HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-07, Page 84 .4.4., .•.4,0 ( IF G • • - • t• . • " . • •;.'ll• . 4.. • . •••• et • The•L',ucknow Sentinel, Bruasaountyl Fild4YpNOvafri.er LUCKNOW POSTIOFF140 4*• on, to ; pert. , 311/4,1034,0t4s, •; W. G. 4t IstiStidth4.!''''..-043 a. m." -"DaVY, & .42-30 p. ' laulough - • Z130 p. nr„ • " Kinloss • )4 4 .• • • . . 46./f4Wort721, 348 n, "?• Godcrich ( - Iuterrnediate•Pointsi(l 9.00 41 L. .114 & fi irth :t; 141•MA-1,7, Laugside• .- •▪ 3'00 p.‘in,•' Fridays Cr; G i &T,IP,,South }• . . • 9.30p.. outh • 10.00a. m. W G.& *B Nardi 3-0p. in • Itelyrood -4.30 inloug Rinioae. • .14 ei • • • • 6 i I ft. watt Z8404001. Wird • - Prew.insbie,r,Ohlop • Mi r J.;;.White, lately Of Palmer- ston) hu.s. opened' out a ba,rber shop in the- b'uirding, opposite Mr. W. H. kgrnitN'itliook store, on .Campbell street ii tiffs v111 e."i. The -Taxes Smith, the • village coll40teri is now on the War path. An amendinenti. to the 'municipal law 11-trskeV-:i it A0P-Ir,ilsor7t.! all taxes mustobee paid thefete. the 15th, day of Ilecembee: • , • Ofrante Btos'sbnis'. M Cameron, of Wawan- oOle40*eriied at St. Helens, at, .the l'et3i4cfP,e of the: bride's mother, to Miss ni Radcliffe on Thursday '111!4,19v. te'.."Atidersori; Presbyterian 0411 er; joined the happy couple. Wilkevisle4hern much happinets. 41:17)sfelve,f,oUniler; • . 11,0 AlInsyni,g, is a clipping from. the arrived, at James me_ 'ferm,, near Quincy, on ' Wed.. •i1. 8th.'' 'He' 'reuses t questions' and :acts as .though. ifOkente?ds toStay. His weight is tamve pounds.... TWariksgivirig-Day. i4ro414,1,1`hursday-,•;the.,. 4h of ;No- vfutiat, has 'been' proelaimed 0. day for ottladtial thanksgiving and services wii beheld in the village churches as f(IffbQi: 'theyiEnglish church at 11 a,m. f•Presbytdritsn' church •at 2 p ;,Methodiat'ehtech at 17,,:3Q p m. ; 1144 the Ilaptidt'clitrolic44 7J31) Aequitted. 7;• , 7therChatholtn Assizes on • day' last' kis. .Wallacf)cwaS , acquitted en the charge of poisoning her hus- • batielejalAes Wallace, about 14 months • age. , 4t.•;- and Wallace and femily were for' many years, residents • of ,Latoknow, and Mei.' Wallace was ,:visiting friends here when her husband :died, •The neighbors all Sympathized . with Mra. Wallace, .and when the jury brusiglit in the verdict of not guilty, Oley.• commenced ' cheering, but the thidge, promptly, stopped the, demon- : Green Goods One of our busbiessimen this week• • received a ,type -written letter and a newapoper clipping from . a New Yorker,' offering to supply him with 2'ss., 5's, 10's; etc, at very low • rates,. and:pi:intim; . :out °Wow easy it • was to. become rich in a.short time by • handling these goods. L. Barret,') •126 MulberryeSt.., N.Y., is the. signa- ture stamped.' at . the bottom of the; letter. He cautions the tucknowite • to aign himself:R No. 25 instead; of giving his name in answering, arni!. he does not wish to invests to Say ,nething •to anypne.;-about reeeivieg the fetter. All Other :Offer'Etlipsed It is acknowledged on every hand titat The Western Advertiser of Len - • don is the king of all the'', weeklies. Its twelve to sixteen pages each %%leek •are filled with the latest and most itereeting news from home and abroad, While its literary and, other popular • departtnents are unrivalled by those of any other paper. The Daily Adver- iser is a marvel' of cheapness. It • contains all the new e of the.day, the. latest telegraphic dispatches, market reports,. etc. Without additional cliarge.that magnifinent newt monthly, Wives- and Daughters—written • by women: for women—rd inoldded with r• each yearly subscription to the Daily or the Weekly 'Advertiser. By club,. bing withi,these popular publications. you eaft,have the Western .Advertiser (weekly); Wives and Mu uhters, • and the,Riornmetri,frent now tothh. end of ne,et;7ear,Af(rothb;small Emma . $1 70. Orc ye it &tn. I iave ere Daily -Advertiser, Wives and Daughters' and, the SIANTIN• re for one year for the liberal sum of • • ,,••• Baiting' Qrain Having 'leased Vr. A; MoGrory' storehonge, kin now buying all kind • Of grain at the highest market price Mr. 'llacGrory will be on the marke to buy stead' every day.—Geo. Kerr Ififth'• of November The:two hundred antreighty-fift lanniversary of Guy Fawke's attemi • liniment,. took place 94 the 5th of No tveraber, and was duly celebrate •lby the Orangemen of 'the Province. Rowdyism at Belfast A couple of young men one nigh ;recently broke several panes of glas iie the windows of Mr: John Loug tereeer--49sesier-resyers--- The "Big Fire" 1 s ' Hallowe'en 2S years ago waifs, Brett S night in Lucknow. The "Upper. House" was then in its glory. Boys t • • d t Of that period went out to Bob. Hood's lime kiln to hake the geese stolen from the creelcic around- about. After a grand tiral at the "Upper Renee," one Puncta McD. knocked out the teeth of D. C with a brick while s "coo in in the oven. With all their fun some- thing more serious had to occur. On the awning of November 2nd, 1867, 8ani McKee on his way horse froin a dance, which hadbeen held at the 'Dominion Hotel, noticed -a light start- ing up, and at onceigave the alarm. At - that time there was no; engine or kore,up the sidewalk in front of his if Tace and carried•away the water pai from the puutp, which was afterward found on the road near Mr, Richard 'Webster's farm; We believe Mr ;Lougheed knows who the, guilty par ties are, and if the damage is not paid for he intends having them arrested -SA Snow Plough ' I• At the council meeting on Tuesday night the question of securing a snow plow ler the, use of t e village •streets during thecwinter was discussed, and 'i'though no definite action; was taken t n the matter, we believe the suggestion s a good. The cost of running the plow over the diffierent streets - after each heavy snow fall would be very trifling, and it would be a great con- venience; .not only .to the school children but to every one in the place. pearly Drowned A little daughter of Mr: James 1Findlater had a very narrow :escape from drowning on Monday last. In company with a little daughter of Mr. Alex. Ross, she attempted to dross the foot bridge over the creek on ala she fell into the water and was rapidly earried.down stream by the current. !Rye. was rescued in an almost exhausted ondition .hyv micouplev of young" men; but after few hoursshe had fully re- covered from the shock, apparently •none the worse from her cold:/balh. wa er wor an ' a — epeni es upon ' - the individual effOrts of the citizen* 1 and how well they,worked will be long s' 'remembered by the old timers. On the north side of Campbell street not, • a building was left,, between Stauffer. - street and the brick store. On the, smith side all was cleared out except. • Mr. A. Murray's, now Cain's Hote1:7 Fully $50,000 worth of property was destroyed on that night. The weather that year was pretty much as it this 'year. •Will Reseat in Full „ • • A • 'country' editor, who evidently .does not • care to take up the costume of a cliff-dWellernot this winter— publishea the following: Lives of poor men oft remind us that honest toil •don't stand a chance ; more we work we leave behind us bigger patehe's on our pants.., On our pants .mice -new and. glossy now are patches of varied hue ; alt because. subscribers linger awl will.not• metes what is .dna- Then let all he up .and doing ; send in your. mite, .be it so smell, or. when the snows of winter' strike us we shall have no pantsat tall Lecture at Holyrood • The lecture delivered by. Rev. Kenneth McDonald. of Ashtield, at Holyrood last Wednesday • evening -was --very successful -in, p-oint -of attend- ance and interest •manifested. The hall was comfortably filled and . the. ender was almost perfect. • The rever- end gentleman described the place visited in such a manner that the scenes of 114 New York, an Atlantic trip, Old England, with scenes and incidents of London, then France and Italy, as far , south as Naples' • and Yesuvins,• Venice and Switzer lend and Donnie•Scotland, were passed in suc- cession through'the minds ef the audi- ence,•leaving•an impression of pleasure, that will lead to increased interest in places s•i,ited and ' elients with which they are connected; We trust the everend- gentleman parried away with him pleasant memories of Holyrood.— Com. A Warning toiTeachers A schoolteacher•hasr no right to pull 'a pupils ears as,a ppnishment, and some of the teachers;inl the Lucknow public school would ddowell to remem- ber that fact. A leacher was.recently lirJught 'before Judge .Davidsoe, of Montreal, charged with pulling,a boy's ears because. he had disobeyed • the master's orders. The Judge 'in sen. tencine him •to pay, a fine of $50 and vests said : "The right of a teacher to a,dmidister reasonable and moderate correetion was exceeded in the present case. It is not a defence to answer that the boy was 'disobedie9t. Disei- plinemust no so enforced as to avoid bodily The ear is too delicate an organ to be seized upon andused to bring an offending pupil to the place bf punishirent There are pert& of the body to which as experience has taught us all, the master may:. apply hirkiself with absolute safety, but not to the ear or bead." t3. We have seen some fine offers, but throe certainly ecliFsd them all. —The $2500 by law to erect water - Cash must accompany • the order kiektd.direot io.thc; Sztatrm„ Lucknow .44(41. 4.. ..c,cce•-•.,,,,tece.14.: • • NEWS OF THE TOWN. A Week's ,Reeord of the Padang Border Town. —The. SENTINEL is printed a day earlier this week. • — Cash paid for furs at M.'. Corrigan's grocery. • 3 —The isteamgrisb7and saw mills at Black Horse were recently destroyed y tire. • — No. herring and trout just arrived tit the Hub Grocery.—J. —Miss Barrett, daughter of Judge Barrett, of Walkerton, is the guest of s. C. 4—Sliesitertl. —Th4oysdid very little mischief 2 on Fridaysniglit • last (Hallowe'en) in the village: • • __•,..;.,,-ThRev. Mr. MCKey preached in the -Kineardine Presbyterian church on Sunday 'last: ' to hand, a large stock of men's, *Mien's; and childeen'a rubbers of the latest styles Pew's. , —The lt,ev.• John McNabb preached very .acceptably to the Presbyterian congregation on Sunday last. .—The parterly comnuiniwn services will be held in the Methodist Aural next Siindai . • C. A Shepard, of tucknow, . has been visiting friends in town for the.past.,Week.—Wingham,4 tivance • —TheRev. Mr. Wright: nf Odrri• eii exchanged pulpits with the Rev. Mr., Goldberg, of this village,. or. Sunday last. •-dlvirs. Mangold and,daughter,...of Grand Rapidseleft for their home last Week; accompanied by her sister, Miss, Sarah' McDonald of Lucknow... • —Mr, Teal •P,owell. this:week- per - chased a very fine pair. of heavy draught colts from Mr. T. W.'Hildred, of this village. • • —Owing to the illness of the Rev., J. S. Coiling on Sunday evening last, ,•the Rev. Dr. Strongman ably occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church. —Great bargains in different kip& of women's button boots varying in • prices , from $1.75 to $3.00 per pair, which will be sold for cash at $1.50 'Per pair at Peaet's: • • . • —John Purvis,. anctioneer, will sell •• by public auction at lot 3, con. Kinloss, on Monday, . Nov. ,kith, :a quantity' of.7fartn• stock, implements, ete., the property of .A.lek; McDonald'. —The • reason given why. birds do not I fall flonn,their perch is because they cannot open the foot .when the leg is bent., LooVat the hen walking and see it close its toes as it lifts its foot and opens as it toucheiLthe ground.' --R. McCharies, auctioneer, will sell by public auction at lot 24, den. 1 Kinioss, on Tuesday, Nov, 11th, a quantity of farm 'stook, iimPlementa, etc., the prpperty of John D. —Dr. Smith, of Ripley, met with a serious loss last week by the distruc- eon of his barns and outbuildings with . fire. His dwelling also had a narrow escape from the firery elemei4s, Rip- ley should buy our hand fireengine., Three young men were charged before Magistrates tawrence, Graham and Bryanion Fridaylast with assault, preferred by W. A.40rundy.' One of them .was disisharged, but a fine of $15 and .• costs -was imposed on ..the • . other• two-,• —Twenty �ars a� snow fell in Bruce on,Oct. 14th, and did not leame • till the following spring... Apple were frozeseen the trees ; and potatoes , works in Walkerton , was. week ttuikr(Ingip4ualAnctitdau. other. roots remained 1m 'carried by 39 ,tutority..:f• rig#er.c. i • 7 • Bound to go with the crowd. PRICES IS WHAT TELLS. They are all coming frrtm Wingham, Ripley, Black HorRe, • Kinlough, Holyrood; Grey • Ox, Kintail, Lochalsh, • • Dungannon; Lanes and St: Helens • to try those world renown .wool shawlsand.shoulder wraps. THEY COM. •• • • JOHNNY GET YOUR GUN OFFq • $3 00 Shawls now sejlipg at $1.50 • • $2.50 Shawls now selling at $L25 ' • We have shawls and 'shoulder Wraps enemg•h to supply ono. dozen ordinary stores. We made a mistake, we bought• j too many, yes, far,toconany. Can we sell 5000 this season ? Well, we wiff see. . • • . . We must hava a bigati.of • / • 11 , ' nd we 1iave tho bargains for you. THE OLD ' • • entto Way eoute ;Son VA kr ' pilis"' u, o .ye r „ eli , frit) . 1 as ' ..,..,:.a,,• j4: • e the 4: .0 hy a ...1 that hit :- Baron, Wil Th On *1i., I apne ba A on;fis • ar,.. PrOoia - Larg 1.541. the ;1611 he mrt.vsaAno. . IONEER,STORE be the ttr tj.o n. ROmember, we id shop worn. goods, )ut the t and most fasiiion- LuCkllow. T1/4y OLD 11011101321 STOItle 1.4170INTOW. 1 4!, fl I (41 1, • (I r,Z,61t6 " "4,...=•.(7,0,4601644,41r="146 . •••••., • “.....4.••• 4.6 _ _