HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-21, Page 7THE WORLD O??' LABOR. ',Pointe of Interest *.boat the Oonrattriet industries. Franoc bas 1,,00,090 Jeya 1 Bpt er is blade Probeowe& I De Leeeeps is near 86 years. Coal is $14 at San Francisco. . Union bread has a new label. Welding is done by electricity. Forging ie done by electricity. Coppsr welding is a "lost art." Dallas drummers have a anion. Paris has a glut of idle printers. "New York janitors have a union. Mre. Hetty Green has 040,000,000. 3: m aicu eeede the dearest coffee. South Ameri oa dw rn�t1�,8 ,uta a . r .4�'u=S fS'f . Wig le . j'6n5uage0 are neeC1E'. Boston will have a Chinese paper. Florida claims grapes a foot round. Russia's army has 125,000 Hebrews. A London editor trete $15,000 a year. There are 1,688,900 miles of telegraph wire. . The Ulm Cathedral is the highest, feet. From " sun to sun " is a da x.. World's coffee output : 17,000,000 hun- dred weight. Scotch iron hands want time and half- time for Sunday. Fifty union n hold public office in New York and ooklyn. The Batesville (Ark.) Journal is owned and printed by deaf mutes. Girl`s were given- the places of finishers in an Indianapolis desk factory. Kansas City people say a boulevard is worth $1,000,000 a mile to property. It ie said that men are scarce in Col. orado mining camps. Wages average $3 a day. printer who worked 'during a New York strike roust pay $100 to rejoin the union. The Joliet Steel Company hue shared ' $8,000 of its profits with its employees in six months. • The SioFrancisco Journeymen Butchers' Union cannot supply the demand for men. In Pittsburg no paperhanger ie allows to plaster a walj when the hole ie over ei inches. Carpenters are soarce at Great Falls (Mont. Helena men were offered $4 and $4, 50 ,to work there. Two Philadelphia plaeterers had to pay the Pittsburg Union $35 eaoh before they could get work. At Frankfort, Germany, 500 horse. power is transmitted by electricity to a 'distance of 140 miles. Some Indianapolis bootblaoks charge 10 Dents a shine because the tariff inoreesee the-pritse of-blavkftrg. , ONII OF' THE M. D'F. A. Pracylcal Hallowe'en Joke Played on the Doctors of Winnipeg. No announcement of a medical oonven- tion at the Free Press office last night had been made, and yet nearly every,. medical. man in town was there. From almost the oldest to the youngeet of the fraternity they put in a hurried appearance in re- sponse to a telephone meeeage shortly after 10 o'olook that antt, employee bad fallen down unconscious. Nearly every doctor in town was called int rapid succession, and each one hastened after the other totinter- view one of the livelieef corp eTi thea le be an seen in the city since the libel snit e ,i(,'43Vedi1 `'' F" ��aa -.,-u�--'�i�ii�xllb�n. iC bf ` &;sen -i the 11 h t d � Y`we"�e`no-i pen WHAT CUBES r Editorial Difference of Opinion on an 'Important 8uuyject. What is the force that oasts disease ; and whioh is the most convenient apparatus for applying it? How far is the regular phy- sician useful to ne bemuse we believe in him, and how far Are his pills and powders and tonic° only the material representatives of hie personal influence on our health ? The regular doctors cure; the homceo- pathio doatore cure ; the Hahnemannitee ogre; and so do the faith puree and mind cures, and the so -palled Christian scientists,. �4 auu the Lour -dollar -end -a -half advertising Victoria to Cariboo on his .k -a era it,iu . ,.ssnsf,_at a#�.a �-Fri,F, alitontentasp LIVING WAS HEAR THEN. What Provisions Cost in Early British Columbia Times. Ie>lan interview reoently Mr. R. E. Gos- nell, British, Colgrgbia Commissioner, showed a reporter a honied volume of the Cariboo Sentinel of 1865.6. It is not a very ancient paper and its 4-oolumn pages are quite modern in type and make-up ; yet it has an interesting history. Mr. Warren Lambert, at present Chief of the Eire Department of the town of Chatham, Ontario, was its publisher, and packed the preee neem ^]zi„h is was printed .from first summoned was the first to arrive, with hie overcoat in one hand and a necktie, whioh he vainly endeavored to adjust around his neck, in the other, and meeting the " patient," who was entirely innocent of the professional solicitude on iris behalf, demanded what hen meant by not being 630 .unconscious as reported. While explana- tions were being made outside the office, .lth- D - ' s rngrvari r8i11I�"ed y r. impeon. oth of whom climbed two flights of very steep stairs to find their unconscious patient absent. Then - oame Drs. Jamieson, Corbett and Fergn- son,and as this trio meandered wearily down the etairs they met Dr. Jones on the keen jump upward•bound. When the quartette passed out et the door and wandered out to Main. street, Dr. Good, Dr. McDonnell, Dr. McArthur, Dr. Chown, Dr. Hutton and Dr. Higginson were seen hustling towards the office. The arrival of each disciple of Esoulapius was greeted by shouts of laughter by their previously arrived breth- ren, who had, by,that time, reached the de- rision that it was Hallowe'en with all that it implied. A consultation was hurriedly held, when Dr. Good protested that although he had given up practice alto- gether, he wanted-- for satisfaction sake to see an nnooneoions newspaper man as a onriosity. Dr. Simpson merely mentioned Heligoland vigorously and the others ap- pleaded as each man produced emetics, eyringee, salts and senna, surgical inetrn- d menta and restoratives that would have x knocked any ordinary man, such .as are employed on the evening sheet book o! the Imperial Bank blook, silly. Who put up the job was unknown, at first, and the alleged patient established an iron -clad, copper -bottomed alibi, but after a while a clue was obtained to the practical joker, and the Lord may have mercy .on him when medical assistance is required in his ogee. He will have a nice pleasant time with the medical . fraternity of Winnipeg in his hour of recuperation.,The dootore enioyed the sell; end_one, 'leanedly read from a pooket dairy whioh he had concealed about his person; " From the days of the Druids unto the present the eve of All Hallows , has been kept with spells and ceremonies of a pagan or-. mythological character. It is the one holieve whioh has no spiritual or sectarian influence, and oan be participated in by all nations. With its fen and frolic, it should be universally kept." So far as that one man is concerned, it will be universally kept. The doctors believe that the pagans still exist in the flesh. Notwithstanding alis etten anoe of a round dozen of- doc- tors •the patient is doing fairly well this morning. - Serionely, however, although a practical joke was suooessfully worked by some un- regenerate son of Belied, the remarkable promptitude with whioh thea medical men of Winnipeg responded to the sudden call for aid is a tribute to their zeal and their anxiety to relieve a fellow -mortal supposed to be in distress. °A cruel and silly joke, after all, brought out an .instance of the good side of humanity, and vividly illus- trated the truth of the pathetic words of "Dr. Matthew Lee " in "Rosedale," that a physician's first miseion•to relieve Buffer- ing and pain ie . a solemn duty never negleoted.-Winnipeg Free Press. There were iathe United States in the year 1888, 2,000,000 of legal voters who were unable to read or write. The value of the exports from Sheffield, Eng., to the United States the past three months was about $900,000. At the Glasgow Convention of Seamen and Dookmen it was suggested the next strike take place in mid -ocean. William Hastings, of Parkersburg, W. Va., has a machine that will revolutionize nail -making," doing the work of three- _- _maohinee-e — - _ . _ ___ - The Brooklyn Workmen's Furniture Insurance Fund has 6,242 members. The treasurer's books show total assets to the amount of $28,180.90. The value insured 'given at $2,838,725. " William, Emperor of the Working- men," was inscribed on the arch of welcome erected by the workingmen under whioh William II. and Emperor Franz, Joseph passed, in entering Liepnik. , Labor Commissioner Peck, of New York : •' Time was when the relation of employer and employed were such that thewill of the employer was absolute and self-asser- tion was impossible:" - Gold is worth about $240 a pound troy. The rare metal gallium is valued at -$3,250 an ounce; barium, 1)975 a pound; calcium, $1,800 a pound ; cerium, $1,920 a pound. Nickel is worth 60 'cants a [found and silver $12. Recent successes in tunnel building en- courage the belief that a tunnel under Behring's Strait will, before very long, make it poosible to enter a.railway oar at the Grand Central station, in New York, and step out of it in St. Petersburg or Paris. , In Manchester, N. H., a loom -fixer on plain work receives from $1.75 to $2 per ,day, and $2.25 per day on fanny work. The number of looms under charge of each man "is - less than in . Lowell. In Nathan the loom -fixer on plain work re- ceives $1.75 par day; in Lawrenoe, $1.75 on plain work and'3 lto $2,25 per day on fanoy work. Prices at Tacoma, Waeh.: Potatoes, per •pound,' 3 cents e hay, per ton, • $15 to $35 ; oats,. per ton, $16 to $35 ; potatoes, per ton, $10 to $60 ; eggs, per dozen, 20 to 40 Dente ; butter, per pound; 15 to 35 gents ; • cheese, per -pound, 12i to 15 cents ; cab- bage, per pound, 1 to 2i cents; onions, per , pound, 2 to 5 conte ; tomatoes, per pound, 4 so 7 cents ; strawberries, per pound, 5 to . 10 cents. Higher Education. Sophomore- How did yon get away from. the polioemaial Junior -Oh, I just spoke to him and be let' me go. ' Sophomore -How was that Jnnior-Bp is silver, y' know. Frederick Rio freon, a farm laborer, was struck by a train while walking along the track near Antwerp, Ont., Thnrsd-ay eve- ning, and instantly killed. The engineer saw him by aid df the Headlight, bat it was impossible to stop in time to prevent the accident. • --It it a common misoonoeption that the tongue is neeeesery to articulate ptteranoe, and when among other atrocities practised on the early Christian martyrs cutting out of the tongue was resorted to and the vio- time subsequently became able to speak it was looked upon as miraculous, and so handed down in the legends of the Church. Surgical science) has, however, demon- strated frequently that the tongue is not an nbeoluto-requirement in the vocal economy, - and within the poet few days Mise Sarah Brown, of Tweed, whose tongue waa exoiaod beoaaee ,of cancer, has begun to talk quite fluently. Mr. Spurgeon ie i11, and is not able to start for Mentons, where he had planned to go. Condensed Fashions. Thistles are popular a9 pin heads. Sleeves are full and hien at the top. Turquoise blue is to be a ruling calor in hats. Boas made of "cocks' feathers oast a pretty penny. Almost every fall oapehas a high Medici Dollar. Te crack prioe in London for a gentle - ma evening suit is 111p0. Half low bodices and long sleeves are to. be seen on new dinner dresses. White satin is not considered too costly or rich a material for a tea -gown. Royal bine will be a conspicuous color this season, especially, in millinery. Embroidered or painted or embossed leather jaokets are worn with all kinde of, dresses. • English brides are said not to buy any- thing like the amount of finery that their mothers did. Heliotrope as a tint for gowns and bon- nets is dying very hard, bat it is- no longer a fashionable color. Florists now resort to rose dyeing in order to produce the colors demanded by eccentric ladies of fashion. An English dressmaker who is trying to make a "hit" has made a bodice tor a customer which is high on one side and low on the other. She Pitied Him. s• Harper's Bazar: ; " I was so gratified, Miss Jonas," said the young playwright, " tosec that my work moved you to toare last night." " Yes, Mr. Bronson," paid the young woman, with a sigh ; " I was so sorry- for you." \ Or a Dime Museum. Rochester Herald : Cousin Nell, incul- cating generosity -Supposing your chicken should lay a nice egg, Tommy; wonld you give it to me ? Tommy -No ; I'd sell it to Barnum. That chick's a rooster. Zandkiel'a almanac' for '91, already issued in London, oasts the horoscope for Armies, prodioting that troope will be galled out, taxation increased, and the Government defeated. Taxation is already inoroased ; the defeat of the Governinent is only one day off, and the palling out of troops will be in order when Congress shall have convened. y a i , an they all mise, and the great difference -one great difference -in the result is that when the regular dootore lose a patient no one grumbles, and when the irregular doctors lose one the come mnnity stands on end and howls. -Rochester Union and Advertiser. Nature oaree, but nature can be aided, hindered or defeated in the curative pro- cess. And the Commercial's contention is_ and trust the advioe of men of good char- acter who `have studied the human system and learned, as far as modern ecienoe lights the way, how far they can aid nature and how they oan beet avoid obstructing her. - Buffalo Commercial. It ie not our purpose to consider the evils that result from employing the unscrup- ulous, the ignorant, charlatans and quacks to prescribe for the maladies that afflict the human family. We simply declare that the physician who knows something is better than the physioian who knows nothing, or very little indeed about the structure and the conditions of the human system. Of course " he does not know it all." --Rochester Morning Herald. I have used Warner's Sato Cure and -but for its timely use would have been, I verily believe, in my grave from what the dootore termed Bright's Disease, -D. F Shriner, senior Editor Scioto Gazette, Chillicothe, Ohio, in a letter dated June 30, 1890. Ina 1 " IN THIRTY DAYS.,, Around tie World in the Brief Space .,ge One Month. Only the completion of the Russian tranR- Asiatio road to. Vladivostook is needed to create the poaeibility of a trip around the world in thirty days. Taking London, the world's commercial capital, for a starling point, the following rates of time predicted will be found easily realizable : Days. Ronin London to Liverpool, by rail 0 5 Liverpool to Quebec," by few steamer 6 e Quebec @ o Van 11.01 Vancouver to Vladivoetock, by fast steamer, making 19 knots 10 18 Vladivoetook to St. Petersburg, by rail, at miles an hour., Petersburg to London..., 11 20 then. The .Cariboo Sentinel, 4 pages e (4 columns) eaoh about 14 inches long, sold t Y $1 per copy and no advertisement was taken at less than $5 each insertion Th • e - compositors got 75 cents per thousand ems and the editor got $100 per week. The advertie'ements are very neatly set and the paper is quite spiny, and largely devoted to mining of course The gentle h man who Women's Ways. There is more than the difference of a letter between the woman with nerve and the woman with nerves. Somehow profanity does not seem so bad to a woman when a 'man is swearing how much he thinks of her. Did yott ever notice that after a woman passes 30 ehe doesn't care if people do know she is going to be married ? It a woman was as careful in selecting. a husband to match her disposition as she is in selecting a dress to match her complex- leln there wnntrl e-few-er-marriage-trou-bi than there are. When does a woman stop being a girl ? Is it whenshe gets married ? We have known married women of 18 who became arose if they were called girls, and unmar- ried women of 38 who would get cross if called anything else. Unless a girl oan invite everyone she knows to her parties it is risking her popu- larity to entertain at all. It is said that after a girl gives a party to a few friends half the other girls she meets on the street the next day -won't speak to her. beoanse -they were not invited. - Women leave halt their things behind them. After a crowd has left the opera house it is women's handkerchiefs, umo brollies and gloves that are pinked up in the seats ; never the men's. It is the women who leave everything '.from a valise to a baby in the oars when they travel. There seems to be an absent-mindedness about women that they themselves cannot account for. --Atchison Globe. Death Bate in England and France. . , The birth-rate in Frappe is 23 per 1,000, whilst in England it is 31. The death -rate in France was, during 1884.8, 22.3 per 1,000, as against 19 on this side of the Channel. Thus the death -rate in a given population is as seven to six between them and us. Such are the ominous figures whioh a Times correspondent has worked out, and he. attributes much of this abnormal mortality amongst our French neighbore to " filth diseases." The Times leader edde another canoe, and considers that the penurious habits of the Frenoh have something to du with it. They do not feed themselves well enough, because they want to save. There is three times as mnoh fever over there as here. Oompairing Paris with London, the ;teach rate of the last five pears was there 23.5, and with us.19. This, however, must be again qualified in our favor by adjusting it to the oomparative birth-rate. Typhoid lever carried off in Paris during three years 1,072 victims, and in London, which is twine as populous, only 612. There is in foot nearly four times as much fever in that oily, and three times as much dierrbce t, .asin our metropolis. All the leading/ French towns exoeed even our Manchester, whioh has just now an unevitable notoriety, and there are two of them, whose , mortality hes actually risen to 53 per thousand. -Rock. Excusable. Kingston Whig : The " make-up " man of the Shawville Equity managed to get the two following paragraphs in a late ieene pretty well mixed up : Mr. Wm. 'Richrrdson left •hors yester- come off on Wednesday, and the happy pair are expected home on the following Monday. We wish them a safe trip and a happy old time. Rev. Carl Allum preached at Ebenezer day for Des Joaohims, where he is to meet his intended. Tho wedding is to a wook ago last Sunday on missionary work. Piok out the proper lines from each para- graph and theylmake sense. The editor of the Equity was Lust home from his wedding trip. That is excuse enough. • Both were in the Dark-, Punch: Schoolmaster -yen; but look here, my boy. Suppose I were to lend your father five hundred pounds, let ne say -without interest -but on oondition that he should pay me ten pounds a week. How mnoh would he still owe me in two months ? • New boy -Five hundred pounds, sir 1 Schoolmaster -Tut 1 tut 1 My boy, you don't know the first principles of arith - metio l New boy --You don't know nay lather, air 1" Bank teller -Well, if there's no other way of oohooting the bill, yon might draw on him with a oight:draft. Ciistomer- There's no use in doing that; the man is blind. mer early " paehers."• Bat good as printers' wages were they w miners who got -when they had work at all- $15 a day ; when they didn't work - well, they had hard times, indeed. Wages had to bp high in order to enable men to live. Here ie a specimen market report : " Flour is now selling at- $36 per '100 lbs. ; butter, $1 25 ; sugar, 500; coffee, $1 ; tea, $1.25 to $1.75 ; bacon, .50o ; beans, 40o ; tobacco, $2, $3 to $4 ; candles, $1 to $1.25 per doz. ; gum boots, $18 a pair ; mutton, 40o to 45o ; beef, 30o to435a." In those days men didn't care for small coins, and even to this day the average British Columbian dislikes thein. Mr. Gosnell says it is only recently that 5o pieces have been put into general oircula- ainet o e popnla feeling. There is quite a gap between the Cariboo Sentinel, of Mr. Warren Lembert'e journalistic days,' at $1 a copy and the 1890 newspaper ; but the former served its oon- stitueney and at $52 a year probably did not enable its proprietors to start a bank. The volume in Mr.-Gosnell's poeseesion will rank More and more as a journalistic onriosity at the years roll by and oar Paoifio is Altar - V. --- - - --- aL_ , figures mits columna as one of the ere not out •of proportion to that -of tion there and ag ' cons era r It Was a Warm Day. Mrs. Nonvean-Marie (looking up from the morning piper) -We are not fashion- able, Henry. We ehould be divorced, or separated ; don't you think so ? 11r. Nouveau-Iriarie-Yes, my dear; I will go away Mrs. Nonvean-Marie-Go away ? Oh, how nine I'll go with you. . Total 35 6 A total of thirty-five days, six hours 1 but 'these calculations include elow staged of travel. Forty miles an hour on the two great transcontinental roads will reduce :._ ,..- time will certainly be made in anewer to commercial necessities.-Lafcadio Hearts ifs the November Harper's. Infants' Birth cards. It is a recent and widening custom to announce the birth of a ohild by sending out a small card with its baptismal name in all upon it ; also the date of its birth in the lower left -band corner. It is in- closed in an envelope • with its mother'. card. A babe is the only untitled person to whom etiquette permits a card that has not Mr., Mrs. or Mies upon it. If visits are not poosible a oard with " Congratulation" written upon the upper left corner is at once sent. addressed to the mother. -New York World. Province develops in wealth and influence. est A Strange Letter. The following letter was written by the young woman who threw the two children over the bridge at Akron the other day, partioulers of whioh appeared in the T1i7Es : —00t-31:0C-1890:— DEAR Oct 31Btoi890DEAR AIINTY,—When yon get this I will be far from earth. I am sick and tired of living, and as - I told yon my last hope is come at last. I am thankful to die. People rebuke me for things I am not guilty of, and as I have no one to love I oan go in peace. My heart I ' leave in Akron with the. one I always epoke to you of ea he seems to not care for me. -I know it ie a sin for me to put an end to myself but I am not the only one. My brain is longing for the end. - Now if I only had my little brother to take with me I would be 'happy. If I only had died when-• I was - piing how thankful I would have been, but asit is I must' die. So tell my, sister that I love her as much ae ever, but that I could not stay with her. I.hope you will see to them, as I know you will, and when, I am dead I will come to you and explain and do not fear me. I will not hurt you, and the man I love will know me as 'a frequent visitor. Oh, dear, if it was. only over how thankful I would be. I think I will take some one with me, so I will close my last letter on earth, hoping Goa will do justice with me as He does with everybody. So when you get this you will know I am no more. Yon will find my body in the basin in Buffalo. PIeaae bury me in Akron as I will be near my loves one. So good -by. From Sadie your no more niece. • Pointers for Wife -Hunters. Boston Gazette : Agree with the girl's father in politics and the mother in relig- ion. If you have a rival, keep an eye on him.. If he is a widower, keep two eyes on him. Don't put too mach sweet stuff on paper. It you do you will hear it read in after years when your wife has some epeoial purpose in inflioting upon you the severest punishment known to a married man. Go home ata reasonable hoar in the evening. Don't wait until a girl has to throw her whole soul into a yawn that she can't Dover with both hands. A little thing like that might pause a coolness at the very begin- ning of the game. If, on the occasion of your first call, the girl upon whom yon have set, your young affections looks like an iceberg and acts like a cold wave, take your leave early and' stay away. Woman' in her hour of freeze is unoertain, ooy and hard to please. In cold weather finish saying good night in the house. Don't stretch it all the way to the front gate, and thne lay the founda- tion for future asthma, bronchitis, neural- gia and chronic catarrh to help yon to worry the girl to death after she has mar- ried. Don't lie about your financial condition. It is very annoying to a bride who has pictured a life of ease Miler ancestral halls to learn, too late, that you expect her to ask a bald-headed old parent who has been uniformly kind to her to take yon in out of the oold. Magistrate Bell, of Colchester, is dead. He was one of the oldest inhabitants in the township. A Hone for Incirr.ables. Christian Guardian : Does it pay ?-Of the 32 alleround. athletes in a New York club of five years ago, three are dead o! consumption, five have to wear trusses, four or five are lop -shouldered, and three have catarrh and partial deafness. As far ae general healtirl-and longevity goes, the dry goods clerk outdoes the athlete. Tory Paper Epidemic. Clinton New Era : This appears to be a hard year with newspaper men. Within a.00uple of months three newspapers have been put in the hands of assignees, the Brantford Telegram, Dundas Standard and St. Catharines Star, and all of them were Conservative. This is hard luck in any case; and the proprietors are to be pitied. Unhappy Ireland. Buffalo News Poor hungry Ireland had a hurricane fora change yesterday. Several houses -in Skibbereen, the heart of the starving district, were wreoked. Ireland has epeoial pause to plead - From lightning and tempest ; from plague, pestilence and famine ; from battle and murder and from sudden death ; Good Lord, deliver ns. The corner-stoneat the Chicago Masonic temple, whioh will cost over two million dollars, was laid yesterday with imposing oeremonies. ataaaasaaraaaateadaessmeminmellieriainnegsmnimanws DON L. 47. 00, ;: 1.. ,. r r f lily . , a �lte Be:,t, Easiest ' Use ar 1 Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by nail, 50e. E. T. Hazeltine, Warrent. Pa., TT, :,• 1. • t®13 'thekt i CHRONIC COUGH NOW! For if you do not it may become con- sumptivo. For . Consumption, Scrofula, General Debility and Wasting Zliseasrss, there Is nothing like Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HyPOPHOSIN-11TES CIE "Mase. ea* cII i3adii. it to almost as paiai, hlo as milk. Far bettor than other so-called Emulsions. A wonderful flesh prod ucor. SCOTT'S EMULSION is put up in a salmon color wrapper. De sure and yet the genuine. ,gold by all Dealers at 50c. and $1.00. 'SCOTT & BOWNE, IIeilorilie. THMANIDS Of BOEPLE5 GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Cure I do not meas merely to stop them for a time, and thew have them return again. 0 MEAN A RAD -ICA L C U R iE. I have made the disease of Ftt % Epilopuy or Fatting Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Curelf,$ly, Worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sen 3,4 once for a treatise and a Fro° Dottie of my Infallible Remedy. Give Expprer9 and,, ostOffce. It costs you nothing, for a -H , trial, and it will cure you. Addresst. W ROOT.all.C., [trench Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. Wawmarass Y', 1n. ..---.1'411•-d131.)y.•F..• .. NI. 1V,TOPtW10••4IN.Y-. Pr!.Wiri1WMM t% ' TO THE 1rT)ITOLt:- Please inform your readers that I have a positive above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases "ave been e • I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FItIt to any or your Y eutnption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respe- M.C.. t86 Wost Adolalti6 VeRONTQ. ONTARIO. t . t. 'It a. t,eej A 1