HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 6w f.� _M,:,.. 4.w....... ..v _ .,. ,v... ....., ... , r J" u'a.�;, .. .. 7 :� I A i7 �Y . 1. I . -. V - . 5 BpGLI H-- •. ear YOU aNly coked- me to be your firiend in Feat weeks later, on a bright nanny day * WgNUX's 1XTUJ[T10X.. ei1 . Ana$ eir'omaata. . need, and you proved that I waas in need of of July. Bpb, who. had arrived the night be- __ a little wife;' fore, and who was Wolin the. tiemt of humors, iraiwrly Always Bight In her Judgment Great Scheme for the Roller of Dynwptimm< •' Tlton you have settled $hat I shall be acoompented me to the little village church fn Regard to Common Things. - Rae s.e■ viasovey". A LOVE STORY„ yQar wife t of Ooaibee-la-Breteaille, which he pro. " I fogked Alarmed. nonaaed to be vliry dirty and pare itaffy, An old gentleman over seventy, came Daring the past five years severed ". Wd outside, which, always great She smiled, and exclaimed, "Ask me the and ibere ave mea awn to the Into the ally from bio farm without his physicians have tried with gratify In sas- x g. �k - _ . _ _ - _ -- .. Ke PlA q_ on. ;..for at present y $irl Whom' cverooat.. The, da turned chill and, y 6 „. - I� woasioas,. had, maisamed ler postI_ . you have only- he. afterwards ronouncyed to•'ba out and y y n he gess. a novel treatment for dyepepsia sal p ' wan obliged to forego his visit to the fair. cancer o! the stomach. The process u 1!!4010", ! � hearing that a hitch, as Bob asked the consent of .my parents." out, the loveliest oreaiture' he had ever assn To friend who remonstrated with him simple groan• Along: 1N►aa called is a had 000uriwd, ahamred 's Diane, darling, will you be my wife Y " In or out o! his dreams. very ei le and not dein e . 5 144ue over and over a0 in ; and she it�icam '• I will " ; and, suiting the notion to the So atraok was he that he amused us dar- for going %way from home ihaa unprepared, flexible pipe is passed down the throat! butte ittfl?luoed with Miashee, as in their words, she kiaaed me once more, and was ingthe wodding•breakfaet by informi the he said : ,,I thought it wap going to be, until one end is imthe btomsoh. This t !Ati►asiias a rain of flowers. was showered off, lac hin as she Sew into she house. warm • my wife told me to take m upper end has a funnel attached, into D11t 6 $ Uomtesae de Breteaille that, had be kn wn I y over- PIS , �n her, ' and a host of complimentary " My hear friend," observed the marquis the girl I loved was only half eo beano un �aeabtut I woaldn't. Women have more which hot water is poured until the _ J > theta besto.wed.. . .__ to 1126 As I was seated in hie study a -few he would never-Ifave allowed me to give np has niers anyway. &ton 4Wle filled. thg weight o! the water F i I ", 11 u ,# the Boor el fife ens;loge, just as I was minutes later, " I will not go book upon the promotion for the express purpose of kee A frank admission. in the pipe and funnel gives a hydraulic ' slarnwing Diane Tato it, Ell gem, ds Chan- act; but I suet sa. you EnQii 6 in e._it sncie_ .,s..,� t- ,, ,h womenn! ,d ae1129JA .,:d,sa _.+ �. I' . , "°`s;z :dao scull y ny %Me Wad, and way oil ingratia ing yourse vies with young all had a right to admire as a tntnition ; may 1t not be that they are more the stomach. The pipe has an apertura _... tit .. i f R d in 13 1 O d oe,,_ M 1 nlia"e. b inl!x a �e n,., r .,. a - J! r a r nm • n. • -. s ,. r T. •, �, ,... . P. .. _. } ... � , ��. _ _, s m w ,f .. cps, h .. � • , ...: „ . , . , ,.-.�',;,.. ,u. r ,. w.. , ,.,. �,. «t: t�^-�!'�!^r,..7.":i•d..., ,. .^n__.,u..,_.._.., ":3.u.,.cs _......:.. 76-1-_.•�— '-'rra."'r s. �. '��0"�'��cC$'._ci �C '-L''-` u.. .�==":.:r•LE.L'1 •. "Sr,�: -,yFi. - -� xLr - - ie�i ..ta_-x�" .�..--gx,.+i�,.__.�r_._ u,�,y, `-'—'_.___�._.,1 .,, 4---.•..L:,..:rw�'—v,r.-c.�`".—iiSi�,11�Jy ''"st.,,:y(ll"Y� ..., .� . .. .. „...,., .: '4f..` LZ'�,�tulx=-�"ii' tY i.1ui�L"�,'.� ,+' bbr �GL -"a^"�''c.0 r,u:�:l �..::: �iiYi�`SSIr ., .,r... w �.,,, war �+W; ,Wulff ail Bob do t aaaa, whiob biarao yon, however ; for in other reepFote and on the whole• Bob acquitted 1e certain, they ere apt to strike the Hall oa After the stomach has been 811ed claimed load;iatighter at my expense. I own I cannot find fault with the conduct himself well ; but he eonld not the head, in all the ordinary problems of rho funnel end of the pipe turned' ♦dalbert de Monoalpin squetwad biaseelf you have pursued minae my unfortunate swallowFrenoh mannerism as he called it' life, more iregnentlythan the lords of ores• down until it is lower thwu ode bottonm aosr the oarriage, sad called out to me, deolsion in a matter in which apparently, and therefore lett by the train followin tion' of the etomaah, an ,be esomeash "Y�rinsrdI "-a slang expression, meaning and to my surprise, I find that Diane's that which Carried. Diane and m self swag `•According to Dr. Alice Bennett, who is emptied as a barrel of any "flaid "lucky follow."' In she crowrd, Rivelalougge parents hail no concern." to the mountains, at an altitude whiob recently read a paper on Bright's disease is entered through n osphon. the process > waved bio hsi:dl erohiefi et me, and sent u+e I a.miled. would bring ne nearer to heaven to bless before the Peunsylvanis State Medical can be repeated several limes. The result . a line written on a piece of newspaper to -You may smile," he went on; " bat the hoar that had given her ooarsge to speak Society, persons subject to bilious attaoke is that-tbe undigested food and mucus ere tie effrot that ",�lrxaixler had destroyed though no doubt in this cage, matters may to me in the pm::try-eooli'S shop. to souse• and sick headaches, who have orswliog w9abed out and the hot water closes the t�ie w�alls of` Thebes, but Phryne had Co. and will tarn out for the beet, eti,l I have crate the color which had u eenaatione, like the flowing of blood vessels and red ce 'i, a -�- IM &n . _ t -1 -- - x e whole thing was A surd, beaaase &aide with inapunity rr before beginning a life of endleaa happiness' nhave unexpls;ned attaoke of sadden weak- may have hie stomach washed out before oat ^ Phryne was a hetaira, and abs was not " Brit mondiear," I began. toget�er Sha. 4b.. .or o, little nothi6 a ass° m®y ire -t be euapssted of dangercue Weal, -00 that' he tali take a fresh a%ai t. _"' &bowed to build �up`the walla of Thebes with " Never mind the past, my boy. I know which make lite, atter all ail leaeant and tendencies in the direction of Bright's die- Atter the elapee of a sumoient time for �I money obtained -by her beauty ; bac it was bill you were going to say ; but I have called so truly delightful. P ease." ordinary digestion, the etomao6 m y, be . so somplinnentary to ruy bride -elect that I yon !n 6v speak of the future, and not of * * 0 *, * * * The veteran newspaper correspondent washed on% again. The prooeas has been ` ad only laegh at Rivelalongue',s myths- the past. You know my conditions." Biz Joe Howard, of the Naw York Press, in not- in use in the New York hospital too ,r years after the events just recorded in this etetement a este : "••Poasibl time The stomach nm h e been ndain s ., ,rk+ al reminisnenoee. "I know that you wish ae to live with in one of the old-fashioned villages of the g agg y pump tel , amid little Io each other on the way yon." Dauphine, on an afternoon of March 1878 Alice is correct in her diagnosis, but why used in oases of poisoning and is considered We - the house,, but we eessled to have a walk " That is a first and absolute condition a man, with a little faded blue ribbon or doein't she give some idea of the treat- to be the first essential before administer. Ila liar own garden as'egon m8 we arrived. of my consent." favor in his button -hole, wag kneeline be, ment f I know a man who has been ' tired ing an Bat they are so seldom a I am so sired,' eke maid once. "I feel "I am too hapyiy to subscribe to it." tura a tomb covered with flowers, and from all the time' for ten years. Night before need that few physioisne have then&': .44 if I had lived a whole life since yemter- "In the next place, if children are born which &rose a marble or"es on which was last he took two dosses of oslomel and ase• Recently in a came of poisoning three e ii►y ; and it is onty.eht, is it not, mother, to you, they shall be brought ap in their written the following inscription:, terrfay he wished he hadn't." prominent phyeioiene were applied to loin titch I all Aid reek a little in my own garden mothers religion. A proper answer is found in the followin the ase of a Stomach um , and neither or 1 lit rose elle a vena 4e qua vivant les roses R p p with Henry, and that he aboald try, to " Which is also mine," I replied. Itedpaue d'an matin:' letter of Mra-, Davie, wife of Rev. Wm. J. them had one, and the patient baa to be 11 -t. s,, stake up to me for his ankindnema in " Thirdly, I know not what Your means . Davis, of Basil, O , June 21st, 1880: taken to the hospital. -New York Sun. y Two little children, dressed is blue were ••Ido not hesitate to ea t y 11 .* never oemigg to see as ? •' are ; but halt of them meet be eeotled oa an either sides'=ot blip toying y hat I owe m '17i,L � Y g .with the life to Warner's Bafe Care: 3 had a con- zhei wiir►i�iraelixueuu�eeer _ ,�pt - ,� It` wan Crary leoYari all ae, but this made Diana}, �dthewhole on bar children, it you Sowers on the tomb, while the man sobbed R all cry have sn as if his heart was breaking, scant hemorrhage from my kidneys for The arrival on Wednesdaiy night of the ? Perhaps it Waal that we were all still "I will instruct my ratan of business ao- An older mon-older looking in man- more than five, months. The physioisne McDongafl ate&mer Colg,te Hoyt renews" +> ring oo4lroma overmtrr.iaed ainotioam, end cordI, IIry' Wer than_pesiiaps his features warranted- could do nothing for rag.. My husband the peculiar interest in her. Silo. did not f' nI adri& o rehtit [a tests ; bat 3sow "Fourthly, you mast fight M. de Man- came up from behind, and gently toaahed spent hundreds of dollars and I was not come down so tnet this time soon the arenc west our er versl eeatimente l` per$." him on the shoulder. relieved. I was under the care of the moat prev,ona,trip. for the reason' that she had eminent medical men in the erste.. `Che. the baro 104 in tow, which she left.in Diane wits Wrapl ed ie ons idea -that Qf " It it oent�ary to our English ideas," I The children looked up alarmed at the g "'• ,'`" , smirking app f�isr"Met wme. I wail engrossed said; "bat there is no condition that you stranger; the ohildren'e f&that wept in hemorrhage ceased before I. had taken one Ohio with ore. She did, however, tow the fly the dJfsAii :than the scene in•whictt she. may ley down to obtain Diane's hand Shat siiienCa, p bottle of the Safe Care. I can itatelq and barge from Detour ro Port yiuron in11 lha � { AAA, playejl No hera,o a part would prove -too I am not ready to subscribe to." "e,U is forgives beyond the grave,ti whir- do cheerfally.recommend it so all who are hours, and on the up tr!p she sailed fr,t t sash for "her bertth, and the tone of bar " Tists's wall; and lastly, you will 4013118 pered the elderly. man. sufferers of kidneys troubles." the Boul% to Duluth in 26� boars. She �� vtioe poilttpd to +.a, similar roar existing in to the Chateau de Breteaille with as when •• rr. enooantered ion tiissel:. Her parents-kigd, honest, good we ,go there sort week.. You will take a .,Bat not forgotten, replied the other. gh weather. too, but ap_ q The history of a life, my poor friend." �Fol.eley on the saloon. pears not to mind that much. Bess break 1 ,5` maple -wore vetioath moved, home in the vlll'age near as, and make that "Death in life, you mean? is Lord Wolseley hast recently written a over bar, but do not beat against her As las When w resoited'ths house the servants, bottom. your domicile. 'for the purposes re- '• That was what I Telt on that morning very earnest Article in " c Stead's Review of the °age .of other vessels, as she. presents not I �ibo sero on .66 qui vine for our retgirn, re baited by law. ` Yon will visit Diane when- �� .► flat earfaoe to them. dt when you robbed me of wife. Reviews, in whioh he refers in plain and eeivad ue. in zespeotful offense -no know. ever -you like, in the same way as you might •' chat is what I lest as I kneel before her bold language to the moral and material The shipyard .at Superior hoe at present, �: fit exactly., vrllat sae their master would here,.nowthatyou orsherrecognized suitor, dear remains." effects of the drink traffic on rho Brisieh seven whalebacka on the oro ka-three E. e them, and aletermined is their F'renah and you will be married this day month, ••Las us be friends." noxious Here are some extracts ; the are steamers and four bargHe. one steamer city, to watols his movements before they very quietly, in the village church.- �� The younger man shook hands in silence; the words of an earnest, to al man they will- be the soma as the Hoyt, but the one ananlfemted_ any expressions of feeling on May I have a. friend at the ceremony -and.,oy-ee- h zve Q�Dia�ia de e%etrrl -intended-fe"_&l;-W"-Wr-rs-_ba�lt-s�0 =1= m' -a,,; h.aC- . a -site rolpir-+ri,' +T�--yam fought o: have their weight. .enough eo that She will go through the i q �; o are en i'tled�o one.' theonly�enmity she had ever brought about Similar statements can be truly made in *` m anew them`weell.,ikdrillia thein .thuyas we, -fie is an .E,ngliahman, Lord Stookville, was forgotton and forgiven for bar sweet regard to matters as they stand in Oanada. Welland and Bt. Lawrence looks. Bhe, u altered she hall: and I wish him to be my beat man." . i sake, Lord Wolmeleq said • " To ma, London enough deeper and wider, to make up for y' 11 My friends, here is the husband et tits "Another. Englishman t" cried the Msr- zap s„,a, ie a pest bongs of infamy, of terrible im- the look at length It is the in en>ion ta>w ' agpeen; masl•Ioyaldy.,,t;0 ihe.eovnie gin iliJitl ,quip, with a smile. "Thank goodness, I build three more nett year, two bargen mle of mjr hoan+e.' : h&t%e""net ins%her de bier 1 "' morality in its worst sense. I cannot g and, t ' �� Temperance Notes. a hundred yards in any direction without one steamer. An Effort will be made' to • , . A ,bad allow, rtooduded ; Audit se thi d" , !' You could not have another like Diane. f� :. to me as it this . cheer was all Diane to- " Dien meroi " re ied the old marquis; ; The increase of temperance sentiment in seeing a public house where large placards profuse a 20 mile .boat in the steamer. .. q the Baptist Church in. Wales is indicated tell you that " Cream Gin " is sold chea With the seven whalebaeki in •oommission sIIiired to mike iter perfectly happy. and now that all'ie rattled between nr, we P tiers is .started and projected a fleet of I$ . She wait sieallq esgaisi+ively lovely at ex % yea at digner at seven:' by a' eentpnoe from .Rev. J. Davies, who within. Outside I nee a down or so who 1. h Itis itoment. • Sho'pot up her hand take* When 1< got hon!61 fgand two entlesmen says : •r Of 600 Baptist ministers only have now voioes in the management of our veaeels, five stammers and twelve bargee. �I _ _ Wil: wliccl with ^slfgtit grfii�f'nl oxeye. si ing or- we; ; an • as entero the 200 -were -total -abstainers , --bat-oat-'-'of- -Pa-bIo-aff oua•--rnore_or jeE&Aipay.._-Talc with a "oarryinK capacity of not less thaiii ` f ; meant . ah& ilarew off ; ..Wad as she did so' bowed ver Y fits sbree 'Tents in the colleges only tarn in the Strand or in" P[ocadilly a% 9 or 36;000- tone. --it- leolEs as- though-tht_ . 11y Boli%sly, but. equally eti$y, and Y- g y 10 m, American Steel Barka Company `batt t same pin whiob tied Up her hcad.dreas got inforamed se almost in she mama breath 'one was not included in the ranks, of P. Who do you find there i Look esitangf911141.' tills yell, and' the luxuriant that they yr,q I deputed by le' Oobr a de obstainers." at your thieves' quarters I The horrors � ourake of its conviotione.-Bufalo Ex. lliisauty ,.of .'lies dark golden hair displayed Maupert to offerme an spoiogy. Mie. John B. Gough in in � oritioal can. and abominations of London would Beilf &s it tell :,ia i•' '"Diane, to thing ofineahin but her helpless. m trouble and is almost ,not ,only tolerated even in Cairo for a da ' w • grofueion' doses !te _Rtinemtteein y { was#oil fall of anion from 'spin Y Moat somans "Don'ts," abowditre. y g sweet p We only make ourselves ridiculous by I ' !' Mer' a ,gs , oparklod with delight ;, and. ,ee1t� thalt one o! the oonditione of my mar• F�ft thousand deolsiming against what we style sine tbar The stoat woman is always asking what,1. 41 Fifty persona paraded m Dub• we sonotion around nes Vghg�n I nee strong she shall wear. Now these, according to " tlitiiag slti'y" arm. and eaoluring it, is beth ring .res to fight this scan%. I exclaimed .Iia last week in honor of the. memory meaearea taken in England tq prohibit the the New York Sun, are occas of the thin Abr. owe,slme said, with m.ohildieh paivete, in cath;r an°iaioperipas: matiner,,that hied of Father Mstfiew, the apostle, of temper- Bale o[ p�ieona is the form of spirits of all she should not wear : v .t Has not it11e Sueen well.ohoemn T" wLere-. notyet had,time,io select two ,mends, but soon. `" Brie should not wear a tallor•made sail „ niton there' was another, and another. and that l would set &boat it &t once, and &d- sorts, then I `'shall believe in the new sheer, during which Made, drams them; to:tl4gsb gentlemen. The W. C. U. tsdiee will be delighted fittin her figure closely. It brings out yNt another K e Briiiah Reformation. It' im°to me in our g ssdeelle 4amnz colas down to wiitaems thio '• lllonajEenr,>>! ,aiaiu the elder of lbs two to see that the Ron. W. E. Gladstone has present state a monstrous impoQi- every pound of fideh for she benefit of the . moron moose • , ••' • taken as pmrt of his platform '• Tem ranoe tion and humbug to looker-on. - ' 6e we ehall'slwaye be glad to see your friends „ Pe g preoeh abroad ;} '' `. The poor woman bad been so feeling, me on any errand of honor which you may °Ott Woman suffrage." what we dare not carry out at 'home. Bile, should not wear a rosette at beg - ingly;loyatl.to us, that we both greeted choose, to melee% them for ; but our purpose Bishop William Taylor, replying to an There is A great deal said in this article belt. s4_ with *n- stootionste embrace; and in doing ourselves`she honor of oaUlog on invitation to attend the National W. C. T. about eoldiere. Now I am certain that I She should not wear a ltoe or ribbon dies he s'. timid a es discovered that II. to be held in Atlanta next know ter more of our soldiers an of their tache &boat her neck, though the aiofk y you is to deliver to you this letter, to wnioh month, manners and customs and code of morality 'feather one ii � permissible if it have lonh . 71ane'e parents were not wroth with as, we, are instructed at the same time to re- presents in his brief letter a striking oom- than most writers can, and meths%. I • SO disposed to check .the impetuosity o! ends. pe y bust an answer."' mentory upon the evils resulting from tit�9 adir movements, she could only exoyaim • This was the letter • liquor trafiiso in Africa. He. aaye ; " I% rasa for man, our soldiers are far more She should not wear a short. skirt. "mon Dien, iasis o'est Is fetes des " Merrsrllta,-The• • extremely. painful woald afford me.special plleseare to accept, moral than their brothers and cousins in Sias should not wear her hair low on her 1l4abooentsil? which made us all laugh -the event of this morning had so powerfully ab• were it possible, for yours is the real inane civil life; the strict discipline under which neck. . it . an.i..ei_ • h ars a _of_tltel Ail-andi_nf urn Ra a —, _. t�l_@,�!_ iwel_aoo01J-a*s �er4hik3:--:-Tiara-i6-aIIiia'[i- the_Ql_1on1(�ot--v'-Q,r--"tiri 17�IIe _________.._: &_:�®&l R�idG�__�!f.fl►Sk!Q�l�MiL�94S `�.�-E�4'�'.zt.>.....�...Z'anG.r-tru8-.�wvr'.alit-'�'i8c[tii$ti9tllny� __n_•'a••�p`S�'�,-i.3.r�'ulj .3 y. a"�_. . _.._ _�F__._ _. Which as jet shots upon nm. self an act which, I acknowledge, was not American homes, for whose defence _yon less drunkenness in the army than in the about her nook, tinge in her ears, or, it Ger " The next dispesision was evinced to becoming oar relative positions. stand in the name of (led, but, also, in, its ` clauses from which we obtain the largest fingers are ahers .mad fat, many rings on, d #)rglve all s+round was the appetite, we "Zan had every right to remind se of relation to mission work in heathen lands. proportion of our recruits. . Do let no. give tire'°°• l rouglat to the breakfast•that a minate-be• my injadioio)is vial% to your rooms, and my PoorAfrica's deplorable condition ander the up theory and let us deal with faote as we Sbe should avoid high sleeves and loose lies DO one would have touched, but which moinory. ought not to have tailed me in re- ramoarseisdarkerthan 'whenthestealingof $°d them around as, and if we must teat Blouse. caw we were all anxious to do justice to. Bard to it. Bat stronger even than that millions of ire people caused Livingston to our theorise let as do eo et home.- Let the She should than champagne. It was not an oeosoion for toasts. and I reason is the fact which I should have re- call it the "open sore of the world." A Preacher deal with the foul diseases which She should hate ice-cream. ` had taot snongis in my happinEms to collooted=that the Margais de Breteaille hundred steamships that sail , from he finds aroand him, and when he had mdrain from drinking Dimas's health, would never eanotion the marriage of ilia European and English ports to the wear oared that, then by ell means let him travel .Baroness Becou,os 8sivation Lasalle. That health was the principal, subject of daughter with one who was no gentleman. month and east coasts, carry. sprinoip%l a further &field." I The Salvation Army in Berlin bag found ee�s�ssverestion; and we hurried themeal so &a " I request, therefore, that you will cargo of item alfa gin. Hambargalone, by a new and unique recruit in the Baroness li sten the moment when we could at last obliterate from your memory the niter- two lines of steamers, exported to Africa Umbrelias in Demand. Margarethe von Lillenkreatz. Bile is beau- hh together. Sa is of my wounded pride, end direct the 200,000 tone of rum last year ;. and' many In .& recent ieeae the London"Standard tifat and thirty years old. She is tits During the repast, however. the agar- gentlemen who take this apology to you to other cities, including our own Boston, are gives the following item of trade and en• daughter of a Swedish knight and the f0fs' eye fell•apon the Alue favor whiob I any of your friends whom' you may select engaged in the nefarious business of turn• eral interest, implying far-reaching g widow of \ Swedish ssi.captain. Bt fore h . wore, and he naked me the meaning of it• to be.your saeeonda. , ink, a Missist,ippi of death and destruction bilities for one of our most vlgoroargindas conversion to the principle' of the army "It ism first and.last tokin of love," ,• upon the defenseless Africans, annually tries: "No arttole sen% oat ig the Congo ,led a Kay life in Eft. Pawrebarg, Stool; I Y I I hold myself in readiness when and. decimating whole sections".of that countr State, where there are 44,000 of g and. Berlin society• The Salvation Army mid. Whereupon Dials flushing red with where you plemde, but I plead for argen4y. g y r people and holiest pride, end' pointing to her own little "Accept the expression of my high coin- Our only hope is is she gospel. God blase any numberofsmallpoten000 Of a popular has not, however, as the conversion of she Una bow so grscefally sewn on to her dress sideration. "Ceara nS 112A,olpzaT." Soo in your great work, and sells so readily for a large cam as the Baroness tr ,al might indi4ite, had a very easy said to her father, It did not take melon to deo etch three huge, gay nmbrells, of which Bruaeela now teak' trying ti o " reach the sinners of the i. . " see. I have one too." n notes -one a formal &oknowled ement of the manners or men, � Bsb fon on the spree., r' '• " g No man is se rest as he is Produces tone every year. These umbrel- yThey have been tai RhAt children yon are 1 remorked above, and the other two requesting Rivel- g going to,be. lee are, in a certain way, the insignis of numerous rows in Berlin. In a restsuroolb ,her father. . slongue and another to call on the 6ount's No man can please his opponent in royalty --that is, they, are much prized by in ,the Rheineberg etrasse ten days ago six "Your ohildren,'r einewered Diane. friends next morning, and arrangehow beet basinees, the blsok kinglets who sit beneath then warriors who were etcempting to oonvertt .. . It Is not for me to recount all that took I Gould kill or be lulled: No main ever lost anything by keeping grateful'shade. Whatthe canopy the workingmen drinking there gas cam,. place in the garden. Those who have I .had no fear whatever. My ' Alacrity hip mouth shat. be to the travelling monarchs my thea time pletely " done up " by the crowd, who ob. �. own het lore is - what hs Age has &quieting effect on a men that of %he oraAadee, the nmbrelle'ie to the in. ltloted to being disturbed at their beer. Y', vl happiness it waw snob that all next day I even looked kxin� is the height of lie power --will Inset forward to the duel se'eealing in blood the we have never noticed on anything else. numerable feudal chieftaing of the Congo . . Wmd'eratand the joy. the bliss, the blessing love I had won, anticipating with hope that There are some measures and some men today. Backbiting. si that first aiiinterrapted hour of our be. the blood about to be spilled for Diane's that You might &a well stop fighting ; you New York Herald : " Bab i" said the froibal• sake would be mine. It happened ss I had cannot make headway against them. cruel. sealskin York H ai the front Those who have yet to learn are no much. thoa,bt. We went out to aside alley in It a man ever tells a lie the da will lash coat in the rear one, "yon or:111�� ha Y enrol y Is is ft now, dear?" said the gentle p q be envied tjiat it in ageless to let them she Bois tie $onlorine et a very early hoar y +'lame when it will face him while he mother, as her married daughter came into fraud." into the secrete at that eabiimestof human next morning. We bowed, measured is trying to Condemn falsehood In another. the house and flung herself sobbinginto her „ Maybe." rr &mystories, lest it should take &*my from sworder bowed again, crossed swords bowed Probably one reason why couples Ma be, but ae�rt the plash p get arms. you're nothing but a iakin." etsir happineea when th&%hour has sounded a third time, and then fenced. But I was along so well when they are engaged is " Ob 1 mamma," said,, the hearV broken p !sr their initiation,; bat that any one can so excited %bat I laid mya Ito en to man that the woman never asks the man for •� A nis� beer, 4 P Y young thing, Charlie is ail oriel. • Last " ever boast of being so loves by so para, so a thrust which, had I had to deal with a money. -Atchison Globe. evening I told him I raaA care his smoking New York Sun; " Is Mr. Jones in?" �ontie, eo lovely a being as Diane de leas gentleman -like adversary, might have would rain the drapery, and without s asked the yo man timidly. Breteaille, in what if, may its excused if I proved deadly, and I wag called to order. WANTED• word he went to work end took down every "Yee, air," wee the ti sonsider impossible. At the very next lunge the count's sword (From Life.) w r d h in the hoaee."--Peck's Sun. " Then lease hand sly. We went through the event, of the pant pierced through my wrist in a parry to the Two arma around my neck entwine P y card to Mist - fourA smooth cheek cloHely presses mine; -4-13Onep, and tell her I'm sorry she is oat," 4NM week, - oar fears. our gopee, our chest, and the blood apnrting out was the I know what such caresses m an Came Honestly to Them, rets Wed the bashful caller, scurrying sway itiffioaltiem, our resolves,' end sir trisle, signal of the end. And in my chair I backward lean, ,r , We rehearsed our nicest momevte. We " Bien pauvre compensation I's exclaimed ' ' What is it, daughter mine?" z ay, I have fifteen clocks I'd like to sell you.,, --------- - . hAiled the worst as claims for bap?y com• the count, no he' Came ne&r to snoertaia %he " what is it that you want to -day T rr I don't buy stolen goods, sir." A Protectionts't. Ce in the future, and our lips sealed extent of the damage. The doctor hay. '• Some more now drreo°E'ta, o a batt" " Why, they. weren't stolen, my dear air. Drake's Magazine: "Why, jtir, Brown the vows our hearts had long offered up to ing assured him he expected no evil .., " I hope r Taps, fates, then t. - I was married yesterday. wh are . w Y you nailing op you front gate 7" 4&oh other. salts, and finding that I had not even lost "You dear old dad, just Russe again." Well, with ail many daughters I have to Time flew. and we were still at theba• ooneoloaeneee - thou h, of course. I mustote diamonds, or perhaps a pearl P ,Righty take some steps Sor self• roteotion. ginning Y have looked very ill -the count bowed to "I don'tw1'l.bsbat do you want, my girl?" Cumeo--Yoa Can lead a h0rso.fo easter, -~-' p " WAS �hatlad b cher mothor', and I�w&s Daefrtd. iA6 and ri tired. Hanor waa ass%iafled. It's Tom tble time. A'M''On too Whits i ' ® . *ea Inc... bot you can't make him drink, r Vine boards are now made b re - 114 go into the mmrgmA study. I1ffiy wound healed rappidly.. At twenty►. r •daoin small ireeA and limbo to pale stidl An we parted with a promise that I five how all does right itself quickly I in John Rackley, who has given a 0100 uuv --Banka-Jaat the came with a Colonel g `Should return to dinner in the evening, less than three days I was back at the Hotel library building to Mnekogon$ Mich., The words &nd..,_ pressing in molds. worked him way from Baltimore to'tbet � A drove of hos in Hudson, Mich.. be - Diane said, I Brt+tenille, having fulfilled the last and are maid to be the only ones lu � ._ ' g " How is It that we love each other 2 " most serious of the conditions impoded upon city twenty years ago,aa poor boy, on a language that contain &11 /he vowels >. 112pe came intoxicated by drinking the Action " I cannot tell," 1. lau$hingly answered. me, by the margaio, lumber vessel. He made a fortune in ins• regular order. ��tB�.u,, eorgpuni factory, and in the orgies her. • ^rip hog' WAS drowned b? , a, :, v ",..M.., ., .. •- a