HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-19, Page 71"', ­.. ".., -w. � 11_,71r,T __F7 Irr � rl�l , 1177r7 I 14V -r— ,'M,7T7M1-' �V,T",-, 1; I _70 T17— R; -MM, '111-11. 1.111;r, 1 157 , , � 11,'- . . . 4041'14110146­­&� ­'17*� I ), . "....- �' , ,-- ` 77 . i�7_ ,� I I . 1 401V 11 7 ­ . �I . I , I ,Ik . I , ,­ I --�yoq , 1 1, _ � I I ; , , ..�'v . .. , r,� ,1� I, ''.. - 11 11 I .. ! k . . �.j I : 4v� 11 *1 .. . ": �* " , 1. ;' �1, , 4 ";4, . I - ��-_ �=77:�- . � ,.-.. _�_ -- I.. I . �� I . . - 0". I I _rt ,­ . . . I . . , 'L�.- . , � I ­ t.,!�,�,�,.� "i K. ;, . � Z �_ � I D Q 1) # one contains another. She had begun on court to Miss Ramsay, who is a fo I # 6 %:. ., ,-,:,�' , ;, �;,'S+'�,�,,i:�,­�,,A �',`�� ,; ­ . 11 Il��,P�', L.'�,-� -, I-,-, 1, .? �, ,�, . I 1! __ ,, . ." -1 , . ,. �, f. , .: ,, � ,�, " I , � .. �w .­ ;,��!, �' ,, , , �, . -ROOT OF 'PURRTY -(LAST CENT " I , ��.i� "', , THE TAP Uft --- LOVOW 0 the subject of the Vaughan family history But 'tie the sweetest thing, I protest. ,�, I - - I *0 `� 11 1. .!�, (Continued.) vii 11 _,�'i,�'., ..4f,5e14;�4441 �141,_,,',: , I'- �, - � . � - .4- . . and an old love affair of Miss Civin's, It irritated ,Betty to bear Mies- lapy. B * ,_ � 1, - -1 I- " , . " , �, . , .­�P,�­ �1:� I ,�,� �,�l '.1 , . ,'�,,, I � - -i,l�;',; ,,:. ... ��-,- -1 , ,11 i - �;'�Ii, - I.. 4�_' "r � , , - n I ,good- caueei tho, pen �Qf the ion gerGarrison ., -.-- - , *­. ­­ -M- -­ _ -­ - - - . - _ . ,,wbiph,. by, some circuitous pr .1'. Z,.* X '.It��! , 1, ..., , , .:'. :� ", �, I " o0eso, led, to. speak 09, vouflaiidy, of -Tow'-wbw o4q. .. - N_� " - - -... -.,.�,�,�,,-,�--.;�,!-'!��,"� ',-,'-,,,,�',,�--,��'�';, , , I, "Ok I 11_ , .X. PF DT* I'll I , , " 11, ,­,_!v�.--P!9­' ,.�. .. . I the n since ceased regard as , con, Jud I I I A , . 011,�t. .."'... - - - I A" .�,",�­.,., ._ . go ,, � �t,5�,,�',*'.� 4-:,- Z, g -N !�, �104` ,�­.,1,,,,--7-' , I , I - 1 ` - I I I , , _­ i , - , ; ,,,�- ,,, - - - - �110' Yee, the world improveB: . lY to at Montrt " 1"I . I to , � - A Tale of, the American ,, You can't he height of paited prig.,, He h , Yi doing work worthy the son of `Uoh a sire a following Sage aphorism: ., had long Bin * , mcgonut for t late . I 4 V " - � - - � 1 � . _:, , , a was my departed . :For Humanity sweeps onward, where to -day the belong, to herself in some in way ; f _\ ,vI� .- 77111 I "p, ,"j,"", q., ". �1-,T , ... I ,� .`W* �,,%�,'.`�.�)�,,`..' I '_, , ,.p . favor Oft 't,- , ,Y�_"!��`O Inartyr stands � �! 14, A., ,`� .410 " � ''JI", -,.,�'V-., � r'A� A f;.ii ., -l'i". ,:;�. l, . - motion for I ", I ­ 1, , -1 1'0 1,.,.,I,4 Za , . -on the morrow crouches Judas with the silver in, The sky was of the deepest blue, reflected , I .1 ` - 1� I I 0 I - I Revolution. � people. Now, there m:gible - I I 0! 11 ,� �, father, retail of stature that the joiner said she, alone, knew him wqll, nd It was wo I I . , . , ,.� - � ,,. . . I . that washed he was the longest oorpse he ever measured, absurd for other people to fancy they the company ;� I I ., . 45-TIOV.1%, X �, "i 7 . I his bands; in the ripples of the little inlet smooth sand. and I'm nothing much. And there's Judy, Understood him, though, of course, she wall man' Hugo Bob,* .. I I I �,�t,.�� --l."i- ,-V :" - ,p,�I,q, �11_,_-,, - _111 ling fagots burn, ng quite ";'' . I - . , .,..`.,- � Par ahead the cross stands ready, and the crack- almost to their feet over the a her father was a Gaines Digger belongi it Indifferent as to whether or not he train at Iroquoki, 11314" 1 1, 14% I �_;Ta�l_,� "­ .. 'I.. " ,. - n , I While the hooting mob of yesterday in silent Across the water, beyond the meadow, they to Mr. Paca, and seven feet high, a , ,. � ., :; � , 1. - . � !�_ !�., 1�� " , was courting Miss Ramsay. Her feelings Ind and two coml�, ,� "TUT A N 'A. 1.1 I � I 1'1� - , - - V - --- — , ?"44ALV4, , - &we return - - . I . . could see the white. pillared front of Lord's T -A P;;!;,*, _1 11 A-=.0- ­'=., It Z14, COMB- I .,� V A � � �� . 't ,, , -�:"� - � . --.y I.... .1-c = - t" Were QN213;uirbud and cioluiradi0iory ; one their way fro . ,�.p',-1,-1­­ 1 , , ,�,*., ,,, .. ,�. , ,% " �,� . *,.,;� � �.,,.:.,,_-� '. the I I'll " �, .,;:�,_�.�,,, ., � . ,�.�:,�r',� , % . . peomme suddenly Pt 11 -1 q .. A . �., 1. I i?, , 11 IT � . ..... 1TOIAlt �e!p,j� the I I " I - � I"i �1� wo glean up the oca4zorad ashels into Hibcory' Gift. The russet, -autumn fields, in of Judy's hm�ing, in early youth. been. v depressed , M. .0, - D; "' � - i., �, , 1� golden Urn. & . _ and weary of manner the n SeeS, " " 4i.,:f"'g: ". s:��_` ..... . . ,,, ,t ,-^ - It � �,� . �i I . ­_ b �0 -, , � *. 711 I".. ---'--= --w- - 'a'" , _�, ,IDAJ -.j ,, ­ *. "I � -,y_z _L�r,,,, ,.f,--Z_A,,--7 -*--,-,,,e U7_ -.Q0 ..��!� ,, �, ", � '. W , , -4 �� .1 . . . . . . 11 ... i __ --I--.---- p ��% P�P,Z,� - � .., , .��, !�� , i , I -I EVZO-QU — - __ �,A�-,�,�� &2%MTw1�y=LP==5=,_ _��J_ 'r = . �;, —�,. = g a" U!" . , ,• 'r,t�� k- I I I '. ., 11 "'All - I M44 I " ,.,;e� ". J ­ . , 0 DIUK t3 a -7 - - - res, blending a . J), . , 11.11­�1: �4..,y � j= .� I a ��-�L;Ifli�7-ri.�r,�-l'IFInn-l-P ,_�==`-Z 1-1 tD�Vmz- . 4 � . vo D a ipA - - ,,V�Mi ��-, � U a vuuu MW L) t r6tofff the rue - t3 ) . you, Judy 7 " Ing a eeneation of relief when Judy, who liar tell underg. , P 4,"�V,��,` . t .. !41 T�._.` ­ '' , .. - Z�",,5" Ic ,i� A , , , ", ..., ��.' . ''''`,,e'v�" ' � - have passed through all the various stages purple at the horizon. ': 41, ", .1 1. , I , 4 --ti, �,�,,, " Yes'm," said Judy, demurely, with the had returned to the fray, rushed to the injuries, from W C lk­w��,j�;",O" .. , . �_ ­ � � A - of the persecutiuns of the ,time. That , 44 There are not many young men in the 11 I a_11- T­*17�i_­­­�;,:,',I N . I air of one who has learned a lesson by rote : d(? M I I F., I I I I 1', ...", 1-1 �,-r,t�,,4 I , ____ 1� .. I benign method at showing our love toward neighborhood to make it gay,.,. are there?" ,, . . or, announcing the approach of Mr. Tom an boar after .!. .:'4` " \ -,, , �, 1.,;, �.%, I ran, agin a pig an It stinted me." . � ,!!!!!! __.1-_.-1_.__ZZ , I . . . . . . 11 I S_ ...�;�t�. ". - ,our brethren who disagree with ns -barn - asked Tom. � , - Rozier. tension was tan " 7--- t' ---:r —_4"; . ­jj�, . �r 1. _11.�� . . V�, ,.,. _�',­t "'ANI.;'.1,�,". I Ing at the stake --hoe gone sadly out of 11 No, indeed; and that is why I was very train . . .�, ,- '%�.k.% -1 .I, _­ 11 i e,;".,,,�, 1 ." 11 - _ '. "., � - � �61, ., :, ,� . , N�!� " '� Well, tis Mr. DeCourcy, that your Mies Stacy pointed triumphantly to her off the t , .17 'r- '4 � . ­. , I.T,.:: - '. i" t , 1. . ��, I I I � ' " . 3 X_V. .. ...., li; .",;L . , 88 11 1, I 11 A "What did I tell yon? " - N , 0 1 I n 8 S.gbiDg to marry, was a Prophetic nose. defence proc Z I '. - e• ", . fashion; the thumbscrew and the boot glad 'when I heard you had come back. Aunt Clem woe prodsi=ip_ mtel gentleman of good height and personable 8, . amped himse,51 . 1�1 �",�,� . have been releg to the museums, but you see, it is so dull. Bab is ihost busy, . he whispered. j Ll__ Ql_.— . I i .1 �t,-� . , -i I- , � r stern. parts. They doted on each other, and it Betty was so unfeignedly delighted and such oircustan I I � - 1, - �*.� i �., , " . we are yet only sloyvly approaching the and Aunt Clem is moody and rather , , - . . , . , , .-_"z,"> I all but broke her heart when he was killed cordial in her greeting to 1!6m as he came case. � I I " ,�.. . , , -"-,Z _, ..veriod I have no friends. I often thought of I 7 '.. ]]], 1� , �ii� �t'4',. I i. you ASUR , . .."-lik., ::., I .X�',t% . !:'' t�� ", 11. " " -1-' I! V , . by a fall off a horse; and then, wben your in, ruddy with cold, large and handsome in - —11 e1i 1. ,t, . .. �,.,,,� - ..A a- _­­� ---A^-T--,--X--*�a-v--%x,a-v4--z-th-0--�x I I - - --- I - - . - - 1, I .- - I � _. - ---��-JY7�",:. . A­;_�__ �*_S"S�__ __%--� - �_. * - - �.Rggl��S,Mh_ i�=Zw_ ! 5: i ,gZ - - I � . _ - . The Single 11,ax advocates have passed penny you gave me. at-ev= I � he same that the impetuous young man seized Miss � t ?1� I I e I ... 1 Ai ; �,4,;': . . - . She. was looking away into the blue with look on so that she hasn't be I 1.0-P, .11 � - I through t riod of contempt of oneere Be me blue, speaking 'with, the utmost si acei -to-my- mind; though sbe wlwayff-waa- -Stacyr-in-lieu-of-&-betten, and -gave her a - I I -i �. L. la� . I 11� 11. and inupeud 9, and have emerged into the '7 6 �hlsuillg I ., A '.1 ,J,�'� �,,_ - simplicity. oddieb." 'hearty embrace. year , ', � - ,47 � e"?.;,,�,' .1, � � , ,,),.,� 1, , . '. ,,,*, flluz _. �A - 1- J4 I L more cheer4 I and most welcome one of Here Betty, whose face had been hidden 11 I'Ve been to the house, Betty, and Mies (a, ender:ioa ; - �p ' ' I Ill" `­ , , W 1. ' * , . , . � " . ' L"'. I - .. 9' X �.: I argument.- That our case is a strong one 11 Well, are you glad I have come home, by the muslin curtaino, uttered a little ex. Bab Bent me4or,y ou. I was only too hap �, , �: , ' ""_"­', , �,,h t,Ao'.; . I happy , ,,� ,�. , , , . , I , f"1111 ... � , �9....W_ . , , - , , . . '11- ,- ,I m - ,� , , . e now that you know me 2 " k7 .,*-n i Chaplain, •' . "'I r �,,vl I ., . ., - , I .� -,�!T. is made.clear by the strenuous efforts pnt clamation of aurprise. for an excase for gazing again upoop my C ., ,""'., �, �.' � -.1 - �:, , ., �, i". " �.� � � , -�� � .- � - ,,N.. . Betty looked at him fora moment and ' W. G. forth the months of its eloqtent I -L%1 Bebby,wh&tisit? Whmtdoyou obarmer, my Anaessaia.11 G t rd I)i 6'.� v ,* , 11".". ': "I . .. �1"�;,' ­ 11 % I laughed. cr,lary, 11, - I A, - *,y " 1,111, 'advocates; by the num " Fie ! fie I " Mies Stacy flattered, 11114o 'i.^'A i-,,� �' �"% "'.; 11 Yes, I am; though, to tell the trukh, I see 2 " �' ' I ' ­ I .1 1. ., , 3.� . ?C, 41;'11 , .111 , ... political and social economists whO' alis did not like you much the other night. I 11 Peregrine, Tom Rozier's bound man delightedly. 14 We were looking for you; W. lZlic'-flie, . �., . I , k "`t. 1,v . ! !; , , . � � _1 ._q,. ., " " ... ��­,�� 1- . , ; I I _ " il 1, that he brought with him, has just gone by Betty half expected you.," Tom glanced at . 1$ : 'I, .., I- t� ts I � "o, , . . ,joining our ranki; by the tendency of thought you too modish and conceited." . t A. 11itellio ; Lec ill. " "' % I �_, 1�­ - - 1: . � . I ,r,!, ­� ...... � �, . - 41 Upon my soul, you are apiece in a sleigh. Mies Stacy, I think the post- B , , , �' , ,f,.��, - � ..f �! ..... , "L., -4.1 ,,, legislation, and by the perterbstion it oc ieo6 of can. ettV, who looked coolly out of the . N cill)[11ittep, W. J. it � Ir 11�," � � ." Y. dor I 'Gad I you are no more what I fan- ba *,, II I ,,, 4 ', . . casions in the camp 6f the common enom ig must be open now, and I'll put on my window. 11 We saw the sleigh go past with 11 , _ : " f " I i But consoious of the . righteousness of the i I raps and get the letters " that man of yours. For certain, hela an "PI)ell, J. E, Ritchie, A .. P ". - , -%k 4 oied you the other evening. You are as w . . N, . ­' I �W. �11 ,�,." . � , - I . ,, - , � ,�, cause we advocate, come success soon or "No, indeed, child, Judy Ill go. "Such a pock -marked, sorry- Bowle,i. �, , 't �... . 1. S� .1 ­ 11 9r�,111.I,.,'. - , 6 , ohniageable as Mother Hubbard's dog, and �nra me Outlaw. Y I .1 I!! - ',; ,lj m y looking rogue I 11 . - A -4 . � 1;. .. - , , , . ,l ". ", ''. , .. come it late we hn,)w that it must surely hi moods were far from reliable. Now, you're born there's a visitor coming. t" 11: - r I I . is . � " , Z, . the other evening, since you mast know, I nose has been itching on the left side all 1i Peregrine &B honest a rascal as you -,)' will be rle,ld in c � , ,, � come, and stanamg on the rook of Justice, To Be on-- .4 k,- �, �, 4.1 .,;,' , 1` �, ,,�.Vvo �' , , I . �. ­ _�­,Vv. " i. ;, Ai , 1�1 �'. adected.,, day for a lady, and Judy's on the right for could find ; plays on the French horn and Zlon sunday sellool , ,.. Rtl�, 4 guarded by the shield of Truth, we are fancied you rather mise ash and V , Oil I, I 1. -I, ,- 11" �,�_ 1..,�.�,;; ,"A -,. ;, 'i "-� 4- ,� , , � -�, ,"'l, -, ... -� �,,' , .,.. 14 I 1�, ,,, content to wield the sword of Reason and gentleman; but judy's never fails. has numberless accomplishments. I'left 01t. ,A ,y Inav .. ,� �, 1 ,,I knew it," said Betty, delightedly. a 1,,00d tinct, ,� t .11.,, MV�,,,,,q , . I 11 I . I IJVA,,� " powers riches' aelfishnese 41 I was affected, vastly so. � I protest that I Don't go cut, somebody might come while him just now at the tavern, mixing a brow � . � �s .",; '�.?.,&',f.: 9, . . . I -!"k - Q "'4' ,defy the allied pow I . he procoeds are for., I ,.:! .�.,4; ,,�; ". b , . . ` '? , 11, 1% . expediency to do their worst. do not feel natural ill decked up in furbe- you were gon4.1' of bimbo for the parson, and talking 1. I I . 1.� T,'§ 1� g!" . " , � .,% and political exped �� I I ­ zl#�,,, - , 1�, ,ff,u - I - . W, ", [ c e Iowa. I want to be mincing and saying Judy, wild for freedom, slipped a shawl religion and politics ; but it his vic7.a are . 01i'l sdruol, • . I "WK v�;�Ii, �,,4$,' Those for whom . ,a the .. . , _"�I�, . " � ­� ­ I I ., In order to inti . 46 I . ,I -N ; 1, ,�, ­­ I I pationti; I Oh, Lud 1' and putting on all the airs and around her and was out of the door and too liberal the parson will use convincing ;;; - � �,,��'­,%�'i'�� �,` . � � ,�0� . 0� , - , '' � I 1, " . � arguments ; for he is one of those who will our Monthly Mill a `_ . . , . Truth a farthing rushlight to,Ue Ill be issue n 'mu'lt' - , . 'Think graces in the world. I can't breathe or away from the detested yarn. and needles. nixv� - ... � . It 78(l out when you will Presently Betty saw her with envy, & fleet. 'Prove�his doctrine orthodox national," (Which 6 . , , ­ A, I%U%%% and -5"14'' �" �iiti_ 'think. But whats pleasure, it is to be nat. . � By apostolic blows and knocks.' " . t rte a brilogilIg it _­_ . . � � BTgb�o,�f t ninciiii fingers and your p Ing silhouette on the white ground, dispers. - In a a .---. I , 7 ,. . .; *lrfa this . g that Betty had donned her long is 10-a` - or �t One " . I my no,' seejyoh,dothe traug, —! I i .1 without powder or hoops, in Seein , :�_ I . That his block eyes W . I With 'hir Ug ,.._�,_, � as those Ing a flock of drooping fowls. State at e ring Zine io I , ", . I that is not right'? rose from the marsh grass, ke",B_ Th�t Judy I " sighed her mistress. mantle, with its boa of dark fur, above before e and aeou, luaga ;X......' To their judg- . " , %hich heir face looked liked a mischievous lations Of any pet$00 �,L : . I water-, their snowy bre�sta white ag7ainsta . the eat ir . 11 I 'But the Destinies think not so, pi�i-n'gWror Ao.ink it I she's got ideas of to the I went chamber lore wkek ----. nun in.the severe setting of the close hood, e vall give , , t at r I I . Come ,no Bounds of popular clamor. there the blue as they wheeled aloft. B-atMOUM"Y� Im.A!op rose, and took up his pointed America. t largest lis_ ,ugllah,wagaa ­ I— 1-.r4`" , I I I 11 Bat - now, Elizabeth." I 0 ,__*.,2.jnsd W --l'... 11,A . Fame's trumpet if, laot blown. . anti She was a childish Blip of a girl, as she. solemnly, bending forwhrd with impressive sending in t . 1. I gr O.I.,utiu-in (561 ". Your majot flies they rack not. This you sat looking up at him from under the. shade service. If you stay L'it mans yuu a anaby d to lat. . .-;., . . . . That but teen You say somewhat. Which is of her big black hat, the sunlight falling on and' uplifted forefinger, "now that we aro pudding, and, well made, there's nothing 600 in Gold to 2nd,. I . . I . !il';.*, you differ with them alone., I wish to ejesk- to you seriously, and more delicious to the palate." 200 in Gold to 3rd. - �, stronger -you or they? I her dimpled, freckled face and slim -figures want you to tell me the truth." � . . . - . "Patient . . as the 'insects that ,build clad in plain blue gown, big neckerchief, I 11 Ob, no," Bmid*Betty. 11 We know your 100. in Gold to 4th. ,, . U ore they I I Roused to curiosity, Betty rose with her dishes too well -the' with which you 60 in Gold to 5th. .• . . �� islands in the deep; and white apron, her enn-burned, SUPP10 . . �, 1: r,.but, their hand over her heart, bowed and said, with poisoned our youth and over which we 11-` : They hurl not ti�e bolted thunder, fingers playing with Cassius's long hair. ' I f4 . . silent way they keep; � ,, So you feel lonely ? " o&id Tom, 4 , I an excellent mimicry of Will Ringgold wasted our days in trying to pick out ihe -1,;;;P_E01AJ[j. : PRIZES . � -t. - her a cluiz. finicky voice: 11 Votre tree humble serviteu� I . �,!! now; where ' I I 1 W , XJ Where they have been that we k I I not delectable caraway seeds with which I .1 . - - 1, ., -empixes-tcr%vemd-t,13&t,were-nOt4 a little -have-fel-b-lonely,A00.1!-� - awrdffinffaiye . �. I -fl!Wy were ffe-kv wilt-busrT —The-follo-w-ing-SViolat-P-rizeo--WH I � I � !,. . "I ", I Lo I the skulking wild fox scratcneB in ' zical glance. 1� There I am of the same ar ' ramd—.Nw,-I�- given doting competition I petition : I . . I ­­ "i � I ,� � heap Of dust-" . Will 11 That's just it," said Mill" Stacy away from your wiles." ,� ...... complexion as you. But how about a 1. F ..","I I I mysteriously. "Nobody knows what h Leaving Miss Skmoy bobbing, curtsies, eat ;, I .Z. At the conclusion at the address it tree sympathy with �100 to the lady sending in the largest . . ". t . .. 10. 1:11 ON Ringuold 2 is hs not in 8 means by such gibberish, and you a poor they esoaped into the keen air ,and were -list during the week ending January 10%b. . ,,, , and easy disen'sSion and, many interroo - . . .. 1,4 rB. followed. A vote of you 2 " I ,therleas girl with no one to speak to you soon far away from the low cottage. 650 to the girl (ander. 16) sending in the I r,? tories and anowe Betty was slowly nibblings cooky, which mO �, and warn you -Bab knowing as much of - ending . ��;,-, r7, I , , thanks, . moved. by Mr. R, Hopkins and -h give -to Cassias, not wishing to be - I 1-1 - (Tobq1Q0ntiu.n,`sd.).. , largest list .,during the. week. I . .. - I ... 11 ­ via tendered I ' the male sex aai a babe unborn, and Miss .0 , � I . - 17th. ­ ­ . - � i1i 10 oecondedby Rev. Mr. Morton, N nterrapted in this interesting conversation. Clem so high-minded and mighty, with 11 January 17 . .fly acknowledged. e An idler is a watch that lacks both hands ; I $100 to the gentleman sending inth a , . lodged. , ". Mr. Carrick and brit, - In some way he is not the same," sh I 1`111 4 1 . I — -.0 Elaid, ,, though he writes poetry. He even her thoughts on books and poetry -not . .As useless if it goes, as when it. stands." largest list during the week ending JantL,4 ,� I! q. . The ,Wolnan In the Vase. , writes poetrytohe � � that Rab's not fond of poetry too, when Alas I bow many women, th?ugh house- ary 24th. . , J 'Does-he-?—T-he-c-oK-oomb-i-By-beaven-l- h-e-'iL-w.&Eihed-up-the-dish.ea--B-ut-A-be.v!rA- -hold---arid-chitiLi-ren--need-their-ca,re;-are- --:-#50-to-the-bo"ending-in-the-largest-list - I the J-441 Mrs-0-gh".-, W woman whose _ch&Vn'3 —I- D I k ___ C�_mvepiecipitated a - the felinw must be road. Z n good." - . .. , , at how does it neither of them alive and active, and I'm neoesearily idle, because suffering from during the wes)k ending January 31st . ,fascinated P&rnrzlt and only speaking for your ow sex. To all such to the person in Cansids sending in I . 6 lm I . litical crisis ':,pan Great Britain and seem different with me? " - - '-- di peculisf to their $50 . . I I I I according to the London car* ,&You do nok prate so much, but I feel -1 Speak. pirithee, speak, Anastasia, more Dr. Pierre's. Favorite Pireacripiion'113 a the first list of over 50 words. . I I .. 11 Iroeland. was, acci i Unfold the dread mystery, Ji� il . respondent of the New York Commercial that you really love Nature more, It plainly. B .the precious boon, speedily curing internal $50'to the person in the United States I ;ertise',,,the mir,treas at an ex -governor seems like home, this water, and as though tortuous windings of thy fevered imagine- inflammation, laucorrhes, dieplaoement, sending in the first list of over 50 words. . I I . . , Ad ,,r � I . ' , Bank of England before she married we belonged to it, and should love it always. tion." - . . ulceration, tormenting periodical pains, Send 6a in otampl3 for list of " Rules" . I of the Ba . . . ... . O'Shea. She is the sister of Sir Evelyn Now, when it looks thus quiet, I feel like ,11 Oh, Yes, von may lan& if you please, prolipsus, 11 bearing -down " sensations, governing the competition. Mention this . Wood, a di.9tinguished English soldier, and going out with the ripples, as free as they. and rant like some piny -motor fok all the morning sickness, bloating, weak stomach, paper. \ I I I I I ..A woman of great beauty and accomplish-- The reason we love the sky and the world world, but there a no knowing what these nervous prostration, and , ,tendency to can. Contest closes March 1st, 1891. Addren , . . I t ,, menta. The statement of the correspond* around as must be like Casoine'slova for travelled young gents mean. They are sad corousdisesse. In, all those ailmouts called I .1 1.�,Im . is'nows to American us, becainse it. hes rakes for the moat part, and woe to the 11 female complaints," itis the most reliable THE INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING GO ' I . � t ��l ant jnBt quoted I . IJ Ili , � ado with a 'POsitivey'0013 understand. But do you know, it makes yielding fair who gives ear to their per- specific known to modern science. . . . I I . 1�.. 1. - - -Ifte", , public, but it is in isoy. Par- me sad sometimes, Tom, to watch a sunset jured vows Ill Mies seemed carried _111� . Hamilto:io�, cmada. - I I I ,V� that assumes its aboolute soon] view ? It must be because, away with delight at her own unwonted Funeral Reform. . . � I . .. . -1. . I nell's intimacy with the Woman, it is said, .or a beautiful. continuing in the same rapid and . - began eight ear ago and who well. known there is no one to enjoy it with me; bu* eloquence, naught that I,have Chicago Herald : CUatom is ornel to the , . I . . . years a turgid strain: "'Tie for: living in ital aneral propriati . es. It . adds FARM FOR SALE.' I $0 his associates of the Irish party and even now you have come it will b different." ry of .that sweet creafnre, -% — I members Of the House of COm, Tom was silent before replying, smiling read the history nothing to the esteem in which the dead to other- . . Clarissa' Harlo we, writ bye Richardson; . 1,',- . Mons. Surprise is expressed in some into her eager. uplifted face, I know the wiles of these Lovlaces, with are held, and cannot assuage in' the least , ARM CONTAININ d - 100 ACRES, ' " ' I 111�1 - quarters, therefore tbRt the men who hove -I think,',' he'said, gravely,"that we allurements, laced costs, and French the pain that, is cannot . caused by their ,passage F70 acres cleared; situated lot $3. 4th eon - . . . � all along known that Parnell has frequently shall be great friends, dear little girl. their allur4 ' Humanity and right reason alike cession Township Ancasier, on Braitford stone . I I so me." phrases stealing into the heart. For all own'. a that burials shall be private,;. that road, 10 miles from Hamilton. Enquire, W . 0 neglected his public duties to pay court to Whenever you feel lonely, send for deman . Hamilton, Ont. I ne . happy t eleotable--i-ili, only the few chosen by those directly KAVANAGH, 393 King west, . I I the wife of another .man should now de- Betty was very a have found Will Ringgold's suoh. a d spar to . , l I - I _11� I I y who is a fo g. I a Lin pr test. 0 hoar ies. _of Wom?wbo regard reg a a) I 0 latel! 11 A- I - mond his retirement from the leadership at BUO11 a friend, and they were both quiet ,tie not for good that ogles sighs—, interested shall attend them ; and that the — I . . .,� .� . .1 ip. - 0h, Stacey," Betty'ai voice came sad weaker members of a suffaring.family shall ES I . 11 his p&rty--Roc7V8te,r Herald. over the compact, Betty gazing at the ri - do not plea, always changing, always the some- and mnfiled, from the window, be induced to remain away from a spec. Bermuda Bottled. I .. . .. i . I I I Rev. So -and -So. at one spot where a line of grass .ourled like tell me that you are not safe from bis be- . ration .1 t&ole that is heartrending, but Which they "You go to Bermuda. If . . ..' . Fly, fl from temp stion . ..�! "Yea, , He a water 'snake, until it seemed that the gniling arts. u dd not I will not be iresponst- . I , I see. I and that Elbe and Tom an& I Get thee to a nunnery.' To think that cannot soften by their presence. The in. YO . icquences.11 11 But� .i . all the money he could water was still humanity of permitting the weak and the tile- for the cow , Moody on Matthew : neither the . I I X - simply, grabbed those gray balrs-- 11 I doctor, I can afford .1 ' . I & right. Well, there are the pine -tree were drifting slowly over its 66 hair's as dark bereaved to Buffer the wholly useless torture time nor the money." -Well, If I I because he had 1_ -1,1, are just like placid ourfsoe-out-out. . 110ity-toity, child I my that must always accompany tioat is inipossible, try I A I I . . 'lots Of people in Chicago . . I .as it ever W80, ftnU LUC Anderton a neverclay upon a coffin will graduAlly have the N -him. aiNotice one thing aboutgot gray, though iny mother's munt'B-tbat rim -101M 1W I . Mattliew, CHAPTER VI. cremation desirable an i a' MmIrp" . I * ,thougb,�he gave up his title. Nowhere February 14th, 1775, and snow was a Posey -was Snow-whitecat thirty, effect of making I 8 . I through the Bible will YOU, find the ser- It was Feb a night, be u Be of a rapidly as it becomes convenient. . IOU - . vanta of God using ally titles, and I would had been falling since morning. Betty, but it all came . - 1 I 1, void it. Don't go around. spending the day in the village, at Miss gboBt she saw. I'll tell you about it in a ' No matter what the school of physic, I : ' ' -advise you all to 06 with her minute. But ,tis all very well for you to OEM Iq Yourselves the ' Rev. So -and -So. StROY's little cottage, ,wearied They each can cure an ache or plithisic- . call, . t a title lie chatter, as unceasing as the singing of the change the subject; and refuse to confide in At least Itis said they can; I " I / WherVk�*M&n begins to wan swain. I know, But as Science turns the wheel still fat_�1'111 I � �R, , of if copper tea -kettle over the fire, sat on a me which is the favored - And quacks and bigots meet disaster, AU.LSION I . doesn't {chant to be a servant ow, looking through the for all you're so, close, and a real mum , To us there comes "' I I want to be used by God don't have chest by � the wind Why merits hat n untless zeal(ts; RE NORWECIAN . you square panes at the people -passing budget. Tat I I'm out of all conceit with h his'« . .. I titles. There are too many big men small, yon." . I Wh a use and prate. hi 3 - log4ant,Fellets." . I country. I We want more down the road to Mr. Atkins' store, for I I Ab�, now, it isn't angry with iiie you The "Pleasant 'Pargst' a Pellets" c,f Dr. I . already in the of the fortnightly mail -bag. , . 11 sometimes call It Bermuda Dot- . I small ones. A big bead is &'dangerous die- the opening filling thick and are? Why won't you believe that my. Pierce, though gentle n notion, are thor. tied,and rianyeases of , I ease. The mast ugefulmen and 'Women Through the veil of Snow, re - disengaged 2 . Like the ough and never fail to cure bilioncileflo 11 I /"' , � fast in big flakes, the landabape showed as affections a I I I ' CONSUMPTION I I are those who mre,lOW08t- I . in an etching, barely suggestive of the bid- miller a' Dee, I I diseased or torpid li r, and constipation. ' I T . . , I . I I . - I Ws Lovely Woman � don color. a . I I i care for nobody, no, not 1, - I Broneb., ,. Coiygb ; I I A L of her I , 11, By heaven Between the waste, white tract of the And nobody cares for me,' I I HeZ ty. oi- Severe Cold ,Overbeard, one Bay ' g rden, where the evergreens were bending l . 0 0 Aant Penelooe-How vain Fanny in I have Cq,'RED with It; and the she's painted" 1 "Yes," retorted she, in. except Bab and Camille— . .t a 0.1d Crusty -Yee; just like the, sex. advantage Is that the most senst. I . �� beneath their heavy burden, and the waste, „And me, Betty.", I . a$ viva' stoulaell c3tu take It. Another . I I . dignantly, "rand by heaven only I 11 Ruddy . � Tlley drink it in with their mother I health mantled her cheek, enthroned on the white tract of the meadows, there was no 11 Also I no. The beaa which of old was milk. Aunt P. -There you 'airs site thing,;; which commend.1 It Is the I I beautiful lady,. line of demarcation save a f mint zone of mine baa -been given Id &rattling blade stimulating propertles of the 11Y- . - , yet this wrong. Fanny, I know, was brought up 1i_91)11ompblic% mvhEpii it coutains. . I ,rose and lily. Palo, with a dry, hacking woodland- .1 bight Will-, Sweet William:" , But.be. on the bottle., Old C. (determined to you will land it for sale 'at your ones thin and . nruggist's, In *r4alnaon wrapper. Be . nightsweats and slight spittings of 11 Betty, if you see anyone going by, be .w&re I" said. Betty, 'gazing as if into have the last word) -Yes, from some con. you get, the genuine." , cough, night estined to fill it consundp. sure to tell me," said Miss Stacy. . 09sianic futurity, _mnd mouthing her words. oalted. fool of a cow. I . I sure SCOTT .& BOWNE. Belleville, blood, seemed d m, used as dining -room and sit- „Dark lowers - I % I . I . After spending hundred.e.of I he room, I ra the tempest overhead -the. � , I ­___ I 15iyMLU rL=V On I I - -1 I . l6qu without benefit. she ting -room, was aromatic with herbs. walls of the cottage are desolate and dis- . dopa plivaiciana W hung 9 mural memento of the late mantled- the blue eyes of Anastasia; that The girl who runs away with the hired . . . . , ools Golden Medical Dis. the Wall I . tried Dr. Pier loon marked, Dr. And6rton, in the shape of a silk beamed so bAghtly erstwhile, are bathed man is hold up to ridicule, but, Elbe fro. f'ire's ReMedy fozCatarrtk 13 u."3 d I . improvement was I emalo qnently dodo better than the one who . covert' ; bar iml kontba,ihe' wall pinmp and sampler, representing a dejected f in dew- " 0 Best, Easiest to Use ard Cheapest. � and in a few 11 under a dejected willow. On the bate, - Pahaw I 'how paltry. What gibberish marries a pact. ' . . ­ 11 I rosy agafti,� ,the picture of health and oiled floor stood, at regular intervals, you can talk." I Mr. Fnller to Clarence, four years old- 1 �, , . strength. it is the only medicine of its straight, splint -bottomed oh&irs. A dresser -Forbear I I nee,"continVed Betty wildly, Why, Clarence, how much you look like " drugkiste, under a positive 4 clasp, 'sold by it or cure in 611 furnished with dishes, sobeat of drawers, ,'a dark form approaoll-'tie the 'sable your father. Clarence, resignedly-Yea, Sold by druggists or sent by mail, 50c. � guarantee that it will benefit and it table completed the simple furnitnre minion -she bears aloft a message of air. Everybody says that, but I don't I T J1g2,1p.ltlnc, Warren_ Pot ,.IT C; A . . . cases of disease for which it is recom- an - Mies Stacy sat in a rocking- love__,, . think I deserve it. I'll I mended, or money paid will be promptly of the room . I . chair; an two low stools on either aide of Here Judy entered, panting and covered , I ' refunded. � 011" � her were ber dog Norval, asleep, and her with snow, having been pureed by Johnny io, . I I The PrIvil.090 of Age. I little negro in tsars, for she WRB 1 1 Letter fur Mina Betty," she annoanced. .. . . si My object in o&lliv,g this evening," he face was bedewed with " TTXrJ is 1i RV:4ul . ,aid Judy, whose round, black Atkins v4th snowballs. beg with & nervone tremble of his chino learning to knit, and every missed stitob ,It we . ,a it folded shoot of paper, directed %, � Wsxllf -,, r a ' may call you' was visited upon her bond by sharp taps of in a disguised hand, and the interior bore WMWL� * cu - I I I- Wag to ask YOU, KatiO-d-I I I her mistress' thimblei the following verse: ' � . Katie, MS17 � not ? 11 TO TTIV, VDITOR—PleaRe inform your readers that I have a positive remedy I' I I - I 1,Certainly, 'Mr. -Longpipe," said the on the mahogany work -table, besides I VALrNTIND TO I DVTTY. above named disease. By its timely use thousandsi of hopeless -cases 4avq been permanency i',Certainly, girl. ,,All of PaPala elderly the piece of sewing that Betty had thrown I I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any ot your readers woo pas . ell anuff. Fortune sumption if they wii, send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfbll,r.T.A,SL0;q , I 11 lo N."'tie.') Made egifting Phyllis faire, .an wv_o.t fkr1^j�lrjF_ -4. 110PON"r0a ONTAP10. � I I = Gya'al'i down, Wag Miss StaoY's tortoise sh h witching, debonnaire; We 1 - � And be said nothing further about his box, from which Fjb,e now and then extrao. Made Chloe. steadiest, pure, and viso, . . - I g.—Spare Moments. I the a dainty pinch of rappoe, indulging in Bound judgment, and sweetsoft kinde;eplie®: THOUSAPOS UF BOT LES I . object in callir the ln%UrY of a suppressed sneeze, careful mo Betty Fortune. Goddess kinde. I . . ------------- Gave Phyllis' Face and Chloe's Minde. I I tfian General Baron ,1,�,.nebol von not to awaken the alunl,bPring Norval. CUL I OWN AWAY YEARM - . I The Ans - . 110 was the only The hand of the high clock was nigh upon Betty hold it, beaming silent delight, "HE F11"I'" , ig When I say Cura I (Io not, Wt�u,4 Tranerallloweit is dead a. four, and Betty was to be impa. while Mies Stacy put on her spootacles and. I merely to str,l) thein for a time, Rod ON I I . general who won 0, victory over the Pru Mine Bab dtndieaevory line aritioally. I diavetlfcrnreturn�sgaln. IMEANARA DA'LeuRra. rant made the dl,seasii of F I I siana in the campaign of 1866. . tient to see themessenger whom � . Ent what E 'I or Falling Sicknevas a life-long study. I warrarit my retnedy to Curet I 1. hent to send for her. - Merely another lure 1. , Epitaph a Wpor'st"cansyes. Because others Hattie is no Infallible eason for not now recelvinsr Give Sendw I ,prom the esteemed D arh of Tomb For houra.Mias Stacy had been holding clever youth Will in V for it nower wan writ once for a treatise and a Fee* Dattle of my Infallible r1emedy. Give Exprefn mane . atone, A. T,, it is learned that Sheriff I a disconnected monologue, as involved,na by Tom, he's too high and mighty to trifle Bost Office. it costs you i thing far a trial, and it will cure on. Address ---�M IM, "*V',, . I . Cote soon to add to the popa- j,,, where wik4 -'boaidea, he is making 64.0.4 Branch office, Ile, WE.:ST ADELAIDPE STnEr-To vrORONT 0- I . - . 81migbter ex _ _y t . --.--- p 'Jilo 0 ice in the " AKA�filllig_htf - .RUr,affeetiono — . __ --&, -- - . I __ - � "publiogtavoyard.. ­—, , kt _X —4— , " 1 % I tion 0 lie .