HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-10, Page 8nOw Oentinel
nice h 0,urstye Friday, April rot'
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11.40 ,tTuesdars and
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tunpton Bre:.
The verdict of some of the
best judges of millinery in and
around Lucknow is, that our
millinery is the nicest that
was ever displayed in 1 uck-
now. and for the benefit of
those who were not permitted
to call during our opening
days, en account of the in-
clemency of the weather, we
ill leave our display on exhi-
`' bition until Saturday and cor-
dially- invite -you -to-investigate
This weather reminds us
that Siring is at our door, and
with it comes •a change of ap-
in; '-Shn`�
l f the
the continues favorable
1'Q w;>, F be 4, big atte4dance at the
Mug . Dhow here on Tuesday next,
g il,: expected a large number of
14;x° animals are to be shown. Don't
orIeii_ hu die, uesdeyt ,April _lam*
English Qhurch Lecture
The Rev: W. J. Connor Will deliver
a lecture'in the English church in Liis
village, on Tuesday, everting, 21st.'inst.
on the subject "!Babylon and Israel,"
commencing aj: eight o'olock. Ad-
mission 15 cents. • All are . cordially
01,231.51` 4 •n1V[ •.CGteYW91k. •. m1.-.....tAV .'..,N.
For TomNights
• The anion4 Vaudeville Specialty
dompany concluded a successful three
nights engagement here on Wednes-
day. There entertainments are good
and each evening they gave . away
among the audience several valuable
Oook Warred
At. good, plain cook wanted .irn-
mediatety: Apply to Mrs,. Cameron,
"The Maples," G•oderich, Ont.
Tenders. .Wanted
Tenders will he received tail ,MAT
1st, to • build a Teniae around the Pres=-
byterian church grounds. For plans
and specifications apyly to Steel Mur-
doch at D. C. Taylor's shop.
Evening At Horne
The members of the Epworth
League purpose holding an i1At Home"
on Mondayf.le}vening, Apri11°3th, in the
.fin ,140140_
Doors open for reception' at halt -past
aeven. A suitable programme will
be given, All are cordially invited,
Old or young. A pleasant time is
expected. No admission fee.
Ohurch at St Helens •
The members of the Oddfellows
open to the Public
The reading . room of the Lucknow
Mechanics' Institute is now,' open to
the public free o£ charge, the council
at its meeting on Tuesday evening
having granted the Institute $100 for
that'.,purpose Xt, 4o3e Ath best
equipped reading rooms in the Province
and now that it is open to everybody.
it should be liberally patronized.
Died of Consumption
Mr. John McQuillan, of the 11th
concession of West Wawanosh, passed
peacefully away on Tueaday last. De-
y only a� �young
x of 26
\9t"Yar n'I" ��4Y''lilL haildt"'17�:Y'w `TzsE-e is
past with consumption. He leaves a
young widow and One child, who have
the sympathy of all in their affliction.
The remains were interred in the Kin-
loss cemetery on Thursday afternoon.
Ministerial Association
We are sorry to say that at present
Mrs. D. Moathieson is in a very ill con-
dition, but "hopes are entertained of
her recovery.
eqd • Qf. Cl lcago I8 _at....
present visiting friends; and relatives
in this vicinity.
Mr.. Alex. Long, who returned
fro.n Denver' a short tim ago has.
been enga_ed as night firem n in the•
grist mill in place of Mr. x: tr'"' Hen-
derson who retried.
We are sorry to report the death of
Agmg2 ate-:1tA2kR ai1L41bi'i i '"ffir•'+ � • -"
on Saturday last. Deceased, though a
resident of Winghaw, formerly lived
here and was highly respected by all
leer acquaintances. The funeral will
take place to the Lochalsh cemetery on
Friday, as friends are expected from
Manitoba. Ta add to the sorrow her
ware, etc.
Camp at Windsor
It is altogether likely that the
Bruce Battalion of Volunteers will go
into camp at Windsor this summer,
and as there is room for a few more
good men in No. 3 Company of this
village, parties wishing to join should
make application at once to the Sear-
geant,• J. G. Cater. The Company
under that officer, will commence
drilling this (Friday) in the Caledonian
hall and will continue 'every Tuesday
and Friday evenings for some time,
commencing at 7:30 o'clock.
Base Ball
A base ball club has 'been organized
in Wingham . called the "Sepoys."
The Times in referring to the forma-
tion of the new club, says : "Would
it not be'a good time to form a league
composed of the' clubs in Clinton,
Brussels, Lucknow, Wroxeter, Gorrie
-and- W-ingham;--for-iinstancel" As -yet
we have heard of no action being
taken towards' getting up a club in
Lncknow, but we see no reason why a
good base ball nine could not be got
together here, We' have the material
to. make a good club. What do ou
parel. For the ladies our
dress goods are wonderful as
to quantity and quality, and
if you have 'a fastidious taste
this is the place to have it
gratified. Nice cashmeres
and . henriettas in the leading
shades at popular prices.
All wool single " folds 23c.,
25c. and 30c! per yard, style
and ,quality unsurpassed, We
have an over stock in satins
and merves, all shades, and
must make a clearing. Ask
to see them. First come,
first served, and they should
go quickly.
Mens clothing tweeds . to
order and ready made. • Car-
pets and wall papers will
have our attention later.
ViUZage and Vivian!! Savo..
A Pleasant Season •
"Moses Oats" says that we will this,
year have the. warmest and pleasantest
April thaewe have had forrhany years.
The first half of ,May, or even up -to
the 24th, is to be'cold and backward,
but with no frost of any consequence.
say, boys ?
A Chartered Bank
Mr. Loudon, of Toronto, inspector
of the Standard Bank of Canada, was
in the the village on Friday last, inter-
viewing our merchants and other
business men with a view to establish-
ing an
stablish-ing.an agency of the Bank in. Lucknow.
Being absent from the village at the
time, we are informed that Mr.
Loudon expressed himself well pleased
with the promises secured and the
amount of. business done in the village,
and that he would strongly recommend
the directors to open a branch of the
bank here. A branch of the Standard'.
Eank has lately been established in
Mrs Armstrong' Concert
A splendid bill of attractions will
be presented at Mrs. Armstrong's
concert in the Temperance hall here
this (Friday) evening. The pro-
gramme includes the names of several
leading vocalists, as well as twenty-
four young ladies well trained in vocal
and instrumental music, and twelve
little girls in German calisthenics,
songs and medleys. The famous
school cadets, accompanied by the
mouth organ band will give an exhibi-
tion of fancy drills, etc. The drama
entitled "The Young Amazon," with.
a splendid caste of characters, will
closie the programme. All•are invited.
The Hand of Death, '•
Another pioneer after a somewha
protracted illness has gone to his
eternal. rest. Mr. Henry Young, of
Clinton, passed away on Wednesday,
24th ult. • Deceased was born in
Tipperary,' Ireland, in. 1815, .and ,came
to this country when. a young man.
He served as a soldier during the Mc-
Kenzie rebellion and afterwards settled
on, a, farm on the Tipperary line, in
Goderich township, where he lived for
forty years, and for the last ten years
On the whole Moses considers the sea- lived retired in Clinton. While on
son.will 'be a favbrabl'e one for .crops. thefarmhe occupied the responsible
position of tax collector for eleven
• For La Grippe and Pneumonia` years and was also assessor for ten
cf you! Iti was Life that trigbtenea ears. Political] he was a Conserva-
These thongbta flashed like the ligb Y Y
fug throngs ia,y mind, as, with a' d tive, and although in poor health, was
more perhaps, 1 watched that trinmp taken to the polls at the late election.
plunge. The rest, horror•strickened, a He has been a member of the Metho-
motionlese, with patted ►rile and anal dist church for over fifty years, and
e7es, to' see the grave engait rte °ham
I alone, envied that happy lot. Y had served on the official board of the
them all I alone seem to realize th same for a .considerable • tine. He
woman had made a mistake in wain*, leaves a wife and nine children, six
the •rapper side of tbebridge, that she sons and three daughters, one having
at that moment be passing ander n gone before. One of his sons lives in
that there vitas still a chane° to reao
and torso her back again into the be Kinloss, one in Luckhow, one in
whence she bad fled. Inconsistent as Clinton, one in Blenheim, and one in
I was maddened by the inanity of . Manitoba. One of his daughters lives
Motionless figures and cried aloud :
.1 Cowards 1 will no one risk a h in Bluevale, one in Oshawa, and Mts.
Alive a life ? " Then throwing
h off my Kaake in Blyth. The whole commun-
u !rat -i _lt��lind €rpr�'° k4-31zy e:eti,ilcl ilicir by lirpatliy #,o .clic•
ilhe comer e e ;4r -n ereav& .— 3�t iStandard.' . Deceased
to P dn�e info tare �7PIzlrlivg . `was father of sir. �. W. - Your •of
t id of the bridge 'and pre
b l Bl 1 D a
Praotioall ; I do not think that • g,
tenpted by any hope that, while tbnaI�ueknow.
• 1,4 a shimnaror cf honor to the sot, I
really be following the example 1
envied, fp ed n onethe balustrade oat
•Otain and re
as I stepped I?
,otieg_the.- various ndlfasmotions nngin the.;
f the
eddies whirrin a
tight down` below, and -..that L migk _
e,Iasis$. 4adaauta of� it.h.eminnt and i
even. at 1 otau �?+eI. Winging
ter I should be \Wringing
t._ n fortunate viotlm . back age '
1 ease the woman's
the water for an it
Again by the
its it s
then drawn
Of the subtle
Presbyterian. church at St. Helens on
Sunday, April 19th, in commemora-
tion of the anniversaay of the Order
in .America. The services will com-
mence at 1.1 a. m., w lien• a special
sermon will be delivered to them by
the pastor, Rev. Mr. Anderson.
A Good -Article
The new patent fire lighter manu-
factured . by 1?. 0. Taylor, of this vil-
lage, is selling like hot cakes. Mr.
A. D. McDonald, who is canvassing
the village for them reports having
made many sales, acid all are delighted
with , them. They will save their .
price in kindling wood in a month,and
with proper care will last many years.
Everybody should see them.
Against Dancing
The. Rev. Mr, McKinnon, pastor of
the Baptist congregation in this
village, spoke very strongly against
dancing... .. hi. . --sermon__ .nn....Sun.dc
evening last. Fie did . not think that
dancing was, either good for the health
or morals, and it had a decidedly bad
effect upon the young. The rev,
gentleman also quoted from statistics
to show that thousands of young girls
ves of slua,ue-arid-
degregation, • attritubted .their down-
fall' to dancing parties and balls.
Successful Operation
Baren Solway, a 2,000 lb Clydes-
dale.owned by Messrs. Moffat and Mc-.
Pherson, on which ..a most successful
operation was performed by Messrs.
Wilson of Wingham; and Lambertus
of Teeswater, veterinary surgeons, on
March 10, has thoroughly recovered.
On March 3rd'the horse was brought
to V. S. Wilson's infirmary and on the
10th was put under chloroform and a
very large tumor taken . fromits
breast. The Baron left Mr. Wilson's
infirmary on Wednesday of this week
as healthy as ever. ---Advance.
They are Well Kept
We had the pleasure of inspecting
the. arms, clothing and other equip-
of . No. 3 Company in this
village; on Monday last. Everything
is in apple-pie order and the. work
reflects. great credit on the caretaker
of the armory, Mr. J. G. Cater. The
rifles are all cleaned and properly oiled;
the belts, helmets, etc. faultlessly
w1 le, the knapsacks nicely polished
an 'the clothing cleaned and packed
in a manner that would do credit to a
regular batallion. The whole place
has: about it an air of neatness that
could only be received from one thor-
oughly competent to perform the
work, and the boys of No. 3 can now
justly lay claim to pne' of the best
kept armories in the Province:
$760 Dollars in Gold Fora Wife
We will ,give to the first person
telling •us before -June -1 -04 -1891r -where
in the Bible the word "WIFE" is first
found $100.00 in gold. To the next
$50.00. To the third, $215.00. To
the 'fourth, $20.00. To the fifth,
$15.00, To the sixth, $10. To the
next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2
each. To the person sending in the
last correct answer we will give $100
in gold: To the next to the last $50;
and so oni same as from the drat.
With your ' answer send 25 cts. in
silver or 27 cts in stamps for a box of
Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the
best Blood, Liver and Stomach fill
ever made; Sure cure for sick head-
ache. Don't gripe. Remember the
presents are absolutely free, being
given away to advertise Dr, Cole's
Perfect Pills and Family , Remedies.
At the close of the contest the names
and addresses of all the prize winners
will appear- in this 'paper. We refer
you to the Traders' Bank of Orilla.
Send at' once and be first. Address,
HOME SPECIFIC Co., Orillia, Ont.
2 large assort meat -of bent;
stitched embroil ernes suitable fore
ciiirdren's cIrresses, .just rWceiv'ed• _ at'
Association held on April 7th in the
house of Rev. W. A. Strongman, LL.
D , Rev. J. S. Coiling read an inter-
esting . paper on " The Simplicity of
Giving." • A lively discussion foliowed.
It was agreed that the next meeting.
be held in the house of Rev. J. S. Lol-
ling on the first Tuesday in May at 2
o'clock; and that Rev. Dr. Strongman
be asked to prepare apaper.—Rev. A.
Mackay, Sec:
A New Stage
A petition signed by a large num-
ber of the business men of the village
was presented to the council at its last
meeting, praying them to have a new
stage placed in the town hall. A com-
mittee consisting of the Reeve and
Councillor Lyons was appointed to
obtain estimates and report at next'
meeting of the council. It is pro-
posed to change the stage from the,
side to the west end of the hall, which
we-think—will ,.be• -a- decided= --iii prov -
A Fine Horse
The following is from the St. Mary's
Argus : Our enterprising firm of im-
porters of thoroughbred Clydesdale
horses:Messrs. 0. J. an -3:
d -White,
have made a sale of another of th'hir
highly and fashionable bred animals;
getting a good figure therefore, The
buyers are Messrs. Wylie & Walker, of
Ashfield.' Corsock Chief" was im-
ported by White Bros., and is a fine
specimen of the Clydesdales, being a
colt of immensesubstance, with feet,
legs and pasterns all that could be de-
sired. He was sired by Knight of
Lothian noted breeder, with the re-
nowned Darnley (222) for grand sire.
Corsock's Chief's" dam is Sally of
Blackhill, by Samson, a noted prize
winner. Messrs. Wylie & Walker
expect to show' their horse at the
Spring Show on Tuesday.
—Some person, no doubt by Mis-
take, left an umbrella at this office.
As editors are' not supposed to carry
umbrellas, the owner can have the one
now keeping company with the office
towel, by calling for it. The article is
a good one and will come in handy to
some one wearing good clothes. -Ex.
con.ition rom in amatory r a eumatism..
Several parties are making maple
syrup and report a good run of sap
some days last week.
The agitation in regard Fiik 3heese
factory is stillgoing orind it is
altogether likely that we will have a
factory started this summer.
Wm. Scott has returned to Dakota.
aft .r spending the most of the winter
at the old 'homestead.
Owing ,to the steadily increasing
business and trade generally, our
storekeeper has had to arrange another ,
counter and enlarge his store to snit .'
the times. It makes a decided change
for the better in the appearance of the
store. ,
We have this week to report the -.
demise of Mary Scott, the beloved,
wife of Mr. Robt. Fraser, 'w • h , took
Trace on—Monday, M#r . - -23rd.
Although ailing for some ti e her
death at.last was very sudden and
unexpected. " The funeral was largely
attended and her remains were interred
in Dungannon cemetery, on Wednes-
day, March "25th. Her aorrowing.
partner in life, has the heartfelt sym-
pathy of the entire neighborhood. in
his sad bereavement.
MCMILLAN—Eoss—At the residence of the
bride's fattier on Wednesday, April 8th,
by Rev. A." McKay, Mr. John McMillan
to Mary, secona daughter.of.Mr. Alex.
Hose, all • of Kinloss.
have rented the store
occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr
and am prepared to
The highest price will be
paid for butter according to
And I ani going to have . it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby
announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that
any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out
that I will .putin two sets of teeth,
Temporary or Permanent
Forthe'price of one set, $15, made of the very best material,
in the world. I use no rubber but 0. Ash & Soiis, London, England.
The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded
by all who are in the business tome the best in the word.
Those firms have their names on their tools, and the peop1:1$
'can see what they are getting, and as I will
Guarantee SatWaeUon
To all'reasonable'people, the - unreasonable, and there are such in the world,
will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade. I can
always be found al Di. Teinottif's office, .Lucknow,
k •