HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-14, Page 1• 1; sr h."AA. t ,144 SP ArrCa =Me VOL XVII.--- 45. mine. ' +e LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1890 WHOLE NO. 877. entinti Is )ul,lished'*very Friday at tsp. " Sentinel" THIS ILOCK1NoW BAr' K IN G CO M P A IV I/ (Not Incorporated. ) MECHANICS' INSTITUTE An. Institution That the linage Should he Frond of Farmers'. Institute List of Its Members beech into 15 or 18 inch, as into 20 or . I 22 incl?' fire wood, and people have a In Mln1oa, Township right to pay hien for his trouble ; but he forgets to tell you how much and Uaut14lrel1 tits.. l.ttchreuw, JAMES BrilyArg, EDITOR & Pt:031_ISI4FR. [ St3Ttili'TTCS 1'ltl` E 1.00 PElt YF kit l`w A1',V-‘..NU1 . ALL hi Nktii 70B : PRIL°V7ING VI' frit GIrES I"_I -- - Wrir.•.E CAL • A.! 'I'')N.1111), `+L. I).st': \I.(.'. P. s, ,t11• U. .)diet•, ..meq, _ ..... DR. 'r'I?`N?,.::'1', I' ;4 C IAX, Surgedet. aIul Accerttch.:ur. `+ett••ee, y e,p- tresite ('ain•s hi,tel, llffiee otrS frees t1 to 19 aa. us.. act! from 2 to 5 p. m. • mc1) (xc)ll)i,JN, 11".1.)., (' lI., F.T. * 11.S., 1J. ('.L'. '.O•, 1'1s;;4-inu, tint•. ecu, and Ace lIu h• etrr. Oif'.ee nest 4<44,.r to W. lliu's implE:uteut thup. i did euroJtnda street, <01.011,ae \V. U. Li rue's.. 11. GED 01,1F4, V.. 8., 11.11,T,S either by mail or telegram 1.r•nriptiy attended to. a "tat'att•s i1rierste• U%i;.:e. C'nr- ri. ain's hall. ',3uattiing luesse,,l'aiu's hotel. T,u.cknow. LEG L. .GEORGE 6 ANI, PROPRiETOil. BO ON EY7E3LOAI • RAFT'S ISSUE!) C)N ALT. PR.IIf- - deal points, (rrlt•.tll•es, drafts and mortgages cashed. :>.;( iteri CIi•;cunnted. Amer- icar, currency & American bank drafts er eheetnes bought or sold. Interest nlle,weel• en tre•posits from five dollars and upwards at,tl.e rate of Jive per centnnt per ant.unt. ;.I.oey to lend. on faro, or village property at the lowist currant rates. 'Fire intsernner *free,;eel in first Blase stxe:.k Inset ante companies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two a0 acre farms for sa:,q cheap. °thee hours 10 a, no to 4 p. us. G..A.SiDDALL, Manager. T H E t® RESTAURANT Campbell Street, EueknOv. ■ r • w Thea Locknow- ]?e yrie'-Institn-te-i -De-eta-844e On Ah '!2nd and 23rd has new entered on its third year. Few instituti9ns of this this kind can show a• more prosperous record than the v1echaeics institute in this village. 'It has now considerably over one hundred members, a first-class library. and a comfortable reading room. The directors have spared no pains to make this institution meet the wants of are iotE IIi;Ient pu.blic.• The greatest care. has been exercised in procuring the choicest literature for the library . auel- reading room. Books on history, biography, travels, fiction, etc., writ~en by the best authors have been care- fully selected. Oonuois,eurs pro- nounce the selection one cif the hest in the province, The reading rooni is courfortalrly fitted up, and with its choice current literature of , daily paper:; illustrated papers, magazines, etc., invites the public to conte in and spend a part of the long winter even-' ings reading that whicheducates and .refines. I t is • earnestly hoped . the people of Lucknow and 'surrounding country will take advantage of this of October we held an Institute m'''eting at Holyrood which was well attended. I will not go into detail as I • have seen a fairly good account of the meet- ing in the SENTINEL ; hut, thinking it would bu of interest to your readers to know who are faking an interest in the work of our Institute, Igive the names of all those that joined the Institue at Holyrood, and while all the director; -lent a helping handl inust thank Mr. Henry Thompson in hi. untiring efforts in urging farmers to become members of the Institute. if our Institue did nothing more ths,n to bring the farmers togethe,,r• once in a while to discuss matters pertaining to their occupation, and discuss their grievances one„ to another, it would accomplish •a •good, work ; but I am certain that if the farmers are true to themselves and live up to the objects of the Institute that we will yet. see a 'grand work done by the Institute. Then, let us lend a helping hand to those who are .willing• to give some tlieir tiine in furthering; the; wnrk of the Its it to iilg are the nettles of those who be-- came e=calve members of S. B,, Farmers' Institut,= : • • - Henry Thompson Peter McKenzie Peter CorriganWm. Valens: John Purvis Jas,, Purvis • John Lane •Robt', Harper Chas. Turner • James Biker a'ue1' improve thc,mselvcs. 1t is James McLeod hoped that .all our citizens will enure_ Jas. ConnConnellyJanies Rl eyeball Wm. Hodgins tetiance an institution thee is 'product-. Jian)es.H.ARoss M. Perin I ve of 5u'etr `"r66ct. L'E!tec et" °I-lel-witheker.t.-. •. _._.\cul-. Swrt-zee in hes name at once to the see:retary A. Shcaebottont • Alex. McKenzie and have ashare in encouraging and • A. McFherhon . 1{enry Hodgins promoting the moral Sentiment of this . �Vur. i11cLeturan Thos. Malcolmcommunity. ll McKenzie W. J etherinnton in It C• G. J<iatten.th P. 0., out a0). 1'1 ARROW & PROVO FOOT, • 1;AJZii.IS- .J tors; Solicitors, etre, (=.'derich, Out. T. G. GAaeav,. Q. C. War. T'iut 'iseo T. . �1T,LIO'i' TRAVER, ATTORNEY A'i ..82.A law, ,.$elicitor in Chancery, Convey. ,neer, 'etc. Office, next /lour to ;Murehison's ewellt•r. ,turd, Luck044w, Out, aiORI(ISfN, • :�T'T'O}(NEY AT 1LJI..• Saw, tioitcitorin Chancery, f'omntis- :aimiter., Conveyancer; ete, Oftiee, over the• ra>.srher shop. - • GENERAL OB,EItT CCUNNINGITKM. INSUE .11) ance, Fire tit Miaerine, Guelph, Ont. N,(ONVY TO LOAN! 1 HAYS A FEW 1L thousand dollars to invest for private rittrties. at reasonable interests. EI,Ltu•r r,rtAVERS..:_ : ONEYTO LOAN? ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7' to 71 per cent. interest. payable yearly. (!haarges moderate, Apply • to Rou.t:um MuitnAir,'St. Helens. .TOHN WriJ'1(UHZS(iN: (%. P.11, '1'ICKF T agent. One way excttr•si•,ns to the North Nest and Paciti•1 Coast. , Rill informationtli intending travellers to 'any pi rt of the world, ltir (NEVI:0 LOAN 1 ATI; PER CENT _.fr4.>12,to'2l1 year . Lists of farms for tale in 0t.tario ,as welt aim 11t:aatitoba. `-Pani!'' desirous to sell farms wil1Rconsnit their inter- ests facilities of ;lithsestiberpin (great I3ritain.rantd Ire and and onntiaent of lands for sale. A:40;:$ STEWART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Qntariei, NIEST WAWAN' PSH :�JUTIJ AI', Fire [nsurairce Company, boast of cllireet,cra meets for the tra.usaacti tet rot business On the first 'Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to, have theirpl�m•roperty insured in this increasingly pe'palar (,'onan , will by giving notice, be called upon bv'ari agert or •by one 'of. the 1)ireetors. 11itiiness (pills • :promptly to. Office, Dungannon..T. At. It IslaeTs,Secretary, Wm.. T.ANE,.Trea-•nrer. SOCIETt IES: • t tI, _ITf1KN OW A Lodge, N el. 112 • meets every Friday evening act 8 o'cioek "in their hall, Campbell 9breet• All brethren " ,,rdially invited: 1). TAri:uit, Noble Grand ; ' Jens i LL1OT, Recorder. .ti 0. F., COURT • Sherwood, No. tt,U, l,ncknow. Areet- e.:el;y t.rst and third Monday in every month, ua the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e f - - �C'rlrelltally invitee!. A. '!— , Etta. ,,. .� .e.,, «1). I). Yt:L,; Sic. (>: 'U: \V. T11.TC•K:� 0W UMW,: OF A. the Am ietat Order Unite'! Workmen, meet in the ( )Ildfellows hall, or tllhe last aril second )Monday dy'n'e.:•, of eeeb month at eight o'clock. Visiting bre•tliren cordially invited. .rutty J'i; iii', Master. Workman. 11. 1). (,Artr:nerv, Recorder. — -� voicN0\V AL1?('t!ANII'S' I\`;i'I'r• tote. Reading ro .ut .'pen every evening ;rout <i to 10 p. m•, e•xiepting Sn.tlordteys, w� ern the hours will be from 2 to ei p,..tn. 'l'he librarian. will he in attendance tlnrrng these hnrs. I). I). Yuba. President. .1,1e, SoMIni VILLE, Secretur,.' Oysters by the quart, pint, or can. CANNEL) Go ODS; FRUITS, (1ONFECTi 1 RY SWEET CIDER,MVIII.I:-SHAKE. TOBACCO,(;tuARS, ETC:, Constantly kept in' 'stock. Give me a trial. Remember die 'place, next to the bank; Charing Sale ! -I-..._a , r determined .-. to...y..cl'ear- eut my ENTIRE STOOK MILL1NERY, ETC. at prices, away clown. Now is the time to secure a A:i-tGAI N t�. D1.NTAL T. S. .rl?ROAIT:, h. 1). S., Wingham, will he in i iit.know on the sceond and fourth iii• day ane1 Sttnrday of each month. (.ord sets or 00. Pilling and extin••ting a • specialty. one dollar, entitling- the nternber to the use of •`the 1ibear•, and reading room. All' having the' welfare of the village at- heart should give their support . to the Mechanics' , Institute, which -is no •doubt a 'Moral facto'• in our midst. •Our young nien find here a comfortable place •of their'•own to spend their even- ings texllitcg you that by cutting his stove wooeliuto 15 inch Iciile the fie sells you for two .lord; at $1.5').a e•. .rd jest 18 inches on the measured cord of 8 feet lone, and four feet high, or in other words, eighteen inches \in'breadth on the cord, equal to a cord and a sixth, and so in proportion through all the rest. This means in plain English that- "this poor innocent farmer" is quite; able to cheat you for the amount claimed by me as absent, and,to do it with_ an- ianauent conscience, _. A.a a. ratepayer and a large ratepayer of - this municipality I demand that a duly appointed wood inspector he appointed. who will furnish to every farmer a certificate of the number of feet con- tained in his lead of wood, for which to receive payment, and also the quality of the wood, whether No. 1 hest, Ni'. 2, or No. 3. All honest farmers will • willingly agree to this: They will merely have to get their pay for the wood delivered, and need not be at the trouble of piling it without extra pay, but duinp it down as'quickly as they can, leaving• the purchaser to look after his purchase. At least ten cents should he charged extra; and the the load to know he has got fair play. Will • you please Mr. Reeve •make -a move ie this matter at your next sleeting, as it is time it was done. Your most obedient serverant, • JOHN H. OAliNIRR, M. D. Lucknow, Nov. 11, 1890. . Bruce Jail Statistics Th-reughkthe'courtesy. of Mr•. Roether ,we are enabled, says the.,,Walkerton Telescope, to• furnish the .following • statistics of the.Walkerton jail for the year ending, .30th Septetn•ber, ' 1890. • The number ef prisoners remaining in custody on October 1st, 1889 were, John :McLennan Wm. Kenny,' John Harper Thos..Fletcher. Address and Presentation " I• have ori my rel]°of members 120 Emma Smith• by the Haig/hoalist names 4ince first of .July last. • Mr. A. Congregation.Blue, Deputy Minister of Aericulture, stated in his last report that the had At the .meeting of the Epworth one of the best organized Institutes in League 'of the Methodist church on Ontario. Thinking you. for ,taking •up Tuesday 'venin last, Miss Emma much of your •spaae,I:remain yours Smith, who is shortly to leave on an respectively, JoIIN A. LAMB, extended visit to friends ,in Buffalo, • • • Secy S. I3 Ateliers' I. nstitu-- te.. . wa.presentd withwpurse •accompanied 'by the,following address : ----' •!v t1//88 Emma;Smith: The Poor Innocent Farther DEAR'FRIEND,--.M members of the congregation •who Worship in the Methodist' church, Lucknow, we de- sire in some slight manner to express that a, municipality as' flourishing as our appreziation of your 'services, so ,Lucknow has not a wood inspector for Lon; 'and' faithfully rendered in con- ' section with the :;device of song. We the protection of its ratepayers. here' are aware that your services in this • we have-"the,poor innocent farmer" To ;leis Mrs, W . Smith --- o To the b'ery'l ; • DEAR Sit -It seems strange to me• respect were contributed without any .coming to the village V.ith most nt ser- eepectatient of reward,, elccept so far as able fireweed fur which he charges just/ the Giver of all good. will bestow upon about- as mud' as he likes ; 'hut the ' his faithful children when the work of •farmer is es' w ido awake to his own, life is over ; but this need not debar us' Eras expressing our thanks and showing as the +lent. fellow that c'alnes showing in some tangible manner our aioirg. In fact ",Lir innocent farmer" appreciation Of your services. Accept' is thoroughly. up to tory serail act that thee, this purse, not merely because of ',assists No. 1.. I le rye we have, daily, what it contains, but as expression of farmers that bring cord -wood to the our esteem of yourlab„rs and indica- city of Ltickteev, and cli srge , at the tive of our good wishes for. you. Aiid rate of from $5M0 ul, for centime, good we•,hope you may long live to us' • the firewood, lied an ngnal atuuunt for talents which Cucl has givcp you ilt second and tirh'd cots uratet•ial. tc is singing.. His praises in the sanctuary done thus, mild yotr Sir, by "the and when ',you have clone singing on innocent farmer," poor urn ,`ore,, , from earth we pray you may sing the songs pure' inner. nset. 1[e ge is mity) sort of of _Aim, in the sweet ' by and by wood to salt hint, , either cells knotty FIRE! FIRE! Lnsure your farm property, private dwelling, ' in theuied reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL AND rriMUTUAL. - -- o Office, - A. ROSS harness sleep. Lucknow. Wil be in the office every Saturday afternoon, • .101 N LJ NE„ agent, kiul. ough !ned in behalf of the congregation' or half rotten.IQea.v re' o�leet L• JOSEPH Col,r,INr., Pastor. charges the same priehetl1 through ,for Lucknow, Nov. 11, '90. all sorts. This material ill Ito gets car . I into blocks from litee tree at ell. sorts of I{epol•1, of S. No. lel. ➢11tt•Olt lengths from. 15 t, 22 ii.cla�•s long .end Senic.t 4th -1. 111tir cltisnn 109 E. spits it if he'c can, ellen not trio knotty Reid 96, 4. McGill 87,.A. .B.nicl 71,�L or uarl.-cl. Iflet''bels pits it to suit Beaton (14, F. •Alnrray. Junior 4 h- hitltsel.f, 'V t}ris f,un1(•1 i,ltlntte_ u1) tO do it.' onat the aaunr t.itue "'to ,lo„ E. Hamilton, 128, A. 11urc1►ison 117, L. Pickering, 108, A Agnew. 80; (l• his city victim, 1 }ea+e bugle- vitrtian- Murray 64, M. Te'nneson ^50, W Goode 31. Third- -1'. llclnnes 145, B. Mnrehison 93, N. McKenzie 85, E . Agnew 4, EM3GiII 0. Second -M. 'Hamilton 15.2, E. Reid 124, M. Henderson •121,. N. McTrtnis 91, B. Robertson 88 V.- 'l'enn('son 87, L Murdoch 79, K. Benton 61-, .J, }lender - son 61, L. Campbell G0, .1., •Clarkson 60, W. McInnis 54. ized so often 1 can't stele' It ioetue•r !pales 9; females 3, total 12. Number committed during the ye (rending 30.th September 1890, males 73, females 12•.: total 85, of. this number- 3 were com- • mated' under 16 years of age. ,2 were • - coiuwu►itted for want of sureties lto • ' keep the peace,,14 committed as beiii of unsound mind, 11 reales and :3 - fernahas. -4 -wereeseq-u-i-tted-'un-t-rie.l-an4- discharged from custody, .i wales and 1 female. 4 males are cat on stispended sentence and 3 are out on bail. . 1 . prisoner is still waiting trial, 49 Males and 8 females; a total of 57, have been sentenced during the year, 6 males +vent to the Central Prison, 2 Telltales • to the Mercer. Reformatory, 3 Males to the• Penitentiary, 2 to the Reformatory for boys.. 38 reales and • 6 females were sentenced to the gaol'and there . • retained until the expiration of sent- ence. The number of prisoners cant tnittecl who=enraintenancewas defraxy.eil,„ by, the Uovet•n,nent were 33, 31 males • and 2 females. Number committed. whose maintenance was defrayed by , the municipalities b2e43 males and ten e females. ,Total' nuruher of 'days gov- eritnient prisoners were; in custody 864, tatal eunther .of days municipal,prison- era were in custody 1835. • The religious. deno,ninan ions ' of prisoners corontited during tlie•year -- were ' Presbyterian 23, ?etc•thodist 21 - Church cf •Eneliend 18. Roman Cnthc, •, lie -12. other detnnnr'r,utt ion i .1 1. Of then 85 coniulitted 45 were Married, 17 prisoners conlcl nen herr read nor ;reify., 513 prisoners ;are reported ns- • . temperate and 29 as being ilittntpeIrate. The gaol" expenditure for the year Was us follows : For food, clothing, fuel and all tither it ems of maintenance except salarle.s and rep •irfi, 1 396.66?• ; hot water apparatus, wL,(135.00 ; tor otlirers'silalies, e1,425.00 re -roofing'• „aoler').4 (1wellind,:; 101.36: rirdi iro-y r•;ep,iire •'"'(iii.•18 ; total, 83,7'-'.G.50'. without grumbling, tind this letter to. j.Thi' d .ilye.st p•'r prise:ior for rations • you expltili why. 1 ane v. Mine, like ! was 8;t carat's p(L• day, almost ever) body (';e• ie this ‘..1111444... ge, It is satia£:eetnry to note, that the • to pay the full ameluit f r +.:(est. 1 get, Lcrinres 0 e:nnlitted were for the most - but ani decidedly ...unwilling to . pay 1 part minor otteisee , fuel ever sidreiitlg about thirty per cent, in.or,' than the e'r have a pnpularion of altnttt. 75,0(1.0. value of what 1 receive„ This "poor people in the County of Breen, the innocent farmer" tells y to he pays record is certainly not a very. discred- -a just as much to cut lags maple and itable one-. 1 01.