Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-01-23, Page 51 •t The hu tkow Sentinel, Bruce upon fine �%Ouhty, friday, January 23rd principle p a x' would lead to tax • , wools and hides. I claim that ars can grow "'tough wool and hid Hs 111 Cttllada ,it r) clothe the• nation and have the 64(1ne- right to say to the people of Citr!ad t, "you II>Ust wear C,Ilallltta tenni Ctztrrteliuu .)teat r li`r'e ruler froth ()Uri citan hides 'as the'ove tr= = iCiS ii13"clri tr�(t , • 1 .rtnu,nt "you otos, l'Uy ;,,odds man of Iet tiled ill (:.11i1.V1a ul ,p y a tine," 'the t•tliee't et dila tail arid just pribeil,ic• ti nu Id b„ tv PRIM', 1tie • Brier t'f w,>oI sled 1 sirs, UI e ewi+,e seconded ny $.tothers, that the motion 1 he amended by putting the name of I John F. Andrew in place of SV,u: Kil- patl ick, The motion carried. 1 he reeve af)Po:uted R. A. Carrick associate auditor with M. Dalton. Accounts laid : K. 11ic ltea, outlet to bridge r eil1i4.t 5.,; i•�,wltrrii-l; culvert c,u boundary, s2 ; K. McLean, orr< b H. R. 9 ,.ild 10; $5 ; J. Vint, Iitttle•rdra•in, S. lt. ft and 7., $6 ; 0. `: r•'•"• an t, right of nay to L. R on s.R, ‘unit �eho w(•U1 lila clod,,; WI )1,111 I an I I;3, $1 ;Vit. Harrison) financial statt.116-m and gove•rnthent returns, r•e(tuire t(t w'Nail' elle C(,ttr't.e f. 1il'1L' testol,• 610; J !1 from (Jtutadtau wool; 111,1t ellen Leonid' coli.. 10 fi(1i.tldtvin, repairing bridge Summing up the past month's work, and the pre- ceding months, is something we are going into shortly. CREWE. !ei T!"l mT !V E A serious accident happened to T. Richardson on the. 13th its. Ile was working in his father's saw mill, when Ise slipped and clouting in t•oiltact with the saw had his foot cut off. Da; 'fir.-.. dressed it, and think they -can save the heel. At latest reports he was doing we11. Although the sleighing is poor here the people are• snaking use of what little there is by hauling logs to the will. THE SUBSCRI3ER HAS OPENED AN office in the 1util,iii.g east of the -�r-+-•yj+�'y'y�1� -SENTINEL PI•intinrr Uffiee AL 1.7r2�JL m A,r,w�'Ti"13"K;Cy . ,,r'r. -i-'",. �+=._Ll•.7 li1tY:"_1'1's, BONDS, LEASES; DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREF(; LL' Y PREPARED. Plans ,speeiheations and estimates for .build• - ings, mills, bridges, etc„ furnished on abort notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. ( Caugdiat,s, L don't sty ii wuuidY he expedient hitt would 1 (t fair and lol: i( al nut; would put money in the luckI'ts of the ('atiatll n fanners tt-ht!11 to pa) tli(ir (lebtsand live coul- 4ith rtal.t,y'. 1 Sete that )Sir Henry J y lt•", who is sometimes 'quoted us an all tllvr- 'Sty on crude questions, recently .said when speaking of the, effects of the McKiniHy hill, that England had nothing •ro fear. from such ule•aiures IIPiil.g 'adopted in the United 'States, • 'ant wbeliever the Arlterieall economists adopted a flee. trade . policy thea they wuul.1 he able to .coillpt•te successfully with English manufacturers. The opinion is •Worthy of consideration in our present cireutllslauces: VALENs, Continued next week.) • KINLOSS COUNCIL. 411 e,abov-t co`rliicfl :diet oil "elle Y-9t7i inst., and having fyled the Statuary -declarations; the --reeve took the chair, and the' following business was tran- sacted : cheques were .issued for -the following amounts : W. Wesley, for work 'on block A. $50 ; N. Bushel, repairs on Durham road, $2.50; John Lane, insuring hal!, _- $5,05 ;_ _.Thos; - Morgan, repairing culvert con: 12,50c ; D. McLeod, making culvert, con. 4, .82.50 ; Returning Officer, election ex )s penses, $39; Council of Greenock, 1letpa-i-r-i t, „r, a1ry 1ine; half—$1-5g .T. Swit,zer, e:ror in asses"smrnt, $3:90; W. Henderson, gravel, .$2.10; Mrs. Win..EI1,ictt, relief, $10; Mrs. J. Mc- Leod, for keeping Mrs:. McK'uy three month, .$.12. A by -jaw was made and ga§sed appointing Thomas Murray and 'Wm.' Walker auditors, and John, Lane • aassesror. . Moved by Valens,. seconded by McInt(•sli, that the clerk be in- i.cructed to i►dvertise for tenders for plaaing 50t yards of ,gravel "on the i)urharn bine' in Kinloss, said tenders ii1 s be opened on the 18th day of'Feb- ruary, at norm, contract to he finished before the first ?ay of April. The council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any -tender. (Carried. Moved by Valens, seconded by Meifat, that the use of the Town- ship hall he given to the Mechanics' Institute, and that the said Institute shall keen in good order and repair, and also supply the wood and oil, and. a caretat leer for the meetings of •the council, and that exhibitions or meet- ings of such a character as May tend to injure the buildings shall nice he held in them.—C..rried. .The council then adjourned to meet again on the 18th day of February. PETER 'REID, 'Clerk. ASHFIELD COUNCIL. 14hr above council met on Jan. 19th. Joseph Griffin, Reeve, _Hugh Girvin, .1st Deputy, Win Stothers,2nd Deputy, .Iiugh Ch.imbers and John McKenzie, Councillolq, each took the Statuary oath of office. 1'iiuutes.of last meeting read and •signed, 111alcolrn 1•IcLenl,au . waited on, the council,- asking that persons whose property does not front on the public, highway, be allowed to do statute labor ot. their own priv;a:e ioads .or, lanes, and dl,tt the council endeavor to secure 1'r•.'" r •lcgislat-ion respecting the matter: N'l) acfiou taken at present. '11'n t•let li watt structerd 'to write te. th.• ,,;,/r„rf 68/?En'. office, and Sr., 1 t . r:1., uilicte for- ' tenders for tovwnshili p.n.1 sal;,•, tenders to be placed, on 004114 11 bilk,' at•nex.t nleetint'. Moved I,1 ;til i', nisei sec- onded 1•: Girvin, thane 4110 collector is hereby. instructed to b,rve all taxes eollected and 1ea.id to the 1 r•e•rsureer 1>)' -- - Feb: 11)116. jtlnv'rd by (lift in, second- ed by (;harittrera, dhat, the severiil” township official he paid ars follows clerk .$14340, treasureriwDU, as,:essor $e`tO, eoll•ectr>r $t(tl, andit;rn•r; ascii :i78; lt.eturnin,.; Office) FS cue!) ,Hi, selectors of jut )r t th4, c t L�IIe clerk p ro- -„,L),„...._a 4L,1,y coffin:I-now t„ the iaule. 1'lix'ed by (iirvill st,eondeii fy Ti rs, t is �\ ui K�iipalttel; `L(. aasur .11.1. J. McNay, collector, Moreau Dal- ton, auditor. Alusi..l b,y :!1cKenzi(', ivatt•tu statements according to sta- tute, w4 ; R. If. Dignan, gravel to 1,;it Funasti'rc, $11.92 ; amount due up 19 Dee. 3 I st, 1800, S. S. No, 12, for ltnllinx booth. local election, «^4 : J. Er Sullivan, repairing road, $1.75 ; J. Laseuhy, .1, 11. Ryan and G. W. (;whoop, each $1, dog lax refunded, Next meeting of council, Feb. 19th. W. LAN i, Clerk. BrtowN --On ,Ian. 1st, wife of Mr P,. E. Brown, teacher-, Ashfield, of auaughter, MARRIED McKENZIE*SA UNDF.lts--At the residence of the bride'" fattier, .,n Jan. 14th, by Rev. A. McKay, Mr. Angus McKenzie,, to Mary, fourth daughter of Mr. James Saunders, all of Kinloss, SHORTHAND. IF YOU WISH TO BECOME A SHORT - hand writer in from 3 to 12 weeks, join our classes.and learn Script. Cau•- be learned in half the time taken to learn any other ay -- tem. ' Special Saturday classes for teachers, Full particulars ou application. . JOHN McKAY, Lucknow. Certificate teacher of Script Short hand and Ontario : t':eatative-of and we shall tax its utility until we finish. Where is the bargains un- less. it is found at the close of the seasons.? They are with us in 'a mul- titude of variety. Is this grammar ; or shall we consult your taste by. testing quality and price. Yourself the Judge ! It is oft times with some who . delay buying fur ' goods ysz,sa- -til--the-- sea-s(m—groiw'S--old, LUOKNOW MARKETS. (Corrected every Thursday mornin $2.50 88 •41 58_ 40 5 15_ 30 to 35 13 15 Flour Wall IN heat Oats Peas . Barley Pork Potatoes ' Butter Eggs • House and Lot For Sale. i ITUATED • ON CLYDE STREET IN K-71 the village of Lucknow. The house is a well.finished frame, containi.ng'7 roomy with stone foundaation. Large cellar and good woodshed ; hard and soft water, Half acre of land with splendid garden and well stpcked with, small and Large fruits, l.'he lot is on a hill side cotnntandieg a fine view -of the whole village, For further, particulars a5;pply to JOSEPH ANDERSON, Lucknow, A V CTI(pN SALE —OF -- VALUABLE PROPERTY. UNDER AND BY V [B•TIJE OF POWERS of -sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of. sale, there will be sold on Thursday, February 5, 1891 f At twelve o'clock noon„ e'B at thlack Horse Hotel in the Village of Kinloss, thn following valuable property :-4.411 and sinsriilar that curtain parcel of land situate in.the Tottlnshi.p of Kinloss, in the County of Brlice, bring Lot No, 17 in the 2nd range south of the Durham Road, containing 50 acres more or less. 'PE It MS -_.one tenth of the purchase money to.be paid down at the time of sale, .l.iberatl tests for balance will be made known at time of sale, For further particirlarl apply to ROBINSON, O'BRLIEN & GIBSON, Vendors.' Solicitors, 7.4 Church! .street, Toronto. Or tojob n \Viilterstein, Esq„ Kinloss. thereby taking the benefit of clearing prices, perhaps they are • making a wise move, the proof is this : Dog Coats - 1 Reduced. Beaver Coats - i Persian -Lamb -Goats--" Muffs _ Boas - Caps All Furs - What about the wool storm collars and shawls ? . What's to hinder their being warm ; when . prices. do , not stand between. They,'list as follows : Pure all wool Storm Collars It it tc it cc it Storm Muffs Shoulder Shawls Body Shawls N.ilbias Shawls And an immense assortment of other wool goods.° Prices and quality are tho rule. We stand Sponsors for utility. 'Have you seen our art mus- lima for window and parlor drapery ? , TEACHER WANTED. ��T.\N'PL1),A 11:\Els 'l'I;AC'IlER \j'ifU holds a second or third class certificate to teach in 41 hool Section No. 4, Ashfield, Apply immediately to the trnrtees. 1)., T.111eKh;N JlE, Sec'y•, — — —_Lochalsh 1? 0. FARM FOR SALE. BEING 'I'll 1•; .;ANT iIr\i..1•' O1' r,(`)'' 20, in the 1.It!i concession of the 'Township ,'f West \\'awn.nosh, c,mfatirrillly 100 acres more or less, Abrra;t isle alert's ,4r ele•1tred and fit for en] tie'atiort, Balance t.inther 41Ed shish. - Sixty acres seeded down. 'I'larre i$ Olt the pr(!lnisas a hrst-rla4s spri.lg creek, two grand leun,ps, 40mi nrrha,rd. and hrst,clays building, cnn- slstii)fr of new barn with splendid sea ne stash liner, and new hoick 110115e. The farm is well fencer! and the lam) .is in s; od conditit u, It is about hen ;ulii'a'hnlf utiles from the villsge of Lied:now, on a it ori 1, -ravel road, •end nine oath, iron) the town of \1'ingham, For further is*it tt...,.L,,,,.140.1 I,. ria• tlrr nrrn ''-' ver gd.la.s.us ' ALEX, CAMI:1WN, 885tf , h,t.cknow 1', 0 They aro amongst the nov- elties for Spring of 1891.. Why not supply before the crush demands repeating Blankets•.and robes are on the redgct.'d li>t. Nothing intervening l)aWeeli your owning them, The new electric light �vil1 ioaS % A TJDa help. It is to he seen at our' u store, Wv e invite a Visit... Ills; •Hi atiwr PATI),-I''OR. 7,Trl'itn is of togs .at the Western hyhtuii) r -5M,11:1; ta-t rstn}rl,t ll-est►tn*t weer:-';ft1 k11trw.W • WALTER STEWA RT, Proprietor, Lucknow, Jan. Gth, 1801. Irs rL tu y,r.-_._ , . ., E. Brasher, sing cattle buyer, shipped a large number of. iaiiihs i,, B.u-0'aIa on the 10th inst, - ASHFIELD. Dr, Shaw, of Toronto Mission Rooms, spoke very forcibly upon the subject of missionary last Sabbath in Zion church. The mill yards are beginning to feel the want of much sleighing. There has not• been as much lumbering done as in former years. There have been quite a few who have had another attack of La Grippe, but the majority of them are getting better. THE COUNTY COUNCILS. The County Council of Druce for the present year consists of 42 members, as follows : . ,... -REEVE.. _. Walkerton, Truax, Kincardine town; Scott, Lucknow. - Bryan. Teeswater; Stephens. Paisley, Tiverton, Port Elgin, t t ; 11 Tara, Wiarton, Chesley, Bruce,- - . - Huron, Kinloss, Culross, Kincardine, Arran, .-.Saugeen,.., Greenock, Brant,, E1derslie, Awabel, Carrick, Eastnor, Lindsay and St: Edmunds p •on, - DEPUTY. -• Rife. Hunter *Anon. McKellar. Iaaiard, Mitchell BOARFOR SERVICE. THE UN DERSIGNED WILL 1 for service this season at tut 11. con. 8, E. D. ••Aslifield, a Chester -White full bred boar, lately brought from Pinkerton township. Terms -$1, at time of service-; $1.25 if not so paid. . PAUL ['MELTZER Belfast P, 0., Out. Tenders Warited. TENDERS FOR THE, ERECTION OF a storey and -a half brick house, 20 x 30, with stone foundation, on the n ,t•th half of lot ¢. in the llth con. of the Township Uf .Ash - Uhl. will be receivers bythe undersigned tlri by 'Wednesday, February 4th, at :i o'clock p.1114 Plans and specifications may. be seen on the premises. The lowest orany tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars address or apply to WM. PAGAN, Lanes P. 0. 08000.00 a year Is being made by John L ' t Goodwin,rroy,N.Y,,at work -for utt. header, you may not make as much, but we N. teach yotaqulckly how -to -earn from $1 ria- .010 a day at•the start, and more as yours on. Both seles, all ages. In any part of America, you can commence at home, O. - Ing all your tlme,or spare momenta only to the work. All is new. Great pay Sflll�far every worker. We start you, fbanbhlnt everything. EASILY, SPEEDILY learned. PARTICULARS FILER. Address at once. mrineuN a ' co., I'OtiiTLANB, HALM t. • Campbell. Jermyn. Elliott. • M-cNaugl ton,McTti les McDonald, Blue Gaunt, McIntosh Moir,' McKay Bradley, Shewfelt McIntosh, Johnston �'iuiitrm Ings, Cournarts; HawtJ,iorn Waeehter �' Wilson Little McIntyre, Shouidice White, Davis Henderson 's Lobsinser Scott Moore. } McDonald, The County Council of Huron for 1891 will be, cowpo-sed as- follows • REEVE, . DEPUTY. McLean, ,./ Weber McKay,' To be'aptd. • Batz•Silber, 'I Sherrttt Hess, Kalbfleisch Torrance; Jarrott' Cos,. Beacom Beck Malloy GriilYn Girvin ' Stothers Bowers Anderson Scott Tuckersmity, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, ' Stanley, Goderi:h tp. Colborne, Ashfield, W Wawanosh, • E. ti Vawatiosh Hullett, Morris, Turnberry I1owick, Grey, McKillop, (iderieli, Clinton, • Seaforth, Exeter, Bay field, 1 iyth, \V1l)gIlSttt, •L'ru.sels, Stewart, 'Ta 'rayl or, Britton, Mooney Ho -we McPherson, Cruikshank Johnson Conk y Oliver 1 Bryan Bennewies,'lobe aptd •Holt Kent►edy C ,Ionian, .L'issett M ilne Pi'oudtoot, 1\I-alltaillg, McLean Rollins Castle .Ilautilton ii 1eKenzie, :Kerr Saunders 0 s-ahaln. —'I'here was a li ' ly time in the Kincardine Knox Church the other, evening (•It the annual congregational meeting, \1r..<'1. \lal'colrit introduced the ori an qu''stion, and•his resolution was solver; ed by t1;,ev. J. L. 1l nrr a.y, 1(.r'v.11r. Ballantyne, John 11eLt:oii, and 01hcas, while :S[ -r•. John Morrison un(1 111, 11alcol1n 'Ishan,: son strongly ''ppo:.o(1 "the organ, ilt` t h , Chn►•i lt." The 'vile( stood 3i to 10 in favor•uir tile organ: 1'li11 rat ford nl('rcluints have petitioned ibe (City (;onn-!il to adopt the business tax. on th(rgrouutl that "•the cluing,: sail greatly silrl})l,fy the to: 'tor' wisest -me ;iter WIN a) WItil the p,'raort)t.l property tae 011 the woe- C111ti'10 co1111tltlnity, is s� ol>jrcf- ionahl,' on Etc,;otint of its inquisitorial character ; it will distri' ate Ow bur- cl( rl •of tax-ttiorr- o'. et'Lt t ii 'e number tIntr--- L7"rilrttu "if,fen Irt•t';` 1414vitst•-u-rtduIy -4-►•--tlturcr1; Trrl grereyrutly piney 41....ore requitable' system than 'exists I) oder the operation of tho pres- ent law." PROPERTY FOR SALE. nrITIE UNDERS(GNED OFFERS FOR --_-Sale,-by-tender; the -north 20 acresof lot 58, can. 1 Kinloss township. It is situated north of d. T. R. station Lucknow, being ales near chinch and school. and has thereon a good frame house with a stone cellar under the whole building, a frame barn and other outbuildings, a good well, end plenty of fruit of all kinds. It is beautifully situated and would be just the place for a rearing -fame Tenders will be received for the above men- tioned property until the 3rd day of February, 1891, either by Mr. R. D. McIntosh, Luckl.ow, or the proprietor WM. CAMPBELL. ,(Old Townplot)' Wingham, Ont. Farmers, Stop and Read. 1)O NOT• WASTE YOUR TIME AND '• money breeding worthleess hugs that will eat all that you can raise and bring you noth- ing at the end,- but raise what the market demands to-aav - a long, deep, broad pig that will bring about two cents a pound more than the scrub that tears up the ground, itpst,cs the gate, and opens the barn dour with his snout. If you want snch porkers as will fill the bill bring SOWS to "Quiet Uncle -Sam" the beautiful- - -- itr.prnved Ohl o Chester White boar. He is kept for service at int 6, con. 14, E. D Ashfield, ' Terms -$1.00, strictly cash at time of service with privilege of returning, • At the saline. place is kept 'a young I. O. C. W. boar suit- able'for Serving young sows. Also fur sale cbeap 'a first-class tboroughbred Improved Ohio Chester -White boar. J. E, BAI•LKWIILL;. Lucknow t', Q eau be corned at our ,,em .n.V,eN,,, N, rapidly and hoar ruble, Iq• 1I -oe of either sex, young ar old, nod in their own loenlities,,, herever they Ave. Any one VIII) d,, the o nrk. Ens)• to learu. We furnish everything. 1'1'e .tart ani,. No risk. You can de, ate your spare moments, or all your time to the work. This ib, un entirely new read,and brings wonderful success t., every worker. Beginners are earning from $25 to 1(50 per.ovvek and upwards, and more after n tittle experience. We eon furnish you the cut-. playment and teach you FREE. Nospace to explain hero. Pull information FREE.' ei.tE%,V-tE, CO.. AUGUBTA, ACO 9 HORSE E1-10E1cC -AND-.--- C E t E RAL RL.A kSMITIMIGa :o:— — Adam Thompson begs' leave to tha lit inhabitants of Intel:uu`v anti rnr, nmr!ts eon.ttry for. the l,iher ti petrot•age bestowed .6 - him during the last seven 'errs, and w'l:es r, continuance of his 1)1,1 0rlstooter, and a ir... shore of the new, ars ee is in a better p sitioit than eyYer to sepl.ly tint V. nut of flu' t ',1.1 ile always has on hantl.a stud: of - a ,T;14171%:,1., Of all 1dt4s, Ile also will remind thtui of hie far famed SCOTCH DIAl.�OND HARROWS w rich lir aatwayrha.s mt h:>n,l and art, IrOt 'tl.r \ere h•st tnatcrin'. 1'ariles 1). 6,1 it rL nn t.lr.ir.; in tl i+ line a. 11 tr. ove lail,t , • :.1 sin l' ,.•, priceei h,fore 1 lI 11dt.ing cia•whtr ,,I'1j niar attentinu 1')1,1 to ALL KENDS 6r '"DO SE: SS6'ICEINi;. t1 tfort. cr ntratti.nls,r.n.linterfering. l;v strict ettentil1t 1.l.ie s., wort: nauslip *Id hl;t. N'.n•t: he'll, 1 trust to r, talo the 1 atmos.,« kindly ext. (hirci to rise. ADAM 1'i 07: P6Cfro e', ,,, 1• ,n t`a're t .. t!a Tl''' - ;}{.j+py1l'j uECOOel Th77yICSBES T P rRIEl., «. �th-