HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-19, Page 5• card or Thanks The undersigned take this oppolrtu�n- . it•y of tendering their siocele thanks to their oNti n and .their father's friends :.at LuckneeK, for the kindness and con- sideration manifested to the family -during the illness and at their beloved brother's death. The sympathy a.url tenderness shown n ori that welan ;holy occasion will always he retl.embered try ,-,Tol►a,;',latues and 'Wni. McKenziel (RRrothers of the deceased, con of Malcolm McKenzie, Locltnow-) "\%Test Zorra, pec 1890 . _. St. Illi.ciczas We have had some ouc;re of the he'utiful. it has inen•ied our ways -•u- ..n r �,�:••e�•� 9�^.�,u,:�rri�.rid••t�•c�:s'":�Pz;�=�T.;'�8ir,�dti53•Ftb'm;Iw°="it'dY.a^x, rim_-, culntioa id saw legs and tire wood. We got the SENTXNEL at 4 p. tu. on Ttiutsday, thirty hours ahead of the mai I,, w I.i c.h t ;:.s .Tock Adams' "record all hollow. `Otis shows how, it would.be if we',rad a direct ,trail. Archih rid _Harper, Eli., left for t1 -..e mIS MOLTWS 0 There's about the same difference between the rightly made uuderware of to -day, and the.usual stare kinds as Letween the old and new ifl ethods of shop 'keeping. The right sort is sold in a very few places. You know it, but keep experimenting, The proof of the' pudding is the - E PEOPLES 'Preparing for the fall trade. • Our stock is •filling '>tp with the latest novelties- of the season. Our .usual stock of staple dry goods is very complete. We ibave.Jnt3t opened some special lines ha .BL..AOK . AND.. FANCY DRESS 000i BEAUTIFUL GOODS:. Also a fine assortment of ready made clothil.lg, 'bo more with an -eye to quality than to a low price. Po". no shoddy. To arrive in a few days a very large a• f ladies lernn.-.c. r)ea cl / ping . I��)iSe`t' o�e air of 1c'LUIGtJ arid I. wLLLI�JJI(_U,7 underclothing. II1Lluu�.,,;' t)rtm,Or �� . —i ill cloth in good variety and at closest prices. a° "ten. Mantis A large assort- no next tear days, )s, boots, 'shoes. sold at TD T? a -V large stock teff,. Will you be wanting any ? Good goods, sold at right prices serves customers so anent of novelties and staples to arrive in tr As usual our stock of :groceries, hats, c hardware, crockery, etc., etc., is weld. 'assoi r Closest prices. Please call and inspect. the old foil s at home. 'vVe wish 14oxi: ;wy 4414 41 su.fe. x.eturll to the.. 'bosom of -Yamily, We art glad to het that Mr. Peter Clark is on the mend, and we hope soon to hear the ring of his anvil through the Clachan as usual. 'Municipal 'ratters atoe quieter than they were a IF) i th ago .but it ntay be the cal,7i 11e.fu.•e the storm. Rumor hints that Some of the old members intend to try again, and as rt tie of she ,present, c.)Onc►l are•i"tiring, in all prob- ability a contest will take place.. him ........v -...,- satisfaction first:, profit afterwards, is -our rule. . With, the 1st of December comes thoughts of holiday week and Christmas. With ns we shall endeavor to ,play our part by :providing low prices in • w. .Furs Fur Capes Fur leaps Far Boas, Hemlloctc C164 Mr,' Jas. L. c;r!'1 Miss' Bell Grant 'iad *arrow escape from having a serrot- 1una.Nay'recently. Mr. 1)avid Rutherford has been ,compelled by a sore shoulder to give up his place as fireman in the mill. 11'[r T. F. Henderson now tills the , position acceptably. Mrs. John ,McLeod, of *Chicago, is at, present visiting her parents in this pl ace. White out !mainlast week vir.a 'James, I3,ose'and his fox -hound succeed- ed in bagging a black-sq•airrel, a rabbit, two •racorn'ns and a fox. Who can beat this fee one days ;;port. Mr. David Cowan sold one, of his fine Black span of •purses to. Mr. '1'. 1VIc- Lean, of Goderieh,, for which we believe lie received a handsome price. Fur Muffs Fur Coats 1\'Iens -... Dog Coats Bear Coats Beaver Caps P. Iamb Caps Dog Caps St.' Helens, Sept. 3rd. T,• pea.. *1111 BOAR FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR SERVICE. THET`NDERSIGNED WISHES "TO inform the farmri•af of the surroauding cunntry taat 1)e will keep for service this season at '.ot 3. con. 4, Kinloss, that thorough- bred Berkshire boar "King Robert," furnished with registered pedigree. Terms :-81 cash, with privilege of returning. ALEXANDER MCT)t )N ALD, 3-879 Lucknow P. 0„ Ont. TO PIG BREEDERS. alIIE TTNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP fur service at lot 1, con. 11, E. D. Ash- field, his superior bred Suffolk b ,ar "Tormen- tor,' also Berkshire ;boar "Butterfly Duke" noted prize winners of Halton Co., Ont. Terms - wr.00 strictly cash. Also for sale cheap a first -clans thoroughbred• Shorthorn bull calf. MATHEW FARRIS, Lanes P. 0., Ont. And will also give you the lowest •quotations 'Overcoat's " Blankets And a special line of buffalo and goat robes at astonish n ° Teitohcrs' .Exp,mination VITT-leachers t— - "rn training ath 'Walkerton• and ' Kincardine Model. • Scheols, were examined on the 8th. 9tli, 10th and 11th inst. , and the •Barnes of those • to whom certificates •hay.e (teen• granted, ,will 'be found in 'the following list: R. I. Blaney, A. S. Blair, H. Bauce, .A. C- tJampb ll, F. J. Catneron, E. M. Cronin, A. carss, B Pars* M. Chittick, A.• Colwell, D. Currie, C. S. Crowston, . A. Dawson, A. M. Douglas, M. Ellis,' R. Feoguson, J. Ferrier,' W.. Finlay'„' R Gaunt, M. Halliday,. J. Houston,. A. M. Ilonstdn, A. E. Jones, L. Keogh, L, Legget, G. Marrs, F. Miller, ,W.T. Milliken, J. I: Morrison, F. C. Mc= Kenzie, A. McBeath,.A. J. McKenzie,. A.'McTCenzie, M. O'Neil, J. Pollock, L. A. Ross, C. Shantz, A. • F. Sharpe, I. Skelton, F. 114. Stanley, A Thom - .son, W. Thorburn, 1),. E. Traynor, M. Vaustone, A. W.tiker,'H. Willoughby. low prices.. • We invite • your close attention to. these goods.. They are right. We know it, and we want you to, , ASlli1leld The examination of S. S. No. 5 will" he he d. on Tuesday 23rd inst. coni- ane►g at 10.30 a. in. The pupils , wil be publicly examined on the work of the quarter as far as time permits. Parents and friends of e' ucation.are respectfully requested to, attend. A Christmas tree and an entertain pent wil, be held in .connect►ori with "he above exaarlina,tion. - •Parents and P friends will .please try a;,,d tuake they .'11' tree aSUCCe'ss by pvo'.irlia)g some gift"s' ;fee their child.;'en ih e..oe;o •'nr,ration of the Christ %b.° was f i;a'. t'a► for us all. Alb ccttdially int.itttl. The following is the standing of the arils of S. . No. 5 for the Month of yeuilrer, based on punctuality, de- pot•tinent,aud general proficiency 5th Class, AV.(rartlaac)► —F'►a. 4th,, C. Gardner, -E. 'Nilson, 1). ,t•inl►ith, Il.. :lncirew--•Jun. 4th, A1, A.n,lrew, J° Llarddier, A., Gardner, .i. W1'ilson, -11 in c'ass�--Sen. 3rd, G. Ere •nit 11. Anderson, 5 in clams—Jun. 3rd, L. Hunter, R. Gardner, it. Webster, ' I 8 in class—'Sen. 2nd, E. Reid, M. ° kl-ardner, E, Gardner, 5 in class—Jun. 20, 0• Took, Rose Hunter, M. Btott'n, S9 in class—Part 2nd, F. Anderson, J. AVelaster, H. Reed, 6 in class—Part i.st, 1{l; Webster, J. Hunter, T. Gard- slex, Hankett, What's to prevent every lady from having a new cash- mere dress (any color), when that dress can be bought for only 23c. peryard, worth 30c,. -PUBLIC NOTICE. N-' )TILE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; Adam Rusbworm• of the Township of Garrick, in the Comity of Bruch, yeoman, will .apply to the Parliacnentof Cairada at•the'next • session thereof for a Bill of divorce from his wife, Emma Russworm, nee Correll, formerly of the said Town'ship,of Carrick, but now re- siding in the city of Chicago, in the State of 1.11-hrvis-1.-S-ror 1 of ad.rt1tery --BOAR FOR SERVICE.--.r a(1' Dated at Walkerton, Ont., this' 1st day of September, 1890. " ,O'C0\'NOR tC: O'CONNOI , mos•S 86-7 Solicitors for applicant during 11 , THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the farmers of this section that he will keep for•serviee at lot 1,8, can, 10, Kiutoss, his well bred Berkshire boar, "Prince of Huron." Terms—$1.00 to be paid at time of service, 4.882 •3.0IIN PURVIS, . Holyroud 1' 0. • BOAR .FOR SERVICE. ry1HE UNI)ER.SIGNED WILT, KEEP �Il for service this season at lot 11. con. ti, E. D. Asbfield, a Chester -White full bred bear, lately brought from Pinkerton township. Terms—$1, at bine of service ; $1.25 if not so paid. • PAUL SMEL'TZER .Belfast .P, O• , Ont. WACC,�„�t t AKINC ' Ht RSE S.H©EIPIC 4 N•t --- -A) O E t E RAL RLAC(Sll ITHI1EO• THE UNDERSIGNED ..WILL KEEPi for service this season at lot 2L, con. 2, ' Kinloss, a thoroughbred Berkshire boar "The Black Prince." Terrris 81.00, strictly• cash with privilege of returning if ne, essary. WILLIAM DAWSON.. 4877 Lucknow P. 0. Ont. The difficulty is in knowing where to `stop.' We are preparing for a booming trade all through this month. Winter goods must go, and we shall not stand on the • ceremony of their going. As' usual, our boot .and shoe department is replete with winter goods, mens felt boots, ladies. felt .butes, overshoes, -rubbers, etc., etc. The grocery department will be replete- with every article consistent with A general stock, and you will at 0' all times find them fresh .and in good condition. PUBLIC NOTICE. • Adam Thompson begs leave to tha th inhabitants. of J.ltcknnW and surround in country for the liberal patronage bestowed a- hisn t e last severs."'eaxra and wishes g continuance of his tild't>nstouters and a iaa. share of the•new, AS 1 O'iain' a -better positioir • than ever to supply the' ;wants of the publ FIe always"hats on hand atestock of Lago s i i gg".ies of all, kinds,. Ile-dh+oVilliremirid them of .his _far.famed SCOTCH DIAMC iD HARROWS. which lie alway has on hand and are made the very b,st material. Parties wautia.g au. thing in this line will do well to gist a hire acal and see prices before purchasing elsewher' Particular attention paid•to ' ALS. tout ; Itt SSE puma()NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that an application. will be made by Daniel Patterson., of the vil.la,:e of tucknow in the,ceunty of Bruee, to the Legislature of the Prentice of 'Ontario. at' its next session, for an act•to authorize him, the said- Daniell Patterson. to practice Dental, Surgery in the, Province of Ontario, Dated at ..ucknow this 19th day of Noveniber..1890. DANIEL PATTERSONt by . 6-878 • i=I, M'ORRLSON, his Solicitor. BOOR FOR SERVICE' THE UNDERSIGNED- WILL KEEP for seryice'tbis season at lot 14, con. 14, West Wawanosh, his superior thoroughbred Berashire-boar. Terms— 81 cash. A. 1bieMII, LAN. tf Lucknow P.,0. The ar! flatfeet': aichtt'a6don s, and interfering. By`strict attention to business, good work manship s ad employing .nothing but good hvorkmen, I trust to rt tit n . the i.atruus as kindly exLi? udedtn`me. ADAM TKOMViPSO110 Campbell Street opposite the B-air"li% IMMENSE • BARGAINS. • , Having just received a large consign , We thoroughly appreciate the kind _encouragement we have received in the past, and assure ,,you of our earnest efforts to merit its continuance. Remember the botan is for all this Month. Poultry, and Butter Eggs wanted. YOURS GRATEFULLY, A. E. Brash McInt,y re's 01:1 Stand. 'Dent of THE NEW EARLY aGR E �� °} E. COR"I•IvA�OD RIPENS FROM 13th '1'O 23th AUG CST according to warmth ad season. Three. weeks earlier than the' Cinicand. . • • The above grape'can only be piiichased from authorized •agents of Maple Grove Nurseries. Waterloo, N.Y.,.and all trees and plants sent out from those celebrated nursery &Jowls are guaranteed to give .satisfaction. (wive your orders to tint locaal agent,1l.Snence.r,Luckuo0. Agents wanted. . tb J, W. Mrb.A1.,• 3m-869 i; en Managcer, St thintias,Ottt Fresh Groceries, Choico.taimpy flour, Ca�Olco Tobacco, Ca ,i ed,.Go©le1. Crockery, • 1 Crlassware Teas, Coffee,p, area ' Sugars, which will' be sold cheap" at the Hub Grocery. Goods 'delivered to all parts Of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT House And Lot For -Sale.. OF. • SALE, , A LARGE F12A1141P: house, with stone foundation. contain- ing Hix roon)s, .'w ,odshecl, ,etc.. situated ort Campbell strei<t, opposite Dr. Garnier's rnai- deuce• The lot contains one quarto acre, attd is well suited for a garden. Poi. • 'Anther 'particu urs apply to . •7AS, WILLTA )SCN, .. 2m-88.1 Luck ao % - Farmers, Stop and. Read,. D0 NOT \VAg1..1: YOUR YOU'rivilt kNI) money •breeding w;nth less hogs that nil eat all that you can r;a•`:r.c and i.)ring you not,;, ing at the end, but raise what tns.rlger. demands to-r•ay•- a lung, deep. lir) ia'• will bring '.bout tw•n bentsa'poun1 the scrub that tears up the ground., gate, and opens the tiara, doer with If you, want such porkers as Mil ti, bring so%Vs to "Quiet 1 rncle Sam" tin in'provet) Obi n Chester Wtiite boat. kept foriervi °e atlot ti, t°on. 14, E. D !� 'Perms. -$1 .00a, strictly cash at time with privilege of returning. At .t place is kept ;a yooncf 1, O. C. 'V able for serving yoniig sows. Also cheap, n first•clueys'4timrunglahred •9 Ohio Chesttr-W hite b Tar. J.e S• 1;A1.Lt�.ru. tut:knout