Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-02-06, Page 1• THE NEW FOUNDRY KINCARDINE Will not rrt1It -Moves.. You tate SAVE MONEY By purchasing freta 1). 0. TAYLOR. A LarXc Vrrrsclsk Always lu meek. `✓:: " ! •,.,-,c }W i"i:";`V"'#".'i"fT Sz`1tai•••i m ;,w'rrx., ,;T •44;'FJ'.7 .Y` °' VOL XVIII.— 5. • ,. MEN- WANTIND`' Bows AND taxa ASBETUS JACKING For. Machinery, Harland's Patent 011 Cpn )y!r3IT'tio'S NEW HAY KNIFE, And anything else that is new, •call and see D. C.'TA.YLVrt. LUOKNOW ONTARIO; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6,• 1891 -T ill E- nicnow • $'ntinc1 Is published every Fsi lay at the "Sentinel" THE LUCKNOW B fI eVKING COAIP/JNY (Nut I,acurp,ruted. ) GEORGE MAIR, PROPRIETOR. sCh and (_'s+nrpbell Strs., Lei I, ttow, JAMES !BRYAN EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PR! OE :1.00 PER YE XII, IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS. OF 'YOB ...PRINTING EXECUTED WITH YI,ITNI;geu.t DEhPATCU. MEDICAL JA. McDONALD, M. 1).., C. M. C.P. S. • O. Office, Kitttadl. • DTENNANT, PHYSICLAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- , visite Ca:a's hotel. OfIich"hours from 9 to 12 a. nit, and from 2 to 5 p.D m, McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.1'. • i1't.S., M ,C.I'.S.O., Physician, , Sur- -SCeun, acid Accuuelieur, 0tEce'tiext uour to W. oillliil's im pleui eut letup, Residence Ross street, 11 ._.__ DR. D. GEDDES, -V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegrarn l,rDmptly attended to. Charges moderate. ()lice, Cur- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. LEGAL IMON RRIG AN, COMIVIISSION ER;: in. H. C. G. Kinlough P. O., Ontario. (y ARROW' 8z4 PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- .X ters, Solicitors, etc., (4aderich, Ont. J. T. GAnitow, Q. C. WK. Puot'nrooT. . THE CHEESE FACTORY. Auuual Meeting of the Lucknuw Cheese Association. THE LATE JOHN DILLIES. To the Editor of the Sentinel : '74; --11=1,,,t WHOLE NO. 889. MONEY To LOAN DF Al+'1 S ISSUTl) ON ALL PR,IN- cipal points. Chegres, drafts anal mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer - Hui currency & Anterican bank dratts or cheques bought or sold. luterest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. Money to ]enol on farm or sillage property at th't lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first class stock insurance companies only. We have one 200 acre. three 100s acre and two 50 acre farms for sale cheap. Office hours 10 a, m• to 4 p, m. G. A. SIDDALL, Manager. THE RESTAURANT Campbell Street, Lucknm J. C. KINCAID, ROP. Oysters 'by this quart,. pint) i LLIOT TItAVER, ATTORNEY AT rj law, . Solicitor in Chancery,' (ionvey- ancer Vie. Oflit ne`z . our to ;Vlui°eliisbn'$ ewe err store, Lucknow, tit, MORRISON. ATTORNEY AT '• law, Solicitor. in Chancery, C'ornmis- .. mintier, 'Conveyancer,' etc, Office, over ,the t`,arher shop. • •GENERAL OBElt'J.' CUNNINGHAM. .INSULC aucOf, Fire & Marine, Guelph, Ont. v1ONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE. A FEW thousand 'dollars to invest for private parties. at .reasonable interests. ELLIOT. 'CRAvtias.' ,ONEY TO LOAN ! t )N FIRST -('LASS mortgages at 7 to 7.1 per cent. iut.trest, sayable warty. Charges ntsederate, Apply to ROBERT MUKaAY, St: Helens. ,TORN MJIWHISON, C. P. ft TICKIT !agent, One way excursions to the North \Vest aud Pacitis Coast; Full informatiitn to . intendiug travellers to .any part of the world, Asr'ONEYTO LOAN ! AT 6 PEE CENT` from? to 20 years.. Lists ()Harms for. tale' in Ohtani() as well as Manitoba, • Parties , 'clesirtma to sell- farms Will consult their 'inter-- csts by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ire•and and • continent of lands for sale. Ask us STEWART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario% "W EST WAWAN(1SH MUTUAL, • Fire insurance. Company, board of directors meets for the transacti to nt bisr;iness on -the first • 'Tuesday each month.. Parties, wishing to have their property i'nsnred in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving riotice, be called upon hp an agent or by e•ne of the Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. Office, l t:urgannun. J . M. IsCCBEItTS; Secretary, Wn. LANE, Treasurer. SOCIETIES UOKNOW ' Lodge, N o. 112 meets every Friday .evening at 8 st'elocl: in their hall, Campbell street; All brethren ostrdially invited. 1). T,t,YLcst, Noble •Grand ; JOHN EILLIoi, Recorder. SSIr CO. F., COURT. • Sherwood, No. 50, I ncknoW, Meet - every t,rst and third . Monday in e v e r y mont:a, in the Odd -- fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. A. 17fri :.,.1)nvISON, C.' ' 11. ',.•,uD. D. Yuba Sim. • s_ A0. U. W. LUCKNO.'V LODGE OF • the AsicientiOrder United Workmen, meet in the Ododfellows hall, on the last and second Monday .evenings of each month at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially nvitede, Jona Ps,enT, Meister Workman. R. 1). CAMEI:.N, Recorder. TUCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI• .1 tote. Reading room open every evening from 0 to 10'p. m., exceptin„ Saturday's, when the hours will he frons 2 to 6 p, in. The librarian will he in attendance during these hours. D. t). '1'r,M, President. JAR, Somali • viLLE, Secretary. - DENTAL .T. S. Ji$ROME, L. D. S. Wingbam, will be in 'f nckitow nr s•. on the seettird anal fourthl -nth, tdn.v'"•antol•�attrlrrlrtyrff each scam*. G or $1Q. Filling and extracting a specialty r`• probability of it plying since it joined the combine. It should be well known that the Grange has nothing to do with the salt cnru- ga The Grange no doubt was the mesnsr The annual meeting of the Lucknow Cheese Association was held in the Mechanics' Institute in this village on Wednesday last. Mr. John S. Mc- Donald, of Ripley, was elected chair- man, and M r. P. Mc K'mzie, Secretary. Tfie minutes of the last annual meet- ing were read and adopted. The re- tiring President,Mr. John E Andrew, congratulated .the patrons on the very• successful business of the year. Mr. J. A: Denning gave a summary of the Provincial Inspectors report as. to the quality of nitlk which was especially favorable to the patrons of the Luck - now factory. A motion was carried empowering the directors to call in the Inspector if they cdnsidered his servi- ces were necessary. The auditors' re- port was then read, and on motion of J. Andrew and J,yisher.,, Wasadopted, The treasurer's :report, which was read, • showed a balance on hand at date of $8.26,with some small accounts yet to. settle, and it was moved by B villin, and seconded by Win. Fin- lay, that the -report be adopted, which was carried. -Moved, by 'Vin. -Finlay, •--sc;cd--by .order be issued in favor of J. A. Den, nir.g for $8,26, and that he pay all outstanding accounts. - Carried. On motion of J. Baird Mr. Peter Mc- Kenzie was elected president. Mr. Andrew, was also nominated' but de- clined._ : _The_leallosnting-directors_ wer_e-_ tried 1 T: A: Denning, J, F. •Andrew, • Acro. Finlay and B. Alli'n. Moved by J. F.. An - grew', and' seconded by B. Allin, that Thos. Lawrence be treasures at the satne salary as last 'year ($30).0arried. Moved by J. Baird, and seconded • by J. Fisher, that George McIntosh be audir.-Carrierl. Moved• by'WM. Finlay aid seconded by J. Baird, that J. A. Der•sning.be'secretary and ssales- man for •the • year. -Carried. Moved by Wm. Finlay and seconded by J. Baird, that Mr. llenning receive the sauce anionnt• for manufacturing,. 2;t cents per pound, -Carried. 'Totes o thanks were given to the retiring president,' directors, the members of the .Mechanics'. Institute for the use of the room, and the chairman, after which the meeting adjourned. . The past season has beets the most sue= cessful one in counee:tton with the nLucknow factory. or can. CANNED GOODS, • FRUITS, CO FECTTO SWEET CIDER, MILK -SHAKE., TOBACCO,CIGARS, ETC., Constantly kept , in stock. Give me a trial. Remember the place, !text to the bank. ust be Sol $3000 wbwnioFGo�Ds Mrs. W. II. Smith will'of'ei her entire stock of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Dress 'Goods, and Trimmings for the next 3) days .at cost.. Now is the time to secure bargains for cash. All parties' • indebted to me will please call and settle at once, and oblige. Mrs. v%. II. Smith 11001 'FIRE so 1Z�i rl � ''i► J Insure your farm property, private dwelling, in the old reliable, the ONOON MUTUAL. Office, -A. 8055 harness shop, Lucknow Wil bele the Mike everySaturdayhfternoon, .Ia lI1T LASig, Agciiia, ilnlluu li. • WEA'THEEt NOTES. "Whatever may 'he the progress of the sciences, never will observers 1vhu aril trustworthy and careful of their reputation venture to foretell the state of the weather."-Arago. "Is it in any, degree within the power of man to alter the 'state of the weather'? A strange question -it may seem at first -to • propose, but by no means so absurd as' it may appear,' The total rainfall, and which is per- haps as regards weather and climate of even snore' importance, the frequency of showers on 'an extensive well - wooded tract or one entirely covered by forests, ought on every theoretical view of the causes which determine rain to be greater than nn the sanie tract -denuded of trees. The foliage of trees defends the soil beneath and around them trom the sun's direct rays and disperses trieir heat in the air to be carried away by winds and thus prevents the ground from becoming heated in summer ; while on the other hand a heated surface soil reacts by its radiation on the clouds as they pass over it, and thus prevents many a re- feeshing shower which they would otherwise deposit, or disperses thew a:together."-Sir John Herschel, Probabilities for February.- We may expect a month more distinguished for dryness than for precipitation. Ori the whole a cold month notwithstand- ing many, fluctuations of temperature. The first half of the month more stormy told cold than the latter.. There seems' mucic uncertainty as to whether its storms will prove moder- ate or - severe,. Should this forecast prove incorrect please remember 'the; to explain the condition of the Granas, luster trite weslther proverb -Double' tam] ante Association. It. Qurrle, of 1Vingbtarn, -.ttttplained... the, f�- business' otho 4C -theft -Mine. "reop.s:'s< 5..14 Vom t i ', There •.is. every ference of some of the leading residents of the district desirous of honoring the memory of the late John Gillies, so long and so favorably known in Bruce and elsewhere, it was decided to recog- nize the services of the deceased public servant and officer by placing a moon - meat over his. grave in the 'Cemetery .,n the 4th con. of Elderslie. With that in view I was requested to take the initiative by an appeal for sub- scriptions to the people of Bruce, irr'es- pective of party, to defray the mist of this tribute to the worth, public zeal and integrity of.14lr. Gillies I do so cheerfully, .relying on the courtesy of the editors of the County to' make known through their papers the earnest wish •of Mr. Gillie's friends, 'and ,con- fidently "expecting that a hearty res- ponse will be given to our, appeal from every corner and municipality 'i❑ the • county,. Let it be understood that, we do not aim to keep green the memory of John Gillies because of his services to the Liberal party. Reformers re- member gratefully his valiant fights, for the Liberal party. Reformers'rernenl- efttily-his-valid rt -f gghts-€er-t-he- triumph of their principles, and if it was their intention to honor' him as a politician, an appeal to them would' not be in vain. But the grave which contains all that is mortal of the late member for North Bruce, 'reminds us _that_par_t.y-..feeli'nga ru.ust.._.give_place__to. Isig ie con idtrrat'oY'n's. "`W e " oulnow remember him who stood shoulder to shoulder with the pioneers of this, county in hewing out flourishing homes and fields, who was. for years the chief administrator of our municipal system, the reeve of his township for a quarter of a century, the warden of the county, the representatives of .the people in, the Commons and in the Legislature, the hospitable, the genial and ever - ready friend, John Gillies. Therefore, the earnest endeavor ot'those primarily' identified with this movement is to show the •rising 'generations than a public servant t,f Mr.lxiliir.s' worth. was not allowed to 'remain in the ob- scurity of a silent grave without a tangible proof of their esteem. Ladies .and gentlemeri of Bruce, aid us in this. undertaking Icy your subscriptions and by 'your energy in organ1zii1-; canvass- ers .to collect funds in.your respective locality.. John (willies has hosts of friends everywhere. We rely .on'thern to stand by those, who' have taken the' initiatiye to honor his memory, mean- while I. will be glad to receive sub- scriptions and will faithfully acknow- ledge the receipt of the' ,same through the press, pending the organization' of a central committee to take charge of the whole affair. With this in view a meeting of all those favorable to the movement, and desirous of rendering'. executive assistance will be held its the town hall, Paisley,' Feb. ,14th. at two o'clock in the ,sfteruoon. 'Trusting our appeal will not be itt , vain, I re- tnsin,• Yours, &c., A. B. :1'iCOattAni.• Paisley, Feb. 2nd; 1891,, LUCKNOW GHA:VI4E.� The Lucknow Crrnge, No. 7, met in Luck• now 00 January 26th. Excepting in number of Gfan'ges working the Various reports were very satisfactory.. 'There were font -teen dele- gates, present, besides visitors., representing. live granges in the division. • There were a number of snhjscts discussed, atn ifis thein, that of the Patrons of Industry. It was the general impression that if it' Were as* retire rented, it'sh•+rtId notcimflict with the principles of • 'Husbandry." It is evident that they ase moving touch un the saute liva as the Grangers' but differiuy from the Grange in welcoming all traelea, but, like the Grange in rejecting grogselfers and liquor ninuuf,wturers, What- ever the upshot tray be, it is well .fur the working man to combine to save himself frail the rings and combines that rule the estnntry, The Division Grange of the •'Paatronei .of Husbandry" has evidently a, kindly feeling towards th oir sitter association, the '"Patrons of industry." Along with the other sobjeets brought for- ward, wns that of insurance. A half been was granted to John H. Taylor. of Si. Helens NIE Ebu otoais'.. Amberly, Jan. 28, '91. r. g . e company. • ti 1 is now a to- gether under the control of the shareholders. and though at first. it was called the Grange Salt Manufacturing Company, the grange had t no voice in it after it was fully orgauizett. ',the lecturer, D. Agnew, instructed a number of those present to have papers ready upon suitable subjects to read at the June session. It was decided thv,t the next place of meeting •. be Ripley. The following is a list of the oftdceres elect :- Master -Gavin Wilson, Wingham. Overseer -John Gillies, Whitechurch. Secretary— Wm. Welsh, Amberly, Treasurer -G''$ Robertson, Lucanow.. Lecturer -D Agnew Lucknow. Chaplain -John Currie, Wingham. Steward -l) Campbell, Armuw. Asst Steward -Ft Reavie, Verdun, • Gatekeeuer-G Giles, Langaide. - Ceres -Mrs. E Reavie, Pomona -Mrs, John Shier, Flora -Mrs. D Campbell. Lady Asst Steward -Mrs. Win Webb. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. The rvannual meetin _of .thae..,. WestW ..- Wawanosh .. Mutual Fare Insurance Company was held in the court room, Dungannon, on Tuesday, the 27th ult. The Secretary's Treasurer's, and Audi- tors' reports were read and unanimously adopted. The" auditors expressed 'them- selves in, very eulogistic termsof the rn,tt -n er--4%4+i0.t-.--oh:-seereta,-y-erndi treasurer kept their accounts during the past year, and also pard a very high tribute to the president, C. Girvin, the secretary, J. M. Roberts, and treasurer, ' W. Lai e,• for the courteous mariner in which they rendered assistance to theca _whilst -.auditing: the -com pany-'s-aeeou-tits- 11310, 7Alehough-1176 a see i The some dissatisfaction shown by one or two policy holders with the manner in which some of the directors insured buildings, after questions were ask( d and 'satisfactorily answered, it was quite apparent that it was removed by the explanations tendered, and iu view of this the three retiring directors were reappointed by ricclarnation. Those in turn respectfully thanked the palie'y holders for renewed ' confidence ' in theme. .John Wilson, of Huilet,r, was re appointedauditor lsy the mem- bers. 'Re i'sa good man for the po- sition. __The society c„tia heartily con- gratulate itself upon the prosperous ceirdition'of .the institution. CLOVER VALLEY. On Tuesday, Jan.:27 th, a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Patrons of • Industry, of .Ciover Valley, was ad- dressed by Mr. Win. Valens, the county secretary, on the prominent questions affecting the farmers ..at present. .' Soiue ' of the questions touched were ----The origin and work- iug of combines and the' diflercnt ways the farmers may combat . thus; -our' trade relations with other countries with special reference to that with the Uuited.Staa•:ea. Several ether speakers were then called non to continent on what had .beeli said, and after weigly'ing party politics in the balance they ' fond both sides wanting in not having the interests of the farmers at heart, and expressed themselves as thoroughly convinced that the only hope for fire • farmer was to organize toa man, bury the party hatchet and elect farmers who have the interests of farmers at heart to represent them in pari anent. At the close of the meeting 111r•. Vlens was given ati hearty vote of thanks, all heartily appreciating his able lecture. On Monday lase Mr. Valens delivered an. able address in Para- mount on the subject, The farmer and '. the tariff. REPORT OF S. S. NO. 14, HURON. Senior Fourth --•1( Murchison. L • McGill, E Reid, A Reid, J McKenzie, • W Murray, F Murray; W. MI, I) Finlayson. Juiliur' Fourth-- L Piokir- ing,t, G 1llutray, A Murchison, E Hamilton, ,11 'ri'nneson, wV Goode, A Hamilton, A Finlayson, R Mc- Kenzie. Third ---P McInnes, 13 Mur- chison, E. 11c(3ill, J T..;; lor, E Agnew, , 1Z iMc1''Lillan, 'NV 'McGill, A. :I'e•nnetson. Second -V Te•nneson, I. Campbell, L Murdoch, E Reid, M Ilamilton, L• (flrtrleson, M .Henderson, N McInnis. • 13 Robertson,,W. McInnis, K Beaton, . 1 14endorspp,, Avera atteiadintce wars 4 (.. .