Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-01-23, Page 1$1 METIiUC NEVI Don't go till you pay LI1311.ARY all and Strad LAM PS. Do.n't buy till:. you see D., (1. TAYLOR, VOL XVIII. -3. mow t Ss.T.F t4 , •+ J'GF"R �g�`� �'q, (.. 4gat entuull L. FOR BARGAINS Pay as you go , STO VES, Saws awl ,&r.,es„ HARDWARE. Don't Seely Cr -edit D. C. TAYLOR. LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1891 Is 1.►uhlisht•li every Fri lay at thtt "Sentinel' block, north-east comer of Ontraw and Cnutld>ell.Strs., Lucknow, nr-- JAMES EIRIAN EDITOR & PUBLISHER TA -15',.... p;fa'r_. w^,P.'c^.csa•.^r,7'F.R?n^frim. nn^� BX41vKING COMPAi %1' • (41Tot Incorporated. ) Week's B.ecord of the Pushing Border Town. —Mr. D. Moody was in Blyth last week. GEORGE IVIA1R, PROPRIETOR. --The County Councils meet on Tuesday next. MONEY TV LOAN •SUBSCRIPTION.PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR. IN AD-VANCI. ALIt ti&INOS OF SOB : PRINTING' 4 ExEI IJT ' wrrir VEATNESS.t DESPATCIII. MEDICAL �A. McDONA LD, M. D,. C. M. C. P. S. e O. Office, Kintail. DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN. Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel.' Office hours from 9 t.l1.2 a. ;a., and from,2 to 5 P. m. DMcD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. o M.S., M C.P.S.U., Physician, Sur- geon. and Accoucheur. Oif.ce next door' to W. Apia's implement shop. Residence ltotss street, apposite W. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, . V. S., f:ALLS either by mail or telegram grumpily attended to. Charges moderate. ().dice, Cor-; rigan's hall, Boarding- house; Cain's hotel. Lucknow. • DRAFTS ISSUF'D ONALL PRIN- cil»tl p• int_s. Cheques, draftsI,and ca mortgages shed. rites discounted. Atne'r- ican currency & American bank drafts or uhegnes bought or sold. Interest allowed'In deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. Money to lend on farm or village property at the lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first class stock insm ance companies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two 50 acre farms for sale cheap. Office hours 10 a, m• to 4 p. m. G. A. SIDDALL. Manager. 111111 THE tar- RESTA 1JRANT LEGAL Campbell Street, Lucknow, J. C. KINCAID, PROP., Oysters by the quart, pint, L IMON'CORRIGAN; COMMISSIONER, tO in H. ('1.'G. Kinlough P. U., Ontario. ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- t. W ters, . Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. ;Gear;ow, Q. C. W. PROUDF'OOT. or can. ELLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer, etc. . Office, next ctoer to Murchison's ewellery store, Luckuuw, Ont, .14IORItISON, ATTORNEY AT '11_1- law, Solicitor in .Chancery, ,Commis - sinner, Conveyancer, etc,• Office, over the •barber shop. • GENERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSUR. ance, Fire & Marine, Guelph; Ont. 11?ONEY TO LOAN! I HAVE A FEW i. 'thousand dollars to invest for private partes. at reasonable . interests. ELLIOT TRAVExs. - VI ONEYTO LOAN ! ON FIRST -PLASS 11f1 mort:;.ages at 7 to'71 per cent: interest. payable yearly: Charges moderatii, •Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. i^Ielens. ' • aroHN MJIt(JHISON•, C. P. it TICKET agent. One way excursionsto the North West and Pacitie Cast.. 1: ull info. wati'n to intending trravellerr to any part of the world, `}I rt.'O EY TO LOAN I. AT O P':li. CENT from 2 to 20 years.. Lists (•i fauns for sale in -Olitur'io as well as 1blauitob t. Parties desirous to sell farms will eonsult t:teir inter- esti-by nter- estiby it sl,e,,brag the advertising f, ci'lities of Subscriber in Great Britain slid I at and and continent of lauds far stile. ANG es S1'Ew.+rtl', Land Valuator, Luekuow, Ontario. ;)(/TEST WAWAN(tSH . MUTUAL '1 Fire insurance :C,aupany, board of directors nle•^ts for the transacti in ui bndiness on the first 'Tuesday each teoilth. P:arties wishing to have their property: insured in this' increasingly {> pal Ir (.'on puny, wil' •by giving notice, be called ole t 1•:y, an. iigo tit ol•' by eon of • the• Directors. Tatiinee's c;tll• promlitly attentle.d t o Offio , n{ rano,., .1. Pot. ROBERTS, Secretary, Ni , LANE, Treasurer. .tom.-- UCKNOW A •IJ Lodge, No. 112 tnc•ets every friday `› f evening at 8 o'uln•(:k in their hall, Ca l:Nit it Street. All •brethren utrrdially invited. 1). 'I .tVI.UR, Noble drand ; Jo►; t Ei til).; nee u•de:-. Ler r ry v O. F., ('Ot; B`L' t Ja .Sherivnn;l, No. 50, „nay;onHt, 1‘1eet- •. every truth, :tail third ' JLC' lay i,l ivcry mot '.1, ill the Odd - fell; vs 11.1t11. �t� ill;^ ,l)rei,,t rill tt 1' e 1�;'c a,rllially iuvit.t'll. A. f 1: 'I>.i\ ieo: (', 1>', D. I>. O1i. \1'. .i • the Ai,. ltirt•t ill• the (1.1t Ct•;toll 'i 'ill y F. i'. it n clllelr. 1,11%0,1 N, 1,1'1;i"Nfl Irl 1 Olt(.! O.F tent f tiler tfllited \1,'o11. 11.111, If •:lto I sill, .u. the hist told e' ri,i i ; of ea -tit mouth at hrethri•n r 4 dally U:T, alttater \i'urkuiall, 1'ecu•tler, T1.ck-NO\V 1';l"[: INTI _I tilt!!. 1' n 111 oi'/`I+ frum (i IRI 101, In , e>1•' .glib; I.itenrtl lvs, when the ,nit's wi;l be f, Mil 2 t (i l,• in. The librarian will iib in ante nIIet tlu IL these ti eir••t. 'l). O. Ye'r.tt:, 1'.e;;i,icnt. ,l,as.P;oNtt:al 11.1.13, Seerettm v. D876:a yy;;,,,,��,iti'. 1.. 9V 1. ?;. .T1:T;•ti'.dF., 1.. P S. Wini;h.lm, will be' in 1tn,k,mw on the second and f',r rth 1' Ii • do and Sati rday of , h t•a l'itdi. , Good sets • or $10.. Fili tractiug ,t alpecialty. c CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY; SWEET "CIDER, MILK -SHAKE. TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC., Constantly kept in stock. Give me a trial. Remember the place; ilext to the bank. Learing Sale.! am determined to clear out my ENTIRE STOCK OF. MILL1NERY, ETC., at prices away down. Now is the time to secure a BARGAIN M. Wp 11t.,,, Smith DO © I F —+ 1 0 FIRE! FIRE! Insure your farm uroperty, private dwelling, ill the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0 Uflire, A..ROSS harne 1 ship, Lucknow. Wil be in the othce every Saturday:.fterneon, . JOHN LAM, Agent, Hin1ouitih. S30 A A•-c.a rt ! ! unAerinke en hrletly level. any fairly Intelligent prrao, of either aux, a 1 tarn rend nod write, amt.who, rifler ltratr•uetion,will work induetrloueiy, how to earn Throe Thouennd Dollar* a Yonrin thoirnwn bowlltioa,t%I .•reverthey Iive.I will nlaortlrniah ilio aJtuaflun arretnlrloytnen,,n, N 1,1 1 > eu, nu cunt tLat et. un,. Nn to li,V fur ereu,aa b•Mfreeaafnl et above, ;toady find quickly Jennie&f d sire hot nue worker fro,, sorb diatri<t ar comity, t bav,'4110ady'tnul1111 and- provided with etnpin4010111 n, Inr_regw�_ uutntler, who oro niaki,g over *430011 a gement.,, 11 , N! 'jr coal SOLI 0. 1+111 vorfieulara 1'IIC1FTC. Addrrw dt tined, ua. L O, 41,,.asus(a, ..:(daAW, _ —The council kJ. r a o green woo —• Cash for a good cow. Apply to- T. oT. W. Hildred, Lucknow. • --Miss Agnew, of Clinton, is visit- ing friends in Lucknow. —Two hundred cords of green wood wanted. Apply to W. J. Little: —Mr. Thomas Hodgins, of Milwau- kee, is here spending a couple of weeks with old friends. —The clerk requests us to state that all births, marriages and deaths must be registered. —Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine, will be in the village on Friday to buy all kieds of good horses. —Money to loan on farm property at a low.• rate of interest. Apply to Mrs. A. Murray, Lucknow. —Mrs. A. McLennan, of Emmet, Mschigan, is visiting her daughter, Mee.. C_ _Murdoch,_of_ th_,�xil,lage,_ —A horse was never made fat by a single bushel of oats. So otie cannot expect great wealth through a single ad vertisement. —Remember the literary and musical entertainment heft "Friday., --30th—inst. See -next --week i SHIM for programme. • —The new School Board organized on Wednesday, when .111t. Wm. Con- nell was elected chair*tn il• and ..M.r. D._ R. McIntosh, Secret,>ti# . —A beautiful oil painting of Dr. Elliott, the work of Miss Lane of Ash - IRA, was on exhibition at Berry & Little's warerooms last week. —The Rev. Mr. .Stringer, of Toronto, and cousin of Mr. W. J. Stringer, of Lucknow, preached in the English church here on Sunday lest.: —We regret to learn that Mr. Paul Powell, who left here recently for his firm near Wingharw•received. a severe from an axe, on his arty One day last week. M.Holmes will preach ir, the Episcopal church here on Sunday the 25th inst: at 11 fa..m. and 6:30 p. m. .He will also preach in.*. St. Helens at —Mr. Win, Barbour, of West ..Wawanosh, and Mr. Robt. Graham, of this village, were thrown from a buggy ,ogle day last "week near Belfast ,hut we ,are glad to Say they,' escaped without serious accident. - -Special services will be held in the Presbyterian church, Lucknow, next week on Wednesday,• Thursday, and Friday evenings at '7:30 o'clock and on Saturday at 2 o'clock. The lit'm of Dack S Dacli, Ki ie irdi,ne, has. been dissolvers. AIr,ErC:Dack leaves shortly fol .the Pacitic slope' and stir. W.M. Duck, M. P. P. will eontin'ue to publish the Ileplf>rbtr as usual. —Th ; Rev. Dr. Shaw; of Toronto,. delivered missionary addresses both morning and -evening in the.Methodist church here on Sunday last. The collections and subscription's amounted to w115. 1' —A, rtteeting, Of the West Bruce, Reform Association %s'ill'be held in the Town Hall, Kinaardintt, on ;Monday, February 2nd, for the' appointment of delegates to: the Toronto convention, —Tile `.Vinghant band was in the village on 'Tuesday night last, and t,gether with mar own basad they treated our t itizens to some fine selections of music. ---A first-class concert will he giver's in school house •1` tl. 10, on the 10th concessiial of Ash field, on Friday evening, Jan. 3Gth. The Luck now Glee Club Will be in attendance. —Our buyer hasjust returned from a trip to the vast where he has been in search of bargains for our many cus- tomers, and in order to make roomy for these purchases, we must clear out all heavy winter goods, which we will n offer at large discounts for cash. See our sealettes, cloakings, honeycomb shawls, knitted, fascinators, etc. befog ' purchasing: —Cameron, ir, doth ch Co, 11t(. WHOLE NO. 887. ;:p0444,F! •<'t�C- .71.1 P,€r�? i rj, 7,,I r^nb^,!ry^7F/MU•F5re 444 747414=7,`"1=47M nZM .nu.. 7,7444 = .�r27r-r:'.'"" John George, 11i. r. P., Unseated. ToaoN'vo, Jan..17.—Judgment was given in the North Bruce election case. here today, • ynseatirlg George,- the Conservative memberelect, on the round of corru ®t tractices by himself I s ices a anon . rr a ge and Maclennan, the Judges in the case however, stated that he should not in their opinion be subjected to the penal- ties and disabilities usually, placed on candidates in such cases, he having stated that he paid a certain bill for the hire of rigs to take voters to the polls without knowledge of its true contents, but they could not overlook this on the ground, of ignorance, as jf they did it might open an avenue to all sorts of illegal Wilson the same ground. - A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. On Thursday afternoon about three o'clock the citizens of Goderich were startled by the rumor that a • man named Donald McKinnon living in St. Andrew's Ward had attempted to murder his wife and then end his ,owra lifts by shooting, himself. This proved to be only too true; Mrs. McKinnon being found in the burr. with a ghastly wound .in her side. She vias carried irate the house and her wounds were attended to. In a short time McKin- -hehad—ahrot— hitnself., He then partially undressed and went: up -stairs and lay down its a bunk. -Examination by- Dr. Whitely arrowed that llts._MeKiunon's _.wound_ . would prove fatal but in her husband's case hopes were entertained for bis recovery. The husband and wife did IRA agree in—their statements, the wife saying her hus'oand had frequently threatened to take tier life, and had followed her into the barn 'and shot her; while the husband said that they' were quarreling and his wife• took a 'evolver and shot herself, and when he fohridt what she had done, he took the revolver and shot himself. McKinnorl is about 65 'years of age and- his wife about 50. They were appareetly in comfortable circumstances. Although everything th it kind friends could possibly slo was done to prolong Mrs. McKinnon's life the unfortunate woman died at half past o:,e. ou Saturday. HOLYROOD LITEIBAI1,Y.. _ The regular meeting -of the 1Jol'y- rood Literary Society was held on Fri- day evening last. The hall was tilled ' with all the elite of the neighborhood and many had .driven` several mike to attend one of the famous meetings of this society. ' The evening, was a typical Canadian. winter eveni►tg, bright moonlight, a 'skiff of sleighing, and just enough of frost to briier out into'bold relief the roses on the -fact's of the lads and • lasses that were out and more splendid specimens of Can- adian manhoon and a'nuiauht,otl 'veld not be found in aeyaxssenrltly in the land. The-prop,ri,mine was ext:ellent, coni- -ntencine with an ius'trlann.u.tal by -Miss Len Fraser, and - cu`a,, followed by a. reading by ,John Purvis. •A ;glee llv the P`Iisses 11 ri',-is, rind 111es.rs. ,\I -- Kenzie, lttuciu Ly Mr. Irwin, song by Misses Hudgins t.ttrl MeK nii ; al in- strumental by .1. 0 m•rig,tot and ,s01gs by !\tIis; 'Aok.>.rt, \Val. Pa (rsou an11. .\Liss 11,trr't:c. Every selr`ctiorl was well. chosen and reI1 k,L(l itt the beat possible style. ' The :S'iljeet of lleh.ate was 1t.0501ved that, 'wl>In('II should' not have the right to yore." l'et,e. Corrigan led the gilai'Iratic'i' and was , supported 'by .lame; 1l,ush,l;l, John Melienzim and John. 1'It•tui;. Tim negative was 511 pp.trted 1ty \1'.tn. Valens, Win. Pater -ion, Oreo. Purvis and James McLeod. The ' decision was given by these' ladies,; Mrs. Iia lr 111clnrosh, Miss Sarah \IeI)ona(d and .hiss Minnie McPherson, .sties %vris in favor of the negative. An old fash- ioned spelling bee is on the board for next Friday -evening. - The very changeable weather seems to be :productive of colds. A largo cumber of people in this vicinity have been completely laid up with severe cases of influenza. Mr. • F. Scott lost a valuable horse - last week from a seve attack of dis- - Mrs. McDonald, of Alpena, is at. precaent --visiting her parents, Mr. suit/ 31ra James Howard. Miss Kate Quinn has gone - Chicago for the winter. Miss Baldwin and Miss Metes;" have been over from Detroit paying a visit to friends around Lanes. Mr. C. Rouse spent his Christmas holidays with friends at Clinton. Mrs. A. W. Treleaven. of Bel - grave, is visiting at her home, Mr. Jas. Lane. Mr. J. H. Cameron has been engagei to' teach our public school for ilia present year. He comes to us very highly recommended and the trustees have, we think, been very succesafsl i» engaging his services. ,.. At the annual meeting of the s "t* section Mr. Thomas Ford was elected trustee, -Mr. John- Bowler retiring. ` New seats and desks. have been ordered for Our school, and- :w.hen- placed in pot ition we can boast ekotsia of the best school rooms in the',eounty. It keeps your " correspondents busy reporting the weddings which take place around our busy hubef busiiies.4. During the past year about eight of our young people • have embarked or: . -the-sea-of matr-iwony:- ---Orr-Wednesday- evening of last week about one hun-'. dred •and sixty invited guests assembled at—the—resi;rte1 ; of .fir: Thomas R Finlay to witness the, marriage of hi3' daughter Clara E.. J. to Lr. William Jameson. .Rev. R S. G. Anderson', of. St.. Helens„ tied the klruc. The bride was attended by bar sister Ida, and the groom, by Ina brother Jobe. The ceremony ,being performed and the usual enngratulations given, the guests wens admitted to .the dining room, where the tables laden with delicacira produced a stimulating effect upon this - inner 'ran, and Showed much taste of airangentent and careful preparation on • the part 'of those managing this, part of the evenings entertarntnent, The many and beautiful presentri. given to.tlke yosin.g couple were much adniiret by all; and' goes to -show 016 amount of respect and esteem it which. the bride and groom are held b' those with whom they are acquainted e ,8E3ILOCK CITY. • Mr. • D ' Alchatyre is on the she' with erysipelas. 'Mrs. D. Cowan has returned 'fr.)l visiting her daughter, Mts.. Walker, Culloden. 3'Ir, W. ld. Long has returned fror Kin.;atdin.e wheie he was iu atteio an'.ce ou a vat y sLk patient. Dietl,, on, T'uesdny• of last week t, infant child of J 1). Matheson. T; funeral took place to L>chaish Wed wesdiay. Mr. Janes Johnston's team made wild run on Saturday, but fortuieit, 1 'no serious dairiaee was ddo.iw. 'Mr. D. C0Natl is nt present.' it very critical state with in rheumatism. We hope to hear of speedy reufivet•y. I -laving leased Mr• A. McOrory's storehouse, I ani now buying all kinds of grain at, the highest k‘t, .lrri,'.cs Mr. McGrtn'y will be on the market to tasty steady every clay.—Geo. Kerr, .. Dlr., Duncan 'PL•trh(son is mill with a , touch of iull,aluatault ui lungs. The JIt•In ork City �lillin,r pany, litl>ited, held t In'tr mum., in iug in the J. ,chub Ii hall on \V,'.l day la;t. The se• (-i•,d rt'l,orts r shon•Ntl the will t()11., iu g i,)(l'st10414( LL•Itto11 is e'tcoura„ illg to tht' Boar( Directors, who were +ill )-(turee( acclamation, 'Che twill has, w'llii work: since the 20th of i.)c'obet• gr( over live tlidusantl bu,he;y of and has chopped e.v,•r snow 11011 and seventy tOt-IS. This alone 1'oa (or the good satisfaction elven. mill is one of the first agitated h farmers f-hfaansell'en to,' protect 1 against. combines, gives good 13a1 tinct,, tiat.d'.•should be paironfied lis 0