HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-07, Page 5• The Luelcnuw en:tinel, Bruce :1.;ourt,.q,,Friiiay,'Navember .�"'• an inures. importancestance and '.rapidly becoming' a leading 'Store talk I1 �U W'a-t�•a�� is growing 1►11t0 �}�a,n<i propose to talk in a friendly way through featard of every ; nuc cesall business.We.fully recognizethis, as we the eOunter. samewould over your finger on is : o�place the bankrupt just f 11 and winter goods belonging to �e ha�e began to- open.out the a his calling unless he first gives us a call before purchasing. AC our�IThe o�rie -stock. averwivll save, stook, and the bargain bunter will miss heir 'object easily by going throng •gym 't the list. tVrents 'full•nishin departn}c'nt. Mens white dress shirts rom ce from 1 h cents tu� . Boys ditto at 8-c. Mens,.wool wool hose, mad hili 8 meds~ of n mens gloves, 21 lines of gents suspenders_ p 3' a:l prices, all �i�fi•S, utiklerwear f •o>xn 34. to 90c. Tor cotton to vo31, all wools, natural we ors, silk mixtures, etc., 9Oc. t o $ .6 DSS C-40DS JCa.11" A.TRITIVIN IT . '111_ ,._ monicker wool costumes only 16c. r�hey��are. ' �'la�n and check wine,>�ys, 8c, lUc, 12 12c° .z� cents + rocaile cheeks at 23c. Colored cashmeres all colors only 23c. 'Black satin teenmarfrom at 7 p to $ lovely goods, Don't miss than. 73 I'luslies frim X72 to 45 cents. Dull line c,f.colored c4slimerettes at only ul�t r unlFull �$.bUrange Boys wool overcoat only $3.,5(1, suit X2..75. • • -worth $1. IN CI.()'1'IiIl� G --Mens w:,Ul suit ol��ly $o, overcoat only $5, YTIT INT. Q1JITii -We have to `r and floor oil cloths, 15 to 45� carpet 2 Y do now with the Carpet Department. Stagy ards wide only .30c: Tapestry, 35c. to the best 75c. White and d grey. wool finished check blankets, comforters. Good hemp carpet ,l Oc. Good helr{p to 15c, ' . ;tea ';,�I� OT}iER P1J�IN'1'ER.� Gray flannels 22 to 35c.n blue, asca�•le land na^v,•y�t ' ` flannels for ladies, bays;; and children, ;also .WOOLLEN AND .FUR GOODS: ' Ladies ? D eaves Capes• . .Ladies 'peal Fur'Huts '.Ladies `Seal IturCaps dies Astrachan Capes L> lies• Astrachan fur H Ladies Astrachan .Nur Caps. Ladies Bear Capes L:idieslBeaver Fur Bats ladies Beaver Fur Caps '.[ens Bear Coats ens ;Ladies Storm Collars and ` n ' sa ortn-( Ladies Astrachan Storm !Bea verStorm Collars and, Muffs Misses Beaver Storm Collors and lass and Mins Ladies Astrachan Storm Collars and Muffs'Mho}wrens Nutria Sturm Collars and Muffs - Ladies Nutria Storm Cellars and Muffs. . Ladies,(sony Storm. Collars and Muffs (hiidrens Cony LynxStorm Stormo ars and and Muffs s Ladies Eng. bynx Collars and Muffs Childress Eng. Butter, "Eggs and Poultry wanted. Remember MCIii yre's .Dial strand'. R-espeetfixll-y-,yours, _.. i "SHEEP FOR SALE% ln1HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale at lot 8, con. 7. Ashfield, 3 long wis,lled, pure bred Leicester ram lambs. For Iurther paitiv' lard apply to ROBERT FINNIGAN, Dunganacn P: 0., Ont. -75 TEACHER WANTED. • 'SECOND MR. THIRD ("CLASS Teacher for the second room ip Luck - now Public School, to take charge af.er New' Year 1890. Ape)y�� to Secreta•;• (•acha'l $3oard, stating sa1aty. and qualifications hel d. J. R. GAii,NIERASec'y sohtiatlBoa Lucknow, Oct. ,23tk,1890. 1110 IMMENSE :BAR( 1iIa ' ;y iu `let r i etted taiatge, consign *wadi, °resh ftecorits, Ladies, Astrachan ,Coals ,Ladies . Dog Coats ' Ladies Sealette Coats Mens Beaver Caps en lis, L .straohan_C�an 6 . Mens Dog Coats • Mens Persian Lamb.Caps Misses and childrens the same all along the line Bargains may be ° looked for in all lines. Mantle goods a specialty. ;r UP GOES THE JAY , BIRD. A beautiful assortment of the best STOVESAND HARD\I1fiAR Just received. Everybody'', invited -ee for themsel to call and s vfs erything is st-class, but tile price a poor affair. D. C. 'TAYLOR. Choice fess' flow, (Choice TO acc0, Oozed. God Crockery, Glassware ware tes,, Oofees, Campbell Street East, Lueknow. aCI Suess, which vii11. be sold cheap. at 'the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to °a11 parts of the village, ,,OWN ELLIOTT X.A611I1$ EST RAY. , E PEOPLE STO sir- I T. -.3:T S - •reparing for the fall trade. Oar stock is filling up st with the latest novelties of the season.urWe hs a jjul st k of staple dry goods is very comp. opened some special lines in 13LAG K AND FANCY DRESS GOODS BEAUTIFUL GOODS... t. LUCKNOW MARKETS.1,`� . : ;E ::EARrL j G +1»- ti _>.- .. `r �i3Rtt�i��� , (Corrected every* Thursday morning.)7• Flour ,. $2.6Q, IIs ENS FROM '13th TO 20th AUGUST • • . ,•... in . to• warmth of season. Three weeks r'• Fall Wheat • 9 A earlier than the Concord. Oats 34P •1'he a);ove grape can only be:purchased frena , si4thbrii4r d agents of Maple Cadge 1�'u +1 '•' Peas; • ,. • • . .. 56 Waterloo, N_ Y:., •and all ,tres and plaa4s t odtffnm►.tihose celebrated nursery groanda are Potatoes 30 to+35 guaranteed to give satisfaction. Give your B. . 12 ,rdere to our local agent,H.apencer.,I.uoltaow. Egtter - ... - ... ' Agents wante4° Apply to ggFs .,....... ....... .3.'w. McKAY., r 3m 869 Gen Manager,St Tiutinai3Ont • BOAR FOR SERVICE. ; + WILL KEEP HE ;UIVDERSIGI�iED for 'service thiii season:at lot 11, con. 8, E. D. Ashfield, Chester white,, full bred boar, lately brought from Pinkerton township. Terms $1, at time of servioe ; 31.26if not so. paid. 1`PRAYED TO THE PREM1S OF v � Oka undersigned„ lot 69, Con, 1. E.inloss, atiii'reK►.bnut the rat of Xu+Cust, a whine lamb. 'l�lOtb'it'e4aie r it; requested to prove property, pm ,ast.aes.and t,lkeit away. J.S. L� Uw P O., O' PAUL EMELIZER, Belfast P. 0:, Ont, House and Lot For Sale.- _ -_.._.o FOR SALE, A LARGE FRAME house, with stone foundation, containing six moms, woodshed, etc., situated on Camp- bell street, opposite Dr. G+arnier''s residence.. The riot contains one quarter acre and ie.well suited -tor `'garden. For farther particulars apply, to - ,IAS. WILLIAMSON, 4.873 , Lucknow P. O., Out Also a fine assortment of readymade• lohing, bought t sure with an eye to quality than to price. two' shoddy, . To arrive in a few days a very large assortmel't of 'ladle • and gentlemens underclothing,' including those fine e Italian elastic -goods so popular with the upper ten. Ma cloth in good variety and at cic's �rrispee in the next rices. A ewassort days• neat of novelties and staples to s usual , our - stock of groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, ardwal'e, crockdry, etc.,, etc., Is well asorted and all sold at iosest prices. • Please •call and inspect: 'ROBERT MURRA.Y. in fonrt. ,th. (ern. "Ls spe I-Ielens, Sept. *irc'l. PUBLIC NOTICE. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT II Adam Rusaworm of the Township of -Carrick, in the County of Bruce, yeoman, will apply to t)ie Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of divorce from his wile, Emina Rusaworm, pee caorrell, formerly of the said, Township of • Carrick, but. now re- siding in the city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, U., S. on the ground of adultery. Dated at Walkerton, Ont., this 1st. day d{ September, 1890. O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR, , , • 6 mos!S•867 Solicitors for applicant. CATTLE LAST. lcarIfl! 5alc timininaiiii I am determined to clear out my - STRAYED FROM THE PREMISESlOF the undersigned', lot 17, Ant+oat W st awanosh, on or about the last of two red and white steers, matched one reel and white heifer, and, ned heifer Any infor- mation white tipped ears, allyearlings. leading to their recovery will be . suitably- tew arded. ROBINSON WOODS., ' ' St. Helena Pi 'O., Ont. ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINNRY, :ET, at prices away down.,. Now is the time to secure • a ' BA-] G. ,IN.. Mrs. NV% ic. su .tth • APPLES WAISIIED • ANTED 1 SF.YL+'ItAL 'dAt LOADS of cider apple , for wb pb the iaigheat drib price will be paid par huh req pounds. Apples van be delivered any day at 1obring'a Hotel. Lucknow: For fu's ler: palttiiulat•A applyo • COOK Oct. 16th, ? 890.3.84'3 'tudknowt Oub • y„ is