HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-03, Page 5prWlir117,7177.7,7,yerer„Halr„ ,..7•71-07.;FWIlfr .;,..7,1V4°:::r•174A11.4777,4-77i=f;;;;;;MMX;ra,7,t1',17, • ••••••••••• ONTARIO FORESTRY REPORT. LE I shouldAike to inform your- rea4ers 1 .ra 110 1 Vo Editor of the Sentinel : 7,1 DE/ E Sin, --If you can spare Apace • • A ke,V t ""' 4 • *4^ ••• ••.•••••••4..•••••.••••••••••••••••=1..•••••••••••*usi•••••• ..••••••re•a••••••••• maw."... • r,•••••=•••••=1/..,..••••:••71••=•••••••••••41•2••••„rett•-••„4•••=•••=4„,=,,,••=4=pr The LucknOWSentinel, Bruce Cilounty, April 3rd that the Forestry Report for the year is now ready, and that I will send copies, fr a of charge, to those inter - i ested in ti ch matters, who will send their ad resses to me . at 251i Rich- mond street west, Toronto. It is full time that in Ontario people wer,e lantin p taikt.attiler, tection ronin wind along the roads and fences, but also in close plantations of ash., hickory, elm, and such hardwoods as will in a few'years be of great use on the farm, and command a high price when sold to the manufacturer. If we -plow and harrow.a field, in fact get it in good order for any IMPORTER & GENERAL DEALER IN DRY GOODS,GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES, READY - MADE CLOTH- ING, ETC., ETC. , feet apart each way, -such trees as we, Want, and. make a point afterwards of passing through the lines twice in a summer for two or three years with a oultivator taking care not to cut the. roots, . wir 11 find these young trees Othulating ch other in their endeavor to rise upwards.: They will grow tall straight sticks clear of knots, and will furnish good timber for any purpose. Timber whibh in- a few years will hardly he obtainable here. These . young trees will 'thin themselves or can be thinned by hand at the option Of the owner. ,Either way I have ' 1 known to answer well. 1, • Tw. over - educated college bred young wan who is dying for a chance to elevate tile world through_ the col, umns of the daily newspaper should read what Henry Watterson, one of America's greatest and most brilliant newspaper men, has to say about the profesh. Hear it is : " It is wearing, tearing business. I am bent on it th .1 17,75 journalism. The eldest is practicing medicine, and. the other two are still boys. ' There is northing in ,:it for a man in comparison with almost any other profession. * * When he dies, all his brilliant writing is stored away in newspaper files oo s up. •uring his life, his influ- ence is only indirect. He doesn't get credit for what he does." Yours truly, R. W. PHIPPS. 'Toronto, March 26th, '91. e • STRANGE REVOLUTION IN WO - ME I RESS--INILL AMERI- C/U IES-DAIMA,DOPT IT- Som predict that the great change in the fashioning of the clothes which are to be' worn by women this coming season is the most wonderful victory for the nineteenthicentury-if fashion leaders can be induced to adopt, it, ,and appear just once in public soe 'arrayed. Men will hold their breath in wonder it the marvellous change it makes in lovely woman. ."Few of the fair sex 'can help being beautiful in these glove -fitting costumes," says a writer in a recent number of TheNew York and Paris Young Ladies' Fashion Bazaar, "This magazine is the" only only one in Europe or America which makes a sPecialty of giying those inclined to stoutness an unrivaled appearanbe •of sculptured slimness," said Her Royal Highness the Princess ,of Wales. Madame Patti has ordered !from the Paris house four magnificent •toOstoreeso the designs of which appear nhe April number of this Fashion Bazar -and in this magazine only. Mrs. Harrison is greatly fascinated with the exqisite gem,,,,eostume No. 4, • ill the April number. It is 'expected she wall give an order for an exact counterpart of it, the whole front of 'which will be incrusted with pin -head diamonds. This gown alone will be worth a king's ransom. •SOUTH RIDING • ......m.•-•.0141- THE LICENSE COMMISSIONERS for this district will meet for considering applications for licenses for the year 1891-92 at the Commercial Hotel, MILDMAY, .,4010*.At the hour of ten o'clock a.,in„ • on, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, ANGUS STEWART, • License Inspector. Lucknow, this 2nd day of April. 1891. LICENSE DISTRICT • OF • SOUTH BRUCE. NAMF,S OF APPLICANTS FOR Licenses not now licensees Belts, for Royal Hotel, Mildmay ; Richard Coe, for his house at Ellengown (Coe's Hotel); Claorge Atkinson, for a 'tavern license for his house en Lot No. 4, north of and fronting on Culross St., Belmore, being part of farm Lot No. 1, Concession A, Township of Culross ; , David Spenc ,e Bruce's block, north side of Durham St., Walkerton. The total number of tavern and shop licenses issued !luring the current year is 45. The total ntimber of applications for the ' ensuing year is 43. ANGUS STEWART, License Inspector. bucknow, April 2nd, 1891. BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE UN DERSTGNED WILL KEEP for Service this season at lot 11, con. 8, E. D. Ashfield, a Chester -White full bred ,boar, lately brought from ('inkcrton township. Terms -$1, at time of service ; $1.25 if not so paid. PAUL-MELTZER tal;41. 4. A „.• .„,„ .'„,!,,,,,„„ty„;,, . eg to advise our many customers of the following NEW SPRING GOODS, which have just arrived, and are now opened in stock. SEE THEM. 2 'CASES NEW FANCY PRINTS. (Nobby styles and patterns.) ' SEE THEM. 3, CASES NEW &.• FASH- IONABLE DRESS GOODS. SEE' THEM. • 1" CASE OF MUSLINS., DRESS AND ART. SEE,THEM. 2 CASES FASHIONABLE READY -For AUCTION: SALE I NOTICE. (Y TWO FARMS IN THE TOWNSHIP of Kinloes, in the county of Bruce. Under the powers of sale contained in two mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale there will he sold by public action at Vain's Hotel, in the VILLAGE• OF LUCKNOW, ON • Nan 1...rato a atea Aetwelve o'clock, noon, by Mr. Peter Corri- gan, auctioneer, in two parcels the knowing farm properties : Parcel No. 1- -Lot number 24 in the second concepsion of the said township of Kinloss, containing one hundred, acres more or less. This place is all cleared There are as old log ban: and log house, and small frame stable on this land. It is about three miles from the village of Lucknow. • PROPERTY FOR SALE, OR TO RENT. BRING NORTH HALF OF LOT 25 IN the llth con, of West Wawanosh, con- taining 100 acres more or leas. Farm is situated 2i miles from the, village of St. Helens, 7i miles from Lucknow, and 10 miles from Wingham. There are 65 acres cleared; 10 acres in fall wheat, and 40 acres seeded down. There are also 2 good wells,, a good frame house, frame barn and stable, and 1i acre young orchard. It is half a mile from school house and convenient to church. For further particulars apply on premises. JOHN/McQUILLAN. THE LUCKNOW 1?.e4 tVKINGOMPANY ( Not IneoTkenlated,1 •-• GEORGE MAIR, PROpRIETOR MONEY TO LOAN DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL PRIN- mpal points. Cheques, drafts an mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer- ican currency & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. ' Money to lend on farm or village property at the lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first class stock insurance companies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two 50 acre farms for sale0 cheap. Office hours 10 a, m• to 4 p. m. G: A. SI DDALL! Manager. MADE CLOTHING ' Men; Youths and Boys.Spring SEE THEM. COTTONADES,' SHIRT- INGS, GINGHA1VIS, LIN, ENS, ETC., ETC. SEE THEM. 4 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, For Men, Women and Children, also the Babies. SEE THEM, Goods MRS. SMITH Has just received a lot of NEW PAINTS NEW DRESS. GOODS, •MUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, And many other,novelties too Watch our column for other numerous to mention. announcements a fast as :A CALL IS SOLICITED. they arrive. TO THE FARMERS. e beg to say our stock of CLOVER &; TIMOTHY. As well as other seeds ARE ON, And prices low. While not wishing to drop any money, we are at all times pre- pared to meet any cuts as fast as we learn them. . Yours faithfully, gra. Smith.. ]1003K•1-11:TM FIRE! FIRE ! Insure your farm prOperty, private dwelling, in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0--'- Office,--.A. ROSS harness . shop, Lucknow Wil be in the office every Saturday afternoon, JOHN LANE, Agent ILIIIIOngit. 4 11141400.00 yearislutIng made by John R. Goodwin,Troy.N.Y.,nt work for tut. Reader, y'on may not make tut much, but, wo can math you quickly bow to earn front 106 to il{10 a thtfat the entrt, and more as you go on. Roth ems, all ogee. In any part of America, you can Commence at home,g1v- the work. All le new. Ordat pay log all your theater .pare momenta storo every worker. We art y011, fens king :RAM ABLEAM,441tettat. evetylhho rafittit, snnEnitv intro.*. IMMO a tv ruarixtip, taining fifty acres mere or less, and the northerly forty one teres of lot 20, both in the eleventh concession of the said township of Kinloss. On the parcel there is a large frame barn with stone foundation, frame house and a' small orchard. Timms :-Ten per cent on day of sale, twenty per cent. Withinthiirty days thereafter. The balance mayremain on mortgage for five or ten years bearing interest at six and a half per cent. yearly, or shall be paidwithin thirty days from day of sale. For further particulars and conditions of sale (which will be made known at time of sale) apply to the Vendors' Solicitors and to C. A. Shepard Esq., Lucknow. HOSKIN-& OGDEN, Vendors' Solicitors, 14 King Street West; Toronto. Dated March 17th; 1891. THE SUBSCRIBER RAS OPENED Atir office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AqUEEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,specihcations and estimates for build "lltIMUrr•AtZarTal. TrPrr="Z=rligd1=1"Z,b.a.ganZ =1"sr.,-3.-Mtar. Wind, oriages, on short notice. • JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. • Administrator's Notice To Creditors. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of Agnes Sutherland late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron,. widow, Deceased. Pursuant to the iieviseilsstatutes of Ontario, • Chapter 110, notice is hereby . given, that all persons having claims upon or against the estate of Agnes Sutherland, late of the Town- • ship of Ashfield, in the County of Huron,widow are on or before the 1st day of May, 1891;to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the under- signed, solicitor for Robert McIntosh, admin - is r; I_ •• • _a_ata writing of their names and addresses and the particulars of their claims, and the nature of all securities, (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby further given, that after the said ist day of May, 1891, the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having "regard only 'to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said administrator will not be liable for the proceeds of the estate'or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim the said administrator has • no notice at the time of distribution of the said estate Or any part thereof. H. 1VIORRISON, Solicitor for Administrator. Dated at Luoknow, the 26th day of March, A. D. 1891, ' • . House and Lot For Sale, OITUATED ON CLYDE STREET IN 0 the Village of Lucknow. The house is a well finished frame, containing 7 zooms with stone foundation. Large cellar and good woodshed ; hard and soft water, Half acre of land with splendid garden and well stocked with small and large fruits. ,Jrhe lot is on a hill side commanding a fine view of the' whole village. Foi• further particulars apply to • JOSEPH ANDERSON, Lucknow. • ANADIAN PACIFIC I\Y. [TILERS' TRAINS WILL LEAVE ON ° FEBRUARY 24th, 1891 • AT 9.00 P.M. AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAFTER DURING MARCH AND APRIL WITH COLONIST SLEEPER ATTACHED roR • MAN ITOBAC CANADIAN NORTH-WEST • .,parrons wirhoul- Stock a Colonist. ,:leper will be ahl-ached o Expres leaving Toronto II .m • For full inforthation and deseriptiv pamphlets of Manitobal the North West Territeriegand British Columbia, apply to any C. P. R. agent, " idr1;‘1;;;IriliAGICENAG11/41;:!:::::ig • \.•;IA' vi t,elt! '.', • . RU19' ' A pimp)) let 'Of information and eh- stract Of the laws, ShoWing How to Obtnin Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Coskrights, 'sent ire& • Addrese MUNN At CO. 361 Broadantr, •Ne* York. r t. ,00 IMMENSE BARGAINS. " Having just received a large consign went of Fresh Groceries, Choice family flour, Choice Tobacco, Canned. Gooad.. Crockery, Glassware: Teas, Coffees, • and Sugars, I be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery.. Goods delivered to all parts . of the villa •e, JOHN ELLIOTT 0 can be ensue at our NEW line of work, rapidly and honorably, by those of either •4•X oung or old, and in their • own lo ca I fth.s.„wherever they live. Any ono er111 do the work. Easy to learn. We furnish everything. We start you. Iklo tisk. You can devote your spare moments, or all your time to the work. This is an. entirely new lead,and brings wonderful success to every worker. Beginnen are earning from 425 to iSSO per week and upwind'. • and more after a little experience. Wo can huniah you the em- ployment and teach you FINIE. No space to expleNt hese. AO tuferutation IRBIL '1"TRITE eStc (O.. AUGUSTA: NOM • 1 , • - ,PUBLIC NOTICE. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT• Adam Russworin. of the Township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next • session thereof for a Bill of divorce from his wife, Emma Russworm, nee Correll, formerly of the said Township of Carrick, but now re- • aiding hi the city of Chicago, in'the State of Illinois, U. S. on the ground of adultery. Dated at Walkerton,, Ont., this 1st day of September, 1890. O'CONNOR & O'CONIsrOR • 6 -mos -S•867 Solicitors for applicant 2 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE 'OR TO RENT, EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 5, CONCHS- sion 13, E. D. Ashfield, in the County of Huron, ninety acres cleared, about five acres of fall wheat. fifteen acres seeded, two dweli. ings, two orchards, two wells, no better soil, barn, stable, granary, shed, et. Also north half of lot 6. con. 13, with 12 acres of fall *heat, 40 acres seeded, good fences, orchard and buildings. The above property will be sold or rented at once. Apply immediately to 888 E. TRAVER, Luoknow. • DUNN'S. BAKINC POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND 4 • BULL FOR SERVICE.4 ITIHE ' UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I_ inform the farmer s in this section that he will'KAN) for service at lot 12, in the 12th con. of Ashfield. his superior bred Shorthorn bull, "Cembria 2nd." Terms $1.00 for geasoni PEDIGREE-Cembria 2ad, roan, calved Jan,. 2nd, 1888, bred by J. B. Ridd, Rothsay, Ont,, got by' Waterloo Solway • dam, Duchess ot Oxford 2nd, by Duke of "eft 1664 ; 2nd dam Pansy 3rd, by Rufus ; 3r dam Victoria 3rd 4945', by Prince Arthur 956 ; 4th dam Pansy 4203, by Napoleon 863 ; 5th dam Victoria 2nd 4940, by Halton 684 (11552) ; 6th dam Beauty 2431, by Wellington 1156 )13087) ; 7th darn Lily 3617, by Fergus 629 ; 8th dam Beauty (imp.) 30. by Snowball (2647), he by Lawns- leeves (365), he by Charles (127). 4-894 JOHN F. ANDREW, Lucknow P. O. ...1 FARM FOR sp TN THE MATTE I; OF NI) ItMAM McLeod, Margaret McLeod, Angus • Leod, insolvents. The farm lately occupied by the above named insolvents, situated in the township of Hur, f sale. All under cultivation frame house, fratne barn, large orchard, and well 'watered ; one of the best farms in Huron; a bargain. Apply to Peter Murray, assignee, Huron, or to ; • II AI ditN,_--- *Q icitor, JaulrkAri • 0, Ls...1010.9441s ..' fur '14 ,00 4