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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-27, Page 7
1111.1101111�- .. , y . 0, ••' i " .• op- VL ��p, _. W "` a. 1 1 �' . .. « �w . I 1�1 v I . r , w - . r 1 7�� 1P - o 1 1 1�ii 9? I .1 J 8 . g� /' �� . . I I . I , I 1 t.. - . I , 1 . It . - —`e � o u ----------------------------------- - TBLEGRAPHIA SUMMARY. to drink,e of ope and also to the asnalighte, PBrrloIPAL GRANT CRITIOISm ,. -- -------- W_ and suggested that a register be kept at inevitable effect of the resent arrange. ALUXI N.UlK. The figs to , Tax glen, Reply to H I anent On society, p g _ 4J3mirt►1.$arriere, of.lranoe, is dead. the Pit's month wi#h the names thus. _ p y !a y, we are iaEill further eon, employed. 4f a Ba,v .1'ri of l Misrepresentations. D. D.tattigst firmed in the Opinion that we Are right. The ,,fetal That Will Supersede Iron and The report o! the formation o! a glass To the Rev. Principal chant, D. D., Bingsto,i The growth o' population on this continent Steel. �ttlet in Ohio has been confirmed. fir• Wilson Morningstar, o! Depew Fails, DE" SiR,=In your speech before the is one of the most remarkable phenomena In all probability the day.. of steel is al - I The • latest despatohes from Chili an. started from St. Catharines on Friday with students of Trinity College, -when treating y . p a load of corn, and while going ap 'the icy of then the history of this Planet. Its rapidity .Moak over. Its set ounce a serious defeat of the Government proposal o! HenryHenrGeorge to take la amazia P P �, y young rival, alum- L", forces. mountain the waggon began to elide. Ai.l land values for coe immon purposes, poses you are lotion zi ealWi h ve ylnde ee-i pope.nieces. leas prc;sent; indications he front, mud. are utterly deoeiv- The Grand Trunk half -yearly statement was rdragged ovtr the edge,rolli'ng o elr and mrig oral.odTo . oas tfiiacg0.te' It would be im• ' earily increase, and as a fact it does ins; will goon lei^e it cf: Lha ;,molt and .dka chows a balano-a of P,143,100 aysilable f r ovor until tug uuiitcrn was reached. passed through many ow its, nd all the -a ows�. "very inaraase of this valve its plata. The Americaia Economist saga of dividends. Strangely enough, no serious damage wag time treated like other oommoditiee would Prcdnot thatnow me%138 atiie increase in the amount of it : d metal as little likely to torniah in One of thenE ! tit a ffr dope, m .1 sin et,� k_ ti a. _., r d - stun m _.., , �,.n „ u a _ 1?,NQ, Ill! lila ui. n �A, .>�.r$ -i� a .m �__. ,� �.v_...y.. ...� ave..' ......9 y, 9 '�%" f .:m^ r v.. r, ;. n . >.... ,.. "i�,�i^' :'2'`.:,, ",`LII a a _'rn'--� "t'.c^9'...re : -i., �, '� _� <, A �.� 1cl g g' , cu 'b�f' jrt,fixzx ��fwtnr ihie&r d a wideax g in the acid ie �c s<t �J;.i'Lsuw .ter tl�t, �`ti>Yepot, i+ranoc�,`lra ax F, with in s t% considers a amount of corn, how- ipsirsima verba, end, not being repudiated gulf that divides the hones of Have from the acid one-third She ,ww twiceasas assteel and "I 16. of X1,000,000. ever. by you, we assume you. accept this as cor• house of Wnt. It means that the fortune amalleable nd as The Workman's party, of Belgium, has The U. S. warship Charleston arrived at rect. As this saoiety ie formed for the of the lndowner shall tree to fabulous to the shipbuilder, serf ea to %;beast. die made ap- appeal to the Belgian bishops dc- Honolulu January 29th with the remains of purpose of advocating what You denounce figures, %bona&nes yearly, for rabulo falanding universal suffrage. . Ring Ralskaum. Great preparations were as immoral—as stealing—it becomes a. nothing, and i& slao means that the obli a builder, to the machinist and to all en - The Luxemburg Government has decided in progress for a welcome to the Ring on matter of importance that we should tion of the. producers shall increase, g gaged in the meubanic arts in which any • to=replaoe�the Dutch cffioials in the diplo- bia return. Arches and decorations had understand why Yqu have arrived at that indebtedness shall grow—a residence more and the on eir metal is employed, thing�that that stands in the way matio service with Germans. been prepared, and these were turned to conclusion. It may or may not be known Palatial for the Iandlord ; a hovel for the of it.1 Is substitution for steel end iron, and emblems of mourning alter the sad news to You that the members of this eooiet are proddoer. It means tl1A hovel tp oma, 1lieetire. O'Brien and Dillon are sate -` _,��,, , , ,a- _ T - . ` -- inn a .iaatL, - - _ -._J -- _. - - i= -a f�,., "1 owager ueen apo ani gave toFinambers 1 advocate anything immoral - y deeper and ?en debt Ifo other metal exec t zona, which has aces going their long•deferred eenteneo. g Y Y inevitabl P violent sobbing as the coffin was placed inhey are careful students of another portion Of sooimty, paying year b from Peculiar e itself, .is the cost is 'the the do t . A Winnipeg small boy named Simpson the palace. Princess Lillinokalani has beensness, many of them activQ� year more and more, y et in spite o! mit abundant of all metals containedeininthe :drank a quantity Of wbidkry yesterday proclaimed Qaeen of the Hawaiian Islands. and officers of Cbriatian lions paid, the obligation grows larger, the earth's crust, being a constituent of all morning and died from the effaote. J. Eaton, who is about 14 years o! age s ; and that the reason they advo- debt more immense. The more that is clays,' and a slight improvement in the non Creighton, professor of ecolesias- and a eon of Mr. T. Eaton, Toronto'e public ownership of land Paid, the more there is to pay. fho debt ti.or "istory at Cambridge University, has while out shooting with some boys on Sats values is beorbaee they believe it to be moral ie continuous, increasing and irredeemable, method of reducing it will bring its cost' bean ppointed Bishop of Poterboxongh. urday on St. Claire avenue, happened with and believe that our present land system is 'Because we say this meat some da cease ow to such a point that iron and steel at M. de Lesseps announoes the issue of s serioug accident. A gun was accidentally indirect opposition to the olearest teach- You charge us with tesobin immorality,' present prices would be dear by oocan be 60,000 3 per cent, debentures for Suez discharged, and the shot lodged in his ings of morality. The printed reports of and advocating stealing, You are a refry' eon, boaanae of the better nem that can be Canal improvements at 420 ver 500 franc ankle. He was taken home, end Dr. Gor• your address give no reason for g• made of this lighter and stronger metal. P, your can. ioue teacher, your addia8a wise delivered Its cost now is 6Q, cents a pound. When it share. don, corner of Spading avenue and 'Har• elusion. But you mast surely have most under the auspices of a religions falls to 10 cents it will be much obeen it Owing to the enormoua•• %raffia in the bard street, was called in. After oon• oogent reasons for your judgment or you institution, your name is widely than steel at 5 cents. It is being siderable trouble the in erred' limb was would not have brought so serioaa a ohhr a known ind highly honored in the denom• streets o! London there were 2500 persona 1 l; g Y manufactured in this country and in dressed, but it is et doubtful whether against men may a. whom are of our illation to whioh You belong,therefore to run over daring 1890, and 250 portions ampututation will have to be resorted to,or Own communion. You will surely admit your utterances tere attaches more thin England' and earnest scientific minds killed. not. that a man has a right to the fruit of his y responsibility; Your address has ere occupied of its reto duction from h ordinary P y A despatch announces that a native of indastr that an denial of this doctrine been widely read b a large number of the Shan States recently ran amuck and Robert Scott, of 97 Manning avenue Y ' Y Y Y g ore, with the view of producing it in such Toronto, a young lad happened with a fatal would be immoral. And you will farther workingmmn is this country, and they have abundance as will tunable the aabstitntion shot Major Nixon, Lieutenant Jameson and accident at the %obo�ean slide in Bellwaods doubtless admit that no one has a right er h&d their g two Sopoys dead. demand from the producer hie g jus mint of Christianity Of it in all meol.anioal arts for steel. Any Park on Saturday. He was eliding down P product, moaided more or leas by your utterances. da the The -London Daily News emys that it is on a toboggan and collided with his oom- unless be is prepared to offer produce or And what must be their idea o! our Y proelished m by which this can be, 11 r. reported ilk Ministerial oirctes, that, the service in exchange. Are not these the teaching? You deny the doctrine of your fe t d,Pnd the price drop be oto arfew cents a pauiovs, and was thrown some distance. principles that lie at the btesie of property gifts for God's children. You advocate a Behring Sea negotiatiolis promise a favor He was taken home, but died about 7 able conclusion. and are not these the principles that our system that goes up the land to one art pound. The vessels of , war and peace will ,� , O'clock in the evening. Coroner Johnson laws should most sacredly maintain? sy sem to use ale an a P be constructed of it that will be stronger ., At Orangeville yesterday Noble Smith, 8 was notified, but decided that an inquest Y Y gent of extortion, than steel abips and lighter than those of ybare old, while coasting, ran into a teem was unnecessary. Aid. Bell, when he heard When the farmer prodacea food, the and denies the right of the toiler to the wood. The navigable' waters of the globe a ne of the horse's stepped on his bead. of the accident, asked Superintendent clothier clothing, the builder hooses, they product of his industry,,that inevitably -will be increased 'sery lar el —nome sg lEdoied in a few hours. Chambere.to visit the,park.and see whether establish invincible right to 'prodaot, s rates ,society into '`two' aanipa, the t "-_"' for the have r rpm —by the lighter draft, of the there was anything Y produced; • but when Privileged and nnpriv le two-thirds —by _ x _ In the United States Senate on Smtnrday Y g wrong.with the slide � Red •that kms a toil ,r I a reeolntien wad agreed to authorizing the Committee on Canadian Relations ° dt Saturday's meeting of the Dominion' Grange nothingalgbat a %argot 1 ofd wed rel by f in der k' ,production vessels, and the speed produced by engines to., weetlth %and ahono xalthatnou. of the ea me horsepower as are now need to oon• tuiae i,ts.eittings daring recess, at London, the, following officers were elected : Worthy Master, Bro. Henry what right can be of ^food from farmer; r©,prods tin and women to a more animal existence ' in iron and steel steamers will be very Work at the World's Fair was brought to Glendenning ; Overseer, Bro. J. K. Little ; 6eorotat the clothing from the clothier, or building from the builder. From the earth deprived nxajaetly of tlim o orta, opo nity to .enjoy the much greater. The engines themeelvee may be made of . aluminum, and being ` a a't endsiill on Saturday because the Union, workmen refused to Y, Bro: R. Wilkie Treaenrer Bro. George Hood; Lecturer, Bro.. he hes brought forth nothing ; and i[ he refine a fully developed life that looks much stronger, as well as lighter, would allow some . Italian laburers to receive employment. S. R. Brown; Chaplain, BrO. George Lethbridge ; obtains produce from the farmer, clothier nd the builder, ho'obta'ns n P d drives theertoiler into give & power which no engine of the day can reach. In short, a metal _ .he—emplo-yees`°f : th®` 'ayeYy_.Q.ota-- Steward, Bre. James Skeo�h , Aeeia.tati tewar John produce wi-shout-rendoring-eitber-prodzl-e-err-aervl6� enforced idleness egmrs thm�ttii Ic,D la l hie oomple revolution �m$_tq_be-at-he{nd- --Br-eeh-ly-yt--Gkize ° . Company, .Brantford, went out on strike an Saturda but it is hoped the diffibnit y' , Cumming; Pomona, sister Lindsay; Y flora, Sister Raiser.; in exchange. Hm hue need lad as an agent, re an—lc men% ,the tramp; Hes our cI big c added Y, whMr.ich is trivial, will promptly settled° Y Led Assistant Steward, Sinter Leth-. bridge; Eaeantive not of production, but of extortion° He has been allowed to deprive the'pro- to the respect for Chris:ianity, or has it added to intensify the feeling T9tLl�TEID 8 R�I3IIUTIO . — '. t so chief ice John Macpherson, 'Toronto, Committee, Bros. Robinsonitrind ilepinstall; Auditors, Bros. ,ousts of their product. So long, theta of hoaiility and oantempt with whioh unfortunately The Queer customer Who Invaded a lean PC ne ofex-deputytSea nd oom o,f the'best known n and most reopeotect 8oatchmen in the Kais<:r and Currie. The installation of fore, as we tolerate epecnlation in land we ke make it im impossible for. the P eo man y of toiling classes regard the Christian Francisco motel. • oily, died suddenly laat night in his 69th year, officers then took place, whioh closed the session. producer to en the j prodaot of his industry. And ministry? Our nim has been to emphasize the dootrino of the Father. " Yes," said the night clerk of the Golden Eagle to a San Franciaoo Examiner . Emperor William's i,rritgtion under dere oritioiartla of Prince Biecnmrck's what difference would it make. if that speculator, instead of selling oat at & hood of God, the brotherhood of man, the equal right of every man,1. " Yon see game mighty queer kind of people11 in organ is becoming very intense, and he thremtena to A MO£IiL1L'e7 NEG}LICC'r --- profit, were to retain she ownership of that "land and develop into landlord, 'n one of God's children' to the 'common bounties of a common father. this business, for a fact. "When people go 'off travmlling thmy cot silence the paper and prosecnto the Pince. Brings a Itebnl,e From ser Innocent Little a char his fellows year after year for the rivile a Yetdiffarent'from immorality and You sCVe what they do at home, eon. Mr. Henry tratton, or 8tsffordville one o! the best known residents of Eget Elgin, Child. There is a womanIn ' P g of occupying this earth? With every increase Y commend thoughts to you and should you detect tinned the N. C. thoughtfully. "Yon don't notice it so much in the daytime.. You've y was thrown from his boggy ort Saturday, this cit whose y wealth, position ar,d goodness fill her life of o elation and consequent rela• P F tive scarcity and dearness o!' land, his any misstatement of facts or tion of phenomena, shall got to be On the night watch to see guests A . and now apffera from ciancussion o.! the brain. with aooial and ohar itableocoapations,eays Power of appropriation would increase; we be only too pleased to be corrected. S. T.� WOOD,dances." get tiff the reservation and -have ,ghost _ Perliameatary party the evicted tenants =h€' t dsx,Z t^ NYiy VVIR& Adn ,�ourday d. She has told one or. two t' ntxmate friends M, .,,.i....., -. __I. __-_L_ ---,%I _ he would be under no obligation to furnish g D___,:.J__ � . . T T neYe'�iooilti°t`flreu weeny ere u wuu wean a a, n --- "cannot .bo assisted from the relief fond, end there is much sdffering in Donee the reason: an service in return. Let a man do Y this and is he not from TRA HOB3E-SHOE SUPERSTITION. roller from 'way beak. The very first night : he. got oat nu the Bad Lands and Dame rjnence. `Russe It was one day in the latter part of March that my little daughter,' Constance, � .relieved . all nmcee3ity to work 2 While the .It Prevails Among all Nations Where , book shunting gory. " It took two and all the bell a In the on Saturday Represents" ''five Dickerson, of Kentucky, introduced for who is 12 years old, came into my room as I wag barrirdly dressing to drive to a farmer mast bring forth a Drop everp year, and other producers must toil ten hours Horses Exist.' Sailors are, for the most to porters, boys to et hirh upstairs to bed. The neat fiRbt reference m bill to repeal the McKinley laws directors' meetingof one of the 'several daily to maintain the nesded supplies to part, careful have a homewher nailed to the mizzen- night, he went out to a chicken and g , looked a conplo o! n " on the wey tariff and, to re-enact all repealed b ' that cot. P „ Y enaritiea in which I am' interested. Her support society, ibis man, who charges big fellows for livin�� on the march, is exempt mast, or somewhere on the deck neer 'mid- ty wp.r home. He was pretty warm people, I.•tell The last spike in the trunk which unites P birthday had been the day before,, and she hada oma—one of her g presents—in Ser ° from this law of labor, and is endowed by ships, for the protection of the vessel. The Chinese have their tombs built in the ehspe you ? " Y "Rather." the State of Washington and British Columbia was driven as 11 o'clock an Bat- hand. 11 Ob, mamma "she Dried, fall of eager. g our social regulations with power to deprive the producer of hie product. Our present of a horse•shoe, which a.ustom is ver Y curious, ms it may be. fairly regarded ms a It • The next night—it was 1 a. m. --he in loaded' as usual. There was a nrda in the rI sence of about 3 000 ver• Y P P nese 'this is the loveliest ame • do tr g y it law maintains this wrong, and you advo- nate its continuance for all time. What branch of superstition fon p g' prevalent carne' P.. tbeatr io a in town, and two of they' al trop sane from both sideh of the line. A report is published whioh �t&tee that with me.' Her request, in my, haste and absorption, seemed in the highest degree on t to justify is the perpetuation of a y 1 Y P P emus ourselves. The g principal gateway at Allabab'adis thickly studded with horse- ac.rePaes were about retiring as he passed upstairs whooping like a lot of Sioux in addition to the destruction of his private trivial toy ane. ' Nonsense, Connie, you system that imposes the whole burden of on oon portion of the oommn• shoes of every size ,and make. There are clfasin a settler's wagon. He rapped on .. • property, the Dake of Bedford's will pro• destruction big know l oannot,' I replied, rather aharply ; ` this is board day.at the hospital, and I Production nity, and then compels these producers, hundreds of them nailed ell over the'great g doubtless the aoress' door, and as they wouldn't Y vides for the of carriages g and the shooting of his horses. p I am ahoakingly late now. the farmer, the mechanic, the clerk, the and gates, the Offering of many a wayfarer who has long since finitihed open it of coarse, he blow cigarette smoke P - + g through the keyhole and yelled 'Fire 2' " n 'It is reported that Mr. Parnell imposed 11 I was atmudin in franc of the mirror g' and I saw in the how her face fell merchant the railroad man to autres- der & large portion of the results of their g P his earth l it rims �e The adored y P• g 6 ' p didn't it?" . Made a thio, impossible conditions on the Boulogne eon- that its diaa he � ht glass and the light died out of it, I wish, , industry to the landlords and land specs• gates of Soxnnath , in the fort at Agra, are i milarly adorned. The ro- << That's no word fo. it. LookedUke a in insane ft - ferenee, ao on nein i g g g be Erma to retain t#lO leadership and fight. P g she said, wistfully, ' van would some- y' lators, who simply charge the producers for permission to rodaoe. Whilst on P P practice minds no of the old manorial rite at Oak- party an sheet and pillow -ease art asylum. We read the riot not then, but h' the Irish battle on his own lines. tunes have a -day with me, mamma. The child's speech went through mo y charge ne with advocatingtheft, you lye ham, in Rutlandsbire, Eng,, where ever Y put up a warm talk with the proprietor and �# A beau enowiall has blocked the rail- y ways like & •knife. I had never received so no hint by what delusion we are misled P°ver o! the realm is bound, the first time he enters the town, to present a horse -shoo squared it somehow. He was a velvet talker, as sure as born. The night w in the menntain:districts of. Moravia, Silesia and East Galicia. The we%th4r is stinging a rebuke: Was it possible that in g p the' duties - But we see the strongest reasons lorbeliev11 Ing we are right. If we appeal to the word of to be nailed on the old , portal, whioh is you're .. miter that he coaxed me into a dice game ' very cold and the Danube iy froz• n from purenit of other I was neglecting the clue that should be oboe! ? sti g scriptures, there we find the statement well-nigh covered with those tributes. It is said that, in ogee any contumacious peer and skinned a hundred and siert outer me , Y a wink." rG 11 Peach down the river for 186 miles. Nevi• gation is at a standatill. My drive to the hospital that morning full civ that the em haeised a ain and a 1191"i", P g g land is the gift of God, not the merchandise should -refuse to pay this tag, the enthori• tax, qu, Made '.Made his egpeneee, eh ?" t • At Berlin, Ont., yesterday, Martin was of serious' intros eotion mud P Connie baa had her Saturdays' ever of the speculator.' in Toronto eo le aro P P P ties have a rig$% to stop hie oarriag8 and levy blackmail by' unshoeing one of the "Exactly: Well, the neat morning he bis head 1, e�,- traub was haulingcoal. from a car when a horses tack friht, and In an effort to since." . compelled to pay as bigh , as $50,000 per acre per annum for access to land p which boreea. To avert soperions an annoyance, file tribute shoo. is came ciowr, with swelled and his grip pa<.k d..:,He said he hated to 73ibp them he was thrown down and m JeworHebrewY the Bible assures us is the. inheritance of read some..leavo y y 'being of enormous size and inscribed with pleas. us, its h:� had such a plean. quiet,. ant, serf of wtime but duty called' „ wheel passed over his arm, oraehftig it tor- ribly,, besides dislocating his'shoulder. „ We are Jews," said the rabbi, "and it ' God's, children. When we claim God's gifts for God's children, are we advocating the name of the donor. Whether these Eastern horse shoes were taxes or Offerings genial him and he mast away. So I made out his bill." � L11 The invitation tendered by tha'United is right to call ne Jaws; but some of ne do not the word, b aaae it has been used immorality and theft ? When the Bible . teaches that "the land'shmll not be sold in g can not be told, but it certainly is very 'y Mado it pretty large, too, didn't you ?" States to the French Government to take oro s in Europa for ages as a term of contempt perpetuity " as is declared inLevitiona xay., carious tobbserve haw widespread is the "'Boni the venal—lint wait. I handed ,' . part in the Columbian. Exhibition in or decision; People often seen to be 23,,does it refer only to some temporary super Y. Led er. p g biro hie account, and what do you think he ,;, Chicago was accepted Saturd' by t'be Cabinet without discussion. hC ie said hissing when they say of a men, ' He is a expedient or to some eternal principle ? If said ? I France• is the first country to accept the Jew. ' In English books, as well as in German books, the word is often used we appeal to the marked difference between trade in products and trade in land, we TAIE NIQJtt.1B•AG UA CANs,L. — ,!,Why, 11 C411,4 imagine." , . he Baia, , Great. Scott 1 don't you invitation. v scornfully. In most European cities the find equally' strong confirmation for our Distance, That Will be Saved by Its Com- make a red notion to clergymen 7' " a . Mr. Cecil Rhodes, whose wealth reaches Jews were compelled to live by them- conclusion. When one raises corn and pletion• £2,000,000, is just now the social lion in selves in the meanest quarters, and this another raises clothing and they exchange, The restoration of Greytown harbor, by A The Week'sr�seignmenta. London. I3o is interested in Son%h Afri• also clues, them to be epoken,of sneer• the eqnity and justice of this throwing out a jetty about 2,000' feet, to The Bradstreet, Mercantile Agency re• caro development and is on a visit to the ingly. We are called Jews because our transaction are " tut once apparent. prevent the waves from driving sand Ports the follacvinh assignments in Ontario: anetropolis. He looks npon Manioaland ancient country was Jndea, but we are of Hdre the transaction is m'ntually across the entrance, and dredging the. Belleville, J. & E. Barrett, sewing ,and Mashonaland as of greater promise the Hebrew raoe, arid` some of no would beneficial, each serving and .enriching the oLannel and harbor, and the creation of a machines, c>eaigned to Mslcolm. Wright, , sthan any other British poeseasion, rather be called Hebrews than Jews. But other. This is trade, and the righteous- harbor at Brito, by means of a jetty and Belleville; Blenheim, F. M. Northwood, i At the emergency meeting of the Agsoci• we will yet make the word Jew shine in the ness of this is Unquestionable. But what breakwater, complete the main 'features of general store, asEigrod to Henry Barber & i rated Charities, of Toronto, on Saturday United States."—Mw York Shn. when we see one set of men speaking to the work to be donee in 'making •the canal. Co., Toronto; Brookville, G. E. Ashley, ,afternoon the question of the amount of their fellows in thio Rine : "Yon moat pay The prism will be 80 feat surface end waoilens, eto., assigned to J. W. Baker ; I .distress existing in the city at the present pretty Graoo Gridley, known ere the us for access to the gifts of the Creator. bottom width and 30 feet depth, in rook. J• A. ,hanrie, oonfeotioner, assi' nod.; Col - ,lime was freely diseusned,.and 'the chair. Mr. Goldwin Smith, was naked to " sleepirg beauty" of Amboy, Ill., avgakc You muat bring forth from the mine, the forest, the land and the sea. You must be and 120 feet bottom and from 1184 to 210 feet borne, Henry 1:.' Hervington, saloon, Finnk M. Colborne man, tined on Feb. 5th from a nine months'' surface width and 30 feet depth, in assigned to .Wield, ; . Blake certain representations to the Mayor sleep. She &,rose without a word, dressed the hewers of wood and the drawers of earth, while in lake, river and basins vessels Newmarket, D. 8• Wriest, tinware, etc., on tbo subject. and went down stairs, when she took her water ; and wben you have fashioned the may navigate with entire freedom. The assigned to W. F.•Widdifleld, Newmarket ; The _New York Central Labor Union plata) at the family table as usual. Sbo mte metal and the timber, when yen have pro• time of transit for steamer's is estimated Ridgetown, Dle`redith Grass,. genetal store, •yesteircimy passed r�.solation's declaring that a little food, but had evidently lost the cured the corn and the fish, then you milat large these for at 28 hours, and the capacity of mssigned to. R. H. Greene, Hamilton ; diafranehisoment of the working woman of faculty of articulation. Her present condi- eurrenjler a share of oto us the osnal at 20,000,000 tons per annum. Sholburue, C. W. M>arlatt, baker, assigned 1, 'the metropolis iu & cause of their starva- the and tion is as mach a puzzle to her parents and trionda me was her long sleep. the privilege of placing our hom P g P g Y ,your shop, your store, your factor; or your 8taiiiatioe of the worlds eommeren afford krotind for £bar belief that, it be to Wm. Tell Shelburne Toronto, Boyd y� Br�A & Co., wlual .sAle dry goods, aseigncd I tion pav and`of worst public evils, warebouse on the land. For the I%nd is should finiehed to John Fcrkuson, Toronto Trenton, W. l' demanding that the -State Legialaturo ' forthwith enable every solf•eupportlrzg The Manitoba Legislature is called for the 28th ins%., but it in ours forever. To on inevitably falls the } Y within the time limited by the concession a traffiee of 7,000,000 to ver ' ; H. Ireland• grocer, assigned to J. A. Stuart, , woman to vote. • nndorstcoa that' after the formal .opening thore will be n• lot of doing all the toil necessary to main- P per annum will be read to use the canal at 'Trenton ; Welland, Parsel & Gordon, dry 'Toronto Paris , a lore 'ser the amore% 04 the papers' Y adjournment until alter the general eloo• tain all the supplies needful not only to support ourselves and onr. famiiiea, but Pp Y Y its opening, on which it is proposed to levy, a toll of $2,50 ton. The eo'ods, assigned to J. B. Laing, ; Windsor, Weir, tailor, as od to J9 f, Raropean movement© of the Duo d'Orletanm is that lib is followln;I Madrirno M- ,"mu. , nn trona. c The Newfoundland Legislature Opened alno to aappork us and our families, file per canal would p reduce the difftnt5�'e by Wator between Now W C: Iter, sheriff, £ nndwic+li ; Woodstock skier ,operatic star, with whom he is madly in yesterday, when a series of resolutions and also to maintain Govern. went of tho country. The Barrio thing York a-nd San Fraatrlaioa, now 14,840 mil'eli via• Cape Horn, to 4,760 miles, Paving 10,• and Bt antford, Diok 13,roa., clothing, . apaignmd to John Ferguson, Toronto; , ol hove. It is said the Dake first met the Udy in Brussels and followed her thence to �Lon'don, were disonsned with regard to the 'proposed trade -convention drrnged to he hold it you .mast do next year and the next, and on forever, For the, earth with its 080 miles. Between New York and Valparaiso Wyebridge, ,John ►V. Hollister, harness, to J. H. Blatherwick, Toronto. and that the lmdy' is now about to W&abington. It was charged that tri Iso potentialities belongs to ns and our heirs tbo distance ;saved would be 5,050 miles, between Now York and Callao, assiuned ' ° n St. Petersburg. sing i co vention was rendered abortive by Cana. forever." We ask yon, in this trade, or is 6 976 Ibiles, and between New York and Nothing bas yet been beard of Mr. Swen. The norondt'a jarl' in , the :_Marbmoth- t�iterterence, anal-Eugla�nd was called raise uaxplosion -hnva rAiiixud a verdat I n 7Cri t0 faTlii itra oFs a£tons an to pernoit. tbio.tribtor_? . Is this troecio;n,_9r ie this y yam, TjkCL&Tue_W _, &Y,6_ _'►'hra�.rnngt... .G.%,ggtiil, 8,41.8 nn-il6's: Between New Orle&r� e "d Sam Frareisoo the distance eon, ,Montreal jeweller who myatA. riourly dimrpn'aro,.at..terwr-d&�y-s-ager---i�m-1, • _. �--- findin the eoriipany hasl not been guilty Of n oonlmpirola� 4reaty between Tewfound• _.._ .._-._.. �+... Q .7Y0$eOO A'ril9H�'I1iFS t31,�f-;.11iiYfd Yf�d 11333''fxTTt$tl'tiC'ttri &$ $hQ3 L"Y31i f}t rreglact. 'Th y 1 n ployment of fire bosses wht� here iadActed , loving the loyalty of the Crown colony, ' colln"", yon say we advocate stealing. What "tl7iii'27rtiYClfDtTF'i�' liTi? t P Again, if we observe, what must bo the: ,ae,veSd. would. bo 11000• fes, nri d- t --•}t 'ou't 00-cm-lri on --in aro a .,. . r . lJe �PL^9?�ie U PCU , Liverpool and San rranmsoo 7,182 miles.-- , and diamonda there are grave reasona for ,. Goldthieaite�s Geographical Magazine. sut;peoting foul play, , ., • I /,� "`'�► b - I 1. , . I . I I �. I . ,� � 0 .. .1 � . . I I , lir , Rri n� A+ay�i!`.. 'k Ni!?,�`J-p L {wt •„y . �,...._J _ ...._...-.W -W. .... "Y �'kr ..,.._%v�...``A�,w ,.,L'?'',m��.�: •'i4 Z411���'..':". ... s,..?r°"�ni''��"•.,'i(".6 $•i MYa�' ,: 1:.;,a ,�y,e...�,,,,,. t. ....c -- • �• +: <.•.,-. 9 '" ,�. �.,,,;' ` ` M.• r• :1�,.. -. ..wen. '•.�.� 'Cit�*S" AJ. , .......