HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-01-30, Page 8ntraiedan •
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The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, January 30th
aaar arammonmans nammasolaanoo•socarlwassogammar loomagibdaa wavanarmaapaccrorownramrscusamoomociarl_sp
Hours $ a. m. to 7 p•• m* 'Rug leased Mr. A. McQrory's
-storehouse, 1 am -now buying uii 14143
MIILS Altatv-E.
6:13a. m. Daily of grain at the highest market price
12-30 p. ilk. Mr. McGrory will be on the market
to buy steady every day.—Geo. Kerr.
Buying Grain
'W. G. if: B. South
1.1.11, & B. North
I }.
N17, I -I. (1..B, North "
tfrodorich I;
1 pterwediate points r
L. ii, ..i 13. NuLLia
3:4&p. anj Ocarn log to Lucknow
The firm of Brampton 13ros. are this
9 00 p.
week removity, their immense Exeter'
Tuesdays and .stock to Lucknow. Mr. kt. U. IS•runip-
tVgaTtlailM obAra0110,11,....,ni mfarall*
store, comes also with his family to
become a citizen He will join Mr.
W. J. Brumpton,,.here in condu-cting
the "old pioneer" store. Both gentlt,3-
men are enerieneed in business, and
with their complete stock and centred
forces will no doubt merit and com-
mand a large share of the Habil°
- — — — - — - - - _ _
WG. ,gi 8,,south }. 9:5-,..p. tx,„
11,1i. &.B., Suuth
•.u., -„c;
1.3.:4..lith' 10.00 a. m.
• a„,..!,47:' . W. il.it B. Nor at 10p.3 - u
lfolyrond • 4.30 pan.
iatatigh • .
.1.4.1.nlose .
ttieaud .e4.1(itvatg
WEST Wii:Ill/24.310S1/ COUNCIL.
Council met acoording to statute on
necessary declarations to qualify.thin
to sit. atthe board : Reeve, Alex.
Stewart; deputy reeve, John Ilo5i•erc, ;
councillors, Thonias Todd, James
Gibson and William 'Bailie. The
minutes of last meeting of 1890 were
road and approved. lVLovect by Todd.
seconded by blib6on, that a grant of
4111M1 We ',a.tatnaLaan. Vg/T1611414/gMAAkr144 nn.
lusritute for the current year. —
Carried. Moved by Bowers, seconded
by Bailie, that the officers' salaries for
the current year be as folloWs:, Cierk,
$-120 ;..treasurer, 680 ; assessor, 'V0 ;
collector; S(30 ; jurors clerk, ; reeve
and assegSur, t;3.; and that. a hy-law
confirming the appointment of the
_„ _, .. ._ -This-is-an-EasyJana - - drafted.—Carried. Moved by Bowers
Eight- dollars. per thousand -feet.
The success of our last. •word finding seconded by Todd, that -the procved-
ejAwen inches in contest, just. closed, encourages us to ings of each meeting of council be
, t • will in .fature . be. paid for firstclass.
maple logs over printed in pamphlet -form in connection
offer. ;1,nother Free Trip areund the.
diameter at Mitehell'S mill, Lucknow.
World,. or • its cash equivalent to the with the financial statement in a fell
Public Notice ' person sending in the largest list and compiete manlier. — Ca,rried.
•• of
. e
. All parties .who are indebted to the words spelt the -same forward' and Moved byTodd, seconded by Bailie,
that R. h.. Miller be re appointed
firm of Taylor & Powell, either by backward, such Lis. "Pip,"
clerk.—Chrried. Nloved by Gibsop,
over due note or account, they had "Hannah." The contest closes May
seconded by Bailie, that J. G. _Yard
bettet settle. at once if :they *ill save 15th. Throe daily prizes for,thethree
costs.—Pat L PoWELL. largest lists received. Contest is open be re -appointed treasurer.—Carried.
Moved lty J.lowers, seconded by Bailie, k.....- -
. to the world. _Everyone sending? ten I , oN,T wANT
Annual Gathering • . • words- will get a prize. ,Nearly 120 that W. A. Wilson he re -appointed
• - Ledge No. 112, I. 0. 0. F. having won prizes in our • recent contest, .assessor.—Carried. Moved by Todd, I
fixed the , data of their annual social 'Rules and sample. paper 12 cents- seconded by Gibson, that John Web-
on Friday; Jan. :30th, they' extend an together with a large illustrated .cata., serbe appointd auditor,Carrid.
invitation to all,..ttue , brothers and
1.)id thein. heartY wrekome. . , . •. logue. s .,..k.ddress -. Bl's Magazine,
'' . ee
. The reeve nominated 'W
J.. B. eather-
'their families .within our limits ,at -id OrilliaOnt
head as' the second auditor. The
clerleatind treasurer's bonds were
• •.N
13 . Card .of Thanks • • , ,
• seated and accepted. The 'following
A •GoOd Lecture. • ii, / • At the annual' meeting of the were 'Appointed as a Boar' of Health - • ..
The lecture givel under 'the aus- managetiof the Kinhiugh Presbytenan for the current year : Mesqrs. Gibson,
•, Alld i am 0.oinc, to littve it in .1,11..;know., ton, and I liereby•
• rs ta
---,,,ties---of---the'---Epwr-oA.421-Leagne----011,-sehusoll-sit-.-was..:„.unaniano.u.sly deeideil.: To1d.,.111)(1. J.. ..q, .)NY r d ,... with pr case announce to the people of Lucknow •ftial 'surrounding cottetr v that
Tharsdi'y evening last; by the Rev. that the thanks ot,the congregation as medical adviser. A -petition fr.ini any pt. rs.ai or -pers'inis coming to me having tit
en. teeth out --- - • --.-•-
-' --Mr. -Rodgers,., of .Attwood,was_viell_..t.ir.e....d.ael tho Rev.!-Mr....1‘,Lurray...of Kih- Chas.: Wilson and others request.ed,.the • that I will put in t Aro sets of teeth; • • . •
,.. I
received. It was both amusing. and Cardine, and also the Lucknow Aletho- ceuncil-r! to take no- action towards I - . . .
instructive and w-eil repaid all who dist choir, for their ',kindness • in deepenitig. A.'-oiig's clraiii... Th. oeti-
- - attended.supplying the entertainment for the tion was tiled:. Moved by Bailie, sec-
. church's annual tea -meeting and that (Aided by Todd, • that the co:lector be
At a meetnig.oi t e wee ors ,oe
Direc'toreMeetin ame Aitl.$1, for extra trip to Manchester.
be maile, through. the loc papers. •-•--Cariled.., A ,continunication of
Kb:dos Branch Agricultural Society'
We have,. therefore,', Mach pleasure in. Rev. C. McGee rs taxes'oa Glebe' pro-
. Saturday last, Mr. W. IL Smith.
was again elected ecretary, and
extending our thanks to ,51.r. Murray perry was read and the clerk instru :test
gs' Mr,'
Thos Lawrence, treasurer, It was for his able lecture, 'and t) Mr.. Smith to reply. A call of .50 .per cent. of. t.lif
decidedto hold th, spring show and his -excellent °Mir for their choice.. .atock....subscribed to Dungannou• Agri.;
. e • on'
and appropriate 'music. Signed on cultural arid Driving Park Associath n
Tuesday, April 1 Ith. •. behalf, of 'the congregation., was read ;.left oVer'till• next nieeting, •
frrosMAL-CODIUr -th.e---reeve -
to co Icav-ns".14--Furttrerrric.-.p' of one 'set..::to, made . of ..the.- yery-b ,,S1,--4-natertal
S .1 enIlltteerV—'141-1*4-eriFiS— —
°RN JANE. in the . werld. 1'use no rubber ,but. .0. Ash '.& Sens, .Lo.nc145 EfiLsr-lititid.
,gst‘e notice that at n.ext meeting he
P.A.R41101..INT. would move for the ,repeal Of by:law .
The teeth will be. C. Ash tir„Sons, and S. S. White's, co eede,d
, '.', ' •.
A Bear—Wild. rumors' .spread, that Na. 3, 1881k The trksuer's.report by allWrho are in the business.to be the best in the world
,.. . , •
9.,,beai• had-ill:seine' imysterious manner • for Dereuilier showed balance. and,
. .
- .
%,..,, •
TheSe•firips' have their' Dames mi theirgools,..and the people:
• • • . can see what they are getting, and as I will
. . •
• •, ' . . •
- t e e'A Sall i s fa et lini
.1.11 ran _J._ • • a , / • . , • .',._.) .
Prep. -in g for the fall trade. Or st,,ek is filling t.
with latest novf,ltit's f tho.settsqn,. Oar usual stock
of titapte, dry go - ds j very compit te. We have itiA;
• 1/
Also a• fine assortment of rea..ly in:nic cloti.lin,.2., hotp.41.t
more with an eye 0 quality than 1U' a 14 ),,,v priet.. l'o.iitive'v
no shoddy. To arrive in. a low 4.1at.,s a. very kii.ge as,•;oi title, 1
ollatlie:i tin(' ventleinens iiinler,..lothing. inylitiling' tin
ia.,elastie tvi is so nomtlar with the ainpoi ton. Alantli,,
.cloth in good.variety ',tin at -c oses , priPos. 4 .
._... . - .
inent of .novelties atiti btain,s to arrive in .the in. -.,it few -day..
As usual onr Stock of groeciies, • hats, caps, boots. shoe....,
Itrtlware, er,,ckery, etc:, etc., i,,, well assottcd and till sold at.
VioseSt, ptir:es. - Please call and inspect .._
St. Helens, Sept. 3rd.
emporary 1.1 er '4enf
ihsent-A/1.1.nileii. .7 . • -t-
- A certain dry goods man . recently
tied • up a , parcel and started off to.
41eliver thrt-same -Without. breaking the
• string. He did not notice this over-
. sight until he got to the ,home of the
;purehaser... • What was he to do? .got ous of his "bear"ings and .was rov-• reeeipts of -$4002:47. atid ex.penditare
, • 806balance on hand of
Ile quietly returned ,to the shop, got ,ing round in AViert's bush, hutitil_ ei;
, $2.68, leis ring
..the balance of the -ball of 'wine and 'for something, to devonr. Our local :".•;'1193.79. • VsePori filed. Md by
99ickly wOut.4.1...,up7ilie sl$k. •aports, innuednttely 'becanie lirecl with ,Bailie, .se?,ondsil by Todd, that. the
' a passionate desire for hear .inat,, and. treasurer noi•ify all who have ,tiot ptill
Annual Meeting
one 'aspiring, Voting Nimrod with the their subscrifitions to the Durgin fuud
The ant nal xneetirigof • the.Luctcnow to pay 'the -stile on or before -Pelt 21gt-,
backband.of the,harness firmly bucket
cheese factory... will be held in the .
round - his waist, 'and a long carving or proceedings to c011ect will be, take".
Mechanice . institute on Wednescliy.,
knife'. hung in each ring, while over h;s Checks issutsd :—A. :D. Cameron, extra
Feb.* 4thi. at one o'clock.. sharp, ' tel
slinultle.r• wks strkpentt„d, the, ,,vber.t, trip, $1 ;' R. K. . Miller, registration.
receive tit,' :auditors' y.,port and nutke pa
withal . to dis! ch the prey, and -,the fees, 4. ; township. Ciel k, election
other arrangements for the comieg
instrument Of death, , .an oid.',..Zulu.' expenses, $32.25 ; Collectrn., dog tax
• season: .All pat:..nisand ais.. wishing
shot UI), resting' lightly. on his Strong tincollectable,b$2 ; -W M-.1Aoliur, .2
to become patrons ..are • strictly .re -
young Urn', .sallied fotli bound'to do ooka, .•85c. ;. L Phillip, ' repairing
quested to attend. , oi• die.• . • After 'sconring the woods .scrape,r,..$2:50 ; Jas. 13ryan, printim.t,
A Cangerous Habit within 27 . miles. Of Para‘Mothit he 637.75 ; A AP. Cameron, colletting,
... . .tersons who bite their nails might ret tlled ha% ing (lone neittn;r. . Brno, 04.10. ' Council' adjourned to meet 'Feb
., • be' . cured of the habit' if ihey'Could (who, Was ius,baitly wilt,itiiig ttif,,,,,,..110.1,, 2 1st. • . • • R. K. MILLER, Clerk.
.i,ver keep lieftire them the fact that preceeding)seeiug that Iie had notolto 5 . TI1E GODEHICH SHOOTINEG.
'deposit under the nails is an Slights:tr. enn
ace with'so ..fortuntab.
le ail ,.:__
__ .
.. . avregation Of .horri.1)!O thi.11S...' which b:ittag011ist very 'wiriel.y'_kep,rnit vf the. . menLmnati Hew for Ilturder.
ludes• t., fell. Hite 'Of micrococei. way. . , . • ...,-- .'
.... (thirty ' kinds', eighteen difeere'nt • Miss. Annie Agnew has retiirnedGODEtncji
' : .; Ont, Jan. 24. -The ad-
. designS of .b:tcilli, and se‘eral sareena., home .after. sp:eiding smile -months in. :pointed inquest on the body. of loadiel
arimold' Sp•.)roS, .illk;;',0zi,s,,octeil: .A11.of Piairifiel(1; M iclii,ran.. , • ,N1cliiiinom, •who niet b.:9. death by a
these terrible things ;tre' sinLi 4 I to . be ,Miici NI 1.1 111 murdocii a,„1 it, 1. pistohshov wound on ritursday,- Jan.
c'ea,th dealing, ' ' • sister \1 vs. Drytleu ,bave gono
e n 0. wItS conclualed Ti'sday niht.
.visst to t ;Ili t. .- sr - • 1)on. Il.cKumuo, tli•.: sou ,.f. . 1.11-1
‘, aroi Your Toes . • (,"• ' , miss Lizxii, al a ,1„t:11, of Loeknow,. deceASPO, wide arrived het e.froin Tdiebi-
, An . old sohlier thus tell,;• i,o,,,- to is 1,„,„,. at 10.044n/it onjoying,tile be,,1,, s - gall., Wali.i, the only further..witness
. warm cold feet :••• At •(..ne time while 1 of elot,lb000's happy . (lays. n/ '-'1'Xa11/1,,Iirk4. }Li te61114.41 Oat:whet) he
' \•,L8 :7ntl1.1111.1114 lipnii (Ill. !!:t'n11;11,; hi tho
Mii:i :'''‘ill'1,111 ....VicKyrzit., whoSf. stinri'y `v," livilig it 11"")1 11""iWer".."1""Y
ctfort. to' a 111 1115-l-'extremeties, a 1eni ,.,niii,4 n.,t ay 6 1111111 , 0.1,1 14)5 s . tool "C(.1•'.,.i0i:3 of clitibrenee netaeen his
'elf 1 i)
'i 1.19, P4-. » ,..troit \‘et,,ti,i,...1111,1 1» ,tilci.. ()» tip! e0.1ciusim
rato in rgi
t•o. sall'e3 e.iiiciit .•111 .to 1110, i1.11,1,v, 111.4 g ,iw r no tot' iiiiloliiiAti,strty
',. ars very sorry t„ of the:. testimony- theen
c 'toer 1,.ave a
veur feet are ci try
r..tige.(1 Inti foot, from tho ground awl lose tar, for liko tie. other L...;!•1?; ..she sulmintrY "f tit''' 1/4`1,"je.,Pvi'lt'110' t"the
sfrook s 01)1 lielit 1,1o.v ; wiii Ids haw' ..1 h.,ny,,,1 tie..016, bocA„.„ ilitorvs!iiig jury, who retired at 8:30,.. and. • at, r.Y.50.
LII( .1 (lid the sumo. wit', beth legs, returned with tin.. fonowieg unaiii-
.01, '11 1.1 ,!.ipia,rpnrt, ,..;. 1.7,..;-, itrel g.:),Ive. t II,.
dila awn dopirted--..ucli is life hoa-
es•-er. I t i I '11 i ,•• v t; r( 1 i e *". • 'iTliat ' It ',Joel Mel
A ert'at many 1.-gs were 11 •ti!ed to •
1': 6111011 i;tiltki-t 1.4) hal (leap) ill dlonto•w11
.illIal. ill4,11ltaill'1)1.1,1y felt it leitv Of . . .
tne, min min tiv., Pt two w,,,,,,:,..: owit)(1.1nol,117tiinellivlt,Y!,.:(1,ellituisliltilir,a,uitiyi.s:: AJ„'lls.11)5t,
w ,,.
drin blo a1 istarsi,e..., akoW-rtwar.1, 0.01,1
and if (1,c, s:1,1 v 'will o:Ily r,"noin .Ifi'ii
. . ( •
. •
, •
. , .. .
T..)...all reasonable people, the unreasonable, anci there'are such in the 'world, '
„ . .
will please . bear in.mind, that IA6-•not-want i heir trade. I can •
. always be Lund at Dr. Tennaut's office, Lucknow. (,\
the feot became stol(1..nl / warm,
I 8 9 I, allow, lin. 11611r a 1%041,1, hy sump
NellieLewis Car9at.on , • will 11151. to rt l'oloal Cllik's i- trio 44) .
/ pon or persons (the j.lry) toil...mown"
. law kit.," „„a „. , i d Clio Los, 'flovel. store the 'logs %yid .1) are sure t,o y(l)4)I.
A tpitthirin ttion liai ia4;..n swo•et net
hv Chief .,Yine against • nald M.:.
Kimion, who is xat, present, jail,
t:es for IN. 1 is : n etoeant. (..,:trinitio I, . Tee. annual ineetin,r, of the Pir I-
rfrewiter en lee.4. ,teiii,: a froo liellitit 1, ! 1)1) 4t 5 cheese aiel, butt( r far:Wry terik
,e,ntrg iig .1,411 with beiiiq tIle perp
• .wibil lai gl low er, of an exonisite ..nla.,, on fliiirslty, lith ins -t. "tle i i
shade la pink, t•einetb;1.; 4 111.1MIV haS 114'" (..f ttli, pvi 1 Ts, r.tsct4 revir.•,(.(1 , i nity.„ crow,.
• •-liatill'Ilt frt);“' anything ill ,... ai'llat Itiirin ' r10; ; t IP' i'111•)'% 11 . T.:'CP:Vril PIN'? ' 1 for
4,85 id 1 .1.eknow P, 0
., , . ,
lois ilowcr i:; ‘Ipsii:1141 las 1W4.411114: 1.1 t Ill* yi.:11' : PIT'Siiillit, .1,ts. T•tvlor ; • 117,11.11.10,E.A.,21 ellue,CTI.:1).
t •,1,..o, fateritt. 11, .a.g. the ihn,11:ts, as 1);.•,-(. tei.4„1. l',11 1•(•r-•oti, t '(.1 t.4( llelaet- The Conuty Cot)ell of ram"... Iln•fl a
the 1 ttliet, olive it tery highly f -,r •aill. .W. :NitNay ; Trira.r, I). 'I', very exeici•ng contest' for the ‘Vardeti- -
cor.a4,0 bouquets :del (lei -walk,. pur. \ler, liz.r. ; r•11,14...,ttr, H... . 11,1,on. ship. .A.fror ninaktipil ballots bad 13:-eti 2 GOOD. FAIt.2:101S•
()TICE TS fll.ntERY 01V14.N THA'I'
,poses,afeneraliv Coe endersoment of. M ,. 1., tell. of 1.1-1(twel, leis been •en- cast a ti o bet...evil lir. Bradley, reeve . iii, SA.1,1.; CR TO. RENT. ,
1 !arriek, iii the Cioint of Erneo yeoman will
. Adam Ressworiii..id the Towtrathip of
-- '''\;',. -14'4' Ir-lr-r -iti+!'xtidraci, • .t. 11 iv vla tit.. is 1,..... Obi 1.1Lay,;-,-.041,,:,0111rs,21:try,. 1 5 411 inst. (John 8. Madlonaid, re.i.ve of the town
the obi limn of James VIck, iioclu -t i, 1 a' (1 Fas Ch•PesP iirdier f,,rttliis ypar, ..,pf the* t(i AitiOlit) of Kincardine and
,_ 1.1.‘61' Ti ALP 017 1,01' NO. 5, CONCKi.
spaNioti‘thi.reof for a Bill of Iivorce fronn his •
mild,/ .to the Parliament id CatiaZda at thti'next
enough to i, iai LI re Ow 1U1)I( that it is 1 '11101111'r Ohl .Ff+ttler pa4:1t,tt tr) 114.r Ship' of- 14-Wediinil ,..Y...W.7,11%110:Iya • 1111:P. • Ninny, T41, 1,, D., ,m1,11:,.1,1, in 1,)„, (nit: „f
p (4 Carrick, but 'now re-
. all they cinain for it. The pi•ott, is I reward 111 the Pelson of .1Irs. Han) it.. reeve of Brant holding the eastie,.,0- Buren. niti.ty acres cleared', about five acres
ha the State Of
' SkX for O'' 25, doz. $4.00 ; but a better 1 Deceased who liad , reached the 111.r. N1cDonald will !Lake, a goo,1
anly 50 cents each, three for 8 1.25;1 ton, . tnother of Mr. R. ItalmItoli. vote glive it in favor •Alr. .110)111'11d.
way would . be to senrl. • 10. ceit•ts •fOr. I advanced age. of, 90 years NV as followed Warden.
Vice'? Pli)rfil vhii(1,0 a,ii . • be io cents 1 to her finn.1 'fisting place in Kinloss
. Tile County ,Conneit of iii1tOti hre
. of f all wheat. ti f te i. 11 acres seeded, t.wo dwdl. 4 aii6w).if;milit.it:nolha:gat,1e,:sisii;ii.u..8i:i6tihi.:es'isev.eit:i):ati.v:yiliski,tosweilfillt:i :tylinIsit.h: olio:11;1:i; t.)(,:,:f6" adultery itc..sf::11:1111;;:i.1:11:40:'
1.stro, stable, granary, shed. et.% ,Also moll I i
logs, two orchards,wgejoil)1,:,::::ctie,tt,erreif:irld, septemboil:it,108.tIog
half of lot 6. con. 13, with 12 aprus of fa.11
wheat,. 40. aor,es seaded
and buildings. The above property will be
- ' - --• he deducted- from- th4. „first. order 14. cemetery .by a large, ghering of, elected Josepit.Beck, reeve of Co!burneo sold or rented at. onoa. A pply uninediately to
" -- seeds., • friends and relatives. ,. L Warden or theyear. 7 ••• ' ''. 813.8. " " Ri-G-RAIIAM, la -mimosa:
• ',KEEP
fur service Itti tot I eon. 11,
supeilior 14111111.SittLak ,ar 011411.1,
44 t1' also Berksldre 1.). lar 'Butterfly Diike"
nalteal prizo whiners of 'Halton Go., Ont.
Terms ktrietly •cash. A isofiir' sale
elieup lirst-claus thoroughbred Shiirthorn
hall •
• • Ont.
House And Lot For:Sale.
bylaw:, mita stone' foundation. contain -
six rooms, \V i Ished, etc., ;thiniteal
11.1.1111/11en $1:1Vet, oppoAte 1)r. (1141'tiie.'4
'rue lot contains one
i; for a garden. 10or further
particulars apply to
• • JAS. W 1:1,1 AMSON, •
2111,-8R1 , . ' • ' lincicnow
.2_,EINC:r ()F. T,( 20,
...9.10 in the 1 1 or ow
limit lit for
cultivation. Ilalarte t tiinhor til sla!Sl,i. Sixty
11, iv: al Tkyre ola 014.1‘.0161,:us
,L lirst•cla-SINV() gunnli 1.1111,11:4,
g•iind inri:/),a111. W111 .n1114, (:).1.14 1)10141111g., rt
S•1tialt:111. 1,11.5V born \ri(l) am nit stab
Iiin5.::m1 new bride 1,ifnse. The farm is \veil
till. 1,01.1 is 1,: 6)inliti,in. It
is al it owl air;111 rililoaa4rom t.14.
of 1,1it•kwo.v. (If ft ..44.1);; and 111411.
1114 frotki the town of W bighani, lour ti,rthr
pal tic:id:1.1.s apply on tl •adirrinis-s 1111,1/ 11.4S
Al 'Ex. CAM ,
finaunamaesmiTemat •
The 11,h IL irnoory!
Having just received a large consign
merit Of
rec,71, Cincories,
Cho5xe.xaIy flou:,
Choice Toblc:00\,o
9 4,111
• • Ozzocl. Goodp • A
Cty4. ..•
aata tint3„,
which will "bo sold cheap at.
the llu •Cl-roce 'y.
Goodsto all parts
of the 'village,
.F"Ual-10 NOTICE. '