HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 30
BLENRIUMPS, QOWBUY. OANADA'S BABLY DAYS. • erosr or z>oa$ DAY. 3PBOGl3RMIVIN cojivase•laox, s>re:nong>atehe>,ur>rcrvata�><t
Field I1Gtrshal Seith, the Favorite `► I neves been On the Garp before t'
(r}eneral< ♦ F.eq •masement meant 1 "dwy for the , fliffi
The Story of gin OonrCship ud °Ia flhitths<m Dtaring the 1[Itson tend Slidell of FredertalF the cheat, Fair sex. the old lady, Pestling hermit in the seat
Marriage, F3witemout. Frederick the Great had the ha arranging her skirts. " my son got mats-
happy new amassment , rtioularly adapted tied fUteea genre ago and we went to Jigtit
faont4ty of surrounding htmeelt with able to the traditional talent of raft woven ie
--e--- men. „ Like Napoleon, he was a good judge the ►• Progressive Uonversfair Partys Bridgeport. He kept a-argin' me to oonm
.A8 TOLD BY HIS FAIR Yo UlfaBRIDE SHERIFF M'KELLAR AS A SOLDIER. of human native, and be was rarely de. 'which had its birth in the East. Its to Bridgeport, but, I Saye to him : I Fia'it
----�eeived', One of hip most valued aesistants .popularity is established by its pcsaibili- lover been on the care and I dont think I
--- - was an Englishman, James Edward Keith. ties to entertain any number of guests, would like it.
Odie XONe111e, a Former Hamilton Girl, Chatham an Asylum For Escaped Slaves. I'hie young man engaged in a revolution in though more than twenty cannot be 11 1 Now, motherI gave he, �u gg>Z'>1E
Eeglond, and barely etha d with his life- easily managed. Ise modus Brandi is `o
The Dnp®. - - Then he served under the Czar " . A . 4 erten odtr pubis at all. Y ^n jee tt on the
r► ++all i�`ii ahrlona piriloa are III 1Matheson, in Chicago CiwnadiLin-Ame;ioan). '40U- yi unto
; g q y invited
and you see lots of strangers. Mogher;
�oc��"a AnaParke bat considering required b the number of pipits invited
reference to. Bsenheim's cowboy are taken himself the victim of iu juetioe, he resigned are arranged °in sire i says be, 'you would like it, I know.'
wpm p W tit w< Sta ai In looktn b, ii r " n�rex a! 'a a ,tai: _
-.- . �-.,- .... - � , .. „-, , ...�.•,--....., � a A ixaai .a., .a_ • k. �.. O, nil E.,... '
a..... ti _., d e r.
.,.._. ..4?..� ._.i_._. __ .. ._ _��.�,.. .� c._._c.�._ . ,......L,...„ ..� .. •s,. _ ,.. •:r,�4'�' -c .-cs rrt'�.-r., �R,;; tact .�i:::f�'�}.. r�':l.;x^^m�.,.;•a-'•:-t;s,,^.-..�..-.�•.r.:.:zr.,`.sr.�:^w; 1^,r.'^'7 ,�;:^
R��— d.i}J1 _w 4a-iC.ic, tiDYL J luLluYklt1 YCjJ�ei, and are yo ed�� ��vq—�,y�=tu,uiwzidmvlir t • s,,,
aving pard hase oven farmp $line still °'' el`' " nil ave some rem><nieoenoee lin t]ie i'raesian army. Frederick the (xrest together with broad ribbons of different right to me, an old woman, to o
of the town of Chatham, the county seat. made him hie favorite companion, and they colors. about in new-farlgled oars.' g gaddin
tattier . teatiifled the neighborhood by {
°f gent
stating that he had 260 head of thorough • , in Ontario, and pleasantly situated travelled together incognito cbroagh Get• The topics of conversation for the even- " But every time be come to our house
bred cattle on the way from England and on the banks of the Thames river, which many, Poland and HuagAry. Keith invented ing are announced on the invitation tarda. he kept a•nrgin me. }
that he expected a fine team of blood finds its meandering and, gentle Coarse a game resemblingohess, which so delighted A card on which is, written a to ie s' John, says I, ' I might go ,if I oouU
horses in a few days. To house these .through Oxtord, Middlesex and Hent, the king that he had some thoueande of oonversstion is tied with •narrow ribbonPcof do some knittin' on the oars. But I ain't
cattle, horses, Sao„ he told the growd that emptying at last in a low and marshy men, oast in metal, by which he could to the Connecting ribbons on the villin to set idle with my hands crossed
waited on him that he would build a barn mouth into Lake -St, Clair. It Was along' arrange battles and sieges. The British chairs, and sally oarde, i o progressive and do nothin -
450 feet long and 170'feet wide, the fonrsda- its banks that General Proctor, in 1813, field marehal managed the admirable euchre, with, a tiny ribbon bow, which Why, mother, Says he, 'I ain't neves
_. .
tion to be of brick and stone. He spoke to made Hie ill judged retreat, and at Mora• retreat of the army from Olmutz in the matches ti,p nnhn.a see an r �
T.,n.,h o► -..61-. ..a n._�a_:_P„_ .- _, . . . viantnwn th,n " R...•r.. ._• �.v_ mom___ _-., -__ _ .... •6-. _L_my WemeII do ran lipwin nn thn
Bull coauueti unravoraw to the allied white JOBS of a Single gun, and he took part inall in the u game cwhen nes sect gentlemen, se "'""' "` i ougit >`ca
Jur. ec a wants s the move y lest cit there and knit till you it to Bridge.. '
down and the bargai4 was notoloeed. He and Indian forces,,and the brave -Tecumseh the great battles of the period. He lost Itis g Played with oarde. t
p When all the. guests have drawn a card sort.
hired C -'C. Frye to take the management was Slain. life in the desperate fiNht at Hochkerchea they take their seats acoordin� to the color " `John,' eayH I I'll go to please you,
of his pensee at a salary of $5,000 per year From January, 1860, until July, 1862, I on Oct. 14th, 1758. Keith was of middle designated by the tally,oard, the ladie.e on bat I dont think its right,
and expenses. Hp hired Dutton MoNelsie, WAS A Citizen of Chatham, and discharged height, dark oomplesion 'and strongly the left and the gentlemen on the right, Now, mother,,Saye he, pI'll come op
the duties of headmaster of the Count marked features. His presence of mind the hostess tape a bell, and the buzz of down et yon, oryoq kin have Henry come 0.p
Tom D ran, George Church and Joe . y
Bawlm, its farm. hands At $280, $250, High School, or Grammar School, as these was remarkable, and his knowledge deep oonvereation begins.
0200, 0115 respectively, and find them in, inatitatione were then called. � This was and varied, while hie military talents and Ten minutes are allowed to each topic, " ` No,' Saye I, 'Henry must stay to
an eventful period, chewing tobacco. He was on the lookout P not merely in the strict Sense of honor made him take rank and the topic on each set of chairs diffare home and look after the term, end I paces
for a good blacksmith to take charge of the history of slip sown, but of Canada and the among the first commanders of the day. from all the others. The judges chosen I kin get to Bridgeport if the Cara will take +
chop which he intended to build on hie, United States, as the letter was the scene His brother, the Lord Marshal of Scotland, pies down the line and oritioiee and at the me there.
estate. He was in Platteville on of fratrio-dal Strife, and any desire that once wrote of him : " My brother has left end of the time specified affix a gold star They will take you right there. And t .
Thursday of last week and gave an may hive existed in the breasts of (Jana- .me a noble heritage; after 'having overran on the card of the best conversationalist' a will meet you.,says be.
order to Robert Deaton for twenty eats of diads for closer union with the United Bohemia at the bead of a large army, I silver star on the card of the vaogaished. How will I know,' says I, when we
harness States received a set -bank whiohyearshave have found only $70 in hie purse. Fred- The entire company change seats, the gen- are to Bridgeport ?� ►
Socially, it Seems, he was a favorite with not yet removed. The United, or rather, erick honored Ktish's memory by having tleman retreating one peat, the lad ad-, Why, mother, says he, 'the brake
the oars people of the nein as Punch had it, the Untied States diad erected a monument to hint in Berlin by vaneing one, and the buzz begins again. man wilt pa" his -head -in the door and sof t
young P neighborhood, not present a very inviting spectacle just the side of his other generals. g g what station it is. , +
whom ci amusedis in the avenin b actin then. Great armies rushing changes have been made
and reciting his exploits as cowboy in g .at each other ., When ten Chan ,ten rr '
topics dished up. and .dieonseed, the arson So bete I am, on the oars for the firer 1
Texas. He showed Cham bow to Baa the over a widely extended field of operatione;l Navin the r P time. it sin t mach use for me to be
two-edged dirk which he always carried., an immense debt being daily piled up at A. Broad-minded Flew. g g eatest number of gold -stare ie waiatin' m time and I nese I'll do some
the winner. y g *„
Leet weak he donned his cowboy snit and 'an appalling rate, the currency falling The Northwestern Miller, a etriotly baei. ► knittin'."
invited the neighbors to witness an exhibi- to about one-third its value in gold, and noes journal, in disousaing the effect of the t: The little woman pat on her glasses and.
tion of big hordemanehip at the home of a feeling of bitterness and intolerance new United States tariff on the flour Markin the Forth Bridge's Movements' feeling around in her cloth bag with tremb-
his father,.in-law. As soon as be was spreading over society in general, and trade, gives expression to the following Sir Johia FGWIer has had fitted to the ling hand, drew torah her knitting,
seated in the saddle the horse became against Great Britain and her depended. humanitarian sentiments:, rr The growth and of the south main -span of the great " Do you know," she said, turniog
anma geable and ran away. Young cies, including of course Canada, all these of our commerce is certainly of more im. Forth Bridge an ingenious little indicator around her work and looking at it Closely,
tended to estrange two peoples, .,
Whit huk, who was on the road, Stopped g P p e, who else, portanoe then the fate of the Republican to record the number of trains passing end thwcare ran quite smooth. I don't eeem
1 the animal in its mad career lig catching like kindred drape, had mingled into one. or Democratic parties.. What we want is the daily contraction and expansion of the to mind 'em at all, but it don't seem right
the bridle as it was raising a hill, and the I remember that at the time of the Trent more trade and less legislation, larger mar. bridge-, The apparatus consists of a braes for an old woman like me to be goin' about. '' �`•
Cowboy, pale and trembling, dismounted • dlffioulty, when the two Southern emia• kets for our prod note and less restriction rod, with a pencil attsoh' to the end of on oars."
quicker than lightning, averriQg that "dot caries, Macon and Slidell, were taken from on oar commercial relations. We do not the girder, and a paper-oovered cylinder She picked up two or three stitobee and f
horse vita beat eberyting dot vas in Teale." on board a British vessel, the feeling ran wish to enter ioto on argument on the driven by clockwork. Thepoint of the was on the point of starting her slender -
Every time that he dressed in his intended Particularly high, and war seemed immi- tariff as a political measure, but we see no Pencil rests upon the paper, which moves needlee on their way when the brakeman '1
brother•in-law's beet snit And paraded the went. All over Canada the youth sprang possible obj-otion to our, discussing it os a Constantly se the clockwork turns. As opened the door and orie " Bride rt
road wish ' his intended mother-in-law on to arms, militia companies were formed business proposition. There is one point the cantilever contracts the penoil is pulled Bridgeport I " g Po
-one arm and his comingbride on she other and drill sheds were erected, evidencing advanced b some supporters •' What did he ea ? t l ' d the little
g y pporrers of the MoBin- away, and when the bridge capsids the y
hue was envied bq the yours men o the mat the spirit of 1812 Still smoldered in ley Bill which is, we think; utterl " at vs�ri. Pencil ie pushed forward, thus paQ�in woman. witk� a� priaod Q mber_eye
igl�>aodd. -Ile eailee un at the items - �C a tans. n woe a noose e h ase o American carve o contraction and expansion upon Bridgeport. We are coming to ' ib
of Charles Kline and was a lover of lager Chatham, as a' border town, and from ' its fairness and honor; a pint which we are the roll of paper. now '' *
beer and havisnae. vicinity to the Detroit river exposed so ashamed to see brought forward and which The same principle is applied to register "Bridgeport ? " she, said, folding her .,
Having learned the above from responsi. the first brant of war, the most intense we hope will be forever dropped- when.its the behavior of the bridge while a train is knitting. "Now ain't thdt'aggravatin' ?I
ble parties in the neighborhood, your feeling of patriotism prevailed, and real si nificance iscomprehended. rehended. The Passing. When the train enters on the y thought Bridgeport was forty mil"
y g p g. Always . v
correspondent called at the home of . Mr. even 1, quaker -like ae I am on general point ie this : That the passage of the Mo. end of.the cantilever it throws up the from as. It I had known that it was mor '
MoNsllie, Sling's fasher•in.ldw. Mr. Principles, was affected by the mill. Kinley Bill has already brought distress Opposite end,. and the pencil resting upon near I would have walked it. I Why, I Bin%,
McNellie was not at home, but I was kindly tart sphere. Under Capt. Archie McKellar, upon certain manafaeturersin Earope, and the roll of paper records ibis movement by been on the train an hour yet." a
reenived by Mrs. MCNellte. Before I got now the venerable and respected sheriff of caused them to close up their works and .a mark at right angles to the carve of eon- Nobody laughed at the little woman. ar:
through atating my bassiness the bride 13amilton, but at that time the moat pope• discharge their help -
through In this age and in traction and expansion. When the train Why, John, she said to a bi
list man in. -._Kean ooant .,-a-com an- -was- -this-countr- -ot all-counariee-on---the-- 1 be -paseee-toother..--beat-ot the oanlilever gr etroi>+g+— --_ ._.-
appsared,_and the�onother_._being._gomewhat- --- y p Y y g o - , ----' --'- -bonmen. who^ -cisme in to meat;
ydult of hearing told the daughter the object formed, and I went into the awkward squad a man should be ashamed to bring forward that end of the great span is pulled down her, " why did you fool me abbot Bridge_
of pay eall. The bride is a blonde of medium and learned the mysteries ot, hay -foot and snob an argument. America, in order to be and another mark is made on the register- Port? I could have walked it in a couple
height, light auburn hair, large blue eyes, straw -foot: However, like Pliable, I soon prosperous, does not need to pass laws ing sheet at right angles to the contih,uous of hours." P
good form and Weare Spectacles. She was tired of the good work, and with the giving which will bring distrese upon people "in contraction and expansion curve. Each "It's forty miles, mother," he said, kiss ti
dressed neatly and felt disposed to 'talk,, in up of Mason and Slidell, the danger of hos• other and.less favored lands.. An eapres• mark indicates the passage of a train, and ing her wrinkled face. "It's the oars, you
sacs she said the troth might 'as well be tilitiea wise averred. Daring this time I cion of satisfaction at such a re salt is the simple apparatns thus serves three know; that make it seem short."
told at once. In answer to my gaessions have seen whole regiments of Federal'boys narrow-minded, unchristian andun-Ameri- purposes. , An average of 140 trains cross "Dear, dear," said the mother. " Ain't
she elated she was born in Suffolk, Eng- in blue sweeping across Canada with their can. It in this country a lack of work is & .the bridge each day. There is no limit it wonderful ? "-New York Tribune.
land, on the 12th of March, 1870. " When arms and, accoutrements, carried by the hardship, in certain parts of Europe it is upon their speed except for freight trains,
I was a year old my father and mother Great Western Railway from the west to more; it is starvation; and the man who which are not allowed to run over twenty Tracts
emigrated to this country and settled is the east across the peninsula between can gloat over the hunger of men, women 'miles an hour. s. Tracks.
the city of Hamilton. We lived in Detroit and Ni%gara Falls, and had they and ohildren who have heretofore been able " May I leave a few tracts here ?" is
Hamilton . nine years. Then we moved chosen to attack Canada at that time, we to exist by the crumbs which Yen from this quired the meek and Clerical -looking etrait-
' would have. been comparatively Birchall Wanted as. a Witness. get.
to .South Dnmtriee,, snout four miles p y at their table, must be made of a very different kind
from Ayr. We lived there till we mercy. ' r- i of stuff from what we are accustomed to The. World Saye : Messrs. Meredith " You may," replied the hones owner, ult.1
moved to this our present home. We There was and is quite an Afrsoon popu• consider the average American to be." Co. yesterday set On• foot a motion for leave tying the dog," but don't leave them on the
moved here last spring. No, my father lation to and near Chatbam. As Bacton. 'to examine Reginald Birchall at the Wood• flowar. beds. • Sick him, Mike 1"
hoe not bought the farm. Be has only in Raleigh township, there was a settlement Qaeens. stock `ail. On the 20th inst a writ claiming ger realized that the
g y The Woes of 7 And as. the Saran
an 'red it. I am in the 216t year of my age. founded by the Rev. Wm. King, a Presby- damages for libel was served on behalf of man meant Y' tracks," he fled.
rw r e r r to Mr. Kline on the 14th terian, minister and teacher, who mann- The: queen of Roamanis has two serious Grosvenor Hood Graeme on the .Globe
inst., at 5 p.m., by the Rev. Edward Col- misted the Slaves that came into his poses- troubles, which preys Badly on her eaoit- company. The plaintiff in this action now Feathers in profusion is the latest fang -
home, of Paris, at the rev. gentleman's aion by his marriage with a Southern able, emotional nature. Her only daughter asks for leave to examine Birchall as a inine fashion., P _
home. Thirteen days after I was fires planter's daughter, Mrs. Sing entering died, and her son and heir never arrived. necessary and material witness on his
introduced to Mr. Kline 1 was married to into his philanthropic projeota, .,and the King Charles, her husband has ado se a behalf. The_,,-pl.aintiff_,.aweaxa..- h + _ A_.......
nam•, ,illy brotTier wens to Drambo on the `reauii wan quite a settlement. In 1860 g-w'n•�n►p nephew to flif rite State vsoanpy, believes Birchall did not say, as was Stated D O N L. 46. 90.
let instant, to hire a man to, help to pull Buxton presented unite a unique appesr. but everybody knows. this is not. the game by the defendants in the article complained
Stumps, and he brought Mr. Kline home once, cansiating of rows of straggling bate, thing to the poor queen consort, whose of, that he WAS an accomplice with him in
with him and introduced him to me. No, giving the spectator the `feeling that he had positiorl(is never the some as when her own the murder of Benwell, or that he had any -
my brother never caw Kline before that eaddenly landed in darkest Africa. child comes neat in sueeesion; The dispen• thing to do, directly or indirectly, with the •
day. No, I did not marry him for his Many of these people were fugitive slaves, Satione which have [ellen Ott other exalted murder. The motion will likely be argued I THE BEST' COUGH MEDICINE.
money. It was a love match. As goon as. os. Ohatbom was one of the headgaarcereof Iodise should remind her majesty of Rou- to day or tomorrow. BOLA IIY T� tt7t}13ISTg>rC>r3YW8Ei3�,
I became scquoi iced with him I told my the anderground'rAilway, and while it con- mania tbitt she has partners enough in'dis• Solicitors representing some of the daily � e w
mother he was net the man for me. He tained many negrophobists, these were of t.ras. The ea Empress Eugenie for' one,
j g papers. of this city were yesterday making
the lower order of whites and were more waoee heir was greeted with a whole anxious en ai•ries around Os node Hall as
told my brother rhos I was just the, girl r q g •
for him. He proposed . marriage &boat, than counterbalanced by. the numerous nation's• enchusianm and afterwards per. to. whether any order for replevin had been -^-
Haven days after our first acquaintance. friends of their race, especially among the ished by the spears of's few dusky savages. issued on.behalf of Birchall against them. 1 `
No, I ,did not think he was in a harry. He Reform party, headed by McKellar, David The. Austrian Empress is in a still worse It is said that some letters which were
Mille M3Sween and others. John Brown Plight - Her only eon met with a.die race- entrusted b the prisoner t -o Some one of S.000"hTT'Sinked my father and mother Por my hand ' _ fel end`and barel received g r y Pin martin e. The ave their -the one With the ever•marohin soul Ohriatian loose en a ed '
g y g consent.. g y bur• g g to procure evidence on � `
The constable came in and arrested 'him Was in Chatham just before the raid, and fah Save for a legacy of mischief and bebali of she, prisoner have not been
in this >m. He pat handcuffs on himP laid his labs before his followers • and heartburning he is as. though he had never returned to him but have been left with
The oon bte demanded the cowboy suit during the war his herculean eon, John been. The queen of the Belgians lost her One or more of the Toronto editors, who
and it was'given so him. He demanded a Brown, jun., and his widow came on a only son some years ago. A grand review refuge to give them up, And proceedings .
y recruiting train, and 3 went, to 0 of Queen Viotoria's descendants would very have been tbreatened on behalf of the
• sealskin overcoat which be said m husband public Q , .M '
had stolen. My husband has fio sealskin meeting they held. They were the types likrly give " Carmen Sylvs," a lonesome prisoner. No order had been issued by any
overcoat. Yes, my husband has bought of the poor and despised in their day, but feeling, but she should reflect that forty Cf the judges at the time the offices olosed� Of Pure Cod
some things. He bought a hanging lamp at their nobility of soul is now amply vindi- children and grandchildren not only come t
Drambo, but it i's not aid for. M husband cated before the world. The colored,people expensive but can seldom be managed &a Liver ®i l and
P y doves in a Oa A Trathfal Fisher.
• brodght a keg of lager beer to the hones and had some clever • orators in those days, ge when .once sons-in-law and '
�. bought cigars by the boa. No, he had .no including the Shadde, Isaac Holden and daughters. in-law and junior partners dwell New York Herald: HP®PH®SPITES
I walked and dressed and bathed and d .seed,
-money. I did not think it strange that he others. the list. -Modern Society. and drove and dressed some mine ■
had no money about him. Heeaw he would Chatham in 1860 presenter] a moat woe- And then I just began again and strolled along. .� �f �IlT1� a:1C�
draw $250;000 at then Bank of Commerce begone and dilapidated appearanoq, it Libraries for Small, Towne, the sbore.
Paris, on the let of November, and I believe 'having been nevose the crisis of 1857. a T'd frocks for every kind of thing that any 'girl®�a
boom town, but it was then a " busted " Oylt west people have been suceesaial'1 could do ;
that amount is coming to him. It Was left Y I'm odiftod so6ewhat brilliant an "I'm rather
to him by his grandfather, uncle and father, boom, and about half the bnainess places trying a new plan for the placing of pretty. too;
His ftlther died about four months ago at were closed np. The buildings, with the Iibrariea in small towns where no public I boated and played tennis till rm quite, the } f �a iQ " �rery7rt
ro or tan, Scott's Enro����i®n !,'r�tulvir»r. It
exception of the Eberle slid a few other library exists. Each one of, several hun. p p is a Wondery'ril Firsh Prodwicer. It is the
St. Thomas. He bequeathed him $75,000. And fished and fisbed and fished and fished, but vilest Relit •rly for . CONSUMPTIOS,
When arrested, my haaband eaid he was in- bloats, were tumbledown wooded Arne, dred people subscribes $1 a year and selects didn't catch a man.
nooent o, I have not heard he was Wanted cares, built np atter Atte numerous fires. any book at that prise whish • he desires to acrofnla, Bronchitis, Wasting Drs -
At I're on. Since his arrest I have The town hall was in old affair, and near own. All the books eeleoted are then cases, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
heard that he bag a Wifelin Brantford. I it stood a row of one Story shanties called placed in a temporary library, and every a tt er d men sank o Shaft on his term PALATABLE AS 1ttiLlJ:
do not believe that. His arrest has not " Pork Row," which has been long since. Subscriber has the privilege of reading each the other day, and in going down 100 fees, Seott's $nrii!sion i.+ o i!y pet up in salmon color
re laced with imposing, one. At the end of the year the subscribers it is said, struck two five-foot veins of rain- 1 wra
shaken my confidence in him. Ism not P posing' brick etrao- y pair. ncoidan i;:;i;ationsorsubstlLntions.
tures and I en draw out the • books the origincl l eral paint, a ten -foot stratum of brick clay, Sold by all Dru,raji t.:. t Loc•, and $1.00.
downhearted, and unless be has a wife in ► appose, from the yY a twenty -inch vein of coal, and a five-foot srr�rr ,c t;�wsr: I3onovino.
Brantford' I will stick to him'to the last. favorable reports I have heard, that selected, so that the cost for the years stratum of marble.
Y I would not now recognize the old place, reading is practically noshing.
After an absence of twenty-eight years,
Tho Bt res8 : Cockney.. should" I, Rip Van Winkle -like, saddenly Jack the Hisser•. CURE �`' � l ijuija��� �.r ��` OHM
• Ottawa Irree Prera : drop into the town. ►►��ttimp works wonders,
Therabl was a bldomin' shiarrow, lived up a especially for a townsowell located for There is one of those public nuisances GIVEN MAY DEARLY.
bloomin's out rr rr
called Jack,the Kisser." loose in Lincoln, When I sa
commerce as Chatham. With communi•' y eni for x do not t
' And a bloomis'rafn-storm came and washed Illinois. The ocher evening some young ®merely to stop tben5 for a time, and tmen
j the bloomin' sparrow our.. cation by water and steam, with grand � have them return again. t MEAN A RA D 1 CA L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fitpi
' But when the bloomin' sunshine dried up the agricultural surroundings, and no Kivai men' disguised themselves as. girls of gwt et Epilepsy or ratting Slicknteas a life-long study.. I warrant my ten,edy to Curepp�
bloomin'rain 16 and attempted to trap the bugger, who worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a caro. Sendai:
towns in its vicinity, why ehoald it not be ice for a treatise and a rrQ g
Vp wont rho ploomfn' sparrow to the bloomin' has been creating intense excitement in that QQ e Bettie of my Infallible Remedy. Give Expre,•n ant„
spout again." prosperous► and i Dover from atiq number 1Poet Office, It costs you nothing for a trial, and,ft will cure you. Address —tri, Q, 4tAOTj
Jack got an elevated Bad Secluded q
i Ot "busted"booms? town, 1111.0.. Branch Otiico, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO.
Cagtomer-Your safety g matches sire. In my neat I Shall continue this topic, position and dumped a part of water on
hbominable things.' I can't ever get them whiobAd by nc means oxhaugtod. them. An boar later ho caught,; kissed and
to light, S wrokeepor-Well, what greater hugged the prettiest girl in the town. w�
proof of safety could you desire ?
PtStealer says Haat a distinguished Fried poppers are 'a new mode of indi•
The light seen through the new ego -piece physician of forty years' practice told him estion. p Pp 'a• f
of the Lick telescope will be 2,000 times as that he had, never seen a' mulatto 'who
1A �- C -
bright as that Been by the naked eye. had' attained the age of fifty years. Moet people neem to think a rumor is TO TIE RDITOIt t -Please Inform your readers' s }t •tt t hxve a posifivA remQGp f
f. __ I shall be lad to send two bottles_of m. reined
like a subsoriptioa list. Every time it above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hop, es c ises'•ave been oerrrg+teuiTy
Montreal is to boys a new jail Which She --;So talks like a book. He -Wins a Domes to them lheyadd sotaa+akliirtg fro it rand _�_ y y ptret4 �.� Rny-�F yeK,•-�,g
` _viten onrnpletpd will duels rr million dollrsrix; gf ty 6T�s dtlollrt''t eiiat lip as oaeily: pAsgit prong to the Wait. Bump on if'ahey Wil. send ,nc shirr Expres.a and i'ost Ufiice Address, Respect fully, T. 4• $lO0Y1ir�
•West AdolaLide ot., b-oRohtra. ONTARIO.
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