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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 7
v 9 R 9 A Ir '1'IDLI+It AI'8I0 SII�M6►RY. a -�- One lhogesud miners have :struck BWanitBa for an advance of 1b r coal. Po An eight-hour league was formed last evening iin 'Toronto by trades union,men and Knights of Labor. ° The Comte de Paris had a narrow escapeThe -from - b,.ic g killed getting on big train at Plattebarg after it had started. Wm- H Pickering, of Hini►�st l., wgw . wrrliii"fu"�ii oy" rcotpads late on Thursdayland p RR�, ��,b . ! -,._. -.. .. .,,_.>...,.-. Ft!M. .trt'.rR�.. .....,1.�a ..�. ,. -*rt; �r< r^a .. �.. ,.;r.� . .. _.:_ c; ... „ ..,a°�•tRS.�, ... . ,.I,2a. r•�7, ^,�r�t, .,. Whitewsy and Lord Rnateford have been holding many conferences in an undt,avor to , ffeoc a settlement of the New. foundland diffiaalty, Remi: Lsmontar:ne, who is to be hanged . in Bherbrocke, Que., on December 19th ;affects to be as cheerful as Birehan i>, 'Woodstock awaiting a similar fate. -T- t. t>in n/ 4 become epidemic, has been wlmoet entirely stamped out. The �Japapese mon-of-war Bougo left at Snpe for Turkey on Oorobar loch with fibs survivors of the Turkrah man•ot•war Eriougroal. Of the 600 persons loot on the IIrtoagronl the bodies of 250 have been washed ashore. Dake of Naeeoa goes to Luxemburg to-do too __Y - _pen 3aae averse to' r Of DVpatiEs The Duke was averse to reassuming the functions of government unless he was . , r t h r i' - ? ,�f-ae..��e,-'�o.:V was hopeless. a ....,. ..,,.-..�.. r...n.-_-.,.- -. •.. ^T •.Y7` ..,... ..4 .-.....•.. s � � ,. ..-��_-...z,���-�R�sr�r.-r��x �r,Yur,�crr fir► a dinner given in Berlin ou the snniver eery of the battle of Meta has given annoy- to Frsnde t; , and M Waddington has been instrooted to demand an explanation from Lord Salisbury. Advices from Yokohama per the steamer ' P Oeeranio, state that a telegram from Osaka, dated October 14t1i, soya that two Ct,iueee men'ai-war bound from Fuson to Jinaen, had foandercd in a ale on t bar brother's Seht yesterday morning, 11 - i about two II11� from Home. - ��BIBLE OOLLISION. TSS IISPDIPiIC W1i801�SD• p a 1t � An epidemic• of measles Frev`iis at Bt. A well Hnown ttohooner, Ye Ev Job>4'a,& Five hundred oaey epi. 300 AA Operittor� Bj>;ndei $e0dlt '1}p�ps y4e a in tssmftton, proauderett fa „ . deatthe are re , pointed wiihia two months. l Or><rhin Together. A despatch to Mew=s. S. Crane & Co., at In wdditicn to flu it is announced that the ( g Toronto, iatitaatea that the sahoonec percentage of deaths from )diphtberia ie ! , greater thou at any time. during the epi. 1 -Undine, Crtptain' Alexander IIre, bus g P FOUR H1LLUD AND MANY HURT. foundered in twenty-five fret of water'Off lemic. y -trying r A B recnso despetoh of iep4 19tiotgrla Cbaslottet.whioh harbor she was t♦ . . . A naaII named Ca_teS, who deserted from night, ea ( y) Wake for ,halter during the storm at • the police Baer McLeod in Janurir and B says : An accident most horrible t.fterwards joined the American arm at in d 911; oeourred on the Del&ware,,Laaka- Q,grd�t night rand 8auda The ores ' "sr67i V, -,-K � "fib it ne , ire-a'I-W t '�v`6air;rj i a wii ay •> Or b s•.v elievod irr g y �{t t *rid th 1J eta i ecoverably gone. The cargo et o Ft r% ellen on g pp4 all R. e d �. .R.,,. lilt. n about pip ...... .. ...... q _ .' .-.r .M. .-.A.. .+-.....,- _ .., .�,.s.. ...... ,�...- ., -� - .. ., r T ... �!,. rte. 1�..-• , ...:�.:Y lib ^t . n . .rr a,.., ,.,..fi�+A�*4'l. _ .rn!'•c-. c- ,r. . �.,t,�:�..0 t�tiiirotiii'.:6 ._:,�.: ..•, :•_:.�;�,��.��r,<,.W�t�a.-�,:�.,....><�w=L�:.;.ra,��w��...•a�,'!>fioi$Iarm•° w o are hfh an g tie undueanofl�otoasneseo! ored, hat there was no underwriters' riskat army rifle. ; a boy telegraph operator by thename o! on the schooner. f4he ie a fore and-aftersPremier `h'i�msbiY: _`.s-ldt8 lite ' , _ham... , ,'4?�abo )ld A. Olark. The aooident 000arred about ,,snoe George Batter.afarmer lut of 196 tone register, slid was purchased j three melee from Milverton was toaud b 40 0 clock this afternoon, and the blander• this summer by Capt. IIre from Myles, oe , I dead in &ditch on S&tnrday night- .fin fug of the operator resulted in the death • Hamilton, and Capt. Johnston, who oiled . ' �' . it asst. was held b Dr. Shaver, coroner, of four persons' and the injury of man ' q Y. ' others, and the destrbotion c f several'. A stanch craft, she Wit horonghly o ; algid atter the examination of s large num. ben a er the ex the ate returned a verdict thousand dollars' worth of rolling steak of hauled lest winter and closed A2. Fee i of saoidental death, the r• ad. The Neva York & Pool day swift sailing qualities she had not bar ` There arrived at the Toronto Unica r express train from the south, which equal on the lower lakes. Bhe waa hcmei - -- -.. _ __ . _ .. . _.. _. _ _ `_ - n egronn, near uebeo, says y that the signalling and lighting between _. It is stated that a Npecial institute will _ `:_. ` R ori ut at 5.40 o'clock. It dose not to consisting of the father, mother and Ari Oswego despatch says : The schoourte Y g atop there, but passes the elation at the �3ape Rosier and Fame Point are vet de. Y be erected in Berlin at the eotl% of the Gov- ernment for Dr. Koch 14 obis-dren. Ot the latter the eldest was nstial rete of speed,- whish ie about 44 Y I%$ "• Aleft. IIre caP o .Undine owned b , g 20 ears old and the 40U tone 'i " . Y 4 from Sodas tee ive. Fors sn Roche, s t sperimente with his announced cure for ounsumption, the yonagest coal bound fee i months. melee an hour. Before the ea rt ss was , The father, o is a carpenter by trade P Toronto, war Cavgbb in the gale last area. > due at Rock .Cat two oval trains from By who was proasanted at rwhitb n the ohargeof oanaing the Locust establisbment being condaeted on thessme general plan as the Pasteur Institute. ins when about twenty mills west d a proposes to ram in Toronto. (Daae had arrived at the station end had. ,t e Arohdescon Farrar Charlotte port. The schooner ' Hill di a it on the Canada Paotfio was acquitted yesterday by Atter argument in the Winnipeg libel ogee was put bee written to been ran in on aewitoh on the north Bide of General Bootb promising him & donation .the main track, The eC ins .on the first about and headed for Oharlette for eheltter. ; g The .order of Judge Street. s plea was pat in by Mr. Luaton's counsel that sea was heavy and was breaking over f*' of £50, and highly commending his phi1an•' train that went in. on the switch stood rife vessel, and the captain was keeping thio real A young Russian who succeeded in the defendant believed that what he published was tine. The judge quashed p • t: p y p &e scheme, which he rP rets was not rets well n towards the east end of the close se possible to the south shore in orders �'' originated by the Church of Englatd. The aidetrack. Engineer Jae. Doyle, Soren- tusking his escape from Siberia after ]laving served fourteen the plea, and Mr. Luxton will have to enter of to avoia the soft. When passing Braddock's archdeacon will preach en the subject in ton, Pa , of the coal train, was in the cab Point about 8 the Westminster years there has arrived in London. He refuses at snottier. This is firbt blood for Attorney. General Martin Abbe on Sunda next. of his en • p m.., ode the was de. y Y gine waiting for the to pees,- Delved by the darkneae as to the distance l �' ` A Rat Portage present 10 give particulars of the condition Cf the An order hag been issued by the Boston despatch aays : ,R A ter- when he would pull out. Michael Tierney, from shore and hie vk8sel struck one art �A, '11� ribly bad accident occurred this afternoon brakemen, was also in the crib, clean ng prisoners. It is understood the Dominion Board of ,Health declaring the present the rock ledges, which at this point ran at REss, Hall & Brown's saw mill. Rlohn hie lantern. The second Coal train was out into the lake nearly & mile. The Evan, behind Govern- meat has decided to abandon the project method of producing water as b the Br► P g g Y Y Scatre Qr9e CQronany, Dnrnhestee, ia- the mill foreman, was engaged fie+n Doyle's and about 70 feet from the g+ Undine struck & gl&nait-.g blow, immedi. a some machinery, whoa toot sli4pe•d aunt Caboose of the forward train. C_►fir the for dcepeninK the Be&uharnois Canal and ' e..ffi once and orderingthe City Solieiter to .laic R- ctely :read lrrbreeli affd vvas headed ook + he was Caught between two cog whet 1i+, and operator, was. in hie room in the station, a will instead build a new Canal on the north side to meet she increasing Y app:y for an injunction restraining the coin• few rods oast of the switch. He was on An examination was made and it was seen hit] leg was instantly drawn in and crushed she was filing rapidly. The 'pumps were ' up to the knee. The the lookout requirements of the St. Lawrence route. Pa+,Y from its manufacture. patient is M present, for the express. The latter put to work, bat were unable to keep bet very low. WA on time, and as the headlight A large number of French-Canadians, John Q: Tarlington, the noted desperado, who bas+been confined at Boont,vule, Md., of its free, and the crew, consisting of the Capt. 1 The steamer Pennsylvania from Phil&• engine came into view it flashed through taini four men and a woman took to Frith their wives and children, from below Quebec, arrived in Montreal :n the avant nil fur t e Y j b past ria months, cook, delphis Ootober 22nd, arrived in Qaeens• Clarks mind that the switch was open and tFre yt,wl boat and none too Boon, ae the town this it it was not closed the express dat-h yesterday morning on their way to Worcester, Maas, tffocted.hie escape last night. No tree) of hires has been discovered. He murdered mornin She re oris. navin would veeeal sank immediately. APeer a perilous K' P g into the coal train. No sooner �- etroonntarei a hurricane, which lasted four 1 trio the Crew reached Cheerlotte :o err rst{a in cotton, weaving, being tired of 11he Ex-SbE,riff Cranmer, and was a self -con. �He ahs days. The wind created heavy seas,.one of did the thought enter his brain midnight. The Dadine is owned by Capt, - than arty of farm info. ft,ased train robber. was under sentence whioh boarded the steamer, smashing he dashed oat the door o' g & R IIre; is not insured.and will probably prove While's number of •men were engaged unloading timer et the Cove. bridge of loath, bat hie sentence, h&d been appealed from. R lifeboat. The passengers were kept below rushed to the switch and swung it a tc,tal loss- The. cargo was owned by fit. over. Then he realized, but too lste, hie B, decks for So hours. Stuart Co. Rochester. a below Loudon yeft ht avy piece Lf A large crowd of Cephaloniana forced t4 of The captain , mistake. As the switch was turned the was unable to say in what condition the The tariff negotiations between Germany express timber a+ippett off ane x eotedl and fell on int Xp o P 3 Wm. Lawrence, •tbt•ir way y into the Greek Church lata swung on to the side track and the vessel lies, but thinks in about 30 feet e! and Austria have resulted in a reduction to crash o!. the engines epoka the result. Like a trackman, who waa standing beside the oar,. breaking both hie Yesterday and performed their devoticne de of by themselves, in the three marks. of the duties on rye and wheat water. He has gone this morning to mala♦ y mcnatere they ground ,soh ocher to pieobe. an oasmrn&tion. The crew lost imported from countries having IVO at the ankle,priests, - Jame,Calder,a highly respected absence of the so a protest spainst the recent KHneral closing of the Gre. k eiery_ coin• The noise of the collision was lost in the thing they bad, and one of theln� inertial treaties with Germany and cries of the psssengers within the coaches Michael Helly, had hie ankle badly sprained ' Austria; C)ntainiog the moat fsvored and well• #o -do former of Mt Killop township, three churches. The Rliee st first offz ed resistance P' r but soon of the eaprose train. The fireman• and The Undine was built in 1868 .b Mr. J. .E nation clause. This will include the+ im-, Y engineer o! each engine were miles north of Ss9forth. m.s�URd_�.t8 �ie_lije_d�to—the—peo{�le._-kErcaizra.n-1,� caught in the Lavello, ship, builda_r, o! thio niky. Th ports o! these ce,reale_from the 7_& eek -g ��d��h-Their rn ringing to I rafter yesterday, with life extinot. Mr. Calder was a bachelor, has "gain been &rrested for Armenian iutrfgaes. States, and exclude thoee,from'Raasiia. names bgat wns built for Messrs. Thos. Myles 4 E were : James Doyle of Scranton, Pa , and ySon• Mr. Cbsiles Myles was much eur- While Bailey's traction about x65 yearn of "fie, and no Canoe can as yet be Yesterday a sad accident happened at engine ,and Myrtle Fernard, his fireman ; Michael J. prised to bear of the loss of the veuse6 threshing machine were ae.sin P g near Burke of %rsouse and Jeremiah LPe his, assigned for rite notion. The 'bolletin Tk,etturd Mince, which oast & groom over ., She had the most remarkable luck." ; ' 'ermel Methodist Church, Cartwright, fireman. The body of Engineer Doyle was said he this morning, " last bust I official announcing the Population of the United States was issu-,d the inhabitants of %bat place. The blast which had been prepiand failed to Explode of any ever week, a young man named Wiliam found lying by the fence on the north side knew.. .For tweet -two , Mabaffy, in attempting to catch the of the road. His left arm wee . by Superintendent Porter, of the Census Bureau, in the usual time allotted, and a boy, severed from rheas lakes, touching ent at every port between ,. poker which was slipping off the engine,. the body. The body of Fireman red fromnsiad Duluth l and Quebec. Daring I'at today, and is 62 480,540, a►i in- crease cvt,r the otnaus of .01880 12,324, named Grondin, soeompaniod by one of the workmen, went to •the the whole ort lila balance and fell before the wheels. was tcund buried under tone of wreckage, that time I never heard o! her losing •- `Che engine wits going too fast to be stopped Burke body cf 754, or 24 57 per oerit. Ihis is s great cit]. see cause Grondin had commenced blowing on the s lay under a great masa of meet or sail,' and she was as dry and tight '+ qu'okly, and the thresher passed over hie twisted icon and wood on.the south side ' to many who have insisred Lase to make it burn faster, when Find ionly of %bill summer me she was the sammor site - I K body, ornshing it iriKhtinlly, and causing the track. The body of `Firemen Lee wael, wsa built. fibs th"s`PPhe t Jta thwt the tot"1 population would be 65,000,• 000-: an explosion to(k since, inetar.tly. killed young_ Grondin and tev_erely wounding the othwr man,. who happened to be a utile farther away. was sold to Oapt. IIre, I ' , death in a very short time. found tightly wedged between the body of understand, for $2 600. She war a t. Ure,rs.. y - A sad accident happened at EI in near his engine and the orb. ` -Kin ai - .__.___. -� _ _ -_ ,. ,bly fast craft and sortie fine races bave t; on, on allowe'en. Bome nun --- _ ^� boys Y g ___ce `- taken plaae`'bbtweea--her-unite ttrt� E13w `---� A ��_"" It will be remembered that lest Wedneg` day an escaped Iunstio named Blair made were firing gena for the purpose of aria Conscience. Murton," Vii, . . a murderous assanit upon Conat.ble' I,ajeunr,r,e and Shvr ff Larson at Laculle, The first snow of the season fell in Mon. treal yesterday. frightening on -old couple living near the - " That fellow's a too h I" IlLr,A Ill TH$ STORY. f g 6 P k g vitinge. I8aso P. Merriman and "Amass " Yes." Que. His victims are now at the point of death, and thtir murderer already The first Parliament of the seventh Logis- heirr horse took fright Merriman wereOn Saturday night the schooner Bila on up at night !" arrived at Kingston from Fait ' nati theinol et,aA d " is d- ad. 'He was takkin into custody and lodged in lature cf Qaebeo will be opened this sftEr- II believeit Haven Haven 535 tone of aoaJ. Oapt:'8atra- both were thrown from the buggy. .. • „ , figs• When He d'rob house 1 the jail at tit. John's, and last night be committed suicide by hanging himeelt neon. ' Dr, barge, of Griswold,,Man.,scoidentally your dere experienced veer rough weather before � ' picked Up Isaac was Unconscious, so that " I think he would." getting into port. the extent of his injariea are t, Then with a rope made out of his bed Clothing. shot off one of his arms yesterday. $e is not yet why did you give him & : } . known, Amass had one leg broken and quarter T' Petrick Swain, arrested in London for doing well. BUILDING A LAKdE �1Ctt8EIL. ! was fearfully braised.1. The above eonvereation oconred between ' stealing &- horbe and buggy from St. Thomas, was arraigned at the Police Court During last week 34 carloads of Canadian nickel ore were received at the Washington ' two gentlemen standing on the corner of The State df California ser Tramp Betw,rrf , >tieb wens V,.,eoty. Broadway and 14th street. R000klyra and elasgew. 1 yesterday. He ph.&dud guilty 'and was sentenced to four yeNre in the penitentiary. navy yard. The rate of taxation in London, Ont..' _ " I'll tell you why " said the one who The State iiue of steameuips, running i•r Erastus Wiman believes that there iia between Brooklyn and GIs sow, are sl-ortlyr had promptly handed out the piece of silver •'1 luck in koeping s Newfonndl&nd do He was taken to Kingston this ,venin has been fixed at twenty -fwd and friar- around , , the hones g Whin " struck" for lodgings money. Is Ont, to sugment their fleet o! yeast le Rith A 13wsin gervo,1 five yPsre in Kingston before, having' been sent from H&mticon. He t�nthe mills. It. is stated that Mr. Merrier day two or three years ago I was down on larger one by 1,000 tons than any ol.e yet Cyrus W. Field has a piece of the first Canal street. A tough -looking chap asked in the line. This vessel is the State cit .. oyble laid between , also served six,moutl s in the Central 'Prison will ask P'iwer.from the Quebec Legislature to raise America and Europe. me for mono California, which is now being built 11 To Mr. Field it is invaluable. y, and I not only refused bat g and & term in the Reformritory. &loan of6,000,t,UO. threatened to h&ve him arrested. I didn't Al,aander d Sone, in Glasgow. She is tri► Pierre Lorilisrd is a firm believer in the in length �x*otly mean it, but•he be ', long 400 feet over all, 32 feet >i Ten �Pinu}nQg�-exs died-.ot._..tr lio:d leve µ )Coat month. YP John Sootti inventor �..- _ c.___ __ _ _.of_ the looamative_ Citi%died oiileart di�easeon a etreet'oar in thought that I did, F•flioagy of the orseehoe. There are a _ y _T._ _ ._.... h ----__`. �nd_ixt bis- furry-te-gf4-a-way-be---a"niroui inehee in_dopth. 7 .feet -1.1,t inehea .bp-,w-ee-_ diz'nor more rua -__horseshoes around his upper big deck, Bismarck is going .to have a brewer at Baftitnore on Sunday night. &Ld main feet 11 Inchon t a+%blibhment, of & over. team, and was knocked down between main and lower deck. She in ,r, and run over. The wheel crushed his hips, Henry Villard Friedrwhatnhe. y Mrs. McLeod, Bineohrth,. Rabbi Dr. Joel, the great Gorman then- logien, died yesterday.. The death is also cherishes with atudioue and he didn't live over ten minutes. I 6 OAO tont mesenre, barkenti,ne rigged, care the galdi3n spike with which the last helped carry him to the walk I'm tell. one. funnel and triple expansion engines, • of Man., 50 years old, trot lost on the prairie end lay announctd of Gen. von Weyhern. end roil that marked the nom h -tion of the and is in every respect up to the' P Ing you straight wben I say that he k pt Nr:rthPrn Pacific Railroad wag finished• 1.down and died. The Berlin Colonial Blatt states that a big eyes straight.on mine until they cloead moat exacting regniremente• of the Jay Gould hue s maaoot. Ile hag clan Count von Mcltke will devote to charity his clave-d"alar named 1 brahime was hanged at Bagamoyo on September 23rd. isBoard of Trade. The vessel le seventeen to it for seventeen years. It is a en in death, , There was that in bis look which built entire l o! the best es steel made me feel contemptible compared to Y a irihday' contributions, smountinp, to 160,000 moths, .Lunt. Schmidt, who was 'tried on the faro of velvet- It is always a a Y worm and for the next month it seemed to with cellular doable bottom divided into upon Mr. Gould's deck and be locks it In The new Ame icon cruiser, San Charge, of betraying plaus of Cronstadt to,& me that everybody in New Yurk looked seven compartments, and bits water tight " special compartment when he leaves the upon me as worse than a murderer. That balkheads. She has two deck@, main and .Frau- Cisco, will be placed in commission' on November 15th. for.ign power; has been found guilty and hanged. "' man died. blaming me for his death, and lower, entirely of steel. The steering ftp. A conapieuous object in the office of • French manufaetnrere intend to stent The Allan line steamer Pomeranian p&rstns is ran by stem ear, and is do I d have giver, him $500 to, see him live. g Ruseell Base is an ancient 41 bill in & lase g That d why I come down whenever I'm fine that she may he easily turned in hoc frame. lk'tr. ' sheep-breedink la Central Acis for the prodnilvn" of fine wool, which is now. at Montreal, h. -td s n"crow escape from wreck while Comic n the g P Bane proudly informs bis struck'; and if I hadn't but half a dollar own length. Special attention has been friends who gaze at it carica+ly that it is on earth I'd divide it if Psii in the designing to the comfort and ,Henry Liviugeton,.'a farmer living on gulf in a heavy fog. called upon. -New hie lucky dollar, the first dollar he over scoominodatioa of the saloon passengers. made. York Sun. . Hickory l4and, ',near Kingston, was. dI The rot& judges have maae an order The promenade deQkin another feature of Washington E. Connor carries an old The Industrious Liar. the new steam, to which a deal rowned while rowing home. The membere of the Iron changing the plsoe of trial of the• North B,-nc8 Provincial election petition from great of Copper cent of the coinage of 1831. When A great many stories are current about attention has been paid. It is eight feet he plays cribbage or.billi&ids he palls the Bircllall, but . and Steel Insti- tato were entertained by the Privy Council Walkerton to Port Elgin. they are made up of whole above the upper deck and extends frons ancient' Coin but and looks at it: He cloth, and can be traced to the wits about the front of the saloon 152 ft -et aft, and at Ottawa on Saturday and then proceeded to Montreal. For attempting to photograph a witness eNnnrally wins after going through that town. One story is to the effect that Rev. the whole breadth of the -vessel. The " hilioo the outbreak of in the giving e, g g silt ace yesterday &t the Tipperary trials Mr, Pairiek O'Brien was committed performance. seoommod&tions for steerage are full Mr. Wade, while praying :with the g y Andrew Carnegie s mascot is an ancient priar,ner, 'asked him it be desired- to ventilated by ventilators the most im- cholera J"peliEse Empire 'there, have 'been 38,425 for a week.for contempt of court. P go' rot braes t,•legraph key, Anob as operators neer to heaven and that Birohsll , ra )ted Proved pattern., The vessel is lighted b He shows it to, .E ver visitor, a he Deere end 25 911 deaths. The epidemic has almost subsided: The barrels of several new rifles mad•r far Fmokeless powder Furst Burin raoiieP g P Y p electricit throe 117 would that be had friFnds in both laces. Another y throughout, and is saidtobsv� downer park with one of his rolling -mills story is to the effect that Guard McGee, who g a builder's guarantee of 14 knots speed • In an interview at Notre Dame, Ind., than at Witte.nbnr and Stettin. , An in uir cause gbsen with the emhlem of hie early labors "resigned some time &go, wished to bw0ab s Per hour. John H..$tarin has a mammoth Vicar -General Brady, of St Louis,' stated instituted. that Arobhiehop K.nrioh into the of the accident hes It the masout' large binok estthat Birohall pets, and which is the tug William H. Vanderbilt, ono of, was ")moat all the time in the cell with him. A Newspaper direr. largest was soon to be Created a Oarrtinal. Nellie+ Byrne, a Kingstonian, is suing and handsomest boats of ire Birohrtll asked hire why he wished rho oat A novelty is newspaper enterprise had ° kir d in the world. Mr. Btsrin believes' been Bir Richard Cartwright will speak at g P Wm. Dnt,ham, hotel -keeper, f(lr breach of ,there, He 'denies removed, and McGee acid that only a taw introduced by the proprietors of is lack in having a boat named after days before he had read about a black 'cat The Lancashire lYeelclyJuaarnal, who promfee - . V,r, or to -morrow evening, at Nortvioh on Wet day evening promise' of marriage. having ',Mr. made any proposal, and admits marrying Vanderbilt. that had Backed the breath from a baby der• to contribute 8500 towarrj the election iw- George Gould carries his I and at O:terville on Thnrsc ay evening, another girl. looket mascot in a ins the night, end the child was found dead PenaPs of the Labor cpndidace for the nP-t .which dangles from bis watch chain. in the morning. Birch&11 replied that it Parliament. .If the oauridate is sucatgafttd ' 1. Mr. JamPe ltohlin, & highly regpeotei dent citizen Boa It is expected that as soon as the PrFsi-- !t retnrns from voting he will issue his ,har•ming is a miniature painting in oil of bee would not be that way in his Daae, ae they make & farther off •r of $85 wet•kiy wife, nee Miss Edith Kingdon. it would be toward bis imrliatenanee if mKnville, dropped dead in tercel&rnation a his garden last evening. Apcp.. sup- calling ski extra session of , Yonne: the cat that would be the eirculatiom Mr. Gould has a strong belief in its found dead in the morning. Yet another of The, Journal goes up to E5 000 copies. Congress, posed to be the inane. 11th which will open on either the power or 18th inst, to Tlard off danger. story is to the effect that Birobell is The proprietors further cffar to start anti A party of brigands fumed an entrenee into tho'boose of s forester Presebnrg, A young eon of Mrs. 11. C. Battel waq in the habit of dousing with water any maintain a second labor representative on Loveliest of English women the same Orme. The conditions ere that S prisoners who happen to be in the jail near killed in Hungary, and atter mtirderin the for- g at Moose Jaw, having fa11Pn into tbr• yard the adttstitnenoy moat be Lanca�hir'e the �, The description of the wedding gown of and wander under bis window. Enquiry eater pillaged the home. machinery of s mower. Mrs. Barrel lost LgdY candidate mast belong to the Labor ar �, Helen Dunoom6e, sister of thtY Proves That these stories are all flatilious, �' tyr her High "pauses officials express during hnabar' d and another boy ,by lightning C>oehess of Leinater, who is geed to be the and in some oases mannfaetnred so as to sari the circulation of rho paper maae be regret because Corea is turnip from China to the kammer. most beantifnl woman in England, is quite injure him with the public. 15,000 copi-s. There ig the rub. seek the protection of Russia and predict P trouble fel i such a ,,harming- Thomas Chet, Tod, residing at 20 refreshing on street, Toronto, s The gown must have been '" in its originality. The dress was The Prince's Memory. An Importrtn� P. !3. . t, Dear Mr Hicks," 1 policy. severe savers The Cloanoil-Oeneral of the Department noon terdtsustained fracture of the leg yoeterdwv atter of f in a store at the corner of Snrnoah The she wrote, " I ata . lure white satin made perfectly lain. The Prince of • Wales had a royal mem. 1 R P Y P Y -sore that what yon aN.k I cannot � hortioH wag made with high, cry ter faces. .Sumo time ago he auris d• Y Y grant. I Of Boino•Inferioare at Itanen has refused e,.reet ire &scent to •+loaves and Wilton svonae. He was removed .full finiabed with frills o! point de aw, i an silt rl , cannot beoome your wife. Youra iineerel ' p K y g ntlemnn gravely sainting E7he1 Barrows," �' I 11 + �areoherrle to render the Ssino to 'baavigable for see ,going-�vt'+iiuels to I.li lu. his awn home. i�d '' .!t' which the front cuss trimmed. A j him. The Prince immediately remem• Then- she added, "P. S. -On reeon<i , lc of rinpa of srqui'ns twin© bored the fttco but A collision of ireigbt lineae occurred the Tire; ttt� ti'teeimer lY[nrgnrFt, et one tiixtts e flied stonnd creek hitt ref the harbor, was pageed oodld not reoolleot. the u�btly,. rely dear Go or ei, I think I ` the waist and fell in loag,,gp& on - where he bad seen it before. He approaohed 6 will • ' . ' BUndsy morning op' the Reading Railroad end s ' +-he sank at her moorings in the LoniA, sltirt. Tho train, suspended f rim thej the gNntlEmnn and aei i : tnnrrY you; Drr comp ftp to -night end ase 1 l at Rogerstord. Fireman Doyle waa killed; basin, shoulders Qaebeo, on Saturday evening. The by ropes c! white silk an elver; I "I believe I have mot you before, but or your owg trtio Ethel." 1 , seven care tivero wrecked, and traffic was bull delayed several hours. How was was pretty well consumed b fire. Y white of rich white silk, brocaded with large the moment I forget your name." tib© Now rne•crerd. ., G /,°, I. lilies of Bt. Joseph outlined in raised � 'f he gentleman replied Owing to the vigorous measures taken in it originated is unknown. embroidery, Mrs. Timot1. hy Grady, of ©ephodel town- : G-azziim (After he has succeded in waking the stemg wrought in Palo 1 " Made yonr breeches, your Royal High• his weft•) - Open the dorPh 1 Markham, Ont., snob as closing the ship, schcols and churehes, and isolating those mind, t{rEEn an old lady of partially ansannd nail wandered- from silk and the stamens in yellow. The nese." . waa point )nee, end file bride citrriod s "Ah, yes," said the Prince ; ,,of course. wiMidrs, (i zzam (head out of second•atory c I ) rC *11oated, diphtheria, which threatened to house ..,....__0--..-.d.._--...-„-.,�..- away her son's b;ingii`ef on Saturday and was found dead in seed you sulfur.$_ -.------ - . _ - •f. of natural lilies like those embroid• Hav0 dive do, 113a1or tiriages?" ,� „ un her trrsin. Bp as.,tiuc.of_.t It salt , Ptinoe'stttilore. . _ .. �., _4. � ..- e,.,. n"..aa. 6elplYiC°It'�'"; >,:,"y...� ' ,.r -G i Th 4 „Y