HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-27, Page 4--THE— A. .1 whom etelututA• lnE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY, ACCORDING TO Tv.A.n.01..s.wEs OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL 4,1‘k.1‘,4„, *,'.•.11,4"1•S:r•• . • , The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, March 27th, 4.orwiffismiiiimurumersp muminnsrs isisarltwommi" • • mercisA department in all, the Colleg- jate Institutes of the Province, and a specialist—in-mumercial • subjects, .will. be required, having equal rank as spec- ialists in modern languages, classics and sciences. It is felt that many who attend the High School do not intend to pursue a university purse, • and a con-anaemia1 departraciat in which pro vision will lie wade for instruction in stenograp y ip6Olitieeping in in, its modern application wouid be a great boon to many young men and women who are now -preparing for positions in counting houses and banks. This change. doubtless will meet with uni- versal approval. It is also proposed o srovidt for the a sointznentof Hi. h kalotr, Mach 27th, 491. ,q0A11N I (iN REVEN UE. *tient of Inland Revenue for the year 1890 tshowa the total revenue to have Amen• $7,779 616 an increase over 1889 , of over $800,000. Spirits -contributed $4,620,393, an increase of $730,000. .• go: The consumption of spirits increased from 2,960,447 proof gallons. in 1889 sot . to 3,521,195 gallons in .1890, -against an average consumption of 2,641,132 'during the last four years. • Ontario ' consumed 1,868,796 gallons ; Quebec, 1,254,360 ; New Bru0swick, i17,615 ; Novtt Scotia, 102,597; P. E. I., 2,535; Manitoba, 101,411, and British .•polutiittisi, 73,876, Licenses %%ere ta.keti out by eleven distilleries the total number in • Canada. Of malt liquor 17,196,115 gallons were maim- fat:lured. an ..inctease ;from 1889 of ' tlitre vei I de: "here was oonsunied 9,875,337 pounds ..gainstall average ennsnmpti:on for ur years. of 9,080,223. There was a .1 - -IT inthe u.se. of Can: dia.n . - %tipper% 'Nero V4'( 98 6 117 ars ..tionsuint.d daring the year, -„ii ndrease of Over, 8,000;000 above ot he, overage of the last four years. The osumption per 11et•441. otspirits, 83 gallons, again:m..776 goaruits the vious , year ; lieer„ 3,360ga..II ons, iiittt -3,283 ganons in 1889 ; gagons against .097 in 1889 ; ilea), 2,143 lbs.,.against 2,153 lbs. 188.9. •,•• , r THEY WANT A VW' E. • • oo ras i•es ring e, December preceding the year in which they enter upoo their duties. It has been found that, in many calces High School trustees were appointed. from among defeated aldermen and others 'Whose ai u municipal expectations w ere. dissappoinied, and in order to leave the choice of the Council as free from •all xte'rnal influence as possible this change is made. Members of Munici4 pal Councils are to be disqualified from serving either as High School trustees or as members of the Board: of Education. It is proposed also t, give the Public School Boards repre- sentation on the High School • Boards under conditions similar to th,4 repre- sentation of the Separate SehOols. , Of course this would not apply where petard of • Ed u ea tion • exist. Authority to• be given trustees of High Schools to dispose . absolutely of their right to pi-operty. -This - 're-- • -natiy- boards-a.d the. Ciitc-uit..tus - method employed heretofore in clispos• ing of real estate .controlled by the latard. Material cha•igt.s will be mad. in the mode of paviii High School grant, eicep! ii o far as. Ceneevli', the Levislatiye. , rant. Cone y Councils wit.1 Ito tequirecrto give all equiv,,lent of the Go% eriimmit, grant as at present, but • hen, the avyrage• attendance fttitit. the 11 1.) 11 r iexeess of the iN a,k.to ea-iaace flow die liogil Ii Jit1j, I.t01S1o)t 111 he 'math-, for such 4411 equitaltte to...ttitait'ent of tlit- burdens ntaintainieg the 'ffigh-Sid:,•ool• a, Will 'Materially rel leve th., High .distriet. Atithori,,y will also 1)... gkeito eioutity Comic:11s t,, impost. fees not exce..ding 810 per allItlatll 1.11 •401111ty, thin 15 tii 1411.11t 111i! I.)11111e1i of maintain- ing lie.11 SChoois !o a certaiii extent from the ratepayer to. those .availitig, ehnlders and leaseholders alone _themselves ail the-advantagt•s. In the' • "'" • case of pupils attending -the High the privilege at' present of voting sehool from this districtin which the bylaws. The labor °Ewell- I i • is si• ,„i gh School situated no change is however,• have taken up the' to be made in the Matter of fees.- The 'matter, and are senditigin :petitionsto entrance examination will be contin- . . `the Legislature asking it to extend the ued, but instead of a board of voters.Thright hasexainin- privilegeto all ers for each High School, it is intended:. .. • - . '- e in she past been restricted to. free - 'holders and leaseholderson the ground co g:t eat) .111100/ir 11,4•411. BEAT CLEARING SALE, OF WINTER GOODS - Over Coats, Ulster eletlist t.-Ft=tallZ Jacket ClotAst ^au:, r r zamuzarirm, wrarso za_zzgamramemmr.-r-n-Anzemtm-p-.3r„zal Allawist inner Weellems Furs. Now is your time to secure bargains. . T. DETLO WO. Ell '91. Our stock is now complete in all departments, an_o. is • the largest, B:ST SELECTED ANL , BEtjr-- BOUGHT— We have ever shown to our many customer's, MBA AMOtifin17-110----tunir---61kTi,ii. A cordial invitation extended toall to examine goods and compare prices. IVITTP,I3-0C1-1 467-7 CO. LVCKNOW AND DUNGANIN' 11 k••., to supply the money voted. .Their crowning argunioiit, • however, ii hat it is the 'not his prop- erty, that 'should possess vote ; that. wopei•ty i.s voluel• without loin..a• qLiOn, and that :he 11e111111,.pulilic afety and the. general good command tat all voters should have a voice 11 that the taxes to' poy for he money voted have to be raisedoff the property by them, and that voters who :owned no property wouid be reckless in voting . away public money 'Which •did 'not come out ,)f their pockets, and which might not be Nisei until long -after they had left the mpnicipility, as they owned no .property that 'Would kee • theni in the same 4 -lace for any lengd (if time. The non-owneTs of property argue, hoWeVer, that it is tint tenant, not the landlord, .that really ,pays the taxes, and that in reality the taxes that go to pay for the monoy by-law are paid 'by him. • Thcy nlso argue • 111:11 °ter who •Nays taxt..; 1411 • income or personality is 4110014 entitled to vote on such 1))-liovs as the landower, 1Tcause his taxes are also 'the settlement of 4. questions tAlie conin,unity at large. • ....ob... to appoint a board of examiners for each 'county, composed of insPectors Prints and Dress Goocts in...-:.reaer,:.varie and the principals. of the High Schools. . ••. - • • . • . right. prices. . . . uniformity . in regard to the High• , ..• , Setiool,entrttnee examinations will be i•,:.'' . . , ,,,:,,, ,.,.. 7 t....,, secureA' in this way without additional - IN TWEEDS 1 'i ;,,...,' . . • , si 1,••' •i•-...,0 ',)u expense. .An appeal will be allowed from the, examiners to the Liiic-ation Department, and all complaints. with regard .to the mode of conducting the, examination will be.open to adjudica-; tion, as heretofore by the •clutirmai. of the Public, 11igh. and 4Separate Schools •THE. )ti,trict 111 Wilit'll til.t" tion "iS • to• be borne. by tin' . County Council and the Iligh School district hilt power is,to. bogive'n to the County •Council to itep-ose a. feo 1101 exLsokling 81 for the exaininat ion •of.nach PaPil. Trustees of Ifigh, Schools are ttt... have a similar power .1. change iti.iita,14- ill OE, lligh Sellool t-('.i.lits .11, ' ,' first iao....wers .....cAsems, ...arKaarca•Raa. 0...........".........6.... VI,, 1. emsamattoneeu.m. , 1-ligli ,.'....:'•ellool leen.' wif. , t•._011 on Luc last Monday of August,•ins•'etil of tit the beginning of the year : t he secont term yill la,giii with :'.ril January, j,fi- seem1 of the ;11.1. and'holidays exh.ind- ..almmed • IS ABOUT. COMPLET. • .....6.....,..sassmooymmoraolomati,moomots of the county. A gre•iter degree We -have xtra t t L • , ti LI. t been purchased, aid will be cun tap tr. 'ILA • ANN OUN uE Ai • • ' V„.11, -C3L C)i\EELLJLL EaSter. The • Scl1001S' W. ill close for summer on,.:Oth The practical ell'eet of this. will 1-e ta. increase the holidays in High Schools • not inore than a couple of'days. hut the 1 mg term from 1st .1:1ntinry to 1st ,1 is to he relieved hy holidays r(mly stated No doubt teacher!. and piils which Will welcome this as a 10L 1 relief, I ziCHOCIL LEGP4.,21110A. The bills ro1itin, to oducatioq ill - by lion: :U.. W. ,Ross titst •Oilk Iniik4' SOUR' 141. hich are worthy of note. The fol- a-vitig are understood to he some of points in which the High School a w will be amended :- 44 It is intented to establish a • 00111 - PROPERTY FOR SALE, OR TO RENT.. BriNG Notrnt HALF OF LOT. tr, IN' the 1101 con_ of Wvst Wawailosh, con- tainiti: 100 acres monFarmti 27 miles from:rite ‘i,a.;.e •Ifs 'Helens. mile, from Lucknow, and 10:mil-es' from Wingham. Ther( are (LI acres cleared ; 10 acres in fall wheat, and 40 acres seeded down. There are. al.. '2 wells, a good frame house, frame barn Anti stable, and 11 acre young. orchard. It is half a mile from shoot house and convenieta, to church. Fol. further particulars apply on premises. JOHN McQUILLAN. -• it wi1i ,Drotit a, .Y • 0 K TONE or, simmaraggarawatt uiatntzemosn.,....TrumomummstaNnvanossrmax.rvavelemeormso • Th V cal -waLl, to pL e uoc. • P AhLtu , 40 0 FOL:.,•., COAL OR 'WOOD • This season' , to call on ub You, will find otir st( k complete and at reasonable prices. • A large stock of •Stove clairets, Pips, Etc., .4.w4y town it PriCe, Now is your time to get a good stove' cheap at, The leading gtove depot. CM, 1.1-C70_2.s.:INCO 01\1-3-1 4 •• 1' • • . • • •••:Sik . 45 k • . ;A :