Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-13, Page 4ir. fa tithe "%that !AE ,,LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO .k&RGOE Prv=bY Anne Don TO THE IDIDTATE'E fir CONSCIENCE "WE PRIZE ABOVE PALL ,Gnl ai�w, .Mareh Oa, '160 �r NOT .:A PARTIZAN., :. 0. Cameron addressed his .'supporters to oerto on t e evening ...cif the election, and the following is an- A.ext'ract from his remarks : - I knew when the ladies were with ,,.me that ' West Huron was safe fot •:'Liberal principles. (Loud applause.) ...I also can thank a large number of my ttf(enservative, friends who favored me �•,vuith :thei-r .,assistance on the occasion, :,., end: how+ed:a,patriotic desire to stand c lbyktheirmottntry against the combine- vsttariin the present:.,`tits, They :rave mnuyrbest thanks, not-soemuch 'because they voted for .me :as an individual, . hut lierausea they wroughtfor the iLibefal 1;,principle of unrestricted ,r+eoiprocity, . open' tnarkfets with' our neighbors, and free, and c.untrammelled trade in what tley,.setiltl'to the outside world. (cheers) • • 3 in--now,--de-factorthe-,-mem•her-for ' West 'Huron (prolonged cheers), and let me tell you -all in conclusion that 1 aye the representative Wall shades of ;polities (cheers), and when I go to .kOttawa, as. go I shall if God gives me Thealth and .strength, no Tory need be .:efraid.or ashanted to., a9k me o ac in his interest and the interest of our: ceMrtactn ...country„ .for I shall know ,no -,,..zit or no'Toiy,in ,my representation -t1f West Huron, but shall act for the prosperity of West Huron, for the .',b1ic weal of the Dotainion,, arid ` for :'the. donor .and integrity of the Old klag,art&titirestricted trade. • seversesert IJQUSE:.0kr.,00'J1.AI0N.9 I -The House of Commons' of Canada, ,,-censists of 215 members. . Each 'Prov.; ince is represented in the. Commons on; 'be basis .of pepulation. By tkei . British, ort America ct 1:be,Provi,gce' of Quebec,is..tp,ave,,G5..tneutbers, and .each of the other Provinceseis to . here, many ,>atenthers its will ,hear the -Name proportion to the number 'of its ,population as Alma bears tit .the num- ;.her of the .population .of uel e. eAt the period .of ACarifedetalicle the ®four original Provinces -sent .memhers on this basis as fgl,lows •: ,Ontario, 82; •Quebec, 0 ; Nova ,Sc:.ti4, ,I9 ; New 'firm wiGl;, ;5,. • ' tray ;the .cet?sus elf :.4471 Ontario ,,gained 4 Neve .Scotia, 2, and .,Naw il3kunolgok 1. , l:anitoba, Prince Eellriard.:Islaud anal British',Coluaebia were ad:nitted, antlehy special°'Agree- ment were aecurded the tfril:lov+ting .rt presentation in the Commons, w•kieh 'sill remain at those figures.uutil their proportionate gain of , popu,jatiott otter ,:QueI ec. entitles theta or any of them •te more : Manitoba, 5 • Prince Edward Island, 6; British Colutl►ia, 6. ' Bty;r<he census e,f 1 881 Ontario made .a•furtltear gain of fnur seats, but none of •tlie,ot lsirPtovinces r.:ade a gain on ,Quebec., It 1866 the four territories of the •Northwest were,eat.'lr accorded a ntr•nt. •:tine i i Rhe klnuse uf.CUsst.yuonc, namely -Alberta, 41,sir►il,cia li;�yt ,A.xsitrihoia `'est, ,and Snskatchrwatt. •i erNfurt .the ,r,cj1'eet►t.ai iotr of Abe Se -vera) ;Prbvinek ,ted teir•itories is as follows : ,knitarie. ; Quebec, 65 ; Nowa Scotia. 2d •; Ne:: ,Brunswick, •bc ; Prince :Ecbwand Isls,ud', ,6 ; f ririah Cotun►bia, 6 ; '1V1,enitoha, 5 ; Nert;b- west Territorie3, 4—toted, 215. TinE Ontario Legislature commenced its tomb—leis in Roront0, on Tuesday. , afternoon. lite address in reply to,the oprc•eh from the throne was ttareek(i ,by +tlr. Joseph Tait, M. R. R., Tt►ron#.n, and was seconded by Mr. ..1. T. ,i;arroety, of West Otitwoa. :Hon. J. o''Vf. ' W .(;ibsr n and 114.r. Dat id Porter, the ,t.Nwly elected uteu►I►er forgiorth Bruce, • fice,re, re eutedteed tovri ttteit beats, a 'The Liicln®w Sentirrelt Bruce Oo m ty,.-Fric�.ty, Mardh lath F. 1I. SOCIETY. Pireeeedlpge of 1ltq Animal Meeting's Ute re.441.1WS.4V..0",114.I)d10-1t,Q11. The.annual meeting of the Maitland .IPreshyterial Womans Foreign Mission- ary Society was held in the Presby- terian church here on Tuesday af'ter- neen,M.arch 10th. There 'vas a large attendance of delegates and others 44* GREAT OLEARINGSALE ,.meeting was opened with devotional exercises, conducted by the President, Mrs. Sutherland. Mrs. Gordon gave a cordial welcome to the delegates and friends, whie;h was responded to by Mrs. Geddes, Whitechurch. The re - p: o . e r asurer an ecre i ry were t►resented, which showed that• the year just .closed had been one of •pr_og- revs in every respect. The offering' was dedicated by prayer by Mrs. Pair - bairn, of Dungannon. The President in an able address, reviewed the work+ of the Society. Mrs. Gibson, of Wrox- eter, read a very practical and sugges- tive paper on some of the hindrances: to our work .and how to overcome.i them. Miss.J-essie Archibald gave an eitcellent' ,paper, subjeot, closed lips.' Mrs. Shepard, of Luckno:w,.annd Mrs..r Bray, of 4Iarkdale, extended .a veryi, hearty,greeting to the Society. Mrs.t, McNabb, Secretary of 'the Society', .was pt esented in the name Of the Society, with an address and certificate of like j membership of the general, society: neatly framed. The address was read by Mrs. Graham, of Brussels, and the certificate of life membership was pre- • sented by - I4iiss--A-n Terson; of --St;'' Helens. The question drawer was: opened by Miss Anderson, who gave very able and instructive answers to a number of practical" questions, beating on the work of the Society. A. nut'- ber of the delegates and friends .took part in the discussion on the different topics-iittredu-ced-through-tare-questi in drawer. Seven young girls from the Harris Mission Band, St ilelens, sank' with :much .'sweetness " Dropping nannies." A vote of thanks was ,tendered to •tihe young 'ladies who so efficiently led. the service of praise, and also to the ladies of Lucknow for their `hospitality. The present officers were .re-elected for the ensuing year : Presi= dent, Mrs. .Sutherland ; Treasurer, (,(rahatn ; Secretary,, Mrs. Me Nabb. Contributions for the year, $.11:3;1.18. ' BROOD MA . The foaling season is costing, and. tfte mares must.be attended to if we want strong and healthy foals, says Ile Canadian Live oitoek Journal. They ,enght to have daily 'exercise, and will lie all the better off if they have Leen worked regularly. • Mates that are worked can be . well ted withoutany injury to them, and they must be. well fed, for it is to be remembered that the mare 'has to .generates blood for the nourishment of her foetus as well as , of herself. It is not necessary to have her loaded with . fat,. but in good healthy ,condition. .Heating foods 'must not be fed, sand broat. mashes should be,giveu occasionally to keep her' bowel,,open. .A mare that. is poor, or one that is in high condition with- out ,exercise,. cannot be expected to produce a ,good foal. The cause there ,being so many deformed and weak -limbed foals may he .attributed to this. .Of course she mustarnot be put to extraord,ituary work, such :as pulling excessive loads, or to a,ny'eiThrts likely to .produce sudden jerks or strains, wtlaiealt w.ould most likely esuse•he+r to skip Ater ,foal, but she may 'be kept at slow and light work up eto near the time of parturition. L`leveAtmonths is the set terra of gestation, but some will foal before that time Auld sone go a year when • the adhesj>t'.e matter (wax) appears on her teats, tthe time is not far off; probably or►ly twenty-four or forty-eight hours, and .o;tye? ,must be on the watch. She ongItt oto be put iii a roomy box. land if the w.'ather is line and warm she wilt he Letter in, .a padd qck. If the mare has been regu- larly exercised, nt,d apparently in health when in foal, little diger will attend the act of parturition. If, , however, there are signs of danger, it will be better to, have recourse to a "wexll-informed practitioner, rather than ,run the risk of injuring the dant by ,violent and injudicious attempts, wh3�b ,are often made to relieve the animal: 3OA OR Sly Rv1 E. t .i,''NDEfSlGNM) WILL, KEEP • for $e+,rvice thilt stason at lot 11. con. $, N.. D. A81411.1, a ('best«•r-White fn11 'brei] boar, lately+l;rynght from t'ink.trt n township.' i a.ruis =-W I„. arttizue of eseyaisse ; $1,25 if not so pai<L p.1 i%T/ANiELIZER. Trt ifast la, tr., Unt, 4 oF "• WINTER 000'os. Ter • egoist Jacket ClotAst /star C0,0 7 'na r -T47 m,;',1-".,, bk-r4r,,.s'T:.tLr, x,' 744. m.,, Al'aVirkt Now is your time tc secure bargains. -1 c 0 E Tl,OR b • Spring goods arearriving daily and we e willsoon be able to show to OUR M NY CUSTOM neof the finest assorted' stocks it the . ---part of trL country. All departments will be unusually well represented. . THIS is TIE SV.A.SO NT `nor. .making up •Shirtings and 'Cottonades for the Spring, OUR'. STOCK IN THESE LINES 1S C' MPLETE And values right, DoTn't forget to ask for the Lybsters.. C1E�Otr, M1YI%IDOOII (Su CO. • LUCKNOW AND DUNGANNON. OUR SPRING STOOK. IS ABOUT COMPLETE. Prints and Dress Goods in great variety at right . prices. IN TWEEDS,AND WORSTEDS e have extra` values. Our Millineryy stock has Jus t been purchased, ' and will be. found TRE RES72, LAT !7W AMR ANNOUNCEMENT LATER CQ11TNELI.L. S OVFS I STOVES 1 STOVES 1 It' will profit you if you.._want to purchase :a' good tJ 000K STOVE, :PARLOR STOVE OR BOX STOVE .T FOR COAL OR WOOD. • - I This season, to call on us. will find our stC , k complete and at reasonable prices. A large stock of Love Furnitme, Bonds, 1 c: , Etc., Away Pown PA= Now is your time to get a good. stove chew . at The leading stove depot, -