HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-03, Page 8�.J 4 a• North • otic t IpterM thane point's 114B. orth f aueside p. m, 3:48p.m, RA 9 00 p. m, • `. lU 30 " 3 00 p, m, Fridays ', (a, i.. euth } 9.3.Op. m r,. H. 8F B., South tiGr, & W ,& B. Norah 3 2.O p. n� >Uo1 rood) 4.30p.m. irn1ough Kinker 1SeOrvel Bruce Ociunty, Friday,. AprI.i:.3r 1 age. aniwe warn those bays „ have 's 4=tapped'Z the heauttiful maples near the school, that';their case will beattended to before a.m& trate. • Patent Fire Lighter • Mr. D. C. Taylor, of this village, is and economical household articles , in the country. It is an ingenious con- trivance for, lighting fires and will save its cost many times in a year, as well as saving a great deal of trouble and annoyance. Everybody should have one. e-aa Ield on-Tttesday, ° April 14th, com- mencing at one o'clock. A splendid prize list i3 offered by the Society, and we believe a large number of good horses will' be present. Painting call the attention of the public • that they are prepared to do all kinds of house painting, paper hanging, ceiling decforating, kslsomining and fresccp�ooeing., Also roof painting, wagons and bynggies painted. Rock bottom prices for the coming season. Shop opposite Findla -openTaffwithin that cumber of weeks. —One-third of the graduates at the Detroit Medical College last week were Canadians, who will practice c4 their profession across the lines. --We a n' • t' ! l , i � : pri , u we can provle t e 'dies with gossamers and the gentlemen with waterproof coats. Our - stemis well assorted in those lines at low prices.— W. Connell. —A number of boys were up in the belfry of the' new town hall at Wing- h',m th ntp h her clay whov en rs fN s PT 13RLO s- MILLINERY ! 1ILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! DRESS GOODS ! ibRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! SILKS! • -SILKS Two great days for the ladies of Lucknow and surround- ing country. - FRIDAY & SATTJI{D,A Aprl 3 and Our Grand Millinery. Opening and-displayofdresrgoodjs. EVERYBODY WELCOME; Brwpton Bros. r Village and Yi*inttg f twgi. Not Proof Against This It is said thata bailiff is prepared 'to seize anything there is money in if he gets- the documents to do it with. One, the other day, however, declined to lay his legal grasp on 'some swarms of bees, the only thing the debtor had. New Post Offices . New . post -offices in Ontario have been opened as .follows ; Blizzard Mine,. Nipissing ; Bedwell Road, South Middlesex.; Chedoke, South Wentworth ; Elmstead, • North Essex; Kaladar Station, Addington ; Powell's Corners, North Victoria • ; Victor, South Norfolk ; ' Wikwenutrong, Algoma. , Legislative School Grants "'`\ Below will be found the amount of the Legislative school grant for each municipality in the county of Bruce for the past year : Albemarle, $153 ; arrow scape On Tuesday night last as Miss Jennie Worthington was going' home along the sidewalk on the east end of Campbell street in the darkness, she suddenly stepped of the sidewalk and had a verynarrow escape front serious accident. This is a very dan- gerous piece of sidewalk and there should be an electric lidht close to it. Notice ,, 11 parties are hereby forbidden to pay Angus McKenzie, Jr., or his agents any claims that may be due for services of " Lochnagar'' stallion, as I am and always have been the owner of said horse, and to ine only' should payment be made. Said stallion is now for sale. Angus McKenzie, Sr., lot 71, con. 2, Kinloss. Taking the Census All arrangements for taking the census' ofd a Dominion are now com- p There .." are `fo-titteeii chief officers and a commissioner for each county, and about 3000 local enumer- ators. These latter officials do the actual work, going from house' to house and taking the information:, The taking of the census will iom- mence ,throughout the Dominion on Monday merning next, Aprilfith. Register Them The village clerk . has received a circular from the ,Register -General instructing Atine to enforce the law with regard to registration of births, marriages and deaths. - We have often .called attention4••to the Act relating to this matter, yet some will neglect its provisions. A death must be registered by the occupier of the house in which it takes place, and before the interment 'of the bodY. A marriage may be registered within ninety days by the clergyman who perforrned the ceremony. The fine for neglect to register is $20 and costs. Shooting in the Village We wish to warn'all parties against diseharging firearms Within the cor- poration Of the village, /arid anyone guilty of such an offence *ill certainly be proseeuted.• It was a disgrace to our village the way the laW was violated last summer, and the cruel inannei; —Whibli the robins and other jbea,utiful song birds were slaughtered. There: is a fine of $25 for killing any of those birds or ',ebbing their nests of eggs or young ones, and the constable has been instructed to prosecute every offender, young or old. Gone.9ut West There 'was a large number of our citizens at the station on Tuesday last to witness the ,departure from our village of •Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greer, who left on the half -past ten train for dalgary, .Northwest territories. Mr. Greer also took with him six splendid heavy draught horset and a car of household effects. 'Frank was a coed citizen and dulng his stay, ireL6uck- noW made Many, friends, and both his and Mrs. Gre,er s departure from the place will be regretted by a large circle of acquaintance and friends. The SENTINEL wishes them unbounded prosperity in the Prairie Province: Epworth League A regular meeting of the LucknOw branch of the Epworth League was held on March 24th, it being the annual' meeting for the election of officers. The following worn chosen : Rev.^Mr. Coiling, Honorary President; Mr. E. Husband, 1st vice-president, manager of phristian work ; Mr. R.: C. Rrumpton, 2nd vice-president, -"tanager of literary work ;' Mrs. Htisband, 3rd vice-president, manager of social work ; Miss 5. Treleaven, 4th vice-president, manager of entertain- isi 1\t'Slailougb, secretary. It was moved and seconded that the regular night for the League to meet 'be changed from Tuesday to Monday night. Carried. All the young people are cordially invited to attend. A petition in _favor of extending the ranchise to women is being circUlated tr Bruce School Teachers • There are in the county of Bruce 100 male and 109 female public school. teachers. The average salary paid to the former is $398, and to the ladies $26,0, while the highest salary paid to a teacher is $650, being -in the village of Lucknow. This of course does not include the towns. There are only two teachers in the county with first class certificates, 55 with seconds and 132 with, thirds, one first class county board and 19 temporary certificate. Dropped Dead The remains of the late Daniel Rutherford, who formerly kept store an Belfast, arrived by the noon. train in 'this village on Wednesday. be - ceased had been living for some time past in Michigan, and while out driv- ing in a buggy on Sunday evening last suddenly dropped dead, from heart disease; from which he had suffered -for-Some- years:- 'He'was onlya -young '- man, in the prime of life, and his sad death is a severe blow to his friends and acquaintances. The remains were interred in the Dungannon cem- etery on Wednesday afternoon. NEWS OF THE TOWN. AL Week's Record of the Pushing lEorder • Town —Mr. George Girvin, barber, left on Tuesday for the Northwest. , —Mr. Smith Kelton, of St. Mary's, is visiting friends in Lucknow. --,—A large amouht of maple syrup and sugar waa made in this section. - —The churches on Sunday were nicely decorated with Easter flowers. --Good Friday *as' generally Observed as a holiday by our citizens. • —Mrs. S. Robertson and Mrs. J. Bryan were visiting friends in Brussels last week. —Messrs Michael Boland, altd Saunders left for the Northwest on Tuesday 'last:. =The' weather.on Good Friday was very disagreeable but Saturday and —A comfortable cottage, containing Hnnter,-Lucknow-P. 0: —Wanted.—A good farm.hand to engage for the summer months. Apply at this office. —March was the roughest month of the past winter, and it certainly went- out like a full grown lion. —Miss Lille Bowers left on Tues - 'day for Belmont to again take charge of a 'large millinery estalalishment that place. . —Miss Lizzie Lawson left last' Week for Detroit, where she has secured a good situation in a leading store as milliner and saleswoman. —Fel. art muslins or lace curtains go to Connell's where you will find excellent•value. A few of those lace curtains with bound.edgei for 50 cts. a pair still in hand. —"Shut the door", is no longer heard, but other cries our senses greet, the wrath ot wOmart is incurred, if you shirk the order, "Scrape your feet.:' —Messrs. Thomas Hussey, A, C. Hawkins and John Whitely are the census enumerators ter Ashfield, and John Bowers and Vies. Durnin for West Wawanosht —Our tnillinery department is now in order for the seasons trade. " Mrss Markle wiil be pleased to have a call from the l'ady customers. , Whether you, want to buy,or not,'coine and see the styles.—W. Connell. —In the census about to be taken there are 87 interrogations in the case of those who live and do business in t e same building. It is expected t Elorne of the *questions will cau,se —We have some good tweeds for spring suits. We bought them cheap • and are going to give our customers the benefit of it, Special discounts for cash.—W. Connell. —Always do as the sun does—look at the bright side of everything. It is just as cheap and three times as geed fel. the digestion. mis, ap, one o t iem, Master rank Coolican,' + formerly of Lucknow, fell down a considerable, distance, injuring himself severely. It was thought at first that the injury might prove fatal, but he is rapidly recovering, -OMnu...mitrotiug valuable report upon compulsory education in Canada, Great .Britain, Geutany and the United States. ,- —Bring your auction sale bills to this office and get them printed while you wait. We give a free notice the SENTINEL, which is worth as much buyers know about the sale. —Our spring stock of boots and shoes, which ' were bought for cashln `thetbest markets is now complete and buyers• will find prices right.. All boots warranted not to rip. W. J. Little. Canada averaged 833 gallons -to each 1,000 inhabit;utts, the heer 3,360 gallons, the wine 104 gallons, the tobacco 2,142 pounds. All show an increase over the precedinear except tobacco. GIVING UP BUSINE S Great Clearing Sale of Groceries ,at cost. ' 1,000 worth() f Groceries To be •given to the people of Lucknow ,and surra . _ .. ing countryat first cost: - _...._. - 0 sat Your Own Prices. "6c.. Ong,u ea or c. A 50c. Japan Tea for 35c. A 25c. Japah Tea for 20c. A 25c. Y. Hyson Tea for 20c. A 25c, Congou Tea for 18c.. A 40c. Congou Tea for 30c. - 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1. 18 lbs. Yellow Sugar for $1. 4 lbs. Raisins for, 25c 4 lbs. Curiants,for 25c. 7 lbs.Rice 25c 60c. Golden' Syrup for 45c. 50c. Molasses for 35c. 5 bars Dingman's Electric Soap for 25e. 6 bars Lon,don Electric Soap for 25c. 5 bars of Favorite Soap for425e. J.0 bars of Ceylon Soap for 25c. Jubilee Soap per Bar 20c, Barrel Salt per Barrel $1.25. Choice lover Seed per bus. $5, Timothy Seed per bus. $2. NOW is yo -gr chance to doods at your own prices, This stock must . be cleared oUt inside of one month. FIRST COME-- SERVED. • WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY. os 1 1 11, PQN'T WANT' ..1711K EARTIL WANT A LIVNG And I am going to have. it hi Lucknow, too, and I hereby announce to the people Of Lucknow and surrounding country that any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out that •I mill put in two sets of teeth, • TEETH° TEETH '44.1111rilit Temp orary,0 Permaitelic. For the price of ono set, $15', made of the very best material in thet cvm41d. use no rubber but 0. Ash Sons, London, Engrand.. Thelteeth will 'be C. Ash k, Sens, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the businesato be the best in the world. Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they are getting, and as I will • tzarantoo SaWfactioa, iro all reasonable people, the 2unreasonable, and there are such in the world, at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. / that T. do not want their trade. I can "tirtiev*Pi)rzio