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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-19, Page 2
?. Ar : w. ' w.' - I. - - . . ,. -. . 1.y1. 7 -ia . plutocrat and proletariat classes? The ownership by reason of production dxcludea taxation fa• distinctively favorable to the running through nature. Let no mwr} ` ^ POVERTY. one.ola:s Ii'umeriially weak but strong in all other titles; and if production gives the speculator as against the producer. I need think he can iiivoroe cause and consequence RQD . �1heave arl�..earutld b : , rc}dnoer gaolaeive title,.then ^it 1o11owQ that not go oatgide of the city for examplee ; that he can do wrong and escape the �•.,..... wealth -front w .._....f -.._ Y P :. _.. whom P f x , other numerical :s strong n,, oan own•thst which,he has not pro.- qoa have all ".net with them. Go to one of 'penalty. The laws otNature are the law* t,: , , as, it is financially weak, feeling that it deed or procured from the holder of the our land speculators who holds, valuable God. He, not revoked. It takes more �elV1Dn �►fter it Ill the Fonndataons of suffers a grievous wrong, but unable to title. Man did not create the earth ; no property -gr rather property of varying than a Dominion or a Pro�inoial Aot to re- discover and apply the remedy, groping man can show a producer's title to a foot of value, low when assesied, high when you peal this law : .�i • D after light, peeking protection in organize- it ; no man can convey a higher title than bay -and secure a small lot. It may have. It will not be contemned of any one, ,: �, ,,,,r.r Qor Ec000mic System. tions _which--:ometil eB good, often bad, in that which he, himself poesesses'; therefore been in very bad shape. You drain it, level Who thwarts it loses, and who serves it gains; rI. their reoulte-at least indicate clearly all claims to absolute ownership of land are it, enclose it, erect a house on it and in Tt►® hidden good it pays with pesos and bliss, _ The hidden ill with pains. enough the keen Sense of injustice and the inconsistent with fieat principlee. In this other waya add to the appearance of that It Beeth everything and marketh all; iter /t.mt�iEtyfl� T A WQ A T.T. �.i$'t �9airn .to improve. The eitnatian iS a oonneotion it would be interesting to trace part of the city. How is your labor and Do right, it recompensetb; do one wrong, j±• v-1 ., Ax's AN grave one; it would be a dangeronSone were the gradaat progress OI flee aiieual,104 vii =PaZdAltaiv :+Iri+T3t;iatz.o? Camp zz your '1!h« entanl retribution must be paid __- O � I _t o, e-_,nc}ttion 'liberal the A hto of the whole people in the soil, I tax bill with the lest one paid b the a eau- Tho Dharma tarry long. • + _ , J.# t,IJF, .,Xil,6 pr •h,. } ,dr _ _I. _�r. F 1. _„� y P���.It knows not wrath nor pardon, atter true 11't*+ ^' -^,,•. „•..; ._ ., .. •., "-rel ^t'.. -'-TM's l" l a. r�R' ,5, ,._ , .... .. _ .•,,. W.<, r•, .,.•!i ,.i. �r.1 , . 4-,.,. :.. r.,s4-,,,. a.« -, _-„,�: �_„_..r ... y-�� �.,_,v,a .,�. _„ „zee. c'E � c..e.'a:_a5:_c ,;?.�.S`:..u_.:_e�a,�_1_t_:'7°' ^St'.:t. t:, �s`�•..J.�u:. qr ,,.r: ti7T ,,,. e.M..:cJk�,.^AUCYx�s3'irue -{. ;, . * j.�'k+tx'T ` y, 'moi rs� Ii.—. . w. �O-- -- - - 0�i ��1QID aV Pa trano�liee w °h a haesa voice m making iu � referenoe� to � the necessity o! oo es, to your iron , plant some t=ees, - add a Times ,ire as, naught; to -morrow wi�i j rose )" ° to ESC" a the Peualt . knowledge that h g g Or after many days. r n ,; Y the laws, and the more important foot that the land, declared : " Land is perpetual fountain, and presto again By this the slayer's knife did stab himself, r ; + at o hi own d , __„�_ at heart the masses ere not So' depraved . as, man. Fisher says : UP ao YOvs TAxEB, The unjust judge h h i st s defender: I �; The false tongue dooms its lie; thecreeyingthiet 1 She Xxiating voverty—Two Kinds or idle— they are Sometimes depicted. A remedy iB ++ It may not be out of place here to allude to Until you almost feel that your improve- And.spoiler rob to render. w C �' Tile I.aborer.'s 8trngele—George and urgently required, and in Spite o! the the use of the word property with reference to urease are in the nature of an offence Such is the law that moves to righteousness, } 1�ellamT—The Soot E�11—�P1vtt iY papers of the thpughtless and the mnaendoee land ; oparty—from propriu�n, my own- is Which none at last can turn aside or stay; a ainst the community and wish you had something pertaining to man. i have a prop g y y The heart of it is love; the and of it _ ' a• property " Y -Ownership o! . Men— of the interested the number of its seeker: arty, in myself. I have the right to be free. Ali let your money lie in the, bank and rented. Is peace and consummation sweet. Obev t ., justice 'Demanded -The Hemedy-Ola• multiply. that proceeds from myself, my thoughts, my A(( this time the neighboring lots EFFICAOY OF THE REMBDY. ' GEORGE AND BELL&=* wr ngs, my works, are property; n ;, held b ;Mr. Speculator remain v �e..H_-� n_�a rat _ �__.�- _ �ther© ore l& d e 3t52� Riper .-r - - P. - . `" -- �- - ai:e ttil .AQ: - t y _ - _ ow r h ", ` The following is from rem eo agB r e no snb'eate to -day receive more There is no sea:oa that can be urge , comes along ho le asked a higher price for e: gge `e as, Ice an wle "" k1 I.,, -,_--- �'- -delivered_ in Hamilton, by Mr. _John .� P ] y y p y p thein because of the labor and money you .P ' ' w �, `'.:,, , t7arriok, and pfe:ente a statement of the ikttentlan-than biose of the Nationalization be and the ural hyeioal one, why the le !or wbioh' I contend y,on may yet r�� 1'1 ,g ," ` imp of those who advocate Land Nation- of Land, or which Mr. Henry George is the water and the air o! the planet Should not have expanded upon your lot and for which question its efficacy as a remedy fo F chis! exponent, and the State Sooiahem of have been paroelled out 'and made the pri• you are so heavily taxed 1 You do the Prevailing poverty. I ask you to . 1. x, ° f�lisation or the Single Tax: : p p work and expend the money; you are �� i'' ` Iatt these days taw observing mon snaps the Edward Bellamy school.' It is not vote ro erty of the few with as much of and consider that the question jot po sty r, r m purpose here to enter upon a dieonesion right and justice as, oan be oddnced to heavily taxed. The epeonlstor takes the to -day is not one of production. P ,t - �," a -.• Wetruggle with the problem offered by the of 111r. Bellamy's theory. pI only wish to excuse the prevalent idea of private owner- irofite on the sale o! your lot, and pays low Production, both•actual and in proportion ,°yx , ., az Aertion �� poverty. It waylays the Sa in passing that the two ropoeltlone are ship of the soil. taxes, pet pockets the benefit reeniting to the labor expended haver was more " , , 4�,, er at the Street corners, peers pit him y P P . abundant ; the Earth wax never more prom broken windows and squalid tone• essentially different-irreoonoi ably.antat;o• TITLES TO THE SOIL. from your investment and labor, in the k. p'11 - , ' r, t �� ', fruitful. There is enough wealth to make PI• ra �,F., r ;'. , torrent:, and the inched faces of its child• nistic in prinoiple-having�nothing incom- I cannot diverge to -night to deal with inoreaed prices which he d®mends for the all oomtortsbte and yet lesson toil. The °" " 4 .* . ' time visit him in hie dreams sn mon save the wish of the °promoters to the various kinds of titles ander which the neighboring lots upon which be has neither evil is one of distribution. Competition its t t � r Xi0 benefit their fellows. Mr. Bellamy': world's lands are held. It is enough if yon toiled an hour nor spent a :billing. Why . µ Y +wistfully plead for its edntion. It lollowe contemplates the extinction of the indi• admit that all of God'S ahildren are entitled do epeculatore often bind porchogere of lots rendered unnatural by the fact that an � �< ; ; i4ini like an animated interrogation point, P element necessary to labor and to life i4 �'+ din ro ortion to the broadness o! his vidual in the state, and the assumption by to life and are equal, before His law, to to build houses of a Specified character? made the property of the few, while the y r �y �; '" P p the State of all the functions of ownership, stamp all titles to exclusive ownership of To secure a good close of houses for -the many are compelled to pay tribute to th6t • r ' � ` � aeind and the goodness o! his heart he ` t <, tIV, 1.? tlii�oo>riett anatioas ,to discover why it ie that management and employment. It viowa the soil ere spurious. Asa foot, however, city ? Oh, no 1 blot at all l Every good few for permission to labor, and are again + '+ +u q competition as an evil to be got rid of, and they are all fon discovery, force or hoaee. erected enhances the veins of the P In a lana J plenty, with bursting grerlar-es P p `" - g ,one neighboring lots ; and this value, which he taxed to maintain governmental inslitn- exalts the representatives of the eople fraud. T'I Au'uY tions of s frequently prodigal and extravw• r' r" jai _ a i, I . •nd storehotiee: So full of goods that the the Government to :null a degree of in• for which a defense, gn whom ? and enavze-e&.nreate, our land and tax laws k: 1-71,11 �, laotorie: are periodically shut Gown to fallibility as, to make them incapable o! the attempted. But discovery by - ant character. "f; fr tfeduoe the supply, thoaeandS able to work errors which regent anooese even under of how mnoh ? Did the title to America A LAw AaAINST Iidrlc�n�anSe. g 'Ini end sailer to give their labor in eaohsnge P There are lots in this oily to -day of great' LaRo EARNED THE SPE CIILATOR S PROFITS? f, ,F the stimuli of self-interest and oom etition- vest•iu the Mound lions re ? Or in the value, carrying mere rookeries, but &aseseed represents so Luo. -- _ eoulator E %r those very prodoGta Should h dQiterredNorth t fhe o porttmity and dotlmed to want; vVar thea e�dI�ooaet z�oi�Lanid 1�ioentlal� =ion, she Norsemenm2eriOr n whom did i eat ? Did comparatively low and paying their owners who produced it.2 Not'tH� p - fi k 1 f + i'' ° .a fit is than while thousands upon thoneande - L+-�mbua' ..Or iv invalidate that title? a good income. Some of the coyness would He is to society what the wolf y to t • ,, , , ... err after year, With in competition a ladl ®rest better and mord creditable ghee fold. His busineea is to levy toll. ' #oil day after dlty, y y GREAT NATunAL LAW How mnoh territory Des dieoovery entitle p t prey upon th© produoare. If + `,, ` e� '. toil day t break in the monotony of structures, but upon making a prospective progress ; o p y p `� � I trained exertion, yet are (even if forth- operative n everyeodepartmTnt with county ? a province 2 ad continent ? if estimate they discover that the interest on he adds a cent's worth to the enm of the IV,, hate enough to obtain, oonSiant employ creation, and,•wh the necessary outlay,, plus the annual tea world's wealth it is in the capacity of a � A,, , �a redaoe;*.• speculation never made a dol - , ,IV went) barely able to enpport, the loved ones human enactments, operating to the benefit Crnsoe's Island had been half a million which the city would compel them to pay p P �., � tY.•' ' ' xn ndent barely able to HUP re ahouldbe others of the race. They able n natural of o :vita- square it tri n e tae Iona -owner, ! ore all on a fine new building,would leave them no lar that wee not taken from some man - a►hPn though never adding a dollar to the Lion a law as, invariable better off than at present. The system of earnings. Bear that in mind. The aotrL - x;'�., ,, world': wealth nor doing an hoar': neefal tion, ere a eo v:hslQrhy' to it, can onlyne obe hen. irs ? a I,sn t it absurd lth Ownership of taxing a man according to. what he owns, d�Ioer is always impoverished by y ` * tabor, eat; drink, wear and use the ,choioeSt omy, , i'' "` labor of others*; and who, resisted at great Dost. •They do not pro• the land, Y have said, or rather a000rding to hie, industry and the enm taken by tine epeonlator. He is a }, :`' f pproducts offhe vee to resist it. What they do propose nIEANs owNE>xaszrr of THE MEN, productiveness, tends to repress production hole in the pocket 'of labor ; a constant ' '�,4 titrange to say, although rioting in luxury, p nlnnlate wealth and the instead of more paternal legislation is leas who of, neoeeoity live on the land. and to discourage improvement. I am glad poor relation who mightwould be well be dispensed t �,• ttontitine to coo y In the ultimate it is but another to see that following the statutory :$amp• with. The beoelnae ait would dear oy the t power to utilize the productive capacities interference with the libert of the in• form, o! slavery, already measure 1 tion of farm Stock the city has decided to his craft, -0_,. 4 the B}Iowg,�Ha aaka_llim:ell by it, dividaal. oar laws, not those o! the y exempt t manufacturing plant. This is 'a epeanlative valnems, atheladir direct ar in -.. ^' ` , is that diseased public opinion awardt�rea or, are `at-1ia�it:`iiaey-ash-that sea lze in-stltTr� of ilia older -°d -nu st- e n the rlgll '-di atron; Zoe -by—relief -fro t"A s tt competition be restored to a natural basis ; papnlonS countries. In all cases it gives goal must be the exem tion of all improve- direot imposts which, even in tlii"at ��u :' y the power to absorb the earnings of the g P P form a heavy and t { 111YANTA°E9, THE . HONORS AND TSE RESPECT meds leeiwe be ire tiared to°mankind as, a masses who labor. In Britain, at this dap, menta, whether .the plant of the mannfao young country, 3',. �ilaced `.f4"' to the successful idle, while the idler who whole ; that within the individual sphere s small proportion of the population- tures or the cottage of the ertizan. There inoreaeing burden. Taxation remove : I 'J - $Qq,eee not :o well saaoee3 in living upon his we shall Say to corporate power . Hands about 30;000=have the legal right, to tarn. will be no ehrrtag� it the o�mmnnity col- from prodnoeta tion and oaal➢angaud a, whish it ` • � 1, fellows, bat who may even be anxious to off 1" - In short that the right of the people five•siaths of the people of the kingdom lest: its own the tea on the land values. span land values, would lstim'ulate produc-- R �'.'. hive by his own exertion", is termed a to- the natural opportunities shall be .re• upon the streets (which do belong to fill), TAX srEetlLeTIvE veLIIEs. tion, because h would not then be. profitable 11 , .. , tramp and hounded dower by the doge of stored to them. They eek, why should the end the owners of the coal lands oan Bay Bat it ie' said it would be hard on the far• to hold valuable lend idle. There would . • ,.�,.-.)iaW_1Lhe_ie gjy ]n o algae reasoning he eople-be-deprived_oI- thei.•r birthright end -toAhe v¢oxhsrs, "That ooal is ours. Come mer. It would not. Being a tax on the value be nospeculative inareaeb in value to look ' may even wonder at the neon is enoy then be taxed. to give affeot to the depriva• to our terms ere to wages and'honrs�f'(abor pr- • oduced y the preseno�ot the -population- -for'wa`r-too; "arid-the-tarwonld-tae-the same t r�i . which sande to jail the pauper who hese a tion 2 Why should they who produce i or not a pound shall be mined. while you it would fell most heavily. on the moat on lots equally eligible whether covered �� ., I few pennies from the oom asaionate. while x�� P abundance not reap abundantly y starve in Lidlenese a coal famine wilhbenefit populous centres. The rural neighborhoods with thiattea, producing abundant crops, or fit lopoke np with respect to him who So should men willing to 'work need alma ? ug in the higher prices it ensures. The. woaldnot be materially affected, save that, as the site of a factory employing its' , gag .. inflneaee legislation a: to divert to his hose is the earth -the Lord's or tho few own tho earth; the many have only it would prevent the looking ap of farm thousands. It would vastly multiply ars; own pocket a proportion o! the earnings of landlord:' ? air and water. The experiences of the lands for pnrposea o! Speonlation. Farms opportnnitiea for the utilization of labor ,' :} 1 F, others without their, consent. He will not THE xaoT EVIL., older countries ought to be a lesson to ns equally eligible would pay the same tax and it would therefore Lend to better 1.Sud is as easy matter to agnore the results Let a: for a moment forget the oom• while =storm is yet easy: Here the Spare- whether one Starved his farm, at&( his ,w,,eee. It would, in short, reform dis- ' l of his observations with first principle:, P p grain, lived in a hot and hoarded hie money, tribntion. r `` `•� t ` bat he will readily conclude that the con• plexiy of the laws with which We have nese of o elation has hitherto masked the b g A' DEFINITE ISSUE. roved his 11 z�x: dition wbioh preSentaitself is not the ref It surrounded sideration to fir tv grins pie es, and nrnWhen the ur conevil, but it Svc los xIIsxa� y nozrE. fences and dwelt in, a con t y barns on. Weigh the proposition: A tag on produce k'1. of obedience to natural laws, bat rii But you would destroy Speculative g t r P ,,,.But,, you gay, ",how are you agoing to y tends to rc°Striot production ; a taacnoom- a their violation; that, therefore, the evils wise man has to decide upon a souses or an remedy the evil ? Yon cannot with jaatiee values," you Bey. Yee, we would crush out meree tends to discourage exchange ; both • r 5� - ere deplore erg not irremediable,, and that action he tries it by the canons of Right. I speculation aB a •form of gambling in lead to lees work and tower wanes. A tea . �µ ` ; the first duty of the economist is to die• ask you now to bury ideas of temporary take the land from its present holders and sP 1�� :: areal it but in equal shores to all." No, natural opportunities ; we would tea .the 'on land values tends to bring 1'and into use, F 1 ;, Dover wherein'we have t><a}iegreeIad those expediency, or rather while we view these s eonlative values into the coffers o! the to increase prodnotion and, logically, to t� . nor would such a courae be desirable were community. But .that would not be a laws in order that we may, with as In matters to bear in mind that what 'ie right it practicable. Bat it is impracticable to y. more em to mens at better wages, which c 11 . 'a:', expedition a: possible, get our car book is;slwayaexpdient: r, into the grooves of the celestial wheela. Underlying this whole question, we who do jostles by any ,kind of arbitrary divi- oalsmwo The lend world be erg good and means more general' comfort. The evil is �tO r. ,4 advocate the Single Tax contend, is the evil cion. Any scheme of amelioration must there would be ere mnoh of it ere before. It re and to the distribution o! wealth -=the TSE QIIEBTION O$ THE DAY. °! de rivationof natural opportnnitiee-pri would be worth just es, much for any use- g rodeos not and P be one capable of constant adjustment, system by which those who p '*,' The question of poverty-absolutevote property in land. -We contend that inl purpose ere it on .had paid twice, tho pre an to possess themselves of a without disturbane to holders of land, to P P y goodly share of tho proiuctg of the earners M relative --is pro- the problem of it is not only inexpedient but contrary to the ever changing air°nmstauces o! pope- Price to a Speculator.- That eminent every principle of justice that Nature's authority, Fisher, says : „F• ? the day. •Allvaiet and' egoist, from differ- lotion. Every child born into the world y+ ot --orae corrected, and the right of each u . z' ent but distantly allied motives, study it. bounty to all men -the elements' should hag sa much right to the soil I' a has the 11 Natural laws forbid middceme, and y o sub- ! , � I all of Iiia earnings not only admitted but. 1. It is felt to be s gaeation of rime import- become the eaolasive pr°party of Dake of Westminster or Jay Mold, or ins to make the land productive, and pet sub- g ' any man or set of men ; that t0 sist upon the labor of the farmer, and receive given effect in practice ; and the condi- anoe, net only to material b t ere well to Vanderbilt.; but every one. does not work ere rent part of the produce of big toil." tions whioh, have made the right to labor r,#' mental, moral and religions pr greas. Men give to one class ' the land of the a boon,. reversed, the resells cannot, dislike vet ere they dishk anything earth, which is necessary to the lite o! the land, and an equitable distribution, were And again : but be most beneficent. Competition po r y• such possible, would be destroyed every I;snd does not represent capital', but the im- ', f ,' that oensea pain to themselvea or those race, ie to handicap the 'others in the time a child was born "into the world. provemonts upon is do. A man does not pur- will then be natural ; the laborer `' + they love. Rev. Washington Gladden competition which Nature ' insists upon ; chase sand. He buys the right of locking u of ",: ' °` overt as i blessing, but. I Fixity of possession is a desideratum, ere any transfer of land tbere is no locking up of worthy of his hire, ere we now admit, will affects to view p y g that in the nature of things land is not conducing .to productiveness and improve. capital, because one man receives exactly the not be'oheated out of a great portion of it; ` . have noticed that few sane people strive property, and that even it we who live ment,•and the • aaoredneea of the rights of amount the other expends. * +' The land and it misfortune Still maks calla upon our +I to -day were to alienate our birth -right •in t does not become either more or less productive +, after it; and I oan but marvel at the char• the holder to all that he owns rens. be by reason of the transfer from ono person to charity We shall be the better able to F' Irr�, I acterization of any condition ere a "blase• the, natural opportunities we would have ro vee to Beanie , a " which, according to the same writer, res ected. This we p p another ; it is the withdrawal of labor that' extend it without fear of pauperization g no right to disinherit posterity. We con while restoring to the people their birth- affect's its productiveness. where we have founded our economy on �' is brought about by ,, lazinese, inefficiency, tend that to take from the individual his right a the Soil, a poop dispossessing ' OBJECTIONS MET. Justice. These groes extremes of wealth , ��kt '. Waste, mismanagement and injurious in- right to the soil is to• compel him to Pur- anybody, without any Shook to Booiety, `I have beard it said that it the land- and poverty will rapidly dieappesr, and i! -' * " " poverty g chase tho'right to live, labor with a y y' {< dalgerlce. Now, were overt recognized end without any worse result than the holder , tailed to . pay the tax be millionaires become fewer general oorjnfort y, as a bleeeing, the philosopher or economist portion 'o! his earnings; and is. to that opening np of many opportunities to would be in dpnger .of being dispossessed. and happiness will increase, and ere 1 11 :' r�',, . who world Seek to abolish it and its at extent an assertion of ownership of man by labor, end enforcing on the drones the too That is true, but Vit;:is not a valid objection. men will look back and marvel rho e ! , tendant Sorrow and suffering would prop- man, lege obtrudent but no more admin- lou suspended sentence : " He that It for s certain length of time the tag was very aagaoiation of idleness end riches and 0 ` to be viewed aS an undesirable citizen. sable than the principle of'ohattel slavery. g P y toil and poverty had not long ago pointed t; workoth not neither shall he`ea�:'. not paid, piocednre ;world be taken b tea r Reye. Dr. Howard Crosby, in an article in Let as glance at THE REMEDY P2IOPOSED. Sale to make collection, and there is no ere to a solution of the problem. W ;. THE NATURE OF LAND. reason why the rights . of the bolder t0 all . I. the "Forams" referring t0 those' Who deny NOT A REVOLUTIONARY PROPOgeL. ;1.4,. ,t that the Creator is to blame for the wide- It is limited, in extent ; anarested by man; / . And how is it to be done ? the roceeda of snob sale, over the arrears we are roarer the remedy than many tach , o read overt of the day end who seek to and °Dere, should not be sa fully Secured imagine. Did time permit I might trace I t I p p y incapable of being by his efforts materially We propos° to do it by toaation. We ander the Single Tax system sS they are in g s ,: bring about s better oondition, Says: It increased or diminishd; necesgar�r to We that instead of taxes on la d, th earStages,b which in Britain duties ;. `W is not the fact of poverty that troubles din • t' " • and to hie human existence. Man can no moan live ter: onstomtl and �eacieeS taaee,il a a� income under the cage of las sales now. The Single Tax to the easy attaching to the eaolu- .0 T these popple, but share envy , . without a000ee to land than lie be would be a cheap tea, because it would tree Sive . own SatlBfaction he traces all poverty' to without air, because land is theultimate imate tax the bon land enefit of theaoommnnity� that value 'COMMer°e and production from many bur• ested oalawlmakera u shifted been by akar it , ,LIQUOR, LAZINESS AND IMPROYIDHNCE., upon which labor is leaerted dens and torn out an army of y productive ive shoulders, and how the idea of the mored= ' , " R The rev. entleman'e opinion is frank which enatenanee is derived. Ownership which is added to tlittahlesndTesr une,. ,.,of the tea -eaters to earn a living by prodnotive nese of o art in land bas been props- ` , t rovements, by P labor. It'wonld be an easy tax to collect, PrP y almost to brutality, but the eaonomiet is o! land involves ownership o! men, Hod ii lotion. wo propose that the unearned and wonldin that way alone, save millions. gated. Lot me point out to you, however, ' nadietnrbed; he is content to deal with Robinson Crusoe been able to on lend pop P P that no citizen tinder the British Crown ' • facts and reasons, knowing that in the laws ouch as we respect today he would increment, wbioh now goes tObenas dt to It would take away the Premium we j now pay to dishonesty, idienesa ow7aa land. The ownership vests in the �k °• reanit o! his work lies hie justificatifan. ' He have been as truly master of Friday as land owner a11 odnctioni,tOcommerce and Crown as representing the whole people -- y: �4`i �. can afford to have charity. ever Louisiana *ss of Negro Slave. relieve labor, p and s eculation, and abolish our not s few of them. A Astute of Edwa l,' ; ;, Bnt Allowing all that Bhoald fairly be Give a few men the land of.the Nation and improvement of the burdens now ire• fines on production, improvement and r the objeottir P ..-. conceded to incompetence, sloth, p g - y �� that is only a roundabout way eaobange. It would be a scientifically Dor• IfT. in force to -day, asserts : rodi al the ability to enforce the land laws and, posed 'neon them.. But," y , *: re egad the for ell raotioal ur ores, become ss may says, , property taxation." root end honost tea, beO&1iBO it: would take ++ That the Bina is the universal lord andfg_'� . t, ity end intenlpersnoe-end I am p p y, P P Pthe share of all in the natnrsl heritage for incl proprietor of all land in his kingdom,, and , ` ;;., #o make; lar a oonceasione--there still re- much the owners of the rest ere if they had of taking a man'svs, the benefltbf all, instead i secluding the that no man doth or can possess au. part of qt.. ' t, resin the'hard facts that thoussnds aeon bid them, off the "notion block ; with the Dieorflninste. Wo would give pro all is seat a crit from that heritage L and derived as a gift from him to be hold on feodal 1, . " thous' who • would willingly avert added advantagene�ha oto der to the lose in aag nd= son the land,aslln he improvements heavily tt sink thong afterwsrda. Again, it eervioe.but at ,•hue mPaietoly or frena lately' been a poverty by laboring foil to get employment, ahsttel Slavetow from impost, but in lieu. of all o has been objected that in substituting the And Fisher, referring to this, Says `' '' end that millions who 'labor steadily and' by underfeeding, overwork and abuse, tazes, direct and indirect, we would take p No lawyer will assert for any English subject r ilndaStrionely have. the landlords, face ao such oontin;zenoy. single tag on land values for our resent in. '? Increase o population means more demand toY the Comm he fand, in taxes (economic equitable, oom lex and expensive system, a higher title than tenanev-in-foe, wbioh bears y' s• A IRS STRUGGLE which puts s penalty on the man who the �mpro�s of holdJnLn and denies the assertion the wolf from the door; s Struggle for their lands, bower wage: if they hire ; rent), that valve but which he is neither did" q P of ownership. to keep poor crops mean higher prices for them and nor could produce oommnnity hirrespeotive of makes to bladeof grass grow where only THE WOULD MOVE 9- E�1 • •' rendered more Sad by tho knowledge that a lighter meal for the laborer ; :von war the land by one sew before, we would sot ilia justly! in In event tlt their death or inoapaoity their that all save holders of lend would escape We do not ask to invalidate any titles to ;; : , means to them higher rents. Land 10 any expenditure or effort on his part. Is g the land, or to interfere with its sale or loved ones will be thrown upon the charity neceneary to life ; to deprive a child of hie it wrong to ask that - those who prodnoo taxation. This objection indicates a total 1',' . � of the world. No wonder then that think- interest in the land is to rob him of his shall poBSeBS 2 Or is it unnatural tbat I bequest.' wo simply propose that natural failure to grasp the underlying principle of conditions be restored end rho right of ilio '' ins men of humane impulses should strive birthright. To contend otherwise is to those in the enjoyment unearned tib:, rho thoory of Land Nationalization. If ' to discover and extirpate the root.of the assert that all are not equal before Gdd'B comes should strenuously app each has an interest in the land, it matters aeePative now in r ; in that the t evil. The venae is not to be band in the law and that some Dome into the world realization of such a reassess of justice ? not by whom it is held, the taking by the P. practice, niggardliness of nature. The earth pro. HORN THE SPECVLATOB IS FAVORED. State, as representing all, of even the whole reabackremoved be stricken off and the fines „ with s better right to His bonntie: • then cued ram lobo production an ea •, aa; degas Onntlph rand to fliAre'; and modern, gtlacrs• $peat,11%tion in land 'ia an evil beside annual valne of the right of each wonld be. rem t r, prod olio - ltrietliode of transportation, storage i►ad LAND NOT°riRO111iRTY. which the gambling of fife stock exohangocc equitable and just. That all do not �rorlt change., ''•• distribution. proviso manna of supplying significance. I have o land has no relevancy to the argument, it was to be expected ver that to sto wl,ieh' sectional or temporary ahortage.,.Moreover, I have Bsid that in the natnro of things has no economic a}g P p That many should be deprived of their antagonizes such vast intoreete as does a ; ;' �°'i` +peers the idle employed the abnndanae land is not property. All ideas of Property natural right to hold land for the ' nr o'e � that of Land Nationalization would most u , ;, spring from the right of a man to himself- of obliging another to pay me toll before I share of natures endowment ie aaroly no with the bittereat opposition., What Wen- would be increased. Why, then, it it that P g, g reason why they Should be food to give a PP , ;,'_ • `: all have not plenty? Why is it that with�Oelf!llhe fliberty. Ase a man is owner of� him•. permit him to turn it to osuao oboe ase. considerable percentage of what they earn dell Phillipe, William Lloyd garrison and fife vast( iaoeeaaed capacities for podno• is naturally owner of all that he Economically it is an evilbeoaase it creates their handful of abolitioniat friendsdid for y under such disadvantageous conditions in the obattel slaves of the South, the Georges, �'ti' y rodaaos b the ass of hie own {acuities. fictitioaa vsineg end dp arts the mons of munioipsl, customs; inland r©vonne end t tion arising from 'rho ad'vanoe in intelll•P y P P , the McGlynna and their dailyincreasing ' gonco and invention we have yet want r All titles to ,ownership are derived from the rodneore to the tlokote of those who this first principle, the title of a man t° add nothing to the sum of the worlds other bnraensome taxes. a:1 `• among the godaoers; fife opportutsiy to host of followers rn ago tdo for the . _ hitneelf, and the rocognition of any other wealth bink plrtyda-g.Yn.thwmanger-to those "hilt: wau yr tow CF 00 PRN9ITICN, m b d -" labor regarded erg a b5on, end tae "lodge of worldTs 000no is tln styleli, land in the " d(stincti n cleaving wander society into title would destroy this one. The right of who improve and Isrcdtroa: Our system• of ., T(i,o.•, yn a great ,law o4. oemponsation .. w ,;�; P 1 .� .., -A-. m••v •, ...own -..®w. .._— .. •u-- r.- „......... .r I ;' .a