HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-10, Page 5P The .Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce I ounty, April tOth • 1 REPORT OF S. S. NO. 14, HURON., The fonewiing is the report of S. S. No. 14, Huion, for the month of •March, leased on proficiency, deport- ment; 'regularity and punctuality : Senior 4 h—K Murchison, L Mc- Gill. E Rei W Murray, , A Reid, J. McKenzie, . Finlayson, F. Murray. Junior 4th A McGi)1, L Pickerin, E Hamilton G. Murray, t:uravu, n amlre-amiaelerecrl _On, ctlenz> e, Y McInnis. Senior 3rd—B Murchison, E McGill. Junior 3rd—J Taylor, E Agnew, M Hamilton, V Tenneson, W McGill, L. Murdoch, .E Reid, B Robertson, L Campbell, L Clarkson, N McInnis, M Henderson: 2nd --W McInnis, K Beaton,_G Tenneson, W - .. _. - .•nam- - T, —Thin, -tet rxeuilersoa. Ave—rage atter ance for the month 43.5. *evidence of the 4144494ce of the neighborhood, and their steady growth proves that they are not growing weary in well doing The organizer directed the entertainment and sand- wiched the renderings with, bits of wit or pathos as the occasion -required. Owing to the state of the weather and the roads, the attendance was not so large as was •).1 NU t.uat, another entertainment will be given soon. The work is spreading rapidly in this part of the county. Hawick boasts of having an association in nearly every school section, and our organizer is busy organizing Morris and Grey, WEST I/VAWANOSH COUNCIL. The above council met on Saturday, March 28th, with all the members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and app ved. The treasurer's statement foA. February showed balance and receipts of 8102.61, and expenditure $93.77, leaving 88.84 on hand ; report filed. A list of those wishing to be assessed as separate school supporters was read and filed by the clerk. Moved by Mr: 13ailie, seconded by Mr. • Gibson, that $10 be granted towards the support of Mrs..Craig.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Bailie, seconded by Mr.. Todd, •that as a largely 'signed petition lras been presented to. the council asking sufor a readjustment of -the polling bdi:uisious, and -as .the law requires to be made, at the next meetin of the council a redis- tribution of polling sub-clivr`"la(ons l�,e made.—Carried•, r The Reeve reported that the Kinloss council refused to take ,any action regarding Win. Thorns claim, said claim having already been settled. Moved by Mr. 'Bowels, seconded by IVIr. Bailie, that upon the report of the Reeve, respecting the investiga- tion of the matter in connection with Mr. Thorns' claim on the boundary,. it was' found that' the land in question was arbitrated upon and paid for, and as information on hand showing that ,no--'claun is tenable, this council take no further. action in the matter.— ' Carried. • The Reeve••alse'reported having met the Ashfield Reeves respecting the claim "of James Mullin fors damage done to his, stage, and agreed that the municipalities were not responsible for the accident. The report was ,received.. On motion of Messrs. Bailie and Bowers the road , work on the and Rose's divisions, undone last year was ordered to be put on this year's :lists. The following were appointed fence viewers : —.Jas. Plunkett, A McCabe, J 'South, J McLean, W Dun- keld; W Pentland,, G Smith, J-Thomp= son, W Cameron, J B .Rutherford, R Murray and J Gordon ; Poundkeepers H Moreland, J W Jockman, P Mc- Cann, -J Blark, T Alexander, E Haines J 'Campbell ' and J Archer ; Path- masters—.A NI,;Swatn, J Girvin, R: • Rutledge, J Winnill,, T Lawler, A Pentland, J T Campbell, 11 Moreland,' A 'Kirk, A McCabe, S Johnston; A Fluker, 2 Mills, T Nicholson, S E Sanderson, J� Redmond, 'W Young, P McCann, W _,Smith, A Andrews, J Plunkett, W Ledly, 11 . Taylor, A Robinson, J Words, A Pentland, 0. Durnin, A Campbel'l,'J Ferguson, H Jones, J Tb M son, G Smyth, A Mc- Allister, +' L'Io\vman, J Redmond, P McGuire P O'Connor, J Channey, A Stewart,J Edwards, T White., T Me - .Roberts,;.' W Sturdy, P'Glasgow,, P Welsh, J 1+or'ehen, W Brophy, 5 Alton H .Rutherford; jr., T. • B. Somerville, G Henry, E Morton, A McDonald, E Durnin, T Sanders, J Ramage, J Farrier, J Barbour, W Wellwood, E Haines, T Stothers; W A.' Wilson, P Campbell,. E Gaunt, J Gordon, W Thom, W 0 Webb, J McPherson. R Purdon, A Emerson JLaidlaw, P Callahan, 1) McMillah, F Jury, W J McQuillan, A Anderson, jr., G Greer, J Archer, J jpglis, A Webb, J Forster W Thom,, H Rintoul, J P Brown, J Mole, S Stothers, J Whya>;d,- Dr. Case. Council adjourned to meet • as a curt of Revision on May 26. R. K. 'MILLER, Tp. Clerk. • - • o•-• • 14,' . , . , „ + .. ,.� .,.., E•A:ST WAW.A1VOS On Friday evening last the members of Victoria Association, Patrons of Industry, gave an entertainment in • Stark's school house, which rafle,cts great credit on all who took part in it, and sustains the high reputation which •Victoria enjoys among. the Patrons. biples of the Orc'ler gavn a'kea1e OHN LLIOTT, Sec'y Victoria Association P of I +rr PATRONS OF INDUSTRY. To the Editor of the Sentinel SiR,—The new 'movement among the farmers and working nun of the country, known as the Patrons of Indo,try, seems to be gaining in popu- larity' and strength. The country at large is now being flooded with circu- lars and posters advertising great inducements to the public and par- ticularly tit' the members of , the new order, for the purpose of injuring the movement and to induce the members to drop its' promotion. Now .Sir, when merchants can double their cash discount to the buyer, and put forth such. strenuous 'efforts of opposition just because this new order has nierely put ire, an appearance: in oui• country,. it seems to me, Sir, that now is the very .•tir e--for-the-PR'tr-ons trf I-ndust-ry to stick to their princii+lev, and stand by , and. support the men who have risked their business in order to give the thing a fair trial, and who 1iaxe • to work against the .combined opposition of . those • who will.: not come 1767.,tertris wrrh' the consumer. Thanking you •Mr. • Editer for your valuable space I am yours, FARMER. FOR SAL{. THE IMPORTED T.HOHOUGI'#BRED CLYDESDALE STALLION; • • . LOCHN AGAR. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE :—The import- ed thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion ''Loch- nagar,"°(1889( dark brown, bred by Alexander Brown, Lyne,• Dumfermiline, Fyfeshire, Scotland. "Lochnagar" isa very showy toppy horse, he stands 16i hands high, with splendid feet and beautifully formed pasterns, . clean, fine bone, and fine silken hair ; his headis good and lovely, and set on a grand arched ; he has a .grand back and his ribs gradually arched, and deep ; his arm is powerful, shoulders strong and sufficiently oblique, and grand heavy quarters and splendid action, and he has carried off a .number :,f first prizes. A group of his colts took first prize at Guelph. in 1889. His sire "Lochnagar" (1469), was got by "Prince of Wales" (1016) ; Dam, "Gean" by Prince of Walea, ' (676) ; Young -Prince of Wales, (1016), black, foaled 1$71, bred by John Wilson, Middleton, Mearns, Glasgow. Young Prince or Wales is a duplicate of "Prince of Wales" (671), property ot Archi- bald rchibald Juill.e, 33 Cathedral Street,. Glasgow ; Sire„ Prince of Vales,' (673) ; Dam, 'J'ane, by Eclipse, (268). Prince of Wales, (676). Bred by 11. Thom; Gartverte, New Monkland Airdrie, property 'of Mr. McFarlane, Tuilibod'y, Sterling. Sire, Farmer'sFancy, (298). Prince ot Wales, (673), when 18 years old he sold by public auction for $4,725. Winner of second prize Highland Agricultural Show at Glasgow in 1867 ; first at 11. A. show in Edinburgh, 1809 ; second -at H. A. show at Dumfries, 1870 ; first at . H. A. show, Man - cheater, J869 , . first at H. A. show, Kelso 1872. Grand Sire, General (322), who gained rst prize at Iuverness. 1865. Great Grand Sire, Sir Walter Scott (797), who took first prize at IL A, show at Dumfries, 1860 ; also Royal International show at Battersea, 1862 ; G. G. Grand Sire, Old Clyde (574). Prince of Wales' dam, Darling, who gained first prize at H. A. show at Inverness, 1865. The dam of Lochnagar was Bell of Young Garibaldi (973), G. dam by Sir Colin Campbell (776) Young Garibaldi by Garibaldi, (312), dainby SFr Colin (712), G. dam by Star (824), Sir Colin Campbell by Prince (603), Prince of Clyde, (156), dam Sussy by Tam O'Shanter, (856). For further particulars apply to .A.ts1G:U ,MCKENZIr SR. Lot 71, eon. 2, Itinloss, or Lucknow P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. MITE UNDERSIGNED WILL I E'EP for service this season at lot 11, con. 8, E, D. Ashfield, a Chester -White full bred boar, lately brought from Pinkerton township. Terms—$1, at time of service ; 81.25 if not so paid. Mt jet Belfast P, O., Ont -AUCTION SALEI I. OF TWO FARMS I1N THE TOWNSHIP of Kinloss, in the county of Bruce. Under the powers of sale containedin. two mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale there will he sold by public auction at Cain's Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF Friday, April 10th, 1891, At twelve o'clock, rloou, by Mr: Peter Corri- gan, auctioneer, in two parcel.. the fcllowing farm properties : Parcel No. 1- •Lot number 24 in the second concession of the said township of Kinloss, containing one hundred acres more or less. This place is all cleared There are an old log barn and Jog hoose,aad smajf s i on this land. It is about three miles from the village of Lucknow. Parcel No. 2 -The east half of lot 19, con- taining fifty acres nacre or less, and the northerly forty one acres of lot 20, both ins}ae eleventh concession of the sad township ddf 111111111111111111111111 Kinloss. On thip•parcel there isa large frame barn with stone foundation, frame house and a small orchard. TErtists :—Teo per cent, on day of sale, CDMIIMB twenty per cent. within thirty days thereafter. The balance may remain on mortgage for five or ten years bearing interest at six and a• half per cent. yearly, or dhall be paid within thirty days from day of sale. For further particulars and conditions of sale (which will be made known at time of sale) apply to the Vendors' Solicitors and to C. -A. Shepard Esq., Lucknow. HOSKIN 4.,O•GDEN, Vendors' Solicitors, • 14 Bing Street West, Toronto. Dated,March 17th, 1891....----••2 SOUTH 0101110 OF 0 rel E LICENSE COMMISSIONERS 1 for -this-distrie'ti-will•-meet for considering applications for licenses for the year 1891-92 at the Commercial Hotel, l r tat . -: ce • a c.• ) tai • ekC 5 o en Z cea> U 0. p ›... cH tae cd O cil ;.t1 q c 0 o °�• a $.1c C) ed +4 m . • - t C.) ce i.4 42 cc' A 41 � boo 170 'en 14 m'. .4 te • 0 E. C 4r ra CEM W O CenMum A MIt-ctiv a.Y_ At the hour of ten o'clock a. m„ on THt1RSDAY4 __APRIL 16th ANGUS STE WART, License Inspector. Lucknow, this 2nd day of April. 1891. LICENSE OFDISTRICT SOUTH BRUCE. NAMES OF APPLICANTS FOR NAMES not now licensees :—Wendell Heitz, for Royal Hotel, Mildmay ; Richard Coe, for his house at Ellengown (Coe's Hotel); George' Atkinson, for a tavern license for his house en Lot No. 4, north of 'and fronting on Culross St., Belmore, being part of farm Lot No. 1, Concession A, Township of Culross ; David Spence, •Bruce's block, north side of ,Durham St., Walkerton. ' The total number of ' tavern and shop licenses issued during the current year is 45. The . total number of applid"ations for the ensuing year is 43. ANGUS STEWART, License Inspector. Lucknow, April 2nd. 1891. House and Lot For Sale. ITUA.TED ON CLYDE STREET IN the village of Lucknow. The house is a well finished frame, containing 7 looms with stone foundation. , Large cellar and good woodshed ; hard and soft water, Half acre of land with splendid garden and well stocked with small and large 'fruits, The lot is on a hill side commanding a fine view of the whole village. For further particulars apply to JOSEPH ANDERSON, Lucknow, CANADIAN `pACI.FIC ETTLEES' TRAINS WILL LEAVE ON FEBRUARY 24th, 1891 AT 9.00 •P.M. AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAFTER DURING MARCH AND APRIL WITH COLONIST SLEEPER ATTACHED FOR MAN I T O B A rNE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST For Patrons without Stock a Colonist Sleeper will be attached to Express Train, leaving Toronto 11 For full, information and deset tiR pamphlets of Manitoba, the North Westi Territiories and British Ool"unzbia, apply to any C. P. R. agent. MON ennA e rnrnod At our NEW lint of Wrk ropidly and honernbly, by those o} either hex, young or old, end in their own loenlitl'cs,wherevor they Ilvo. Any ono rim to leern. We furnish everything, we store you.hNo risk. You e work. Roenn devote entirely nowre tlend/d id brior ngs wondr oraal enc the to every worker. IktinntWAZE}Y11(PW111E104 404411.4GDerweakdentOthtte or- Jati.1ni - ppfo5oRh rNo-spaceo *IUSeitte nWNS.TRUE 4D).. AUGTA.NAIE 4,7 ril63a..r @Alis. collected on ,fin f- iae of an unfo.. - o was nndele title NO 1 IClI sties lir fr=A +� oapparent dellghll ! of Onlookny. THE SUBSCRIBER HA liom bed131 hated HAS OPEN,pened alolg. office in the building east of )17 attire slid SENTINEL Printing Office. crowd Aha nn. ' creaturey AGIIEEMif DS, i..�coomD.k;$DS; MORTGAGES AND WIL°ate •trsvle Plans ,specihcations and estimates for build �ntlan' ings, mills, bridges, ete„ furnished il on trhort notice. v JAS, SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. a b aracp! IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just received a large consign ment of Fresh .Groceries, Choice family fioi,ir, Ob.oice Tobacco,. a nul, Goods, Crockery,; Glassware Teas C - - �_._ offe®sq__µ and Sugais, which will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. 0o s c e iVered- to all parts of the village, JOIN ELLIOTT :Hoise' and Lot For Sale ' OR TO RENT. TLLJtE TTNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale or rent the property consisting of a large frame house, barn, stable and one 'acre Of land. on Willoughby street in the M' Carroll survey in this village. The buildings are all in good repair, and the land is well fenced. First-class spring water. and garden well supplied with small fruits. Will either be sold or rented' by the year or month. For particalars apply to MRS, JAMES MILLER, Bob Street', Lucknow'P. 0, 2. GOOD FARMS • FOR SALE OR 'TO RENT. EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 5, CONCES- siott• 13, E. D. Ashfield; in the County of Huron, ninety acres cleared, about five acres of fall wheat. fifteen acres seeded, two dwell: • ings, two orchards, two wells., no better soil, barn, stable, granary, shed. etc. Also north, half of lot 6. con. 13, with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good fences, orchard and buildings. The above property will be sold or rented at once. Apply immediately to 888 E. TRAVER, Lucknow. PROPERTY' FOR. SALE, OR TO" RENT. BEING NORTH HALF OF LOT 2t IN the llth con. of West Wawanosh, .con- taining 100 acres more or leas. Farm is situated miles from the village of St. Helens,' 71I miles from .Lucknow, and 10 miles from Wingham. ' There are 65 acres cleated ; 10 acres in fall wheat, and 40 acres seeded down. There are also 2 good wells, a good frame house. frame barn and stable, and 111 acre young orchard. It is half* mile from school house and convenient to church. For further particulars apply on premises. JOHN MCQUILLAN. BULL FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the farmers in this section that he will keep for service at lot 12, in the 12th con. of Ashfield. his superior bred Shorthorn bull, "Cembria 2nd." Terms $1.00 for season. 'PEDIGREECembria 2nd, roan, calved /an. 2nd, 1888, bred by J. B. Ridd,.Rothsay, Ont., got by Waterloo Solway ; dam, Duchess of Oxford 2nd, by Duke- of Kent 1664 ; 2nd dam Pansy. 3rd,. by Rufus ; 3rd dam Victoria 3rd 4945, by:l Prince Arthur 956 ; 4th dam Pansy 4203, by Napoleon 863 ; 5th dam Victoria 2nd 4940, by Halton 684 (11552); 6th dant Beauty 2431, by Wellington 1156 )13987) ; 7th data Lily 3617, by Fergus 629 ; 8th dam Beauty (imp.) 30. by Snowball (2647), he by Lawns- leeves (365), he by Charles (127.). JOHN F. ANDREW, 4-894 Lucknow P, 0. -. - FARM FOR SALE. TN • THE MATTER t)F NORMAN McLeod, Margaret Mcl.eod,•Angus Me. I,eod,insolvents. The farm lately occupied by ' the above named insolvents, situated the in tn wnshipiof. Hur, is f .r sale, All under cultivation frafne house, frame barn, large orchard, and well watered ; ono of the best farms in Huron; a bargain. Apply to Peter Murray, assignee, I urop, or to -:-e-•_ r-- '•• Z,._q 889 Solicittoo r, Lucknow I >/ • • :s r tr 8