HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-27, Page 3f
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O��i'F S OiLG-OF-�AR�, ---� � _- �.. - -
A Case of Jewelry Gets Into the Hands of Who Was isounced ]From Buffalo. Writing A Man Falls Overboard and is Killed by As to These Various Little lliattera Nota.
—�--- the customs People. Offensive Letters in This City. the Birds. llie us Lit Y
The Lieut -Governor Delivers $i6 There arrived in Toronto a few days The Chief of Police has been advised of During the passage of the Nova Scotian That a little powdered borax added old
ago Samuel Close, a middle-aged English• the presence in this city of one John barque to Liverpool a most extraordinary starch stiffens linen beautifully ?.
Speech From the Throne. man, and his pretty wife, a polite blonde. Patrick Clifton Pritchard*, who since arriv. affair is reported to have occurred, showing That a basin of. cold water placed in an "
•�� - - _ They went to the Empress - Ho ol, at Young ing bore Igoe thou o week ago has been siike the ferocious and dangerous proolivi• oven will soon logger the t®mPe=attire ?
and Gould streets, where they yet remain. amusing himself by writing offensive and ties of ith$ albatross, says the Pall Hall That in baking cake with granulated
Ol erence Ii:etween the Province and since their arrival Close has made many insulting letters to the 'police, to the magic. Gazette. The barque had just got out of sugar you should use a little less than the
Ilominiou— n l.o.. Land improvement nnsaoaessfal efforts to dispose of large trete and to priv@te individuals in Buffalo the latitude where 1Qugh we-wther is always recipe calls for ?
18'und—The ageicaltural and mining gaantitp o! jewelry that he had in his who bgtriendedhim whilethere. A weekago enooantered, and was eailing with fair That clothes -pine} are too cheap to stand
Interests—Reports on Prison Reform 'possession by absolute sale, it is said, Pritchard was given the option of gettilpg wind when the cry of " Man overboard" out of doors in cold weather pijaning two
and Fish and Game—Amendments to although he himself denies that he intended out of Buffalo in an hoar and a half or of :sounded throughout the ship. The unfor- garments together with one ?
the Election and Education Laws— to do more than pledge the valuables as going to the workhouse. Mr. Bnrahaln, tunate fellow .was a lJll�Eie, One Q _ w mh.k w' tg.ap<,Onfctl Off IarlpeEized t3tivar•
Expendituro of Public Funds and security for a loan. The last man hb inter. steward of the Phoonix Cinb, of4hat city, orw, and he was seen at a short distance sifted (through a sieve) over the top orusb
Estimates. viewed, be says, was C. M. Henderson, the on whom the man is said to have sponged, breasting the waves. The' barque was of a pie will add greatly to its appearance?
r� n Young street auctioneer, whom he called laid an information against him. Sin brought round, answerin her helm That if fruit ,tare are filled with Was
. , -� ... ..� ,- �. � . ,•..-
.... ...,c`P!',., i ..,. .ivc ^ter"..:.. .. :. .^�-,, ,..:.... ,. .. �•".,3. ,�^'�t?f"'".. ^-�J'�'v ? ,.•�' "'•^'4
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"s�.:E"��•.'�-..>..�:�a.-=��3 ..s writing offensive lettere to Rev. G'fiYftif'`'►rtbbld- on her way to the struggling man. Sad- very lf'i�"_'iNYi�-":�i'r'`:rL�•:.�., '
oa�do down to ` e "`'�rliamentoase at 3 him a great many questions and then re Melville"
acceptable for sauce, pies, puddings,
o'clock this afternoon and delivered the quested him to call on Saturday, by which Boyd, who conducted the mission at Christ denly two large albst}rosees were seen to etc., next spring.
following Speech from the Throne time he would have thought the matter Church Cathedral, Rev. E. M. Bland and descend with an eagle -like swoop and at- • That when soot falls upon' s carpet or
I have great pleasure in welcoming you over. On Saturday Acting Collector of others, and has even addressed the Chief of tack the poor fellow in it terrible manner. rug, it covered thoroughly with salt, it can
r to your legiflariva duties tie members of a Customs Douglas' and Customs Offioor B. Police. Pritchard attended a service in Both birds dashed at him, and to those on be swept up without leaving atrace? If one
new Parliament. I am happy to state that Anderson went to the Empress Hotel, and the Cathedral and • dropped'an insulting, board the vessel it seemed as if,they were trial is not sufficient, give it another:
a considerable advance has been made since after interrogating Close as to how the letter in the offertory plate. "Subsequently endeavoring to gouge out his eyes with their That if a little soft (not melted) lard or
the last session of the kegislature towards jewelry had got into Canada without pay. he 'wrote to Mr. Boyd re the collection. A hooked bills, while with their wings they butter is rubbed over the top of bread _J
a settlement of most of the long -pending in duty seized the goods on the round oatsori t to hie herr_ tae d�sa fnlinwfl?_ ke t beat; he nnt�rknnata� mann shun .„ " _�_a_ +k�- 1,
ass the " -g—� --- --�- � --- —
�- c i, 1 i erences a ween and results of hIr. -o• bIt I ...mo a in o Oavee, ar Oras wl
gid fise�ri 1e One,
Dominion. At s resent conference which They took.them down tothe Custom House Boyd's actual begging and obtaining and Mr, did not last long, as the barque sailed, over avoided?
took place between my Goverment and the and stowed them away •in the vault. The kriehard's alleges begging: Mr. Boyd has a the course wliere the Dane had fallen over. That if a teacupful of cold water is
re rgsentatives at the Governments of the large and assured inedme ; mr Prichard is
p amount that should have been Collected on actually and veritably etarvine' for "bread and: board about seven minutes before, but he added to a welbbeaten egg and enough of
Dominion and Quebao, definite arrange- them would have been about $1,000. Mr. had no place the night to sleep in. He was sent was nowhere to be seen. There was no the mixture used to moisten the ground
menta were mase for an arbitration to Douglas values the jewelleryat about to Mr. Kitson ane got one dollar and was told doubt in the minds of those onboard that
coffee before it is made it will be unite
nett questions of account, and for refer- $5,000. Close, who lives in New York he could have as more. This collar was all the poor fellow was killed by the albatrosses, saving o! eggs over the old method?
ring the courts in friendly actions some he ever had v asked from Christ's followers, g gg
of the onetitntionrsl questions which have came to Canada by way o! Buffalo. and and all he ever would accept now. Mr. Bo d as- he was a powerful swimmer and seemed -
Saepension Bridge; and it is stated that he got probably SO or 100 dollars. Who was tube to fight desparately for a few momenta with r. Jimmy is a ver unfortunate boy."
arisen. Other differences are still the evaded the customs authorities at the latter smartest beggar? the ferocious birds. said Mrs. Simpson. y " He joined is
subject of negotiation. A settlement of point by concealing the jewelry under the To another letter the man added the athletic club and the first,time he went
most of these matters during the present seat occupied by his wife and himself. following postscript : The Good Old Times. there he broke one of the best' records they ,
year may reasonably be expected. A Bill Two of the most brazen -faced scoundrels in the " Then times were geed, had."
as to the proposed arbitration will be laid Irrigation in Australia. - way of begging I ever met are your neighbor, De Merchants cared not a rush
before you. Witt Talmage and Mr. Joseph (he calls himself For any other fare, A portrait of President Garfield, which
Australia has in her vast pastoral areae
doctor) City Temple, London. These two men Than Johnny cake and mush." was painted at the order of General Col -
LAND IMPROVEMENT FUND. take the buiscuit" as, two aroh-imposters. Gen -
I regret that the Government of Quebec sources of wealth as great and more per, eral Booth is smarter than either, but I think But now times have changed, and the lie to present to Qaeerf Victoria, was er-
g Q manent than those of her mines. 'Already Booth is sincere. plain and Bimple fare of the forefathers is bibited at the rooms of the Ohio society in
retains its old attitude with respect to the she has nearly 100,000,000 of sbeep, which Chief McKinnon had Pritchard on the done away with. Patent flour, and high New York Monday night.
land improvement fund, and in view of the in the, mild climate and under the sunnyseasoned food and strop drinks, have
continued delay, and of the arrangements carpet and gave him a warning on Satnr• P., The 'first gymnasium or college for
y € sky of the country require no shelter day, but since then he has written to the taken its place, and as a result; dyspepsia, women in Rome is to be opened on A rO
effected for the amicable settlement he throughout the year, and no food beyond Chief. He is an En li hman " about 40 impure blood, and diseases of the stomaob, p p
arbitration and otherwise of most of the what the g s let, in a000rdanoe� with the order o�
y get„on the open plains. It is ears old, 5 feet 7 inches high, and wears a liver and longe are numerous. This great
other question in which the two Provinces y g the now i Minister Boaelo . The grade of
q true that the sunny sky may .change to d moustache. He is from London, and poses change has led one o! the most skillful .the new institution ' ie to be that of the •
are interested, I commend to your con- sky of braes, and that drought is the dread as a journalist and expert accountant. physicians of the age to study out a remedy technical schools, and the object is io
sideration the propriety of now prying over 1
of the Australian shepherd, herdsman and for these modern dieeasee, which he has enable young women to prepare them-
to the munioipalitiee concerned the share farmer. Occasionally there is a succession named his ." Golden Medioal Discovery." y g P .
pliargeable against this Province, without of dry seasons, and then sheep have per- wm, l�endfie s New -Deal. Dr. Pierce in this remedy has found a cure
selves to enter the universities.
w ' •ing longer' for a settlement of the ished by millions and cattle by thousands The transfers last week in Michigan for Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Con-
--- �nnas-_whioh ea �mgd._to.:behargeable. on the more remota stations. -To master'
avenue property will -easily figure rip tp sumption, in its eerly.stages,.and. -°' -Liver- -- - • - �•-!per- oa-s • - s
a�it�he share of Qa b o.i the at problem -f Complaints."
AustrecurringlWs inland
f sere p o 0 over $400,000, the principal fare in this p THE NEW W E�STE�
FARMING ANL THE PUBLIC HEALTH.. Aaetralia'-9 inland fatale- Here, as else- direction being the Ten Evoke farm o! 600
A Sard-Hearted Husband.
I am greatly' pleased to observe the 'where, nature challenges mans "free ad- sores . to a syndicate composed of George
increasing interest which is taken in im- vance, 'and places some special obstacle and Streathern Hendrie and Cameron A coroner .sees many strange sights.
roved methods of agriculture, as evinced in his way. Australians ara facing their Currie, of Detroit, and Wm. Hendrie, of Deputy Coroner was telling of a JUST PUBLISHED—ENTIRELY NEW.
.by the. marked success whi6h attends the task with energy, confidence and Hamilton, °Ont. This farm lies on both circumstance that came under his notice
sessions of Farmers' Institutes, and by the the promise of mach success. ides, of Michigan avenue, and has about a reoently that a,urpassed anything ever
The have learned the art of drawing heard of in the way of heartless indiffer•
growing r3t�mand for the reports and bur- 9 g mile end a half o! frontage on the Rouge y
letins of the Ddpartment of Agriculture. I wedlth even from scrub land of which a River and about the same on -the Michigan ence. He was called to investigate a case
-- take pleessura nn—di-rgatbu��=yon r�ttenticln- _ in le aheeP eMquires several acres for its %dral-Riilroad.—A-portion of the farms where a man's wife had died very sad -
to the work done in promotingthe public support. Irrigation works on a large is still in a primeval condition and rises en y --It was pIdIn1Y a cage. o T�esrt
health through the oerations f h Pro., scale have been begun in Victoria and gradually from the river bank, ;caking it failure, but the husband insisted upon an sTER S if
vincial Board, the disaeminating of sari South Australia.' The storage of water in one of the grandest places . for subdividing autopsy. He no's only wanted the autopsy,
-tary literature and the incmasin effiei.eno reservoirs is being carried out in a large anywhere in the vicinity of Detroit. The, but he wanted to see it performed. The
of local boar3s. Endemic diseases have way by mumaipalities and private Com• deal was made through Edward 1. Stimson, body was placed on a table and the doctors -I�T TERNATI®NAL
been notably lees, and ori impetus has been Parries Throughout New South Wales who also sold the Franklin Moore farm began wort;. The husband watched every
and aeenslind the boric o! artesian for James' B. McKay. This farm consists movement very closely. Finally the liver
given a the wageconstructionm of public water Q g y' and heart were exposed, and'the heart was
works and sewage systema: To aid efficient wells liar mgt with satisfactory success. of 190 sores and fronts on .the south bank p
work of a scientific nature, a laboratoey Once given the certain means of carrying" of the Rouge, directly opposite the Ten 'found to be greatly enlarged. The husband,
the flocks and herds through the occasional E ke farm. It is cut through b the more deeply interested than ever, stepped t
Lae been established in estiga on with the g yrs B y forward end took hold of the heart with hie
Provincial Board for investiga ons into the periods of drought, there seems no Limit to South Dearborn and also by the -River •
causes of disease. A Bill will probably,4e the pastoral capacity of such immense Rouge road. DetroitWews. fiogers, " It made my blood run cold," A GRAND INVESTMENT
laid before you on ' lying some defer s Provinces as New South Wales and Queens• said the deputy, " and .I pushed the man for the Family, the school, or the Librarryp
y pP y g land. With completed systems of irri 9 y." Revision has been in pro rens for overlo Yeam
awe He seemed to resent the coriiner's " g
ascertained ,by eaperienoe in the present. p y g ' One I3nmane Driver. action ver much, and insisted on knowing More than eD editorial laborers employed.
statutory provisions respecting the Board tion Australia prOniisFB to, bg00m0 one Of y � $300;000 expended before first copy was printed.
the ,greatest grape and fruit growing Ong day during the winters fine look• what caused his wife's death. The doctor Critical examination invited. Get the Best.
of Health. countries in the. world. The man diffi• ing horse attached to a grocer's waggon fell explained that it was caused by -an enlarge- Soldbyail Booksellers. illustrated pamphtetfree-
THE NICKEL LANDS. y Sown in the middle of a slippery avement. trent of the heart. "Nall, by thunder ! " G. S C. 1!.'LIERFIZ ;1111 �: CO.. Publishers,
culties witli which. men are confronted on pp y P r Springfield, plass., U. S. A.
It having recently been ascertained this great" Continent are more than In The driver did not jamp down and belabor mused the, man, . I dont understand that. Cantiont —There have recently been issued
beyond doubt that the Province ypOssesees by its wonderful possibilities.77George R. the animal with a club an most drivers I supposed a big he*rt made folks generous- several cheap reprints of the 1847 edition of ;
immense depoaitp of nickel, a meml which parkin, in Century. would have done. He did alight from his like, but that woman w ims the dumdest, Webster's Unabridged Dictionaty, anedition long
n since superannuated. 'These books are given
is likely to be of great economic use and R h wsggon,and loosen the harness upon the stingiest critter I ever see. —St. Louis Star. , , .
value in the immediate future, my advisers various names,= Webster's Unabridged,'. Thu ,
horse. Then he took from the w9agOn a I Great Webster's Dictionary " Webster's Mr
deemed the time opportune for making Baby's Education. y,'
pp g lap robe and 'spread it upon the slippery - ,Football. Dictionary," "Webster's Encyclopedic Dictiona-
some changes in the laws relating to the Direct trental habits may be formed pavement near the fallen horse'e'� feet. The The Chicago. Cricket Club decided to ry "etc.; etc.,
sern aro
ole of mining lands, and a part of" the even in the youngest, Children. •A baby not intelligent animal did not mistake the organise from among its members a foot, very m si udinPeus the bconcerning
dvc freach from A to
districts of Algoma and Nipiesuig in and yet old enough to walk should be subject to mute sugg-eefion. He eyed the robe for a ball team to go to Canada and play the Z, is 44 years old', and printed "from cheap plates
near_"the nickel -bearing region was with- an orderly and systematic course of train- moment, then be edged around until his various clubs there. The start will be made by photographing the old pages.
drawn from . sale and location until you ing': In the tendkr year,when the indefinite teat were upon it. Witb art - effort' he made about May 22nd, and the first game POSITIVE could be consulted. I commend to your is becoming definite to the pure thought of struggled to an upright position and . then is to be played as Toronto on the 24th, the P + CI7$P
attention a measure respecting our mining a child, the greatest of care should be exer. lifted his feet while the the driver picked Qaeen's Birthday. m habit. One dollar. Address P.O. box IM.
lands, which is to be submitted ••for your oieed. Sarah E. Wiltse gives an interesting up the robe.—Our Dumb Animals. -moo Gladstone, N. J.
consideration. example is the Case of a very young" child A Hundred Years to Come.
a - and a watch, : " A baby , recentlytook m How a Beautiful Flower was Named.
Wouldn't you like to live until the year iy sc
watch, and, as- a matter of course was about A.D.2000 just to see the
During the recess I issued a aommiesion j people and the BebG, L:azlc;st Co IIsoar��iCaeap:st:.
to carry it to her mouth. I said, ' Not An old l6gond tells of two lovers, walking world generally ? Who knows but you
to inquire into the subject, of prison re- month, ear,' putting the watch to by the river Rhine: The lady begged. her might, i
form and another into the subject" of the m ear, and then to hers. She nndonbt- suitor to "Irick a little mle-brae flower, g f you observe the laws of health,
fish and game laws. The reports of the y P p and keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels F'
commissioners on bosh" subjects are ex. edly caught the sound, and after a few growing on the bank. In doing so, he fell in fall action. The beat medicine known Sold by ':uggistsoraenebyman
efforts could carry the watch to her own into the water, and was drowned ; but, for this is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. F T. �dtlno. Warren. Pa.. L, -4-
7 lam`
Qeoted to be completed and ready fez ear, to her mother's, her sister's and mine, while sinking, be threw the flower to her, They are small, sugar-coated granules, but
distribution during the present session, tatting evident dAight in the attempted ani cried: " Forget me not 1 " Thousands powerful to cure r "
and in aurae of their being received in time p , produces no nausea or
order involved in giving each s. tarn: Of women will .never forget whet; Dr.
bills will be laid before you for considersla
- There was evident difGonity in overcoming Pierre's Favorite Prescription se done for griping ; easy to. take, and n acre Dare for W
tion. billiousness,, constipation, headache, and )
the muscular tendency to carry'tbe watch them. It is prepared specially to cure diseases produced b an inactive .liver. A f '
NEW LEGISLATION PROMISED. to her• own mouth, the little hands flour- those diseases Prom which they alone suffer, p y
Amon other bills to be submitted for convenient vest pocket remedy. €f
Among ;shine about in a bawil�lered way when and often in silence, rather than consult a
your consideration are a bill making cer. attempting this feat, but making much physioian—as pcariodieal pains, weak back, Senator Edmunds is known to be a man SCOTT'S'
tain improvements in the election law more direct and free movemante whenrola ons, and all uterine troubles. Parel s
general election has en p p y who rarely displays
which another any warmth of temper.
g g- seeding the ear of another ; 'in the latter vegetAble, and guaranteed to give eatisraetion yet, it Washington correspondent says, he )
gated; Mlle making some imendmenta in she was, of oouree, aided by the presenia• in every case, or money refunded.
j Jnr edaoation laws in the light of the five _� got very angry a week or two ago. It seems
B tion of the e:er. It would hrsve been a a
o that a change had been made in the t3enate
fears' experience which has been l ed since mental injury to the child had we puzzled Refused to be Lied About. �
the last revision; a bill" regulating the y P caterer. The new ot;rterer was not aware
n g b,�r by nr, senting the mouth, Or die rooted of the New England tondness for the hmou"L11"'O.Nicharters to be ranted to loan Com anies ; A gay young married woman of Cairo,B, P her mttr�utioii by pros°ming tag oat for her g a,bili s3eurin a lien to workmen on saw- ++ Illinois, was eanntgring homeward tbo enoonlent bean prepaeed in Boston style.N
g to stroke. —Z'lie Kindergarten (Chicago) for
logs in the western districts of the Pio- other night when a young; man coming up Now, to prepare the bean to snit the New ,
g February.
vines, and a bill to make provision reepeot• � --- with her took her arrxi and volunteered, to England palate, involves a large amount of ) 7 � f
escort her. She repelled him and blabbed .skill and onorgy which the new caterer ) ®® ,<� t URE
ing the marriages of Qaakers and others. —Saturday afternoon the Wfridsor & P
SALE OF TIMBER -Sandwich Street Railway changed hands, that it was a young married neighbor. He thought unnecessary so long as he could . l
The ocnsidel ation was $25,000, and the
The public interests and the wants of denied. She oornored him in his own home Bet the article prepared in cane, and as a ) v i cy C 1
purchasers • were
Janice H. Olark, of before his young wife. He denied again. result he offered the latter to his patron. )CONS rte? �,•;;
those engaged in the northwest of the Prov- Toledo, Ohio, oskitalist ; Willis C. Turner, She jacked forth a lioraewhip. He grabbed ;Senator Edmunds, who is a jadge of beans, ) TION v
ince appeared recently to require that a of Detroit. electrical engineer, and Edward her, took her across his knee, spankod her, immediately detected the cheat that was r .1
limited number of timber berths west of A. Gott, of Detroit, counoilldr-at•law. soundly, looked her in a room and esnt for being pat upon him, and he raised a )
Port Arthur should be offered for sale.. A her husband, to whom he turned hot! over" rnmpue that oeaaed only when the genuine' In it's First Stags.
public sale was therefore bola. -In October A RECIPE FOR A DAY. as slightly off ,mentally. bean prepared in Boston style, on the spot,
last and fair prices ,dere realized. A return. Tako a little dash of water cold was placed before him. There are things
of the particulars will be presented for And a little leaven of prayer, over which the teat New En Ian � m l a t ab l e as Milk.
your information. And a little bit of morning gold General von Braun committed euioide at B g der will
y Dissolved in the morning air. Berlin 'yesterday. permit no trifling, and the bean of our
forefathers is one.of them. i Be sure you bet the g�nuinc in Salmon
EXPENDITURE AND EBTIbIATEB, Add to your meal some merriment Old Mr. Hurtle to young lad
applicant i
(, y g y pp , color Wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at
The' public accounts for the past. year And a thought for kith and kin, for position as typewriter) —Can you spell The Princess of Wales has given orders . )hoc. and $I.00.
will be laid before you. You will be pleased And then, as your prime ingredient, well"20 Young Lady Appliosnt—Yee, air, that nothing, need be submitted for her SCO'T'T S 13OWNE, Belleville.
to learn that the expenditnre has been A plenty of work thrown in. ordinarily; but I aometimos get tangled up inspection, or that of her daughter, in
kept within the appropriations and that {{ s"aro used as trimmin
p•But spice it all with the essence of levo tvltetl it Oon9e9 t0 artesian. 6•
„ which bird
the aggregate revenue has exaseded the And a lotto whiff of clay,73•--'---------r---------_._r.�M�---- '
amount anticipated. The estimates for Lct a wise old book and a Blanco above I always start my fire with the azoo,"
Complete the wellde day° said the editor of the clarion. Whyd oyou ljrj�, �� fir
the current year will be presented for do that 2" "Its editorials are hi-mas hl in- r+ !�1 �
your approval. They will be found to be The Princess of Wales says that the
fl1► able, and its sffldavitq save the ex.
framed with a^dua regard to economyand reason why she does not ear more in o „ d
y PP peke of a blower.,
'to the necessities of the public service. public in London, and why she does not The wives of the Saotoh railway strikers ��
I feel assured that your deliberations take more exercise outdoors, is beatiuso, go
will be oharaoterizgd by wisdom and where she will, sho,is annoyed by crowds were even more enthusiastic than their TO THE l.DITOR —Please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy f� �
P and will conduce to the happi- of 'loyal noodles, who hover around her husbands, and urged them to fight .to the i0ove named disease. By its tunely'use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently Ct al
nese and prosperity of the -people. r stops and stare at her in nndie oieed last ditch. In many oases they undertook 1 scall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy. FREE to any or your readers wno nave
w g sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfullv T. A. SIAL
- — admiration. Queen Victoria"la said to dis• the duty ci picketing. The wife of an �A.O•- ,Sg Wast Adelaide Ot.."FORONT10. ONTARIO.
Mrs. H. M. Stanley was somewhat like London for similar, reasona, lint engine driver who displayed relnotnnoo to C
undoubtedly that is one of the discomforts leave his work, finding her husband ro
astonished at the. opportanitiea for the mained dent "to her remonatranoos, oliIn
study of anatomy which wore afforded in of high milk. u on his engine and, polling him off, car. p
i _AY E , Y
Bostoh drawing rooms. She said : " At Dempsey and lits wife have arrived rigid him away in triumph. .�Y�� Ctei"Ydo not mrtii
- a drawing room in season yon would. not at Portland. Before Dempsey left Now Farmer Peaatraw--W oll, son, what did• merely to stip il+em for a time, ndtW
find an English lad as low Oat as we Orleans a benefit was arranged for him, pave them returit again. I M iEA N A RAD 1 LA 1 CURE. I have made the disease of �
8a w in any
during your stay. Most of and Fitzsimmons volunteered to box you learn at college? Son—I learned to Epilepsy or Failing Sickno'se a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Curd
th o anatomical exhibitions were pro. KRilrain. Dempsey refused to accept, say•, fence, for one thing. Farmer Peastraw--`- worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receivin .a cure, senI 'Phat's cod I'll et come nails tomorrow, ;Inco for a tie ttse and a Fre(a R1Cttlo of my Infallible Rc�ctd' -ir Express
n0 unoed 'gaits good,' but others were, In ing that the public did not have any see K li Post Office, 'It costs you notliin for atrial, and it will cure yon. Address. --W t', It'00�r„
A m eriaan emphasis, ' aimply fearful,' " for a loser. , Y and we'll have a boot, 1 q tea.. Ar,%niah Otil eq,; Int; WElp-r 4DC-LAID6 STREf;r, TORONTOe
e n