HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-06, Page 8LUCKIIOW POSTeOFFICE. Hoertt $ a. ,tAILA W, G. &IS. South L. 1 , dG B. North Holyyio�ood ) 3t^inlough } Kinloss W. G. J B. North Q'sodcrich ' Intermediate points f i,. h.& b, Aorta Al', G. k B. South L 1T; & B_, South 1 f H. & B. ►louthk 'Pr G.& B.Nor, & tiol rood intongh Inclose azole and m. to 7 p. to. ARRIVE. 6;13 a. m. Daily 12.30 p. m. 2;30 p. m. 3;48 p. m. 9 00.p. m. 1U.du p. m, " Tuesdays and N 9.30p. m. 10.00 a. in. 3':O,p. m • 4.30p.m. The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, February 6th Maple Logs Eight dollars per thousand feet will in future, 'be paid for first-class maple logs over eighteen inches in diameter at Mitchell's mill, Lucknow. Buying Grain Having leased Mr. A. McGrory's storehouse, I am now buying all kinds of grain ai, the nigrlesi market price. Mr. V,cGrer' v to tuy steady every ay.— Tenders y. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received, by the undersigned for caretaker of the public school, up to the end of second week in February. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted.—D. R. Mc- aSveretar Vicintt Notice The office of J. S. Jerome, dentist, will be open every lawful slay from this date "(except Thursdays) until further notice. Office above Mr. ' Grenache's shoe store. Public Notice All parties who are. indebted to the firm of Taylor S; Powell, either by ever due note or account, they had better settle at once if'they� will save costs.—PAUL POWELL. Reform Gonveetion A convention of the Reformers of Nest Bruce will be held in the town hall, Kincardine, on Friday next, 13th February, to select a candidate to represent the Reform party in the coming elections for 'the House. of Oommons.on the 5th of ¥arch. Open Lodge An open meeting of the Royal • Templars' of Temperance will be• held in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening ..next, February • 10th. The prograinme will consist of speaking and singing by the members. All are i rite, _ at at the close.- Meeting to 'commence at eight o'clock. • Sacramental Services • The sacrament of the 'Lord's Supper •was administered.in the Presbyterian church `here -on Sunday last, and the 1�•eb. Mr. Malcolm, of Teeswater, embed-°botlor ring and -evening to large congregations. The Rev. gentle mean is a magnificent speaker and his sermons on Sunday were greatly ap- preciated by all present. Only Just A Canadian judge has, ..in giving judgement -in a- wages case, laid down the maxim that an employer has no right.to swear at his'employe, and that the, latter -can'leave his service if. the practice is persisted in, notwithstand- ing that a contract is thus violated. A judgement like this seems reason- able and no self .respecting employer would indulge in such a vile habit: The Driving Park A meeting of the rnernl,ers of the Driving Park .Association was held in Mr. ,-Somerville's office on Monday - evening- last, and although no detinate : e , action was taken 'regarding the leasing of the Park, we be lieye the grounds will be secured and that toe 'Assoia,- t.ion will have one or' two "speeding" . contests among local horses during the. coming summer. T , Newspaper Law MR. ,En1TOR,=-I presume with your long experience in the newspaper busi- ness you will be pretty well acquainted with the newspaper, law, would you 'k'indly answer, •me a question in con- • nection with it. If a subscriber. to a journal allows his Subscription to qxpire and' the paper is still sent to his address; for some time after. • 'that subscriber tenders the money for the time he has taken it, and orders the paper to be . stopped, is the pub. li.�lir�r fort(id to take the money And' comply with the request, or is the subscriber compelled to take the paper the full year en account of ,receiving • the paper . after the subscription had expired t Yours, Wont., WISIIER. A subscriber to Any journal can stop that paper coming to his address at nuy time by payinguparrears. [Editor] This is an Easy One . ' The success of our last word •finding contest, just cilosed, enco'prages us to otter another Free Tei around the World, or its cash equivalent to the person sending in the largest list of words • spelt the slime forwrl,rd and backward, such as. • "Pip," - '"13oh," •1-iatrlath." The C(►,hest •Closes May '5th. e Throe daily prizes for the three ' largest lists received. Contest is open tp the world. everyone sending ten words ^will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won pria,os in our recent •contest, di,ulos ar*Yl sample paper 12 cents- tog•etheewith a large illustrated ciao,. ;log.ue. -.. Address Bell's Magazine, 011144, Ott,, Toronto Convention The date of holding the great Reform Convention in the • city of Toronto has been changed to Wednes- day and Thursday, February 18th and 19th. Ten delegates from each riding are expected to attend and as many more as may be able to take the time. The leaders of the party will address the gathering. Y Our Thanks We are greatly obliged to the ver large number of our readers who have paid up their accounts and renewed their subscriptions to the SENTINEL but we hope to hear frotn many others soon. We also wish to express our appreciation of the work of our corres- pondents, and thekindness of friends who occasionally drop in items of news. The County .Council .,. On account of the large amount of space given to the Trade Question and other communications, we are unable to give a report of the business trans- acted at the .Bruee County meeting in Walkerton, but will da so next week. The--ne Council will be held•in Lucknow on' the first Tuesday in June, and as this is the first time our village has been honored with a vist by the members of the County Parliament, we hope our citizens generally will give them a hearty welcome. ei Foresters Visit Some nine' members of Court Sher- wood in this' village,' paid a fraternal Visit to the Foresters Lodge at Holy - rood on Friday last, and report having enjoyed a pleasant time, and one and all are-' loud in their praises of the cardial welcome and royal treatment they received at the hinds of the HolyTood brethren. On their way home,' however, during . the severe •snow storm that was ragin,-at the time, the horses got off the road; and dumped the • occupants. of the sleigh into the ditch, but fortunately no damage was done. - West Bruce Orangemen;,. - The annual meeting of the West, Bruce County Orange of was held in the village of Ripley- oil Tuesday last, and a large delegation of mem- bers was .present from all parts of the county. The following is a list of the officers elected': County. Master, Bre. Alex Davison, Lucknow; Deputy' C. M., Bro. J. 11. Scott, Kincarnine ; Chaplain, Bro.- Dr. Bradley. Bervie ; R. S., Bro. Thos. Wilson, .Bethel ; F S., Bro. J. Graham, Ripley ; Treasurer, Bro. R. Russell, Glalumis ; D: • of C., Bro. Geo. Begg, Bervie; Lecturer, Bro. E. Miller, Kincardine ; D. Lecturer, Bro. T. Elliott, Bethel. A motion was unanimously passed select- ing 'Lucknow as the place for holding the celebration on the Colniirg 12th of July: " Shorthand Never before was such a chance offered to the people. A shorthand system taught at your very doors at so small a cost as to bring it within the reach of all ; can be learned by to.yone of ordinary' intelligence iris from three to twelve weeks, and is so powerfel as to report.' verbatum the fastest speeches and most important evidence. Business and professional leen, young men and old ,nen, young ladies and old ladies, everybody every- where should learn shorthand. It is the necessity of the age and the writ- ing' of the future ' Join our classes now or you will miss the chance of a lifetime, as they only halt fora limited time. Teachers' class Sarurday at p. m , A lar a number have already ,fouled but ev y teacher within reach should avail I imsel£of. thisoP►ortunity. Rooms open every day and evening this week, and are invited to•ra.l1 and fully investigate the claims.. of the system. Rooms 'over Murchison's store, ---John McKay, Teaeher. -.—Mr. Paul Powell; of Wingham, wris in the villageton Wednesday, rind we .are glad to know he is rapidly •ecovering from his recent viecident, __:'' Piles of Goods Messrs. , Brurpton Bros. h,vg re moved their immense ;:tock of goods from Exeter to Lucknow, andtnow have in the Old Pioneer store here the largest stock of goods ever brought to ...the- village: A double -°sow of shets,= leg had to he put in to hold all the goods. Look out for advertisement next week. IbilAffrAttrooair The Oddfellows social' announced in our last issue. took place in the Society's beautiful hall' on Friday evening last, and was attended by 'nearly all the brethren, their wives, sweethearts, and immediate friends. These annual enter•tainbments are ......,1...1..Ce._N–y—;—,.. Idnuasnekng hers with a good deal of pleasure and we have been -informed that the social this year fully equalled anof the former gatherings, and all went home highly delighted with the pleasures of the evening. ' The chair was very ably occupied by the Noble Grand, Mr. D. Patterson, and solos were given by Miss Lalla Berry; Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon, and Miss Emma Peart, a recitation' by Miss Slack, of London, and speeches by Mr. W, .1. Henry, of Kincardine, and the Rev. J. S. Coiling and the Rev. Dr. Strongman. The committee also wish to express their thanks to the yodng ladies who assisted to pre- pare the sandwiches and other edibles. 'THE ST_ H T..�.;7$_ Preparing for the fill trade. Our stock is frllTn�; ii f w ith the latest novelties of the seas�1N. Our usual stock of stable dry gok. ds is very. conllrlt- te. We have ,just opened some special.lines in s•^..^�.r a rr^ .�7, �x��z.?,T.. ,'L k�e,^. �-a ��e��,;uau•. T•� r^,.� .s•r• n*^.�?" , yr�,T•rc.c- BEAUTIFUL GOODS. Also a fine assortment of ready maftrl F1nt'.lil!S:', bortgl't more with an eye to duality than to a low price. Po.iititi e v no shoddy. To arrive in a fear days. a very large- i1sst)rtl11eJ /1 11 f1LP.: AY.Ii n•pYl hlr.rn nn �. 1\11e T.. ",l.,t tl�a`". iuul..fl t1. ♦:.n :i .. ....� Italian elastic goods so popular with the upper ten: .l\lantI. NEVUS OF THE TOW1T. A Week's iteeurd of the Pushing Border Town. —The Ontario Legislature will sleet on Wednesday, next. —Mr. and Mrs. Al. Odium, of Toronto, are visiting friends iu Luck - now. —Script' is king. No other ` bort- hand system so simple, rapid and Ieeibie. -Mrs. -fains, of Gorrie, is the guest of Mrs. G. W. Berry, of this village. • —Miss McQueen, of Ripley,'is the guest of Mrs. :Kenneth McLeod' of this village. —Mr. Hodgins and wife, of Luck- now;spent few -day's -visit -in 11Th. Wilson, 8th con.—Attwood Bee. • ' ' —Mrs. Smith has $3000 worth of dress goods; • mantlings,—etc.,, that must be disrosed oft' this month. ' —No education is complete without a knowledge of shorthand. Complete your education by learning Script. .—Revival services are being held every evening in the Baptist church, by Miss . Ch tpinan, a• lady evangelist. -1YIr. Sumner, bandmaster, has, also been engaged' to teach the Kin- cardine bared every Tuesday evening. --We regret to learn that Miss Maggie McDonald, daughter of Mr. D. McDonald, has beetseriously •ill for the past week. -The sacrament • of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the 'Methodist church on Sunday morning next, when the Rev. M. ‘I alwin will preach: .• .-11/1t. and 'Mrs. G.' Mair, Mr. and Mrs.. J. McGarry and Mie D. Geddes, attended a grand ball in Wingham on Tuesday evening, under the ,auspices of the bachelors and benedicts of the town. It was sr. brilliant affair. %—On ' account of the band practis- ing in the town hall. on Friday evening there will be no literary. • Can't something be done to avoid collision. The band is good, but a time for everything and everything in its time should promote the: harmony of our village. —The elections are coming off on the 5th of March; and until 'then, fiery orators will be 'stirring up the people to 'do their dnty to the old flag, and you will be wishing yvu could take down their..speeches. Get ready for next election by joining McKay's classes aha learning. Script shorthand, 311411CRIElli RITCHiS--BAYNEs -By Rev. W. A. Strong- man, L -L. i1., on Jan. 28th, at the resi- dence of the bride,'s parents. Mr, Chas.. Baynes, 12 con. of Ashfield Mr. Alfred E Ritchie to Miss Caroline Baynes, ad of Ashfield, McK(AT—NIKON—By Rev W,4. Strongmann1 on .tan 28th, at the 'eesidence rf the bride's parents, Mr. John Nixon, f2 coo. of Ashfield, Mr. Andrew McKtty to Mils Margaret Nixon, all of Ashfield, r LUOKNOW MARKETS.' I . (Corrected every 'Thursday morning.) Flour $2.90 -Fall \\ heat ...... ..... ' 88 Oats 40 Peas 6'0 Barley . 40 Potatoes 40 to 50 Butter 13 cloth in good variety and at 'closest l:lricvs, .A large assort uient of novelties iitld staples to arrive in the next few flays. As• usual our stock of 'groceries,, hats, caps, boots, shc,p -, hardware, crockery, etc., etc., is well assorted and. all sohnit closest prices, Please call and inspect. ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens, Sept. 3rd. I J)OYT WANT THE EARTII, BEET 1 WANT A LIVING. , And I am_going to have it in Lucknow, too and I hereby. announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country 'that any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out that I will put in two sets of teeth, t 0 -TN • Temporary or Pcrmanent For the price of one set; $15, made of the very best material• in the world. .1 use no rubber but C. Asli Sons,'London, England. The teeth will be C.: Ash Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the business to be the'best in the world. . Those firms have their names on. their goons, and the people can see ,what Alley are getting, and 'as I•. will . • •Guarantee Sa2tufacti6 n 1 To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the world,. •will•please' bear in niind, that 1 do riot want their trade. 1 can .always be found at .Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. Vattierso), ZallaCknOW4 TO. PIG BREEDERS. 111HE TTNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP fur service at lot 1, can, 11,'E. D. Ash- field, his superior. bled Suffolk b )ar "Torte* • tor,"•also Berkshire boar "Butterfly Duke" noted prize winners of Halton 'Co, Out Terms $1.00 strictly cash. • Also for •sale cheap a first-class thoroughbred Shorthorn bull calf. MATHEW FARRIS, Lanes P. 0., Ont. House And Lot For Sale. FOR SALE A '. LARGF FRAME house, with stone foundation, contain -1 Ing six roams, w,odshed, etc,, situated. on Campbell street, opposite Dr. Garuier'►t rear• dence. The lot contains one quarter acre; and is well suited fora garden. For further particulars apply to • JAS, WILLIAMSON,, 2m-881 Lucknow P. 0, FARM FOR SALE. -LP THE EAST HALF OF 1.40T 20, in the J 4th concession of the Township • of West Wawannsh, containing 100 acres more or less. Aboot 85 acres are cleared and fit for cultivation. Balance timber and slash. Sixty acres seeded down. :There is on the premises a first-class spring creek, two good pumps, good orchard. and first -clays buildings, con- sisting of oew barn `with. Splendid stone stab ling, and new brick house. Thq farm is well fenced and the 'laird is in good eondition. It is about two and a half .miles from the village of Lucknow, on, a gond gravel road, and nine miles from the town of Wingham. For further `particulars apply on the premises or address ALEX. CAMERON, 885-tf Lt.eknow P,10 2 GOOD FARMS . FOR SALE OR T') RENT. 7::15'1" IiAI,IY OF LOT NO. 3, CONr;E . sine 13, E. D. Ashfield,• in the County of Huron, ninaty sores cleared, about five acres of fall wheat. fifteen acres seeded, two dwell. ingil,•two orchards, two wells, no bitter Soil, barn, stable, granary, shed. ets. Also ' north Half of lot 6. con. 13, with 12 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres seeded, good), fences, orcharo and buildings. The above property will be AA AA4 sold or rented at onee. Apply immcdi Lely tt, ..888 _ • Il, G11 HH-A:M -Lt cklrow. ub Grocor IMMENSE BARGAINS, Having just received a large consign ment of Fresh Groceries Choice family flour,wokk Choice Tobacc® , . Ca�s�ed' Goods. Crockory, Glass o.0 Togs, Cogees, axis Sugars, . which' will be 'sold cheap at the Hub 'Grocer Goods delivered to all paris of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT PUBLIC NOTICE. wTt1TICE IS HEREBY GiVEN TT4AT IA Carrick, Ru ,warm,, of the Township of Cearrick, in the County of Brice, yeoman, will, apply to the Parliament of Caiiridi at the next, session thereof 'for a Bill of divorce froth his wifeuerly f the said Ttownship 4 Carrick, but n► w re- siding in the city of Cllicago,.iu the State of Ililtiols, II, S. on the ground id adultery. Dater! at' Walkerton, Out., this 1st day of September, 1890. O'C'ONNOR.& O'CONN OR, 6 inns^ .86 ,.. -, Svlcitata for apptic`arit