HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-20, Page 1t THE t NW FOUNDRY' AJNCARDINE Will not retail Stoves. Won cue SAVE MONEY By pugchaaing f m 1). 0.- 1'A YLn. .41 Large Variety Always o In Stool, 27.W.:i.,,"G. ti rs MEN .WANTING t t SAWS AND AXES A$BETUB PAOKiNQ For Machinery, llarland•s Potent OtfCan VOL XVIII. -11. • s tini'ilisheol every Ft•ilay 1't .the "Sentinel" r',l >ek, n ,rt11•east corner of, Outram and C•tnt. bell,Strs., Lucknow, • •alakiti'ES EDITOR .& PUBLISHER. SUI S013,IPT1.ON PAT E $1.00 PER YE..�II IN AD\ ..NCE. .ALL RINDS OF f 0B•,..: PRINTING i1rXl:Clfi'J':f/ 'WIT31 .VI:.t't'01 gA at DESI'Ar(ll. � EDMMA L. 'T A. 1i•ci►t)NA1,I) li, I)„C NIX. P. S, -1J • O. Illtiee,-iiutaih ri► lb. !'Ie.�T.1i11Y'r, P 11. Y S 1 u 1 A V, �J Sur,;n,,a and Aocouchrur. Surgery op-' [,u,ltu Cart, s h•ttel, Olii:e hours front ) to 12 2.L. lila, ILiltf 1rULa2 to p. In. : '..of'. •.L"iMVi4114_Ys V6.0 : kt. WAY LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1801 --TNE�-�,11l�6tNnw ; NG COM Pi4-N-17 (Not Incorporated. ). GEORGE MAIM, PROPRIETOR. MONEY To LOAN ID1:A17S ISSUED ON ALL PRIN- cipal points. °bettees, drafts and mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. A.m«',r- ican currency- & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on '1)Ositsfrom five dollars ani -f upwards at the rate of five• per centum per annum. Morley to lend on farm or village property at the lowest current rates. I' mire'insuratice t'ffec;ed iii 'first class stock insurance companies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two n0 acre farms for sae cheap. 'Office hours 10 a, m• to 4 p. tn. G. A. SIDDALL, Manager, _r1.,.._11,144-1,..1-04.444-140-NT II-1 _11�l crl•1:--ia'•t)4 -10-N ;'�1:7?. , C , R r. ;; 1. T. . Al.. %I U, N.S.O.. I'hy,itaaal, Sur- LYtan_ and'').aeotF•tih 'ir. Otf "e next floor to W. _-. _. 11in',: Inil,l,••µLant Ile y ..lege=�iler1ee ICr,ss-street, 1•..ppositty, \1%. (f..41tt1N a•' -- .. YL f). V. ti., t itht'r hy, tar,.il or trlegraul 1,r 1mlttlyl rIttea,!ed to. t'!utrees to deigns. ()thee, Ur- r•i;;al's lanll, L.,ardiug house, C`uii's• •hater. Leek nova „ THE..' RESTA 1JTRANT CA 'MON Obi? OIC•. N, COM.11:ISS11IN.EIt, ..0 • in 1.1. (1. t-;•. •Ilia,.i,iut;h•P. (j., UP'ttri;t. el ARROW & P1tOUDlt'OQT, B RRIS- ,1J1- t«'re, Solicitors, etc., a:••,derich, Out. (I•Aattow, Q.,C.ut:tm,(loT. [4T4ICi!'L' 'TR A.VF;.1- , A't't'uit:N 1', Y F LLW, S ,lieitor in (lhaticery, Convey• • ander,, •etc. Office, next door to 1]'urchison's ewellt'r,e store, Luclu,rr, (n t, , 4IORlt'IS(1 Vii, A'1"'1'ORN.l'; Y . AT • 'law,. Solicitor in -Chancery, (i()nlmis- efaoner,, Conveyancer,' ete, Office, over the riarber shop. GEhlie,KAL OBEl;,'J' CITNNIN(xHA11I': iNSU11, ante; Tire & 1larine, Guelph, (lot. ON12;._`_. 1'O LOAN! r I 'HAV' ;:v L A } 141' thousand dollars toir►vest' for 'private pterties, at reasonal le ' iuterests, .ELLrmT 'htt-t.v Eltli. , t10N1:Y TOI.,°A N ! ON '1, ABS. • i. mortgages at 7 to 7l per cent. interest,. {,:Ly�Lbte veariy.("banes moderate, Apply to It,ulat;trr AfuttttAY, ,t, Ifelcns. i( 1.N.A1N • 1't,(11.1` C li•AIl,1VrtY•CO. Tickets is i me t t'1 all points 'east or west. ()ick tiler;. ('I�o-e..ennnectious with other iris. Pull particulars to iute'ndinrttavellers. JOHN AftncIi:se-N,'Picket Agent, l.neknow; )`ir0 Ev'ro r.OAN ! A9'6 1';!;.'cENT frolu 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ui.tnrio,as welt as Manitohs. Parties- .• desirous to sell fartn's will consult the it inter- ests by iusi•e':tzn;.l the'adverti Aug fat dales of :iu''sr•riher in Great Britain anti • Ire and -and continent of lainis (Or Rale. ANGLIN :'TEw.utT. • Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. • •'A 'i4- cels • MUTUAL Fire Insurance t''ompany, board of directors 'meets for the tr.'isatoti at or 1Nlsinesa on the first '1'nusdav Neal Month, I'arties wishing to have their property lino in this increaein•;ly 1, tp alar �"ilinuaai� , will } y giving unfit e, be ! e1•up,: ii lir an agent e r by rung of the t)il,,ctors, 1311stnt-ss c•tlls-promptly attended to, Office, I)u►igannetn .1,• AI. ktonrrtc'1's, Secrtts•!;v, \V31. LANE, ','rea'nrer, • SOCIETIES LT .1 ' . evening at 8 o'clock) • in their.h ill. t:,Lu)1�Le11 ',t••oet.. :\11 brethren. cordially invited. 1).1't" fa:asn.r' S, Grand Ju61\ 1:.bitiI', Roe 1` t /. Sher �u"d, Na. :r•,TI tiill,.Luc'.; t. 'llet't- p ka( ever 1 last ut)1 third 1e � j` , -r„u, � JlnueLty iv every ' j ' fy lois t:a, i 1, til Odtl- 4 fi , �et•,!'„(r•i ows 11.1.'1. \ lalt- tt. '�'rlli,Llly ilititwl. A. •),(vl-ox, .......,t!h•'..'..d6✓i.+lis.;Jr� 1 ). 1 ). • ��i' 1' 1. I•: S I:1'. 1.TC!).NO W i_odlt,No. 112 meets every I''riday 1.11;k'KNt('t1' It rt)t:le (rh' i ut• ) I I•.�r United t\•oIltn,en, !f Holy`' lea], on the •1;OOt and rtri)14 s of ea`l, ►otntlt at hr''t:tren e•or�fi,Llly Pio It; Nester \\'orlkruan. Dive' ler. ""'�'.),\' ,,\it;('11\.� :t,,t,--- f.\,�•}'}. .Ir..'I ),ler; I; .r7.(litt 1'.1, III 1p,-1'etr'•ye''oenit•l( f.roe, t to Ill 1' u)., r xc,•ptittg Satan'illi :4, when tit . 11 •ar .;1 ,,• >, .; ' • '' 'I:. '1' tt,•. BVI{tt' ''i,Ll4 tt•i: ,•,i:,4 ^t,l illr.r (.a 1,,Lt tht•se ,)- I). 71, 11'1 , I',r,Id,n4 •dA».Sl)tltitt 1LI.'',•,errt:,rt, 4, 1 S .11?1:(ltll,:, I. D. S) - l it h , U;,w. )tt LT TttTrtei tw $ ' 'n.tl 1 st.,,1onrl a`nd fourth Fri- .inv n,n�,f{at,lrriav ctf d"d.ch month. Gi, and sets o.. To Mlss Jean G. Murray by Her Music Class. • On Friday, evening last when Miss Jean G. Murray, in response to an invitation to spend the evening, on entering the residence of Mr. Thos. Lawrence, she was completely taken by surprise to meet the u)enlbersof her music class gathered there, but when Miss Tena Lawrence stepped forward and .mad the following address she was still nrore astonished : •2'o Miss Jean G. Murray: Lucknow, ])EAB TE tcHEE,—Having been informed that you are abot to : sever your connection with your music class in Lucknow we, the undersigned, as members of that class and on behalf of the other members, cannot permit this Opportunity to pass without making stone slight' recognition i►t 0 .r high appreciation of solar abors in -givi»g_ iis"tlie '.fielieirt -ol` pour instructions in the music , art. Asa preceptress you have at all times been -most ki:ntt;-tatient; earnest and indefades-hie in your efforts for our advancement. 'As a slight token :of, the -esteem ih which you are held by each and every one of us.. we request your acceptance of this Silver Jewel Case, and trust,that you may be long spared to use it. on Cath n t r a - '' t e c ass, v l I:xa AwtL a ip bell t . reef, 1•- Lic�k lo�1 �', L• NCE, J..0. KINC:AID, -PROP. • •Eft at » L TT> t aY' O Oysters b w tl t y • ilea•, t ALLih LITTLE, . Miss Murray in . a' few feeling 31B1.a1 : AICTNTOSH, NETTIE MCDONALD, EMMA •BBENNAN, '].EHENA HOLDIES; or can. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, SWEET CIDER, . MILK-SHAIZE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC., Constantly kept in stock. Give me a trial. Remember the place, 1iext to ,the •bank. prig Goods MRS. SMITH Has ' ust. received NEW PRINTS NEW /DRESS GOODS, M.CSLtNS, EMBRO b MIES, LACES, And many other novelties too numerous ..to Mention." elltit)n, - A CALL IS SOLICITED-. Zrt . ' iili��lia 1:40 0147-7 . i JR FIRE ! . HH ! freorrcyonr form Iar,•'l,t•a'I%'; wit ate tlteellill , • in the old reliably, the LONDON MUTUAL UMlcea-.•-A .1t(),�4S harness sh )p, Lucknow t t si T ic- envery, atiirtfiay'. emoting, remarks thanked the ,donors,, after which the '.party enjoyed M s.' Lawrence's hospitality, and as the girls put it had, x. ';jolly good-time'� ADDRESS AAID. . PRESENTATIOAZ. To Mrs (Itcv.) John :McNabb. ,The following address was presented to Mrs. McNabb by• the . •Matland Presbyterial' W. ''II'. 1%i. Society at its meeting'. in •Lucknow on ,i'laarch 10th : TO Mrs.11leNabli, Sec',q. Maitland Pres. Soc'y : DEAR b'11ta;• 1V1Ct1ABI1, •,- i1 e w(.0(1 net en ful servicesreendered by, you during the' past three years in cunne'etiun with our missionary work, .4 ut only have you perkruled the int•re public duties • pemaini.g to your Doter, but of ttie- stualler details you have likewise been Mind- ful and have ,attended to thrall ' faitot•.au3 • Your untiring zeal hay not been 'unnoticed nor unappreciated., We know we du not realize' fully the arduous duties'in connection with the Secretaryship of Such a society; !tut we do appreciate the pai.astaking :fforts and the• cheerful -"spirit which has' characterized all .your actions atid.laburs. in behalf of the work. The' greatest harmony and • good 'will have e' ' u1lR 'at e w o e ' resbvtm•ia1 Society and the workers have thereby received stimulus and inspiration. We would take this opportuntity'of testify- ing to the esteem in which you are held by' your fellow workers, and would auk. you to ccept this Life Mem:)etship Certificate, 'not` as a recompense for your labor, but as a slight ulcer of regard and apilreeiation. We know yen are nottlaboring for an earthly reward, u r.the allplalise tl your fellows, but for they lory of God and, the good of seals, 'itnd ice• tsk for you no !Uglier euluay than the words of ler^blessed Sav1•aur,•"She Hath done w,lat she n►l lel.'" We trust you tray be spared many years fen•, seful a t'rvice. 'anti bu• honored hly the rintster v beiig iuYtrun,eutitl iii bringin,l Homy tut of he larkue•ss into die light anti at • last hear ilnsay iintoYIi "Dell done g,(i(l and fait}1- il serve.nt, enter thau int., the jay' of thy ;(rd. Signet! on behalf ('f' the Presbyterial ocit•ty, Artts: Sertr ntsNn,'1tiAry. lilts, ,11;1 tcSIIN, I Lt s. 'Jl(1111.ii, l�iural,litir. ,7IINNI : (rnAHA11, lily.+sols, 1)';ssla: S. ANila;(t-- N St.1fe11'11s Al is�l ('. 11,11tltooN, tit. Melons. %la mer, \Larch 11th, 1.x91, allow tuts oct):LSP,n to pas wit:leut placing record our hien appret•iation of the faith 'Mrs. 111> Llh replied, thnnlcin:; the &iocr';t.y for the worm And kind s(enti- ',lt'nts contained ill th('t ads1r1'45, 'tn(1 for th(e t('sti}nufi)lI pt.( son; ('(1, an(1�('X- t)1(el.ste11 .th'' `'ifp('nsurt' she haul ill the work assigned her ai svert'tary, - '1'1),' J) ,tuilli,t') PAr:iatltl t'lt been :,un)i)(1)neit to ni1'i'c ,111 \\'dile;t- dlt,v, .April `11)tl1. After a ;(p„ak(er has been. t•loet(li the 11On4r' of (1utnrnorts will adjourn bntil the fnllnwili tiny. Ai 1 -when the S`p('(',=lt f1i(tt thiT't'hrrnTii' will a( f'v 1 } _•da.14-ye•rt-•d-,-!•ry---H4=-ly'~4tird.1t'a ley y.he .I. l,>u e3 vernor-l;razrriaT. The session is ex- - `'Stat "ted to, he a short one- •-not likely. paillS rn than two Months. 1'11 re and's Patron Saint. Memory' Revered by Irishmen the World Over. Tuesday last was St. Patrick's Day and many of our citizens wore a small sprig of green in their button hole in commemoration of the memory of 'the Saint of the Little Green Isle. Whether such a person as St. Patrick ever existed or not we can't sey, but he has been regarded for cen- turies as the Irish Moses ; yet, like Homer, he is claimed by many countries. - It would seem, indeed, according to his faithful biographers, that his foe -it - steps can be -traced from the cradle to the- gray 6 -by. _-naiiied' after • hire. A better shrine to 'his-meinory is.—tn-the--warm-••hna-rt's of`ilie irrQhi' people who have perpetuated his name and kept his day as a national holiday, ever sinne he was "discovered,” for the place and time of b th • his'hirtl: and burial are as obsnute as his origin. It is .a• t e t ; •.rl,-r and carried into Ireland by. pirates and sold as .a swineherd. There he spent seven years, during Which he, learned the language and habits -of the people. His religious life and miracles are set 'forth in ,volume,, althouga we have no record of his existence until 200 years after his death. • That he is•a tradition to Ireland, as St. Ge;irge and' the Dragon are to England,. is •urost probable, but very high authorities' quote the absence of snakes in Ireland as positive .proof of his •rtii'acle work. There is a• history of that country, which contains, the shortest chapter in airy, history, namely, "There are . no snakes in Ireland," Why St. Petri �•k charmed the snakes away,'or how lie did ir, is not known. itut there are no snakes en the ',Emerald Isle. • I is also traditional thn,t he charmed. a' rni%nster snake in Lough Di •veen, a lake. situated bet,veeir, Tipperary and Cork, and that it''raii be heard Crying; to ' the saint, "It's a long . i%Iondayi , Patrick." It is 'a fict thatin .the present century a: 111 r. Jltutes lilPlalltl—htnlself an Iri.slitim l—purchased ri hat furl of snakes in London • and turned thein' Hose,, on his estate inIreland, • They,. were simple 'harmless .thir)gs, 'hut the whole ' populatiou rose' and hunted thein nut, and for years-everyl.lndy saw snakes in that. vicinit if but a wi rippled the grass. there. is another •pretty tradition the saint. Wishing to i'xplain• t coracle of the •Trinity, he plucked) shamrock and bide the people see ho there were three. leaves on one sten So it is the Irish 1laiiotial emblem to this day. "The plants that bloom forever, \1 hit the rose cent billed • And the thistle twiue,l, Defy the•streugthof,fues to awt•r," . There is a bit of at,alogy in the history of this Arabian sh.uutoNlt, the trefoil held siOrt-ti' liy the Arabs. Th re is n(1 clisrt•spe'ct te\ tho good malls---lf he • t'v't'r f'X'I,tt�el as aL Infill instead of 0 11)4't'h--•1ii 1111' rallil lout;;' verses t;li•t' peopie",spoe't lI7Ii 7)t'1'ln'tra1(.11 tU'wC(1111'►I(tjtle))'atlt Illb vlruues, i111t'1'f'Itl we are toi(1 that-. ; heti ick %vas at ;rent nl leotn:), Ile c tont ..f eleceut 1 pie ; lJr Indite (Autry(' 1,1 l)�ll�iie town Atel (alit put o rt'•e•pIr." lit LI1+)r'c i Ata ('1''1' )4 111 tin' I1,('ItiO)1. Patrick Built f tau e Iltrt�lri Oi11, N'1l, ;lt hil':<ptrlle'it ,,1 I►'••t1 1;)-.,) 11) eudhrigllr, "IL,)rl h.i,-l- ;t1t'it•l. at !ling', to 0:Hotline'v.• Pott"I1 iv a li •)'v, Il !v1•ra:e of a IlaLt(UI)i(l fame wheel 1s ;t111,f 't1) It P(l wHITINU'S that is new, call 'and sett D. -C. TAYLOR. WHOLE NO. 895. Patrick used was publicly burned in Dublin by order of Archbishop Brown, It was with this famous scepter that the saint prodded'the reptiles out of their hiding places. • Acccording to the old -song: "The frogs jumped into the water, The snakes committed anicid.a - T" save themselves from slaughter.". So great was the fright and cominotion atnong the lower animals when the.. • holy man appeared. Another story of the staff is of •`a • • more, serious nature. When St. Patrick baptized the King of M',onstei • at .Oashei he accidentally rested thi iron prod 'of the staff' upon the• king's , foot. • The saint did not. notice this act of his, and leaning heavily on' the `: crozier, he pressed it deep into the royal foot. The king suffered terribly but .believing it to be a part of baptismal' rite: and.the will of St. • Patrick, he gave no sign of his angui Ile.wed ekes --u Us s; know what he had done, b rejoiced in his martyrdom, St. Patrick is, said below medium size, but activity and ale to end His bio •ra hers sa t e ground 'u ith a stone for a till he • was past middle age.' • lived humbly he flied ,luxurious} his funeral fasted twelve days, a • the most • brilliant,' and at .the sal, •time nl�st religious wakeever rec Irded in Ireland: He was buried at .Down. "In Down three *fits onegraveo'do 4111. • Patrick, Bridget, l;oluwbltitl," • A story .worthy of thie patron saint is t his,: , On the hill of Armagh stanehr to -day • a cathedral which • the- saint built • ?..rid blessed . 1,404 . years ago. It has been rebuilt severaltimes, ittis• true. but its priest hears the 'dignity conferred upon St. • 'Patrick, prune, and ,metropolitan 'of all • Ireland, without tile' official fill, • These stories are the simplest •'of tire" multifarious , St. • Patrict mythology' ' 'hut there' ar t. enolgh to'till 'vol.urn all interesting while many q.reprofou • r;;INLoUi> • .• • , On. Thursday evening, Marelt'•�1 t. a- grnlid entertainment was given he rf.• under the' auspices of the •Kinlot1gh Literary -Society. and proved a. success ' in every respect. The large audieuee. seemed to enjoy themselves •very, ,ouch, although a large • numl►er -of- thein • 'c uld Piot tied •s;tting room: The.club swinging and •singing iby the• (Missee Flood was greatly appreciated ,at, loudly encored. • Tl inktrulii music w;is rendered i.n.fir» of ie la t must not forget• to make menti.• w the diale)4ues which were exce'lent,tia'" I. all . pt-r•forineed his''alnd her pure re'adirgs and ' recitations were given. 'The singing' by the showed great skill on their part t; 13 St: kir 1''Itrt le.44,11 11'llt1,'tl niter tit; l',tt )at•I,, Int Hie ';,on:1 Ieu1n hint it'If t, a) 4 0 1''101) 'ral11re' •rr'ftr•nl:'r. . 1It' 111 tat' tilt!, • 11! )) In•I• .1 ltiti I,; ty;a' ttr,ta,,tt' lot .•t ell -r, 111 1;•'. 1e': wi'''ll the iii;ttill • 1)1`.1 and vesv) 1'9 Out' 1I) to with more /.�••i th 1, i )I))t1:• 'Y( a,lrke'd ail tin•)' ill th,t hot Soh J ' I(( tt(�uld not evrii '(Iriok 44:1(''7 an t'n, i. o e dropped deelul. Ile has riasT .:.-101- emitter teS•._> ..; Ihanit', (Thirsty) Colman for his e, miraculous. stiff whioh . St. I y. -4. lit4a .tet r a VW Awns*# ` L 1t.11minh,. 1 ' mn 444 espt'eialIy Mr. Penlape and He: flupp.r. The following is tae eramure : Si .gin); . ...... l 11a's Grates - llw:itati„n Widow Sprigt'iu's Da Wilbert Il"dgkinson...... ClnhSwio 1n !t .'..'Waltx ... ...Mier• 1nstrnn'ental, on violin and organ .. 'M r. and, Miss Porgy . •,• 1)ialogite . An nneetnf trtable Prec Sant, Why T'a('l,ty is always Fahr.:. 1Fo:,din;;, 7'hr•;wing a t'hinets, 1ingiilg ,,,,, 1'rnul5h'•rt'to8hor' Recitation.. ), Edinburgh after ..... GGeo.l'11rvhs......... 1 listi 1In1"1tsI' l. on organ,. organ ..............Mr. (Incl - e 1:ecitatti„u.., The Felt ub 1)u4 -t.. 1's util'ina......, ANY: .1, 1.) ..,...• (i,tt}Iriing Il ens ' i1 I)ialoyrou• \\'}lt'n \Vou1,en have t l l estl'e.e l'etlt!l, on Cie 11111 1111(1 nrgoi ..... Mfr. and. \li.as r', Fey ti 11'1 1lsru'it', te• , i:o;,eli,t;t .„ltnly Alan -led Wim'. jr. • , "tlrrin.r. ............(114111 .St it( 1' (1))' tisral v,•,te it)a ¢1,1,•,11 • 4!r.•'1'l nN°t !1' '.t ; , , u>,: ,• , tl „' t (ut turretittt 011 Si)l•;iI4;, lilt! AN4LionaL447 Ars. Ilu(iMius },tosidin 'ir 0 t ��y public auction .11.1� �' v„ 'star Wt'dt►esd'Ly, 'Mart, of farm stock, •` property of 1t F ^