HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-01-16, Page 1SOMETHING NEW • Don't go till you pay LIBRARY azi Stand LAMPS. —*Don't buy till you see D. 0. TAYLOR, 'GP VOL - - ..1C11,(1ZroOliT frutittet Is ouhlish•el every I'd lay et the ''Sentinel" ,,,,eze.espeesea,,,eses. azesee=i,ver5teeme.seesee.• t1d Ceroplefl I Strs. Luelsnew„ JAMES BRYAN EDITOR & PUBLISHER. U BSOR,IPTION PRI`j)E $1.00 PER YE IR lN A D VA.NCE. .41 R:vAR:1 111 Pay as you go Sawa and .Azo A&, HARDWARE. Don't Seek Oiedit - D. 0, TAYLOR. LUOIOTOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1891 WHOLE NO. 886. THE LUCKNOW BA NK INGCOM P 4 Ail/ OUR ,TORONTO LETTER. (Not Incorporated.) Our Budget of Gossip front the Capital .Ars257,,ggerattuwaiwivirsiatikiiiiirjui. . a Frolle-4'ar .Sweet Charity'sSake-- GEORCE IVIAIR, PROPRIETOR. Other Matters. MONEY TO LOAN rtRAyT5.. IF;,suEn 0"4':%T. ALL PRIN- cipal pante. 'Cheqoes, drafts. and mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer - l'onosreo, Jan. 7.—The • °honour and the joyoueuess of the holidays are, even at thio early dato, among the worn and cowmen- thiuge of yesterda;y ; for we are a staid sort of people after all, and•thou:h we fain to IADDRESS AND PRESENTATION-. On the evening of the 29th a num- ber of teachers and penila,Weng,i,ne:40., lin ay school at Blake's appointment, assembled as a surprise party at Mr. Henry Jelinston's residence, and pre- sented him with the'following address: To Mr. Henry Johnston', Superintendsitt oJ Methodist Sunday Sciwol ite Blake's,.stsleeld: DEA.R AND ESTEEMED SUPERINTENDENT,— amsnnetannamet PARAMOUNT. The star of Bethelein is to be seen .,12:4146,494:44W4F-4490,-shem,14—eolasar., • , and view it, as it may he only once in; a lifetime that you will have a chance. There are several remarkable things that a 'person may hear or see but once and the Skye Island correspondentis • one of them. The inoffensive natives • of Paratnount were startled bv %OBPRIX TI NG EXECUTED WiTik ENT.1:DESPATCH. 411111111111M IMMO .01171. 1.11111Mr • IMMIN Vinal Kt gm .91.110 I MI la .1 lifiEDIGAL tirMe-DoNAI.1),!\,11. 1)., C. M. C. P. S. er"Se. tefice, Irt R. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeol, ltntl Accoucheur. .;iurgery op- posite Caill's hetet. Office hours from •,9 to 12 4/..nes and froze 2 to 5 p. Irt McU. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T: IA, JLS., ivi C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon. awl Accoucheur. Office 1.Mkt. Goor to W. Alit:1'S intp tem e t• t situp. lLesidelice 'stts streets' opposite W. U. Little's. - - - GEDDES, V. S.,* 'CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attel),(1l.,dtu.b Charges moderate. Office, Our- rigue's -hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel.' Leteknovr. ' LEGAL- LhION COltRIOAN, COMMISSIONER, 0'. in Al- c• U. Kinlokigh Ve, Wit aril). ARROW & PEOU,WOOT, BARRIS- N-34" ters, 'Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Out. J.( T: Gamow, Q. C. WM. Paoubroom, - - - 1LLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY 'AT law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveys aucer, etc. Office, nekt door ,, to Mnrchieon's ewellers store Lu •kie, 11afORRISO-N. ATTORNEY AT • , lew, Solicitor in Chancery, COmmis- +hater, Conveyancer, etc, 1 ttlice, over the • • 4)arber shop. ••••=1•01•01,.., 1••••••11mwmwro..0' ;GENERAL -DI OBE la CUNNINGHAM, INSIJR • Ja) ante, Fire & Marine, GuelPti, Ont, .ONEY TO LOA.N! I 1.14.VE A FEW m. • thuusesel dollars to invest for private perties. at reasonable interests. ELLIOT TRAVERS.' T4)HN C. P. R TICKbT 0NE,"1)1.0AN4 ON FIRST-CLASS 1.111_ mortgages lit 7 to 7,'.1 Per cent. interest, payable • yeat!-y. ehrteges moderate, Apply ' •Ca RonEET 141PRRA'Y, St. HeleGS. QP agent. One way excursions ttt'the,North West aud Pacitie Coast. Full information to intendieg trevellers to any 1,;,,:t of the world, e eques •ought or sold. 'Interest allowed on deposits frren fi'e dollars and upwards at the' rate of five per; centsfuipa annuare Money to gena on farm or village property at th' lowest current. rates. Firesirt-Zurance effected in first class stock inset mace companies only. \740 have one 200 a,cre. three 100 acre and two 50 acre farms for sale cheap. Office hours 10 a, tn • to 4 p. tn. G. A., SIDDALL, Manager. THE' tar RESTAURANT Campbell Street, Ltieknov.- J. C. ItINCAID PROP.. Oisters by tho quart, pint, • or can: CANNED GOODS, FRUITS; CONFECTIONERY: SWEET CIDER, MILK -SHAKE. TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC., Constantly ligpt in stock. • Give me a trial. . kTE111“—It place, iext;to the bank. , • t, NigNEY TO LOA.N- ! ATG PER cENT 1.am 'determined to clear from 2 to 20 years.. Lists of farms for sale in Or.terio as well as Manitoba. 'Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter. 011t Ipy , • ' este by itiepeetne., the advetti fines facilities of filthseriber in. Great Britain and ire and and • ,ston ti me it Of lands, for sale. ANGUS STEWART, ' i8I.OcK L'and Lucknow,Valuator, Ontsrio. EPITIRE, EST W A WA N OS, MUTUAL Insurance Cm y, board of directors meets for the transacass. of business •tn the first Tuesday each moi• '1 Parties wishing to ;save their property insured in this increasingly popular Cotnpany, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by enc of the Directors, .' 'Business cells promptly attended to. Uffice, Dungattnon., -al. M. ' ROBERTS, Secretary, WM. ' LANE, Treasurer. 1711110.711MMIMMEIO SOMETIES TITCKNOW A Lodge, No. 112 meets every, Friday esening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren aordially invited. D. TAYLOR, Noble Grand; 41, JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. 0. F., COURT. Sherwood,. NO. 50, istiekarrw. Meet - every last find third Monday ins every mottle in the odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e •_ cordially invited. A. Doe avis, C. R.. "D. D. Yut,r; SEC. O. U. W. LTTriZNOW LODGE OF the teteient Order United W.orkmen, meet in the Oddfellows ha11, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at eight O'clock. 'Visiting brethren cordially 11 VI ted. Jolt s' 1A tP, Muter ,Work in an . . I). CAME It.. N. Record er. • 1.:" NOW MECHAN- ICS' INSTI. tete. Reading rosin open every evening from et to 10 p. in., exceptieg Satei days, when the hours, will b from 2' ist 11 pe tn. The. 1ibra.riate will he in attendance during tkese liettra; • I), O. Yu te4, Presideet. Jas. Saitult• vi LLE, Secretary. 10111,16.1r0".011.10111.11.1ed16(71,10.1esznIeMPAIMMIi4PANIMPIIIIMPIIMMIS DENTAL .T. S. JEPOME,•S. • '4.t)4Y:tro0.0 • vt, _ Wingb:. 'ill be. in Lucknow 441 •• 46' on the second and fourth Fti• tiny .Sntarclay of 4.ach month. Good sets for 410,Filiin arai extracting a specialty., 17• sums o axi- tude with a considerable relish, seeminly We earespearly as.eager to- see -them -depart. gliis last thought par.icularly applies to the 'business community. Even a l•rief period of relaxation would seem depressing to the men of the utart, and it is a hard matter to keep them from prowling around their offices, and telescoping the future thr.nigh the mectium of business lore,. market quotations and trade circulars. No doubt, this restlessness is the necessary consequence of the high pressure age we live ia and the excessive straiu of universal competition, but it is a feature of 1110i leriA commercial life that needs reueodelling.' There is a good deal of truth wrapped up in the . humorous pic nic reflection of the inim- 'itabiy.Bill N ye : . THIS WAY TO PARADISE GRAVE. "Enjoy life while you may, fur you'll be a long time 4 tad." The grain and flour section of the Board of Trade, however; went out on, a frolic . Stolid and sober as they usually are, theyflung diguity and. etiquette tosthe-fouraahalse-an had a little "divaisien" on their own accoun the,last day of the old year., . They • assemble for their last "call" at their, rooms in th Intperial Ba•nk buildings, Where for nearly quarter of •a century they have wrestled wit quotations and other intricacies of the mart. They were luncheoued Preeident Davidso an ienignancy and geniality shown in ever coutitenancre There was a round of spee* making, and in the- initIstad the President' well.rouralseti periods. he was treated to a shower bath of .floever, which turned hip shite as the, driven, snow. Vice Presiden Baird also, received a like baptizeinent, era the melee' becante. general, flour . flying in .4ileuds-and eveeyeoneebeingeejaamplest"sluarc Or less; It :Was somewhat ruinouss to their good clothesabuttiet deatructive of their good hurnor. Thenceforward they will make their headquarters at the, new Board of 'Trade in buildg, which is nearly completed, and is one of the finest buildings' of its kind on the centilient. Itis .a nearly seven stories high, and cost nearly half a. million. earnest thank* , the -continued interest an C1164441 SAL11000-004- withev_ehiele you have tor many years filled the position of Sunday School Superinteudeut in our school. Th church has upon many occasions honore you with this position, and we are pleased t add that the honor thus reposed in you ha been well placed, for at much sacrifice an and with much' benefit to our school you hay filled that important position with wise an Obristiau deportment. The study of th Word, in any case and under any cirettre seances, is a most blessed.aed hopeful work whether pursued alone, taught by parents explained by teachers( or declared by th minister, the ambassador of Christ. A teachers and pupils we have. found Under th 'blessing of God, that help which the 1161 Spirit g,ires to all true seekers after Christ i his werdS and we axe thankful to say that you labor and core has been appi eciated by ua an spiritual blessing have followed in that w have been enabled to build upon the founds • tion which is laid, even Christ. It is one peayer audelesire -that.-thesgrea d- Head of the church maylong 'spare you - to adorn the doctrine Of•theLerd Jesus Christ d • with the consecrated gifts of your being; and itt that. you • may, not only have the personal a reward ,of all true Workers, in His vier:yard, but h that•Which we know would to you be a•still richer bleSsing, viz. : Tnat those who. have • beeereinder--the---impression of Your teaching y and Superintendence should by .the blessings of Almighty God be.brought to Christ and -won now and forever t� His holy service. . And new before we have done we beglo gav ' • this e That love is above all gifts. which we trust are return to you as also in its higher meaning we return to our Saviour but as our Divine muster and ...oakum...did toit-spurn.froms hixn gifts given upon different Occestioes in his lite, henor of the love their deuors bore him, so we ask you to receive from us as teachers•aild pupils of this Sunday School for *hose spiritual welfare you have labored, this easy chair, not as an embodiinent of • the value of your services according Wits intrinsic worth M but Merely' as an apt reciatiun of your efforts in our welfare and tuiough our school the V1 el fare of church and the community "arid ourprayer ie • that, your,life. may be lot g spared till God in His providetese itay to you "It is eOuugte come higher.''. n • • tFigtel in behalf uf the teachers and pupils of the Sabbath School. e d 0 a d , e e • y n • d a p t 0 Istronto takes especial pride in her charities nd during . the holiday ,- tseasen kind-hearted eople•ofhoth sexes make it a point to see teat very huterrbyayfarer within her gats has he privilege 4.a -couple of good..square meals f odd^ 'uld%pglish roat,t beef and plum tidnillg,' even if their menu is not up to the lark during the balance of the year. There re various plaeesthroughout the city wLeie he pier and the street arabs are thus made elcome, notably the Woman's Christie& nstitute and the annex ,of the St. James athedral, . and usually 61164 ' devotional r • • • exercises, with plenty nf good singing and • AHLLINERt .ETn. jol;rges.int;hrsepenrisieuditi•ewrsithfedthien bi;ti;elltmaadtedil':ieasleetsb' • this way reach into the. thousands, and it of course entailexpenditure of thousands of . prices.aw a down:. Now • dollar.; but there are those Generous and . is the time to secure a • philanthropic enough who , quietly and n a t ' BECKY PhILLIPS, EZTJLE &MELTZER. Ashfield, Dec. 29, 1890. . , REPLY. DEAR VRIRNDS, . being smile - what taken by surprise .11 • sudden, • vist, but becoming acquainted with the nature of it, it revived.a memory often contemploted and cherisliejtr-that I had a share in your affections and kind feeliii_s towarda we. . Jhat thought has..beeu revived to night. I well recollect 1 'years ago when ap- pointed to the responsi'ble .pasicion now, hold -in the Sunday school. „1 felt inadequate Le the task, but you, as,, teacher S and pupils of that school, in giving me your kind c.:operatioa with that of a Heavenly fathee. "We have had some pleasant times in ilae work, and during those 12 years with' the intermission of one year instelees of attention has been paid iia, such as has not . la -sen oft,>n times' to those placed in similar circumstances, The feeble efforts put forth -by ine you seem to r-'oognize and value; ot alkoch I have a guarantee by Ow valuable token of • your _respect for Inc. I accept this token cif.esteom and respect from, not, as deservine, but as a token of your love 'and affectioe for me. thank yen heartily for it, wishing you 'all many returns of the season with all the blessings to be enjoyed, and when our work is finished tray we hear the Master say, Well done. - not forget the claims of our advertisers. The person MO never reads the adyertiging coluinea of paper misses more than he or she• thifiks. Our patrons are reliable and for your interests, their interests, and our interests, we ask you not to:ignore th em, — Iiss Slack, of Londen is visiting at the . residenc'e of ,Mr. G. NY, Berry ii this Jae, BARGAIN Mrs. Ir, 11. Smith Doolc ii o FORE! FIRE ! Insure your farm property, private dwelling, in the old reliable, the • . • LONDON MUTUAL --AND-- CITY.MUTUAL. 0. , Dtrice,s-A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow. Wil be in the offiCe every Saturday afternfezr, 1,1/ JOIN LANE, Agent. .Kinfough. $30 A. YEA 1 i 1 onaerakr Hee/ tench nny thirty intelligent person of antler Rex, w ho OM rend end write, nod who, rafter inetruetion, will work Itnittetriously, how to enrn Ihren Thetnoind Dolinre n Tette in their own Inenlities,wherever they live.' will nIsoclurnieh the eitstation or employment,nt which y..tt coin rn that ntiount. No molloy 01111111•111151'101!,iremful ne above. Eneily nod quickly 'rained. 1 de?iire hitt ono worker iron, emit district or enmity. 1 lave already taught n,,1 provided with eniplo, mewl n era, rypher, who nen ranking over $35100 n year eneli, it. N um/ slut Nor. IP, Pull partioulnre 19 It Cr.' Ailfil4401 5 c..A.LLEN. nsox 41/2.4% Augusta, maxim. • - • ostentatiously cense forward and furnish the necessary imams. It is a mighty occasion for . missionary work, and the good achieved in this way amply requites the willing 'hearts and' kindly hearts that endeavor .. to shed some sunshine lute the lives (Attie unfortunate at a season of good cheer. • • At the time of Writing. the date for the meeting of Abe . Ontario House has not yet been announced. The G wernment evidently is in a .qeandry, and the cause thereof is the . • further la tstponing judsement itx. the ' Hamil- ton election trial ilettil the ,17th Inst. ,It is rumored that Mr. .Nrowat, will reopen .some oee.of 'the thriving Liberal constituencies. aqui' thus snake sure it Mr. Gibson but it is just asprebable that he will await the decision of the j edges. Meanwhile the esteemed Hamil- tonian is taking things smilingly, feeling that, whatever action • may, be taken, his • bread is bettered on both sides. --A ineetiig of the L. A. A. will tie held this (Thursday) evening in their. rooms to transact important business. By order of . Secretary. —The heavy fall of snow on Tues- day night has inadla the sleighing ''aood, cl and large quantities of wood ati:ogs aro being brought into the village. —Now is your time to get bargaina in cutters and sleighs. , We are de- termined to clear them out. Good bargains 'in new and second hand 6ggies. Remember !the old stand' on inpbell street, and the McMath op. Hildred, Bros., Taticknew.. VT, 4e, e psthi. • o uc ions in a recent issue of the SENTINEL ; alas", poor follow he is no more. He has, disappeared from the scene of action:No more shall the public listen'. to his eloquent outpourings. He has 'hid his light under a bushel. He is beyond either "growling or sucking- his paw." He just madMs bow to the public and vanished. The population of Paramount is increasing, rapidly. Dan declares he can saw wood .with Oolm the best day he ever savv. We have nut heard yet what the stakes are. Paramount annual- school meeting tookplace as usual ,.ori Dec. 3Ist. A. - good deal of fire was- interchanged between the city • fathers, but all parted amicably, Me. G.' Robertson was elected trustee to succeed Mr. Francis Cook. Mis'Aggie Stuart, who was visiting her friend Miss Minnie .Taylor, has • .returned home. We are please,d to say that Mr. P. Tenneaon, who is being treated by. Dr. - MoLeed, Goderich, for a 'dislocated shoulder is improving. Mr. Joe Prioe, .of Goderich, is, visit- ing friends in this neighborhood. Bill Davis has a Very bad cold. Miss Martha Mardoch'was visiting friends on the 2nd can. Mr. IL G. Hoiton, of Toronto,' spent a few days•with friends recen ly• The hens are beginning to make ' • • quite a noise iai Paramount, and the • hunters'. wives are now enquiring • about . the "home market"- Some appear to think that there would not be,rnuch ,sin in kicking Moliinley-to • • the north pOle. Mrs. 'D. Huston was visiting her pwaereeust, Mr. and Mrs. I?. Cook, last k., Mrs. Geo. •Ribertson las been visit - e ing friends. in Clinton. CitRD OF THANKS. , M the Parents and Papas Of 8. S. • . ..1\o.,..4,,Ilolyrood, I take this opportunity of express- ing my sincere thankS, to you, who, on Christmas eve, favored . me with so kind an •expression of your good will toward me. While teaching among 'you 1 ,received nothing but uniform kind treatment, and the value of your valuable' preseoit will. be doubly en- haneed .by the remembrance Of the kindness of those who gave,it. Ishall .s always look back npon th?, time spent in -your midst ' as ,, two ,of-tifie -mese 01easant and profitable years I have ever spent and it will 'always he a 'source of deep plea:sure to me to hear of the success of each and every one and, of. i he section as a' -W hotel : • • dYetir truiy, . JOHN AICKAI. • A GbOD CITIZEN. '• To the L1to, ot Thc : DEAR • Srit,—In theyemoval of Mr. Dore .from Tiverton to your your town our village•and conimunity loe a good citizen and tradesman. During the years of his residence here helms always taken an active part in it wel- fare. For some time he was a member of ' the • Counciil Board. and in that capacity discharged his duties satis- factorily by using hi . influence to e3onomize del expenses of t corporation. As a general blacksmith he has "given perfect. satisfaction espei:,.iallv as a horse sboer. In closing 1 • e.ould say to the readers of your paper and the farmers in .general(, around •Lucknow to give Mr. .Dori ' fair trial and I am sure they w;', regret doing so. Yoursetc.,, Tiverton, Jan, 1, 1891.K" 11. n. ,