Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-06, Page 81ihe.•L UQtcnow Sentineliesrupe Ootinty, Friiclay, March iitth
i.14rmimalLUCINOaW POST`*wwOFE
'Sours: SA. m. to 7`.p.m'' ..
G. it IV Bout 6:13
• Da, muii,. Vaily
,1> � x3;48 p,
t}A. &tB er, , P
in eugh 2.'30 p. fir.
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M��ID,ee, vet grldrya.
awe xe, ;, ,Igevawnxa4
�!AFR -ue, wp.
get h 1b 00a�^sa.
o Ii 3''+ p. m
Baptist Anniversary
The anniversary services of the
Baptists church in this village will be-
held onSwnday, March 15th, and on
Monday, evening the annual tea-meet
nl; iwil1;latl, h,ld in thee church, when
an interestingprogramme of addresses,
singing; etc; ,will be given.
j Skatorial.
- Mr. Geg.; r;.E. Kerr and Mies. Elsie
Po.. t teee4d in
may_. '•;grist;.
carryi>a0 ofi•t o first prze, ,.fit' t -he bes4
lady and gentle. an skaters at the
carnival in Winghain, qn' ,Monday
night last. As neither of . them had
been pn skates for the past three years
titilst that night, it speaks well for them.
Public Notice
parties indebted tome b either,/
All � �'
note or• :'book .*counts ,are hereby-
erebynotified that. the sante must be settled
in full on or before the 15th of•Mareh.
Adam'Thomp pn, blacksmith_
Ministerial Association
At the regular monthly meeting of
line Luektiuw Ministerial Assaciatiose
held in the house of Rev. J. McNabb,
'on March 3rd, Mr. MeNabb read e
subject, "Do the signs of the times
warrant the belief of a speedy evange-
lization of the world -to Christ," in
which he advanced various reasons for
answering in the afli.rmative. An
interesting discussion followed by the
spirit preva . pig the .paper. e`nex
meeting will be held in' the house of
Re -v. W. A. Strongman LL B., on the
first Tuesday in April at two o'clock,
at, which it is expected that Rev. Mr.
Calling or Rev. Mr -Walker will read
4hanie o,, Livery
:Mmfs, Adarn Thompson: and :W_w.
7iyons, have purehasede the livery
tin iness of - Mr. Frank Greer,'in this
a illagel, and tpcjlt, poksessiynn on the 1st
ti eta Be do for the, , Ontario
ature in North, B'ruce,` on Tues
} .last, •. r David' -Porter, the
1.eform candidate, wits elected over
'l r.. John George, Conservative, by
about 230 majority. This' is another
gain for the Reformers.
Quadrille Assemblies
• 'The; quadrille assemblies,.lately
started by the Lucknow Quadrille Club
in the Caledonian hall, have been so
far- very successful, judging from th;e
crowds pending them, and all whom
aye have yeti heard speak .of titiem Verb-
: plelased and delighted, 'arid would not
miss them for twice,, thet,an,ount• of
ad'mvissio ir.
, Give Them, Newspapers
,An ' • experienced,. school,, teacher
is quoted bye •a. contemporary to. the
effect that ' r u . ils who have access to
newspapers at beeps, when compare
with 'these who have. net, are. better
;-,readers, better apel•lers.,better puncta-.
. ators,' 'read more understandingly.; mid
•• obtain a . 'practical .lfnowlecl}e of
' graphy in almost half the :time it
r..e'ciuires others,
Hackett's Church Services
. Special evangelistic se► v ices will be
•held in Hackett's church, Ashfield
eitvlfit, 'beginning on. • Monday, March
• 9th, find continuing till further notice.'
.S,•I.ies :for the first four days will be
a ; :•30 attile7 p.. m., and every evening
{th reafter' at. 7. p. mist The • pastor;
11ev. Dr. 'S't+`ongu:an, •will be assisted..
'!..ii -Miss Chapman, 'who ,has labored 'so
o€,, late at, Ripley, Pine River,.,. and
Lude,.ow. ' It is hoped., • that these.
services will result in lasting good.:
Jubilee .Singers ,
s'ui'te •
fa -Toils Doipiuiog troupe Of
jefellee • seftgera will give,one nit their
tpu(ar ,wpncerts in the• Methodist
• l u.rch 'here .on- the evening of Tuesday,
7th March. • The• Company. contains
seven special soloists, including A. W.
• l,faurrie, the :wonderful basso of the,
original leisk 'yearn ;, Miss Julia A.
• Henson, s ,praeo, the veritable ctaugh-
ter•of, lTueiie Torn ; Mrs. Lottie Bland,
soli',txigi-e, and Ernest t"r'lianyoun,
tenor, of -the old .OrBanyoun .troupei ;
Miss ti'usie E Ralston, of the fatuous'
Terin°esseeans, contra alto ; Miss Sarah
i. ontgomery, a -beautiful soprano
soloist, and •tbe •Rev. J. O'Banyoun,
l.4ritoue and tenor. They are highly
spoken of by the press and are singing
to large houses everywhere.
Gore to Brantford
M r. George Kerr, accompanied by
his saes, George, left this 'week for the
city•uf L'rantfer4, Where he has par-
,-chrt;sed a large .business' of gents
furnishings, hats, ceps, etc Mr.
Kerr is one of the'.oldest business men
of our yillage, and his departure fl oro
Lucknow, will be greatly regretted.
.lie always took an active interest in
everything pertaining to. the welfare
of the place, He came to this country
from ,Scotland when a mer boy, ah'1
sett';ed. in Lucknow in 1862, and frotn
(lilt tame till Itis clepairture he has
always been prominently , identified
with the village.• He has served many
' years at both the ,public school and
council bo;ircts, and; during the four
years ,lie ' wee pied the position of
Reeve;of the village,,he proved him-
seif ,an etfic,iettt and 1c:tpable • officer;
ever ready and willing"to sacrifice both
time acid means- to further the inter-
ests of the placo.,.and its inhabitants.
• His loss will be keenly fele by -our
, citizens, but one a'.d all will llearti)T.
,hitt with us in s i's'hing•hin ettbee derl
stiecess in his new home. Mrs Kerr
acid family will. rernai°iii in the vi1htgt
for 'sone ' tine yet, and M r. Jemes
Kerr will look after the milling hues.-
urrnese aryl. the grocery store till the
first of July, when Mr. Kerr's lease
•„ofeLlge_seeller mil eexprrea . ,
Exctraiggs will be run on the C. P.
R'y., on the 24th' February, and every
Tuesday thereafter during. March and.
April,. to Manitoba, Northwest and
British{ Columbia. Any information
required will be cheerfully given by
Mr John' 1urehison, C. P. R. agent,
klf;.F ilkr Society
The Maitland Presbyterial Union
of the W; F. M. Socioty, will be held
in the Presbyterian church, Lucknow,
on Tuesday,-. March 10th, at 2 p.ln.
411 ladies are cordially invited to
attend. In the evening a public meet-
ing will he held 'in the same place,
when the, Secretary's annual report
will be read, and missionary addresses
delivered by Rev. Mr. Fairhairn, of
Dungannon, and Rev. Mr. Forrest, of
Walton. ' Ail are cordieljy invited.
!back, • and. ineleded• a. pe: iod e'i time
twenty years pack to soros tiuite irl the
4ry1r;eVick40-fu.ttue when Sir _hip.. will
be resting his bones beneath the •cold
•dray, sod and Mr. Laurier will he
•erackiiig the whip of, power laver this
feiir land of ours. It, tteetes to rile that
it wo.uld not be a bad thing for Mr.
Somerville before making another
pollticial sppech to study that little
'Peach me to feel another woe,
But although he trieil• to make nut
that the roan we place ever Qui .coun-
try's affairs, though clever, wee a cm, -
wing, unscrupulous` polit,ctan, yet Mr.
Somerville with his pleasant ' mauuer
and spicy sayings, served to lit i; hten
thin s u , and we suppose that in this
nded .Invitation _.
he wanagement - of the Lucknow
Quadrille Club extend a cordial invita-
tion to all who wish to spend an
evening of; enjoyment and healthful
exercise, byes tending the assembly in
the Caledonian , hall, • on Thursday
evening,. next, March 12th. A good
orchestra will`be in attendance, also.
bagpipe music. Instruction class 'at
7:30 ; dancing to commence at- 8:30.
Adtnission.2.5 cents. ,
fk Week's Record of the Pushing Border
—The heavy snow storm on Tuesday
night has made the sleighing good.
—Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McIntosh
went to Toronto on Wednesday last..
.—Mr. John Alli.n left last week for
Manitoba with a car load of fine horses.
—Mr. 0. Cook got his hand badly
cut at the furniture factory. on Tues-
day last.
i—Mr. Cassidy and. Mr. Hutzhison,
of Port I Igin, 'spent -a -few- days-itr,the-
village last week.
—Mr. Robert Walker, of Kincar-
dine, has been elected .Deputy -Reeve
by a majority of 75 over Mr. John Mc-,
—Mr. (teo. Stinson, of Mono. • mills,
Cardwell, nephew of Mr. Geo. Middle-.
#,err.,-s.pentea—fgeudays in the • village
last week. '
—The Presbytery of Maitland will
meet in the Presbyterian ., chure9h,
W. R. Hornell, G. E. Kerr, Lucknow, on Tuesday,- March lOth,
Secretary.' � Manager.• at one o''aock .p.m.
A Heavy Weight Family • —Athanksgiving collection of $887
There is a family in Hillsdale that in cash Was taken in ,the Kincardine
is pretty hard to beat. Mr. Thomas Methodist e.turch on Sunday 'last, on
Thurlow, the father, is. a middle-aged,
active, intelligent man, much respected
by, his neigbhors, and weighs 250 lbs.
• One daughter aged 13 years and 6
months, weighs 200 lbs., another
daughter over 11 years old
weighs 187 11►s.,,and a third daughte3r,.
Only 10 years old rises the beam of•the
scales,, at 167 lbs. The father and
three daughters thus weighing over
800 pounds. °
,Post Office Depositors -
BY an order in council, depositors
in Post, Office Savings Bank can now
deposit- $1000 ',instead ,of $300, as.
heretofoi;e, during each year. ending
30th June. Total deposits, however,
ere liiuited to $3000, exclusive of
interest. Repositors can also after
deposits have been one full month in
Savings Bank, transfer their deposits
lin sums of $100 or. • multiples thereof'
to the Finance Department for invest -
meet in Deininlnil 311- per :cent. in-
scribed stock, interest • payehie 1,st
eiarch and lst September.
Home (or°Burial - „
We,announced last week that word
had . been received. of the serious
illness of Mrs. George Grant, who left
hei•e with her husband a few weeks
Igo for & Attie, Washington Territory..
Ori Friday last another 'telegram was
rent to the friends conveying the sad
i"te,llinen e. , that she was dead.• and
that her cements .were beitrg shipped
home • for,, interreiene. Mrs. Urapt
was formerly a school tOilicher, and
daughter of Mr. Hugh Rutherford, of
St. Helens: She was a , young woman °
greatly beloved by all and her sad
death is a severe, blow to her bereaved
husband and friends:.
Canadian Plants
We have received a copy of Wel'ster
1 t' s.' beautifully illustrated,. book of
Canadian .plants for Canadian people.
They otter not only the latest novelties,
but all that is desirable in plants for
the garde! pr greenhouse roses of all
descriptictns,hatdy, o.nciclintbers;
la fact ever• tliiug to meet the wants
•of a Canadtar} flower -loving popple.
Messrs. V'. elister have been established
in Hamilton' for a number of; years.
and .their establishment, which is" the
largest of the kind in the Dominion,'is
specially equipped for the pro..uction
of plaints for, disrribution over •the
wide expanse of our country. • They
have a. well-earned reputatl"ii ?or care -
fel packing ar l.' safe delivery even
to the most remote points in the
Dominion A copy of this handsome
catalogue may .beehad free on atipli-
s cation. .
the 100th anniversary of Methodism
in Canada.
-2.-John Pin -vise anctiOneer, will sell
by • public auction at the east' half of
lot 20, con. 14, West. Wawanosh;, on
Tuesday, March 10'h, a quantity of
steekgar}d ,implements,;the prppe,aty
Alex. Cameron:
—The large irop .bridge, that was
buiit ever the Saugerp river at*Wei ke:-
ton, t.vo years ago, at acost of over
$4000. has been carried away by the.
ice and. flood. The County Council
paid half the money for ,its erection.
• —A social under the auspicesaf the
Ladies Aid Society; wilh be held, at the
residence of Mr. G. W. Berry, on
Thursday evening next, at 7:30. Ad-
mission 15 cts. A good time may be
expected and a cordial invitation is
extended to all.
• —Dr, Gordon v,rishes to• inform the
public that lie was iiut laid up with
typhoid fever, as has been currently
reported.. • His sickgess was throat
atteorion; (acute pharyngitis). 'He has,
almost., entirely recovered and. is now
able to attend to thent,as,usual'.
Party Politics+.The Rear yet Alive -+A New
Y ,
Politics—This is the time wheil
every house is divided. The fether
fighting. the sun, the Molher, • the
daughter, and the rnothe,rrin-law her
son-iri-law, etc. ' All minor gossip is
now laid aside and that all, absorbing
theme, politics, seems to have con-
quered alike the wise man end the fool.
Free Tiade seems to he in, favor, with
the majority of 'the•farmera around
herr, but prntectinn charppi ned by
cur.' worthy friend Albert ie not yet
floored. On Thursday our little town
was invaded by Messrs. R. D. Cameron
and Jas, .Somerville, champions of
unrestricted reciprocity, accompanied
by Messrs. J. G. and W. Murdoch, T.
Young sed .J. Bryan, Mr. J. D.
Cameron took the floor fist and iii a
carefully prepared and well rendered
address,which lased neerly an hour,
he gave the electors a plearview of
what is meant by Commercial Union,
Unrestricted Reciprocity and Free
Trade. . He confined himself entirely
to. the -trade question and. Knave sante
very interesting and startling facts
=concerning the way in which the
customs duty affects the farmer finan-
cially He Was followed by, Mr. .1.
Soinrrville,. who held forth in a ,rarnh-
ling speech of nearly two ltours,,•which
r extended from Dan to Beer-sheba and
ate it t444..41
man to his tents 0, Israel." tie -that
is a Tory let hila be a Tory °still, and;
he that is a Grit let him be a, Grit w -it b
all his might. The meeting, broke up
with, •cheVes for yhe .Quern, cud the
That poor bear—The Pera'n 'ant
bear is • not dead yet but by has just.
come out of his hole to relieve the
Skye Island r, orrespondente(er rather
the S. I., correspondent. from- Para-
mount) of a wrong idea. That gifted
individual some time ego appeared
troubled because the Paramount Scribe
had a 'oilier come; pondentle tithe he,,
and thought to get even by . tellip�;
people that it was only noticeatile for
,the misconceptions it contained and
ill -concealed attacks upon the innocent.
W i would just remind the gentleman
that he is the in an that started the
attack. Ile has cracked his little joke
•-about-the-paw-sucking: bear-u�ntil-pit, -is -
thrsadbare, but he is still in all proba-
bility 'rolling it like ' a sweet, morsel
under his tongue and will endeavor to
present it again ir. a new garb. With,
the advice that he work it well as it is.
getting stale we would say. to haru—
Farewel 1.
A new Industry—Mr. D: F. Clark,
with that push and enterprise wine
seems to be characteristic 'If the natives
of Paramount, has opened out a
general • blacksmithing establishment
here. Mr. R. A. Davis, who is visit-
ing fri. nds' here, intends hauling out
gravel 'and selling it to Dan fol coal.
Mr. Clark will no doubt receive a.
liberal share of. the public patrtinage
as.the farmers around here believe in
keeping the capital in. the. community.
Sleiething would be' welcome .for a
while. .
Mr. Jas. Cook is home from Wiarton.
Miss M. Murdoch has return el from
her visit;to•Ga:t:
M�d,rs. Deyr<len has returned to, her
oine rn Meeitol►a..
Miss Edit McLennan, • of Lucknow,
spent a few days with friends herr.,
Miss Susan, Cook • is home from
• The above .council met on February
18tH with all the members present.
After �the 'reading and adoptionof the
minutes, the following . business was
transacted : The reeve and council
were appointed a Beard of Health and
J. S. Tennant M. 1)., medical health
officer. A by-law was passed limitii:g
the number of tavern licenses to four.
and fixing. the amount to be paid for
each such license at $90 each.' The
account from the.clerk of the Division
Court at Dungannon for damages
awarded' to Andrew Mullin and costs.
of suit, $41:58,' was ordered to be paid,,
Edwin Winfield was ordered to be
paid the sum of $1.50,,, for clearing. oil'
brush on the southerli boundary. • A
petition • was presented, signed by
Donald McKenzie,and others, for im=
proveineut to be made oh tho, hill at
lot 23, con. 8 ; laid over. .Aceount1of
R.. W. McCruur for stationery, 66.97,
was ordered to he paid. On the
tenders for the putting of gravel on the
,Durham road being opened, only one
tender from Divid Keys at 97 cents a "
cubic yard being put, in, it ,was moved
by McIntosh, seconded'by Valens,' that
as this council consider the price too
high it bo not accepted.—Oarried.
.The Auditors'' Report was presented
and adopted, and tho, auditors were
paid for their services the suet of eight
doll,rs each. Jchn Purvis was paid
for his salary as collectolethe sura of
eighty dollars, Ati acrbualt was pre-
sented from - Kincardine' council for
$1,50, being half of a sum expended
on the boundary of Kincardiue and
Kinloss. Enquiry was ordered to be
made regarding the work and if found
satisfactory that it be paid. Moved
by .M.;lntosh, seconded by Moffat, that
this council iippnint Mr, Valens and
the mover to be a committee.,,to accept
.offers for the put ting of gravel on the
Durham line and if a • reasonable offer
be received that they let a contract of
four hundred yards.—Carried.
The &luncil adjourned to meet again
oil tl}e,9taji of Aprjl,
Paralit,1Rctn, C:eek.
But fur money's eke dou.'t.
miss those .'' ,
GOING! .GO1�ii''G�,1
AND. r
AND. .
Quite s,:mixture, isn't it ? But
this is r how we niake
up bundles,