HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-11, Page 216, • . , :34ZrACis..41..• Atitt . - 1," •.• r" • VOST"OFFICE. lua,to 7 P. m. ,440: Ava4vx,. A104,144, DaR ulugl IcitAlOse. W1G.4B. Dior.th , tkod.ltich,` 1.4 t • t • htertnedietevoints f L. R. pr,rth • ,, 'A2,19.1).nir 200 p. In4 I. • ' 3:48 r. -91Opm, It Tueidays'and 3 Dap, ,t-iarr,rezt7r,,,,,,*-1,1jrAL-41tte:Vm'"'"---, ' 0- .'"•;;z, vizir, '"" ,s03424W,' ‘.1..._ ,,, • • , s, 14, ti..4` ',-,Sont0:1; ` • -- :.H. 'it' El,...94in th ' 10/00 a.. ni.. si 'W G.it El..ISTor@h'• .$)10p. in• ,. , • , , ''''ialung'h (. • • • itiitirre(4): - • 40n. •Kinluse- . .. r..4_,.. . • _ and •titiatig- enfO. The. Lucknow Sentinel, Oruce0ounfy, Frkday,riedoniqo 6th' ANNUM Maple Logs Wanted Messrs. Mitchell Bro-s. will pay the usual, prices • for first-class maple logs 44d.laloCkS;, duNing the corning tif4114Q dOif6riid a thefr mill in Liicknow, near the station. School Report The report of the regular monthly examinations of the Lucknow public school has been received, hut owing to the large aRace devot*-d to interesting correspondence and other matter we week. Band Concert A• brigade band concert, the event of the season, is to take place in the •town hall on Christmas night, at which all the leading local talent will partici- pate. Wait for it and .you will wait 6 • + 14 • • • 4 • Buying Grain itrift4 lettied. Mr, * McGrerfs storebouseLI nfavi bu,yrog all of grain at the highest. marketpric Mr. 51,c0rory will be on the Market' to buy steady every day.—Geo. Kerr Collectors Notice The ,umlersigned will be at the following places at times stated below for the purpose of receiving taxes : Dlaf.lhorsa, Tuesday, December V•th ; Lan side WArresmO,, J.)ec. 10th,„. afternoon; 'aunt's "147,i1-4,rwfitit-sTy, - December 1 lth ; Lucknow, Saturday, Decenrber 1 3th.—John Purvis, Col- lector. Our Toronto Letter While in Toronto the other day we made arrangements, with a well-known _APAc.ri..92s1O(te!,4_ The.Wheatland Eagle of Nnvenaber 26th contains the marriage notice of Miss ..Belle MoArthur, a former resi- dent of. Lucknow, to Mr. Ronald Mc- Kinnon, of -.Seattle, Washington Territory, on the 26th ult. . , Rublic. Notice:. All'pa.rties,indebted to the late firm oL,,Taylor Os ' Powell, hardware mer- chants, mut pay the same to Mr. ,Rauf' Powell, before. the 15th of 4ecemben. or they, will beplaced in •atheetands.for collection.. gounty,OOnvention •..0Thtesuborditatte associations .4 the Paaronsef Industry of the-Countiei of liaron and. Bruce will hold a county con vention in. the town hall, Lucknow, on SatUrday, December 13th, corn- „mettoing at one o'clock p. m for- the ttons.action of . business connected with .tfieJormation of county associations., &Big Cheese: Canada, claims to have produced the larkest 'clteeSe in the world. • from the Ir4rsoll factory was lately turned out acheese weighing seven thOursand lbs. .. j4 was six feet ten inches -in diameter, thre0r7-feet—frirlieight,-entlrlaventyson-e—t feet: inseitcumference. , It required the iilkihg of .seven thousand ccivi,s, or thirty-fireqtrim • of Milk to produce it. 01inge. Blossoms • No season mall the annals of lake share,-.•sonth, ,has witnessed, such a niatrithoniaL:stirring up of. its .young pe*le,• • as has' this .present seasen. The. late*, .vieter was Mr. James Mc. Corinick,.• Who' reeogniZed the Many chitrais of Miss Anna, secOnd:daughter of *Mom Boyd, Esq., and carried the youtig lady.off on .Wednesdariab the • 10'.lisat.', • tg... grace his, owtii Monne fratireefOrtlf. McCormick C11.4 atthated, on his graduation from tbsingIe46hOol into the university.of iaateinitinkr.'—kincardint &view. ' Reve.froing,pnjoymOtt- • Thp latest fad in the line of pa.rties '.is'int "ebsereatiOn party.l....A table is.. Wen witKa. miscellaneous assortment a. articles The guestsare allowed to observe' the same for a sheet time, and • thenare reqeired to atourn to another • room and write 'ts.near.a complete list . as they can from memory, the prize winners . of course are the ones.. with, .the.anest retentive memories. The .priSt time .has at least • this to corn- , that it' serves • a practical .putrpose..iA.training„th,e memory. Xmas, night„ Look out for bills and programEnes.-0. E. Kerr, 'Manager. Serious Runaway On Monday last as ten year old son of 'Mr. James Hunter, lake shore range, Huron, was driving a team of spirited horses, .they ran awaw throw-. ing 'the little fellow out of the wagon, ull and breakin badly fracturing his skg his ,jaw bone. Medical aid was at once secured and at last accounts he ould be expected is as doing as well as c • Free Text BOOKS 0. It is probable that thelocal.Govern- ment will introduce a measure next ities, towns and to supply ublicext books. The session empowering c incorporated villages school pupils with free t theory on which this policy is based is a reasonable one. The recognition of the principle that it is uth may be said ion of fee text the duty of the 'state to educate its yo .to e involve the.provis hooks.• • a School Cadets Principal D. Di Yule, of the Luck - now public school, marched his battal- ion of "cadets” down street on Friday afternoon last, and treated the citizens o an exliTai ion o alley ri boys weet through the- various Manouvres in a manner that -would. do Credit. to. a regular regiment of Her Majeity's service. It is good exercise Liberal , Recognition,. Alelt Smith., the genial pre-, aarieten of the Kinloss.Mills,' has .been • rade, the recipient of a Magnificent gold vatchby the AdVertisenPrintkrg Co., of 'London. 'That enterprising firna..offtsred, the article referred to, in additiou to their cash commission, to: the sender of the largest' list -of yearly subscriptions -to the Western Advertiser for . the month of Nisvember, and. Mr. Smith headed (the list/ The Adverti.ser not only deals liberally, with its agents. But wish its readeva as well; Wires 'and Danglaets; alcharrning monthly pub&ation, for ladies, being now flacludod with each yearly subscription From its inception the growth and influence of,' the Advertiser has. been unprecedented:Zia the annals a.. Cana- , dian. journalism. A .$751?,; Cottages , its equivalent, in cash will he given to the person detecting; the greatest number of errors, (w.orfTs wrongly sPelredr.,or misplaced) ihr the - 14ecentber issue o " Our Hoiees." In additior, will. be given two „cash -prizes' -of $200 etteh, Jour of $100Mght oc, ;150, ten of $25, twenty-five (4410, fifty:of $5; one hundeed of $2, and4one hurefred anti' fifty of 81, distributein i he order mentioned in rules anal regu- . brawls, which will be -sent witho copy if I /ecemher issue,. on receipt of , 15 nt.S in, stamps, Special ,easite prizes 4i en away almost eyery day cttitrkng ,•unipetition which clops Februarpltd. 1 690 • Address,,.0u4 Homes Pu4j- g Co„ (*nada, ".# and so long as it does not interfere with the other studies of the school, will result in a peat deal of good to . • Terrjble Accident •• A. little five year • old son of kr • Hugh Pritchard,' of Ashfiefd, met with • a terrible sad death in his father's saw.% mill one day. last week. His clothing:became. entangled in on of.. t1e.cose-Wheele and'iu an instant the little fellow was drawn into the wheels, breaking • both his arms and crushing his head' in a frightful manner, and. When the machinery was stopped, por- 'tiOnsso4thlerskutlIVveresloand imbedded. in the cogs. It -is a very,sad atair awl the family have the earnest sympathy' of all. Methodist Tea -Meeting,; The': anniversary . services of . the Methodist, church, in this village will beheld on Sunday and Monday next, the 7th and 8th insts. On Sunday the services „will be conducted both morn-' nig and evening by Conductor -W. K. Snider, and on Monday evenin6 a. tea- nieet ine will be held, when ,ad6dresses he delivered by the former pastor 'of the church, Rev. G. R. - Turk, of Guelph; Rev. Jos., Ed.g, of Clinton ; Rev...Aestin Potter, of .Dnogannon ; :and:the resident 7 mini,ters.. Refresh- ments will be served .in the basement from 7 to 8.p. m., after which a musical 'and literary programme will be given .4,by the choir and others. Admissien All are weleotne. • Leaving Lucknow 1V.e regret to learn that M r. Robert Davidson has decided to , remove to the tillage of Paisley. He has pur- , ehased an interest in the fu,a-niture factevy in that place from., Air, E. 1)StOve1, whe formerly lived in f_ateknow The Paisley Advocate in, referring to )the matter says': Our citizens were not a little surprised . on Saturday evening to learn that Messra., Stovel & Ellis had dissol ved pa rtnenship, and hat a new . firm Messrs., I)ardvison Xllis would henceforth canictitict the• business. Since coming tnP.aisley last 'winter and taking an interest in the business Mr. Stovel has applied him- self dillieently to extending, the trade. flre,.entire machinery of the shop,twas overhauled and new machines added ands:luring the. summer a largeamount of stuff has bon manufactured „and dispost: ed of, most of it gob% to., out- sid,markefs. ,It. was thereforeeveith no little surprise the public learnt Oat M r, Stovel had,islisposed of ,itirtioteseit. in, the factory. His successor poison comes 4oin Lucknow. 110 is 1, practical man, and bearstthe rcpeta- tion.of being a,,,pusher; and we bespeak for, tbsr, new hom ahundmi,trems , a el 1 y, o • son us an occasiona, review of the leading events trattspir- ing in the Queen City, and this week we take ,pleasureln presenting to our readers an able and ieterestieg criti- cism of the great Africanexplorer's recent visit to that city. Should be Registered An exchange says that a shark is taking in the different towns in order to find if there are any firms of co partnership who have not filed their partnership certificates. Some big. haul's have been made in some places. It would be well to be prepared for this adventurer, as he may come any day. Therefore, if Brown & Jones, or any other firm have not registered they should do so without delay, and get their 'certificates. Lighted -By Electricity The furniture factory of Messrs.. Cliff .Si Forster in this village is now lighted by electricity, by the use of forty-one incandescent lamps of six-, teen candle-power each. The plant was purchased from the Ball Eleetric- Light Company, of Toronto, and when the lights are turned on it hrilliantl illuminates the whole build - n We uesday the proprietoss. of the factory extended. an in vitatione to •the Citizens, .of the village to visit the works that evening, and . from seven -o'cloek- -till nine, the place was'. thronged withanxious sightseer, all of whom expressed themselves delighted, not only with the beautiful lights, but TWith-themra-ahinerrand-'tlre-rgpid way 'in which . the work . is turned out in every department. A•Splendid Entertainment • The opening entertainment of the Mechanics'. Institute Literary Society in the Town' Hall on Friday evening, laat, was greeted with f.t.crowded housef while the programme' rendered waS o an interesting and instructive charact er. The chair. was occupied by Reeve Bryan, and after a selection from the Firemen's . band, Miss.. Grace. Boyd+ gave a well executed musical selection, which was. followed byan' admirably written and well, read essay on "Self discipline" by Miss Jean G. Murray Miss Emma Peart then sane,' a beauti- ful solo, after, which the President of the Mechanics' Institute, Mr., D. D. Yule, delivered an intetesting and highly instructive lecture on "The wars of the Crusades," their social, comtnercial and political influence. The- baud followed with another selection, when Miss 'Libby McDonald gave a very pod essay entitled "All. is not, gold that glitters,,". which was 'followed .by a nicelyyseng duetby • the. Misses LauraeBerry and Ada,Colling.. John G. Murdoch.. then took the platfoi'm and • after delivering a neat little speech on .the great benefitsof the Mechanics' Institute and the read- ing room,to. the citizens of. the 'village, gave a very fine reading which was Wel received.. Short .speeches were also made. by Direetors James Sower-. ville, G. W. Berry R. D. Cameron, Fred. Grundy, Robert Graham, T. W. Hildred, D. D. Yule,. and the chair- man, after which the band brought the evening's enjoyment to a close. ;Another open entertainment. will be .given on Friday evening the 12th inst. —Every one is looking for cash in !these times and a good opportunity ia offered everyone of finding it just now. The proprietor of Hepburn s Blood Pariften offers a series of prizes ern- braeing$1,000 to every persons send- ing in the 'largest list of words Composed from ,the letters in the name Blood Perifier. The prizes will embrace the sums of $100.00, $5000, $25.00, three prizes of $10.00 each, twenty-one prizes afir $5.00 each, all in cash, and a handsome present to every other person sending in a list of words. Send 3c. sttw for circular giving all particulars. apecial offer to those who cannot get up aelist.of worda. Addrees, a E.,' Hop btsrn$., Druggist, froquois, Ont. . E. Bower returned from CIO:Amu on ,Wednesday. OWN g. The old Pioneer Store still loads, We have the goods an THE • PRICES ARE \RIGHT, • 1J Have you seen our $4.50 overcoat. • THEY ARE i(IlYSTIFIERS. All wool except the button holes: ' Perhaps some will think, we tore these eoats, we, sell them so cheap. • It's no difference, you get the -goods, and we the money n • the cheap lista ill be found MILINERY,. MANTLES,, • MANTLING, RESS G OD TOWELJANGS,''' W. 1. BRUMPTON, • OLD PIONEER STORE, LITCMI•TIONCrt, °WT. 44 ;Av. :• •• 4