X ;r • ..,. 7i� ' 'i �'i •.ir�.Y. t , r bf' ti i4 $; ._ r. .•I.•..J _._ _an nae." i'�"-L` u :,'!,'u'."�-i W.u= Jr�r�': -.,c_ i. ,, l�..u%1,L—_ u,`•ir; "4.« ^ ' ' ing to say way the eentenoe of the trop a attacked the ce and mtisaaored and adding m�o tie aaa . a rrel" �a'1;. '� e" p p� the expense of the visiting bishops of the hose•on him. A number of')lm&d i►iiir oonrt a_ g 1 not be ronouneed upon him. my soldiers and also killed women and The Clare boatmen presented a remarkable Northwest were ordered to be paid from the men watohing the fire jam&d over _ij ,e+` g In addition the throw_ women .address, referring' to the diversion by '.3 4, ,1 9.'ftQ prisoner lowered lii� face and made ass children. y- enersl faros. the ropes and sttaaked the Bremen. r -eft 4 ,, t !` Commnnioatione were read by the Seore- =eply. His Lordship redid : The jury and children into the burning houses and unscrupulous politicians Qt the funds sent g The tatter defended themselves, and as � R '4-0 � west' properly convicted you of man• deseasted the temples, therefore we killed from America for the assistance of the i Pi , „ tory, a number containing applications "for some twenty -flue men were engage ;,_c , daughter. Under the circumstances of the Chief Commissioner Q*toz},e party- poverty-stricken people of Ireland, anti positions in missionary,work. Rev. J. G. in a hand to hand encounter. Stones," 11, ,^ pl sthey' could have come to no other con- The party referred to was composed of warmly thanking Mr. Balfour for the fund Welter had been sent out as a missionary clubs, wrenches and everything •that could . . E .1. dueion. They appended to theirverdiot a Chief Commissioner Quinton ; 001. Skene, which he and the Earl of Zetland were to Japan and wrote regarding his work. be used ae 5 weapon ware wielded. The strong recommendation to the mercy of in command of the escort of Goorkhae ; . instrumental in raising, and the dietribu The Northwest bishopa now visiting this firemen were outnumbered, but the police . T ;v; — - - - �V - - - a rxveatx eco r. .... -r- - - F� r";C based that recommendation, they pointed agent at Manipur, and Messrs. Commeand• starvation -in t e impoverie e e rio s. of their work. Reinioroements arrivednfrom E�dwar evi a -y� r °� its your relations wi►b the deoessed prior to Melville, civilians. Lieut. Grant, who was All the islanders ran to the Beach to meet Bishop Sullivan, of Algoma, read the and the battle became general. The brei. f, ,;1, .• the 91st March. Those air stances in oommaad o! the email British !orae the visitors when they arrived at. Inniee- Asoensiontide appeal, which was accepted nese men along Main etreet seeing the police t (n�r�� . -were not in jour favor, because there had which stormed and captured Fort Thabst boffin. Bonfires were blazing and Sage ss the'appeal of the board beaten back took a hand in the fray. The been ill•will between you. You had recently, and Capt. Presgrave. inoommsnd flying, and the fishermen literally carried In connection with theChinesefield of fight waelong and bloody, and when at the ,,�4,, ,u, ,: + beaten him upon the road in June or duly of a detachment of.troope sent to reinforce the boat to the land. When the visitors British Columbia the secretary was in• end of an hour the Edwardsville forces 1. and you bad need insulting Ln- (}rant, ere now said to be sate. landed, the women of the plane pressed struoted to ascertain what steps had been were put to flight, there were twenty ,, � 5 ' gutage to bin the night before, Advices have been reoei ed here of a arannd to graeo the hands of the ladies, r'`�,k , taken in evangelizing work there. The men badly injured on r, each aid Broken �. •, so that there was some evidence upon `brilliant success for the British forces near and called heaven's choicest bleesings on board then adjourned until today. heads, noses anct.limbo kept the ag1oro of 17�x"Wa .- which the jury might have Dome to the Manipur. -The Bdauipurie made ■ $eras them.'• Lady Zetland vias deeply eftec+ied It was decided that all the miasaonaries both towns busy for hours and is feared ,7k,»a� oDaolnsion that there wee in your mind attack upon the slender force of Gboor• by all sbe saw. The party resolved to now engaged. by the Women's Missionary two or three may die from th it in}pries. s,'' malice and ill•wiil againat the deceased. khan, commanded by Lieut. (Irani, which march across the island, and the start wae ,;, ,I,.. Society be recognized as missionaries of Duffy was jailed. { , f.tt • With reference to the merits of the quarrel recently captured Fort Thabat, driving made with a guard of honor, composed o! the board, and a resolution was adopted • ` � JR have nothing to do. It mayhave been out an overwhelming • force of Manipurib a dozen stalwart fishermen in rho van, and asking the Women's Missionary Society to USES OF TRE VEIL. • ., tbat you bad cause to complain. There at the point of the bayonet after playing the whole population following as a rear do everything possible to promote the air- . woe something said hi the evidence about sad havoc m' their ranks by well -directed guard. Yesterday the party visited oulation of the Canadian Church Magazine, What the Bingle Dot is r, or. �.f his having circulated stories about you or Shing, The Manipuris' attack wee' stub Leenane, Letter Frank, Hylemore and as a means of disseminating information * w, yyo�ur wife; but the fact remains that, ae born and determinedly made, and they Deradda. Everywhere the people were on the mission worke.af the Church. A knowing person asaarts that the veil ie" a . . far as that day was concerned, you were pushed forward in spits of the destructive respectful, and often much enthusiasm was The secretary was instructed to have the not merely a complexion protestor, but The insulter and the aggressor. Yoa need Etre with which they were received. The manifested. minutes of each half • earl meetingprinted the fingering of it in a nervous situation is M d abusive language to him. You attempted enemy fought gellsntly for every foot of and forwarded to theme -yearly of te board. as greet a resource to a woman ae the pull- �r,lay r.uropean royalty, in and stroking of big mubtaohe ie to s tux Aa to dilve aver hum or drive him into the rears, !be attack laeiing three hours, A committee was a ointed to oanaider g I".. s >: K man when plunged in converestional diff• I'll ,11 v" ditch—it ata erne not violent driving, bat daring which some enporb fighting was prince Napoleon's failure wee greatly the subject of work in the Horan missions. onitieb. If on will observe, the wearer of 11 x 5 driving in on insulting and aggressive witnessed on ° both aides. Finally the due to his not knowing or oaring to know Miss Sherlock appeared before the Board one of these you .rent masks is never at `` � r method, iii such a way as to either force Manipuris were repulsed, the usurping what sins sinful Frenchmen and women in support of her application for s position 1 yrs ',i : •• into the ditch or make him step into Rajah and two prominent chiefs, all three never forgive. He lived notorionely on sa H�edioal missionary in Japan, having rest. I have watched her time end time r. ,R again as she eat opposite in Ehe etreet. oar, r 15 », prevent hie being ran• over. But there of whom bad displayed remarkable bravery three actresses for several years, refused to fulfilled the prescribed requirements of the or when chatting with an acquaintance „tib were circumstances in your favor, and i! is leading the tribesmen toe. the attack, send Fitz Napoleon. to good echoola or to. Board. It wse decided to accept her ser• two seconds that a� daring a call, end every r ���, they had not been prayed to the eatietee• being >tilled dazing theonelauight. The lose make Them adequate provision, and vices at a stipend of 4600 per year, and to bit of lace received s twitch, either up ox y , ;, tion of the jury the result might have of the tribesmen in addition to the killing allowed sue'# women as Cora Pearl and notify the Women's Missionary Society of 11in -_—, _down, as though .the frayed ingled . -been your co�iriotifon of the"iuigirer crime: rot thein leaders• wse-very- heavy.-., Capt.- -'manna Desllor a ter i>;taise-use of lain' as an..-her�PPoin►met�i�- - --- -- -- g Those were 1 that the deceased did Presgrave has arrived at Fort Thabat with advertisement. If he had shot the'Em It was deemed expedient tbat.ihe salaries her nose; t antnava-n at t-w--Dasa.------------ L (} P le constant tugging at flimsyought. , undoubtedly ase insaltiag language to mach -needed reinforcements. This, com• press Eugenia or poisoned the Prince Im. of all miesioneries accepted by the Board toh wear iit oat. g Daring the r my '4 `, your wife. It is true he did so after she bined with Lieut. (lrant's victory, has so perial, both sine might have been forgiven begin from the time they arrive at their ,. orad joined in the dieaaseion, but: it was disheartened, the Manipuris that they him; ba£ the others were without remix• Aceta of honor. All candidates for em- sense of the ridiculous has been " disturbed . J?roved that he did so and that he pushed of, announce they are ready and willing to Bion. loyment in future mast furnish medical by those veils with one dot it •, ,„ . shoved her after she had got out of tpe recognize the property of the Bzitish officials prince Napoleon Dived on Rachel and on oertificate0 as to their health, so as to en• so much effected by women who hope to an. t ',Ma; baggy. It was also proved that he first directly the British troops re-enter Mani- other theatrical ladies ; he also lived on able the Board to procure missionaries h5nae the brightness i the eye or th° fair- . ,, nr.-Additional di of�roo re on uses of the complexion by their means. k-0- ub� before- F-oa-had--a-wespo -P Ps �1 -Mdmerde-Monti_jo.vahe -he w Ambas•-Pl�ysioally_oapable.to cope_ ith the trials of t,- - `. your hands, and that when he had an op- their way to Manipur, where the massacre sudor to Spain, and I dare say many of hie a foreign climate. °°Peak n°tl�r°g-bei the trot that x, i of reuirin he came back to re- of Goorkhse and the subsequent fate 'of las fictions about the decenoi s of family The following were among the ro ri• dot has never been beau of t eoieel. the spot � portn>ti t9 l e 9 K PP P intended by the we5rer e! the veil. It has new the fi bt. calling on the bo to bring Chief Commissioner Quinton and his party life were due to his having passed seven stions made': Algoma, $2,500 ; special In- ° the axe. All those circumstances tally will be thoroughly investigated. years at the Court of Stuttgardt. German than work in Algoma, $500; Rupert's Land, a Provoking way o! slipping it moorings • I - justified the jury in coming to the d Princes do rat thick of oonaealing their. $500 ; Qu'Appelle, $500 ; Moosonee, $200 ; and dropping into unbeeomiing positions,. $200 lYiackenzie River, $200, which is never imagined by. the person, who etinelaeion which they did. Bat Tan FIBBT LOOOMOTIVE . morganatic eonneetiona, and do not see the Athabaeea, , has arranged her voil in the flatrering , ` busman life,. has been taken in an -- harm of bringing morganatic offspring . priveoy of her In ' The other day I affray in which yon'vera the -first to offer Pastes Through the Litt. Clair Tunnel yes- into a Royal family circle. In France the Man's Inhumanity to Mau. saw a girl with two dots on her veil. One fi �>r 3, iiaanit and to assauilt, and I cannot treat it terdsy amid Great Be>joicings. family circle i9 really ■ sanctuary, from � lightly. I cannot overlook the fact that A Sarnia despatch says: : The first which everything that emoks of allantr is England in very liberal in some direr• ought to have brook just h the cornea e fir'' " sinter you had stricken the man down you P Y Y K g. Y tions,' and altont as stingy as can be in the left eyebrow, and the other ,at the ` a y locomotive to .05013 through the T.'R: osrefallyexcluded. 1hemcmvioionsFrenoh- . , iliiokad the.,seneeleea bed and that on Q. other directions. She supports many well corner act the month, but this young.. y. y tunnel under the St. Clair River here did men were horrified st , Prince Napoleons , ° t• ;*;.. drove awe without taking the pains to so last evening, making the inn throe h` indiffere>ioe to thio view of family life, as Paid sinecures, and on the other hand pays woman a tip tilted nose resented the r• $rad out whether the mac vaso alive or K g g beggsriy wages for hard work. We clip prebeure of the delicate web, and in order �+ the tunnel .from the Canadian to the shown in the collection of full-length per. these three paragraphs from the same to relieve its irritation those dote became . 11 dead. A•number of witneseee"gave you a 'United States side and then returning, traits in the oalons of the Palsis Royal newspaper.. They tell their own story, and displaced in the funniest fashion imagin. , 'S good character. Your social position and having s flat car attached to it. The rum when he lived there. It comprised most of,need no comment: able. Heigh 'bo 1 I wonder how long this the respectability of your connections are back from the United States side was at hie mistresses who had artiatio distinction, Her Msjeaty'e tenancy of the Grand sort of ve.il will be worn ? Itia so tiresome s . lrathee sa agraystion of your crime than a the rate of fifteen 'miles an hour.. The a few who had none whatover, and the Hotel at Grasse commenced on Saturday watching Dottis'a vagaries, it is hopes the oireametance of mitigation. track was in firet•elass shape and every- Prinoeeae Clotilde, her sister, mother. and last, and will contingo until Monday, April spring winds will Bend it to Jeriabo. or Hie Lor6ship then sentenced Marr'ay to thing worked smoothly and satisfactorily. her two grandmothers. There was on an 204h, the rent of the building. stables and wherever need rap wrinkles are Cupp: sed of . . . ...;u . I -serve a term of seven years in the' Kingston On the locomotive were Mr. Hobson, Chief easel, I remember, a:. likeness of Madame Penitentiary. Engineer; Mr. Hillman, Mechanical de Paiva, and on another- aet under the grounds being at the rake of £120 per day. gq. E • ' tf ' RI Atter the prisoner was removed from the g l I see it i9 stated that the Queen has nothing p Superintendent ; Mr. Blaiklook, AOeistant. Queen of Sardinia -one of Skittles, dressed sent to Grasse from Eegland, except silver Nautical Facts of Interest. , ooart room hie wife and her friends and his Mechanical Sa rintendent ; Mr. Percy, in a chemise in which there was mach ¥n , I aged father visited aim in hie cell, and a Y and linen and lies bed. As a matter of toot, Here .are some foots that .res festive t , ` affectin farewell wae taken there. AeareOentatioe_ ofGt--her net oo►sted� Press: e>Ytedaa .aha ore es �d anotilwhwe s rasa re' nearly all the furniture of Her Majesty's p t • g tin visitors to this anmmex will find it ---- -- v_ery.__- --_g __ -_--- _ _ _ _.- - . rep -- - - - -- sitting room, bedroom end arestaing•room hand to out Dna and treasure n for the I I y There wae a large crowd on hand to see 'gold embroidered, and a alae bas been dos arched from Windsor, and 511 Y p ; Y, ' SSE' AOT OF Air INaANrs MAI?. the first engine commence the tri throe h velvet mantle ed ed with swan s- P time at sea when they want to appear well „ I'll ,u.,. 0' P' g g the glass and china, and the batterie de booked as old tourists on matt ere of .;:ane• ;,r the tunnel and whistles blew from all down. A string of large pearls encircled cuisine have been forwarded from England. AL Station -Master. suddenly. shot at by a 1a:>t k ^"- s' Pi,aetager. gaastere. On .tile United States side her (then) slightly goitroaa nook. She Upwards of two hundred packages (many crossed thevAtlantic wasthe Savannah, in n '� cheering from an enormous crowd and the' might have been looking at a distant altar cf them. of rent size had reached Biases in ;*' ` + ' . A. Halifax despatch says : Station• screaming of whistles welcomedthe psdssge painting when she eat. It was vary droll g ) 1819, in 2b days, and the flier regale►r lino i n to Thursday last. ,, .N . :,.+ ffiaeter Illo$een, of Oxford Junction, on the of the flier locomotive ander the St. Clair to see her in each company, end revolting P Y established was the British and American L C. R., web shot eetesaa 'b a paaeen er A Liverpool paper lt►sit week contained a y Y Y g_ River. to the French. .One of the few who could piteous appeal from a local otergyman on royal mail and steam packet company, in 1. '. N a • aimed Murray on the Qaebeo express train see no harm in it was Theophile Gautier, 1840. A knot is 6,080 feet long. The die - i: , behalf of the incumbent of s neighboring #wand asst Murray btepped off the train tl�'s 8uoortsaOlt. who was in some respeota porcine. The Canoe from 'New York to Liverpool , LORD p$AltviG parish;• who is said to be in •the greatest l ` f at Oxford Janotion, drew a revolver and biloao •here shat their a este the iotoria$ in 3,064 nautical miles b the north- • ;I ,, x , philosophers Y p distress. " Greatest diatreso must be . y , �,: fired at McKean while be was passing him Purl Bosebery Declines Being a sand% promiscuity, and Emile de Girardin indeed a mild term for this nnfortnnate ern track and 3;139 miles by the . i „ i on the platform. The bell entered Mo. date for the Honor, thought it a thing to imitate in his gallery ' „ . „ eonthern irabk. From Liverpool to New ,. f l , gentleman's plight. His so-called living . v, t 1' , * Keep's breast, and, Murray attempted to and reception rooms in the Rue Pangaet York the diotanoeb are respectively 3,039 f i 0 A London cable sa s : Friends of Earl brings him in £26 a year.. IIs. hoe 'no ^ fire again, but ,Hissed, owing to McKean Y Villefori. end. 3,109 miles. In estimating records t a 1,, ''` Kimberley, p 4 r", ', holding his band. The injured man was y, Earl Spencer end Earl Rose. I have read' in a French paper about Private means. He is blessed`.. with a the •pointe taken on either aide are Bandy ` I V, taken on the train to Truro, where a doctor bevy .are urgently pressing the respective family ; and he in now lying dangerously Prince Napoleon complaining of theHook and Daunt's Rook, Queenstown t " I. ( succeeded in removing the ball. laima of these paste to the leadership of ill, in want a! the oommoa necessaries of g Murrayy slovenly oarklesbnese shown in the Prin- harbor. The Brat light sighted on the .°i ,n the Liberal0 in the House of Lords, which lite. Such a ossa is, indeed, a earning � was arrested and taken to Truro. Pas- . nesse Ciotilde's style of dressing when at British coast is the Ball, Cow and, Calf, ,. sen ere b the uebco express state that tion, was made vacant by the death of shame and diagraoe to than whole Church of g y Q P Earl Grenville. Lord Roseber has said home, and of how he noticed to the person England, which, it may be amid without Ireland, and on the American Boast either e r Murray's murderous attack was so sadden y who tells the anecdote that she let her hesitation, is the only religious eammunity Nantuoket �or Fire Island. The largest, . and anew sores that noneoi themobaerved that he ie not a candidate for the honer, stockings fall over her beels. My reeol• passenger steamship in commission is the - p the lsor that he is still in, mourning for hie in the world in.which one minister can thus ;.,t the act. Murray is about 40 or 50 years of g • lections of her are quite different. She was City of Paris, tone dieploement, and . • e, and says he formorl lived at Tone wile preventing him from accepting it. , He P y be perishing of starvation and want while the eteamebip carrying the largest' num. g y y y sora alonai, neat, ae most convent -bred River, Piotou County, but has been in Mie• will probably make'a, tour of the BriiRsh sooree of others are rolling in wealth and y women are, and hod a mind that busied ver of cabin passengers is the 1; traria, 550. souri some five ears. He had some family Empire •before re•enteriag politics. Mr. !carry. g p is the Teutonic, 616• ' Y Y Gledetone hse expressed bines![ as favor- itself with derails. Her horse toilettes were Here is a Daae which seems to me grossly The ion eat eteamshi troubles end .wae returning to his old home. P of quakerly plainueas,and above everything feet. The greate.at days rnn record is 516 His troubles are'enppoaed to have mads him ing the leadership of Earl Spencer, but alae, tidy. Her whole ,parson expressed dieoreditable to our educational system. A miles. A big areatnehip barna mbaa 300 , ' fossae. The revolver need wse 32 calibre. depreaatee any outside meddling with. the lady has been s National School mistress tone of coal a day and the average efE e ': y what her husband wanted -moral dignity ` Stitioa•Maeter McKean in abort 36 sora of free notion of the Liberal peers in thesince December, 1852 -over thirty-eight Y and reliable charaoter.-Truth. years. Prior to that she had been s pail of a voyage to Liverpool and return is matter. age. It ie lolly expected he will recover. - teacher. Far the last nineteen years she $75,000 for each a vessel. A first-class I,— Nationality of Voters. steamship of one of these greab lines coats � EXPOSURE OF A BAD 60UIEVY. The Cacti Plan. hA13 been in charge of schools at Water - The Dash a stem o! Join bnaine13a has In Chicago, where voters are compelled leigb, near Brietal. Daring that time she nearly $2,000,000 --Philadelphia Record: 11 Y K to give their X,laee of birth on registering' has increased the merit rant to the school Befraotery members 'Thrashed by Dem- its advantages and disadvaniagee. Tho out of 172,353 who registered last fall, g however, J1r4r ;r�9i t Careful managewent. rades Chosen by Ballot. .Secret lies in confining business operations '81,172 were native American whites and from Ins ct £40. _Leet year,,radof A. deepatob from Rome says: In the within one's means, end being content to 3,141 native negroee. Of the 88,061 foreign age M. Inspector advised, on the ground of Canada Presbyterian : One of Cho most •.; • trial of members of the Mala Vita Society make haste slowly. The Fiber and Fabric age and dethi ss edit she k afterould apply for striking thin in Mr. Harcourt's budget Y born volare 32,964 were Germans. Add to a pension. 7.'hia she did • arty after a lengthy g at Bari jesterday informera testified that discourses editorially on, the subject as theeo 1,410 Ansttisna and 622 Swiss, and P ' g Y speech is the economical way in which the correspondence, the pension was refused, people of Ontario take Care of the hbl lees . ' members of the society were forced to pro• follows : !# There is only one ioally safe the total Oerman-Speaking element is re- on the ground that she has not served for portion of the, population. Oat 'of seventy. vide money, food and clothing for the chief R,ay to do buaineeS, and that is to ,buy and presented by 34;996 voters out of 172,853, forty years. At the same time, the man• f hr asylums for the insane in she United .. and were even compelled to give rap their sell for cash. The span who does business p agate, in ,view of Cha Inspector's opinion, eight a, only one hoe a, lower rate per oa ata ~`t own bedding. Refractory members were within his means, and keeps cash 'always or bornOvotersenumber 19,834, the Enge - insist that oho. shall retire at once. ,This for patients than the every e rate in Ona- ' - thrashed by comrades chosen by ballot. ,within hie reach, is king of .rho market, liah, Welsh and Scotch 7,384, and the' P g Altogether a terrible system of extortion brokers- are his slaves, and dealers who Canadi&ns 4,345. The Scandinavians, nnfortnnate lady has never had more than rio. In a group of leading esylnmFj mach ., and intimidation was revealed. The call- have stock for sale that they know he uses Swedoe, Nerwe ions and Danes to ether £40 a year, on which she has brought rap a I like those of Ontario, the sveragge ooet per, • , in of each fresh informer's name was re, will arivatel seek him out and offer him s g g• g' family. She t rty-nine rear upon the avers ata per week is $5,29, while in Cars be K y were 9,708 erica .There were 3 444 P oeived with. death -like silence, but Barin world, after tbirtynme yearn of service, .vera a ober K bargain. He makes them an offer, turns Bohemians registered and 2,773 Poles. without provision of any kind, and with .no than ono halt per xIne om000fythe Arr,er;le n the examination the prisoners hurled such to his buAinese, knowing that it there in roe sot before her but the workhouse. I than n the cast goes uip to over $6 r epithets as " aeeagain, liar and any worrying to do the man will do it who • For curls' 6lowihs. P P Y „ rascal" at the informers, who protested has been caught doing a speculative busi• should hope that the parties responsible week, with equal vigor. Notice was given yea- nese. The man with cash does not sell The fashionable materials for girls for such a result may yet see some means 9 w, terday &bat medical men will speak on. the anything; people come and buy from him. gowns are wools and cottons; of course the of avoiding it. Awkwardly cottons, Though the are being made rap - y int. mental condition of some of the informers- They know he is master of the situation �' + , now, will be assumed a little later in the A Genuine Surprise. NIa„8ey s Weekly, Mrs. Mygerlee - Oh,. The excitement in the town is becoming, and has been delivered from temptation. seaeon. Ginghams, or, rather zephyra- p my dear Mr, Wings, you really can't go • , .° I intense. The streeta were thronged with He can say with Artemae Ward, ' Them's for that is the proper • name for the fine Buffalo News : She -I'm ready, now, home in this terrible storm. Do stay and people eager to eeahe prisoners, who were my figgers.' The man with cash has a gingbums-in roes•pink, china -blue, grey, Jack. take 'supper withus. r.,„ «.,�&,�.x e#µet, O'A"tt a i _1osfrk._tQandirom !coded poa4isL0nd.�e..olear mind. It is an fans atr.a+�a a I oM!W,o__Wkt ,,,,auiu.A , sae 'l'a'sso' lir r y- :I. ,,.. 1?= spaire . 4�t.-'p- ,> e� '-^ - ^� the oourt. y � n. I'otls about aiiu� Hick ilibw with white ones altercating with them, and' ittea ago yon safe!'; yon`iT be ready in Bve eo bad as all that, ;” �µ " - - out." are cerates a sofa!! nett for cotton. minutes, . Abort rho 31zo of It. P y P y ... � $iriitit--xa wa t the .. da any gaod.to give Ono-BeveAth os flue, crura. 7f be are ulsuail made with nI S Y y . And Yet Olioilasn't Happy, "A bad boy is often 'ban8alxffed by his • he skirt HaviiSg li plaid' Parents. Brown -Why not? asked theminister,patting him on the hem d aft finish ro lh, the bodico being smooked London Tid•Eiis : She -Darling, do you The Clansrd SteamshipCom an have women their rights. , They wouldn't vote. philadol his Times "Little boy,' g P - • y' Smith --Why, there wonlda t be one of „ „ y tuning the neck. love me ? determined to tryorceeithe oss©an in • head, is your, father a Christian ? `• He (kissing her rapturously end re. g .. them who would acknowledge she was old , "No, air," answered the little fellow. (( g P y five days. Two steamships -- Dont you know, Maudie, that it is peatedly --Do I 7 I wish yen were a on the Clyde for tbat a purpose, b each of - • enough to vote. ,ilb " Bat he will be to -morrow. This is + F s;a - not proper tar, yea to tarn round and look two•hoa ed girl. Thai's all I aan'r5y t 14 000 tonnage, abort 000 tons, or as g Japing "the y Saturday." - _ after a gentleman ?" "But, mamms, I ---0 muobaa an ordippry Ccean at,,, , rester According to Herr Japing the hoar! g • • -• -� --•' was only looking to nee it he was looking to Ver roan of the,eyenin _. _-__-.._ a -- _..l.g_ .-. - rate of motet fnll'in owe Nfisgarta Falls Corel "RoaebCsy� thct,loQs]i.ng > ocfob a y VI ._..-_ S .. y.. Y--g�7A]IhetAitnvn hontrbo.•largest-ye lnovc,n�At..._.. _..a _ ?R ' 4 -.:.. _: • .,_.: ..anti_atovcasar�tate W '1:00;000,,000 -T6br a i�pr0WJnV 16;000,000 uolliorn'ati *ar-'tbe #imeR, itr-trbuut Mfr -yga -„ warj look war, Gini tlirr etstnl z3ttily rndtrc° tits'. Iia is rilio of"rho beat aratoili of Pur• -There ie o ifnditreas ilyduatry flint -A faun arxcl woman nen 1�vCr 'her. for Beason. had rotirad troiYi Cha etaga •-:,.� _-.. 4_._ . , FiorOo• psi , , P p y y b P g y y son. , H,4 save hie farewell per. • ' tion of o to o l in the world would the water b ok again. shoat weiment, an them. d his s eeobe0 • alwa s carr ;whip meshes• in it even in Ball Mmes --the ff�a� men in jao© other unless the have formanae in the Brooklyn Academy of, � . ' p p g B Mnaia loot Satnrdsy night, - , If f,, d. . I; . • 1 . t;, k. F • ' , a 1. �r" - -P A • i 9.4, .a ` L,aa