HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 4The trucknow Sentinel Bruce Oounty, Friday, November 14th langgala 411111.11EgIMMINIONNIOAMISIMMIMPOMMara.‘allINTO1_ .110114.1$1110.11ppynwilem 1.4••••~Nnomff. .2kfA14 "ONCIrit TEAR: An. thoportant change in regard to the admission of pupils into the high 44Ae6P a A t S. uthnow grutinel, • LIBBIrrY TO UTTER AND ADO AROUE •:1 TO TILE DIUTATES OF QQNSOAENCE WU, PRIZE AnOVE ALL OTTIEn LIBE117111 schools of -Ontario, has been decidkl i. by the Deplartment of Education. Hitherto there have been two examin- ations annually; in future, there will be but one examination. The change is made in accordance with the reports -6fttrdnrili1ararel-at tispr.torsraini-ol. ‘).4. T41101:flow, r'ov. Pith, 1.890. large portion of the public school. trustees and teachers have also favored .P41.111O1VS OF INDUS:TRY. 4.400.440444•4 -*' For the past couple of weeks an a ent of a societ Called the Patrons of 'it. There can be Ito doubt that It is a step in the right direction. It hae been felt that the constant preparation forexamittations incident to the present a been detrimental to the OC,)ME "AD $ The great Dargajps ore d: at the new store Gaaths Piles of Tweeds es Piles of Ores, rizs of Ready Made ClotLin Which will be sold at rock bottom prices. WE MEAN latI i Wry as ,een iress- of the farmers in the adjoining_ town- ps, with the view of es'ablishing thrit ch agencies of the above society. /.We a'ick not conversant with the prin .ciples et the .new order, no have we 3anything k? say against the gentleman A -who ia conVecting-the meetings, hut ifrom the previous' experience' of similar linstituticins, the farmers would do well to carefully consider the matter before :remitting themselves to any society . agreement that ,nay teiult in Injury to .them,s' eltive,rind 'their interests-. „it is not many years ago that a very sirnilr prganliationknown then as the teRatruits of Husbandry" was 'stetted among: the farmers of the Province, aTd• 'like all • other new institutions that, promisedto make the peOpt e rich, it spread like "wild fire" and there was scarcely a township in the country but.hadtts society, and over one half- inlilion memhera answered co the. roll call.' At lira' meetings were held for sons on f tit -tatters of interest and importance to agriculture in all its loathes,: but in an unlucky hour some e popta.h • interests of botriiiWZITteac ers in the public -schools, ehile rendering it impossible for the teachers in high schools to do their best work. With only one entrance examination -7 -that before the midsummer holidays—the expectation is that south improvement can be effeeted. iremommorusalnram. Editors' llIust Die Mr. Josiah Ifilneknorn of the Loudon Free Press- :asses Awl*, The reading public 'throughout the Dominion 'will regret to learn of the death of Mr. Josiah Blackburn, editor of the London Frw Press, which occurred on Tuesday last, at Hot Springs, Arkansas, whither he went abouta month ago to seek re.ief .from a malady that reisted all *other •fornis of treatment Mr. Blackburn" was one of the ablest and best known journalists in the Province, and in his death the Conservative •party of unch and* Give the new store a trial. •FALL - SEASON - i• I 90. Our stock' for the fall is now about complete. IT HAS BEEN SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE And with a view to 'satisty the varied wants - 'of our many customers and UR PRICES WILL BE FOUND RIGHT Each department, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and repay a look through. We invite you to call and inspect our stock. LUCKNOW & DUliGANNON loyal advocate of its principles. He was a man'.inueh respected.by all who ew him -,ette pecriltitirig geniuroeed ht te A farraer,:ehoald dispense•wit with middle.' The late Mr. Blaekburn -was hurn in • _. pen ' of every',deScripOon, and boy London, England, in 1823. He was from and sell to the. manofacturt.r direct. To indoce people-who—were_ unacquainted with .the risks arid. e15- pemes conmectecl, oith mercantile pur- suits, to start "supply" stores and • .nppoint ulitetonigued managers was not difficult Anatter.To Unas, such a1 Essex, Eng.. He was educated at Lon - A . den (Eng.) scheols and came to Canada the second son of Rev. John Black- burn a Con6reeational minister itk Lon- don for 35 years, who for teeny years held the position pf secretary of the Congregational Union of England and Wales. His mother was the daughter of Robt. Smith, a landed proprietor in uueccess was, however, a 'Afferent. ,thatter, and it is safe to WAY hot one ,ont of,n.hnndfed of such arrangements arein operation to -day. No one class V.' can jiy� free from or independent of the ..,others.; .and there are few men indeed 'Who; can ',Manage' wore than one line of Irusineee :successfully. A. born ;and bred farther can no more make a sueces ofmereantie pursuits than can ,the riterchant_speceed thee.. -. The Sante rule holds round throughout other occupations and professiOus. • The Patrons of Husbauthy set too many schemes on foot, ...ited as a. result failure CR1061. Htld tile4 _kept' st dotty within the lines• ihieh their orgapization laid' down, a dttlerent record would have been 'ex- perienced. Jt is riever wise to have ' ÷.1 • to WaTIY i ons.in ,t1;” tire: , • .‘""="*t!'=f11.!_qr.._ _^".!!"""..—"Me 2,71 .11.4T S The elec•ion of Congress nen in the United State. last week resulted in a 'sweeping Vielery for tIn ,Di•ino,Tafic Party,.and Mr. NIcKieley, the fattier .of the !tow famous ",lieliinley ,has been knot:1,41;1m ohlrviott by the people of Ohio. fli Democratic aortjority in the Alt:W. 41 )t}'UI tkbel'e- it* 1850, and in the following year became associated wtih the Paris Star, where he remained over a year. He then purclused• an interest.; in the London Preo and aSsutnedeharge of it at .the close of 1851. Shortly after he assisted' instarting 'the Inger- soll papers for a time. H.e, began issuing 'the daily Free Pres4 on May 5, 1855, in Conjunction with his brother Stephen, now registrar of West IM:iddle- r.1n858Ite.a,as a_Refotitecatidie. date at the ...general election, but was defeated by the tete Marcus Talbot. It was a 111A, election. in ,185-9 Mr. Blackburn severed his connection with the Reform party and gave his support to the late Hon. John Sanfield Mac- Donald. In 1862, whit MacDonald.' was successful at Quebec, Mr, Black - tarn was appointed to conduct the Mercury in the iNlinister interests, securing the, services of Mr. George Sheppard, now of New York. After the fall of the S 3.1acDonald Administration coalition of parties took plaice r ir the purp .se of carrying Confederat'on.„ tl.e Liberals patriotic- ally eoalesoilig with their_ opponents ulltil the solietne was earid theough. Mr: Black ourntioued to support Sir John A. NI..-cDonald in Dominion politic.) End the Provincial administra- • tion.of Sir.John Sanneld 3i,tcDotiald. In 1872 the deceasetliaided in estal.- 1• lIifl_ the Tomtit 6 .1./'td, remaining ,c in-tom:J..4 with, it, for fifteen months. In 1 .k•ei,1 he was. appointed )m one of the fore 1e From ,1,45 to 3:19 jhtsig"itl- 1 ehirt ellieers j eiinet i r with the CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO IMMI.....=11.0.111•0111n angeof..the'elnin.,e in public: opinion taking .of. the con -us 884 he was' named on a coourn&,ion 10 proceed to IV:ishington to investigate th4 methods of pubic printing adopted there, reporting on the same. He was ever kno.om as a very active journalist •and a uoorl all-round newspaper man. He was married twice and lass a large family. all grown up With the exception of too, _ can beSt, le sho.vn by ex•P',.&iiing that when the 51st. Congress, whirls expires ..11iarchA3, 1;491,, met, he IlOwie st.ocl : ,Republican.s. 169 ; Democrats, .161 ; Ak.t. the close 40.1 the session, .,in • 0e,toletr, the d‘vision7 was-: Repehlicens, 1754 .Deittocrats.,- 151 ;• uhlieeu tertjoliter, 24—tne :Increased ynajonity having been- oh- , ',tallied by unseating Democrats and .:stating Repuliealis.lhere ii thus 4 Orange that l.11.0 our the 24 Republican attrl gives the 1)etuocrats .itiajority of 14:3, and,poSstirly MI; ,in re Agri CATTLE ESTRAY. QTBAYEI) TO" THE PTIENITSFS OF ,-,--)' it he moterrligned, lot 29,/t4,o. 3 Kfilloes, ml or about the 1st of ()eviller, :3 two year Ilia heifers. ' 'are • , WIler i'• rt tile•tei t• prove propotx, Tay exiwT les awl take them away. .J.OSEfri TIF1'IN, 3-$7.7 ' , 1.4a10e1'...O. - S METHING NEWI In our business we have always ,given LIMITED allEDir to those whom we considered worthy. We will con,- ' tinue to do so, BUT LASH IS PREFERABLE o.ahyother method of doing business, To encourage all to make an effort to pay cash, we lia-i6istied:- Sli CAs'a 13Se Customers will Bind explanations on each card. W. CONNELL. VF0S1-$TQVE$1iHT .... It will profit you if you want to purchase a good COOkSTOVE, PAR!. R STOVE OR BOX STOVE POP; CO. CDIRi WOOD This geason, to call on us. You will find. our stock •complete andat reasonable prices A large stock of Stove Puniture, Boaxds, Pii% Eto., Away 'Down, in, Price - NOW MI au Tr_ Ed) To get a good stove.cheap at THE LEADING- STOVE DEPOT. I.J,A:WR:B221\CM,, 1.1-CTO.K.1\1-0w" omsTr. r1.1