HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-27, Page 1Ill
. i+
t P I I I I
sAws A.MD AIL915
For Machinery,
111W FOUNDRY narianfro ra"al oil Cu-
Will liotit retail litove". • NEv9 BAY KNIFE,
You call And anYthilis else
that is uew, Call ond ON
$AV -F, MONEY -D. 0. TA-YWR-
A Large. variety Always
In stock,
I .^ WHOLE NO. 896.
VOL XV -M.-12. Thegf; weetingS Itre becOM-
r pair
URDER. lulliber wa-,1011 pal r? and cannot but lia"!
IPT AT M --I — hs mit
cSs, SOL
-THE- set si rk,.J! , har-n lki4xrt,to _tlft�
ank Ali Officcr fanning 0! file
NY lio4olat Ill. A
Nell. olbglr�lln Sit ar kettle, two,
BA,VK1NGC0A1F . A allospbell- sets -doubhz harnesb, s4t
I'llege m4iotin-ri JW-,; held anuu-
A. C. aiticulars ILI,
4- stacIcK of bay, etc. For P ly opportuniry to Pout' Out
(Not Incorpor.atc ) � . — a-1,
01 bilis. .)bs of
Jay A the, 461, entinel" svelling
published every Fri the see efort7ttiv Lord, i he.
i-torth-cast corner of Outram O_ \1 r. Alex.. Campbell, 'bailiff Of and under., cash ; over iving. To Some
block, RIETORN- lilts rells011 Terins-65 a'h( I; ill thanksit
tr.A.. J,ucknow- It .8 Inolltil,6 c;edit oil ful -at their
and Ciaml)bell'-`3 MAIR, PROP XincaMilio.divisiull court. that auloul -ent,,ilmost a blank in
wore -i nijc:,zionary efforts to be
en that he tes. Parties it w . (,u I ILI AL
f1milk � Iligh heav ellvirill-01:ecl i0ilit rO
JAMES BRYAN, MoNr-)f 'rui LOA 'thick heavy C-10thing 011 17UP-SCIATTW %Y.i.hillg to pay cast he privi 69
R ScpUZI-1511HER. kllrL. Sale to' coninie"11C &n Recognizing
EDITOR UFI) ON ALL PRI"\" While ill 'I"'. larch thanksgiving meetiDgs
i, kFTS ISS ' � "L$uo oil Tuesday lie I in
9 drafts and t�orgv Ostruni S:Iwrij till. lid f
,i1yI1SCu1PTT0N --c1pxi joints. j0hellile,14 Bet- e,* M I . &S, Auc ioneer. baud o (Pod in all tiling',
PRICE $1 •.0-0 PER I vitel.t. Amer- vi oil that (Jay. '.NJCCIIARL1Es, Auc all details of life, the beat
X�4)tes (11scoll •Ili
oit"'a"es cashed. %ttR
yE..N.R IN ADVANCII,' a , & Anieriqat, hank draft a I itchelor farnier, owne" of 11':tY :tcl` ------- Christian jean currenc� 01x1. Kitt'` ateI -)illing the -ill't'ge. did his if the heart, it, the zeal of Chi
and adj( I o - it -
bOuglit or sold rs of 1, e N NTH ANNUAL REPORT f the most
11)wed -111 Ji-posi0roin tive doll", best to commit It lie tired ow., SEVE workers we (16tern it its ono
PRI Interesta ed privilP�,s to offel ullt4) th`�'
70B Pl� and upwards at the rate of five per cent -11111 Ili-' r. Campbell, at a distance, of
ill I"(, Shot at NI Presuyterial 94 es of pruise and
an to lend on farnt - or v ivim, and stattip those sac"-
EXIECurFai, iva,mx1E&,r%s,,sst three or four paces, and the bullet of the L&id the sazrifi6
property the lowest current rates but did thankstr M)
prop n n
ffectt-(i in first class WtOcIr went strai,ght for' his heart, is the cev6vith a ' Ilual itw. Let
OICAL Fire inwarance L, than inflict a 80"Vere .. ort
fong h our free will .,ffe,MEl_- 8 I -p nothilu, "norivin't service become moreinsuvance coinimille "llf'the thanksgri i g-ofA -swoo"(1 repof the Maitland Presbyterial. [ices with
a4e, and bl.' isetlout the third til, g Christian life will
1IL. 1) 1. C, P three 100 u it zzle of tl-le Society read at the atillu;d rneetin n and our
A 1,J)oNAIA), . .. C, We havi. one 200 !Lei ()tfi(.L creners
U. 1% �. Office, two l-io 'nere farmt;-flir s,%�e cheap shot was fired, the niu LucknoNv, March 10th, 0 , and more quickened to
I the Society at be6ome more
CIAN, hours 10 a. in - to 4 p. Ill- . lose to N1 r, ublishled by request
N7,s revolver heing quite C
4111111INN"k. Surgery III)- L Ma6ager. 1-1, ill well 189 1, Find p ation, our greater activity.
I G. A. SIDDALI Camlibell's bath, ft.10 here aga El collimend winnilig
'4111-ge'll'iMil 4
6tfio�e h�lurs froul. to 12 kited the 1,Iull( It wils a blesse all The monthly letter leaflet is
to the. hearts and homes of
poAtt, ji.till's hotel.. +added 'lothitig prevented Loord gave to Mary whose doing w
r IShe did
1611,t jr4)u, 2 tlo') 1). inflicting damage other than It severe, ity, its way r workers, and is doing
of her abil
tbe weasure many 'of 0%1
)ON T14E rl�ore could
� ; iiN
1.1)., 0, Nil," bruise, What to establish an. intelli-eut
\IcD GORI, P Is Thrjejain, Sur7 e ill cold blood what she enuld." e much bet ween Ir
(ioior to W. The shootiher Nvfts do" I Though %Nhen.'we shall hav file 1111z
Ar Off(te 'text Soule time she do - sympathy h-
et, Ovocati"- tilings which are� Coll, gild
&Ience 1.oss strL and without- PI t lie tield
s m done. all those sioriarie, ill
.8,11iti'silliplomellt I McCo(imb sued Ostrom unprofitable ser- at house, ,The letter
Samuel ded us, rkers
-)J)lJ0site NV- LT ago we are
s t for the I value of. seed. wheat f urnished man we have done thiAt. which Wag "0 IIU\t' it; 4
Gl?,1)mS, V. obtained, and vants t tilingled %vith and, other illissionary nol",
il--or-taleglAIAL him, l•Ki OW
or- ischargeo es
ain's hotel - -71 Campbell in the d•
Ateuded to. cha, many it" These little leaflets, X
raini.t house- C RES dut -he day in question called host devoted services. -cal el.ii.-I
'T so that our
T periections,
rges Moderate- Cain (I_S1) Ilially -hoklIrs a"
N offor-ivagsand Our 1]
t g
0" Vy upon strum r th-6 al "tI III.
k of Chrij.p.srighl-601UT'
t,uc now. — i'
......... Luel�110 need the pe seed that will Ili
uampb0ll .,!'5treetII
be pleasing indiacceptabie, to
LEGA tiol ness to fold
PROFII After some, friendly 6onversat, Heaveally Father. Wp call otily report wl I Mi"Aull,
F(i iR, C 0 N! J41 C., CAD� lilt car 11 asked for the artiou review the woik of the \t
0., 011�ann we Vt. iL-ctive. work thi
()strum- was \V hile Bandc,
T1 Kanjoligh P �v the qmjrt, pillit , the exee6io'l I. e are Constrained to "3; - (", od tarlif"'Ied uv the. you,11-1. pt'"I'lle
0 ear. w L rd 'z"I'll
0,11, BARRIS- y S tqrq he would not ty ,What. bath, the shoui,j lit- thtil
Cvaaerich, Out., On estrum sayin„ hath done it. t,. will comprisill-f these liall'iti.
Ate— twr ,
s tit .11 '�Iu-hiw �, t" ofiler -to bi- ii
J! wS, \V.U."Pitoul)VOOT. I.. camploell ilov) Aw" 15 t, incentive, 911
pay,rullce It ot-A,
GARROW- ------ t anything from thepremises ' ay this day at� tit 'lid (ii,v
------- - C)RNTr"Y FR'UITS, remove anytil. .'seizure, he to -work" ;II3d"t,, stuall portioll.',Of Harris' Miss. rlarris, teaelvel
D- GOODS, our Lord a fferiiigs� to
cpnve), CA�iNF no feet of 0 'n, de-41�
110,11 rRAVIII that , were liable to 'seizu school,
Solicitor ill lLefi,;te t
ur a% Wrid. This w, -is .1 -ding
FECTIONERY. would give him what 110 gave
it, I is be boa
tvicer, offi.ce next door to (-..,ON id that wit,, us. we would, not take to
ll-r.r store; Luckhow, Out. refusedl, find the, officer then said ings Central India. The hour
fluty.any 'credit f,,r w
Y MILK=S he Would be obliged to do his dhat has been tive and six o'clock 8abbath
WN". , . . AT
SWEET CIDERY, M nurse vets pjais6 to the G od b� the -in a- ail hon %lofla. This even was not objected to . but, would trive
in ery, Comin's- dour, hearts. has, been. set. I, pi: r
et -,-ver for Inspiring our o(: . 'her behalf that, God mp'
the 'CIGARSY ETC., barn a 11.)
R111 I Rt, %va;;
0 .01, oOil . to the 1) 9 of
0oliveYncer, etc.. TOBACCO,
- n of all tilt , praye
to' the animal' our wills to take a little I'lec's her in the, 'work
...... stock. secured and a'bridle Du n it ilea alla inclining 0 e(I work. His hand.- abundantIv:
onSt- lead - it awa)' jo'tle plased i His bless' which He'llas called her.
I.ntly , kept to. share in ained us.
We express , regret that "a
GENERAL hotel stal)le at Bervie for,,�itfe ket-0119' has led us- -His grace has Bustev*okes
trial. . k'new full well, as he �hikd As the. result,of our efforts.
[N.-,lul". Give. Me Zft avid Cistruni uxilaries have been formed durill;
�Ji4,1 I. ) 't nal ex giving to Godq ' a tha I t L11V year
OBEP-T Ti��-NNI:�- h, ( 11 . '' riencein the I earts thallk5
Fire & 'Niarille, Gliell.t - cable perso from our 1 11 year. we trust
r, ]text tO ,onside i could redeem stimulate. and encourage ' III,, \%il! 1;1.ill; .
P41 W 'cmelllll�. the J* division courtl that lit-, co it should also r - - i; re enter In
RAVE he Lord's
To LOAN I I I , A 7 paying the money, Jiligerice in t, o iIIsti:ia6A_' a
t(, invest for private the animal'either by us to renewed 11, one or I I,\
I nun
b'LLIOT asked ll.Lyt- tildt
I(, L the,- bank. xhi 11 was d food re'a'son to)
L"Iparties. iLt reasoulabtle ititerest4- or by giving the hoed .6
giving York the, tisll there i-- r, Ilear, b, Wt-
rrLnvElca.------- by bill). It i- with gratitude we. Rate this he I-eglized. \\'ith glad
-CLASS abl(l. ,vola '7sav, collie sister to heli,
nRST Aid
:AONE� FO LOAN 1 ON I On lending the horse f rom the St tilqrly evidences,of deepening interel6t
individual life Lorkl against the vilighty. Tilt- Ill-
111"irt-agesat 7 to 7 y 0strum met. Alr* Canipbell, and.. tical in, till- Work, and it, the
ate, APP1 0 quai Eo thl,
blian,," 1-110der t oil. Abstracts from groess has riot' 1.10eli v
1glyotble Yeall. Helens �verpinted ii, at the officer. fuller c,alset-,ra
Ing a re ol a Will iul- With olii su'
AY of our,secret i an
Roritwr ;NIUAR aries
the rep 'hindrances
------- reports Campbell ..saw the action and re
i10 -110-1y (10 not 110 te inon.
nis I amF sti v to the fact that elc()U1,agelk3t,n.ts have. beau AN 4Dt,; east 01- we- niarlcvd, " TAY God, �u I, - . I
kets,issued to all P"ino. 1, with other 0 �ooller were the- work is replete with interest
tct, ret,rd our onward growth. 1hesc
Close , . k intend to,ghlM." Illission the
(juick time. 0 e-r-I'vOlers.
.. U . . I crack went the of.daily P"ivat" 0
JjnAN Full wirticularsto illtellf ill, words- uttered when cr . ,We feel that our hour 1 '.011 be. explained in the answers A, to have
N %,gent, l,ticknow h, the remov�i of hindrances ' ions that h
Alfulltcmlso," . I Varnploell f( -It, 1 ` for number of earnest quest
T weapon) and MI. 'the prayer
Air G PEI EL CEN we%st. n v9dri. If 91'e" results red at the
rike his"I Se-ing has. -not been I been handed to. be, answered ONE, Y To LOAN bullet SI, the
& re Ilit-eting Lu-(IaV.
ffout 2 to 20 years,. Lists of farms for :l's eve, �he officer fl.e.X i,,4 seoll lit
A itoba.. Parties fury in his assailant cannot be $fell
;a1c ill Ontal . *11 coni..it their- intil'r- MRSr. SMITH lothint". to deft-lildhililseli livit-11, king Part. We are our aUXilaries are stili -ms W1baving I f t li% es of those taell, faltheof:or sit v Y. unibi-rs as rapidly
lesirillis to ,tvt I.tl;ill,, f acilit�e-s and ran f' tin I with difficulties, S11141i
I . horse, 0 if 11,
illspectink, -t, 'Ireland and f !0'. oTO � t le growing' ary'
gists I)y ain incl ov(r* kilig e re in Ini';Si0II aft(Indlinev
'i4ni iscriber it, Great ri STFWART, 0 f Ilowed, aild
ialei, ANGUS received it, 10t f 0,irulll 0 as we would like, w a I s and elk
contivient of 1961ads for just hilli juAr, and in C.1tristiall vxpellielice etiligS. Yet, while oft
Intalrio, 6. vd Illmili dle 11:111 SO i;I0, IhL at Illo'
'V�Iroator, Lu.cknow,. 0 1 eI zeal U so percep-Vi".4 dit-Ferellet, •-.4f othel.r., -3
T,aud sit uldt r work � , . i ov the ii . I I
iSH below tilt- 0 hvttrtvilv( I It
vIUTC ly. -T, -- - ;-b -rivi-ity ii0l-lilll-
e „rills
f Ali [V PRI TS at a hol' and-cou,equtttlt,
led th T.Ilese r
v ar,
101ST comp,my, lwar(i (if NE as the weapon digehan, result O�SIO Ie to God follo%% wit
ru tn 111sactim ot hu4iness s, as hurried . if love I aild' syllipathy to atIl. I v are ivnb4e
lirectnrst„e6t, for the tro the, 17LO ..,f , a copper w Ily dI.Li That tilt-.
bae4day C UO Inissiollal-Y pirlt� Is
.es 11 ttnw t
Ill r
VLch 'DREiSS Gi 'ODS1 . wadded overpoat and tl That it seem tr
in the first th ouJI th, reatures. i ft"'rifity,
SEW beloll�, to WOLtien, -
h,LYc weir pro.liertv, iiisny,( so ch scorched to there s
wishing tit, I , IM,
Iolyll),111y, will hy;glvi acoat.Nvas 61 much -F411
increasingly I ilgo!iit A,r by 001- for -y 114, vvoil as for- tilt-, 't,ch art. l3j',11611010
Ll x111 b.y all 'hich wv- lie 1 0 1, I's of I
MAU for LII1 first.
WI14TIlesS W., ".. M tilt
rectors. I I1. - artrld"e”. h- Wlullf!�
lirer. bre, contained only two c- of 1lo Lik. n
wlto lilay dill it
�cretarv. ardly alwassill, only
%ttenile(l to W, desisted 0I ,it. it, ace. Hill,
1,,% N F,, Trem
thou"l) 0(, llo,t
t I
mica tJ LJ r -k
Tic had tWic'! attempted �ted to con) S, Itil V,
I lwt . M
110RF the col, I d G
two IIAlite
EMBR "I it 1� w 1; 11 it I accurd;
1after earry oil \v o I
SOCIETIt-S as6uivc
great W110
�.. 1: 1111 "
0 W Althou'u'll "till sl1t g; our -vinli,itilli,
L CES? lit- •I Band-, I Y
U c 1�c N .1. 11011"'Pult, tIQ not i)y our 111(lall
,o.112, shouli to Ill I s"whill-I
praye -I I I'll"(
L Lo(jge, a fill froln Olt ; t.
g0c)d lIvIlirt, .,till tim
jileetF; every Friday 0 1. lifill, St
t P tit wit() of tilt,
)"Clock Villitit')" tl�,iilk Iid
everlin5st ("tilre'n Acid many Other IloveltieS tOO, fc(.1,.,s0rl.vfoI,thvt,
,tract. rand; one of oul It
clitioll. of W 1 1. Cr9olo-d"LL&
-I s 110W II I -L f our 1111s.'ll'um It
to M!'' 111.11
lilerou$ f I".\.•
JoR (,oJTwr U S, 11.1 foi. I st ilm-
0 F
dolic of To,,
\v I T
I%\. die
Im- 'IC
ED- LARGE SALE Illally,wrIti.
Aect JI:
I Indiail 10ou
I'licknow. T lillhi�ll,
they llilv.
every ileh
W tfr,t Mill third and 1111101- all )ther 11
Al O�flay in c v e r yKins -O'l 1'� ft h\
Odfl- Illollth (111til witli 111011CY
roont'l, 11, thi. L IIdill", vill"ll ?'(''i1'' tl
1'1 v
Vift lowssit Tp it one 1 dict I leased oonar it, t lit, 11 -
hall Illis II,
1),-(,threll, Q, "I till t,
Ing -till. I's ILI, pI -I)
'tell. will 11011 oak is chat-('
conlially InVI Noll t"
C I)y tilt "f
i' ip 4.-�'floltcc, lot lr,�,! (4 Sol 1, - \\ ol'k
C. 111101-111 lit I I k
Tile revor"I t'f
OV 13 a . llNt.
U. U. VV (0, Iii0l T k`n,L.n, MJ(D (D I c''I lllakill.4 t ho Ill, lit I.
v, fill .111 �to.
14' r V var 011 (1, vv it fv
�k')L' .,ntlle Imt :inil i6I P,
Hitt ill tilt, ()IJ4 11w. I .
11101101 A —d heavy .11111 I)v,ItVvI I'VII tIll'. and ont 'I OIL PI
illsOf P11.01 - (front tilt
v drauzit, low 4
io'cond foal heav,, S: " foil I WITi,11 i
!t 'Vi4ting r.. .1 , Y(`1114 mlblit I . -it'
workullall. IrA., ."
Nit) tlikiw_ I.,
qtcll 111100tillly, such as
11100till;;, ., 0 X f PA
of Ill;,"
ill eltif
old "Wil
WOT11 thilikS t
)f ' 37S 010- A -1,
"What tit at I dii,
I -of, I'll. ,,pen (lVLTy"'V"'ll11l9 privaill tiwelling, old ''.0 4 0�1 . t of us,
I'S would SaN, ill olic 111to
yea (I \V (I
L "T"'t"' -!!is I G
'rile Insure yon"..fil-rIll 01 the I he te., III(,
4'royll 6 - if our .3ecretnries till' d 11 1 6 r
11 Ing tilele 111('1111)"019
NY, - 4'(111p
%dll . I 'jil4r, Oil SO -ic to i'Y'nurriber
ill attell(IlLuct 11IWK Ii i. �Jlietly alld 1111 'Soo. ty,
to 101). ill, 2 t 1 6 11, 11 in the 4YO reliable, st"t"'I"
�AL` tht'
'M w 1 4 It,wil,111 I1 C1 Nlisk
Illay lwliko the lvaVC
Jill lit d which Shall In"11,I)III
ill' V,A I I I f 11101111 Of 10thilig sell,
bid in the"'IcAsIlre 0
I", Icavell the W1101p 111111P.
Al. qm,"TNTAL rill, il,l tilt'
- k. 'I MO or -n cord ------- f our work tlItLt El of tit(', year's work ill
A fee o
V it, 'l\ 'Nisi I tile thmiksgiViD9
T well 1161, all notice
,will bo Ill 1,11,1411"NN, Wil be nearly new.
fill tl�if, Milli S(![Ltt,(l to 1gy,
Goo(I 4416
lurdav o; ;Leh
1ing allia"e.-tractinq a
ITC -13W _RT
a *0=100ftus I M!" .r . . . . . . . . . . . .
MMI1111111!Il n I I I I I