HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-10, Page 1..• n. . '.• THS NEW FOUNDRY WW laN0Altungg not retail SIOVCA• Too can SAVE MONEY By purchasing from D. C. • TAYLOR. A Lome Vinielk—AIWaya In Stock. • l• • t .-41r • ' ' " VOL XVIIL-14. - 4fr Witr Vantivizzaz,' intre-7 published every Friday at the "Sentinel' block, north-east corner of Outram and Campbell Stis., Lucknow:. ----BY ' JAMES•BRYAN EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSORIPTIO - • IN ADVANCE. ALL HINDS OF ,1 LUCKNOW ONTARIO,. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. THE LUCKNOW P relEfittn,g r 67 1179M (Not incorporated.) —0-- I.GEOROE MAIR, PROPRIETOR. MONEY To LOAN 70B: PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS 411, DESPATCH. -MEDICAL J1.• A MoDONALD, M. D„ C. M. C. P. S. • O. Office, Kintail. D R. TENNANT, PHYSI C I.A. N.; Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours -from- 9 -to 12 a. tn., and from 2 to 5 p. m. DMoD. GORDON, M.D., C.M. F.T. M.S., M. C.P.S. O., Physician, Sur- geon. and Accoucheur. Office:pest door to W. Allin's implement shop. ResiAnce,Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly 'attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Car- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's 'hotel. Lucknow. LEGAL. ---- ON CORRIGAN-; COMMISSIONER, `, in H. C. G. Kinlough P. O., Ontario. CI ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich„ Out. J. T. GARROW. Q. C. WM. PROUDFOOT. LLIOT TRAVEB, ATTORNEY AT r Cha-uery; Unnvey- ancer, etc. Office, next door to NIUrchison's wellery store, Lucknow, 'Ont. rr law, Solicitor in Chancery, Commis- hf ORRISON, ATTORNEY AT sioner, Conveyancer, etc, Office, over the barber shop: GENERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSUR • ance, Fire & Marine,'Girelph, Ont. •l'lk/FONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW .1.Y.1. thousand dollars to invest for private parties, at reasonable interests: EnuroT TRAVERS. ONEY TO:LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7 per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to intendinetravellers. JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. ANONEY TO LOAN ! AT 6 PER CENT .1.11_ from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Outario as well as. Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter, este by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and mandril:nit .otlands for sale. ANGUs STEWART, Land Valuator Lucknow Ontario. IXTEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL V Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transactian of business on the first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by ane of the Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. Office, Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, WM. LANE, Treasurer. •SOCIETIES UCKNOW I Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday • evenling at 8 o'cleck ¶*.w hall, Campbell street. All brethren Ordially invited. D. PATTERSON, N. Grand ; Jonx. BLLIOT, Recorder. Cei O. ii:, COURT Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Monday in every 0,, k montht in the 04d - fellow, hall. Visit- en:Lk/1k ing brethren a r e cordially invited. A. DAVISON 0 1/, 0, R. D. D. YeLe SEC. A. 0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman. kt .p. CAMERON, Recorder. y UCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- .1.4 tute. 'Reading room open every evening from 6 to 10p. m., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 ), ni. The i: librarian will be in attendance ming these hours. D. D. Yin% President: As. SORER- viLLE, Secretary.• • . DENTAL ar " ...U.,' Anrigl.'2' 14i OMR S Wingham, will he in Lucknow on the second andn fourth Fri- day and Saturday of each month. Good sets or $10. Filling And extracting a specialty tl cipal points. Cheques, drafts and mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer- ican currency & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. Money to lend on farm or village property at the lowest current rates. -• • Fire insurance effected in first class stock insurance companies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two 50 acre farms for sale cheap. Office hours 10 a. m• to 4 p. m. G. A. SIDDALL, Manager. ILLINERY. A full stocit just received. EMBROIDERIES; LACES, Childrens Dress Trimmings, ,ISH NET TRUDIESiCar Ladies Corsets, Etc., Etc. Eats, Bonnets and. Feathers In endless variety, and at low prices. GIVE ME A CALL. Mrs. Smith. 1.4003 1-1M '—•O FIRE ! FIRE! lustre your farm property, private dwellingt, in the old reliable, the LONDON 0 MUTUAL O ce,—A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow Wil be in the office everySaturday afternoon, JOHN LANE. Agent '!itniough. THE ' ta RESTAURANT Campbell Street, Lucknow, J. C. KINCAID,. P13,01) Oysters by the quart, pint; or can. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERy, SWEET CIDER, MI LK-SIIAKE, TOBACCO, 'CIGARS, ETC., Constantly kept in stock. „ Give,nat4v Remember the place, next to ' " the hank. ALE A 4stat it Week's Record of the Pushing Border Town —The Ripley fall show will 'be held on th p 15th inst. —Miss Mary Anderson, of Dungan- non, is visiting in Lucknow. —Spanish- lace .1 triTur• , corsets from rrrt;rts. up,and:srjerdicsieryr:just;daMrs..fnith —Miss Bierman, of Lucknow, is isiting at Mr. and Mrs. Dore's.— Tiverton Watchnzan. —The annnal spring • show of the rs. mith's. —Mr. and Mrs. T, 'Deklor were vis, ding iriends in Goderich last week. —Tne census enumerators com- menced their canva"ss. on Monday last, —Mr. McDonald, of St. Helens, left on Tuesday for British Columbia. —In Tiverton, on Monday of last week, the wife of Mr. Harry Giles, of a son. —Fish net trimming and all over net in black, just received at Mrs. Smith's. ---Miss Ruth Ciardice of Ripley, is Davison. —We want live correspondents from all sections of the adjoining townships. —Messrs. W. J. and Isaac Ma thers, •of Kinloss, left this week for British Columbia.' visiting at the residence of Mr. Alex, Pollard *hag • again assumed control of the Tiverton Watchman. -L.A. full attendance of all members is requested at the Workman Lodge on Monday evening next. —Miss Jennie ; wt : was vi,iting her .parents in Wioghan: on Sunday.—Advance. —At a meeting uf _the -Board— of Palth on Tuesday evening, Mr. Thos. Lawrence was elected chairman. • —Mrs. Smith's spring stock of millinery is nbw complete, and will be found cheap and stylish. —The Ontario Government granted $1700 to assist in openin new roads in the Bruce peninsula. --Navigation on the lakes is ex petted to open much earlier this seison than has been experienced for many years. —Mr. D. O. McKenzie left on Tuesday last for British Columbia, after spending a few months visiting friends in Kinloss. —Miss Leila Berry sang at a concert in Blyth on Good Friday evening, .and the Standard says she was "loudly applauded and enchored." —Mr. Alex. K. Cameron, of Weet Wawanosh, who has been' under the weather for some titne past, is, we are glad to say, much improved. ! On Saturday last, a ladies purse containing a small sum•of money. The finder will greatly oblige by leav- ing it at the SENTINEL office. 49 —Mr. John McLennan and family, of Kinloss, left on Tuesday for Mani- toba, with' a car ,load of horses and has g up other effeets. —Six good driving horses, suitable, for livery, wanted, in exchsnge for wagons- or buggies. Apply to Adam Thompson, blacksmith, Lucknow. —Mr. Thos. Matthie,•of this village, has a , four year ald geranium that measures 4 feet, 4 inches high. The leaves measure five and a half inches in dianieter. —Thehead of thr school system at Bay City, Mich,, has issued an edict prohibiting women teachers from going to dances and parties evenings on the ground that it is not conduct- ive to the best interests of the schools. ---John Purvis, auctioneer, will sell by public auction at lot 28, con. 10, Culross, on Thursday, April 14th, a quantity of farm stock, implement.; and lumber, the property of Joseph Kraemer. —The patrons of the Tees wager creamery received '$11,250 for last year's cream. This season they will be iaid 16 cents per inPh making one lb. of batter for May and June y 15 cents for July and August, and 17 cents forth remainder of the ssason. --John Purvis, auctioneer, will.sell iatifih at f� t 33, con. 2, ,Kinloss, on Monday, April 13th, a large quantity of. farm stock, imple- ments, etc., the property of John Cameron. e e in the Horticultural. Park, Winghim, on Wednesday, April l&th• —Don't forget the auction sale of houshold furniture at the auction mart, Lucknow, on Saturday after- noon next. —The Reeve of Wiarton prophesies a rate of 3 cents on the $ for this year, unless the council abandon all street iutprovements. —Mr. David Moody has purchased the large frame residence from Mr. Wm. MoD maid, on Outran) street in this village. —Fall wheat is looking well through the country. A favorable season should give another large crop this year. ---R. McCharles, auctioneer, will seli,by public auction at Amberly, on Saturday, April llth, a quantity of household furniture, etc., the property of Allan Shaw, •- —A meeting of the License Com- missioners for South •Bruce will he held at. Mildmay on Thursday, 16th inst., for the granting of tavern and shop licenses for the current year. —A c -ar-y--elahns-that--Sa-m-7 son- was the first man to advertise. He took tWo solid columns to deinon- . s rate ins streneth and several thOus- - n people "fumbled" to the scheme - at once, He brought down the house. —John.Purvis, auctioneer, will sell by public auction at lot 5, coo. 7, Kinloss, -On Tuesday,.April 14th, a large. quantity of farm stock, imple- ments, etc., the property of the late David Houston. The farm is also offered for sale. DUNGANNON DOINGS. DEAR Sm, --Please insert the follow- ing in this week's paper : The SENTINBL is bound to keep apace with the age, as has beeh shown in the last issue, by, making its appearance in a new Spring dress, which improved its appearance. Its numerous patrons, no doubt, endeavor to excel each other in congratulating theproprietor for the energy he has made to make the SEN- TINEL a good newsy paper. We con- gratulate the SENTINEL, hoping that it will, owing to its new style, be a3cord- ingly appreciated by the public and therefore increase its circulation. More sullies to, it. The anniversary of Her _Majesty's birthday will be celebrated, weather permitting, on the 25th of MaY,'uhder the auspices of the Dungannon Agri cultural and Driving Park Association in their beautiful ground at -Dungan- non 'In view of having a good public entertainment, in fact the best that has ever been held in the village, an energetic committee has been appoint ed to direct and make, the celebration excel all previous ones. Look out for posters, where a full program of the affair may bit seen. All are cordially invited to join in the event by their presence. There will 4 something very attractive for the old and young in the way of arousement. A large crowd is expected. . • ASIIPIELD. . The following. are the 1)1.01:notions made in school No. 5 at the recent promotidn examinations : Junior 2pd to Senior 2nd — R Minter, J Wilson, S Webster, J Hunter, L Ilabick, M Brown. 'Senior 2nd to Junior 3rd—R Wilson, •E Reid, M Gardner, E Gardner, E Mc- Gill. Junior 3rd to Senior 3rd ---L Hunter, R Gardner, E Gardner. Senior 3rd to Junior 4th—G Fisher; J Reid. Junior 4th to \ Senior 4th—j Gardner, W Gardner A Gardner, J Wilson, M Andrew, M Anderson, R Webster; B th to (All. -!=AV Gardner. '•<The fall wheat in this vicinity looks Very well. If the weather is favor- able for the next few weeksthere will be a prospect of a good yield. a AVIA. .... WANTING - SAWS A'Ni) AXES AsBETU.S. PACKING Far Machinery, Ilarkunt's Patei.it Qat opt, • • wairiseg ArEur gAir Ii"N/F E Audanything else . • thatis new, call and any D. C. TAYLOR. WHOLE NO. 898. - PASSED AINAY. Thomas Potierson, Sr.. otNorth Dorchester On Sabbath, M•Areh 29,, Thomas Patterson, sen.,died at' his residence, Korth Dor age He was born in Banffshire, Scotland, and was married in 1826 to Ann Crujasbaks, Rothemay, w died Dec. 28, 1842. In 1844 he was again married to Jane McGregor, 'parish of Keith, Scotland. He came to Canada.in 1853. On Dec. 28, 1877, his second wife died. The issue from the first marriage were William, Banffshire, Scotland ; John, West Willianis; Janies and Robert, West Nissouri ; Thomas and George, North Dorchester ; Alexander, Luck no w ; Ann Stewart, Blyth ; Isabella Hogg: Thanaesford ; and from second marriage nnly one survives, Jane Hogg, East' Nissouri. The annual gatherings to the old home for several years have presented representatives from the cradle to the tornb, including 85 child- ren and grandchildren and ' twenty gi eat grandchildren.. In politics deceased., was life long Reform. ;„ in -refigienra 46-ttiot Pregb) terian,having . officiated as elder in Thamesfot d Pres- . byterian nhurch for ever 30 years. He was a than of deep religious 'con- victions, a strict observer of the Sab,, bath, a devoted and fatliftil elder, father and- bre • •IntI61-1 e ers and members Of the church. bear ample testimony of his worthiness. While strength reinginedhtorganized-------7 and stiperintended a Sabbath school in he school house, first conceasKei of Dorchester, which was largely attended yr all denoMiriations. A spiritual wakening among the young at this lace caused him great joy. He often eferred in declining years to his umble efforts for the spiritual welfare f those children as , the happiest orients of his life. About 90 ehicles assembled at the old home- ead on April 1, at the break up of ur Canadian winter, when roads uld not be worse, to perform the last lemn rights, and the pastor,. .Rev. r. Cameron, improved the occasion soleninly addressing the . friends dm Psalms, xii, 1 : "Help, Lord, for e Godly man eaaseth ; for the faith - 1 fail from among the children of en." He earnestly pleaded that as, d in his providence was 'removing Lried and trusted servants, men ould step into the breach with lives , wly consecrated to his service, and ecially he pleaded that prayer on alf of the congregation of, Th slues - d, "Help, Lord," 'so that men with al zeal and love for the master's rk would be raised up to assist him, minister to the spiritual wants of t congregation. In conclus;en, he ; have known deceased 'for nty years, during seventeen of ch I have been his pastor and orker. I never knew a truer or e faithful man ;• and just to show character I v,vill , give you one mple : He thought he could not ibly survive over the Sabbath and. d'the membersof the family to his ide and charged them not to pro - a coffin or do anything that could eft undone until the close of the day, but to remain quietand retice the Sabbath." Paraelirases and 53 were sung at his own est. The six sons of the deceased as pall' bearers, the rianains interred in Dickie's ceinetery, uti, after an earnest prayer by Cameron "Dust to dust, osees hes," he was laid to rest in the hope of a bright and glorious rection. t a 0 113 V st 0 CO SO by fr th fu m Go his sh ne esp beh for equ iceo to tha id twe whi co -w mor his exa, poss calle beds cure be 1 -Lord reve 42 requ acted being Nisso Mr. to as 'full4 resur A sun bath set, bath quickly passed al; y From earth's dull night to heaven's (ale -eat day. Long will the eye with heartfelt loss dcplorp, And o'er thy grave the silent tribute p u. Yet not vain sorrow, but a purer woe With pleasure iningled, bids the tear to flow. ; Though thou bast ta'en thy f1;ght t r, In bliss, We mourn. thy loss, left in a world • tb REPORT OF S. S.' NO. 5, KINI.OSS. Fourth class—A• StitlierIanfl. • intoslif E -41.cintosh, • J I itti 11. Third class --A McCaul, N McGillivray, A Pierce. Sem, : c'ass —I3 Bain, J Cox, I/ Cox, D Mc nen, Port. II—D McLeod, N Pierce. A Mnlntosh, A McDonald. .apt.;4•44 • ) • •.a • attettlailk. ; • ,.....,