HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-27, Page 54'4P , 4 .66.....10036,1.6611.411445 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bryde 0ourity, r to departnients has been laid before you. The many expressions of loving sympathy ami earnestness we trust are •but th outcome of hearts touched by - , -than- atchiess-love.--of-Christ.- -The year fzas heen rich in mercies, ex. - perm ces and lessons to many of us. ,Can we not recognize these as blessings ,coming- from the hand of the beloved teacher? 'For all these and for the unspeakable privilege granted us of being co-workers with Christ in ;hastening that lad r'tkl8Fr-tilteeICAg rthe' ' orc-shall cover the eatth as the waters cover the great deep," ,,should we not this day raise our hearts in one glad note of thanks, givipg praise to our Father in Heaven. With the close of. this meeting wt, 'hegin the work of another year. Are there no calls for (treater se ,,,,-7,hhhsiae.E.,-:arentriteriti,6 o mor prayer, more sympathy, more help. Need- for deep wide-s.ead social and spiritua: n'eed, p has cr.. il ted our organizatien. The Macidon a cry grows louder and more pathethic, the need -inure urgent for the strong reinforcement of our ranks. What we all need and what the Church needs most ef all is a rich "outp-aring of the Holy Spirit io win our hearts more and more, and our sympathies, efforts and prayers for the cause of, God and for spiritual welfaie of. our sisters unper.the thraldom of ignorance. Let us go forward remembering that pet in the measure that we art true in our motives that Ton our banner unfurled in the 'name of the Lord mity be inscribed,' "These Christian efforts - ate acts of self-denial. ' rasfer • wereartwowsrsasmow;(wwwwwwwwwwwwww*Ill rch 27th IMPORTER & GENERAL DEALER IN IAtrah,(411,0CER1ES, BOOTS & SHOES, READY - \ I A DE CLOTH- ING, ETC., ETC. THE PEOPLES STO Preparing for the fall trade. Our stock is filling up f sst with the latest novelties of the season. Our usual stock of staple dry goc ds is very complete. We have just opened some special lines in. BLACK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS rip) El NOTICE. -TkLE: ASEE.aGE-1WEE., K. OPENULAN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. , AGREEMENTS, BONDS,' LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFCLLY ' PREPAREP. Plains ,speciocations and estimates for huil0 ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished / 4 ‘• • Mits. J. 0. kaoNann, Presbyterial Secretary. Teport of the :Maitland Presbyterial 'Society for the year endingMarch lOtli, 1891. , •RECEIPTS.. 1890— To balance from ,1890... $ -1 50 lar 11 --To contr. at annual meeting . 5 00 " " " evening -" 5 63 • - • " . " . Brussels auxiliary154.00 " " •Bervie . • " 50.66 . Belgrave " ' Bluevale ., • 46 • Eadies", 30 74 46 Ethel • " • '19 72 East Ashfield /.' 48 08 1-Lurini• ' 33 50 Kincardine/. 290 50 Lucknow ,/" 72 15' Langsids./ " 5 60 'Pine River 31 00 Riplv 11 50 t',1011 1 11,1 1 loss 48. 16 St,/lleheris " 44 41 )•)/hitrechurch 34 32 ' • • , • 44 60 Wroxeter • 56 28 Kincardine; Willing Workers M. B24 00 St Helens Harris M 1.3 19 00 ..; Wingliati: Happy Gleaners AI 11 1 90 ,13 47 31) 86 64 411 44 .44 66 i• 61 $1137 18 EXPENDITURE, By freigt or, clothing to Northwest $ 21 40 Secretary's expense ...... ... 2 00 Treasurer's expense " 50 I)raft to Mrs. McLennan ....... 1113 28 $1137 18 Miss JENNIE GRAHAM, Treasurer Presbyterial Society. LANES. Everything seems to be jogging along iptictiy again after the election. excite,nent. 1). D. Wilson's man is on his.regular trips ogain collecting the, product of the busy he)). • Js rues- Fet-gustm-r•jr:---Itas-gonu Northwest ;tgain, after Spending most of the winter at the, old hemestead. His jovial face will be much missed around • th,e but he carries with him the hest ‘vidips of many friends.. AT l'N' (O•)1( V seev•gatheritio• :Shan't, e!.s on, -4t. Vat ricks Pay. One Puny said he r,l1. \V 11' `;torol:ceper •Inintin fi.,. some, be. think it was w•clol: li was aft 1 a it i searce in town 11,,,t. no w. . • :\1 1'. .)( dill C., :I/1 ti•aiiting 'can (,:' ',,i(.4dy watched colts, , ;lre itpintl't In. Hy going I'D Ile LI initey !punk Rol f, Pra,,,or lots lir.aded the list here, ‘k I I \V. 11, 1 Lehi report,; 1 lir-e vers line Iambs front one f his lino black faces. .A. largo tininber of ',air young people ;Ittended Cho open Hall last week, and repOrted a good time. • • If your Zion eerrespondetn. \you'd like to know where Al,' C. Cameron got his, lar,(' majority, 1 might...just say 0111' ward 11'1d to swoll it by about one hundred and tem k is almost clear Grit; aint it, ----John Purvis, auctiamocr, will sell by public • auction al lot 27, con. 14 West . Wawanosh, 011 Friday, April 3rd, a I4rge .quantity of farm stock, implements, ate., the property ,of Jas. Mowbray. BOAR FOR SERVICE. .THK 1LTNI)ERST6NED WILL KEEP •. for service this season at lot 1], con. 8, E. .1). Ashfield, a Chester -White full bred hoar, lately brought from l'Inkerton township. Terms -41, at time of servi .e ; $1.25 if not so pai d. PAUL SMELTZER Bejfakt P, 0.,•Ont. beg to advise our many customers of the following NEW SPLING GOODS, which have just arrived, and are now opened in stock. SEE THEIVL 2 CASES .NEW FANCY • PRINTS. (Nobby styles. and patterns.) SEE:THEM. 3 GASES NEW & FASH- IONABLE DRESS GOODS. SEE THEM , • CASE OF MUSLI20...',-, • DRESS AND RT. SEE THEM... 2 CASES FASHIONABLE • READY MADE CLOTHING -For Men, YoUthS and Boys. SEE: THEM, • COTTONADES, • SHIRT- INGS, GINGHAMS, LIN- ENS, ETC, ETC.. • SEE THEM.. 4 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, For MenWomen and Children also the Babies. Watch one coltinin for other announCements as fast as they arrive. T() HE FARMERS: \Vt! beg to say our ;stock of CLOVE • 11:11011-IY. s well as'other seeds ARE ON, °And prices low. While not wishing to drop any money, • we are at all times pre -' pared t() meet any cuts as fast as we learn them. YoursfaithfullY, 1A : .1.744.:PkgdZI 10, rt -3EAUTIFUL GOODS. • .Also'a fine assortment of ready .,made clothing, bought more with an eye to quality than to a low price. Positively no shoddy. To arrive in a few days a very large assortmert • ofladies and Q;entlemens underi•lothing, inclu.ding those tire Italian elastic goods so noinifir W .1 t Nita oil c ot goo( varietirAam arT71(!sest prices. A large assort inent of novelties and stapt.is to drrive in the lima few days. As ' usual our stock of groceries, hats. caps, boots, shoes, hardware, cryckery, etc., etc., is, well assoited and all sold at closest priees. Please call and inspect. • ROBERT MURRAY, St:Helens, Sept. 3rd. DON'T .WANT THE EARTH, 'BUT 1 WANT A LIVING. ,And I am going to have it in LuAnow, too, and I hereby ........an,uou.n0e to -the. .people. of. -Luclao.w. and -surrounding country , that . any. persen or persons coming te me.having their teeth out • - that I- wilf put in two sets Orteeth,- TEETH TEETH, Temporary or Permanent • • For the price of one set. 815, made of the very best material in the world. 1 use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded - • bv all who are in the business to be the best'in the world. . . Those firms have their names on their gools, and the people can see what they are getting, and as I will merantee isatis) To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the world, will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade. I can always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow: • S'atitevso s) 2414o4 OW* • Air-Administrator's Notice ToUC Li0SUJ Creditors, IN THE MATTER 'OF THE ESTATE of Agnes Sutherland late44 the Townshil) Of Ashfield, in the 'County of Huron, widow, Dedeased, . . • • Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chanter 110. noticeis herebygiven, that all persons having' claim's Upon or against the es a •o ones . utherland, late of the Town., ship of .Ashrield, In the County of Huron,widow are on or before the 1st day of May, 1891,P, send by post pi/timid, or ti deliver to the tinder - signed ; solicitor for Robert ' McInti)sh,,itehnin- istrator of . the Aaid . Pstfitc„. a statement • in. writing of their panics and addresses and the P' ticulars of their claims, and the nature of all secnrities,.(if any) held by nein. And notice ,is hereby. further given. •that after the said. 1s6 day Of May, 1891, thesaid administrator will proceed to distrilmte the assets of the said deceased, amome• the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said administrator 'i1I not be liable ,for the proceeds of the estate' or any •part; thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim the said administrator has no notice at the time of distribution of the said estate or any pat thereof. IL MORRISON, - ' Solicitor' for Administrator. Dated at Luckhow, the 26th day of Alarch,• A. 1). 1891, ' • • ' - " AGt:-143V.l'Or • , • ' •.,•,•-., :-,. 4 \ ..„... 1 ir-i? Pin . ' '..,i,r ;'\O .• , . • 11. . . , .,, A n-anntila of 1nformatlott r.+.718 at). *,,:)51 eu('t.i)i the h. tr8,:thow It I.; How t4) , .4 ' . otl.talii Pat eats, Cave,,, A, Tradh 10,,InrItA, flop rrl ghttYt 'seta free. i"" . Av.., ?UNP & CO. .4 361 Iroattwatir, '1 • . w or— I,' 1r • 5... 42,a, NvoEARMS I THE T.OWNSHIP Kinbes, in the connty of Bruce'. nide • the powers of sale contained in two 1111 rtg4,es ..which will be produced' At the•time. sa'le there NVI 1.1.e sold by 'public ;uition at Cains llotel, in the , • VILLAGE OF LUOKNOW9 ON Friday, . April • 10th, 101, At, tAVVIV0 1104 h, 1)y "Air. ( gon, ewer_ tv.o parcels tin f llo‘ving faro 1).:i1ee1 No. 1 1141i, number 24 in the second com.e.-sion contnining '4,11e hundred :teres more or less. 'rids place i;'d, „id log ,,;01 • f rom• :•,tablt2 4,1 1 this Lit I I: 0 t1olit titre!! utilos friu 1 N 2 'The' 4•io.t half of lot 1•,, ing acre, ''(0 ,0' less, and n;,r;;:eriv (t) .one acce, of' lot 20, Toth ilt the eleventh ''''(0' -511 of the sa:41 1,,,v.iship ( )7, i pa.reelthere is a la 1.40 front. barn will, fluntation, frana Iwn..e awl 0 small 4,1chard. cunt on (lay of sale, twenty !, \vithiii 1.10.(.1•:ifter. 1)i4,1:171'1.1• 11111% 1.11iiiii11 I In 1111irtgal,.. flee ten vt 1in:4 intere,t at six 14,41 .7 half' 1 1* 0.1,44. ••110111,01, lid Nvitlui, thirty (lays foul (lay of furth4..r particulars and conditions 4,f salt, 1(1(1'1: Will hi. toH)tt 11 :It of sale) i; ; 4i11•111 „ . • apply to the 'Vendors' Solicitors an 1 to' C, 'A, 2431, by ‘VellingtoU 11561)1:19871 : ;t1, dam hepard Esq.. 1.11eknOv,.. Lily 3617, by Fergus 629"rtql14100, 11, .v113 (imp.) :30. by Snowball 0147), he I leeves (365), he by 4-'Intrles (127). 4-894 • , ,1011S .\."ND1: E\\'. • ' Luelniow P. (7, on short notice. JAS. EOM ERVILLE. Lucknow: Jap .189.1. Farmers, Stop and Read, 10 NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND mot ri,.1,11•11411141.1 • 31 43 441.6* •••411 a ou can raise an ring you noth- ing at the end, but raise what the market demands to -,lay•- a long, deep, broad pig that will bring about two cents a pound more than the scrub that tears up •the ground, upsets the gate, and opens the barn door with his snout. If you want sneh .,..yrkers as will till the bill bring sows to "Quiet Uncle Sam7 the beautiful improved Ohio Chester White boar. He is kept for service at lot 6,con. 14, E. D Ashfield. Terms—$1.00, strictly cash at time of service with privilege of-retarain,,,,, At . the SUMO place is kept a young I. 0. (2, W. boar suit- • able for serving .youn4, sows. Also fol sale cheap a first -chis tbnroughbred Ohio Chester -White boar. J. E, BARK %, E1.1„ • Lucknow i. O.. .. PUBLIC NOTICE. NoncE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Adam Russworm. of the Township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bi11of livorce from his wife, EnnaRnssworni,. nee. 'Correll,..formerly Of the said ToWnsliipof Carrick. but now re- siding in the city of Chicam), in the State of Illinois, U. S. on the grouni of adultery. • Dated at .Walkerton, Ont., this 1st' day of September, 1890. • ••O'CONNOP, •tt.; O'CON'NOR, 6 mos -S,807 1 Solicitors for applicant • .T1 • , All 'applications .for Tavern and Shop Licenses to take effect on the first day of May in the • LICL DIST ICT • OF SOUTH BRUCE 4 •. Are re(fiiired to be filed with the Inspector' for this License District, on or before the FIRST DAY OF APRIL 'next preceding. All applications from parties. who are nut now Licensees in this district, orin the case of an application for such license or for transfer thereof to premises which are • not then licensed, the.petition must be acconipanied by a certificate signed by a majority, "f the electors entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly . in the sub- division in which, the premises, sought to he licensed, aie situated. . • • • , ANGUS, STEWART: • Lucknow, March 2nd, 1891: Inspector. 2 GOOD FARMS • FOR SALE OR TO RENT, EAST HALF 015' LOT NO.' 5, • CONCEs. sion 13, E. D. Ashfield, in the • County of Huron, nicety acres cleared, about five acres of fall wheat. fifteen acres seeded, two dWell-• • • ings, two orchards; two wells,. nobetter soil, ' turn ,-stilble•,--ganary, shed. Mai"' iiiirth half of lot 0. con. 13, with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good fences, orchard and build.ings.- 'lin above property will be - sold or rented at once. Apply ithuiHiately to 888 '•• E. TRAVER, Lucknow. •, RP ( KING... POWDEt9t.i THECOOKIS BEST FRiop... BULL FOR SERVICE. 0 riii E E NDRSTG EL) W iSlf Es' Ty II. inform the farm, rs in this secti,I. tlat 10. keep for service ;It it 12. in Co, i2t.11 eon. of Aslitield, his ,iipe'rior bre.' S' • •r:.'' ,rn bull, "Cumbria 211(1." Tertassl -00 PErnour.i: 2101, ('00,n, ('Id ('11 Jan, 21.1d, 1888, beed by .1 11 :Ilidd, llotlisoy. got by Watorl,m S, 1 way 1 (111117, OxfD ord 21141, by uke of K 06 ent 1; 2:1.1 •',i11. Pansy 3r..1, bRus m .V y uf.3rd lain :1rd 4945, by Prince itbur 950 ; 1th dam Pansy 4203, by IN apole1I (11552) 1,1 4• h dm 863.; 5taViet •••ia 211,1 fltlI 4940, by Halton 1111141; TN O('1 )EN, • . Vendors' Solicitors, 14,King Street West, Toronto. Dated March Tith. 18.91. • 17 P41000.06 n year 7, bring mode by John R. Is,tioodwin,Troy,N.Y.,nt work for no. Render, Nyou may not make ns much, but wp eau tench yeti oniekly how to earn 0''m to .$10 a day nt the 1,10 0?, and more no you go on. Roth sexes, n11 nges. In any part of America, you Ono eonitnenee nt 11001e, giv- ing n1 I your linte,or spare moments only to flat,' work. All Is new. Great pny SURE for sentry worker. We mart you. fornfahtng overytIthig. 11 S $ PE learned, PAttyleCLARS FREE. Address at onto, STINSON & CO., CORTLAND, cnn nrfied et our NI01 lino of work, rapidly n 1,,norably, hy thofte of either •o%. !ming or old, and in their own loonlit I eo,n Iterever they live, Any one esn do the work. Easy to !etym. We furnish everything. %V., *tart No risk. Von run doveto your spore moments, o r rt 11 your time to the work. TItis 1, an ontitaty now lend,nnd brings wonderful *tweets to every worker. Beginners Are priming from $25 to *SO per week and Upwards, Mad more after a ilttlo experience. Wo onn rtutaish you tho ptomenctintosith-you-Fnitai apaentirarp1sin tinier inal.unatio* nag. TRU IC sly CO.. AUGUST FARM FOR SALE. ITIIE MATTER OE N ( Al AI * Ale Leod,„ Atargaret, ••1 ',44• Lood, insolvents. The farm lately ,4•eu'idell )!. *•-%. named insohents; situated in-IA:v.'. '7 (('1711' Huron, is for Sale. All under eulti‘ation frame 11411 se, frame barn, large 4,10e1tard„;(11(1 well watered ; one of the be't' fa rin 17 11 11ron; a bargain. Apply to Peter 7.‘itirray, assignee, Huron , or to 14. MORRISON, 889 5. 08 1' to. golieitor, Lucknow • /171- w7' 7' L *J •Bic` so Watson, t, Itussie, Holderk, c.'YValtN, 7