HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-11, Page 6.? 4 The L,,u.cknow..........,Sentinel Esruce0ounty, Friday, Oecember 1.11.1„........................,____ . . here the, matter rests topday—C knada il ttway44readt tZ) re-enter into reeiprOeal. . ,. , A N D S E .......simmisse opm$0006000001•0000mm$ .1.121.04 00 off tho national intercourse, 44 show no signs of repentance, and' , toation has growo inuoh longer that', 1 newv. store ietting to:i•ovr Away. My Communi- The great bargains offered at the . ,,,h,ticyaolip..,,410,,, ao the' ASnericaris - tonne,' WO 1 would lik0, to hear from Pile -4 of Tii. Nress.er oft.. intended.' There are a score of tar- titers in the county, s hich. 1 could , ---, PO e NS of Irweeds ..w4 .,--./ ...--, ..,•0 '..../ .-..., on. this subject—“tratle"—and hope they will Come to the hoot in due titkie. 'Yours truly, =,-.,..,wasmsasCAr4sfislW01,-Prs.PAPT4N, December 2nd, 1890. tultuviv gating!. , , • . • rg,V.PPpurr to UTTER AD VO ARGUE 044:11( 4COUrfiruit TO THE DICTATES gimouNcE WE,PEIEE ABOVE ALL oitgrAltit Llitpazus. :•:•'•!ki., • • . • • , „ linckaavr, Deo. 3.1th, 1890: The Trade Question. • TO the Editor of the 'Sentinel . DEAR SIR, — I noticed in the ,SENTINEL a few weeks ago an article of .Cheslev on the trade question. .There is no man in BiUce—eltinty more capable than Mr. Brown of criticising the acta of any government—a man of deep' thought and •clear intelligence. He shows plainly the advantage the American market mould he to Cana- dians, but hesioes not show Us how we •ware to obtain it. I feel satisfied a -:great majority of our people would for a reciprocity treaty with the States; but we want some role to show us how we are 'to get such a treaty. Our American friends are building the — • •,,Ss ".• •;.1,• wall higher and higher, and resent "t. •of the License Law as affecting villages every advance on the part of Canada and the Province were given, it might TheLicense Law To the Editor of the Lucknow Sentinel: DEAR SIR,—Noticing in your issue of the 5th inst., an article headed things, stating that the Lucknow 0ouncil passedri-inotion condemning the action of the Ontario Legislature in appropriating to itself such a large share of the money paid for licenses in the different municipalities of the province., 'rom the references made at to amounts received for licenses last year by the Government and paid by t tothe municipality of Lucknow, Sze. 1 in er that that motion had special retereuce to the large share taken from Lucknow by the Government. I thought on looking over the article that the information conveyed therein was misleading., and if a fair statement in fayor of free trade. Mr. Brown be all the better for your- village. sr- , • draws the old comparison of the two I atn not deferding the Government, ,,,,,'Ii• -.7:11,7',"--.17 ' • -farmers Hying at the boundary- lire, uor commending the Lucknow coun- eirst inottiOn intgiving.the follawing 4ndthe great advaniage the Aineriatn . s a ern it . of ne License Law as. it si s! I- " • ,, ' farmer has. Ile concludes by saying affects a village.—Lucknow in partieu- • -that •the McKinley bill rOns the Cana- lar : Liquor License Ask section 41, dian faranor of half his sales, and the stys tor each license in an incorporated> village a duty of $60 shall be paid. '' Foster tariff robe him on everything Sub -section 2 of section 45 says, that he has to buv. If Mr, _Brown's con- k after paying the expenses of the board, II tendon igTeUrrecto„niust it trot sem (commissioners an inspec rs , and . . • , strange to the saneniighterted, like carrying the law into effect, the residue • . , myself, how the•Airterican•groWs rich of that $60shall be paid over, one under a high tariff and the Cnadian - third to the Treasurer of the Province . .,, , , '..ss: •,',, . ''-s• -.d oariws poorer becausof a high tarifffor its use, and the other two-thirds to ,•:: „. ,, :,1,,,,sa !,k'q , , e . the Treasurer ,of the age. After • - No' doubt, Mr. BrOW11 can understand vill deducting Proportion of expenses from ' his,but tothe uninitiated it certainly $60 for •C sh cense, it is clear that 1 , . seems to lack logic. I hold that there $60 the villase gets less than $40, (I), and • s'''.. ,•.' i•34'.".4 " • 48 noltradeissue before the Canadian the 'Provioce less than that $20 of st;, people tirchor,-.Intiwithstanding-alb-that- Ififit--$60:—Thero-17-neeticer-' 44, Li - se ,.• said and written oti the subject, Tile question ef recipiocity with •the United States;tl hold, is to,Iday,outsitle • of practical politics. '1,hope•iich will no.be• the ,eastelong and when it is • presented to the laeok1e. in' a ,fair shape, • • 1 li re no doubt it wIll.he endorsed,by,,;, • ' a great. majority. I have oRly known, of one Canadian of prominence why •.1 • would not fasorsueb a treaV, and that . • • :• j the llou. Mr. Colity., who stated • that,. Canada' was better off without •tiach a treaty: in the men time Would advise • Canadians to give such men as Wiaian a" iVtde. 'berth.. These • nten are going up anti down tbe'country beating the air, as it were, on thiS: question, cundeinning the present policy., but offering nothing instead. I hope that the fanners will think and set for • themselves, and itnt.Alow the wool to. he drawn over their eyes .hy, 4•ny party,; but closely examine' the subject, and deal with it accordingly—. • free front all, prejudice. In ttly opinion rio government cow(' live twenty -tont hours in Canada which w.oukl refn to„ pais a isteiltrwat treaty with the States, neitber weld any 'government live a single day which would propose• to returu to. tlie "tug handle poliey." •$70 In closing, :Mt. Editor, I would submit On each license as ,per couneirs another phase, of Mr. Brown's eompari-. • accion,five licen4es at $70 earth $150 son .of 'tile, two, oeighbors : '.'We will suppose that these tv‘o neighbors to whoal he refers had lived la-Uhde et'ich other for a .numher of yeArsythat the • greatest of harmony -atid good -fellow- ship tocisted • betwore then) uhey. horro.wed and lent had trzidNi freely with each other--sv lieu all at once, and without any •cause on the part of the • Canadiao, the ,Atesrictin hitt: that the sttetal relations between them must. erase, as.far as he was concerned; that he h uu id ave no forther inter-, course with him:" rinthat case, what would the Caned* .do Weil:, rsocertling to Whiten and ,others of that elti.,,tte ought to get Jovn o his knees And 'beg of his neighbor to :,forego his resolve aud trade, with, him .as.of yore. What a litimiliating spectacle that would be on the part of the individual nod .how snucii wore so, figuratively (eurrocted every Thursday tnorniteg..) speaking, on the part of a nation Liu ell Flour • • • $2.60 ,as Canada. Nib he (thep Canadian) 19111 N't heat . . •ithoed treat his oeighbot courteously Oats' •37 • :bet, firmly ; tefl Iiiin that he. regretted Peas ....• ,60 the course h hurl taken, and when he Barley A ..... ... . — 44 saw matters in . a different. holt he .. . . ......... ...... 15 would be ready to trade with hint, Potattaisn. 30 to 35 crlii4; is what ocetWred 'between Butter.. . 40anarlo aid the ries. {4.nlen4„. _Eggs ..... .„ „ 35, . • ' * cense Act, as revenue for .proviiieital purposes exeluSively,' $60 is charged each licensee .; with that amount the •village.has nothing do.. Section 42 gives poWer to.the village council to impose one htintlied and forty dollars , • ditty on each license ,exclusively for village purposes, 'With that amount • the'Grivernment has nothimetodo but collect it and pay it the • 'village. treas- urer. ,Now, instead of your eouracit taking' $140 oxclusively for village. purposes' for each lisense, which the law puts'at its optien, tlie'c ,uncil took ,$30 instead of $140. rhe' 'couneil's actionin that respect .•is in striking contrast with that of the ..Government,' which took all that the law gave it power to take; but the ceuiteil $110 less On each license than the law ga&n it power to take.; In view of these facts, . lot us see, to what extent the G 'vernment has appropriated or taken the large: share of the license 'fees: By.section 41 the'sill.,ge takes $40 of $60 By section 42 the village takes •$30 (of 81'40) 30 Piles of Ready Naele • Which will be sold at rock bottom priges, WE MEAN AUSINESS A A WILLThr,,,a2joNT t,9 the letter what we advertise. '171, dive the new store a trial, To DEM 0 II • 890 • FALL! • X' • 1:90 We are shoix ing this week something special in LADIES' SILK EMBROMEREO SUITS In all the new shades. Also Fancy ErnSoidered Table Cloths, Mantle Drapes, Table Drapes and Tidies. Just the thing to give a BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE ----TO-you_r_parloriiinaiture. Call and see them. In0 They are going fast, but we are re -ordering for the Xmas trade, CMhi±ONIVITTIRJDOCII & CO_ LUCKNOW AND DUNGANNON. ,Deduct remount ieceived in 1890 290 • $ 60 Sixty dollats is the large share that 'he Got erintteat has taken to meet expenges,,and it always foltows•at the ;end of each license year that the pro- portional share of unexpended balance as returned to each tnunicipdity in the dtiltrict, so that less than $60 may of isuckev's license monies to pay the Geverninent and its inspectkirs. Hoping that my ,eontribution to the license • literature "Und ettli:/htentnent of the ',untie may have a place in yoirt valu- able paper, I ant, Sir, , Your Obedient Servant, A NOUS STEWART a LLIOKNuW mAeKETes.r. • 0. OVE COATS 1 7 The season for overcoats is here. We have' a -LAR, E A SORTME or men and boys at right prices. In caps we • GOOD ASSORTmEdvir Of Persian Lamb, Beaver, Sealette, Etc. A Call Solicited. WM_ STOVES I STO VES OVES It will profit you if you want to pprclaase a good COOK sTpvE, PARLOR STOVE OR B X STOVE FOR COAL OR WOOD: This, season, to call on us. "You will find our stock complete and at reasonable price: A large stock iof Moire Put *Await, toath, Pix,.Ete., Away Down in Prioe. lowis your tine to gist a good stove cheap at •The leading stove depot, EMT4:7" 1.1:740 WOW' 01Si-in. . . ,