HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-12-05, Page 8• • •••• 1"'" • PRO.1,140•••,,,,,, "SIM, 1. • "4,41;• " ".. !tOtt•Sr1),.17610,4.174'.7,,,,T,T.7,17,7' • • • !, • • . '•••' •ht • ' • t r • • •••' f • ,P, It t•'41,i Vtt'',,,r..• ' ' '' " * . i,:','•''' 4144gr-411114•Tilk•- - - -.,! Wend prices -fo.;)r linst=clese reaple.logs,4 • - • ° •!;.. 4 ' tl, ' 4 ,13144 i.,, tr., 711: •:. , aneadr,hltoellsiit; a, t t.c.,..timia...,*, ,Pe,?,,t;• ,. duelilierheed atcluitAohnil:e.igr tniheill6Qinmillgueskei:os9wil, ' 11r- ,Cf;•.* ,.$e te e ,v„ s =plop:0,- . ,..) 2:3.0 p; In. Ulnloas,:, i , W, G. ,A,v, iv*,,,14,1,.. , , al.Apt.,. iTa...• i, SCh0011 lieport . • • Iutereeediateepoints I% • s 00 p: na," 11. The report of the regular monthly - 0044rfar '.7111‘"- -I v••*%u Fs - ' . ti H. k--.11....-. .F.i.rth 10 Lem., •:. Tneada'4Fa an Z.,•,•...'-',...117.1-.'""",•;.'-vz...ift...44..e...44.,•• ...4.1-42tita",•=, The Lucknow %Sentinel arader ()minty Fridays pecerno6r • T-oFFicE.' • MaPle leoga Wanted Houri iss*to 7 p, m, Messrs, Mitchell Eros: will pay the • t Buying Grain 1:40.4 leaspdv A,, MoGrory's, stereheil.set MR AltYring- Akin, grOP, at the highest. market price. Mr. McCrory -will be an the market to buy steady every day.—Geo. Kerr. Collectors Notice . The .undersigned will be at the examinations of the Lucknow public following places at times stated below d. f 'M ittfh001 IS lidrt areeerived, liut awing t.& for the purpose of receiving taxes.: ,i,tfit•A -1. 42,2,9...,A440134tdmat-PAAI1"Pr16041J-Ag. 4•41:?0,51Ft-f4trTzr,-.. Ltr.a.,-,% correspondence and other matter we • are unahleto publish it before next week. .. Band Concert • -A brigade band concert, the event of the season, is to take place in the •town hall -on Christmas night, at which al theleadine fecal n ill •artic• • • 14. 11..4 B.,.Sonth:f "9‘301).4"' at.'&'13,..1•40th• 10i0o a. m., W g El...tiorshA • .3e30p. en. . tvro�i C. • 4130u.ea. 44:inloite • •• if Aillinge and (trim*. tw#, Langside, Wednesday, Dec. 10th, afternoon ; Gaunt's MR Thursday, December 1 lth •'Lucknow, Saturday, December 13th.—john Purvis, Col- lector. Our Toronto Letter While in Toronto the other day we „•11 •Il:ifarriedAn Dakota :••,"The' Wheatland Eagle of November 28th Contains the marriage notice of Miss Belle McArthur, a farmer resi- dent a, LuAnow, to Mr. Ronald Mc- Kinnore of Seattle, • Washington Territory, on the 26th ult. nubile Notice:. AII•partiesdndebted to the late firm ofjaylor 4 Powell, hardware mer- ohants, must pay, the same ,to Mr. Rauf Powell, before. the 15th of gecenitlier, or they. will be • placed in otherhands.for c011eetion.. • county.Oonvention ••;:eThe,subordiratte associations af the Patrons of Industry of the'eounties of Huron and. Bruce will hold a 'county convention ia,the town hall, Lucknow, un Saturday, December 13th, corn- ,mtenchtg at one o'clock p. mi forAhe ttpeisection of.business connected with the formation of county association. AA Big Cheese, Canada claims to have produced the liihest 'cheese in the world. From the regarioll factory was lately turned out . • • • g n" • ;V.i t It was six feet ten inches -1n diameter, three 'feet im height; and twenty-one ‘" fibeti;ilLeifouinference. It required the Milking 'of seven thousand cows, or tit • of Milk to produCe it. Orange Blossoms • No season inall the •annals of lake • sherei.;smith, •his witnessed such a • niatrithonial stirring up .of its young pdoPle, as has this present season. Tho latetit victor was Mr. James Mc • Cetniick,':' Who' reeognized the many elsitenie of 'Miss Anna, seemed:daughter • of William Boyd, Esq., and, carried the young lady off on W ednesdar Mgt the • 101tAr ' Inst.; • to. grave his own* home IliOtiteffirtli. • Mr.. McCormick is tube Coiikratidated, on his graduation • from theigingle school into the universityof •• inatritooy.—Itiracardint Review, • ' • .• Elvenins,BTijoyment-. • The latest fad in the line of parties • isan ''observation party." 'A table is:, Jaen With a miscellaneous assortment . . of articles Thb guests.nre allowed 'to ()servethe same for a sheet titp,e, and then are required to•a;Ajourn to another 1 • • roOth and write as -near a complete list.. as they can from memory, the prize . • winners . of course are the ones with. . -.the...A*3st reteutive memories. The , pt tinie :has at least this to com- ,•...:4usaed that it serves a practical • Perpoe..in,t,raiining,the memory. • 7 • • Liberal .RecognitionN Mr,. Als4, Smith., the genial pro, prietoref. the Kinloss Mills, has been • nlad6 ,,the recipient - of a magnificent gold watch .by the Ad.vertiser,Printing pa e. az or 1 ana you wig wee for a treat. Don't forget the date Xmas night Look out for bills and programmes.—U. E. Kerr, Manager. Serious Runaway On Monday last is a ten year old son of Mr. James Hunter, lake shore range, Huron, was driving a team of. spirited horses, they ran awaw threw-. ing the little fellow out of the wagon, badly fracturing his skull and breaking his ,jaw bone. Medicel aid was --at once secured and at last accounts he is as doing as well as could be expected Rree Text Books It is probable that the local Govern- ment will introduce a measure next session empowering cities, tdwns and incorporated villages to supply public school pupils with free text books. • The • theory on which this policy is based is a reasonable one. The recognition of the principle that it is the duty of the state to educate its youth may be said ito, involve the provision of free text 'books. .School Cadets Principal' D. Yule, off the Luck - now public School., =welled his battal- " •d.ete-alow-ra-streeteon-Itaiday-Laviien—the—ligh-to—aro turneel—m • afternoon last, and treated the citizens ,brilliantly illenninatos the whole build - to an exhibition of fancy The ing.; On . Wednesday the ,proprietoes boy S went through thevarious of the factory extended an invitatioiri Manouvres in. a manner .that`would do to the citizens .of the village to visit ' credit,' to a regular regiment of Her the „works that .evening, and from Majeity's service. It is good exercise seven o'cloek till nine, the place was and so long as ip does . not interfere 1 thronged witleanxious sightseer, all of with the other studies of,. the school, 1 whom expressed themselves delighted, will. result in a' peat deal of good to not only with the bearitifnl lights,. but the pupils.. •with the machinery and the rapid Way Temple Accident 1 in which the work is turned out in • little "five- year old son'of Mr everydepartment. • • Hugh Pritchard, of Ashfiehl, met with i A Splendid Entertainment A terrible sad death in his father's E The ripening entertainment of . the saw; mill one day last week. His Mechanics'. Institute Literary Society clothing:became entangled in ons of, the 'Town' Hall on Friday evenies, ille•cogewheele and' ihan•instant the last, was greeted with a Crowded housef. little fellow was drawn into the wheels, while the .prograrnme 'rendered. was o breaking both his arms and crushing an interesting arid instructive charact his head' in' a • frightful manner, and.1 er. The chair., Was. occupied by Reeve When the machinery WAs stepped; per.. Bryan, and after a selection from the. 'tiorks. -of?thiet.sula lweretfOhnd imbedded. Firemen's band, MiSs.. Grave Boyd in . the • cogs. .•It --is te, very, sad mai r. • gt,•tVe a well executed musical selection, and the family have the • earnest which was followed by an adnairaLly sympathy, of idi. written and well read essay on "Self Methodist Tea -Meeting.; • -• discipline" by Miss Jean G. Murray The •anniversary• services of the Miss Enima,Peart then sane a beauti- Methodist church, in this vil1agi . Will ful solo, after which the President of. the Mechanics' Institute, Mr. D. D. be held on Sunday and Monday next, Yule, delivered an intetesting and the 7thand 8th insts. On Sunday the highly instructive lecture on "The • services will be conducted both morn - wars of the Crusades," their social,. ing and evening 'by Conductor IV, K. Snider, and on Mondaycommercial and political influence. ' evening a tea - meet ine will be held, when addresses The bancl• followed ,with another ,will he delivered by the former pastor selection, when Miss Libby McDonald thechurch, Rev. G. R. Turk,, of gave a very gcea essay entitled "All . is not, geld that glitters,." which was 44uelph ; Rev. Jos., Edge, , of Clinton ; ••followed by a nicely.sung •duet.by the Rev. Austin. Potter, of •Duaigannote ; Misses Laura Berry and Ada ,Uolling. and the resident Refresh - Mr. John G. Murdoch then took , the platform and after delivering a neat little speech on the great benefits of the Mechanics' Institute and the read- ing room,to the citizens of the' village, gave a very fine reading which was' wel received.. Short speeches were also made by Directors James Sorrier - G'. W. Berry, R. D. Cameron, Fred. Grundy, Robert Graham, T. W. Hildred, D. D. Yule, and the chair- irian, after which the band brought the evening's enjoyment . to 'a close. Another ripen entertainment will be not a little surprised on. Saturday given en Friday evening the 12th inst. i newspaper writer, of acknowledged ability, to send us an occasional review of the leading events transpir- ing in the Queen city, and this . week we take pleasure in presenting to our readers an able and interesting criti- cism a the great African, explorer's recent visit to that city. Should be Registered Awexcliange says that a shark is taking in the different towns in order to find if there are any firms of co partnership who have not filed their partnership certificates. Some big. hauls have been made in some places: It would be well to be prepared for. this adventurer, as he may come any day: Therefore, if Brown & Jones, or any other firm have not registered they should do so without delay, and get their certificates. Lighted By Electricity The furniture factory of Messes.. Cliff & Forster in this village is now lighted by electricity, by the useof forty-one incandescent lamps of six- teen candle-power each. The plant was purchased from the Ball Electric, Light Company, • of Toronto, and ments..will be served • in the basement Cu., of London. That enterprisiii" 'fro nto. 78-p in.'after which a niusical ' fiem.offered•the ertiele • referred to, in' ?.t• literary- programme will be given addition to their cash,comniissim: to by the choir and others. Admission the sender of the largest f list.of yearly r.25 cents Ail are welcome.. subscriptionsto the Western ibilmrtimi• • Leaving Lucknow for the month of NOvember, and Mr. We regret to learn that -Mr. Robert Sera') headed the HAI The A tivera,er Davidson has decided to'renave to not only deals liberally, with its. agents • hut its rescuers as well;' ivirt,8 !the %Wage of Paisley. He hag pur- and Daitgliteri4, aecharrning monthly 'phased an interest in the farniture. factouy in that place from, 1V1r, p,ublieation. for • ladies, being now "Stove', whOformerly lived ky,Lueknow . fircheded with each yearly subscr-iption From its inception the growth and rrho. Paisley Admeate referring to the muter. says : Our citizens were iriflueeee of" the Adhertieer been unprecedented•iin the, an n als Of';'• Cana- dian jourealisna.., 'A 4750, 0Ottagee Or its equivalent, in cash will .1ce given to the person deteeting, the greatest number,, of errovs, (wiriers• w rongly • spelled ..or misplaced) its the llecember issue , of "Our Hies." Jn additint, ' willbe given two ,. cash prizes. .ef $200 each, four of $100,teight ten of $25, twenty-five 4,410, fifty:a $A; one hundred of $2, andione hu'qdred and fifty of $ , distribute1. in citder mentioned -in rules amid regu- letioes, whieh will. bosent withea copy • 4 Inveniber issue- on reeiptof.15 t nte in, stamps. Special eado prizers en away almost every day '40,0pg un.etitioiwhieI1 clops Februaryaist. 1 00 Address,; Ourr Homes ' Pubt141011- ) .g Co„ Bre* ville,. (*nada. - - • • .^.'•••` er17,-• evening tu learn that Messrs., Stovel & Ellis had dissolved partnership, and that a new firm Messrs. 1)tevison .Ellis would' henceforth costeltict the business.. Since coming ttiPaisley last wiftter and taking an interest in the business Mr. Stovel has applied him. self diiliiiently to eXtending. the tntde. flie..entire machinery of the shop ,was overhauled aed new machines added wid.Ouring the, summer a large amount. •of • .stuff has been manufactured, and dispes, ed of, meta of it going to out sid& markets. It was therefore:44th no :little surpriSe the public learnt that Mr, Stovel had,;disposed of hirt.ieterest in. the factory. His successor rnrc R. DariSon comes ,fcorn' Luekuosr. I A pragtical mail, and beare.the replete- tien.of being a,usher, and, we bespeak or, 4,43 now 'kit* al:runda.k,1t.,supess4„",. te ‘st • —Every one is looking for cash in these times and a good opportunity is offhred everyone of finding it just now. The proprietor of Hepburu's 'Blood PurifiterloffErs a series of prizes em- braeing.$1,000 to every persons send- ing in the largest list of words composed from the letters in the name Blood Thirifier. The prizes will et6brace the sums of $100.00i $50.00, $25.00, three prizes. of $10.00 each, twenty-one prizes ok, $5.00 eatile all in cash, . and a handsome present to every other person sending in a list of words. Send 3c. sta•see.p for circular givin4all particulars. 84)ecial offer to rhose who cannot get up atJist, of vvoeds. Addrees, C. • E. Hepbuotre , Druggist, Iroquois, Ont. --Mr. E. Bower returned from 01Mth.ien on ,Wednesday. •••••!a` •DOWN • ''''',14111 WT. lirt•-4.- .9M-7,,,,..„,. *,.., ...r.r . 7.7Mt...,"T ci The old Pioneer Store still leads. TMEPEOPLL We have the goods ands THE • PRICES ARE RIGHT, 61 Have you seen our 4.50 overcoatS, THEY AFE MYSTIFIER& All wool except the button holes. Perhaps some will think we stole these coats, vv -e- sell them so' cheap. It's no difference, you get the goods, and we the money n the cheap list ill be found. MILINERY, .ANTLES,, MANTLING, RES$1 GOOD TOWELLINGS, J. BRUMPTON, OLD PIONEER STORE, CICINT 0 a •