HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-27, Page 3� ---I '.. ,,� / 1 .Aii , 0 � 4 '.. . / 1 ' , O� 1 tlLi'O j C(yj j A �j)! �1 vi>4oe. The hon. gentleman# may easily jS NATUHE A NIGGARD ? diagram o! the Ontario nickel diatriot. FOII109D . IN His PuoY9�l'. ;�,,•,. r j� R{, LEGE JI(� U u, And bim�aelt.wbere hie intoreat ae a lumber• Will Prof. . Ashley say whether men would point in one direction, hie duty iia stored -up riches should be held hat the Ladies' ma � `ri • His, *-•-- •n' ae ember t. the C4overn ant in. a the 1 ----+---- Now a er n e n l�..._..._,.. >lh.--Qk..r..£�, - .# fon..,....th�...• .:people._ _..sill_..__ 6 Wa atitoit . -...�._ _ .;...... �.. _ . �.....�......�_....____�.. _-_.... ___rv.. ,.,._, _.�.r_ ,.- _ ., ..� �.,. w,_,.. A-•QF1t1t11131I1 of �'rofr Alihley s Lee- - . ._ ... �h°ie _.._�. -- .... �_. _ Without re$eotin on the hon. member for -' " `� The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'alo0k, g given over to private speculators ? lathe I! a sooiety � man,+ after a owe canoe, � Ottawa,. the principle of hie appointment ture on the Single Tax. valued added to the land of a community were to show the contente of hie vest - s The following petitions were presented : g z was a bqd one, and it ought not to have by the presence and necessities of the whole pockets he certainly. would divulge roan j" From William B. C. Barclay, of Arn-_ y g y prior, pra,11 ying for 6ii Act to change his been made. populatign to become the property of all secrete that are sea sealed book to the "I Mr. H. E. Clarke said be had been our- p$OFEBOB V�. P80VIDEI�CE• those who contribute to make it, Or of some uninitiated. There would be seen a Med name to William Barclay Craig --Mr. ( ' Amore .prised to'ese a statement made by the hon. - one or more of them? Will the profeeeor ley collection of buttons, scraps o! 1604), 4: From the Town Council of Cornwall Attorney -General on a platform in the city On Feb. 101h the Toronto Mail gave a of political economy who suggests %bat besides a diminutive pin-cuShion, studded H ' tihM hie Government be,d received & tr_!tjor- brief report of a lecture on the Bingle Tax unimir.division of the products is one of with varied colored ins. Hidden deep in 1 - praying for an Act to ooneolidste the debts. it of the votes of the oo le in the general delivered. by Prof. Ashley, of Toronto p g poverty, contend the recess of his vest pocket' h0 carries a ' -Mr. Black. y P P g the causes of prevailing T? elections. University, before the Political Soie00e that these roduots of incressin o ala- ti _ ' + From the Fort Erie Farr Railwa Oom- x t,, .'l R and p! j i av P g ,P P tyy silver heart, whose velvet, aides are laqq eQQ j rz.a :r ..—^^+s^cr_^^rc _....,... a--ry^� .. mss. ^:^a^:r.._ m. z �. r- - ,. ., . IP3. �!.. �` p (� 1, .!' .a '"n^'f1F':.u. r .. w , ., y.y- ww "':T¢, , . 4,. ;., �. n ....,. .-... i ... .... T.: ^R:.'7... :1.i'{. .:5,'� ,.`^.I.,v (�• • �.,�,..� ^I^ 1'1.Lrn�.nn� Z.T."S:l..�.. l?4 Tw •;1 ` i^9�^r^' ._.1J�•e .'fie"'.�,L#..{�jjy1/M�j',,``�,u,�;l; ti YVe�i� ii 11611 . Fill: mud to 1a�i<��..�-.>I�S't1_iY <�a+Z.48LiiYl.L. xev-1,�t. � +. �",�.. .,. W�.I YJi:Gd "'•"::J'.'"7 {�. • - 4'�� PM, i i�J ..fig..._..'... �W.i.� '•i ,. y '.•'.ufi--nL_'t•.rt-.l4'.:..t1W Mr. Clarke replied %bat the Attorney- e4) n a most interesting an instructive ; eli f eadj' `the "" `� '115 'sem ��' f legalize certain bonde rind for power to ex• NOT TO THOSE WHO PRODUCE THEM, delight of readjusting the lane frill of hies � tend their line -Mr. Boater. General might have ascertained that it was One, snob as any who have listened to the partner's gown, which 'some ungainly !el - no% true had he wished to. know about the gentleman a deliverances would be likely but to some, interloper who lies in wait to low has etb ed upon while the have been '` . From the Grand Legion of Ontario Select to e� eot ; but, unfortunate) pp p y matter. In oonolneion of hie speech he P y. the m0agro- absorb whet others earn ? It h0 does not gliding through some wbirlin waltz. It $nights of Canada, for an Act to enable nese of. the re ort ' i g g g g asked hon. Treasurer when the public p• g van forbids anything .4)o contend how will he remedy it save by %hem to acquire, hold and convey real he be aslant be will have a needle and q y accounts would be brought OOWD. " likes fall or fair criticism of the state the adoption of the principle advocated as g eet4te.• • mente made and position attempted to be the Single Tax 2 some tbread beside, which will offer an From East MiddlesexFarmere' Institute Hon. Mr. Harcourt replied that he'bonld P P g excuse for a few momente chat and tender . not set a day, but that it would be early. sustained. Perhaps the ' reporter colored ell the old abuses in society, universal and for certain amendments to the Municipal the roteeeor'e words auoonecionsl in the particular, ail uuju•t aeoumulations of property glances in the little aoneervatory, that is A01 resW tine the market _Aax._ The following petitions were presented : P y or, are avenged in the same manner. p repair just the lace to re dir "that horrid rent v . - -. _-. _._ - From Dietriot Assembly 125 X. of L. '' & Fort William Electric Street Railway. eta em ute.given are o�jir n fed` wi s tat herald o all revolutions. One ihing he teaches, ;� I y Mr. Harcourt -From • the Synod •of preoieenese which, were they oat of bar- that there is rottenness where he appears. He for an Act for the examination of persons mon with the views he held, BhUald have is a carrion crow, and though you see not well 00 TO THE .RED -BOOB i avin ober e�of stationary en lues -Mr. Niagara, In regard to certain tract lends Y_ what he hovers for there is deet); somewhere, ; g g y g and certain oonvenienoes of conveyance. called forth a prompt disolaimer from one Our property is timid, our laws are timid, our E. Clarke. ,.� y If You Happen to Have a Particularly B6� lhr. E, F. Clarke -Flom George Stephen. , in the position occupied by the lecturer. I cultivated classes are timid. Fear for ages has Lase of " Blues.' :jl Mr. Tait moved and Mr. Garron seconded have beard of no repudiation, tberefore, I boded and mowed and gibbered over govern- .11 x son Assembly. No. 9,005, K. Of L, ;Dietriot P meet and property. That obbcene bird is not Y"` thereply ►o the speech from the throne. take it that 'the report presents Prof- ,there for nothii, . 'ie indicates great wrongs Colors not only .influence cattle, but Mr. Meredith followed and was replied to 'Assembly 125 R. of L..; Local Union, No. Aeble 's views with reasonable accurac which must be evised., 7s merson, human beings also. On this point some 46, Journeymen Plumbers • L. A. No. y Y• g by Bon. Mr. Mowat. curious ea eriro�nte are reported from 5,743 ' > mayflower Assembly and District THE CHARGE OF INJIISTICE. MAeQIIETTE. p P ,1j Committees were appointed to strike ANsembly No. 2,622, praying for legislation I read that he pointed out the " injustice Italy cis to the effect of colors on the nerves 1 Standing Committees and to assist Mr. P j Speaker in she Dare of the library. in regard to holding of land for epeonlati've and danger" of the system (Bingle Tax ,bat - RAILWAY T1iATN MURDERS. of the sink and insane. ) purposes, for examination and licensing ) In the Hdspi%al for the Insane at Alex- f M Mr. Meredith Said it was usual for the how unjust and wherein dangerone not a ypanieh RobbetrsTerrorizing Passengers on sarldria special roome are arranged with .• ' of stationary engineers, and for protection word, it is a most in] ortant omission. Government to make an explanation of against defective eoaffoldin' . p the6allways. red or blue glass in the windows, and also• 1, Cabinet changes, but as the member for g g There is a niche in the temple of fame for g Mr. Clanc -From the Count Council A Madrid• cable says: The.woman found red or blue paint on the walls. A violent '( Ottawa (Mr. Bronson) was not present and y y the man or woman who oomee forward - . he Mr. aleredith desired to ea something of -%anti for an extension of the Torrens- With each a aemonntratio»; and it !'rof. murdered- in -a railway train at Seville yes.. room a is brought- sfects of that a r o ( ) y g system of land transfer on the Same terms terdey was a French dressmaker. The post• room and left to the effects of that color on 11 respecting that gentlemen's appointment, a Ashley hue each.& thing lying shout loose mortem examination showed that she had his nerves. as the system was introduced into Toronto in the recesses of his brain he is depriving " he asked the Attorney -General to postpone P g -been repeatedly stabbed with a knife, and One maniso was oared in an hoar ; i and York county ; and that the control of P y explanations until a future sitting. The a waiting world of an enlightenment, long that her throat had been out. The assassins another was &t peace in his mind after jails be not taken from the counties. end diligently b _ P , Attorney -General agreed. g fly sought Otter, y not giving it were surprised at their work b the sto passing S da in a room all violet. The I � L'�, The following bills were introduced and to the nblio, thonsande O P y P P g y t Mr. Tait -From Dietriot Aeeembly' 125, p f whom are of the train, and ' read ti fleet time: page tamped out, dropping red -room is deed for the commonest form i R. of L., and the Brotherhood of Carport• victims o! what be clearly sees is a fall&• some bank notes and old, . which were of dementia-melanoholy,_ venally aocom- Mr. Waters -A bill to amend the Assess- g tens and Joiners of Ameriosi Local Union cions and dangerous political heresy. Of afterwards found covered with blood. 'ponied by.a refusal to take food. After ,b,a 11 Ment Act, end a bill to amend the Muni. „ 27, for amendment to the Municipal Act to course after it is shown to be unjust and P of &1' Act. „ 'Three men have been arrested on suspicion three hours in the red -room a patient m allow the whole municipal electorate to P dangerous t could not contend that it was of being the murderers. afflicted in this way be an to be cheerful s� . Mr. Gebaon (H&Milton)-A bill respect. « oaloalated to do o b g y g tote on money by-laws. Also from the good at until I have Last evening a r0 berentered &first-class and asked for food. -Deutsche Revue.''I lr ing the liability of directors. the reasoning I moat ane end ad Ment. p i • t ,' ' some bodies, for an dot to tax all laude g P judgment. Carris�e on the train 'qt Saramoeaa, and tM held for speculative purposes to ire'_ loll Mr. Kearns -A bill consolidating the When however I am told that it diverts " p. P P debt•of th'e town -of Milton. - with a knife stabbed one of,', -the passengers, MILHINGt MY MACHINERY. W. `' value according to its location and n4tnral - "men's, mindtt "from more . -eensible and the Inspector -1'6' ' - '1 o! Tele rah . -- •11 g _ practicable methods of reform, I confessy _.-__. _4dyantage9... Also from Local Assembly_ _ P _ _. latter aver Onvered.She-assaadin..and_..threw The Latest mechanical Device for the Use I—- . L , Bar. Ma wood asked for. an order o! the �,g P s e t P HOasei for a return showing the date of-th® to Borne ell ht aonfneion of eros tion. It 'him off the train. The man was afterwardsI r' 5,743 and the Brotherhood of Carpenters certificate of the judges appointed to try „ g , P P of the Farmer, t . and Joiners o! Amerioa, Local Union 27, 1 g PP y it is unjust and dangerous" then it cannot ca tared in a d in condition. rd °rb the election petition 'in the North Perth be " Sensible" in an dcgree . nor can I P dying An English dairyman hue' patented an. for an dot to provide for examination and y g licensing of persons having charge. of election vaso. conceive of a '" dangerone and unjust DOMINION HOGt BREEDERS. ingenione machine for milking cows, which ' Mr. Mowat, in reply, stated that in the system " being adopted as a " reform." I lose been employed by him end found to �,._ :_. stationary steam engines and other devices case of North Perth the judges' report -woe atherefore$ fyraed to conclude, h&vin The snnnal Nestle$ Hell Last Evening, eatroot the loo%sal flail in, a' enperiior,'�� worked ander preaaare. Also from the + Brotherhood of Oerpentere and Joiners of dated the 10th o[ December, 1890, end .-it the professor's logical a0ntenesa in mind, The third snnnal meetin of the !)omin manner from the ;most unwilling animal. x� ,+ was received by the olerk on December the that ha did not intend to g The principal feature of the apparatus ie 4, America, Local Union 27, for amendment postulate that the ion Hog Breeders' Assoctotion was held ,. . --__-- ___-- 11th, -1R90 __The-neta�srit. w&s�dated_ sin le tax was '�u eat -and -den erons,e_ �h9--rubbelc_tippe�__b4]� . 9n_p%-_ which _ I i--of-Bilnnioipa Aotshet "Mani`oipaTConntii,e g n7 g set evanin in tliie�lbion Hotel; -Toronto: `' December 30th, 1890, and waa signed and while he viewed it ae in an d " oesees novel points. A number of these 1iri 4 x, may regnla`the erection and oonstrno completed an the% day. That writ had y agree senei• The President gave a report of the progress on s are connected with a general conduct - tion,, of scaffolds end appointment of in- been forwarded to the returning officer on hie and practicable." mad® in improving the •conditions of the P , r; ing tube, which conveys the milk into a �l .spectors. the 31st December. He Supposed -this . THE QUESTION STATED. industry and gave some valuable hints on large vessel where the snotion ,is made. , .,. �v Mr. Wood (Hastings) -From the Council would cover what was opeant by " the But if I may be pardoned the presump- the registration of bogs. One attendant can milk from four to five- r' :` of the county of Hastings, for the eaten, „ tion, .I would Suggest that raouaabilit The following officers for the year were cows at a time, the operation od talon t cion o{ the Torrens system of land transfer issue. gg P y chosen President, Joae h Featherstone, Mr. Metcalfe moved for a copy 'of the immediate or remote, is not, pertinent to P about five minutes fdr the lot. The w to that county. X. P. re•eleoted ; Vice -President, J. Y. "�" commission lamed with respeot'to fish and the question of right or wrong involved• It ( ) inventor claims that the process rather0�1,' . Mr., Smith -From Frontenso Conuty ams protection, and of an instructions, can oral tend td befo dad contuse. The Ormsby ; .Secretary, F. R. Hodson; 1. s,, g p y p g pleases the oowa, and that the quantity of Farmers' Inatitnte, for the abolition of accompanying the same . or connected great broad question which, judging from Auditors, Henry Wade and Frank Shore ; milk is not affected. 4" market fees. -- Directors, Berkshire, R. Snell ; Suffolk, therewith. the report before me, Prot. Ashley has not The Attorney -General in the absence' of Mr. Mowat said the papers would belaid grappled with remains to be settled' after R, Dorsey ; Yo'rks, J. Green, jan•; Cheater Hon. Mr. Roes, presented a_bill'to ooneoli• p P PP Whites, D.DeCoarce , Poland China,Wm. THE FASTEST MILES, p before the Hones. The report had not yet any epeonlatione as t0 praotioability. It. y ' ,date and revise the laws respeoting the Small Fairfield • Tamworth John Bell o been received. should be the first consideration. Is it � � � crack work to Swimming, Walking, Bow= Education Department; also a bill to amend b monopoly of the L'Amaronx ; Victoria, Wm. Butler, Deer- lug, and consolidate the Public Schools AotIr: Meredith -Wad this postponed on right that the few, y p y Running, Etc. ' account of the elections ? natural opportunities, should be enabled to ham Centre. �,I , oleo a bill to consolidate and revise the ., The fastest mile.& single man has tray .1A Mr. Ross -We were fishing at the time subsiat upon the traits, of the labor of the High Schools Aot. These bills were. read of the elections. excluded many ? Prof. Ashley cannot fail A Leafy' Crown, .1 eled by various methods of l000motion is to , . the first time. The motion stands., to nnderatand that gaestion. There. is no ' Ex -Empress Engenie in her recently pub• date ae follows: Swimming, 26 minutes 52 r ° The Attorney -General presented also the Mr. Meredith asked whether the report use in hedging ; it cannot be smothered in lished volume of letters tells an interesting seconds;' walking, 6 minntee 23 seoondo; .-s following bills, which wase read the first o{ the Prison Reform Commission would be verbal 4)o hie%r p story of the wa p snow shoes, b minutes 39 seconds; rowing, , p y ; it is the roblem of the y in which No 'poison III. time r snubbed the ladies o! hid court who were 5 minutes 1 .second; running, 4 minutes � 1 To regulate the charters of Loan Com- brought down this session ? age. It demands a So * noriool yes or' no. . Mr. Mowat replied thafi pant o{ the re- The Bingle Tex men day no 1 rade to Empresa Eugenie when he was woo- 19 Seconds; frieyole, 2 minute 48 2•b anise. ing her. The ladies were bitterly opposed seconds; bicycle, 2 minutes 29'45 seconds ; f , P port ie now in type. .:I3®'woe not, in a pouf• ROFES50R VERSIIB PROVIDENCE. skating, 2 minutes 12 3.5 seconds ; trotting ii To inore&FO the efficiency of the ,coal tion to give precise information. The work $rat Prof. Ashley to the match which they saw on the horizon, courts of the count of York. y &aye ,the remedy pro" and the treated Mlle de Monti o with horse, 2 minutes 8 seconds;rnnning.horsei k To farther amend the laws respeoting,the was being pushed forward with all dill- pUeed is insufficient bac&neo "there is not marked Coldness and disdain. Onedayin 1 minute 35' seconds ; railroad train, 40 ty genoe. enough produced in the world to satisfy the seconds; balloon, pneumatic tube and oleo- solemnization o! marriage. k P y the park of Compiegne, within eight of her i Mr. Meredith resented.& bill to amend NOTICES OF MOTION. needs of and maka every one comfortable." trioit records. are et to be made.. • P Mr. Waters -En' air Ie it 'the inten- enemies, the irritated girl complained to Y y the Ontario Controverted. Elections Act, q Y- Now, were this true, whish is not admitted, the Emperor of the treatment she . received . which was read the' first time. tion of the Government daring this or any it would be no disproof of the effioacy of at their hands, He listened calmly and The Date for Easter. The Attorney -General on motion to ad- future seseion•of this Parliament to bring the Single tax as a remedy for the evil. It smilingly. When She had finished the story The fact that Easter falls on it very early, • 11. cern mad brief statement respectin' the ,in a. bill to enable women to vote for mem• Prof: Aabley hits given the theory that of her grievance he out off a leaf bough, date this year '+?arch 29th has caused a , ' j P g' g Y g Y ( ) 4 Cabinet ohangee made einoe last session. hers 'of the Legislature ? careful examination which I would expect and twining it in the form of a garland " friend of facto and figures" to collect some " 's He�aid : Three appointments were made, Mr. Barr -'Tuesday nczt-Bill to amend from him before attnoking it, he mastbave P g y 8 y y .i � Al ` 1.rho Aeaessmeint Aot, &leo B1Kl'%o amend the observed that the effect of the tem will l&sed. it on En cele s head, sa in l°ndl' oaricns Statietios. In 1883, he a& e, Easter'; two of them being changea In the compost• enough to be heard, " While waiting for fell on March 25th, and it will only once., "- tion of the Gogernment and the third an Public Schools Act, be to out off the supplies of a vet army of the other."rte. Next day the ladies treated again this century, namely.in 1894, fall on. `:�'» ' Mr. O'Connor -Tuesday. next -Bill to tax -eaters and other mere oonenmers Oi the, . additional .appointment. The bon. mem- y Mlle de Montijo as their future sovereign. So early a date. In the three following. bar for Ottawa is now a member of •the amend the Municipal Act. earnings or products of others and compel Dentaries it will ioonr only eight times c>n, • them --to seek rodric&e.-- employ meat: - -- ___.._-___. _ _ ......_.... ._ �, -__ ___.___ _ - _. __­­­_._­_+____ Government without; -portfolio. We-- were -- p ( P f%y „ 6iiOWing on iiia l�ltraw StilibC the dote, namely in -2952, 2035; 2046, 2057,. The Witty Irishman. ^;' . � anxious to have his assistance, but his Even were he able to show and be will not The Khan" in the Toronto Telegram : � 2203, 2114, 2125, and 8198. i private business makes it im ossible for When told b a doctor that his liver wag Succeed in doing eo) that there is not The earliest date on which Easter cari ' P P y 'Yesterday a prisoner in Toronto jail looked ,,� F him to accept a portfolio. He is one of almost gond', said, " Faitb, 'it's glad I am, enough produced to ststisty the ne"�ds.of all, n through the barred window of his Dell tall ie on March 22nd, and thio only iz? eaeE , � i,.`, the ablest business man in the Dominion, it's allera botherbd me." lie will, obviously, fail to Show that the n g P the. moon is fall on Maich 21st, when this, i „ intro notion of a new body of producers and saw the white snow flaking softly , and belongs to the e&stt3rn part of,the Pra- The liver, more than any other organ, is Y P down: It made' him home -sick, for he date happens to tall on Saturday.. This lI tt viaoe, and is 'familiar with the interests, the index of the body. With a morbid witbont any corresponding increase in the ,,w y• knew that it was Snowing on the old straw combination of cirottmstances is extremely feelings and wishes of that section. The liver the whole system is out of gear 1 -Most number of consumers, will not tend to g "'�� 1, inore®►aoe stack behind the berm, snowing on, the rare ; it occurred in 1390, 1761 and 1817, e — eruniont felt that it vroiil0 be ddviaable p�8rfn1 for the reateratiei}of this . oitsds tltiatatitysLf'the„neoesearies end -spotted_- steer -that- he-ill-n-Mured--c & _ d.WjJLhA a ,Mn in 19ffl__2 76 •and to et his assistance, especially during the of health,". is Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical luxuries of life desired by all. 2144 w ile dttrin the tlireo followin Den• � g P Y g refused the shelter of the shed, snowing on �• g g • (i- . 4 sessioreof Parliament, and at other times Discovery. Its adtion is direct, prompt, AN OLD BUT FALSE Cay. the lazy sheep lying on the naked knoll, Curies it is not once "on the books" &t this °�_j when he is able to Deme. It is quite in so- effectual 1 Recommended by eminent The plea that the prevailing poverty does snowing on the old mans standing np y „ earl date. On the other hand, Exeter , cordanee with the constitution &rad with physiaiane,'it has gained a universal repo- rapt arise from she imperfection of Haman coned asleep in front of the tool hones, never fabs later than April 25th; this was i Xk4f the British practice in this country to have talion se the ” Great Liver Regulator I " enactments, but that rt is God ordained- snowing on the pigs lifting the wet straw the case in 1666, 1734 and 1886, and will L � ! r,� members of the Cabinet without par%!olio. Correct the liver, and yam onre many ;Ile •1 %hat nature is a niggard -ie old but not with their handy and skilful snouts, snow•, only happen anoe in the next century. < ,,,� At this moment Mr. Smith andMr. -Abbott The " Golden Medical Discovery," -is war. venerable. In the words o! Lowell : ing on the pomp, on the bank kit namely, in 1943. -Pall lllall Gazette. H.Y, in the Dominica. Government are without anted in all oases of liver disease and blood God has plans man must not spoil, and on hie poor old mother's grave. . i1. ;I� portfolio. disorders to penefit or cure, or money t3ome werc made. to starve and toil, A fresh grave with a ftRsb smell of Quality of Circulation. Mr. Meredith -Senators. promptly and cheerfully returned. , Some'to share the Nine and oil,,- earth on it for this is the first snow that 'Cleveland World: Advertisers should dc► ".l r h�' Mr. Mowat -At present there are mem. �-- We are told; ever whitened it. He couldn't o to the consider the kind or quality, as well as the ' f• I' Devil's theories are those, Size ai the oironlation of the ` & sr t}]4) here of Cabinets without portfolio in A Short Courtship. Stifling hope and love and peace, funeral beeauee be was in jail. The heart paper y o '' ' �ti� . Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and The way in which John Stuart Mill Framed your bidecus lusts to please, propose to use. Nobody ever saw an ad- `" I Q y that loved him so well ceased to be&► and p P y - , Prince Edward Island, and in Britain it proposed to the lady who eventually be- . hunger and cold t the sharp agony of shame and grief wee veTtisement of "Ben Hur"" in the Police has been a common thing to have such came his wife is Said to have been as fol. The professor's second factor in thepro• her beat friend. Gazette. A merchant who wiebea to reach11 members in either house. Iowa: duction of the conditions which Single Tex Yes, the snow that fell on the hi ail the family circle is throwing good money i , Mr. Meredith premised his remarks by " I wish I had your head, Mr. Mill," re• men aim 'at ameliorating is the roof was the same Sno@w, that whitened the away to advertise in a " street publication" saying that he meant -no personal reflection marked the lady on an occasion ,whet] that UNFAIR DIVISION OF GOODS • grave in the country Nurohyard, and his -a sheet that is bought for its cheap sen - on the gentleman to.whom he would,refer. gentleman had solved for her a knotty between employer and employed. He does bursting heart travelled down through the Sations, ,which is read in a burry and the - ' • '"fit He said : My hon. friond,, contrary to the point. not tell us how he-wonld remedy that, but frozen sods and lifi6d the heavy lid, and Paper then thrown &side. It toes withont tit, principles laid down by his prsdeeessors, is „ And I wish I had your heart," replied he .ie finite Sure the Single Tax conrd not. I sy down and wept beside the dear mother saying that & journal which enters the £, a(• . �- '. content to maintain hie Cabinet of lawyers, Mr. Mill. Without the professor's argument it is wbose tired hands were folded, whose lov• ,homes, which is read by evary. member of , for, except the ornamental Minister who 16 well," said the lady, " since your head the family, I poesiblo to judge of the process of reason• ing lips were cold, whoso beautiful eyes y, is infinitely more vain&ble &r has, just been added in the person of the and my heart seem to agree so well, I am • ing by which he arrives &► this conolnsion. were closed, whoso faithful feetwoald hosts an advertising medium than one of double `,, member for Ottawa ('Mr. Bronson), there is quite willing we should go into partner- The Singie Tax aims at giving to the to help him never no more. Or triple its circulation, when the vast bulk erst' but one member of the cabinet who is not a ship, producer what he produces &a against "'•, • of this circulation is. in the Saloons, the ,Iu, tIV, .x' ` , ,Swyer. While the bon. gentlem&n'a And Such was the result. all others. Should any man bave more? Go toll' it, yc breezes, from desert to sea restanr.ante and the offices -to be scanned, . - d remarks gave some the reasons for bringing 11 The " l'rescriptiou "has triumph i3, fair woman not read, and then thrown into the waste - %he member for Ottawa into the Cabinet, p1gmies vs. Gliants, Would toes be justice? His third °&use of is tree t u misery is, Thera are moral defects in the basket. Thee it is, as will be perfeotlp 1•sfi,+4 I there was one more potent than all, I think Lillipatlon so they are in size (being no hnman race." This cannot, in my opinion, . Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription is the apparent, that & j )urnal ciroulating 30,000 ,1 W .. 4,191 , -that it would help to carry the Ottawa larger than mustard seeds), they aobieve bave any bearing on 'the main question, one princely remedy above, oil-. others 1 may not be half as good a medium for i'u d 111,11 district at the last election. resulteth&ttheir. Brdbdingn&gi&n opponents true as it is ; lint if the Single Tax in Made expressly for Ronrjsn, it ie adapted to the advertiser as one with half. that oirott- . '.rand `'` The Attorney -General -fie was not tftterl failin. We refor to the efficac of her special needs, and fulfills every regniro Iation. _ ru y y &ffirming th&t our eoonomio foandntion ,"t. appointed until af�er the election. the powerful preparation known as Dr. ehculd be Right, not Expediency, is in ment. 13ad. -i, •bye Mr. Meredith- nt there was b pretty Iiieree's Pleasant Pellets, compared with 'harmony 'with the highest mgr&lity it is, ,No condition 4)o critical as to defy it Russia's strength. V cod understanding. On public grounds, that of Choir gigantic oompatitore, the Ofd• do emergency so great as to battle it i It is no w,onde.r (says the ..Daily Chronicle'.. 1. however, the appointment was an objet• Style pill• 'T.ry %ho little giants, when dye• sofar tbe�TAco.ntribntor to the xrioral ds a woman's restorative and regulator, that the growing strength of Russia oaases Watson, `�,,+'�; tion&ble one. The provisions of the statute pepsin, liver complaint, constipation, the " Favorite Prescription " is master of uneasiness tion at Berlin Brad Vienna. The ) Ilussifl �.`• wise, exclude from membership in this riEn rrEsnrrfi rAcrres. ^' y p bilionsnesa, or ally kindred ills assail yon, the situation, Positively guaranteed to population of all the Russians in 1889 was j-�oltlgta House naybod� holding a oatit-root or offieo and you'll ngglco no wii.taka-thcy'll diri• Tae prfjfcsaar's rtforelica to darn mht7 give -b fist&otion in alt eaers, or money pa-ld. reckon-od at X109 000;'000, inst mb rit conble tvttlt� - ` of emolnment undertl�e Government, The appear at once. "know Clod `never. intended laud to be for it returned. The Only' medicine for what it is was sixty S-caars &go. liarini;•tkrr + ti� reason is that rightly or wrongly men mast - private property," and his query &o to women cold on trial I Crimean war the Russians lint into th'e .i, Ag WE influenced by considerations of that Above or. 1t;e•low sttepiclon. "who beat knows the mind of Divide I � -- field 1,275,000 men. The war -footing of ?• kind. The bon. gentleman has a timber Binghamton Leader : About the only Providence?" need not be ctwolt on here, The late Earl of Albemarle, who lived to the army &tt present amounts to 4 600,000 license under the Government. The At. ibiug a man can do that will not excite the further than to suggest that a similar the good old age 6f 92, woo an extremely men, togot her with 400,000 cavalry and torney-General says the bon. gentleman anspioion that there is & woman at the hot- question might be raised in regard to the popul&r'td&n. He was the bean ideal of ati 3,835 gone. It is votirnated that in Cavalry would be able to give valuable advice 'with tom of it, is to dig & well. air we breathe (which, is yet the common Englieli officer and gentleman, and he was, alone Russia outnumbers the horsemen df , regard . to the lumber intoreat,., Whet_ .. ,17_.._ ----__- herittage, .and fro() ,if _gone , enterprising loved_..by_t�lae--.iatdios-and-idoli-Y,ed- -bv tW- the T -r -i -pkv- ktti&nee-.by-t-wtLf4-one.....'�kliefe • Pltxftn_ f000 he _pI,A,Ae-Abe-pont, $eiltlemata Yon can gain a repntatfqu,.,for._wisdom by vantor-conlld pima -T -.4 -into the hands of people about Iiia horioe-v. -He ' was kirod, ere 20,000,000 horem,;rn the+ country- o4 i "`""'� � OUthi rovonried one-third come from not speaking a single word: Sit Stili and some air•epennlattng bake o{ westmiester 'upright, &nd honored. IIs ltytt a vSlhable which it is reckoned that nearly bliif are -_ -;r .a.-- _. .. -.. -. - ,. cavalry, . I. -"°," � iilYn' `titliber: Tli� ism' �;otltlt3r�ttti ilr� Nrlsr ltiolnwierrs-•�rrranlilmi is- ret7oaeno or Jay--G4onld� - I3.a�- in> rho:. midst ot.: the :Dolle°tion tri relic$ of the Duke o£ Wel- allle of being easily trained for 0av 1 T - yxaN, " i, I . ­.,,. Ud. I&,aA frA,notAntione with the Pro. the eolemn age, -Tom Benton. report of the Vrofessor's speech appears a lington. � service. ,` 1 1,0^-\ . ,.. �'� "ir r;rreu+,'�' ' P.,�,^X,:,L',"•.k..,' "'," ,' .. �.t a .. d°�wt �.r .H;. 1:k!e ;' •a, ^.. ,�. , - -»A.... . _ _..._....,wtws.: ..._... soxi3*. s wIz 4 0 ' •, ' ea ;:a" ;F: .r.^,"Rw &rat f,�Y°.,'�^,4!i �.<i"avir. :11!' W '' Hi:�«:a7Yil•a�ta.�u.,..,rid' ... ,re