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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-10, Page 6
11 _ .'.. .. A e t -A Awl[,", ,�,.w+.�s a - L y�xviC,F 4 �, �, "A -i' W- I !,,�, ... , ,.,;k.�--&a : 1��.LIN . . . . . -1 I I , , „ ' . - „ � . . , . . C19 , ' M _a�x �.. • T. ;;; -: , ' �-, X.>S^�---L»—rR, nlkilG� m. r. 1,c F: , - , : ?.rpt p J'. ,, , - T . :e _ _..- 1, I t x+ 1 c x, 4 _ �" Kies 9 Di6LLA X Z .. } A _. ..._. about the abntnteat of the bridge, I might upon We announcement o� an opera in painted for a hundred years. Indeed, t. - �- =; r 4arily followed it there and naves which the renowned prima donne, Mlle. waa the common coaoeeaioayesterdaythat. w>ftst.e>t• Tata>r�ot Wsvto� we t3tara wlaalt 7 "{ µ112'j' .'.,. ltl �+I$laTi,TY a P yw stripes fa uanitait. ;,� +ted again, hat know that 1a1y Wilhelmina von Steinberg was tgpnonnoed in all =obabilit bruehea ing oo}ors could "�`ftFEI.S ! !': : , � A , m` ;; y`;., oitasibo would be nothing in that, whirl- to sing. Then. soddenly, it Dame to not, ander nay circumstances, produce two the Amerlaant tf CONS.CTN�I s:�yoGtrertett : col, I looked, instead. to see where thht me t%ad I knew it all. In this Qilead of mora real and lifelike figars. This •Night' •' How do t like waving *. • ,mu file eve ae ., ,., �,- .. g g az atter aU, ae rhe greeted a Serilld repreeen five at r . r 1 .'t, „e Gln -'V � le..f a of w! les aaas thrown cone more ip bassos I was searching for a balm that and • Morning ' will lou stand as obompione flag in Canada ?" repeated pr ee Della a s � �{ --1' K t b infinitesimal .c ort y tftcr: y the restore and leaped as tar toward it as should heal an sabiing wuikud- iiY tr€rll I rvllen„anb E2'e vee�d� .��.a t ;`�, � �-= - - ;ttj i flip phare. I can tltarvel, goseible, that I might inset the body where was soaking some powerful awetio that moat tippropeiae that they complete the the coaclaeion of tY1Q pertbriererrs�IS t t :i' .''_•: •` measure the a p en it • aama n ehonld bne>a from me the image of my perfect dry of the greatest artist of the age. Lady of the TiKer " at the Lynm last u A Q r ere� r pop, rh k A• mfg ,cure, x.�.l been eager to ee- evening. •• Well, not very maoh,ter my �, 1 n i . , {, .. , .,,• — v ^j. .,p „.. ;l';""�. 'T,., o 1" .. „ ^^YK!5F9 r syr , ..,^'."..ai{� A, p�j .A. �!F,`Tr'.7?+ 4" z --X t�,..�.J,n ��� .5.ut„ '.Iti'�:� , }i ,�„•, ._YA w_. -4 -ray -16, •% i. ,-t'fw rruZU y., i. J - : -"'r... 'Gl'''h�.�i� .-•,9sT`.. •ix..if-c -.+may-�i4S :.w •Katij...",qi`a� ,e �y,:. ., d""�i,-.3 `.''wc�wY...,''• ,n.�!•,�...a4.u:n:.• �.m'y;L i °�'u"41ESC'""fi' ` " )i -,s* .4k `i a CoA �l,bter again. m li ve be6'd on1 w 1k.n1 +. ra in, , ou WUM6- �� I., a ani# whfoh toob possession o! me., the Blielter from the shadow of the Loelei 1 Dare these on o t rad .who had thy' k ,,.. P`. 4�-- _ - :'f:ien-millionthe o! an inch in ° P _, �� !, ,FE1nd I can wonder over the super. L y. em the fault o! 00 the recent a eotwna � r ,'. C�E1�1,£N mind th.t hoe enetrated the ruling passion of hnn4anity for a time aoa• That I wee aearohian foe. ago,refused to 411' 11 ,v,. of the P trolling my morbid philosophy ;. but, at I saw the cause and realized lizto what T had them upon any %a ms whatever."part with antiShoagI..ehawedrthel 8sgla The fir, went sts versendidls �L A.a'.• but 1 tt q! .oreatioa till tt lire counted, with least, tlYera was nothing in alI this edggeet- of the course, and, tr, al M` ` I born atone urao , 725 billions o! those '^ x;. •� '. P y duce ing a desire to follow atter rather than call tided the right ht hand of tells ship, say- filled the column. 'toI had read noughuntil it hal when I waved the d were enthusiastically white land' The blue' t a4 !sou, u�adulations in a se000d of time, to pro book. ", -upon the aye ilia effect and beauty of the Tile moonlight thou h it foamed in in •• 'bide with me,. it ie all that is lett dropped the paper in disgust and it tell things were deaidediy htdzffe �n tete din ;•: tiehoate violet.. I aoa even smile as I re- hear%leer beauty on the agony in that ne •Let, the search go on." And when the upon the filthy Scor, while I turned again gallery was most amp �aYl the, common sense in my father e �• brigand pool, sided me as I sank beneath Ioathing made i;behhidrrirs eo the more attto er alinsipid ethan snob vapid septiaisxtI! la nib day -,-hetet b titan's °r is quaint ani timely warning.: Never esori• the water, and down in the depths of the bearable, I only �, floe vont bed or your breakfast to your art ; Arno I saw the body ewfttly gritting past eagerly each glittering promise of the ab• ehameleee, rriendieea, ttottbrivg drunkard 1 It tyre the Reuerrl vr--rd!'dc of the papers that tial to hand horrent debaavhery'. As the raltid dog What had I to do with Anthony Winthrop the management dhonid have warned me t for pigments are , not Bo essential me- . I clutched. it for lite or deaf not to show the flag " , your eooaesg bio is a good dinner and a good g g g p that I should read of him ? t,t��rd`: ". g with it, algin to the enetaaa, struck oat turns again and again to the water col, I was glad that I had road, however, for -But it waa not ea iu Montreal lagli f I, Inigbt'e sleep." Aad withal I find myself fiercely .against the mad Arno . for the though it drive him from it in oonvalsione, 4 r. Ognetaasl atonished that the harp of a so I returned to the fountain of sin, with there woe one foot that I recalled with season. When 1 wwere ound the UdsoStare all 10 3 ' $oaeandystrin a. was kept in tuna so long- shore. • .,, g , P g' An eager throe had gathered on the shudder and loathing, logging still to stook beensomeestistro satisfaction. Ittmorbiter diy pleased me bt have etoeio d,ttbee eight at the American cflag s • . - Then, however, it was not the woadertol river steps below tae bridge, when, at loot, the thirst whfoh maddened ma. ;-L ° '' science of It>�e undulations, tint the reality I gained the landing, and bore as in Once I thought that I was. sinking back 'st .least, that I had raved LeonorR'a lite, provoking for rounds of applause. Had it " ;,4, , Qi the Ice$ violas o! whfoh I thought. It triumph to the street above. There the again into the nneonaefoae state, and with a though& do not think that I oared beyond not bheeonwever. ILthink there 1, have r�, -',,fRI . . was not the philoaophy et is all, tint the naeoneoioae body which I had rescued was rad pleasure at parting from me I amid: the selfish trot that it was disagreeable al• tion, sen been no anpleagrat demons ration in 11, gay of violet light whfoh I would see, as i laid for. a -moment upon a marble atop by Farwell ! Farewelll Barely it is better ways to ase her lying cold and white betty �w.i= ... stood over mp desk, bedaubed with all the the embankment wall: Dc1 tD and shiver• that one than both ot. ns ehonld suffer. It Mina and me, and to know that Minor moat 'Toronto." ,�r�'v,: +octose I possessed ; adore 1 >tiIy pride and ins in the reaction, I wt iohedit fora will be at leset a partial oblivion, for it is slwsye think o! her as my v�otlm. Nothing �� Did you try iII��etIIrLe enagement my power 1 Like the Sebrew 'Hercules of moment and, morbidly oarfoas to see it the not a sound it I do not hear it. It is not s more did I Day ? Perhaps I was not quite No, it at not to ropes$ the ert- for it was cot " ,, ITImnath, when he discovered that he had }� .. �• t lilt the daring woman had aetaally roarer ve r to color if I do Ido not eel it." BeAnd it was aever with a pleasant form even thed,sin if so hard-hearted after to think that Leo- Monthout. htButeI ell you," and the eyes os ,iw not, the' strength left in him o depriving Lite of one victim, I bent o 0 ,11A,� 3 muscles of his own right arm, I looked bat the motionless flgare, garbing the tangled pang of disappointment that I awoke from noxa had died like that: Yes, I was glad that the little ringer sparkled, " I we►e glad �° "' could not digtfn nish one from the other. ,�,, g hair awe from the bloodless lace. ales to find my conscious Belt still with me some one ha�i saved her, and on the whole tonight that I could e e it - the ' red, ,,a ., `', This was thg� morning o! my victory. Stir away the b 1 ' lessLeoface. ora !' andpMfna',B image still' beside me, looking I wee rather glad it was I. It was not white•. , and blue' where p lause wouldbe 1 �'� This was th6 victory of my •• 39lorniag." o `''''' sued. m bel lessaeBa ; Little more did. I note of the throng at me arose the lifeless breast of Leonora,. worth, the waste of time and strength re• received with cheese ao applause, ,,,: _. , Bitterly" I brio y P shoat ne, till eaddenly a voice with - Out of lite I had made the sarcasm of gaited to think it over, however, and .I was and this ®venins, for I am a true ai Ameri- F w lint the frown of Fate did not rotten. iEo my anthority,eaid eatb, and -death wag now made. for me the dropped it with a sigh ; fMina atter a'll. recit would not ei ed in any other way."�-Roth ate y, r{r , mystery: The mills of the gods that ,• put her instantly into my carriage." saroaem of lite. That whfob I hated was ever rid me of that phantom, `x. , f l ,, staled' slowly bot grind exceedingly small Then I looked ap. Mina stood -before me. in olosest contiguity, •permeating the sir I She would fled some other way i brant Herald. P� 'r � were far from ready to relersA"the mangled Calmly she looked into my 'eyes for on, breathed, living. waking and Bleeping with me ; and; ahrngging tiny shoulders t whir- The Patronage or Parishes. ' X4. a instant, then eileatly pointing to the me. That which I loved larked in a eotral ntly, I turned to another thought whfoh 11 �R"7 ti stn that laid tortured bet�vaen the re- P had risen up between the lines-•, Until The following is the concluding portion } v , , ,, itentleae tidgea o� the upper and nather motionleee for that lay between us, she phantom, ever too tar away tohear me Dell, p' of an article in the Evangelical Chu'rchnnan V; r .,;' etonea:; the Doe -what I would be, whirl• turned away to prepare her orrriage to re• yetevertooneartobeforgotten. $e who hag two moaohe ago M. pnthro friends by Judge Ritchie, of'Elelsiaa, '. ` ins in its fury to mutilate me ; the other oeiva-my victim ? wondered what' hell in like should have who had them in charge positively retuned N. S.: Thb ��, V ,f., art with them upon an to ins whateo �-_ __ --what I ahoafd be, motionless the grip l� _ been, ae I was, as involuntary part of that top-�� P y first dietlnot irovieion mads b the rectstatuteors X11 .. ----- :.,..._, ---.-....---- ---__..-.... -.. _. . . .... --- --.--- -.--. .._... .., -.._.:.aver_.._____.- Nova Sootisj or the eleotion,of •,• d L' i — - VI-HAPdR- Ui.? - tD! #he^ inexorable , offering. •among its being sn-Parte: -- exxsoxY wtelTgitor. One morning which .I well remember, Hat IIntil two monllie sgli'"lYl:`�1Vfn=- by-iTie pe'rietiionerg'w�►ginLi976--"-As--early' ,,, myt *, , , sharpened troth,, the only salt from the as 1757 the law provid'id for th "ndnotion W ,oxo, ,- to score of time and the tortaree of eternity.. rodnoed a sensation which might almost thsop'e gratia were Dashed from his father's o! ti minister licensed by ilia hop, .m' �Sh ti' I staggered from the esndio.'Ioakin the Some one handed me my hat,•threw my have startled me into lite again. When the bank account. Yea, it was the �tiae of London, into any perish that rho d malts t � ' 4 .door behind me and throwing the keit* into cloak about me and asked it I needed any broker Dashed a draft for me lie smiled and blood which honored that last draft of 4w� �, a pite,of duet, lying in the, ooartdor, waffles further assistance. So much I remember, wr k ed cashed not 'to accept another from mine, and all that was let t of it was now in presentation of him. Before 18 6 there , '� "' for the garbage wagon to bury it in the bed tint abeolntely nothing more till late in the o was some question ae to the parties in Anotbony Winthrop, sa he had been'noti• my ,pocket. t clicked the foul silver, ,11 Ot the Arno. midsummer, eighteen months afterward, fled that the deposit in the bank of pieces there and thought o! the grodnoer in, whom the right of preoentstion was vested. aa, --Men T� hs y-hour-thst-etatiio-he►d- when^alowlg_-aid wi#holt-_astonishment Florence waa�ahangted._Inbs�e ei hteen big studio and of the ooneamer in tb® vile The psriehfonere o! many parisiaee claimed r Offered me. ITreoogaized it atter they were than can be expressed in ourtoeuy;T " menthe of unconscious and in the eta oa3e: Wbet�-- --- PiTstionAl-would-have exercised -it; notablg those of lSt. Psn1's—_._��._--_.._- � •, one. Many a suggestive battle I had came Console that I was living A strange months of recklessness which followed, I been could I have looked ahead a little way, pariah, Halifax, who elected and presented . , had thrown to the winds the entire fortune While I was painting Leonora, end have all their restore except one ; he was nomi• - paght__thare, man s pregnant victory. I life, under so sesiamed name in Paris. ._-_:-. y _ .g . ..___. __ _. World! ,Beat. tor_ the d at seen _who would be kept &live and, where gated b the Crown on the ground that the "; find won tint tae offapriag. .sought with .Paris ! o! all the wo which my father hadaeft-me..._.-I looks y rectory beoelne vacant by -she elevation of •' ,4, , bad win ; b had been sacrificed- in its worry and lite for one acted with mono the broker for a moment in Jamb stonieh- and h-- -' by the soulless moue value -of ('r' swaddling clothes to the inordinate arro- .tong. Paris the reelrvoir nth forshedeuces Ment, vaguely thinking oravef the future, bat I each stroke i the previone rector to the office of bishop, ` ' '<�: ' : gaae9 01 one ambition. A golden opport. philcegpher, the laby had Bank toot deep, apparently. for salvo- What an inspiration I I laughed stood- end therefore the right preeentrtion was 1 "'' unity that studio had offered tee, but the at Passion's altar ; paradise alike for prince fi g a nommen law right inherent in the Crown tion ; for in another hour I had forgotten Those about me heard the coarse or le by virtue of the prerogative, and was not . ` lienal Icy trampled in the mire and only and pauper ; infinite *in variety, is virtue, the whole ciroametanae, forgotten every and turned .and looked'. at me for an t l- torwine returned t0 and the. in vice, to magnificence and in misery ; thin ae neo&1, but the grim phantom instant ; hal, vile as they wAre, moat of affected by the statute. This exercise of The triumph I had lived and laboreI .1d tor, helrvea of all holiest thoakhte, hell of all which, haunted me. It required lase to them, they turned sway in -disgust. I raw.. the prerogative, however, gave' rise to' a the .companion placer stood side by aill ide vile ambitions ; the prefidy of lite and Per.'obliterate the anxiety caused by inevitable it. I knew it. I understood it. I did not great deal of diffianity and orated diaaled `'� u on their resale. Tits door wee looked jury of death; the sunny taehion•plate for rain than to drive from me the memory of care• giona in that pariah which were not healed �r3y' „,M; {. upon them and the key forever thrown all the various phases at the wide world. illina. Long before her face had felt me still I est there vaguely thinking of the itis a great many yesre. away so much did I prize my victory From the melodious thunder of the great all the world besides was sank in oblivion. piotnree. till I began co wonder i[ it would •Y The laity of the Charah of England in �. a y , g Nova Sootia having almost inv&riably E after it wag won. And thug fhe"Evening Bourdon bell in the grey tower of Notre At first, me regent of myself, with ether be worth my .while to look b them a sin. selected their own clergy g u�And Morning "made my loaf dry. Dame to the clang o! the 'volaptaoae resents, I had gaeffed the eparkiing soul of Very soon they would, doubtless, be par• men and managed V", t' revelry in she gilded halls of the Jardine annoyFranoe from silver and cut glass obseed for Boma private collection eo e• their own parochial affsire, it is difficult . �, : CHAPTER XVIII. Mobilia, seek what • you will and you will y y y for me to compare that system with any wine -Dupe in the dazzling Date where lite where, and then the would be and in :� • Mx vloTiil ? flab it there, be it,in in the way that leads other, in the working of which I have had ���,, � was all one regal carnival. At last, s 'reach; for who would• admit me to s' ! The day wore into night re I wandered to Li[e or the maegnerade of Death you effi With the other effigide I gulped the private gallery ? no experience whatever: The ocoaeion T r . searching draught in fetid byways. It did Balonoing mysel! between ilia table and have referred to, when the crown eaeroised r flown the Arno aeon, one aide, end the will find it ever sun alway wreathed in �' . the chair. I rose unsteadily Rod looked at its prerogative of appointing a reocor for eight woke qn as I s]owly: wended my way roses. not muter ; it brought forgetfulness. P g PP g maoh awake upon the other side; a living Yes, I was in Paris. More than that i Again, one morning, I was conscious of myself in the smeared mirror that, fair or St. Paulo, Halifax, is the only one. to my ' Skeleton; dreading the face of man, shirk. _ awoke to find myself a champion in that something for a moment thrilling my font, ae the ogee maybe, is indispensable Whowould to knowledge, where a rentor was appointed � `, ling into" the shadows awry • from each paradise of, sin; plunging, even ae I had dormant veins and working at the sluggish the Paris restaurant. Ha 1 Who wonid to the charge of &pariah in Nova Scotia in a .p approaching figure, lest, by game ill face, I plunged into' the Arno, headlong into,ibe pateatione of my heart, aB I gat,in's low„ admit me to a private gallery ? . direct opposition to the expressed wishes I r` Sitonld discover in it the features of a fried wildest depths of the Paieiau parg&tory. g of ,a majority. o! the parishioners, end the ,, e Dale, si in a on of purulent coffee, rest. Oblivious to my earronndinge I laughed leesly turning in' my shaking hands an old &gain at the bloated face sndtheblood•ehot. oeagegnenoe�i were no doubt vera injurious � from out that sarcasm whence I had I was conscious of no mental or moral pp P %o the interests of the parish ; while on the departed. abook as 'I gradually comprehended who I o0 of s Pana.drily. besmeared with dirt eyes dist leered book at me from the mirror; from its undue probation in that econom. and. leering, seemed to Bay: '• What is other Land ilia election at the rector by the , t�,.; �'- As I was crossing the Br?dge'of tits w&s and what were my garroandinge. but I PY there in you. of Anthony Winthrop?" people seems always to hsve proved anile- •�' Sansone a shadow for as instant fall aaro�e wsehed myself much an one looks with oat resort. y factory, although in some cases, Where the $ I nay path, as some human being hurried ourious interest and even with amneement, It was three days old, but what did.that What Everything 1• It is Anthon minority was large and the , feelings , who perchance ie gust nae. I had not Been so much Re the upon a precooioaa child, P signify? What had, I to do with the world Winthrop all in all. It is all that he Bet [ret o! the figure; I only saw the Bhrdow delving in mischief,. and yet feels more of that I should read of it at all ? Most of his heart to be. Look at him again. somewhat excited, the tranquility of the "'; � ; test of a the moonlight. Why should I pleaeare than of horror at the situation. I all, what had I to do with art that I Brash the smiroheB off the mirror that you parish was for a short, time disturbed. I t have looked after it i do not understand ; stood like an admiring epee and should turn to the column of the reviews may eEe him more plainly, inAllhishideonB This, however, would in rU probability I ,I§ tint, drawn by some instinct, I deliberate) watched myself, pleased with my own pre- distortions; for you are locking at the happen in ever orae where A number of y and criticisms, where, in years gone by, I Pp y t '. turned about in time to nee a woman, 000ioasneBB. I remember bbing amused to prince of livid painters and at absolutely the parishioners did not r rove of the had Bo ottened soanned the articles concern• p g P g y- appintment, no matter howit wee made. '� closely wrapped, mount the wall et the see me one day make s draft upon my fug the masterpieces of the age, res they nothingmore. Had he sought to be an So far as I am swore no difficulty has eta bridge from the stone Beat in the alcove, father's bankers, sign it with my std name were presented to the pablio in the great thing mor? �' and from the abutment cap leap'into the payable to the new, endoeA is properly, galleries of the world. The green grass end I brushed ,the Bmirobea off the mirror hitherto been experienced in tihe practical 6 ` y working. of the Nova Send& system, and I � river, that wag swollen to a furious torrent take it to a broker's office where I had. no the fiery sunset .were slike to me. What with A coat sleeve hardly lees greasy an '+ river, the spring rainsl knowledge of ever having'been before, but had I to do with art ? smirched, and I looked again and more know of no important amendment or addi- ' I' I muttered,"pRu9inq lois a surely where I woo very well known, and At first, I only notioe� that the entire carefully. I looked, till over me there tion which it would be desirable to inoor- i ., ' , " A, eniolde, g porate in the Act. Any movement to ��.�' - .� moment to look into the river, for the therN, w)Lt oat question or, delay,. received column was devoted to one artiole, and it stalvit sentiment Bo milia thought , , pleasure it gave lite to see the body strike at onoe to wson tta leas volae. I wee roused a, little cariosity in me to know what 9 P R Scotia the power of the laity in Nova ,4-;;,'' •+ earthly artist has risen to that pre•emin• ins wan responsible for it all. 'Had I not gootia to eolaot their own reocor and �rv•_, the water. some ono hoe none idto the intensely interested add entertained fora g •g manage their owq, parochial affairs would . 11 eternal obtison. What wisdom 1 Why did time i eI t �,a h resorts of iniquity aerke ylahAd once where he could terdemand such nndae da paint one everything, athat shoulld thbe the be unanimopel . end v1 oroasl opposed, ':t 'I never think of that ?- y, attention, and resting my hands neon the p 1? Y fl Y Death 1 Death l Where is thy sting to never dreamed ,were poeyible to exist in table that the paper might. remain steady triumph for her'And for me, brought tram and from whet 'I know of, them, i[ the ,,,,, preeentstion to the rectories was not tally , H; • hit. who tans to meet thee? O grave, lite before, and I was smneed at Stet at my while I read, I glanced indifferently at the the heart of the Lorelei ? And it she ba controlled by them they would raver rest �f. , y capabilities leaded head lines : not deserted me, should I could where I was? torsed thae to open thy arms where is thy various oa abilities for mischief and gained It she returned to me, could rhe not, on satisfied anal the law was amended:'. w Y victory do one who harrier into them ? from me. much onrioas information and „ , tQtegT AND MORNING. . I'' The triumph is with Ler who leaped into many valuable hints .00noerning that Bide he r j aoa soul that was lest meitI believed �, . them from the terrors o'i time into eternal of lite which I had so perietently shunned • glia Two Grandest Productions of the these sentiments. The largest dwsllina•hoage in this world �.` liberty ; who lifted the galling talons of and detested in Florence. t7entury. is in Vienns, and 2,112 people live' lite out o! the lacerated heart ; who tore No depths of depravity were too deep toe (Ta he continued.) the' mask from, the bitter burlesque, and Moto penetrate, no mockery of pleasure For a moment I get the paper fall. upon ___--_____-___—� _ -. ...e. now, down in those sorbing waters, ig was too' glaring in'ite tinsel falsity for mel the table. A had t armed fall that I more had �� - - 21 . clasping the sinewless hand of Death, is to fathom. Mach as I had watched my sought. A tattle later, however, I ll gsu he There ' was•a notable funeral at Buoyrne, .;, laa;hing in his hollow eyes Rud shaking brash while it pointed a 11 this. bedizened , artiole whited ch followerandomd curiosity, Ohio, the other day. Frank, 'the' pet dog � ust tke grim skeleton ; shouting the cry of watched me, now, probing „After two years of unceasing effort the of the men employed on the Toledo & a victory: " Death' l You Are my Blsve I hell. Yee, I hAve.soroed yon to Dome at my bid• After a.time, the novelty being somewhat dealers have At fret succeeded in purchasing Ohio Ceritrrl Railroad,' ,died last week. '' I began to look the two lost end greaeet prodaotions of Ilia body was planed in a handsome ' ing. You are ,no terror. I am not Afraid lost in frequent , repetition, M. AnthonyWin- Flo er ' , -of you I It was Lite that frightened me." A lit tle deeper, and to pity me for A certain the porld•fth( artist, P P P engine�and oar ware drapedinblack, the . "+ These thaughta fleshed like the lighten• eontiment of helplessness and sorrow which thro , and the sretobg laced. on nblio casket being placed in the oar, end the - ing throngs iriy mind, as, with A dozen seemed ever clinging clones day after dry nahibition• in their affray tomorrow. train bore Frank's remains to the grave, ignore perhsps, 1 watched chat triumphant &boat me. Dey after day I seemed to be Thia announcement is Alone AB, ant it while all the engine belle in the yard were Mrs: Sarah M. Black of Seneca, of vital plunge. The rest, horror•etriokenea, stood eearohinfor a tints eometning whioh I could were follyRom onsuge otoaatt pt to add e of ail topiwhat the tolled. ,,Frank was an ugly dog in Mo., during the past two years has motionless, with parted lips and straining importance,Y appearance, but happy in disposition, and been affected with, Neuralgia -of the ' Epee, to see the grave engulf its champion. not find. Restlessly and anxiously 1 would ablest orifice of Europe have already said he had perked in a neighborly way and ]'-lead, Stomach and Womb, and A I alone, envied that happy lot. Yet o1 tread again and again the eame bold paths lit praise of big Winthro a ng no, wagged his tail socially among the train• them all I alone seem to reRlize that. the. i through that internAl Elgoinm, with a dell "Binge his advent Anion no, in that writes: " M food did not Seem to, t , $ y men far yearn. He won their hearts. Y woman had made a mistake to to*ping train Robing at the heart whfoh won my 'ym• wb ch e 1 eight years a •d drew snob admiring Some men came 50 miles to attend the strengthen m at all and my a 'x . the upper side of the bridge, that she mast p&thy. Ever with the osynelingering, ons• g y g P funeral, and there tyre tears shed over tits wad very variable. My at that moment be passing under us, and ing glimmer of hopeful expectantly 1 watched throngs to ilia carouse orifice in the Baplon, Franks gravel. was yellow, my Bead dull, and 1 rad ,t that there was atilt is ,chance to reach her ma eater one haunt atter apnother, join M. Winthro 's phenomenal rise to a pool- " . attd torso Ler beak ag+tin into the horrors madly for an hour or Bo intvblatever its pas• tion eeoond'to none in the world, has been40 sUc11 pains in my left Side. In the w d force she bad fled. Inconsistent an ever, gionate revelry might be, and then abruptly fully u l hrecorded co tier of Europe, and owle this all what Makes Balls So Popular ? morning. when I got up I Would I was maddened by the inanity of those turn away with A sigh of disappointment, Buffalo News: First G nest (at grand have a flow of mucus in the mouth, motionless figures and orlon aloud : only to repeat precisely the n%mesentimenta that I had to repeAtp should Batey keep. ball) --Hark, ion'% that the champagne and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes •• Cowards 1 Will no one risk A hair to at the Haat re ; and soon, through my silent. But, at the rivata view which woar as the ley breath became short and I had Save a lye ? Then throwing off my cloak waking hours, without inierim and without leading figare•painters frankly agreed icoorded to the artiatg Of 'that popping Guest supper I goeso its the + such C s h u ere tui nblill � al ` lta anaery a t,otos r till ne .^ ing he.c , �;.,, rt at l a t g l _. silex . a..- nae ,. r . .hurl e1 .a e y i? +nwv+..A ..,x ,�,r.w...-e+...-..,n ....�........., ,, - lli'L13 irA nr .,.w..,J.. ..,., .,.. .. ..+ - i iais3 isai�, l: •�a°� per', m`ai iii �e iu"�t lYrzrtrl� .�liBnyr3E&�#�.I�s31^,aszt.?a.R t3]'tt crgd .. :y ..a ,oi?.:..,, rfir �a,�r::.« r�,�-�,:-.,�*.«t'->CTl:lst��titi.�:'rY - ;, ...•;>,� ,-,•�• . ,� ,.,o;,, ..,�. �..;.. , w„,_,,<..,,,':.��»..., -..__....... lower tilde o! the bridge, and prepared oneq-Beemedto y nd _in.thoBe lett radaotlana. had taken & rtiTtttl til lYc�tYl. ache _ - ........ _ .Site o 777' o .`"'�'.• _ ...._. •into the wliiiitng Are ” _ fulecf wort#Hese dust: Wbe1Eh©r I cot t)v A , '' ,', toplunge - - _.._ _ __ _...___--____----__- -- _ ullthe left de tad lotlldii blades, Practically Ido not think 'that I was won at the gaming table seemed of no mo• poeitign rivgled by no drtiel in "11ie tv3rirl:- The men who has a kind word. for Query. Y .'' . tempted al any hope that, while thug Add- men%. I now large some of gold disc ear, Strangely enough, the paintings were Dom• 4 pp body dose more good than & surly one could Own the back • lag s shimmer ct honor to the Rot, I might tint gaiokly replaced them by a draft on plated two years ago. just betMor O to win do wit9money. of my limbs. It seemed to be worse really be following the cutsmple I had Florence, without an emotion save to envy of %he young artistte father, Cold weather of I Envied, for I wan perfectly calm and rootnte those whose tacos now pallid and ant with ma ti' wh vee r eo grecs, and theellast groom may wear gmongtaohe t he choonea, and Spring; and whenever the sl ells i` as I stepped upon the balustrade. e&eefully eyes wonid glare g came on, ley feet and hands would tinting the vat motions of the fierce which As these bent over segoaie�t oases d nov taexperi• before theAtouch wag etiet ewell•remoinbe edhe"ra sm to suchBmanlygmouth big eagles dlhfrlfng and'flaehinq in the moots turn calci and I could get no sleep n }�e1Qw, atia -that_.. _might take menig aoaeod to smooe me,, and gradually �in t� t] mptea Bio do in the Arno a S neo lie other hand so the o r&zoi if the mistress at x11. (6 I tried everywherp-, and got: . d� of thele, nd i ne raw.clra notsr"�►xtd repuleive to lay WAkitT y ter a reRegn--BI. �1Vin• 8oairag. T . wine jddga remarked that a no relief before using August lower �.,ss tivirrtA ,. , _ _�r h..� s Ka a&ex ``lizvaa ur tttFr tt.t' s t.,c �,,..e... ntouxrl etxeiag. _, _._ . _. mw . „t. ,_em, 1a ed ai na4tlaflr rreatrl.:... , a stood tltttrci, tirre� s• Itttla fait,.& ceuz1 - are..,... filar h&g ositr<vol raludea. to ew }Sfs mi4n_ lwla p y �lrtll tlthlt - even, ao 1 later I, should • be bringing. that must still linger in itligttity. & wona®sed p In P no q "' this tee. a wonderful deal calm. good during her unfortunate victim back agai>hano more and more what i persistently thttgsearching loot studioconsciouene eawhioli be, aBrwell Ire athero, against catch coldi tarts all'Ilr(totsuti ere the time z have taken it and is Wtaxk• Mkiedry. I s&w the woman'n.-The tend of $2,500,000 which Mr. Pea• in a complete thrust out o! the water for sir inot&Dt; in such vile resorts, ever, like those about mast feel, that only were impossible for him body telt for the poor of London now g p to care." (a e. then drawn lawn Again by the force me, growing more wrefohed, more gasper&te, to excel hie opt old nefnl o' bettor 'i f he amounts to over $5,000,000. G. G. GR 1�i' Sole Man'fr,Woodbq t p! the entitle whirlpool &s it Snaked mono miserable, till one day my eyes fell M. Winthro could not do better 'if he 0 I