HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 5Tim Cepada Health Journal attri 1 Lutes the prevalence of .disease iti,tipriug l to the fact that during the winter the fresh air is rigorously excluded from tnost of our dwellings. The plan of z:et)tautitiva whit; t it sl.1gges_ta is simple enough—to make an opening into the chimney or the stovepipe in' every occupied room, and thus draw off the foul air without making a o li d aught. — Salt by the barrel, and all kinds o !s 'i a en. 'l err s grocery. itsimfieId An assooiatlon entitled the Patrnna of Industry has been .organize -I in S. S. No. 5. The association numbers at present over 30, and pr•otuises to be. very popular with the farming eunr- utuusty. pupils of S. S. No. 5 for the Month of __—October-. Senior 4th—O- lardner, E Wilson, 1) Smith. Junior 4th --R 'Webster, Mnrirew, .1 Wilson, B Ritch•it, M.' • idersnn S Garroter, A Gardr.e,r, 0 elister, Senior 3rd— J. 1t id, 11 .\.riderson, A Brown. Junior 3rd ----L Hunter, R Gardner, J Stroud, 11 Webster, E Gardner. Senior 2nd --M. ilardner, It Milson, E Gardner, E i+1ic(aill, E Reid. junior 2nd—J Hunter, M Brown, R. hunter .a5 'Webster, L. H.ahock, 0 Took, t1 Wilson. ..Vert •11—F .Anderson, S , Wilson, J 1-Iabock, J Webster, H Reid, 1{ Barker. Part T—T Gardner, E \Webster•, J Hunter, 5 Hackett, W Barber, G Hunter. Mr. Alex. Woods; 12th con. West \Vawanosh, has been very ill, ,but we are glad to,ltt-ar he is now convalescent. Mrs. Mt. 'IHamilton is still low. There seems to be no change for the better, but she seems to be getting worse. MARRIED McNarx—Ross--At the Manse, Lucknow, by' Rev. A. McKay, on Friday. Oct. 24th, Mr, if aa. H. McNain to I3annah, daugh- trr-i "M r. Donald Ross, altafA�iiaBel GRRExAr z E—•STS %wr—At the residence of the bri,te's lather, tin Oct. 29tn, by the 11,+v. Duncan Davidson, Laugside, Mr. George /Grenache, son of the late Joseph Grer • ache, Culross, t' Miss Eupheniia Stuart, daughter of Me. Charles Stuart, Kinloss ALrox—REPD---OnNov. 12th, by the Rev. W. • A, Strongman L.{. -D„ at the residence of the bride's rfather, Mr. W. Fi. Reid, Ash- -—field,-Mr::Fa ►tva-Altan,: I3 iftast. t,LY-Miss- Amelta S. Reid. . LUCKNOW MARKETS. (Corrected every Thursday morning.) Flour $2.60 't d1 \\ heat .91 Oats 36 Peas ..... 56 Potatoes . . 30 to 35 Bottler 12 Eggs 15. BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE U1VDERSIGNED WILL KEEP' • for servi w thio season at•�k:t 17, con. 13., 'West Wawn.uosh, a well-bred Suffolk boar. ;• : -"' THOMAS MILLER, 2.877 \St. Helens P. O., Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. THLj:it [TND( 1 TGllEl) WILL L KEEP [terv.ictl this season at lot 22. coo. 2', ..Kinloss, a thoroughbred ed Berkshire boar lila, k Prini•e." Terms 81.00, strictly ,cash with privilege of returning if'nezessary. • WILLIAM DAWSON, 4 $77 ° Lucknow P. 0 Ont. W*off • MAK.INC 'HORSE SHOEIeifG A N 1)-•---- ' E N f fri"�L CLAO1(SMITHINCi. 0: Adam Thoml'ein legs ,leavt, to tba th i 10 itaua.s of le) IW ami ••urronndir. soou.,try for the. liberal pa'tvoi,age b:•stowed- lum,dnaing the last seven years, and washer. . (continuance of ..i.. e1,1 customers and a bta. .share of tate aeon, p5 ue is in a better position than ever to sn1ply the Wants of the pub? He alwayt, .Sts .'u hand stockot . • ' Q��1t gons 'orf all Muds, He also wi:l I.:'. -tint! then, of his afar famed • • : • SCOTCgi MAME .13;.1110VIS 'which he alwr,yHaat 1.ii b m+1 :.oat err Made the very b fst n ntt.'ial. Parties war,tit.g nn thing, in ti is line Will tilt µ•Nil 11.4 ;i>• e• ht ti acol •unci see pr,ees before. porehmsing .e1 ewlitr" '.'articular tttention p:.to • ALL KIKO3 OF IIOE SE SHOE1110. ttlatfeel • contractions, and interfering. By strict attetlt::n to business, good Work mlulship >: nd employing nothing but good workmen, 1 trust; to retain the l atrouaw., kindly ext; 'Weed to n1,. ADAM THOM1 SON Llmpbe11 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Vounty, Friday, November 14th. vercoats Pre-eminent among the large lots and low prices are overcoats. . It will probab'.y help you to a realization of 'their quality and value when we say we have the boys SUP GOES THE JAY :BIRD: A beautiful assortment of thelpest STOVES AND HARDWARE Just received. Everybody invited • is astonishing value. Youths coats from the choice heavy to the light fancies, in beavers \and meltons from .$4.50 to $13, and among them are :some lovely patterns. Thep the ni<ens from $5 up to $15, and then into the furs, up to the Australian hears at $33. They make quite a pile, and although going nicely we want to see them all - gone by next month this time. Among the fur goods to be worn, this fall is the storm olIar and muff. Nothing more beautiful, nor fashionable has yet been brought out. We have t.liem in eight different qualities, and prices low. A noticeable feature this fall in regard to furs, sealettes, etc., is that they are being worn earlier this fall than pious years. Thrsis noticeable with -the men, but more especially so with the ladies, and nothing is more -comfortable these chilly afternoons and evenings. ' We arecarrying a large .assortment and respectfully request a look -through. ���''y7J Aa"„S^,:mWaffitAWa:WYI.>w-7T..: ear. Ta ,...... .,•, �/,. 7n. ",.^:...J".2� c'"S'.�`,..,.vr-n'^F'i✓,.3 A:�n,�:FS V - l that everything is first-class, b'ut the price a poor affair. ✓.h i•t�A,ruifF:, Campbell -Street East, Lucknow. T E PEOPLES STO 'I ) Is1 Preparing for the fall trade. 'Our stock is filling up f st with the latest novelties of the season. Our usual stock' of staple; dry goods is very complete. We have just opened some special lines in BLACK AND FANCY - DRESS ' .GOODS BEAUTIFUL, GOODS. Also a fine assortment of ready made clothing, 'bought more with an eye to quality than to a low price. Positively no shoddy. To arrive in a few days a very .large assortment of ladies and gentlemens underclothing, including those fine. Italian elastic goods so popular with the upper ten. Mantle cloth in good variety and at,closest prices. A. large assort• •nient of novelties and staples to arrive in the next few days As usual our stock of groceries, hats, Baps, boots, shoes, hardware, crockery, etc., etc:, is well assorted and all sold at ' - c ll and ins . ect. . . • ROBERT MURK. . ' St.. Helens, Sept: ard: Honest flannels. Too many look for •what they're • not. We ask your attention to flannels that are all flannels. __.�._Tha+s-whatFflanneLxen-should know best. Union, 121c. to 32c, All wool, 20c. to 35c. 'Tweeds for fine and rough make up for cold weather, 3treet opposite the Bank ' to hand, at less than wholesale pricer. There's nothing to prevent your having apick now, but as -we have often told you, when gone, unless we, buy again at slaughter prices we cannot replace- theni. Those ;know who understand. -Then there is blankets amongst the piles to choose from. Long nap, soft woollen goods, 'anticipation enough in the thought to ,enable a man to sleep well Of = °" iteslf. YOUR •TRULY, A. Brash Butter, Eggs and Poultry, taken. hcHuI Griccrya IMMENSE BARGAINS. Halving just received a large consign ment of Fresh Groceries, (Choice family lour, Choice Tobacco, Canted Goods, C4ocice_r_y,_ _ Glassware Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, which will be sold cheap. at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the village,. JOHN ELLIOTT THE NEW EARLY GRAPE "GOR t LAND" RV' ENS .FROT lath '1'O 21th AtTlrf'ST ac!an•1liIu to warint!i of season. Three weeks eerlier thlu.the l'ouc,a•d. e The al ore gree«• caII only be pnrcllased from ntt;hotized agents of J1al,le (grove Nurseries. \\'aterioo, \ , Y., rind all trees and plants sent Inst from those delrhrate�l nursery grounds are deal;t•r;Lateen to mit satisfaction. Give:. your orders to m,r local eat, ll.tipencer,Lucknow. :1geuts wanted. Apply to 3. 'V. M'cKAY, • :ln, K(ll► Ge' 'Manager, St.'1'hntna. ,Ont PUBLIC NOTICE. BOAR FOR bERVICEI mHE_ U�'YDE�;BIG�i ED wILL KEEP 11 for service this season • at lot 11, nen. 8b E. D. Ashfield, a- Chester white, full bred boar, lately brought, from Pinkerton township. Terms $1, at time of service ; $1.25 if not so paid. • ()TICE T' ITER ;F V GIN' EN '1'LL.� ri 1V x\(13111 11.itsswurnt. of t'he 'fowl hill of Carrick, in the ('unity of Be,ea.yell:nalt, will „apply to tltu Parliament of ('analis. at the IIycxt session thereof for at Bill of livoree from, his wife, 147,nuiia lluss,eoroip) ucv' Correll, No•in riy of the said �'o,ynship of Carrick, lett now re• si,lii in .the city. of ('hiew_to, in the State of Jll1i1n. ois,l nut. cWT),nktohtto on,a(n)oitn ,o, foal tils tahliis nlItswt yc.l ay of &ettternhee, 11(1)0. O'CONNOR .t O'C'ON N()R, 6 mos -S-16.7 .Solicitor's for aliplica.nt. PAUL SMELIZER, Belfast P. 0., Ont' TEACHER WANTED. ASECOND OR THIRD • CLAM ' Teacher for the second room in Luck - now Public School, to take charge after New. Year 1890. Apply to Secretary , of School Board, 'Stating salary, and gnalifieationa held. J. H. GARNIER, Sec'y School Board% Lucknow, Oct. 28th, 1890. DR. CHASES ; Has a world wide reputation as a physician and author '-tis Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, cures al . diseases of the kidney and liver. SYMPTOMS F 'I llNb it l 1 LAI -1- iih he b4cl:nn dull r ain or -eight in the bladder and base rt all omen ; scalding urine often ob: tructf,d fregnent desire. to urinate, especially .at night • among aged person , hut, dry skin, pale et ui• • plex:ion, red and white deposits; ;'rep (tininess, ' sour stomach, cou'tip,ttiou, piles, liver tore, swelling, etc • SYMPTOMS CF LIVER .CUMPLii 1'ai:14:A.1°1;11'11 er haul1r.RF` edea er jann' Kleelow cam jtlexion, a weary, til feelii} , no lite or energy, headache, d,yspepsirt, hatieestion,spctts, pimples', etc. . HOW CURL' Ma►.drake and 1>anitelito, Are nat,n•r' 1.tvar enres aid when motto i(l "itl Kirin w rpni -- tltes rill I)r. (lhs,re's1ij.r(hue, µill n,ltt=t liositive ly cure all kidney—Liver t,ronbies. It acts like a (,1.11•rm, stiyytttlati,o; the ct,Que,il liver, strengthlt ink t.ill,✓riilnryr, and Indy, ra.- tin; the whole body-. /o1 1 by all healers at�+l with receipt hunk. n1tirh alone is µ•ai'th 1n„n a v. 1)r. ('hos+•'.Pills art tt,e nh•8 K.1. .L • Kylney I,iver,Pitlsti'ole.Thei' LAVER avtgentlyyet+,ifectnally, Milk* Ilk take,, tlnrit i;• airy rit,nn,v. �j , /,lent. 'They care Kidney Lief.) troubles, hes,1,tclte,l,i1ioilsness.enstivrllr, s eye, One pill a dote. Sold by all .(calor”, Pt•ive ilii twE®MANSON & Co.. • til i)],0111.Oni't Sold by ISRtttts & D 1v;s'. I.>rckiu i4 417,