HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-20, Page 54170 The LucknowSentinet,-Bruce iounty, Friday, March 20th • Almommilmormirallear 0 IOIED IN MANITOBA. Wormer Insaildes.st et Minters rr418111% Away. ras or A correspentleut sends us the following letter from Virden, Mani- col►a, wh eh t iII be read with regret by many our readers e,-t7e--Edits eitte- 'eutirrct-r 1» Ari Sitc,—It is my painful duty to «hronicle the de.ttli of Mrs. Witt. ,rant, who departed this life on Sun- day, March 1st. Mrs. Grant wits born at Banffshire, lsl:e)titlrltl, ill 1$29 tile. emigrated wish her hu -baud tt, Cauada 11c Atied iu Nissouri tcrwu- ship, , t c Iesex county, 11 art), she lived till. 1SSO, when they., moved to the 10th con. of Kinloss and where they dwelt tor eight. years. Being echarnied by reports ftom .11w prairie, provinces of i i11ito''a, tht+y moved t«1 the western part of the Provint:e and Since IMPARTER & GENERAL DEALER IN U .,Y GOODS,GROCER1ES, BOOTS & SHOES, THE PEOPLES STO r.l E1 sT_ BNS: Preparing for .the fall trade. Our stock is filling' up f. st with the latest novelties of the season. Our usual stock of staple dry goods is very complete. We have just opened sante --special lines in BLACK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS BEAUTIFUL G)UDS. Also a fine assortment, of ready parte othiDg, bought more with an eye to quality than to a low pricey r� P�!�o,iitivel y' '@,8'^39ritl('S'tYTM' C"^"' rM'8PlFLh'L'rMN Rt • � ^ L.y;�y� tl�.i'ir i\N.• "'I!. St: 9R.•. 2' %^ i iil�"i'-.,i:!"zaat ' 14 of ladies and gentlemens underclothing, including those fire Italian elastic goods so popular with the upper ten. Mantl,l cloth in good variety and at closest pricl.•s. A large assort hent of Novelties and staples . to arrive in the next few .clays. As usual our stock of groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, ING,• ETC., ETC. We beg to advise -our many customers of the following NEW _ SPRING GOODS, which have just arrived", and are now opened in stock. SENA THEM. tonrintz to Manitoba. she en;joyel t c� test of health, till' she was taken down r'vith irrflateatinn, front which she never lecovered. Mrs. '.,; ,ant was respected ,y all whe had the pleasure of her acquaintam e. •SIie leaves a husband, three sons, and four daughters to mourn her los::. A NEIGHBOR. ISLE •'OF SKYE. 1V[r. Peter Murdoch, has recovered from his. recent illness. Mrs. T. MI:K(ith and Mrs. Murdoch have returned from yisiting friends in W inghazlu. Mr. John McKenzie, our esteemed ce'uncillor, has;exchao.ted his farm with Mr. Wm. Kempton, of Hemlock City. We welcome Mr.'Kempton to kis new home and wish both he and Mr. Mc- Kenzie every su^•cess. • A -very- pleasant event took place at Mr. Thos. Helm's on Wednesday even- ing, 11th inst., when Mr. Win. Web- ster was united in marriage to Miss Millie Graham. The ,happy couple left on Thursday morning to visit friends in Nipissint, on the way to their new home in Manitoba. ----The tu'rrrtorl-e►lil-strife; eonse upon elections have subsided, and things are now assuming their.nortual -condition. West Huron in spite of the existing gerrymandering regained its noted reputation as a Liberal • stronghold by restoring to the platform At r. M.., C. Cameron.' Mr. Cameron secured a large majority iu this riding of level headed farmers. "Think twice before you speak • once," " Be sure what you slay is right / then say it," are mottos which our learned friend, the Paramount . corres- ' pondent, has failed to' realize- the .truthfulness of. But we will pardon his presumptions, for in his eager de- sire to show forth the exuberance of his intellectual qualifications he vented them upon the innocent, scribe of Skye. Nzl doubt he is well verset in biblical-quotation9, and is a profound -end eloquent writer, but let him re- Onember that while he is endeavoring to pluck the beam out of his neighbor's 4• ye,• that the mote of •a busy body is very protninent in his own. 2, CASES NEW FANCY PRINTS. (Nobby styles and patterns.) SEE THEM. 3 CASES NEW & FASH- )(ONABLI DRESS GOODS. SEE THEM. CASE OF MUSLI'NS. ryjnt7t� r.' s T - - . -.- closest prices. Please call and inspect. ROBERT MURRAY. St. Helens, Sept. 3 -rd. 1 DON'T WANT THE EARTH, BUT WANT A LlVING. NOTJC1 THE SUBSCRIBMt HAS OPENED AN office in the , building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS C�.REFt, LLY PREPM ED Plans ,specincatioaa and estimates "for build ings, mills, bridges, etb., furnis'Ired on sltoi t notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan.1891. And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that ' any person nr persons corning to me having their teeth out that )1*.will put in two sets of teeth, DRESS AND ART.. SEE THEM. 2 CASES FASHIONABLE READY MADE CLQTIiING For Men, Youths and Boys. T13io-RC731ED BARLEY. Farmers who have not yet tried the "Prize Prolific" two -rowed barley can be supplied at $3 per bag, freight paid to the nearest railway, station, by appiy- inag to l\Ir. Wm. Saunders, Director of ttiT ex erinleutal farm, Ottawa,. Those in Bruce Co: who have tried i report as follows : - Peter W-atsoii; Lucknow; had a yield of about 50 bushels. front "one bag, ,or RCN 40 bushels per acre. S tys : "Sown 8th 11Iay ,; harve-'ted 9th August. 'It did very well: fur, -tile first time of • sowing" •M. • Campbell," Lucknow, had • 50 bushels per acre. Says : "This lot took• second prize at the Lucknow Agricultural Sliow. Is about..eight days later than the old barleys sow n, but is heavier and beater grain." • Oliver Cole, • I%in ardine, had 24 bushels. • Says : -My experience m t his one trial is `t111 r for ft,!€1 I would .prefer the. two -rowed barley to the six -rowed." J. Taylor, Ca►''gi14l, h •. l 40 bushels per acre. . Win. C Innen, (vl►e+,l•'ti, had a yield of 37 bushels per acre'. Sqy•; : "B•.rley WttS received tot) 1:11.t' t •give it a fair ttlaltCC. It WaS f UiIle!wh;lt inclined to lodge ; will give it a better chance next year."' SEE THEM. COTTONADES, SHIRT- INGS, GINGHAMS, LIN- ENS, .ETC , ETC. SEE THEM. 4 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, For Men, Women and Children, also the ' Babies. SEE THEM. BOARS .FOR SERVICE. HE UN1)E'IIST(;NED \cr'r.L I{EEP Tfor service this season at lot 11, cion,•8, 1t,. D. A .1,tiold, it Chest! int r,iteltl n township. 'bre d 'b tar, lately brought from '(erns. -$1, at time of service ; $1.25 if not so • regia. PAUI, S`IELT%T'.1t Belfast'1', 0., Ont. n TEETH - TEETH DO NOT' WASTE YOUR TIME AND money breeding worthless hogs that wilt eat' all that you can raise and bring 'Yon noth- ing at the end, but raise what the rnarkkt.. demands to -011.y - a long, . deep, bread pig that will bring about two ce,,ts a pound more than the scrub i hat tears up the ground, upsets the gate, and opens the barn door with his snout. 4;11;h.. hill bring sows to I ut Tnc eras► ebeau itu improved Ohi o Chester White boar. H" is kept for service at lot 6, con. 14, E. D Ashfield. Terms—$1.00, strictly cash at time 6f service with privilege of returning. At thesame place is kept •a young I. 0, C. W. boar suit- able for serving young sows. Also for sale cheap a . first- class thoroughbred 1woroved Ohio Chester -White, iloar. J. E. BAli,KW ELL. Lucknow r. o.. lenqwrary or Permanen,t For the price of one set, $15, made of .the very best material in the world. 1 use no rubber but C. Ash St Sons, 'London, England. , The teeth will be C. Ash Sc, Sens, and S. S. • W hite's, conceded by all who are in the business to be the best in the world. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVENTHAT Adain °Russworm, of the Township of Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will ,apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of diynrce from his wife, Emma 'Russworm, nee Correll, formerly of the said Township of Carrick, but now re- siding in the. city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois; U. S.•on the ground (If•adultery. Dated at Walkerton, Ornt., this let day of September 1890. . . O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR, 6' mics -S 867 • ' Solicitors • for applicant. • Those firms` have their names on their goons, and the people can see what they are getting, and as,I will ut ratite e "a ; ; act l'on. 'lo all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the world, will please bear in mind, that I do not want• their trade.- 1 can always be fuund,at Dr. Tennant's. office, Lucknow: .ABSTPO- CT 01' AUDITORS' REPORT FOR T'P. OF KINLOSS FOR 1890, Amount on hand at last audit....... . Reoeipts from tax collections itZceipta from other 'sour•ces... Totat;receipts.,..«.................. t+ Expenditnres on roads and bridges Miscellaneous expenditure Salitries and.cnmtnissions ........... Belton sections a ch our column ;for of -her - announcements as fast as they arrive. TO THE FARMERS. e beg to say our . stock of CLOVER & TIMOTHY. . As well as. other seeds ARE OIC, And prices low. `While not wishing to drop any money, we are at all times pre - pared to ln'eet any cuts i as fast as we learn them. Yours faithfully, $ 2065419. 0899 9073 '97 • 11783 04 .:t 149 72 238t 50 623 70 4641 -51 County. rate' 2090 Printing, postage•and stationery .. 1(10'29 Relief and taxes remitted 21:1 71 Drrinage 171 01 Total expenditure ... .. ]- alance in Treasurer's hands 1802 03 WE, the undersigned, have examined the Treasurer's accounts, of ,the -receipts and. ex• penditures of the municipality of th,e'I wnship hiulnss, and rep u•t th• same correct accord- ing to the • vouchers submitted to us, and ,in :mouldatice with the above d•:t.ailetl statement. WIT,LIAM \\r.\T,KER, AUDITORS. THOMAS MURRAY,. 1 9:i May Jl All anplications for Tavern and Shop . . r.icenbes to take effect on the first day of iuthe AUCTION SALE FARMS IN THE TOWNSHIP of Kinloss, in the county of Bruce. • • Under the powers of sale. contained in two mortgages which will be produced at the tinie of. s.. 1e there will he sold by public auction at Ca'.,.'s Hotel,. i n the VILLAGE:. .OF LUCK9 VINs HV '`Ir; irk Ii�'� �, A pamphlet of information and ab- ,, \ /o straot.ef the tows, shelving mow to .1 Obtain i',ttents, raveftTrade / ,y; \Marks, Coporiebts, sent free cA A441rene i UAlN & CO. �361 :ir•ondwaY. � ?G ,, hl.i T'cw Tori hi Y ONa Friday, April 10th, • 1891,, At twelve o'clock, noon, by Mr. Peter Corri- gan, auctioneer, ,in two parcels the fclluwing farm properties : Parcel No, 1. ---Lot nnlnber 24 in the second containing one: hundred acres more or less. 'l'iiis Ova, is all cleared 'There are an olcl log barn and log house, and small frame' stable On this land. it is about three utiles from .tile village of Luekn r,v. Parcel No. 2 T' o east half of .lot 19, con- taining tufty acre: Imre nr less and the northt rly forty one acres of let 20, doth in. the eleventh concession of the sad towr,s'.ip of Kinloss. • on this parcel there is a lame trate pawn with stone foundation, frame house and a small nrchltrtl. '.!'i:'1,'•rs :--Ten per cent, nn day 'of sale, twin I er cent. within thirty days thereafter. The „Stauce rrtay,r,•tuoin on mortgage for live or t; -n ycars,1 t,tril,•g interest at six and a half per cent, yeurly,'or shall be paidwithnt thirty days from day trf sale. For furtl er partieulars and conditions of sale (which willbe wade known at time of Hale) appl:r to the j'end'in's' ;66(161,ors anJ to C. r\. Shepard 1.1:q , Lucknow!• liUt;l{I\' & OODEN, L LIZEN- - D-1-ST-RICT or SOUTH BRUCE Are requited. to be filed with the Inspector for this License District, on or before the FIRST DAY OF AFrIL' next preceding. , All applications from parties who: are not now Licensees in this cliArict, or in the case of • an application for such license or for transfer thereof to premises which are not then licensed, the petition must be accompanied by a, certificate eigned by a' majority cf the electors entitled :o :vete at elections for the:. Legislative Assemble in the , pulling.. sub' d4vision in tahich'ch. nreuiises, •caught to -be licensed, ale Situates. • ANGUS STEWAR II. Lucltnow, March 2ud,1591. ' Insp'ctor. 2 GOOD FARMS FOR SALE 'OR TO'3U NT, 1, AST HALF 0'' LOT NO, 5, CONCEs- sion 13, E. D. Ashfield, in the County of Huron, ninety acres cleared, about five acres of fall wheat, fifteen acres seeded, ?'Yo dwell= ings, two orchards, two wells. no, better soil, 1 aro, stable, granary, abed., et.. Also north half of lot 6. con. 13, with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good fences, oreha.t(' and buildings._ The above property ,will be sold or rented at. once. Apply. immediately to 888 E. • TK.AVEII, Lucknow, BULL FOR SERVICE. o • THE UNDERSIGNED, W tSUES TO • • inform the farmers in this section that he will keep for s•:rvice at Tat 12: iir the 12th cion. of Ashfield. his superior bred Shorthorn bu1T", "Cetus is Till." rl'eruis $1400 for season .• 2nd, 1888, bred by .f .13. hill, liothsny. lint gat .by .Waterloo Solway dam. Duchess of Oxford 2ntl, b}• I)ulce of Kent 1004 ; 2nel dant Patl:sy 'het,. by 'Rufus ; :3rd'da'm Vict:'ria 3rd 494-5, by 'Prince Al 956 ; 4th dam Pansy 4203, by Napoleon 863 ; t1th darn Victoria 2n11 49.10, by Halton 684 (115'21'; 6th Olen., Beauty 2131, by Wellington 1150 )139o7) ;. 7th dans lute 3017, by Fergus (129'; 8th +lam Rettuty (imp.). 3 ). by Snowball (/017), he by !,,awns leeves (365), he 'by 4:Th arll•s (127). .10}1.` F" ANP]1EW, 4,894 Lu.t•knt4 • :FARM RM FOR SALE.. I TN 'THE a1T.i!TT'ET O0•17Nornt 1.141ML O,eod..:tiar)taret itc14005, ?�.ugus Mc 1.,nod, insolvents, . . The fartn lately nrt'npictl by. the a1'r,t,t+ minted insole( nt:, ;itnated in the t)0, ,ishi;) ,if 11nrot,, is f• • ralt'. .411 under enitrvatir 11 Vendors' Solicitors, , fru Ile house, frame barn, large• m•c,lari , amt well watered ; one of t',he'u•st farms in Huhu; a bar:;nin. • A pply t,) Peter obi in r:ly, :usi_uec, H.urair, nr to 14 King Street West, Toronto. • Dated March 17th, 1891. AIA RRIED. WFBSTElt— Gl:nri.tiil--By , the Rev, \V. A. Str,,t;;u(n, 1,1, 1).. Ott 1\ Larch 11th, at the rt•-i,i• nee 11 11r, 1'la ls. 1lelro. 12th ,on. of �o4:lit•11,' Mr. 'e1 illianv 1). \'\'tlwteil' 1i ui:r.ti, Mali. to Miss Millie Grahams, of AN; Ilic141. V.�ran be rrn •1 nl our '41,.4114,0 (1,0004 rnld,,iy :, e.l h,n. rnhly• 1,y nn,.., n,,n4F,.0 ol), rind n, their n•Bo 1.1 n1111011,0 hr rover 1114 r live. Any 00 r0 1 ,In the a m•k. 11,100 to 1011111. We fnrulvI* ev,•ryI r.tnrt •. nn. \r. rink. Nutt ren deyute v :r 01001,1110W111101,1111111101111/4110111101101 r ul�nnen rn, ur nII ,,,nr 1i100 10 the 4, nrk. Thin in un ynurri1111, erne to every worker, lleginitt are earning iron 51) to IaSO per h reek 0110'1110.001111, •rtnd m�rr 0tlrr n iirl In 1i InIMF. 1\'r 1 1 fu ,tdnh you tn, rm- +BRAS irlp, mfr+t rtnd y4.0ah yotl IMF. \0 01 ve to e,rg.ltiniri ls0ra Prtll + 91 oNntnatiun r'Nhn. rAlt1C, jg al li:•i* AL1. t. STA. MAINE. • 9.0 • 1, 6.4114.4 • 130 I.N. 1Tuom• -• lu T,nc•know 11u 'I'nesda•y, '.1Tarch 3r.1, the wife ut Jir, l),av15 \Loony, of a son, I)IED. • 111111NG--At Kamloops, 11, (;., on Tuesday, March 101)1, 1otvini:a, helovetlwife of it• -v, 1'reeiratl 1larding and sieter of ;qrs. (1`r.) *Lt union., aged.49 p»ars. 889 11. Mt111111St)N, ti,r)ultor, f tt,l rr s' 'VHECOMCSBESTCRICA 1