HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-21, Page 1r ili afaiMIIINNINININNO•111010:611011S 9X77.4=M=Wt4XPIT4I .843%'41'7 - . - ..osecusnismosmisemnomexamart Is published every/Friday at. the " Sentinel" block. north -eat corner of Outram and Campbell Sts., LttekhoW, 13Y — EDITOR Si PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAJt IN A D VANCE. I. KINDS OF 7043 : _PRINTING WITT NEATNESS dt BEWATCHI. _ MEDICAL A. MJ/ONALD, M. D., C. M. 0.1). S. ity • O. Office, Kintail. THE ILUCKNOW BA1VKINGCOMPANY (Not Incorporated. ) • U R. *TNN -ANT, PHYSIC1ANL surg-ontitl Accoucheur. Surgery .0p- ,posite Cain's. hotel. Cline hours from 9 t., 12 ;I. nu, and from 2 to 5 p. m. McD, GORDON, C.M., F.T. ALJ. M.S., M C.P.S.U., Physicia.n, Sur - .rein,. and Acconakeur. Office next door to' W. ;Utiles implement shop. Residence Ross street, .0)ppoaite W. U. Little's. • DI iLl (noODE°) V. • .4 CALIS either by mail or telegram prImptly is • . ;Attended to,.. Charges moderate. Office, Cot--; •rigan's hall. Boarding house, Cain's hotel; .ItieknOW• 1. 11101......,1111 AMMINVAIIMPI1011.001 LEGA L IMO'CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, .4,,J in H. C. G. Kinlough 2. Q., untari,I. )NV & PRO .4131 tars, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Out. T. G. GARROW, Q. C. Wm. Puoulgoom, • I '4 t • 4 • 1l 1 LLIOT TRAVE1, ATTORNEY AT 14 law, 'Solicitor in Chancery, Convey-. fencer., etc. Office,•next door to Murchison's 'eavellerg stove, Liicktiow, Ont, 7131- MORRISflN.A TTO RN EY AT 11_,_11.4) law, Solicitor in Guancery, Commis- sirner, Conveyancer, •.•te, Office, .oyer the "•barber GENERAL' OBE iT'UNN1f0-HAM, XNSUR Fire & Marine, Guelph, Ont. • TO.NEY TO LOAN! I 'HAVE AF E W VL . thoussnd dollars to invest for' pri vate 'parties. at reasonable interests. ELmoT MONEYTO LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at .7 to 7.I.; per cent. •interest. payable yearly. Charos moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. " • JOHN MURCHISON, 0. 1'..1. TICKET agent. One Way excursions to'the North West and Pacific Coast. Full information to intending travellers to any part of the world, 111& OXEY T( ! TER CENT. from 2 to 20 year. Lists of farms for sale•in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their • inter- ests by insoe.cting the ad v€ rti Aing facilities of 'Subscriber in 0 reat Tttritain and ire.ancl and continent of la,ndefor sale. ANGUS STEWART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. • . WEST' WAWANOSII MtTTTJAL Fire Insurance. Company, board of directors meets for the transacti)n oi business on the first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insuretlin. this 'increasingly popular Company, will by giving 'notice, be called .por by an agent or by one of tile. Directors.. B asiness calls promptly attended to. Office, Dunganni,n, J. M. ROB•Eirrs, Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treastlrer. W - .. . T , . y_ , ,c,li K N 0 w :...tivo . , •••. .. Lodge,:No. 112 ,• • . , Meets every Friday ' ;•,- , , evening at 8 'o'clock . in t d'ir hall. Campbell ‘.treet. All. brethren siorrlially invited. D. TAYLOR, Noble C:.and ; •JOHN .F.LLIOT, Recorder: ' •-• -- - 0.•F '..•OUR'T ) Cc Sherwood,; No. --.14 • ; 50, Lucknow. Meet - every last and third Monday in every Molt:I,. in the Odd - "",i • . fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r 0 -.;,• cordially invited. .A., .„...•ifiii „. „ p.1•11;1:- DAVISON, 0.It U1:1101). D. YuLs 'Ste. _ • -V A 0. . W. LITCKNOW LODGE OF -4-1L• the Ancient Order United Workmen, .pieet in the Oddfellows hiol, on the,last and second Mo'ilday, evening/of each Month at eight o'clock. Visitine/brethren cordially invited. ,j011,N Thum', Master Worlinia,n. R. 1). CamEtiox, Recorder. , T UCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI. tnte. Reading coon open every evening from 6 to 10 p. tn., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to .6 p, m. The. 'librarian will be in attendance during these lours, D. D. Yin.; President. JAS. SOMEU IV it LE, $ecretarv. DEINTA 3. S. JEROME', L. D. S.,- Wingbain, will be in Lntknow on the second and fourth Ftj- day and Saturday of each month. Gond seta • 1611',$10. Fliing and extracting a epecialty.. tiONelt TO LOAN im nAFTS4SSUED ON ALL PRIN- LJ points. Cheques, drafts and mortgages cashed. Ni,tes discounted. Amor- ican currency & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on 'depoaits from five dollars and upwards at the rate id five per centum per annum. Money to lend on farm or village property at the lowest current rates. Vire insurance effected in first clams stock insurance companies only. •- We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre caul two r20 wore farrna sal.e cheap. Office hours 10 a, m to 4 p. m. G. A. Si DDALL, Manager. OBI THE t RESTAITgANT Campbell Street, Lickrow, J. C. KINCAID, PROP. e or can. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, SWEET CIDER, MILK -SHARE, TOBACCO-, CIGARS, , ETC.," constantly kept in stock. Give me a trial. Remember the place, next to • the bank. • Clearing Salo ! I am determined to clear ormr • ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY, ETC. t prices away ° down. Now is the time to secure a. BARGAIN Up W. E. Smith Looic0 lanimR, FIRE! FIRE Insure your farm proper,y, private 4wellipg, • in. the old reliable, the LONDON • MUTUAL AN O1TY MUTUAL. Office, -A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow. Wil be in the office every Saturday afternoon, JonN LANE, Ago Kinlough. NEWS OF THE TOWN. Week's Record of the Pushing Border ' Town: • —Miss Amy Kelborne, of Chesley, is visitin. * A 1 v age. —Mrs. B. Alli, of Ashfield, re- turned last week from her visit to friends in Seaforth. —Fish of all kinds, salt in barrels under cover, all sold at the lowest prices at Geo. Kerr's. —Miss Minnie Greer, of Goderich, is the guest of her sister Miss Aggie Greer this week.—Blyth Standard. —A few young men.boarders can be accommodated - at Mrs. J. Greedy's], on Willoughby street in this yillage. - —A large variety of ladieshand7 solee buttoned bootfrom -$1 to $1.50 per pair, end a, cheice line as low as 75 cents.—John Peart. —Mr. .Jas. Cassidy, of Goderich, . who is canvassing for subscribers ,to the ,Signa/, was in the village for 'the past week and succeeded in obtaining asgood list. IP is a worker. . —Now is the time to secure big bargains in, all kinds of -boots and shoes. 1 an, determined to clear out ley entire stock in odd sites at and below cost.—John Peart. —Mr. Fred'Grundy last 'week at claim to the .farni he purchased some tine ago, in the township of, Ashfield, , against the OetarieaBank, Found on the 10th concession of Kinloss, a pursescontaining a Aim of money. The owner can have the same from the undersigned by paying expenses and proving property. Jahn Purvis, Holyrood. „ —We want a lot more subscribers for the SENTINEL There • are yet several. in this vicinity who are not getting. it. To new subscribers we will give the SENVINEL frons now until 189.2 for $1 in a:lvance. —Mr. Chas. Briggs, of ,Poisley, has entered action against a Port -Egli) magistrate for not snaking yreturns of a conviction last spring. It 'appears Briggs 'was fined $50 and the J. P. is charged with retaining the amount. —The Berlin authorities refused to grant the necessary authorization .for a prayer , meeting called together by. the Court. Chaplain until he had given a written undertaking that the occasion would not be used to vilify the Jews. —J-estro--Purvis, attetioneer;will sell at lot 12, concesssion 9;' E. D. Ashfield, on Friday, Nov. 21, ' a large quantity of farm stock, imple- ments, etc.,. the property of the late Win. Irwin. Sale to comnieece ..at 1 o'clock. All parties indebted to me for last year's 'accounts will please call and. settle at once and save costs, as I intend placing them in other 'hands for collection.—J. Peart. --Mr. Seth Mothers, of Lucknow, was here taking in the Methodist church Thanksgiving dinner mid all its pertainings, also h portion of. Hullett: We are glad to learn be is getting along well in. his new quarters.—Blyth:. Standard. —During , the last twelve .month events—some sad, owejoyful—crowd ed thick and fast in one household in Alnia, Huron Tp. In one family. there occurred one. birth, two deaths, and three marriages—all in the short space of one year. . —The following, is a copy ofa note sent to the clerk of a parish not a hun- dred miles from London: 'Mister, my wief is dead and wants to be hurried to -morrow at wormer clock., You knows where to dig it, close by my other wief ; but let it .be dip.' ' —To give a brilliant white light, a lamp nees a thorough cleansing every little while. The oil should be.poured Out of the fount, leaving no•dregs the bottem. The fount should then be washed in strong soapsuds, rinsed in warm water and dried. It should then he filled with fresh oil. The bunter should he Wiled in soda and water until the network that Crosses it is freed' from dirt and dust. If the wick has been clogged withaedint.riae it with a new, one. 1 PAD THE PENALTY. Reginald Birchall Hanged for the Murder of F. C. Benwell at Woodstock. WOODSTQCK, Nov. 14.—The murder 'of Frederick 0. Benwell has been avenged. Reginald Birehall was exe- coed on the scaffold in the yard of Woodstoc-k gaol this morning at about 8.21. He died without confessing, not even alluding in public to his crime, He made no speech or remark of any kind after getting into the gaol yard., save a casual one to the executioneer. He maintained his nerve throughout, and but for a ghastly pallor gave no evidence of the emotion within his breast. From, beginning to end he did not flinch or lose his self-possession. lle 'died bravely, and as'he said het. would die. • The day was bright and beautifulL. The yarn of death4ay 'in the shadow of the ohl gaol, and ,only on one corner of it could the sunlight fall at this early hour. The scaffold was in the shadow and the whole yard appeared gloomy chid frightful,.. contrasted with the briehtness thatieigned without. Birchall .seenied indifferent to. the crowd of Aiiectators. His gaze was directed principally towards thedread- ful gallows and only occasionally did he meet the eyes of the onlookers, though those of all present were bent with a terrible Anxiousness and intent- ness upon him. When their eyes met he never quailed. He preserved to the last look a .stony determination not to 'break down, and this was •the express- ion -on his face When the hangman drew the black cap down over it and hid it from view. At 8.23 o'clock the prisoner's arms were strapped behind his back, and thenthe awful march to 'death began towards the jail yard. First came the Rural Dean Wade, behired .him Dr. Ohaniberlain, followed by A. D. Stewart and Deputy-Sheliff Perry. The ' prisoner came next, 'deathly pale, but resolute, l'iis step was steady. His jet Week hair and •moustache:anode the, pallor of his fa0 ,like Marble. • • • • Day -guard Perry and Mr. Leethain walked on each side, holding Birchall's arms. The principal actors in the tragedy stopped with their charge about fifteen feet • from the gallows. Inthe eyes of the black -haired, white- faced young man standing on the threshold ot eternity there was nota trace of •thefrivolity that has lightened hie impr.csoninent. Time was not a hunted look,nor was.there any fear in his eyes, ,but 'a fixed purpose that seemed to consinneles reason. At the word t "Dust. to dust," in the service Birchall slep.ped firmly forward ,.and todk his plaee wider the. scaffold. He took Leethare's baud iri Ins and the friends kissed each other under the gallows. • rho executioner put a strap around .the reisoner's kegs, just above his knees. When the Rural Dearrasti- Lered upon-- the Is'ircl's prayer, the hangman steppe& forward •and placed the black cap inpeSitioe anti adjusted the noose.. At 8.27 the words "D - liver us from vif" gave the signal, and the ,exectioner putline a small rope released the weight, which then fell to 'the ground, jerking the hotly into the air about ti VO feet. Convulsions eorn- menced half a minute atter falling of weight, but they were not all t.iole.nt, and ceased no' six mirages. At 8:35 life was pronounced, to be extinct. — Lanes , The fine weather of Cite past few Weeks ,;has enabled farnaers to house and', secure the root crop in good shape. The crop in this section has been reported good. Thos. A. Morrison has been engaged by the board of trustees to teachour public school during the ensuing year. We • are sorry .to report a. very. serious accident which happened to Mrs. Matthew Parries on Wednesday of last week. *hire going towards Mr. J. J tkt4.11680a!imbhe horse ran away, .1%!!,•,„!•.4 4Vt throwing 1VIrs. Parries out, and injuring her very badly. Her two little girls were in the buggy but:escaped uuin jured, We hope to soou.hear of her being fully recovered. • things boom in this section. Every- thing promises to enrich 'the farmer and compel sill merchants to sell at a certain per cent. tq,suit the association.. Those terrible storekeepers will ,haye to come to time soon. We are alwhyts ready to encourage any movement which will .benefit the agriculturist, but at the same time we should be very careful to give .ont support and money to something that will stand the test. Mr.. Andrew Curtiee :and %rife, also Mrs. John L. Eunice, of norriervinea, _ spent a few day fr with friends here last - week. . On Wednesday evening of last week the residence of W. H. Reid Esq. was the scene of •a ;very pleasing affair., The gathering of frien.dsand neighbors was for the purpose of ;celebrating the marriage of Amelia S., eldest daughter of W. H. Reid, to James Alton, of Belfast- The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Strongman, of Luck - now. After the knotohad been tied • the tables were spread with.a bounti fel repast. The toast of the 'evening was proposed by Dr. Strongman and responded to by Mr. Robt..Aarrion. Aborit one hundred and eighty guests were preset -it -alter tea the evening was spent in social games, and • ffraSiC both 'vocal and •instruniental. At about 4:30 the party dispersed, all seeming to have had enjoyed them - 'selves. The number of presents both numerous and costly, goes for to show the high respectin which the young .couple are held ainong their acquaint- ances. wish them success. Clover Valley The following is the standin.f in order of merit of the pupils of S. S. No., 11, 'Huron : 4th ciass—A. C. Paterson, J. Pritchard, E. Patterson, M. Downy, A Fletther, M. NicholsOn„ M. McGuire, M. Hamilton 3rd class —A. MeLennan, R. McCharles, M Patterson. 2rid Mai•tin. 2nd• part—J. Johnson, M. Martin, A. Mc'Taerisli,N. McCallum. 1st part sero—S.'McCharlee, M. Pritchard, W Ifrianilten, B. Nicholson. 1st part.J r. F. McLennan, M. Clark, M. Martin. The Patrons of IGdustry have organ- .. ized in the Valley. • • • . Mr. .A.,alatnitton and-LAir,.2-1V-,-- Siiiith. have emelt erected a fine d ell- ing house, and the nut ,the boys are trying to crack is "Who is going to garnish them for the tAV6 W's."' Two young men residing in Lucknow met with a niishap while down in the valley a few evenings ago. After having tied -their vessel to the dock it wastaken possessioe of by a horde of visiting pirates who Insisted all sail and, steered their course eastward. for,algout a raile And a half. Here the 'vessel.. grounded( and was deserted by her crew. After a diligent search it was re -captured by the nwners.. On Thursday an immense turnout of the Valley boys took plisse turd. armed to'i the teeth they proceeded. ,co. hunt in the dark and glooaly •foregN the Neighboring hills. Result -about one squiriel tu, every two guils 1••••' Hemlock City . Threshing is now compiet©d here . and the m farees are busy preparieg for winter. • Mrs Da:vid CuWan is at present •visiting hr daughter in Cultoden. Miss 's„. Rutherfordleft for Detroit - reeently, where she will probably remaip for the whiter. • Mr: &tissue! Brown has purchaeedl from Alit.„Richaisi Martina fine road) horse which will be a valuable addition., to hisAlready fine srocn. There has been such a constant demand on the Hemlock CitY. grist milis that the ceinpany have found, it nectessary 10 • employ another set of,' head 3 and. thereby run night .and day. Aedordingly they have hived. Mr,. • Morrison as ,tticiller, and Mr., :.roan Mc. Donaid, of. 'Itipley,.‘az.1). rftecuit n .nOw peoptakaan.,:lae.Sta'et o ate 'any V ••* ,,(•;•ift ‘•E-4,44%