HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-07, Page 40 The tucknoterSentinel Bruce County, Friday, November 7th L,COME AND S at the new store of Drefi# 00d$ sif_i_ssmsausgaressaa'""••••-------, Tile export cattle trade with Great' Britain shows a ,cgratif)iog, growth, which is most encouraging for the, future. In 1889 the returns record that85,696 liitbavere sent across the ' JAIII91117 gentian., ocean end met with ready sale, while / 41 eg Tag LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO AR& E FREELY ACCORDING TO 'PRE DICTATES., OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOAP ,ALL °TUBE LIDERTIE§. ,1iobo 70491890. the returns this year sill show at least 7-11;0-rdia 36,000 head ,in one season." Aves0)11" '• .M00100,100110. THELondon(Eng.)Canadian Gazette' says it has authority for stating thiU the Dominion tOovernment has in con- templation the'reduction of the inland ANG10 .•-••••••—•.-.• Tuesday ;ast was the twenty-second anniversary of the organization of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, an association which has made such rapid strides during the past ten years in Ontario as to command attention. • society was organized ia an unpre• 4 ;040 s way by Father :Upchurch at! Meadevie, Penn., who died but, two yoga ago. 'v,.The object when founding the order was topassist each other as • workingmen in the railway shops at • Meadeville, keeping especially in view the assisting of apprentices, "whose lot was not a happy oily in those days. club was organized with a member• - oligeti?tit'13; regular meetings *ere. • held and an endeavor made to improve• ; 4 position of t e members, both Campbells V. Graham, Fair — the 'h • • mentally and in a financial sense. Grundy. Aim* Fifth—,Exeelbalt—J. Yule,, Wen continued in this way until pos a -mince. If the statement- is well founded, it shows bow we have to go, from home for news. he change; should have been brought about years Iwo. In the United States }eters( haveP'been carried ,fer 2 .cents dor at time past. a The great bargains offered Pa of Tweeds Piles of lleY A a 2 Fan. 0 r1.1 PILFS OF F-N7IRY- Locknow Public School The following is the standing of the pupils in the monthly examination for October: FIRST DEPARTMENT. Senior Fifth—Excellent—G. Smith, L. Wilson, A. Little, J. Coiling, M. Watson, J. Mallough, P. Murchison, R. Griffith. Good—W. Garner. Intermediate Fifth—Excellent—L. McDonald, Graham, Al. McGrory,, M.. -)Philips, T. Lawience. • Good—M. 11 be sold at rock bottom. prices, E MnAN And will carry out to the letter what we adver1se. eive the new store a trial. 4r - T. DETLOR. tar trIt t0510., ' tkret0l0 • • A. ,Virlutely,J. Walker, D. Cameron; , ickness occurred in the family of one A. Lawson, Asmstrong, W. Wilson. f the inembere and then the idea of. slating-in--e-finan _lose who • belonged to • the club avail conceived. i'•After a tine death broke into the nka, otfthen it was ,fkcided that in luturloeach'surviving- member should pay acertain ainnunt to tie Awayy of the ae arted brother. In this small 2 4. let Good -4. Boyd. rimer Xxcellent . Little, A. o JIaznIy, M.114a1401t. tion 10.114taiNEN11. 'Senior Fourth—V. Mallough, T.. Mullin, D. Boyd, G. Bower, A. ,Boyd 'K. Treleaven, L. Berry. M. McNabb. F. Coiling, M. Graham, j. Smith, A Gor on tterson,,, J Tennant, R. Donnas ,. FALL ma SEASON 1890. Our stock for the fall is now. about complete. . IT HAS BEEN SELECTED WITH GREAT ORE, Auad With a Vielli to Batley the varied wants • of our many customers and -ILL rE FOUND RIGHT Each department, Dry Goods, Groceries :it • N.. i Shoes, Crockery, etc., will well, repay a loCilk. through. We ilatite you to call and inspect.. stock. CAMERON, MURDOCH CO .• LUCKNONet403TINGANNON butti-memberehiP_dill_the _Lyris, J. Torrance, . society began its career, and after ita4, '"yeara of continued success totals Bij ; membership of 230,000, sentteit4a iiver the TJ-nited Stateaand Canada 'A -separate Itriritcliction was eitiik 1isbd in OntairoIti 1878, themeriniber4 'ship..in • this provinee „at; that • time • • • teinic but 2,000. Silica Ilheni- iiierlute. boa becAatPad,r . and rapid, until 0144 ,tigriat*i$40 todgea in the 301mfiction-, Aof Thorp village in. the Province that has net,a lodge of arkinea Liicknow we also itliOA :very veiperous society, and at ,Firl.rrt•L"-,...(1411%qnYnnclalr evening ie. a r• • i*Heysggeod, cle41tAnauct" ant business wili he Oa. Cted. ;and ;itt is desirous hat all th;MO*, hers should be present. ..:kaepinlyi•J. *coy, P. McMullan, 1Y1,*14;; • ' 4P - ,a),\ tAt • JunieriEourth—W,Ville A. Hornell SinitbiAl.41atheson, N.:McDonald, .A. Grundy S. 'Armstrong, S. Greer; A'.1)filircti_,A.:11011er'M. Douglass, W Oorrignit, A.' .ysy abb, 0. Perry'S. rbar, Clyons,§. Johnston, 01.Alc- W-Otawartd..Lues, A. Douglas,, A. PairACW, yvte., F. Sciateell, MOBoititld,1 if. Stewart, E. Greer, B. MCIiittW.'W; Treleaven, A. Burgess, V. McDonald M. Thompson. , *MIRD DEPARTIKEST. Senior Third—G. Armstrong, M. t TOO 41:17011., SRA'1731E1Y T. • • • • There has been observable in great itaXitinen, E, Oclinm. A. Matheson, Britain of late •a disposition to. try , 4040 the court of puhliet Opinkon, every;:„ criminal fortunate enough to .cernmand any share of public intereat These trials have,' in more than . one case resucltet in de- cided taxeratipHs n the sentence of • the couiti f41awShile it is depir- aim, and ..neeestaxy thatmiblic justice should be asimioisterql..under ;a:atrong sense of wit an 1,ii1ral. the d•w.etting1 othe detail*. ncerigie • seems eften,to, In our business we have alwaYS giten J4e zzialr C fi8EDir to those wb.op. we considered worthy. 'W6 will con e tinue to do so, BUT CASH 19 PREFERABLE: o an other inethod., of doing business, Po encourage - all to make an effort to pay cash, vie 11.ve issued • SH C I CustOmers will Bind explanations on each card. , . W. CON ELL. n J. ,-McDcruildo S. Boyd. Good— H. ilaib.sr. "41-tesdoch, A. McMillan, .W. ..COrrigan, C. Ross. Fair ---It; flolniek1). Flood, A. Findlater, J. A. MeDoeald, M. Flood, B. Hamly. ;Senior Second — Excellent — E. AnhertsOrk, L. Patterson, R. Wilson. E. 1110iiaiii, AI. Gallagher, J. Douglas, good—j. Macormick, W. Breonan J. ' Armstrong, B. „Bryan. FairL-Vi. ItOhring, -4. - )11eLi-,eo. Bad --41. Thompram,' E. Mc Key. Junior f3-eernul — gxcellent — H. Sandy, H. ArmitiOng, G. Roxclas, C. Mair,,,H. Grundy. Good—k bY.csna, B McCoy, P. liliitthie lit. niennt4On,- M. Stewart., 11. Yindater. (G. AliittlAc- ton. Fair-- W. • Davison, 1,. Nit, , 1),. Ross. . Bad—V. Ilictbaig..F., Us. : those .whoite names ,appear in the bad list this month ,' are these- who failed in obtaining 40 per VITt of the marks obtainable at ihe,last, examine- iioo; ,and atliti, only AtbiOtilod'froM five to thirteen days Atiring‘Tre ,014h. 70)ItETII DEPARTieliltr. I UitAltir Pliet II — John Watson, , • Hugh W4tsiea,•;,,, ilie Rom. Maytie Williams, Vitlie, : Aiket, "Winnie Me- droiy, ktertie IES - on, Willie' Me- Citire, Little Vtovairt, Tiy,cy Mohring, Willie , ipaiart,.._ Amble cl,rahaii., May: gen!, lypiiiti ipoinIrteeiv and tlepros. Flynn '(ties),•11aggie ;Iliveus. Senior Part 11—Frances Stew and James Stewart tties), Z..Iageie _- Donald, Sarre M.e9uaig, Alex. Mid le - ton., Albert York, gettie Davison, Willie Findiater, James Young, Annie SeNabb, George 4c4.epgie,..Mtibg Grundy. • Junior Second —John MePonald, 4gnes Adams., Bella *dams, Ellen avarice, Aggie, Geddes, fora fibitithi 44,,v`OAtitoali1 Willie Beirtier, Winnie 00'04p May Loree, Morava ,IYIgler, 'Laura -..11,055, Maggie Hunter, Mrien. shwbattc$9),, Robliie . Graham, Willie tni th, injury .0 ,pillAtic .1091.6114:! 'the interest ,exiitql iJe prsoner proportieneOetn he _heinousness 44 his t wickedness,.iwt, na,,a,consepuence, the public aYallkalliY,'OYAkedpY ,an o(teo to .be LtIY flee h of T.ir treotel ohm! been aubatMloperge, biood gave vray things, and the -wasr-gloomy.,,, ,,det tli 1004g:104o of. tAle , 0111,1 nal a! MOB, ,is ,noticekble tjust :now • theStirehall ;If the ipeblica- iiter,iestold by and of .the 'Of the ,tn,Cidents of his. mdUt ,n(f4he hrehttixes.m. heAti,4141to 4 Ng Pfritkia. olny Other purpose,han` ,coriosii,ty,, A. •t w4iI thl t Jo )91p,eci ,that iku il se6tkre the •11,ero befere fon' of life and hops. - ' -.4or the. , •geikior Mid -Elora Vane% Ethel I . erzitt9iliperirtjhourirtveM;- A , e VES I STOVES I STOVES I It wilt profit you if you want to purchase a good' 000K STOVE, PARLOR STOVE OR BOX STOVE FQB COAD OR W00±). This season, to call on us. You will find our aock complete and at reasonable prioee. A large tock of StOvsIunliSre, Boards, Pip% Ste., .vray Down in, pzioe. NOW is YOU,v TIME To get ta,good stoVe cheap at L4ADING STOVE. DEPOT. v -cm, x.trCICN-OW Tpx 0 :Lath.."W" • 1 . „-