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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-06, Page 7
,.p _. -.9-V s� `sa.•-,. _. - ... ; •- «-;rte:,. a , LADY ABERDEEN'S .TRIP inHiss is given, but, to our regret, Hiiss Rye's Home, near Niaghra, of TAN THOUSAND WObfRh!• SWEPT $�s which a Y THE FLOODS. $$ D$svED s Pla1z>Qr, -- �.-- we never managed the expedition. The They Are to Meet in Washington on Wash- ----`---. Watched a Batley Horne and Had Nothing matron told ne that very probably a fort- initton'a Birthday. pour Thousand People Driven From Some &''say 46 Through 0anada With a ]Kodak" by night after we landed the ohildren would Ten thousand women will meet in Wash- A farmer, driving a malieh•lookin bores, ,1 all be engaged or adopted in homes where ington on Sande and Monde neat. y y by thejeing Water. attached to an old time !'oarry-all V. came the Qott11#�8gr they knew they would he oared for. I There 10,000 delegates will. represent more to. town, deolarep Texas Sijtirigr, His horse think I have behaved very badly to you in than 700,000 women—members of clubs, aitopped in front of a rner drug store and" not having photographed, either these chil. societies and•' unions in the fonrty-four A• Virginia Town'a Deplorable condition refused to go on. farmer urged the (From " Onward and Upward.") dren for you, nor a typical poor emigrant States o! America, Letters have_ been —Johnstown,, Pa.,Again at the Korey of animal and hen proceeded to beat him Norwegian family, who would have made passing, to and fro between the notive the Flood. with a rope, but without avail. Of course, A trip to Canada 1 Yee, we had often a delightful group it I could have made spfrits for many months, end there is like. hundreds of men came a tallied about i&, We had paid a visit to them understand, what I wanted. There spired that neat week's Congress e. A Johnstown, Pa.., despatch says : The p and offered India, Ceylon, Australia, '1'asmau o, New they were, father, mother and a whole g foundations of many houses have bourn un- advice. A balky horse is perhaps more Women at Washington will be the greatest der -mined by the flood entailing he t fruitful o! sriagoStiori than cny'thin^' e!s Zealand, and we much wished to aAe SamQ saoceeaion of little flaxen-baired boys and .Aeembl- o of tun kind Ou &iiia OonCinan$ b . tti.y -OE` b thing of this otherv.ast and fair Dominion girls, the latter each with a little yellow or in an other art of the world. ns, The bones of a victim of the great flood can hope to be. One man told the farmer .which forms part of the British Empire, I pigtail, after the fashion of some of the It ie not one erase that is to be re re- were washed up by the waters yesterday. to twiat his tail i and another one said that __.e Street osre.are rnnnino auxin ....i ;i ;o a.._ !a bundle of fodder held hAfnrw his Awaa -----^•- ..., ,puUtuavue — 0—,. . _ _ w ut�tu �u[tav'u SrnFi GYittYYtICY YpYiCdilii: 2iY doll t�Y�- _., o e sea, an when we every a rp- temperance unions, religious orders, cdnoa• am. ria ren or wi the farmer turned to & quiet load o! emigrants g resume operations to day. The most serious q et men standing talked of Canada wa were always g gain to Canada, for tional clubs, will meet on a common level, lose is the; destruction of bridges, as the dif- on the edge o! the sidewalk and asked very conscious of the fact that they are most thrifty, -hard-working the members all moved by he same ferent eeetions of the city can have no oom• "What have you got to say ?" the wild waves of the ocean separated its people, and when they get settled generally interests and working for the same end. shores b the a ace of elven da s from soon Send money home to bring out their manication by wa one or trains for Nothing. ' Y P y Everybody well have an opportauity to say months. The peopl© living beiow this oily " Isn't there some mistake &boat , Britain. However, last pear our desires, relations. I shall have more to tell something, which is a pleasant feature of coupled vVith doctor's advice, overcame our you about them by and by. Meantime P are still .ia great distress while farmingthat T1 , ,p p , the occasion in itself, and almost every communities are heavy losers. " None whatever:" fears, and on a flue evening in August we I must tell you about what is Subject of interest to advanced women will A Wheeling despatch says : •The Obi "Are you sate ?" < found ourselves dropping down the Mersey,always the ereat excitement of A voyage to be touched a on. Th -�,:�*�mnsnr'.,�,��c�„a��� '` � tl'6rna lOtla - - - -•a�� 11 - J '�4,�..:�'a$"a�s'?^y% - .''..k: .."�mr�c•�!�•ru:'�c'"grkwCvcdrrct5u-•.�. ' Allan Line, one of the largest ships plying Liverpool, and wore preparing in various Council held at-Wasbib ton in 1888 when damage hes been vary creat. Mach suffer- " Is it possible," said the to=mer, 'that between this countryand Oanadian ways irrr.a concert which was to be !x ing will result, se a large area of the city is Yon stand there and see balked horse and ports.. given the women of seven countries, came to - Have ou ever been on board an Atlantio On behalf of the Liverpool Home for the under water. The whole of Wheelie have no suggestions to make?" Y gather for discussion, The. basis of the Island, "the 7th ward, iS flooded, and las " it is not only passible, but it is an Miner when in port ? It so, you know how Orphan Children ofSeamenwho have pe r• prinoiple was then defined as , t ,# i Shed at sea when a rumor went round 4 y.Ia night most of its 4,000 inhabitants slept on absolute fact. ; de • htfal everything looks. 'A largo baso- the general good of women and t roe h , P titdock above,.snug little berths beiow, that an ioeberg was in eight. An eager „ g high ground in tha main art of the cit " Where do you live?" them of all humanity, The work of P of .#town." �. s ep ndid saloon, a reading room, a r+mok� crowd was soon scanning the horizon with organization has &:ince been carried on with In South Wheeling hnndr�de of houses of In this �, ing-room, books, music, games, and on telescopes and hold glasses, and beigre long energyworking people ompioyed in milia,and fao• " Are you going home soon Y a tau cone-shaped, and enthusiasm which speaks tories are under water, and in the "Yea But why 2" a look in the pretty little prospectuses 9, ped, glistening white hill volumes for the future success of the �# handed to you about the interior arrange- hove in sight, resplendent with shades of baeinese centre many of the whole. Well, I have a bushel of frash eggs Y g P council. infra pre, Willard, who calls 'sale houses are flooded. The that I want to resent ib you. Hera take mento of the ship, and You see pictures of a transparent green and bine. We looped at herself " the little old maid," will preside this basket a y y � happy company seated at long tables enjoy. it, and we photographed it, and we Sketched at all the meetings. poet office and custom house is partly sur- and when you need an farm it, and we talked about it till another, and g rounded and the basement filled with truck let me know and it shan't cost you w` ing the beet l faire, radios and gentlemen cent, I admire enius and must say that r singing and playing, readingand lam at yet anothe ,name in view, and during that water. Business is almost entirely one. g g g P y g` playing i ?venin and next da T�•E UONFESSIoN of FAITH, ended. No trains are arriving or depart- Yoa are the most remarkable man I ever . games, and altogether having a good time g y sem? 18 were seen ing., The depots are under water and. the saw." " of it. Look at the pictures given on pia- in all the various lights of sunset and, sun- The United [states Presbyterian ' ii®neral raiCrbad oedrng page, and say whether lite at Bea rise and mid-day. They were very beautiful,- Assembly Make Important Changes- yards blockaded, the engines and Broken Brakemen. does not seem a very attractive thing, evil- and I wish that our Magazine dared be extra. care standing in water over their wheels: ing along in one of these brave ships under vagant enough to launch into colored pio- A Washington despatch says The oom• The Stamm and Windeor hotels have (Random Notes from the Current News.) ` a good ceptainoyFith all the good things of tures, and I could thus give you one or two mittee of the General Assembly of the Pres- water in their first floors. It is not Brakeman Signor. 11 Struck by a bridge" life at hand, mad no cares, no reaponsibili,- of my sketches. As it is, you must content °byterian Church of the United States on thought there will be a further rise of more Brakeman Nelson. " Fell froma, train." ' ties, no work, no telegrams, no letters ? yoursolf with seeing an ioeberg much nearer the revision of the confession of faith, than a foot, which will put the water a Boil, Wis. a ship than we had 'the opportunity of after a very harmonious session last-. little above the 45foot stage. Reports Brakeman Carlisle. �#Switchedtodeath. " So one thinks, and so one continues to seeing it; mach nearer, too, thah our cap. ing eleven days, completed its work from glass and pottery districts along the Dayton, O. think for an hoar or two after etartin_, but 'tain'would have oared to have it. 'Chess and adjourned last night. The changes river. show heavy losses are sustained by Brakeman Eden. " Crushed while wait a wee, and see if yon don't begin to ioebergS,•whioh are morsels detached from made have generally met with unanimous the flooding of factories. coupling." Elyria; O. y i h that you could give effect to Second the great glaciers of Greenland b the approval. The report will be presented to oughts, when you find yourself tossing summer sun cense Y the assembl in Detroit neat Ma end b Brakeman O Donner. Run over and , tont in the Irish Channel i st ale a few great anxiety to the y y Y A ®UitAIBLE nl3BDm.,_ ' killed. Santa Fe, N. M. - ours -later. But -the least said shout these °OQr� QR10�manding ahige- on -the -Atlantis. -1t ref erre to,tfiePreebyteriesfor'adoption.or Btakemsri'TArf "Hie toot i - '� releofion. The changes made in the state. a Bank President Chokes Hie Ulfe to Cheotowga, N. Y. y n &frog. • - - �-Sao 7�'his is more " especially the oleo in' the GWr experiences, and the wishes then rashly neighborhood of ' Newfoundland, which is menta of the confession have been of great Death. Brakeman Pollock.- "Ran over and uttered, the better, and ao I will tell you very' Bubject to loge, or, as the saying importance, bat have in no way impaired killed." Memphis, Tena. nothing of $bat August night, nor of the a g g°es' the into ri, of the e A Clark despatch says: P ' g b g ' it is celebrated for " fog, da and cod." g Y system of doctrine so P ye : Samuel Cowles, Brakeman Caulking. '• Switched to . long wait we had next day at Moville, near 1" g lou herd b the Church. President of the Paoifio Bank and one o! „ ?; Of and often Ships shaves Ile capped g y death. Mount Morrie N. J. Londonderry, for the English mails, which_._____ the oldest citizens, was arrested yesterday, • the Straits of Belie Isle for days enwrapped Brakeman Harris. Crushed b bum bed been delayed some bourn in crossing charged with having murdered his wife on �� y p- in dense fog afraid to budge, in case one of A vlCaoRR FOR t�sralli>t:[;s. ere. Birmingham, Ala. from Holyhead to Kingstown, in cones- these great' ice monsters may be looming --- Feb. 4. Mrs. Cowles was ohoked to death Brakeman gSallivan. "Jammed to gaenee of the storm. I should like, though, Grand Duke Alexia Degrades and Drs- in herbed ohamber. The alleged motive " near at hand, ready to overwhelm the death. Meohaniceville, N. Y. to be able to give you a eight of our last " misses a Russian Admiral. is $5,000 life insuraeoe, which the husband unwary seaman and his craft. This a _ f Brakeman, Phi lr s. " _ —�— gd-imps®ol-tri?-shores oi'� Q�ald Ireland. ss Bhp o ours, the Parisian had a narrow A St. Petersburg despatch Says: :Admiral •oak oats-ors—tris—wife—an-the : i' merioaYi a midge ; killed. BtatBbu$=n49k��o 8 we saw them disappearing neat evening. A g P Y Legion of Honor. g+ N. Y. eaceession of bold bluffs and headlands eaaape.in May, In the fog elle ran atilt Virkotaki, who was recently assaulted by " Etc., oto., oto. Jutting out into the eoa, one beyond the against what was called a small iceberg, strikers in the admiralty Shop building A eotctvB X24 Uttultoe. but which one of the risen ere described dock and on account or his alleged The Servant Question, other, as far as the eye could reach in the P g 5 g -- gathering darkness, the groenj'slopes here to trio as having a most alarming appear- tyranny, was summoned before Grand Strange Conduct of a Clergyman at a It is a curious fact that ,the=e is nothing & I'd here just: visible, and the heavy once. In a moment there appeared me a Duke Alexia, the high admiral of- the flee$, uommnnton. which ie eo wholly unanimous as the desire vieioa ast in front of the bows a towering to explain his actions. The Grand Duke, A London cable says: At Newton Abbot, that other people's daughters should be • lilaok clouds which, had been overhanging � ' g P as all day fringed with a glory of red and white mass, ps►rt of ..,which seemed to was ,dissatisfied "with the Admiral's ex- Devonshire, today, Rev. Dr. Pope was cooks and obamber•maide. We never purple and orange. Lord Aberdeen and I overshadow the dock. This passenger planation.and dismissed life from the post fined £2 for brawling in church. Dr. think of it as a thing desirable, or perhapti leant over the taff"rail and can�ht some told me that the feeling of alarm of command and of the Port of St. Peters- Pope attonded a religious service on Sun- sgpposable, for our own; and this fact whiffs of a dear familiar peat -Smoke, which was swallowed up in an over -powering burg and transferred him to Viadivostoek. day, and while the oommunion was being seems to damage most of our arguments sent as. happy to our cabins, that night. senNo of wonder and awe. at the marvel- The Grand Dake also ordered that the. administered walked up to the officiating ,for others. Artemus Ward was willing -to Pray enquire no further lousness and magnificence of the scene demands of the strikers be satiefied. clergyman, wrested the chalice from his send his wife's relations to the war, but y q yon shall hear presentee, and that it was only later, when none of chands, and drank the wine; while standing we are not inclined to contribute even Suffice it to sit to sane. the skill of captain and offioara had avertedday that the 750.paasen7ers ^- Notes from Scotland near the.altar rail. Dr. Pope then returned these to the kitchen, for we Should hold, a catastropho, that the perilous posi&iou the empty ehalics to the clergyman, re• rightfullyi that it was " menial service." on board were in a decidedly, subdued in which the ship b -%d. been placed was As a result of General Booth's recent markingin a voice heard all over the Now if we draw the line at menial servioe frame of mind for a few days, your editor fully realized. visit to Glasgow fully £6,000 have been. church " You're no Christian. You are for ourselves and our relatives, why Should amongst the number. She had not yet The bright sun and clear skies which we subscribed to the '• Darkest England" null& t -o administer the Communion." By we Speak severely of those who draw the t; even conceivedH. H. A. Something the idea telling her enjoyed gave ns immunity .from all saoh scheme. friends of the this time Dr. Pope was greatly excited. He line at just that point for themselves and ething about dangers. We aniled peaeefally through the The number of emigrants. who loft the stood gesticulating near the altar duringtheir own relatives ? The whole difficulty this expedition, or else she would doubtless Straite; on either aide of us the line of the Clyde for places oat of Europe daring the rest of the service. The court today of this much -vexed question seems to lie hava used her 11 Kodak," to bring before low blue hills of Labrador and Newfound- Jannary'wsa 691, of whom 660 osme tothe was crowded with 'clergymen and others. precisely there. Harper's Bazar. yon various scenes and attitudes of different land gleaming in the Sun, and in the United States. Amid considerable excitement Dr. Poe at degrees of misery. Oar fellow-pseaen• reflected light of long, trailing, flaky, ,elands, which we soon began este therefore essayed the danger of be- pinky -whits The Rev. Dr. Blank, of Wallington first said he was not guilty,, and afterwards Scottish Military changer. ing'i therefore oed thus to you, and I shall to, associate with Canadian skies. Then Church, Glasgow, will, it is understood, b6 Pleaded guilty and apologized for his con- On the 2nd inst. it was officially notified ho e''to show Some of them to You in a nominated for the moderQtoraliip of the duo$ in the ehnroh. Dr. Pupa's lawyer said from the British War Office that the 13th P Y we floated out of si;;ht c1 land again into happier aspect later on. When we began the great Galf of S;. Lawrence on into the U. P. Synod thin year. his clients mind,h&d became unbalanced, Hussars, on leaving Edinburgh and Glas- to be in a state to realize one another, we big river itself, along the piotnroeque shores The Countess of Aberdeen has been and it would not be just to be too severe gow in the spring, will go to Bmllingollig i found that we might almost, Consider aur- of French Canada, dotted with groups of elected Presiden& of the Sconish Women's upon him. and that the Cameron Highlandere, going selves already in Canada: We were of all cosy wee tin -rooted oottagee, in which live Benefit Society (in the place of . the late from Edinburgh in Jane, will proceed to degrees—distinguiabod Canadian Cabinet tha French-Canadian fishermen, and every Conutess of Roseberry) and he Hon: Lady JUMPED TRZ rRALCs, Bradford instead of to Ireland, as origin. Ministers', Governors, Senators, Profea• now and again a picturesque little church Campbell of Blythawoud Vice. President. -- ally proposed. The . battalion for Glasgow. The Fireman and Two Passen is the fi'ret Royal Soots Fusiliers now at sore; business men were there, and So and ached. It was all very peaceful, and Mr• John Wilson, M. P., at a tem temperance sere $ailed P and Several Hurt, were 'also emigrants of many various a great contrast to the beginning of our gathering in the City hempia, London, ex. A CharlottoN.ti, Dublin ; and the orders for the 1st Royal' classes and'from all countries, bound to voyage, Bat I mast not linger longer over pressed his belief that it all Scotland were , desp%toh eaya : A xnixed Soots are that they will arrive at Bain. many various destinations. Some were our voyage, and so I leave you till nest polled tomorrow three foarttie of its in. passenger and frerkht train an the Cheater burgh in Jane. The ahaQgeS .proposed for £, going for the first the track on the trestle two malas loath of are : 2nd Btime to seek their for• month, within sight of the beautiful city of habitants would be in favor of prohibition. d• Lenoir Narrow Gunge Railroad jumped the ?2nd line battalions in the spring tune, they knew not where; some were �Qacbee. lack Watch from Belfast to � going out to join friends who had already It is proposed to endow 50 new Wishes Newton yesterday afternoon. The killed Limerick, and let Seaforth Highlanders, prospered ; some were returning from pay- As GOOD AS aU erA-Pfga.A in Scotland,. and for this purpose an effort were:'. J. Hoag, fireman; H. M. Morrow Dublin to Fermoy ; the 2ad Argyle, and ing a brief visit to their friend ein "the old is being made to raise from £150,000 to and W.W..Rosa. Those seriously injured Satherland Highlanders ars to go from country," : as we soon became Canadian An ]bast Indian Gum That Closely s esen►- £200,000, one half to'be contribuued locally, were ; Frank . Coulter, . C. C. Dunlap, AIdsraot to India in the next India troop - and the . other from the members of the conductor; e 'enough to pall it. Amongst such company, blas Crude Rubber. M. Johnston end Rev. J. M. ing season ; the 2nd Royal t3rote from Church at large. Little. Malta to India; and the 14 Gordon High- . „# who were all also so willing to impart A Portuguese scientist Senhor tia Costa " information to strangers and " ten- is reported to have discovered% c eaoell?n>' The oldest of the Scotch.Lorde of Session lenders irom,Ceylen to Mauritius and the derfeet " this being the name for' new, is the Right Hon. 4ohn loglia (Lord Glen- The rumors circulated in regard to Mr. Cape: It is probable that the Cmrabineers oomora in Canada we were able to ick n a and abundant Substitute for: t r,5a•peroha ourse), Lord Jus%ioe.General, aged 80; he Gladstone's state of healthare not founded (6th Dragoon Ganrde), between reagin cod deal about the country and the sole itr the solidified Haid which issues from the youngest is the Han. Moir Todd Stormonth on fact, as he is enjoying /.11 health for a Leeds and arrivin at Edinbar h will o Y people nivol•eantom, a tree that grows wild in the DarlingLord Stormonth Darling] man of his age. to the Cnrragh for drill. g C '^ -#!�nonget whom we were point; to live for Conomn district of the Bombay Presidency, 46. ( , .god After a long struggle the South Dakota - the next three months. I will try to filter India, where it is generally planted for ,. down to'you a little of what 'tbey told • nS hedges. The gun; `is said to be insoluble in Legislature line elected James H. Kyle as "rhe Track of the Reapeir. g �lte liusgnehanna lois+ne- Senator b a combination o! Independent The following and the mortuary by degrees, but first I waist to introduce to winter, sateniu;; ander heat and hardening Yu' ou a number of youthful emi rants, in A Williams ort Pa., and Democratic votes- r' y Y g in sold. ; Whoa moulded the guru retsina P despatch rays : for the month of January, giving the rate Mon - whom I think you will be specially inter• the given shape, can be ce t into thin Everything now indicates a flood of not less The tragic death of her daughter, the of death per thousand of Population: esteda These are a party of fifty young aheets, and is capable of taking, the than 26 feetin the 8uequohanna River. The Countess Waldstein Wartenberg, has treal 1.72, Toronto .116, Quebeo .283, Ham. girlsof all ages, from three to seventeen, minutest impreadons on its surface. When river rose about n foot per hour this,fore• caused the Princess Metternioh to close her" Tilton 1.42, tat. Jobn( N: B.)124,Ottawa 1.56, taken from misery and destitution to Mise it flows fro:u the tree the gum is white, neon, mud ' at 2 p. m. wma 13J feet and salon. The,Princess is still famous for her Halifax 2.07, London 1.04, Winnipeg .93, Rye's Homes, from whence they will be but when dried it bas a •ohocolsto color, Bteadilyirisiug, Advices from points nRothe beanty, and wit. Many of her extraordinary Victoria (B. 0.)1.37, Kingston 1.42, Brant. drafted either as servants or -else adopted closely resembling gutta-percha. `_ river are that it is Still raining esospadea and gallantries have been for. ford .70, )mall 1.64, Charlottetown .58, St., � into colonists' homes. Much caro has to and all the atromme are high. Lam. 'given her of recent years because of the Tbomas 1.22, Gnelph 1.13, Windsor .123, ' be need in seleoting only suitable, healthy Afraid of Procrastination. barman are vary uneasy, and many strain of insanity She inherited. from her Belleville .76, Stratford 1.00, Sherbrooke children for emigration, but when this care merchants have conrr.nenced to move goods father.. Sho has lately spent a good part 2.11, Three Rivers, 2:84, Peterboro' 1.07, ' is Used, there are endless openings for thom Albanyl Jourr:al : Jake Jimpson (after from the lower stories. A 126 -toot, flood of her time in France. Woodstock 1.08, 'Brookville. 90, Chatham inlCansda. Miss Maopherson, whose name the engagament)—Shall I name the day, will bring the water up to the Court House The young man who sent a manuscript 1.48, Sorel 1,95, St. IIyacintbe 2.50.Galt .95, is well-known as having been the first dear ? are. A -flood is reported on the head to a New York newspaper office, where it Fredericton ,82, St. John's (P. Q ) 1.03. lady - to undertake the emigration- of Cora Bellows—Oh, dear, no 1 waters of JIU6Cioek, at Galeton. Oo that got lost; ought to have kept a copy, On Stratford appears in the returns for the children, told us tbM this year Jake Jimpaou ( with a look of fright)— creek a booi'a broke, letting nearly 10,000,- Sning for the value of the manuscript the first time: It is notioeablb hat •the retnrns She bad had 900 applionnts for obildred, of Why not, aarling ? 000 feet of loge osonpe. Lateat advices jadge nonsuited him on the ground that show a great dooline in the death roll me which ahs bad only been able to supply " You are too procrastinnting, Jake p, from Clearfield Stato that the water is with. newspapers are not to be considered the compared with Jannary of last year. But 1 150. —�— in four feet of the height reached two years onstodians of all the effasio ie sent to them the grippe was raging at that time, and Those little ones whom we on on board tiuch st Yity. ego. for pnblioation. The jadge abowed a wins that fact easily accounts for the difference. the "Parisian," were all full of eager New York Herald: ,Yes," she Said discrimination in taking saoh a case from .9 expectation regarding their new homes, batteringawn at the managing e ` winner for the Freaks. 'the ar rrSIr IN THE SEA. and after the first few days of sea -sickness know te nowt a ers dont tell he truth A Now York club recently ave a dinner , Why do Y � ss "There aro IIsYi in the sea," said the maiden P P y g yon ut n t and discomfort consequent on the vaooina• half the time,:" to Nall theprincipal froaka in the dime ' Hands off,' on he outside of your ba Id: " As goc d as ever woro caught, so there!" t• tion, to which every eteerage passenger to „ An she jilted her beau, and away Canada mast submit, they made them- " No ? " rhe said, rogretially. " Is that mnaenms. Living skelotone fa women ing ?" " Booanae my men are on a strike." d y went he selves ver happy, with Choir shipping- so 7 I'm so sorry. It was only yesterday I turtle boys, contortionists, magnetic And 8s4e found, although thorn were fish to the Y pP pP g- rend a notice of how beautiful and charm. women, Chinos. rants, calf headed boys Fxperlments in tight lacing) have just ro as and various amen. A art of the, 8 Y AS good mover were brow ht to land, " g P fog you war©." throe armed and fear legged born dined been made on some monkeys. They were Thy wouldn't come out at her command ; Ship land been partitioned off and fitt.od 'n�i put in plasters of Paris jackets shaped like And the boatitiful niaid grew pato and sad, ` -.---`--_ and danced with their hosts until a very t; on purpose for them—a little dining place, iiia Last,Skate. ,i late hour. stays, and another lot of the plaster made And wished she had kept the one sbo had. a row of little tin basins and two storye of �- to imitate tight petticoats. Ne4rly all the Even mourning Underwear has boon tittle box -like bertha, where they lay snagly Yonkore Statesman : 11 Aire you going to piscatorial. monkeys died under the treatment, as was ado ted, the garments beingeither pmoked away, at night, with he kind skate any more to•day,�Clarence?" naturally expected. The experiments may altogether of black silk, or if cabric b9. matron who had crossed the oosan some No; I'm through I were the last words The Crimson : Did the fishman have have been useful, but it was rough on the preferred the white material 49 trimmed forty times on ikbuainess ssleepi section. oxo Clarenoo, atl ho disappeared an an frogal loo Bri gazer,?11 see, trine be had his monkeys. ' sleeping `� Y with black lace. The radati,ons of mourn. little cabin opening' p _ P „ � in cera nicer mdrl ed, For l.nodoncl, t The chaplain accompanying he ship often ants on, - Bostonians are getting tired of taking g Y had special services for the vriildron, and The Connecticut wheelnien have adopted ' sitting drinka, as they have to do under the mourning " or " half mourning " the dress ti p present law, They want to BMW before materials are black and white, or more it was very pleasant to hear the bright a novel plan of arousing public Sentiment In some languages, notably the Japan- the bar, as it eaves time and incidentally commonly lavender and white, end to hymn -singing, which always bronght as to the •condition of the roads. They ese, there is no word for kips. ;money, because they take their drink and Accompany the costume the accessories are together a. numbsr of the other passengers. are collecting photographs of the worst —Mips Weehawken—I aleop in feathers, go, Whereas it they sit down at a table a appropriate, even to the stockings, those �. AS we think of those little dues we wonder patches of road that can be discovered and but I believe it is unhealthy. Miss Palisade friend may drop in, and that will mean being ettiped in two colors. y ...�_. < &rove theft" -tire getiiisgm-on- u Gheer•.goatiored cieAlt,nlAp �,i►„ g h paasin&ovcr rough �Iha -3a thaui 1 L�roir at flax. B €°in ..,� .," � �,..._ . .,...,v.__ ... ..,..�.� _.. li dr lily .bstobts-;the. aittr .. �. . ,- li6igm. W(I had hllpod ��ieo%honrregai>F pieces. + aTifokoii ; goo bow �'ocgF lzo ie r. P- g two � or i ng.ia...,....zasrat pkaeaea tFaa,.latitto ..:Saoia :tel ems.. Y� .�__ y_w...__�w.. tho root. • _ ii.L�iiFtiewo• ,.�.. . .a, ••. r�3. 4•?�W m±,J°t