HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 8.• *k=4;'.3;,;,•••••;4/.4./. • 4.1 $#.1' 6 -st • ra. The Luchnow Spntinel; Bruce County, Frida • LUCKNOW POST•OFFICE. Hours 8 a. auto 7 p.m. MAILS ARRIVE. ; • litr. G. d: B. South L-rfiv-& NOrtsbe - )ielyrood Iclulough W. (4. cfr B. North. Intermediate points f L.Hs& B. North Langside W., G. & B. ,South I L H. & Southl L. H. & 13:South '10.00 a.va. W G.& B. North 3.10 p. zu • Holyrood) iulough 4.30p.m. 8:13 a. m, Daily 12403•230 p. m, • " 3:48 p. m., 11 9 00 p. m,- 6, 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays ad 3 00 p, in,. Fridays Of 66 Change of Agency 1 • Mr. George Grant, of, this village,. has disposed of the agency of the, London Mutual and City Mutual Fire Insurance compaeies, to _Mr, John Lane, of Kinlough. They are both an do a lar arreount ofbusiness in this section. •sm• Zrt. NEWS OF TELE .TOWN. November 14th Week'o Record of the rushing !larder' Town. Mrs. T._ Detior and children came to the village last week. • s....1:4261.21 a ir...1‘,5_ inionth with friends in Detroit. .00 Wild Geese A large.iloqk of wild geese, between forty and tifty in number, has been seen several times during the past' couple of weeks in and around. Purvisl lake in Kinloss. Several of our . locat shootists went, in pursuit of them bue so far have failed to bag any of th 10' argainsin rnhneat — Coniaell's. . —Mr. D. Moody has considerably improved the appearance of his shaving parlor with lace curtains, etc. -F,—Mr. and Mrs. Westfield Crich, of Clintai, are the guests of Mr. A. D. McDonald, of this village. ' rne ioneer 6-uores . • I. • the blow and puff of. competitors, we have by aetull measurenient the largest general store in Luek now. S ,tv :•1 • 4. 14i ' # ,• Or' 10#S: rlt • r' • 4, 1 r,t ' • ;Wino and "teinttif Btu* • Horse and Buggy for Sale To be sold immediately a three • year old mare, a buggy nearly new and harness. Apply to Mr. McGarry, Whitely Hotel, Lucknow. Verandah Removed The old frame verandah in front o! Moocly's•-.1aarber .shop, „ and one of the pioneer structures of the...Killa'ge, been .taken away„ Its . removal makes, a decided improvement to the look of. the main street. 'Buying Grain Having leased Mr. A. McGrory's storehouse, I am now buying all kinds of grain at the highest market .price. • ' • Mr. McGrory will be on the market • - • • to" buy steady every. day.—Geo. Kerr. Cow By -Law The village by-law prohibiting cattle from running at large, went int J force Nov. 1st. The prohibition extends to the 1st of May. The authorities should see that the law is strictly enforced. A Liberal Offer We are now offering that splendid family' weekly, The Western Adver- tiser, London, with its charming monthly premium, "Wives and Daughters" and the SENTINEL at the remarkably low figure of $1.70. Three popular publications for almost the rice of.one ! Samples free. Address, SENTINEL, ,Lucknow, Ont. • .• •• 113atronS. of Industry F. J. Bennest," Organizer of Patrons' of Andustry for the County of Huron, at work in the ' townships of Wt.- wanesh and Ashfield. He is ad...tress- lug a Meeting in each School Section 0,0 4 very successful in, organizing Associa'Aons, and apears to be a gen- eral favorite among the fartnerS. He organized his first association at St. Helen in 46 hours after his appear- ance in the County. Under Sentence of Death . The following are the unfortunates nowlying in jail awaiting execution: John Reginald Birchall (Woodstock jail)_execution fixedior Nov. 14, 1890; J B. H. Morin (IGntinaany jail), ex: ecu tion Nov. 21, 1890); Wm W. • Blanchard (Sherbroke execution .Dec. 12, 1890 ; Arthur Hoyt Pay (Welland jail), execution Dec: 1890; Remi Lamontague .(Sherbroke jail), execution Dec. 19th, 1890. • . Should,be Protected The havoc made by hunters among deer on the peninsula this season is something terrific, and unless the governmentprohibit hunting with dogs • entirely this beautiful animal will soon become extinct in Bruce county: Nearly every train durin,,T.,the .past .three weeks has conveyed from one, to four dead deer southward, some of them being spring fawns, and it is claimed the dog s• kill mire, animals than the hantersdo, by relining them • over the precipices on the lake shore, where their bodies lie and rot.—Tara Leader. A New County The inconvenience to many,of the • witnesses in the North l3ruce protest on account of the distance they will he' compelled to 'travel, whether the case be heard at Walkerton or Port must be very apparent to any one ; and it is but natural that it gives rise to t he thought that the county in its pies..nt fo'rm is altogether too large • the north .riding alone being 'about 80 miles long • The • popuiation iS sufficiently large, Anil th'e t•um. nships sufliciently wealthy to form a good siz01 110 w county in the noi rhlf the sou' hern boundary was made ro-term- i rous,with the southern boundary of u‘.r''.1 'nn 'd toile!) haV(, two counties sutlitiently huge Hs,tead irf one so large and incenveri. 1Viarton is contra1 y liwnt a lI1 wou l 1 1x3 a ood •fr». as county town, llow is it that no move Made in this direction ? Is it (cause 011(1 party is afraid that the 0.(1101• ary- ImA TAIrtay,0" — Debentures Sold ' The council have disposed of the debentures for the 85000 loan to Messrs. Cliff & Forster, of the furni- ture factory to Mr. G. A, Stimson, of Toronto, at half yer cent.' premium. This is considered a good sale on debentures bearing five. per cent. and interest payable yearly. Indian Summer The meteorological authorities prove- ise us tit fast a.Week of Indian summer weather before the month „ends, and then .a storm which will usher in the winter If it could be arranged that frost and snow should come on Dec. 1, and continue for three months, there would be general rejoicing in Canada. There. ,is- nothing like an old-time Winter for stimulating business. Passed Away • - ' The -re died at his residence, lot 22, concession P2, West Wawanosh, on Sunday last, another of the old pioneers pf the township, in the psrson of Hugh McPherson. Deceased was born in Invernesshire, Scotland, and came to Canada about 40 years ago, where he arrived at the Hub Grocery.—J. Elliot, —Turnip raising is anything but a pleasant exercise this weather, but there. seems to be a good deal of it going on. ----All parties bringing butter to the stores will find it to their advantage to make it in 2 lb. rolls. —Goodfarm horse for sale 4 years old, or would exchange for a good young roadster. Apply to T, W, Hi Idred, Lucknow. • —Cash customers will do well to call anyl get one of my cash cards and see the great advantage offered —W. Connell. Mr. Drainy, of North Bay, has been visiting with Mr. Themas Little, his cousin. Mr. Drainey is conductor of the Soo -branch of the C. P. R., and was brought up at Dungannon. —John Purvis; auctioneer,• will sell by public auction at' lot 8, con. 11, E. D., Ashfield, on Thursday, Nov. 20th, a quantity of farm stoek, the property of Wm. Irwin. • —R. McCharles, auctioneer, will .sell by public auction at lot 2, co.n. 1,2; a largeNuantity of farm stock, imple- ments,- etc., the property of D. & J. •Matheson. township,. after which he came to Wawanosh where he resided till his death. His remains were interred in -St. Helens cemetery on Tuesday. E.nglish Church Social . —An association of the Patrons of Industry was organized. by F. J. • •B A social under the auspices • Of theennest, county organizer, at Scott's Ladies' : Aid Society of the church of England, will.he held at the residence of Mrs. A E. Brasher, this (Thursday) evening, to: assist in procuring. better heating appliances for the church. -The splendid brass band of the Luck - now Fire Brigade will be in attendance, and aftera fowl supper, which will be served .from 6:30 to 8:30, a splendid programme,consisting of recitatiebs, by Miss Jean.G. Murray,. vocal and instrumental music • will he given. Admission -25 - cents; children,. 1<5 cents. All are 'cordially invited. , A Good Magazine The De?hteator,' a journal of FaShion,. Culture, and Fine Arts, -is undoubtedly one of the finest ladies magazines pub- lished in Canada. It . is printed monthly and contains all the nerviest designs and styles in ladier, misses radrens dresses h -ti AtheraTtirgtes.' and no lady who wishes to keep her- self thoroughly pos .ed'on these inter=, esting Mat6ers, should be without this magazine. Ttle''' price is only..$1 per year, and all subscriptions should be sent to the Delineator Publisting Co., 33 Richmond Street, West Toronto. .Birchall Must Die • •• . The refusal of the Dominion Govern- ment to interfere :with the sentence of death passed upon Reginald Birchall for the murder of F. C. 13enwell, at the Woodstock asSizes, meets with almost., univerSal approval by t he public His execution 'will take plaCe between 'eight .and bine o'clook on Friday ,(14th inst.) morning. , The. prisoner still ' protests his innocence . of the murder, but' says he lied • at first to shield another, and he would rather' die now than tell the name of the man who killed Benwell t• is net expected, that he will make a con- feSsion. • • Orange Entertainment.. An excellent entertainment was given ,at Dungannon on the 5th: inst . under • the auspices of the Orange Lodge, it being the occasion of theopening of the new hall in that village. Rev. Mr. Carey occupied the chair, and after a few remarks as to the ohject for which they had met,. called on the Lucknow ulee klub to open the programme, wItich. they res.ponderl to in good style. The programme was very lengthy, but was apparently well appreciated by the large audience present. There 'were sotos, duets, ell•fl, swing'irIA., ri r4 hy Latta Ilerry, Emily Peart, Laura Berry, 1, 1)10 Little, and Jean Gn G. Murray, ad • Messrs Geo. E. Kerr, Pieree, Morrison, Hughes,. Little, and Lawrence. The entertainment closed with Che whole nude iencsinging God Save the Queen. The hall is a film huilding and will c"11-1Prtro favorably with any in the an _.,1V int:ton Ache. A cou !It • , school house, • Ashfield, on.Tuesday evening. He is expected to address a meeting at the Grange Hall .(Murray's Corners) on Saturday eyening.. ' Thursday last. (Thanksgiving day) proved to be a fine day, and every gun, old or new, in the village was pressed into service fora% day's hunting. Every Species' of game from a red squirrel to a fox stood in peril of its life until our day of :National Thanks- giving was over. • • —Benwell's murder and ,,Birchall's execution will not be altogether in vain. 'The farrn premium business, we are told by cable, has received a final blow, and the advertisements for young leen to act- as "gentleman farmers" in Americaand Australia have disappeared 'from tlie London press. , • —Mr. V. Cook, V. S., of Lucknow, visitina- Mr. F,M•cIlveen and other relatives and friends in Goderich town- ship. He will shortly go to Charlotte, North Carolina; to attend Medically to the street car horses of that city, ata salary of .$1,500 'a year.—Ex. —The moss on the trees, the Ken- tucky goosebone, the actien of, the frogs, and a dozen other things all betoken an unusually severe winter, but don't you be: upset until the then- mometer. --actually indioates at least 7 degrees brilo: The weather is a very uncertain i�xture. —Miss Vallace, one of -Toronto's public school teachers and, a former teacher in the Lucknow public school, was recently preseuted widi a purse of $50 in gold for the exhibition in calix • thencies given hy her pupils at the Chautauqua camp grounds this sum - She is regarded as anionat the cleverest public school, teachers in she province. A Free Horne A cottage worth $750 will be erected, or its equivalent in cash will be given to the person detecting the greatest nutnber of typographical errors in the December issue' ()four monthly journal entitled "OUR HOMES." Three hundred .and tifty additional cash priiek, amounting to $2,300, will also be awarded in the order mentioned in rules governing competition. Prizes, payable at p\ar in any part of Canada. or the -United Stats.. Send 1c in stamps, for complete rules and sample copy of "Our Homes,"I Iwill be issued about Nov. 20th. Address, OUR 1.10M ES PCBLISRIN6 Co., Brock- ville, Canada. Tim law in Canada requires the attendcnce at school of all children lies tweer. seven and ,thirteen years of age fora period of at least one hundred days in each year. This is a gond law hut is. as a rule a dead letter. There is a general movement in the news- paper world- in favor of enfor IS DAILY INCREASING-. -We- have •secured thirteen different shades in -dress silks at manutte-turer's• prices. To see • 'these goods is to admire them, ,ind buyers wonder . - -where, we botightiliem so.ehea,p. IsTErtrA B .„.1 EGAirasi Millinery' for balance 'of season. OW: ARE. YQIIR?0OR FEET? Are you troubled with corns warts bunions, or ingrowing too nails ? If do, we have the footwear for you. They fit all 4fer and don't touch any place, IF We cannot fit, But it your feet measure less than three feet, come right alongand don't let the u bonanza barglin opportunity slip yo'. „ON, THE 01-jEAP SHAWLS, MANTLES, IST MANTLINGS, READY-MADE \ CLOTHING. COME ONE. COME ;1:11. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS J. R. PTON, OLD PIONEER STORE, ting the- Lii0=NOW-*,