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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-07, Page 2
' 1. ,� , - � ": 1 , " , 1; . 1 1 1 I I I � ," ''.1 6�,, . . . � I 11 � 1''. ,�, I 11 �- ��, � 11 .1 I I 1. 1 �. ,-111'' 11�..1111 ", i. � I . . , .. .. . , - "ip-C � :� , - I I � , , �, � I . . � ___.___,,_-- - — . ___ __ . I t ,I.` .,., • PBOBgBLY NOT TH$ $[PPE$. IT WAS A or BLOW. 1.S THE QOIUE OF THS DEAD: That Horrible London Murder—The a rorthe &ter Them B eh s► di Dryp LeavinE 1 HdBD �lIA�TEB. `1Poman'a Child Fouad Dead. 4 . ' . -J[S'. Bat�teloVs Diary and the OhUM it able sayys : T q body has been d New York deepmtoh says : A a o With Theis d Landon o. h r1 u T7� �'tliwre and LabOX@?t Tenants of a Wealtb�r identified as that o Mrs. Hobbs, the wife rainstorm hag prevailed here for the pact The Btarging Wives and Ohlldren } Oontaina Against Stanley. o! a or*er em toyye3 in London. Mrd. 24 haute. The wind blew a glee all nigh , „_..41— A London despatch gays :The diaries and $obbo left her hatband on Friday, laking reaobinK a velooisy b. 60 m ng t Bound . ' '"�"'� "' letters o! major ldortsetos, the murdered With her Ger little child. whom She carried The tided are very high. Along - anmander of Stanley's rear guard, are in the rambnl tor, whiob was found near port the water rolled up into tFid villages, 1'%TSOIISLY APPB. AL FO$ $$J�'"` THEIR Mit1ERABLB FOOD. e� pnbllBbed liters to•dsy. They contain eenone the place ce where the body was disoovered. flooding the cellars and carrying vreeel® ` f K g F An investigation shows that Mrs- SobbS, hundreds of feet inland. At Oyster ls&y • ' *,' Terrib]e diary o! Want from at7onnty a[lorlt A Berlin despa��h t; ®`heweek from book was ed ted bythedead man's brothers who was found murdered in the South large schooner ti ee alas dtrlrKr 013 �jao pales - , •- Notbias but Diseased I'otw4oez t® t Bi: e5y® ,1, is d tlbe� itlti. Waller Barttelot, wild in fei,erefGda says Hampstead 1Caatlity on Friday niRht,•heyd dook.t Many all puYaa of Long r. c• �-�� .•�% aet.� sem+. 1 rA own in .. .. ..., ,.rTa•m u", - r' . r:,. �•:eRn. ..... ±f"'.iR .:;7.".,..' '. R .'i+R:"�c' - ;'.i; 'r,aP. cllm7i... a. ♦. ��,,^Ta ^- T^,3•" 'tl�;7E'• ,n �f±.. ,.. ,,. .,... _ ... .. , I.:•rnII... ".. _ t11�.. .tr ,.P �, n, '^t.. *fa•.. _ •.^'., ,-r -+, ^9 _.+._ a ..y ,_..�"`'•;.� +y. -f!!,4 5'-. ,..r.' .,*7. -�:.-,.,.G,w c_, :�!ra•e°.rM ,�ei:Cr:.x+� -+ • WeR.Y„ t--^, ,, -""'�-•L ;rs4YY. •...'i-1,U1W�IibliiilY'3..�✓:.. e'`""u..7tsx. -e a. _ _�.�....- _'_ re\dYI1 `Y�r`Yii)Y"''aYictSi'y'"-vYllirL-vY1K'ri-i✓"�v:,.;m:-.,�rr;�. .t`_?..:. -mss. ifi'tf'l •'i�til =iivi. -," ";i�a3r•'.��J'iv:it xe" `-=.as... _ - ." '"Y' families of fermmy mere }busy !3 L t',, ePorlr. ettere o! invitation to Oeetle Randers. been written or one word of its contene 8 derer stole from his victim a gold ring end yYeland: ieirge- den°Y' � :' Ir ` London • des koh to the New here the Dake of Ratibor oelebrated with ever been published had justice been ev a puree. The child which Mrs. Hobbs had and other batkilinRe were broken up and . " ' "* + A Telegrams Irvin y with her wag eighteen montha old. It is washed away. There is a treme�ndonS surf 3ork :Suit days : elaborate festivity the 60th anniversary of partially dgne, or even kindness shown, b State" Island and, � , ` s`" ,`< %iblbereen, county Cork, state that a heart- bis elevation to ducal rank b . Frederick• the leader o! the expedition to the officer still missing. along the New Jersey, c "•0+„yi �'. s�mdn scene wiz witnessed yesterday at y Eurther inquiry develops the fact that Long 'Island coasts. The wises to 'ire' •, I g William IV. The Duke, who s a brother who waa left at Yamba a9 fahCIha Res o= ,,t ;m. meeting of the Board of Glnardiall vin= oL the Glovernor of Alsace-Lorraine. is menta, stores and baggag Dere. Hobbs on Friday started to visit a Inland and Sandy Hook are •broken, and, fir,;, fibs Poor Lt►w Union of Sahull. Believing immensely rich, and the landlord, of $its malignity, ingratitude, misxepreeentation woman named Nellie Pieroey, . an intimate vessels cannot be reported until they arrive ,,r �LaO the guardiong had the power of reliev •weaving v<lleageein Silesia, where theme are and desertion are then brought against friend of her family, who was married but at gaoralntfrls. The damage tc Shi in �r , � g..adisS its catleed. by 20,000 inbmbitMnt% the. poorest and most Stanley, F bad separated from her husband. A search in the harbor was confined tot Several f v t; the failure of besides other less important g ',`. taCtato drop, a crowd of - ragged nes,leoted of the entire Empire• Belonging aconantions. Mr. Barttelot asserts that of the house in which the Pieroey woman away of light ape,rs and sails, _,_ �n__e__ _- t t .ro.o .n mall as tem - ____.._a :.,- ♦t,s d;.Anvwry of blood the piers at the lower end of the Clty mere. . rx..* Joinga:pg their wives R end o i ren, and Sebmientelowitz, where, hunger never the testimony o everyw ere. '( ,� -- ed' into the town from mizenbemd, iiite ceases io levy i*a toll of-vlotimB all the show that Stanley made it utterly imposa,- and a bloody o&rving•kniie and a bent poker QOElN STEADIER Rail rom PgLbo11 A deepatoh was received feom For ]lldos- �a , r, IQiiokhaven and other remote seaboard die- gear around, and where the women and ble to carry out hie orders, as he took all smeared with blood, and to whish adhered ,`_s,rt�Rietq. Not a few were half naked, and all year have to exist on a diet of weak the strong, able Anon and those of good several looks of woman's hair, were found. away, L. L, to•nigbt, SayinK a large o::ean^ ,q�4"r I y stance. The eympa• Kra. Pieroey was arrested charged with steamship was ashore beyond Long ad• iitid a starved apps coffee. poor potatoes and & soap made of character with him, leaving to the rear , ' tonne -folk formed the poor 'area• T g murdering Direa Hobbs end her child. The wires along the shore are : owill n, t r #>bis�ipg:. soar $our. he men at times enjoy the guard "the Siok, feeble and incorrigible. ,V lures into a sort •of procession, which the luxury of a piece o! bacon, or a sausage Drlajor Bnrttelot's diaries declare that Hobbs, who is suspected of complicity in and no particulars can be obtaiLed four. alosrehad to the Board room. Some of the when pay-day comes. The town of Stanley threatened to bloat the major's the crime, is being closely watched. steamer was reported to b� g 'fou e £ •` . marched coo tb -B sticks blank cloth ban. Dai to its also belongs io the duke. This reputation with Lord Wolseley and to ruin The•dead body of Mrs. Hobbs' child was masted vessel, and it id thought she �i n which were written in rade p 1 Y• found today in a clump of furze bushes in may be the Obdam, Of the N�therlands- ire • $ere, ,Pon „ is the place where a few weeks ago the hie career in the arm Mr. Barttelot ,araoterg, "Work, not ohiarity, we want, dor weavers ran • line over the river *o gives hie brother's words : " A[terwards J American line, whish was e a Feu+ed to 0"I k. a field adjaoent to The road in the nei h• 1 u Thousands ooercion, not a penny for F Mr. Stanley said that it was borhood of South Elampetead. It was arrive on Wednesday. Thi, uuly ether emplg meat, and other similar devices. the Austrian Bank to whish was turning to me, discovered about a mile distant from the trans-Atlantic liner due and "not re- - ,x y tostene.d a bag on a pulley to bring over in hie power to ruin me in the service. I Y ported is the Ciroaesia, e basis ed the Board room to the empty plane where its mother's sod was but. She is net a• .h y g into Peaesian territory small quantities of said to him that this was an em t threat, ionr•meater. I I r � jloepnipaniment of sobs and wails. and told $our, that necessity of 'life being 36 per as it would take's great deal more than he Friday night. There are no external marks t ✓rid � Liable idled of their enfferinge. Dant. cheaper in Anetris than in Panesla. could Bay to do that. He punished me o! violence on the body, and it is believed ix isoszox. `,t'4e pi declared most of their people y g the child met iia death by smothering. A Boston deepatoh says : An old $ „� • , • 'They The Duke o guards soon stopped this and afterwards b makin me march to Leo- fashioned northeast storm has preN ailed in assts already 11x1#•6tartaa:d; and the weavers went on sial viDg- in -1l the poldville with seventy men who were noted When found the infant's clothingwas Satnr- I'lly 4 ,1. 1 {he only things they nould (let to eat were m000nnte of the Duke's jubilee there his not for laziness and incapacity for carrying ated with rain. this section since last night, It waa moat Vis.; diseased potatoes. They ,were anxioue to been aline to indicate that he bas made it loads, warning me that it 1 lost a singleMr. violent along the water•irant. si Ravers ,-00`+.`' fast 'work, and • would prefer that to any • other form of relief. Some of the aGFaar- an 000aaion for bettering the condition of load I must stand the oonsegaenae.” M=• FENIANS IN SESSION. Beach the wind and tide played swd havoc. � 4,1� the people. They were fed on pork and Stanley refuses to be interviewed on the The Woburn hones, built on the shore at rF �' aiami were deeply affected, but they were beer for once in 50 years, bnt'no permanent subject. The oath or Secrecy Abolished—To clot the north end of Crescent Beach, was lifted 1.'i"' oompeUed totell their wretched petitioners benefit hue been affected or promised and 1'he following is a typical passage : Money -For vicar purposed. from its foundations, and eaatle.cj deep in• 4fisk; the law did not permit the Board to not; a single newspaper has been outspoken '+ Mr. Stanley actually tells ns," says Mr. The bi• the sand. A photogrdph building was O &lief in the form demandd, although y g A New York despatch anis ,J„; •; r enough to remind tae Dake of his dui to Tits oo did not bring np the that carriers, ennial convention of the Fenian Brother- wrecked by the waves, and ilslown ape L s 3f any of them claimed shelter room in the hie suffering eerie. pp "�' lj 7lorkitionse' mtust be found for. them. The N. J. last night. against the railroad saloon bnildan } should advance by making marches of six hose closed at Paterson, le wept bitterly. upon receiving this miles at a Sime, four times, over Darkest More than two hundred delegates were small . yacht was lifted' badi}y b be i+� p Y • STABBED 814 GIRL'S BROTHER. Africa. No one but himself would dere present, representing all sections of the wind and waves and deposited on the ed i / :re tied retired . disconeolate. There is ach at � ,, 8r ve reason 10 °Believe serious distress 'ate not net of A Westwood Youth is Bound to Have Hid o! Lh t ouch o! neiisfon ion paper,ould for fear provoke. United tStates. conveThe most was i hpornnanut imoas The otion of bb bowsprit projected ion Revere e Boaes roe Ithep racks,. j rTy r �a? pttvaHo in the remoter distri y Girl at All Hazards. Cork but of othervounties, but the dnsbo• The idea is a splendid conception of the endorsement of a recommendation of the and we etrnok by a train from Boston. °` , srltiee sire. still engaged dada their prelims- A Peterboro despatch says : A stabbing ridiculously impossible. Just think who* general secretary abolishing the secret ozltb The boat was thrown over in snub a poli. l' ` ' • ease occurred at Westwood, a village in this t . `' swi a inquiries. this brilliant suggestion on meant. The of the organization. Hereafter all trans- tion that the. projecting mast was esrtiok y� i';'v county, g• distance to Albert Lake is over 600 miles. notions of the Brotherhood will be ,pen, b another tram So for aS to throve the last evening. As usual, there is • 9 iib "' 0 , cllsol¢aIA >ecdola $iOr. woman in the case. James McDonald in a To go there by journeys of six mileB made and the public will be free to attend all boat book" into the water, w hrrs it sank. ;er._lisingaleaar *wood. Hie don h- �ivne5n�e tca_go_ r six meetings. In big report the general Beare Along the south shore the storm is reported r�A,f� as-the-mast-eav�.ro avast t e bi storm of . i►oI Whites and one negro Shot ins► Tut- ter hue, been keeping company wit a miles three double journeys and one single tart' attri u e-tiiea'ieiTlpti `� �� pentfae Farm War, nefahbor'a farm hand, a young man framed journey, that is seven -times, so that to &stere to the Irish organizations during the November, and it Seems to be inureag- � 1 t Roser* Wilson. The girl's parents forbade saver 600 miles a march o! 4,200 miles fe .past two gears to the foot that men with ins in intensity to -night At Pruvincetown "'` ' +N `� An A*lania, (#av deapstoh says : Only to -day the s3hooner Emily Keil brags t , 4.•, her to associate with Wilson, end anspeot• to be made, which would 'take them 84 selfish and personal ends •to attain had, ' t meagre reports can be obtained oonoerning ink her intentions warned nor that it she weeks,' or more than a 'year and a half,, through the mieuse of the secrecy clause in adrift, and is now ashore. The const in. 1„T.» _ the re e3 race riot in Coffee county. p accompanied Wilson to the Norwood exhi= always supposing no accidents and fair the constitution, forced themselves into closely patrolled to -night by men from : e °'' bition laetweekshe would behoreewhipped. ,( -. ; Fgtir vvhitemen wer+ashot down, B. E. Mo. ro&ds. Imagine five offivere at Yambaye power. ^A Speoinl committee wag appointed life•eaving stntione; but the tsemr)nar�ne ,irk, i Glendon, Frank and Thomas Seers and The young woman, however, disobe e,1 et ”. '' Jo11ts H'endria. None o! these ore dead y y with such a proposal before them, to- on the fatnre of the organization, ,and, in a lm oas would render their E their r s, at rc rode y' ' Chair commands; and wag seen at Norwood ether with ineer.ndtion8 that the loss of their report recommended that the Fenian almost unavailing ehonld thelr sr,rvu,es be �: st000rding to_ the latest reports. The Glover• during the exhibition in Company with g =or u.fegnest to order out the K the loads would be"&baolnte ruin to the Brotherhoodhereefterbeanopenorganiza needed.. The storm has barn nnaeaalo d�.", Wildon. Feetipg to return home she hid expedition." tion, and that military and naval com• heavy in Southern Vermont Brattichor0 11 �`"' " , ,militia, on the ground that thewhite people from her paten*e, and her whereabouts is The aeLeral opinion is that Stanley is panics be organized, end 90 per cent. of the reports two and a quarter 1tXahF� c,i rein, * x ' a t not yet known to them, though Wilson ie �# i • Ar r at the mercy of an armed mo mor�lly_foraedrto..meet_. hese_-ohargee_with receipts be_dwoted-ta this par -pose The- and --reining.--.The�1i11_.t �wsa.s A ort -� - --- p _......__.__.aegrpee..__He_acoordingly ordered_trhe_�y.-y_ .. believed to know"all about her: Ube -day a In11 and candid answer. companies are to be known me the Fenian from two to five inoheeof snow. rz•nct swollen x f ,., own Rifles to proceed at once to the scene atter *he fair Wilson was met by the father . Volunteers, and will be held in readiness streams. _- s� , ,„ of the,pon$IoO. The negroes are befog led: and mother of the young woman, who to egaiet the United Stetter fn case of ` �rk� ' • i[n riot by one L. B. ' Vern, a white'' man,.demanded to know what . he had done with L 1IIDANUM AND THS $AzoB. foreign wmr. THE s►IIEslsa A oN x t i•�. +";4" e6gaged in the turpentine business near her.. Not reoeiviaog a satisfactory answer • � o i';' >litolies' turpentine mills. Stokes snd;Varn the assaulted him and lett big eyes in A campbellford, Woman's Rash Haste to Rhe Delamaree �icgnitted of the r rson dad ka �_` wad Thomae;Seere hail's dispute shoat o moarnifng• Wilson Came to town on..S&tar- Leave the World, t9HIPPINCi TROIIBLInS. and Balled on the MnrSjer r`Isarge. "�� t , - 1�itMot'o! Und. Vern put hie men to, work moday to demand legal protection, but did not A • Campbelltord despatch &nye : Mrs. War Between vessel owners and Dock A Quebec despatch says: In the Del^- ' .tilt the timber, and Seers shot one. of the enter an motion. Last evening WilBOn and , Beattie, aged about .30, wife of Jae. Beatty, Unlon Seems Inevitable.; mare trial today the Crown close`.i DO ,,,,x,. meg,roes end drove- the others from the young Som McDonald met at a black- cabinet maker, committed suicide at noon case and evidence for the accu :e�I was com- t,`"':•� Woods. They returned in the afternoon emith'B oho � in Westwood. A quarte! to -day by cutting bar throat with a razor. A London cable .Says : The Executive mended. Gauthier, &gaivat wh o:rs trno " `, i.t ,) .tend $re into ' crowd of Vern s hands. pp g bills for arson and murder were also -pend- d ensued, diad MoDoneld struck Wilson, and Qphile her two eldest children were et school �3ommittee of the striking dookmen in Mel- � � x ;11., 'Vorn'e 1, in o I to have revenge on Seers,; the latter retaliated by drawing a knife and she le[t the baby, &sed about one year, and bourse have sent a cable message to Lon• ing, was, the first witness. He a ;tri that. i . , sirmed the ro elves and made an assault on stabbing hie adversary in the gide. The went upstairs to her room and committed don say ing the strike has not ceeeed. The on the evening preceding the firs tu, left a �'µ x,� A- the settlement, with the above result. At wound was not serious, McDonald being the sat. Evidently She had prepared for it, men will not give way, and they have lighted lamp cries usual r the bar, Lelyrld was .y llttst accounts matte rg were somewhat able to get around to day. ' A warrant has ee her brooch bed been taken off and placed no doubt of the ultimate snaaese of the wakened by oriee of fire. He n� zely bed LJi'. quieted, rind it is believed there will be no been leaned for Wilson's arreSt. He does on the wneb•etand and her dress was nn- strike. time to escarps with his pants ani' co•a on. other trouble. not deny, knowing the girl's whereabontg, bnttoned,at the nook. The wash basin was The trouble between shipowners and em- On rushing out he noticed Dz lraute2re and slI �;'r F probably his wife putting on their clothes, 1 +N.amare 1uEAD OR ALIVE 2 but retaaes to divulge the secret. It is lifted from the washstand and put on a be ployeeS nt Liverpool will rababl end in F 8 J. believed she is among friends in Seymour to the left, and over this she stood and made .look oats. having only, his .pante on. 1s,i1 three U. •: , the fatal out, ae the spurting o! the blood • At a meeting of the, Sunderland�braneh jumped on a shed in rear of the rcc•al••e and j#z J ` , &[ether >lteeehee •s Strange Ezpzeer township. pp g finiahed theirtoile�e in the yard. It often ;.� �; PRee ive she Attve. on the wall shows. The razor tell on the of the Shi in Federation it was seated Another Fatal Bailway Wreck. • floor between the boa and the wall. Con- the central' authority in London wait happened that they had to f rei.d out for ij,"i I .s•• A Lancaster, Pm.. deepatoh soya : Mrs. despatch says A eiderable blood ren into the wash -basin, and arranging for s general lock -out, should liquor when customers camr ,ir. After . fi ...�. Carolina Settles, of New 'Holland, a small A Kenai City. Mo., p then, becoming weak; She fill to the lest on the sailors persist in their hostile atti• he stir.$ this evidence Jndg© BUb. d carie he "', I a- tillage 12 miles from here,, received a llox tail end wreak occurred this morning at her face and thus wag found, probably not fade. di•i not think the proof SufCialNJ.:t against �11Ay, ,' by eXpreseiromMt.`�ernon, O.,on Snndey, 7.20 o'oloak on the Union Pacific Railways more than fifteen minutes after the deed The Shipping Gazette sags the ship the accused, and the Crown ala,s,,•urr.cl that I 1 , - ,oda wllidh, above the addreas, was written one mile and a half west of Armondale, a waB done. On the washstand beside .the owners business is being ruined by the it would leave the case to the court. bite word "eafcfde." When the lid was suburb of this city, in which nine persons brooch stood a wineglass in vvhioh were s tyranny of the new unionism. The pros. Judqe Bosse, addressing the jur,s, rsdvised fib'`. Y ] few drops of land&nam, end it ig presumed pent of an immense federation of every -them to bring in.a verdict of not c_nilty, me removed Mrs. Settiey was horrified to find were ser injured and the engineer of ,,ir ri that it contained the body of her daughter, the Rook Island train was fatally hart. she had taken 'a doge of this as well. trade remotely connected with shipping hae the,proot was insufficient. The jdcy With- .. y , - • Helen. The woman summoned physicians The Rook Island uses the Union Pacific Melancholia with suioid&1 tendency . was convinced ship owners that Something must ,out leaving the box, returned a v:�rdiet. of ,-0t. , wad asked that a poet -mortem examine the track into the city. An east -bound freight likely the cause, as she hoe been in a des- be done promptly. "not guilty" against Del atmsre, ";a wife a^:"• ' • be held. As the doctors were assisting in which leaves the depot before the Union cadent mood for two or three weeks, and The Timed confirms the Statement that and C}authier, who were admit, A to bail ' removing Ohs sod the not Pacific passenger train was delayed near tale her husband that eamethIng terrible enquires have been been started ae to the 'on their own reoognizancea tit), nc`xt term J� evidences of death y were not there. the scene of the•aeoident this morning, and would oeoarr, but mentioned nothing practicability of m general laying up of on the acoasation of murder. �I I No rigidity was app&rent, not a as there was a very heavy tog the train partianlar. An inquest is not deemed vessels in British ports. 1. .,;- ' t sign of decomposition. The girl was mien placed torpedoes on the track to warn necessary. Met Death Instead of Her Lover. 't placed in bed and a closer examination the following train. ,The pmaeenger on. A Young Scoundrel Gets His Deserts. v' made. The bends were toned to'be warm $fuser, warned by the torpedoes, Stopped .,A. Quebec despatch says Nr?`V0 1 ohod . and a alight flash appeared on the oheekd. hie train; bat before a flagman eonld be The New Orleans Mercier a?oetety. A Father Point deepatoh says : A $dung town today of a melanaboly d�,`ht whloh %, lied but to no. avail. cent book to warn the outbound Rock A New Orleans despatch says : -The mon pained Fox, only 19' Beare of age, occurred in d the village of IIhdle, v+ire, situ- ,,�,., i Restoratives were"app , i; ,, Thede oonditionS were, the same throapli Island train, which wmB following the Roos police ea all the preliminary work in the recently employed on the railway, wnstried ated on ilio other &ids of the ltnac;hr•ater 1`� ,int s the night and all of yesterday The Island train crashed into the Wnthens Hennessy murder case is finished as for me at the criminal court sifting nt Rimoaski ,bridge: At an earls hour la►!�t rvcning a . • p car of the Union Pacific . Physioisng are gpzzled and wonder how it Pullman sleeping they are concerned. The oSeasains are for outraging an old women of 82 years of, young woman of French ��xtrao- poesible fora vestige ,of lite to remain train. The Rook Island engine was cow, nndobtedly under airest, and the evidence age at tit. I:lavies last spring. His trial tion, about twenty years of w�` , •vas pro- f : a ter the confinement in the boa for each a letel wreaked, and the engineer was against them is in possession of the police. terminsted yesterday, and he was sen• seeding along Anderson street, wi%itirtg for period. The'aathuYities have been notified buried under the debris. The firemen Neat Tneeday ig the the day filed for the tended to twelve years in the penitentiary, the coming of her lover, whFn Qh,, fraaa«enly 's, and are doing their utmost to solve the jumped and probably saved his life, but examination o! the 1!i prisonere. Four of The outrage was committed on, the main- fen dead on the sidewalk. Wdl ii g hands �,` iia rdiosr. jumreceped severe bruises. The damage is thego aro charged with being accessories. road, Fox Stepping out of a carriage and were soon &round and she was c,Ni.•ed up, estimated at $00,000. The panic among the Italians continues. attacking big victim, wham be "handed to but on' investigation the diet?n c:ry was 'I Savin to Death, Despatches from' Pensacola say that in meet. His brutal action was witnessed by made that the spares of life baci fi 3ca and the ., .. Anton*real deep&Loh gays :Throe Rivera, Ugly Passengers To parry. the past two days large numbers of two of his companions. in the carriage, young woman ,wnS & corpse, .",here was it appears, had m totality ag well as the A Socorro, N. 11f., despatoh says: yes- Italians have been arriving in that, city, who turned' a deaf ear to the poor old considerable excitement in the v, il9as;,0 when J. Urger city. This morning a young man rtorday morning as a Bonth•bonnd train on from New Orleans. They aro ' being lan bed at ries for bar entreaties. Fox's do► merely and the Sorrowful intelligence spread. The girl :kP named Tetrlaalt. ogee 19 years, went to the the Santa Fee railroad pulled out of Soo- watched by the police, and it wanted here salons were severelyrebuked by His was to have been married shortly_ '. ` a{rem* milling establishment of Rose, orro three men boarded it. After the train will be easily arrested. They are avis'refuees, Honor Jude Lsrae, ho commented in $itohie & Co.. near she'1"' ifeivian city, and passed Sen Sanlome the B*rangers entered who have thought it wise to leave' New eoathin termB on their meroileee inhuman Temperance xvot�d. . I while looking at the indo #adasrj+ in motion, the Pullman Bleeper and looked the door, Orleans until the excitement blows over. g A Catholic tem o disregard of tb®'poor old ore&taro's en• p rano& erotica is of ay ` • standing near two circular G&W,, lsie Jege then drew their guns on the porter and for help. the features of the World's Fair, treaties ware aeoidentallrv, struck, with iloak of conduct and relieved them of their our. A Jaen -the -kipper victim. , Elizabeth Comstock, the QaAke•r pr4aaher, Orli i{hrowingthe poor fellova t1Qi:lbag the plus cash. They then introdneed them• now aged and infirm, lavant� a,,t Union M, jt din throe b A London cable says: The Jaok-tbe• The New Orleans Sfnraers. Springg, N. Y., bas in her lihiiArc visited itawe,iq cfubetion. One of them etit'off the selves to the pagBeng rep going . 8 rr A Ivew Orloa;nei des atop e& e : Antonio 122,000 prisoners ,1cJ5,000 a+iok as,d wounded 16eCtt Ie� #n an instant'wh a the other made most of thein and mmeing quite a heal. Ripper sc&re hnS again caused a Sensation T •� tt lilali Round ,,ia t14t3� 4rlldomep. Willing They jumped from the train inhtheSB They Son ig the H meet d locality. olice and theeToelalghtnts fin a Morobez, one of the Itali&na aeonsed' of soldier's, 85,000 inmates of i uoncc:a�:>a and r,'l i jd 4108 4* once eztriabite7, 7'etranlp.from his de Apache grant, taking to the y . •. Hennessy,was arreSted eeterda A abort thirty ,a, i,*xi��l�s position,l�u� nothing dOtgld save his got about X1,500. Tho robbers wereoproshee e b °m,�ere shocked by findart of that ing in ori od obeanre complicity in the murder o Chief •ot Police almehoyneRo��oB�� t toiled Sint 1ka sthe Y,fiF�ld, and � I : u . �'�tter eldf%rib terrib 0hoori'y, daring ae cowboys. The railroad company silo a the dead body of a woman, whose time afterwards big son, Aepero, a Ind of during the last ye&ra of hr.r set I, iife'w&s a ;iv iioli' the lee* rifes. of"t ' a Church were offered $1,000 reward for their arrest., Y I ac�rniinidtered, death dame' ti>! ,the young head had been very nearly severed, while fourteen years, who had been arrested one at the most b!?oved members of the 1 .y iWhat the Girls can Do. r � her body showed evidences of kicks and •immediatelysitertheorime wogoommitted, W. C. T. U: i wim o felfef. While the vlotl was being bruises in th6maelves sufficient to cause and who had on his person about 5200,, but l carried to big home he expreseed a desire to At'the Y. W. C. T. U'e. annual meeting death. While no knowledge bag yet 'been. was released, was re -arrested, and with �Wbat a etore•house of chequict,l com- 7 ' fiat) his mother before dying, but this lost yegt'erday Mrs. M. L. Wells declared that obtained ae to who: the victim was, it Seems him a negro who said the boy had told him pound bas been found in coal tar 1 The I , ,jai h .Kiri* denied him, as the .vital spark it young women should try they could that on the night of the murder he had �, s r' It dtit:before the house was reached. make young men be temperote. Young evident .than eh1 was a woman of` low . latest cgnisition is artificial murk. The s I I � men she said do ns the girls as repute, and this wag Sufficient to start the been stationed by his father at the corner • Oil Reporter says : Pertnmare and ban it _.. s -11- , , Y•, dry +' Jaok=tbe.Itipper ". The .lyalioo actively of Rampart and Basin streets wath instrudt• mullets -bRVO £oi nil it to be asn ox•coW p� li .. . yi"d a aloian to ortoa four cages why does a young man eat with tt fotrk began searching for the murderer, but thus .ions to whistle twice when Hennessy ap• and cheap raw material for tbvir ar oS a Y 'pt' iaStead of a knife ? oared. He did so, and thus warned the p p far no arrests b&ve been made. p diad it is claimed to saeas at len:tt three Of Bright's dasoaso of Cho idneyn.+hioh he Because the girls Say it isnot nine to sot a,: _ "'' . • OxR,uted with - , won raft as the ort& tmedi• assassins that their victim was &pprooching. times the strength of Tongatn nmt3k, -and sa Heir Beet Henri. being appear with a knife. g offered at one-half the price of the ii oinal remedy. The effeiots a dor to have p the Chior►ao Timed days in evident lis• letter it coats only about olie.tiiath og been, most marked, for of one Case he,'in Whydoes he put on his cost when he sire r -40 oubetanoe, Says he&daohet dropsy, low down to the table ? Boston Herald : He (feerinl of o rival)- a ointment : Whenever you meet a worth* much," y cl ttpirito, general we and poverty of Because the girls say he must,-IGaa)ling. Bobby, does n young man call here nights leen man you have found some one who o di osee your sister? knows a sure cure for warts. Faker -Simpkins baa Riven up prose, it blood gave gay *o jae* a reversed order of ton post., ! Bobby ---Mr, Willdno calls on elster, lint . . and in, going to devote blwgOf to oAtirq� • ..-'..- . gc - things, and the patientt, who as few days .Wa bofo !a wag gloomy and despondent, is now --A man le frequently known by th • &sof to ase her, I guess, hey' e t ain't no There tai nothing ao easy to find as fault— hereas-fro ad gster-That is to Say ho is ' fell of life and hope..—Boston Herald, cigars he smokes. light in the pat;lor, when they re there. there is so much of it. ding from bbd to verso. .• mm ,.._ , = . ,:,,,_, - -ter -. <. m..� .,, .. : • . A , I , e-F___._ ._ _.