HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-21, Page 8• 41 .0:'• • Thp-Luckriow sentinot Brucogunty, Friday, Novernrer 2Ist • MICKNOW POSTOFFICE. Hours Sa.m.to7p.m. , MAILS ARRIVE: ek• /3. Smith 6:13 Ditips B• North 12•30 p. m. 4 , Kh1oii s, j. w.o.:&t,prth Colisrich '•" r 3 112.3tel.•=attt pekt2 • ° ,Laesside Ifr,G.& B. ,Sneth Is H. &13.. South L. H. B. South 1 G.,& B.North • Jo1yroqd KipIa nloas 2:30 p: Me 34-8p. re: " 9 00 a. na 0.30p.in, 00 p, m, Fridays 9.30p. m. 0.00a. M. 3.20p. m• 4.30p.m. • • EnglishOhurch Social A very enjoyable social was enjoyed at the residence of Mr. Ed. Brasher on •Thursday evening last, in aid of the contemplated improvements to. St, Reter's church in this village. The Premeds amounted to over $22. • Bought a Plant Mr. J. M. Cliff, of Cliff & Forster of the furniture factory, on Monday last completed arrangement in London With the manager of the Ball Electric Light Company to light their factory with electricity. They will have forty incandescent lights and the whole. plant is .to be put in and ready for operation within the next two weeks. Gone Ashore , The schooner Ariel, Capt. Finlay McPherson, bound from Owen Sound to Byng Inlet, is ashore on Bell Point, ,north shore, Georgian. Bay. She is supposed to have gone ashore on Thatrsday. night. It is said a tug from Parry Sound has gone to her rescue. . This is the third (and perhaps the last) tremble poor Finlay has had with his vessel: this season.—Ex. Died In Qhicago We learn frnin 014cag0 Paper that Mr. William Peart, eldest son of Mr, John Not, of this village, died in that city on, the 6th of November, in the 32nd , year of his age. Deceased formerlly lived in Lucknow. Educational Sermons The Rev. Dr. liancleraon, of Kin- a9-44-041;10/9PadetaRiagsariet will preach in the Methldist Clime here on Sunday next, both morning and evening, in connection with the educational interests of the church. s Buying Grain 'Having leased Mr. A. MoGrory's storehouse, I am now buying all kinds i hest market • rice. Mr. . c Tory wi e to buy steady every day.—Geo. Kerr. Won the Case The long standing law suit, brought. by Mr. D. E. Cameron against Mr. T. F. Cain, in connection with the estate ,a the late Roger Cain, of Cain City, Kansas, has been abandoned by the plaintiff and iudgement declared in favor of Mr. Cain. , Will be ittLucknow Those wishing to see John J. Daly & Co., of Guelph, personally to learn their terms for advertising farms and terms for selling, etc., and for loaning money, can see them in Lucknow, at W hitely's Hotel, any time on Tuesday, November 25th. Patrons of Industry An association of the Patrons of Industry was organized, on Friday evening, at Belfast. The county organizer. will be present on Friday evening next to discuss the right of the farmers to organize. The "Belfast Heroes" are a lively wide awake association. The organizer is busy at work and is billed for every evening this week. Terrible Suicide He is All Right Again AB levers of valuable borne -flesh will be glad to hear that Mr. Donald Clark's imported Shire stallion, "Oliver" has fully recovered from his lameness and is again as sound as ever. Oliver is a valuable animal and his retirement from the stud would be a great loss, not only to his owner, but to the country at largo. .4.7fTiatifirOlts Away up in Bruce township lives a man who can successfully tell where his neighbors' stock has strayed to by simply "reading the cup " H such be true, it means dollar's out of some poor editor's pocket. As the old lady said there is no way like the old way, how • t• rin in to fhe SENTINEL your a ver- s oc It will only cost you one dollar. A Lesson for Farmers Farmers in feeding their cattle should be careful to see that no bind- ing twine is left in the straw. Two animals belonging to a farmer down the country having died very myster iously, an examination of the stomach was made which revealed the probable cause of death..The cattle had been Eed partly on cut straw and a quantity of indigested binding twine had col- lected, clogging up the principal digestive organs. This ! shows that care should be exercised hi collecting, the twine at the tinge of threshing aa, • it may cause a good. deals, of troule and loss. The Electric Light • Mr. Slack, president of the Reliance Electric Light Company, viaairi• the vilyage on Monday last, and informed the Reeve and solicitor that his com- pany would not consent to the repre- sentations made to the corporation by their agent, some•few weeks ago. He said the agent had exceeded his pow- ers -in stating that the company would, "VI: M r. Slack said, however, that his com- pany was willing to put in the plant and lights and test them for a few 'semen s a Great Se:11470ff S.41e! 111311111=11111111. The Old Pioneer Store still leads. We never follow. Yoe are Well awam, that deripite 3411 rAkParb 4 it .C.AUCO, APP,n9At&tag actual *It tit4.44nftr I theasurement the largest general store ill Lucknow. INESS •1S V.11". • !n 4 TJ • ,. good Grain Market A large amount of grain came into the Lucknow on ,Saturday last. . The fine weather for l several days before that had evidently been taken advant- ' ' owing and taking in of roots. When ar,fe of by the farmers 'for their fail. • „s404,09ing!, collies we. may expect busy .,timee for there is a large quantity of grain'in the • country to be • marketed, and Lucknow market always can be .COnittedon, for the top notch prices. . . • • ".• K aLneeiry and Musical Entertainment inderthe auspices of the Mechanics' • -:'qti.stitute! a literary and musical enter- -. *ailment will be heldin the town hall. on Friday evening, Nov: 28th. Doors amen,at. 7:30 ; entertainment to com- mence at 8 o'clock Sharp. A first- .c.lass programme as been prepared. .'Overy effort will be put forth to make these entertainments pleasant and instructive. Let this opening be a •graid success. Lt the people show that they .appreeUte that musical and literary talent' which Lucknow excels in, .and then the directors, will from time . to thue'clitring the winter. do • their 'utmost tomeet the was* of a cultured audience. See next week's SENTINEL -for programme. • King of Them AU The great- popalatity- of the I•ondon Advertiser is ;due to the immense amount of,interesting news and .spicy ree.ding,matter furnished- its readers, and,ita remarkably liberal rates. Al- thou-gh published in Western Ontario, and chronicling all the impereant -events in. the "Garden of Oanad.a," it in no way encroaches upon thecountry paPer's wrk. All the latest news is given regardless of locality. It liter- ary department is acknowledged to/be the most interestingand complete Iacluded., with each yearly -order !for, the Daily or „the Weekly Advertiser is a year's Subscription to ahst splendid new monthly Wives and Daughters • You, can have the Daily Advertiser, Wive s and Daughters, and the SENTiateL for one year, by remitt- ing ro ue 'the sum of $3. Or the Western Advertiser "(weekly), Wives and Daughters, and the SENTINEL from now to the rinse of 1891 for'only $1,70. Register your letter and state exactly what is required, A Frei Horne •- A cottage wortli$750"will be erected, or its. equivalent in cash will begive to the person detecting the greatest number of typographical errors in ,the December issue of our monthly journal entitled "OUlt HOMES." Three hundred and fifty additional cash r4t,izes., amounting to $2,300, ,will also lie„awitaled hi the order mentioned in rtiles Rovernieg competition. Prizes paiablia4 par in roly part of Canada Visited, States. • Send 15c in *alive, for potoplete rules and sample copy of "Our Homes," which will be . The inhabitants of the township of West Wawanash were greatlyshocked on Friday morning last when they, month. provided the Council or any learned of the sad suicide of Mr. Geo. prisate individual' •would then take Staples, of the 6th concession. He them off their hands, but on no con - had been ..in poor health far some time sideration W,ould he place, the engine past and often became very. despond- and dynamo in the waterworks build- ent, and it is supposed that during one ing and pay the Corporatiob for. the of these fits on Thursday night he steam power. 1 -le had consulted, he committed the rash act He .placed said, a couple of gentlemen in the the muzzle of the loaded gun in his village and if the Ceuncil were• willing. mouth,. and with theleft hand pulled .to take eight lights at the prices agreed the trigger, the charge passing through upon in the former offer, he would be his head, tearing away his right ear, willing to, go on with the work tied and killing him instantly.' . He was in take the chances of selling out the good 'financial circumstances. plant to one or other of the parties he Night School had spoken to. .We ! have since been • informed that a representative of the The night school in connection y,;itn, Ball Company will shortly visit the . in the Mechauics' Institute will be open village to consult the Council on the Decernber tb the young 1 -nen matter, .and surely between the'two Lucknow and vicinity. • Every young , some satisfactory arrangements can be man should take advantage of this arrived at. excellent opportunity to advance his • own interest as well as that of others A Forger Escapes . Some of our greatest men received A young man named Sca,rff nothing more than a night school edi- representing the house of Scarff & Co, cation. Think of it ! Only on a dollar Brantford, of which •firm his father is entitles. you to the benefits of the the head,:came to town on Tuesday. night school; reading -room, and library. presumably on a business trip. Hav- • Hand in your names at once to • J. ing had dealings with Gilchrist, Green .kraninns....,:mturaln•ZeTzed,baannite3Sest, .410 We have secured thirteen different shades in dress sills at manufacturer's prices. To see these goods is to admire them, .4,nd buyers wonder • where we bought them so cheap. Murchison„ or R. D. Cameron.. & Co., Scarff ealled•on them and .Mr .Remember the school is open to 'Green endorSed a draft _tor $50, as he country .members as well as to those of had several times done before This the village. Come one, come all. was about 10 a. m. Scarff then drove Don't miss a good opportunity. It to. Lucknow, got , 1iessi's. Cliff & .may be the means of starting you on Forster, of the Lucknow furniture the road to suceess. Others by dint factory to de the same thing, drove of ,p„erSeverance and pluck; and "by back to Wingham and took the after - seizing. ev-etY aid have risen to he -the noon train for Clinton.' Shortly after greatest men in our land. What men wards M r. Green received word from did men can d� Upward and -the Grin in Brantford that the drafts onward let your motto be. • ' would not be accepted. Then Com- • menced the search for the traveller.' A Splendid Magazine Word was sent to London and Chief Fruit growers and gardeners will of Police Williams and Detective H. find in the -Canadian 'Horticulturist a •• • Phair soon located him in Clinton. beautiful monthly. magazine, devoted Next clay he took the train for London to their interests.. Being published by , and has so far succeeded in • eluding the Ontario Fru i G rowers' .Associaton the officer A reward of $100 is under government patronage itdis eon - offered by Gilchrist, C.4reen & Co. for ducted wholly in the interests of the his.apprehensi in. Some on.e blu nd erect • farmer and fruit grower. Its object is or Wm. Scarffswould have been in to give information suitable to each • custody before this. Mr. Green in. month on the grdwing, a small fruit, formed dn. Advance representative that ,the 'management of the orchard, the • he thought Mr. Scarff, of Brantford, sine -yard, the flower ItRirden and lawn. would make good the amount his son Special attention is given to the crop obtained under 'false pretences. — prospects and the reports of market • Wingham Advance. prices in our best Markets for fruit and vegetables. It is proposed, in • fruit season, to send out a weekly market The New Barber Shop bulletin free to subscribers. sit also aims at exposing 1,1-1y frauds in the line of fruit trees and plants. The maga- is fully illuStrated with colored plates and engravings4 and, when a year's numbers are bound in one, makes a • beautiful book for the parlor table. This- journal for one year, together with, the report of the Ontario F. G. Association And a choice of plants for testing, all fair one dollar.' A: special discount is made tennycese getting up pisIi.eft•ationt Nov. 20th. Address, a club. L. Woolverton, Grimsby, 14 Zoos PunustintO Co., Brock- i Ont , is editor of the journalS. and danaslasectetaty of the Association. • To the Editor of the Sentinel: To all whom it may concern I hereby recodunend Mr. R. J. White as a first-elasa barber, and I also can recommend him as a good reliable citi- zen fdr any town and I cam assure you he will give good satisfaction to all who should patronize him, as he has been in my employ, and has given every satisfactiion to all, and I cheerfully ask all to give him a trial. Ysurs respectfully, A. KNOw`LES,' Barber andTobacconist, Palmerston. I ' RG411_," In Millinery for balance of season. HOW ARE YOTJR POOR FEET .?. s • • Are you troubled with corns, warts, bunions, or ingrowing tot nails ? If so, we have 'the • footwear for you. They fit all over and / don't touch any place. , rl`f SKOKA FEET • We cann& fit, - But if your feet measticre lesS than three feet, come right along, and don't let the •bonanza bargain opportunity shp you. ON THE ()HEAP LIS SHAWLS, MANTLES, MAN LINGS READY-MADE CLOTHING. COME ONE. 0014E ALL, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Je BRUMPTON, OLD PIONER STORE, MiCrOICI\TOW., 01•737. •••