HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-27, Page 2L .. • THE BOILER BLEW rip, A Quebeo Faotory Wrecked and Many Employees Buried Alive. THIRTY BODIES ALREADY FOUND. QUEBEC, Feb. - About 9.45 thie morn- ing the boiler in the Qaebeo Worsted exploded Com - ; foto at Hare Point ex i r���� I'r''ni�3truiirai�'t7�iu� Wsae -5ci�(�a;ei- and about half the taotory. A large num- ber n ber of the hands were buried in the ruins. Anumber are doubtless killed. Mr. Sty the engineer, is the only name of those it311�d as far as known. The work of moving bodies from the debris is n actively going on. Later -Thirty bodies have been remove JAOK TOE RIPPER, More About the Woman Found Murdered in Whiteohapel, The Body Found in Swallows Gardens— The Head Almost Severed From the iioely;—i'lhe VictiW&"l" GVerd-Louiciug Young 'Woman of 2ti Years of age— " Carroty Nell" the Victim—An Arrest m- Loelnoie, Feb. -- Further pertionlare in ms. regard to the woman who was found dead Styles in the Whitechapel dietriot this morning, and who is supposed to have been murdered re- by " Jaok the Ripper," show that she is now about 25 years of ago and quite good-look- ing, She was found lying on her back d with her head nearly severed from her l adv There wan also a severe wou_nd_on A. FULLER ACCOUNT. be 6x4!'; OY Or_eA �1 I f re -1, by the fall she experienced when her assailant knocked her down. The scene of this, 'possibly latest of the series of " Jaok the Ripper" crimes, is a 'dark narrow archway, known as " Swallows Gardens" and leading from Little Mint street to Chamber street. The arohway referred to is during the busy hours a well.frequented thoroughfare, especially used by railway employees and stable. men in passing to and from their residences in and about that neighborhood to their work. At all times of the night there are people. awake in the houses and pedestrians passing about and through " Swallows Gardens," but nobody seems to have heard any oriee of an alarming nature during the early hours this morning, when the crime wee committed. The murdered - woman, judging from her appearance, belonged to the abandoned olass of females, and was fairly well dressed. ''hough her hair was untidy, her clothing had not been disarranged. The police theory is that the woman was mur- dered while in a standing position, that the crime . was probably the work • of Jaok .the Ripper,". . and that the murderer was frightened away by the approach of some pedestrian before he had time to mutilate the body in the manner already described in the crimes attributed to " Jaok the Ripper." The blood was still warm when the body was found. There is no definite clue to the murderer and no arrests have been made. A railroad em- ployee says he saw the murdered woman lki"ng-teres-man,,eip entlg -a foreign seaman, just previous to ' the time the murder is supposed to _ have been com- n:itted, and the police are now engaged in aearohing all the vessels lyingin the Thames or in the many cloche about the port of London. The policeman who found the woman mast have reaohed _ the spot while the murderer was only a few yards away, for the viotim's lips were still twitch- ing nervonely and her eyes were still rolling when the oflioer bent over her. LONDONl, Feb. - It has been learner that the victim of to -day's murder was a woman of the pavements known as " Oarrotty Nelb" A man has been arrested on suspicion of having murdered her.. He is miserably clad, true Ye retinae ■.pl ob.. - anoe. No blood stains were found on him. He is held for examination. f}� 71te works of the Quebec) Worsted Com - patsy, where: this m,orning's fatalexplpeion manned, are situated at Hare Point, on the northeastern outskirts of the city, and cover a large area and employ more hands than any other manufacturing establish- ment in the. city. They had been closed for two weeks while the boilers and machinery were being overhauled and refitted. Operations were to have been resumed this morning and about 800 of the operatives were on hand, but owing to some cause the machinery was not started and they were diemieeed. Most of them fortuinately went bank to their homes, but many remeined about the. building, a number keeping in the vicinity of the engine room for the sake of the warmth. About 9:45 there was a sudden explosion, whioh completely wreoked the engine and dye houses and damaged a large part of,the main building. A great orowd gathered immediately and the work of rescue com- menced. The fire brigade was called out, but fortunately the horrors of fire were not added to the calamity. THE DEAD AND INJURED. 13 Battery has been •ordered, down to assist the police to keep order and control the enormous crowd 'b! excited men end women ' who blook np every avenue of approach. In the great confusion it is not oesible to get at a reliable list of killed and injured until the ruins are thoroughly examined. 11 is impossible to give the number of dead and injured. Several neons reported among the dead ve a erne, up, having-1'ef thio mill before the explosion. About twenty dead have already been taken out, besides as many badly injured. Amongthose identified are: Wm. Forest, dead; Amelia Cote, badly soalded ; -Alex. Martineau, dying; Mies Roman, broken thigh and fractured skull ; John Morrison, fractured skull ; Timothy Enright, injuries about the bead; Pierre Person,scalded and bruised ; P. Blonin, scalded : Emelia Boole, dying Mies Mercier, dead ;, Joseph Dufresne, dead ; Henri Laliberte, dead ; Jos. Mioaud, dead ; J. Styles, badly injured ; H.. Styles, badly scalded ; John Lamontagne, dead ; Arthur. Tweedle, dead. There is a good force of dootore and surgeons on hand and the wounded are receiving prompt attention. On *mount of the large number of persons who left their homes to work in the building this norning the number missing is probably . much exaggerated, for as already stated, the greater proportion had left the building before,She explosion motored. The oanee of the accident is not at present known. It is thought some of the pipes may have been frozen while the fires were out, and so caused a stoppage when steam was got np. The body of the engineer (Franooeur) of the works was found crushed out of all shape by the mass of debris which covered him. Mr. Stoyles, reported injured, has *ince died. His son is thought to be dying, Mrs. Dion, foreman of the spinning department hes a broken arm and leg, Emmanuel Filteault,broken arm, Caroline Llorrieette, bruised and scalded, C. Vel- lenenve, dying, Ed. Morrison dying, Gus - tae Blonin dead, Arthur Roseman dead, Peter Clement dead, Pierre Giroux dying, T. Lemelin alight injuries. - Lee dead. 4344.. A London' cable says.: A woman has identified the remains of the victim as' those of a women named Franoee, who was one of the many unfortunates who haunted Whitechapel district. The witness says she left the Frances woman early in the morning in the company of a man who had 'the appearance of a sailor. This man had struck and insulted the evilness on her re- fusing to accept his offer of a half crown to accompany, him. She did not like his looks, and advised the Frances woman to have nothing to do with him. The man arrested yesterday on anepioion of having murdered "Carroty Nell' is a saddler. He has been absent from England for eighteen months, or about the period which has elapsed since the last Whiteohapel murder. A woman detained as a witness asserts) she saw the prisoner quarrelling with the murdered. woman early in the evening before the crime was oommitted. Queen, Feb. - The 'searches were A policeman who ' was on duty on the carried on 1111.12.o'olook last night for the streets in the vicinity of the crime has body of Pierre Clement, who is still buried identified the prisoner me a man he met under the ruins of the Qaebeo worsted mills. about a ' quarter of an hour after the At 11 o'olook one of his lege was found, but murder. The policeman, noticing the man there are yet no traces of his body. Ohne. had blood on his clothes, stopped him and Villenenve, joiner, died last night from the asked several questions regarding the severe injuries received by the explosion. blood -stains.', The man replied that he had Another of tho victims reported in our list been assaulted while pausing through a of the wounded yesterday, Alfred Pearson, street in the neighborhood of the docks. aged 16, died et the Marine The 'policeman not being aware that a Hospital at'9 o'clock this morning, his murder had been oommitted was satisfied brother, Pierre Pearson is lying in a that the man was telling the truth and eo critical condition at Hotel Dien. We allowed him to pans. The prisoner'a facie ,visited the wounded victims' ward. The is badly eoratohed as it by a women's #fret on the right side of the entrance ii fingernails. When questioned the man John Morrison. His head is terribly cut Bald he was eoratohed vehen he was and he is unconscious, may not live till assaulted neer the dacha. The prisoner to -night. Next to him is Elz Couture, of stoutly denies having at any time met the $alifax. He is badly braised about the murdered woman. heed and has broken lege, is doing pretty THE PREVIOUS MURDERS. fair. Next to him is Francis Blonin, of Levis, fair condition. Young George Morrisonis the worst of them all ; he is terribly disfigured by opts and and soalds and will die. He is the son of John Morri. eon. Alex. Martineau is the next in order. He is the father of seven children. He puffers tortures with much fortitude, and may recover. Emelia Banle, 14 years of age, has compound fractures of both lege and a deep gash in the right groin. Drs. Ahren 'and Cetellier dressed her injuries this morning. 'She may recover. The poor child is suffering intense pain.. The other injured have been carried home, and are doing well. - Squads of mon have been working ell the morning to get at the remains of Pierre Clement, but nnenooeeftally. Heavy machinery and piles of stone and brick are lying over them. Coroner I3elleen ''swore in a jury at 2 p. in. Irnmedietoly after the jury visitedl the soon, of the diattstet, A meeting of the directors will be held to -morrow, when Coroner Belleau will havegivenorders that the mine may bo cleared by the proprietors. An estimate of the damage will be given. 'It- is thought. however, that it will roach $76,000. It is doubtful if the oompany will continue operations in this oity. They. contemplated transferring their plant to Sherbrooke, where thelineinee0 bonid be parried on more" e noiently on a000unt Of l56S't it tlitteittiorr.' The mill employed daily 200 men. as Mand Millett, 26 yeare of age ; (3) June 4th, 1889, and subeequente days, mutilated rdmaineof a women found in"the.Thamee, afterwards identified as the body of Eliza- beth Jackson. THE D00H S rBIK'E. Serious Interference With Traffic -5► Ship- pers'- Ultimatum. A London cable says : The labor ei%ua• ion in England is most unsettled. No sooner is the Scotch strike ended than the broken out afresh in Cardiff and London. The ferment of the great dock -strike has never wholly oeaeed. • Troubles have been, of weekly 000urrenee. The situation on Thursday. assumed unexpected and important 'proportions, which forced recog- nition of the strikers' arrangements. Both here and at Cardiff an organized attempt is e_new gnieme to pont rol the .. _ ,uCi_i .. ."p t ,rx Car • iff .alone. Should the strike extend to the Dockers' Union and the minor unions controlled by it, half a million men will be thrown ant. A factor atrengtheningthe men is the ill -concealed impatience with whioh many firms maintain connection with the shipping federation. Ship-ownere are obliged to pay thirty shillings weekly to board and lodge non-union men, and many are tired of paying 3s. 61. per ton for coaling when they could have the work done by union men for is. 6d. per ton. The Shipping Federation has issued an ultimatum, which declares the dictation of the unions is unbearable, and that the federation will refuse to employ any man unless he pledges himself to embark on any vessel with which he signs articles, whether the remainder of the crew be unionists or not. The federation disavows any intention to interfere with the unions or to reduce wages. A. CRIMINAL AC LARGE. The Whiskey Trust Dynamiter Jumps His Bail and Escapes. A Peoria, Ill., deepetoh says It ie the general belief here that George J. Gibson, Secretary of the whiskey truat,'is on his way to Europe, and aided by plenty of money would wimps. The only treat man found who would talk said Gibson had been gone since') hureday night, and would not return, adding that the bail bond of $20,090 was a bagatelle. It was found to -day that -Gibson eight months ago pur- chased lift' ounds of d namite. About a mon ago , e bought a quantity o ' ien phide of carbon and phosphorus at a drug store. He had learned the secret of the compound from e. chemist, and it is sup- posed he oompounded the mixture intended for Dewar. Two special deteotives arrived here on Thursday, and ,have been shadow- ing the trust cffioers and distillers ever since. It is snepeoted they are looking for the machinist who mode the maohine sent to Dewar. A RIISIIAN ATROCITY. Jewish Boy's Forehead Branded With the Word " Thief" — Bis Sympathizers —._-anisLed_ 'ST. PETei neuee, 'eb. `- The Rabbi Marone and a Jewish physician named Ohassenovitob, living in Groino, have beenarrested and exiled from that Province for two years for sending to the Government,,in behalf of the Jewish com- munity, a petition demanding redress for an outrage committed by a Russian doctor named Granvoski, who was charged with having branded the word a Thief " in three languages on the forehead of a Jewish boy who was accused of having stolen a small quantity of fruit. The peti- tion set forth that the case would excite the indignation ofthe civilized world. DEVOURED BY WILD BEASTS, Horrible Treatment of Immigrants to Brazil. They Are Scattered in the Forests and Die of Hunger, Fever and Snake Bites and Many are eaten by Wird Animals LONDON, Feb. - M. Dygasinski a cor- respondent of the Warsaw Courier has just A DAD POST OFFICE CLERK. 4rrepted for Rubbing the .Haile, Sete Will confront a lion Serions...`ltarge. When William John McGirr VMS ,r.: rested yesterday in Toronto on a teleg *m from Meaford charging him with poet oP foe robbery it'was not known that the prise er when taken back to Meaford would have tb anewer for a much more serious offence, that, namely, oi' attempting to procure an abortion upon a young girl whom he had. betrayed. The fact that. McGirr was re- ,ipsteei, iQ mar.rJage• fro the„ ung woman and , -e'en h`itc�fr iYttiei'�iYii"��"7 tier" 01;the ProvinaeB of Ban E'aLIU. banana an Santa Catharine. He deolares the Brazilian Government threw, every obstacle in the way of hie eliciting the troth concerning the Emigration question. He says .the Brazilian Government deoided some time ego to import ten million emigrants and that the North German Lloyd Steamships Company had already Ianded 140,000 for them. The emigrants were not allowed to found colonies, but were scattered in the forests in the interior and left to their fate to die of hunger, fever' or . snake bites, or to be devoured by wild beasts. Unable to communicate with their friends, a few who survived retraced their ateps to Rio Janeiro, lot gging sustenance of the planters, who treated them like slaves and exacted from them exorbitant services in return for eoanty meals: At Rio Grande the correspondent found 700 emigrants in a dying state huddled in a wooden chapel, while thousands were camping in the streets of the cities through wbioh he paesed or in the primeval forests. Dyges- ineki has testified on oath to the truth of his statements before the Bremen judges inquiring into the scandal. Still the emi- gration officesare doing a roaring business, embarking emigrants even at night. The editor of the Warsaw Courier has opened a repatriation fund. Industrial Notes. Boston barbers want Sunday closing. Cincinnati painters won their demands. A Vienna dwelling house has 1,500 rooms. • , England este 300,000 of our cattle annually. Columbus, Mise., has a girls' industrial school, " San Francisco has a Women's Press Assooial ion. . . Washington has made Labor Day a legal holiday. New York's bakers' Union runs a class in languages. Next month telephonic communication will be opened between London and Paris, at a charge of one dollar peg minute. After a while, perhal 0, we will 'le able to tele- phone from Montreal to London. In 1888 some 2,770,000 valentines passed through the poet in London, but in the year 1890 the number was not more than 320,- 000. Mrs. Hungerford,, the "1)uobese" of current fiction, is a brown-heired woman with merry eyes and a youthful disposi- tion, though she is the mother of six children. She has written twenty-seven novels, besides countless magazine articles. The following is a list of " Jaok-the- Ripper's " previous murders : 1. April 3, 1888.— Emma Elizabeth Smith, 45, bad a stake or iron instrument thriistthrough her body near Osborn street, Whitechapel. 2. Aug. 7,1888. -Martha Tabram, 35 stabbed 39 paces, George Yard Building, Commercial street, ttpitalfie.de. 3. Aug. 31, 1888 —Mary Ann Nicholls, 47, throat out and body mutilated, in Buck's ItoW, White- chapel. 4. Sept. 8, 1888.—Annie Chapman, 47, throat cut ane body mutilated, Danbury street, Spital- flolds. 5. Sept. 30, 1888.—Elizabeth Stride, throat cut, Berner street, Whiteohapel. 6. Sept. 80, 1888 —Catharine Eddowes,, 45, throat out and body mutilated, Mitre equaro, Aldgate. 7. Nov. 9, 1888.—Mary Jane Kelly, throat out and body mutilated, in Miller's Court, Dorset street, 8. July 7, 1889.—Woman, supposed to be Alice McKenzie, from Peterborough, throat cut and body mutilated, in Castle alley, Whitechapel. 9. Sept. 10,1889.—Elizabeth Stride, found under a railway arch in Pinohin street, Back Church lane, Whitechapel. " Fiftoenbsfore I surrender," wen what thea individual known as "jack the Rip- per " Chalked on a shutter neer the spot of one of his murders." In addition to the above-mentioned crimes -other murders of women havetaken• plaoo, the perpetrators of which have not been, brought to justice. Among them are'': (1) Oot. 2nd, 1888, mutilated remains of woman fonnd in new polios buildings et the Token/limiter end of the ViotorienEn1IDere inert-lnidentified ; () Deo. 21st- 1888, woman foundt etrangine-ine-Glankohnyerde High street, Poplar, afterwards recognized DIR. BLAINE EXPLAINS, Belk Talk Canadian Reciprocity After the iealint Squabble is Ended. A Washington despatch says : The Britieh Minieter had a protracted con- ference with Secretary Blaine to -day. It is understood that it related to some very important matters, including the Bayward case, now before the Supreme Court, and the Behring Sea controversy. There was also some disenesion concerning the pro- posed Canadian reciprocity sohemee. The Secretary explained fo the Minister what -he eant-by-hie-1 etter-te-Itepresentatins Baker, in which he denied that any nego- tiations were pending looking to reciprocal trade with the Canadian provinces. It appears that at that time nothing had been clone in that direction. The Secretary, however, is aware that some of the Cana- dian authorities are anxious to enter, into trade relations, but from some cause or other the Secretary is not disposed to entertain any propositions of that sort until some definite settlement is made of the Behring Sea dispute. Ttie•proposed arbitration of ford Sails - bury, and the propositions mentioned in Mr. Blaine's letter, which are to be sub- mitted for, consideration, will, it is nnder- 5011 in theSuupreme tpourt"`'iis out og nc way. Tho Coffers in the Bank., Tho Bank of England is the custodian of a large number of boxes deposited by customers for safety during the past 200 years, and in not a few instances forgotten. Many of these, consignments are not only of rare intrinsio and historical value, but of great romantic) interest: For instance, some years ago the servants of the bank discovered in its vanitn a cheat, which on being inoved literally fell to pieces. On examining the, content)), a quantity of. massive plate of the 'period of Charles II. was discovered, along with a bnndlo of levo letters, indited daring the period of the Ret?- toration. The directors of the bank canned searoh to be made in their books, and the representative d the original depositor of the box was dieoovercd, and the plates and love letters handed over.- Chambers' Jonrnal• ., BURNED TO DEATH. A Terrible Calamity Which Happened in Russell County. OTTAWA, Feb. --- A terrible oalamity oeonrred last night near the village of St. Albert, Cambridge township, Ruseell county, wbioh resulted in the lose of three lives. A family named Lafrence lived in a small house about a mile from the 'village. The family coneieted of old Mr and Mrs. Lafrence, their daughter, her husband, Azerieo Chartrand, and two children. Ohartrand and his wife left yesterday to „ • it Reeve Louis Cenier, of Cambridge, n. were away over flight. During the night the house took fire, Mr. Lefranoe awakening to find himself surrounded by flames and smoke. Ho struggled to a win- dow and jumped out, injuring hinted! severely. Mre. Lafranoe and the two children were burned to death in the house. The neighbors could do nothing to extinguish the fire, which burned itself out, only the remains being found. Mr. Lafranoe was found in a shed almost frozen -to death. He has not been able to speak, and there is lit- tle hope of his recovery: A NOTED, FORTUNE TELLER DEAD. Demise of infra. Barnes, the Witcteof Plum tioDlow. C. M. Starke, manager of the .Brink of Commerce at Belleville, and Detective Rogers left Germany on Monday last with Yerex, the hull -less oat man. They expeot to arrive in Belleville about March let. The official test of the Barrie waterworks took place yesterday ander the supervision afMr. Willie Chipivaan C. E. of Toronto, upon whose plana and advice they have boen_colistx0atedennd::in every way :fllroved most satisfactory. L KINGSTON, Feb. - Mrs. Barnes, the, witch of Plum Hollow, is dead. She lived in a little log cabin four or five miles north- west of the village of Athens, and in the neiclet of a tbickly populated farming 'oom- ninnity. Though upwards of 90 years of. age and generally conceded to poseess won- derful divining powers, she was a mild- mannered, pleasant -voiced, and exceed- ingly intelligent woman, who when she had told your fortune from the cup, was not averse to a quiet chat on such oom- monpleoe topics as society or the state of the crops. She was also the possessor of a charitable disposition, and though actively engaged in fortune telling for .upwards of 50 years, during which time she has earned thousands and thousands of dollars, it is currently reported that none of the wealth -thus gained has been hoarded. She raised quite a large family, theeldest son, Mr, Samuel Barnes, of Smith's Fella, being well known in that section. A Widow Sweetheart's Credit Used. NEW YOaii, Fob. - Polioo messages vibrate over theeveires from this oily ask- ing : ".Where is Harman Miller, who went to Nicholson Village, on the Lackawanna Railroad, wooed and won rich young Widow Randell, used her name to get credit on at the store, borrowed severe' hundred dollars more and her gold watch of :her, and loft Without a wedding?" There is no anew& to the messages, except from the widow. She says : " I'm glad that such a thief went away so soon." - It is understood that Sir Henry Tyler, President of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, will shortly pay a visit to Canada for the purpose of edtabliehing a Canadian Board at enactors. Pat.tele tenehett.,l .rinnetruek. in onenenthe wells now being bored at Gacipe. ruin he took her into his confidence and told of systematic robbery of registered lettere, makes the affair oro of sensational interest. McGirr wee employed as olerk in the Faversham poet office, near Meaford,. his eider being the wife cif John MoElire, the postmeeter. MoElire'a sister Mary, a young girl of 18 came to work in the office "yet a ere niknntw year And ahalf a o very ilii tri c arr b:: ently desperately enamored of her, subse- quent events .proving this, however, to be a deception in order to gain his end. The story of the girl is that in July of last year, about six months after she had falle4, she told McGirr that she would sooe e a mother and implored him to carry out bis promise of marriage. He consented, but subsequently perauaded the young woman to come to Toronto end • visit a medical friend of Ms in the east end of the city, who McGirr alleged, would enable her to bide her shame. Miss MoElire did as her betrayer had instructed, bat if erned, after • being examined by the physician, that if • the necessary operation were performed the consequences might be fatal. Rer turning to Meaford, the wronged girl explained everything to her seducer and pressed for an immediate marriage. McGirr asked for a short time to con- sider the matter, which was granted, but before the next morning he. was nearing the United Settee border. Milia MoElire a few days later wont to the Chief of Police and gave ieeformation which led up to the charge of post•offioe rob against the absconder. She teakthe stable to tt place where McGirr operate, the registered lettere, In thie secret apart- ment were found scone of envelopes that had been partially destroyed in McGirr's process. The robberies in all amonnted to about $1,000. Miss MoElire did not, bow - ever, reveal Who officer her own condition, and a few months after she gave birth to a stillborn child. The affair was concealed from all save the immediate relatives of ilW onng women. -Curet of -P iii a Dealy instruotod men at different points to be on the lookout for McGirr, aid on Wednesday received the telegram announcing hie Tre- sonoe at the Wellington Hotel,' Toronto. Chief Dealy arrived at tho Albion Hotel last evening, and will take the prisoner to Meaford at 11 o'clock this morning. The east end doctor referred to will be celled upon to give evidence in the caee. Will Cross the Continent on Foot William Brotherton is a young man who has been in Napa for some time and pro- poses in a few weeks to start on a walk to. New York. When seen by a reporter kettligrittlia-de—a-Wager-wager as to the time it would take to go from San Fran- cisco to New York, end hays Offered a large sum to hint if he will crake the trip in less then eix months. He is to wheel a wheel- barrow containing ninety five pounds' weight the whole distance, and keep an. account and render' a report of every bridge, trestle -work, tunnel, eta., on his way. He will go by the Southern route, thrc9ugh Kansas City, Chicago, Cincin- nati, Washington, Baltimore end Phila- delphia, thus making the length .of his journey 4,000 miles as nearly es may be, the shortest distance between the two points being 3,127 miles. He expecte to cover the distance in four menthe if no accident befalls him. Mr. Brotherton is no noviooat this 'work, having two years ago made the trip with a wheelbarrow from Los Angeles to .Cincinnati, and again from Washington to Cincinnati, s distance of 700 miles, over a dirt road. lie is always accompanied by his dog, and says he would be enable to travel without him. He will go into training 'for his trip next Monday. -Napa Register, Jan. 20th. • When the Lobster Gets Mad. What Maine men don't know about lobsters is not worth telling. Here is their latest information on the subject as given by the Lewiston. Journal: " Who of our readers ever heard of a lobster getting ma andishooting off one of his alawe ? If may rely upon the veracity of the old 10 eter pian, this popular crustacean, like the members of the human family, is capable of ' biting hie own nose to spite his face.' He says that when a lobster gets excited in anyway he sometimes shoots off one of his big claws. It comes cut as clean as a whistle 'and leaves ,a hole Olean cut and withalo jagged edges. In the course of a few days a new claw will grow, and bis lobsterehip can keep up thea intereeting operation as long as he ohoosee. The lobster is the only oreature that eoientiets have- been able to disoover having the power of doing such a thing. But, accord- ing to the old fisherman, the funniest part of it is if the lobster loses, his -claw by any other force than bis own it will not grow again. If yon pull the claw cff the lobster will go around for tho rest of his life miens one olaw." The Law and the Slot machines. If you drop a nickel with re string at- tached, keeping the end of the strung in your hand, have you really dropped tho coin ? .An Iowa judge has deoided in the affirmative. An ingenious youth in that State tied a thread to a nickel,' dropped the nickel in a slot machine, got what he wanted ; then, withdrawing the nickel by the thread, repeated the operation until he had made a clean sweep of the rocepteeleet contents. He was arrested on a charge of theft, but the judge who tried 'him held that he had committed neither burglary, larceny nor robbery, nor even obtained property under (also pretences. He had merely done what the inscription on the machine told him to do -drop a nickel in the slot -and had kept on doing it. Nothing was said about leaving the coin whore it was dropped. This decision will probably abate a nuisanoa.-Chicago Journal. The -Perinea Edward 'deed Le(yit at o Mar's htinoned`tii"meet ant irtiredny, ,gerob 20th. .• 4