HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-19, Page 4• �'- ,,Ongnrcir '.1`o Uri. rat AND TA 4RiGtE' t EIX At;C©RDI G TO, THE ,AIOTATES Ft, CoN,,,smENCE',9:irl tl'.1tLZ1 ABOYiI AIX OTHER iLINERirIE3. • . _ oltno'vr.:Deo; lett, 18.90. • a", naaa w,..: as V . • ���{s.,y�■..�.y •*t-* fi�"'i f N ' / .. nw./4♦r piyi;lld. EMtertatlnment and large Crowd be',1a.rge crowd.bhet assembled in'' <�M the town hall on° Friday evening last• •rg_. +2 hear _the programme presented by tY. ©,the titeren commit, Pe ,ies' Institute .were- wend repaid.for the' Sainte' spent . m attendance. . Owing to the regretted absence of some of those n9vhti, were to assist! the progranntne had ;tn,, be changed from the published one. The beta; though their leader Mr, :Sumner 'was absent .through illness, • acq'aitted themselves,very creditably, ;rendering some tine selections during . the evening. • Miss Irene Armstrong :sang with much acceptance, and doubt- less with constlrable truth—"I'm .1,3,erloss cart r In aelhpg' otiir productsfti yxh$" tune. iptet# 1. ghktuld be their ext.14 t ba*'eftectt 1tIr, li't idefo, will the inle Bill have aeon scabs of our. pro• a di Y It. will, 'i thiulr, effecttealy. kill our a most dictaattr�ng . The: great b rga ne .offered at the p e T store barley rnerket, and, will, a r , . P08 of ar,64$ ead$ effect upon) a great many of Ow t rodhots of •; . OW ;soil which find a ready sale and command 'pa p, -43 of � ^. 1244 lere Ye Pt4ee. se mea the border,W e will be told'that it will be the 'Peens of opening' . 7 0.11othitig ap new ,markets for our produce, the West Indies and Japan will again be trotted out, as Pf 10,9 off ° ,�a•di!✓/ ) a affording an.outlet for what the Canadian' �✓ farmer has to bell. We bav'e a dim recollec- tion of commis&t'snf,rs bring appointed in the past at to enormous expense to open up a trade with these countries. what has been • We find by referring totem all sari • " '� J� U�+# ^�n � �� ' theresultY , pe sow. d ! UlU111 .s. a.v4.,w+.., eT^ ,.f+r. ^.C.. .1 I �- (! "*'+r^"c^T TM'•^gm... .. :',^tK :'9,'L:.:., '^C;a.. ^"„r.- • .t�^t "�lli'Y•i�iY,�-' 'ir+i�'�5•�,c5-�.:..-, ��r"w'v-�+'"�r.'�'6'Q+;�v,Mil'�•'�i�.�;`+.z�C..."^,..,.;•�;�,� .c'`;d�l :..s^r. 4 Y',, ,.. �azf�'..m .. _.N.: ., �w +�, •^� a7k. r��'7'wi�r. rv. ND SE 0. f ,F« tario exported to Japan. $2,995 ; British -West, Indies, $10.875 ; and ,to the Danish Wett M �� ?sT s I 1, Indies. $19,x01. These are the countries we _ are invited to look to for 'a market. During' the same Year we, exported to -United And will carry out t© the letter what advertise.States $23,449,821. Look at the- geographical positive of Canada and the Unites States. and Give the new store a trial. eat once that our dealing with • you will conclmi Let us endeavwr to. get Reciprocity of Trade between-the-twocounti.ies.-You-illnatUralLY ask how this is to be brought about. I answer by sending mento represent us who wills advocate by voice as well as vote reciprocity theU.S. I've been a life long Reformer and t have no hesi- tation in saying that I will vnte for -no, man.- be he Reformer or Conservative. who will not pledge himself to do his utmost to. secure this boon. As Canadians we ought not to ask any favors but it is our duty to make the attempt, With respect to the Petrone I may say that they are an outcome of..the grange, their prinbiples are not to pall down, but to build up gfd-=m h_e rt'a ply ain yet,"—but the instituti�us of our country, to live and let wait a +ill Miss Irene gets to be a few live, to educate the farmers into practising a dears older and some "bonnie laddie" higher grade of culture ; to discuss all matters and she will be quite at she moutbly meetings which may have a COtnt?s along tendency to benefit their couditiona as by so wil ing to sing, doing the who'e community will be beuefitteJ: I've• a hand.for a pretty kid glove, Show me a cnuatry where the farmers are prosperous and I will show you a .pounti y where tie merchaut, the niechat•ic. the artisan and the laboring classes are prosperous. As citizens eve ate dependent upon each ether for Our =success. linen, Sir, the principles of the order ore non-partisan and non-sectarian. All ovher,classee i ave their erg, .uizati',ne and why not the farmers.? I trust that the Patrons will be guided by wise 'counsels, that they weal' always oppose what is wrong and advocate what is right and noble. If they follow this errors) Biu zoned u on tht it ;banners. . COEteert nt The Isle of Sky The old proverb Wait "He who fighta'and runs away may live to fight another day." But they who had 'the plcusure of 'attending the concert given in S, S. No, 7, Ashtield, on' Tuesday night last under the .directorship of r.-ftearl5_es 1_& ose who had who have :read Statrlely s uu the pleasurti of listening to such •a rare A neat little foot far a shoe, , A. heart overflowing with love And cherished frir--t know who. One of the main teatures nt the evening was t'he' sit�'�ing°of i� t•, David Rennie and ,class • of pupils. These boys and girls acquitted' -themselves so ,creditably*hat it is with pleasure that -we give their nan)es—Misses Annie McKay .:and,Mina Graham, an.d asters Andrew i1lcKenzie, Jno. 111/ clone , an ► -iilan, anrc.arc McKay. They sang the following selections R,ai*e en the roof,. Cool Siloam, U ,ing clown the Valley, and We're a happy little band. Mr. R:1).. °aileron, riy.rted t•hc attention of the audih1 C :VIT..' nearly `three quarters -of an •hour, with an r eellent lecture 'on. Stanley's ettpedltioti through Africa t• o,. - Trefie -e f -tit in–kas' ', ' .vete' to. thns0 b k this was a treat, refreshing the mew!y ,literary and, Musical treat, hadrto oeeaeton to -run away but left breathing the fervent senti- ment, "It was bond to be there." The pro- grannne opened ,with an instrumental from the St. Helens string band,- which was well received and warmly applauded. After which is numberof the, scholars took part in reciting, singing rand natural gbility. There little folks ave 1),ad . a thorough training and aN a result '-do their yvork as well as can done, Mr. Nelson's comic song "The boot black boy" was • highly appreciated and twice heartily encoi.ed. The di legue'a)ttitled "The Califor elan was listened to with good . attention., after which - the St. Helene glee club, favored tha audietcp with the sung . "Hear 'dem bells."- 'ljiey also Haug by request the song "Billy McGee, 1l1cbraw" which was heartily ei,c.,red. St. Helens has just cause to proud of . each talent. The farce "1)auiel U'Cuunel eutw-tte,l" was thoroughly .ni.yeti.• The originates, to .Irishtuan, lives in Param stint. Atter a brie intermission the onnxrt proceeded and a comic darkey dia- logue," The gnarl' Doctor" fairly hr tight down il1e holier. il1r. Frank Patterson gave a Yst'sley stump speech in proper style. bliss Rollie liondorsoai fav: -red the audience with an tnstrumeatal nn the •accordi:en. All the instrumentals were of high merit. Scanlan's swing sang by eight little girls was loudly ap plamled ne was els,! the • poor -Will." gaud "Little Annie Rooney." 'rim last act a farce entitled "John Dram, the barber of Derice" 'was well oerformert. The audience was euraptnre,l and thundering encores brought the audience to *heir feet singing the Nationals n_thrm,,thu. hrir sing the evenings et,joyutent to a close. DIr. 1t. 1). lOaweron, of , Lueknow, ably occupiers the chair and althnugh as he said"t:he•;'tih,•nce ware! packed as close as herrings iii a-'harrel," yet perfect order prevailed. Mr. Cauiepn, is to be con- brahtlated oa'bis eff,'rts. The net proceeds, atnousted to t3'ltt, whiyh kr, Uairneron pu- pogea d' -v ting to 'lis iuterest4 of the bcho lace to prize realer Is. , with 'the principle event,: pf this .,gt;#n utidrrtaking. Mr3. S: W. Armstrong sang in•her usual good style a,solo,.pnd a1Ao assisted ,Mr.. W..J.;Bruinptott in a very fine duet, 'eatitted "%Vhip-poor_, 'VAS—el4iild, the entertainment. more meetings Will be held till,: early in • January, when doe notice will be. given. Patronsof. Iildusiry , To the Editor of the 1890 LL 1 90 e .are shoe ing this week something special in LADIES' SILK EMBROIDERED SITS In all the new shades. Also Fancy Embroidered Table Cloths, Mantle Drapes, Table Drapes and A, Tidies. Just the thing to give a EAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE FIAS To your parlor furniture. Call and see them. They aregoing - oin. . fast, ut we are re -ordering for the limas trade. REARf; a 'neat deal of mi's-. understandingexists regarding the true objects of the Patrons. of Industry, I ask you to pulAish the: following speech delivered by 15,C);...(4xahatl), leading member of ,the.assobiat nu,..at the nil-• lage of Forest R sier-t,titve ,ago, and reported in the Free /'r'c st�f that place.' • Yours.truly, • - • • OROAN itzr,it )colt BarUcE. Mr. Grai'fant said the great oliject'af the • SoCit ty was to endeavor to unite in one -solid phlamax. 'the tarntet$,;,the Mechanics and the laboring classes with • a view r1f patting an end hy'Logislatiott to the•huge cnuthiitea and 'rings which - are sucking the life blood out of the. working classes, • Yuuu will want to know, 1tTt. Presilent, how this is to .be acenmplishr'd. 1' answer by asyin.;-- mend the 1)n -wink n Art. Mase it a penal crime ft?•r airy per -on o'r-coutpany to enter into any po opact with an- other.persp.n persgp', ;or company, with.0 view..of,raising tjte price above or beyond whiff. the twirl, w,ty)l,.l lox/. /een bad such crintbit;artot) rt exist.t'd. Road if yon will the re par,•' of ,the ,core- r.- tpitte-e in the 1-Enuse of Commons, appointed to exaiiine into t"e wn rkin; of some of these rings and pqmr4nes and vrnn will find that in some instances the .purchaser h.as to ply over threw times the amcognt it er,,at the mannfactar• er to produce it. • It ,is high t'me that ,the Working classes united) for the pnipose of pro- tecting themselves Ngvinet such wholesale rob- bery. Will any man date to Pay that if there was no combine on salt that it,wmildhave sold, ' in the town of 'Pores*, for $1..G& per barrel,nr ld 1 sold for 15 eta. • • a T ..E i.► IDt.J C '<---=�✓ CO.. ' LUOKNO11VtAND DUN'GA-N ON HhNTan--In '{Vest Si:perior. 'Wis., on the 15th December, l,he wire of Mr. R. L. dauuter, of a son. LUC/KN�JW MARKETS. (Corrected every Thursday Flour kali \1 heat;... Oats . , that hi rr terms sou have so Pea per lb. -'1;han:we have another canve-t of cola. Bas tley jalaint.,,which•.ca11stor rnited actian ion the Pork ,tarme', the we'chante,.the artisan,• the 'mann• gi„etnrer the meraha;,t and the' labnxina classes PotntoF'S ,,,by ennntry est to ►iroaper, and that coin -Butter that we .are handicapphd 1y ,the morating.) 86 60. 7.. , 44 ,,.,,5 15 30 4,0'35 ,,,.13 Lgg.r••,.,.•..,..:.,•:,;,f..... . ,15 OVERGATSI h.e season for overcoats is here. We have a LARGT SQRTMEN.T • For men arid boys at right prices. In caps - we have 3 GOOD 411.550.iirlizyr Of Persian Lamb, Beaver, Seaietts, Etc. A Call solicited. WIVE_ COM,.. 0 V :wit S ST ESI It will profit you if you want to purchase a good OOK STOVE, PARLOR STOVE dR BOX STIOVE - FOR COAL OR WOOD.' • • s. You will - find our sick This spasm, to call on �. � complete and at °reasonable prices. • A large' ,stock of stove r ;ituxe garde, Pipes, Etc:, . Amy Price. Now is your time to get a good stove cheap 'at The leading stove depot. . A11137.0 - ` 1. 1R,F w I U 0 ..fir ' e