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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-28, Page 4
• �' The I�uckn - ow Sentinel aruc • e 4t�ulll# grid Y, ay, November 28th ammummw ram, • a ,Jt'l H LIBERTY TO UTTER 'AND TO Ai= E . rFREEI,Y ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PfilE ABOVE ALL 'j OTHER LIBERTIES. • Nov. Val, ,s 5.. . ,,.Jk,,,,:.�.�a.�^*^�pY '1'�' FIORSJi TRADE. ,.a Mr. A. M. Polley, of Goderich, who is due of the most extensive horse : 1eilers in this part .of the Prgrince, reportt}r last week that .'the -ry 'Lc&inle ire btgber that Oilderoy's Wow; The 'new' dulyhaa..put. a. dead -atop -e.the trade I have been doing, and 1 can, ..:do clothing until the farmers can be ' hrnught to see that they must sell for IVO :or so less thanin previous years. ,ray .trade here has been largely in a cheap class of mares for the lumber «camps , of Michigan and Wisa:onsin. •'The Pennsylvania trade which we ut el tohave has: been taken by Western ,.horses raised on the ranches. At r,prsent,' although some horses are sent to Montreal from .this district,' my .tirade is .principally with Michigan. The- McKinley Bill means that tocon- tinue to keep that trade„ we roust buy - the horses from 'the farmers cheaper to be able toapay the duty. We used to buy a lot -of mares, not quite sound, wb .t =which worked very well in the woos, and p f $80 $10 the only then pre wore out in the woods the • could use for breeding purposes. So that nearly all I bought were mares. There teas •Doh much difficulty under the olold tax 'law sin passing many of these mares into the States free for breeding put Poses, but now the McKinley Bill requires -a certificate—of of re;istration with frem three to five crosses. There are not; two mares in the county with live crosses unless itis ported, and ' ex- tremely few with three so that st s ay roro to 0 for, ; tin these the duty used to be `rib $16 to 00. The, lumber- rred 'mares, because if the si >.l y't • us siting that, line. Not only, ,can these mares not be shipped into the »United States market duty free, ;but they must,pay a very heavy .tax...,„ Qn the better class, of horses the new duty makes a.. big -difference. RI have an Order for some horses that will' weigh 1-„500 pounds'and be worth abort $200 apiece. Under the old United States tariff the duty on them would be- $40 .each. • fader the McKinley Bill it will' be $60 each: ' The difference in the tariffs amounts to from” $15 up - Wards on every horse. I am°going out some day soon to see if 1 can . buy ponce horses, but I doe not expect to do anything ar.-the prices I shall. be .forced. to. otfl r.. L,st year I shipped .out ;300, all bought in Oil district. S :tae of them were .as high as 8200, aud,the average ,.wou1rl. be $105; so that the horse trade I did last .year amounted to=E.,O,000.tu the farmers of this district. Tai; year•1 have shipped only one c of load, and that was • before the McJJiniey Bill. came into effect. There• are a reaml.t,Nr• of other,l buyers h1ere, and they 44•e in no better position that I a►u.i to do bttsities,a this fall. Wheat the ecntltine,d elfi•a•t of the - stoppage of tt tr.:4de we have all bPe11 doing isicalcltlate.i„t will ftc seen th•it l a "the resul% wast be serious to the •a fanners. --For cheap tweeds go to Connell's. Wq are -offering souse bargains thin '<veelr. Stinday Iasi Dr. Uenderson, off: l iitrcard'iue, , preached'th3 harlot congregations in the Meal;pdist church ---Joseph Mallough, aucc ioz ser, will sell by public auction• at Dungatuion, on Friday, Dec. 12t1r; the east half of lot 16, .con. 4, West Wawavtohh;` con- taining 100 acres. —The place to buy plush goods,• silverware, photo albums; shell go'& china goods, toys, musical instruments, Berry & Days' drug and fancy goods store. —The Atwcod Bee published last week a special pioneer autuber, replete with interest to its readers and highly creditable - to itself in point of typo- graphical execution. public. auction at Siniough, on Tuesdayz Deo. 2nd,. a u uitity of - :farm stoclC, implemeEts, etc., the property of R. F. Hodgkinson. A Rig Fire • BRussELs, Nov. 22.—About 6 ve this Morning fire started in the rear'of the • American Hotel, which quickly spread, the building being a three-story fraena .. The next building to it, on the south side, .soon caught, and bu•rned•so rapidly that nothing could be saved. it was occupied by A. R. Smith, general store ; loss on building, $2,000 ; on stock, $12,000, with an insurance of $4,000. The next store, a two=story frame, and the largest store in Brussels was occupied by A Strachan, general store ; lose ou building, $3,500 ; stock was partially saved ; insurance on sto'.k,_ $5_,V-00. The i►ext bui ding, a two story' frame, owned and occbpied by J. G. Skene as a general store ; loss on building $1,500 ; stock parti ily saved ; insurance On building, $600, and ,;n stock, $2,000. W. J. Fairfield photographer, complete loss of $600; insurance, $300. • Mrs. Waller, dres- maker total loss :ce� lai Tree t» • p c etelthe total loss by fire of the whole business portion of the town in 15 years, which has oeen'rebuilt with substantial brick stores, only three frame buildir.gs stow . remitining• in the business .portion. of the town. 111.11,1:R1 CD-- AlcCoRxtCs-BOYD-At the residence of the br de's father, Lake Range, Huron tnwn ship, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Dr. riendersun,. Mi. Jas. Alec„rmiok to Nose Anna Boyd,second daughter of Wm. Esq., bath of Huron teynship. D1EIJ MALcont-•-Near TCinlough, on4Nor. h, the wife of Mr.Thus. Malcolm, aged 29 years. __- MORTGAGE SALE A. valuable farm in the Township of Kinloss, TTNDE , AND $'Y VIRTUE Or' THE l(,) • power of sale contained in a certain mortgage., which will be produce .i at the time °Peale, and also in pursuance 'of an order of His H'unoi.,the County Judge of the County of Huron, under the Revised Statute of Ontario,. Chapter 102, section 30,' there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Whitely House in the Village of Lucknow, on Saturday, Dec. 13th, 1890 At the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon,. the folluwiias land, namely -Lor number one in the 4th conces:.ron of the township of Kin loss, in the county of Brune, containing nue hundred acres save and except the two acres thereof heretofore cnnveved to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce•Railway Company, This proper ty is situate about five miles from the villages of Lucknnw and Ripley, with good roads Ie'tding , to both place's. Except about three acresthe said. land is all cleared and unuter cultiva7,ion. The soil is heavy clay loam. There are ou the farm a frame 1,nnse about 20 x 30, feet, l.} stnrios high with addition thereto, and a frame barn 'l.'bete ie also on the lands g ,od bearing orchard of opples1 plums and other fruits. • TERM S. 'I ne property will be offered subject to a prior neongave the terms nand amount of which will be eagle known at the tune' of sale, Ten er c.int. of the purchase money over and hove the said mortgage must be paid on the lacy of•sale;. and the purchaser sign an agree lentfnr the completion of hie •purchase ar.d be l hsnce of the purchase money must •be said at the expiration 1,t'ane month fain, the • Late e,f purchase. with interest at the same cafe as the \hairs are nos, receiving. and npnn i' ii na;i•ment the purchasers will he ,enbit,led,to the conveyance and the possession of the property. .The property will b' rifFered s'tbject to a reserve bid and to furthrr conditi.,nr, which will he read at the time of sale, similar to the Ftanding con,ditions , of sale 1 f the High (Nowt of Justine, obtained from the"Vendors Solicitfr. Further informatOn may be Dated at Lecknow, this 25th day of No- vember, 1890. rFvery •nt,ie-is looising €or.cash i ,these times hod a eo'ad otportettiry i nfibred everyu:ae of finding it lust now The proprietor of Hepburn :s Blot\ ,Pgritie'r others a series n4 p0,zes- eta eijracittg $,1,000 to every persons send ;,ing in the IaraFvt list of words composed from the letters in the name ,Blood P•trifler., The prizes will embrace the sums of $100.0(1, $50.00, ..§25.00, theme • prizes of $10.00 each .twenty -orae . pt;izes of $5.00 ea ih,' all .in cash, and a hagdaoine• present to ,eevei'v other person sending. in a list of words. Send 3c. stamp for circular �;ivinr all particulars. Special offer to • ,*.ho>fe whncannot get up a list of words, Address, C. E. Heixln�rn, .Druggist, . E lroeueis, Cant. n a ELLIOT TRAVER, Vendors Sol ieitar. P1 ESTRAY_ S'CRAYFD TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned at lot 14, can. 14, nn Or about the 7th of etete.ber, a pig. - The (mater is"regnr•ated to prove property, pay expenses and takeaway. AIRS, A. McMlr.r,AN, 'L•euekrrow P. 4). i AND SSE The great ba,rins offered at the new store Piles of ',w e Nies ! i; dyJBii_JF.IS OF' Plies , f Drees loots &de.1_ 1J`a Which will be sold, at roc, bottom prices. E MEAN IUS and: will carr _v ,- out to the _better Give' the 'new store a trial. Jll 1� DETLOR, .890 FALL I 1890 We are shoe ing this week something special in LADIES' SILK » EMBROiDERD SUITS, In all the new shades. Also Fancy Embroidered br©ldered: Table Cloths, Mantle Drapes. Table DrapesAa Tidies. Just the thing togive a BEAUTIFUL _-D UNIQUE FJNISff To your parlor furniture,. • Call ' and' Isee them. ey are going fast, but we aree-orderin for. the Xmas trade. IsseM Pi OW: MT:kin:DO Q.ITI__az 0. LUDKNOW AND DUNGANNON. . . • ... .. ,.Mu ..... SOMETHING• .• itsam. EW 9: In our business we have always given gzven MAITED• CR1» those whom we considered worthy. We will con- tinue to do so, ' BUT ~ OASH IS 'PREFERABLE o any other method of doingbusiness To encourage all to make an effort to pay cash, we have issued CASR C Customers will Bind explanations on each c are., W. CON LL. TOVESI STOVES'ISTOVESI It will profit you if you want to urchase- a.... p -.. good COQK STOVE, PARLOR STOVE OR BOX STOVE FOR. COAL OR WOOD. . This season to call on us. You' ou will find, our stock complete and at reasonablep rices. • A. . large stock of , tov�e Furniture, 33oards, Zips, Etc: Away Igo; .is your time to get aood stove e cheap at - The leading stove d.epot. ,. ITC o ir ONS_