HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-11-07, Page 1tatititin VOLXVII. 44 •••••••••••10MINIMINO. LUOKNOW ONTARIO,FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1890 THE- wit= fferitattl 16 L10414010 every Friday at the " Sentinel" block, north-east corner of Ootiialer and Campbell Sth., LwJnow, - _B JAMES 1131kYA1144, EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUB CRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER '$ER IN ADVANCJ ALL KINDS or YOB : PRINTING %PIIlTII) WM NEATNESS Az DESPATCH. MEDICAL JA. -Mc DONA LD, M. D. , M. C. P. S. •Kintail. •--- •-• - DR. TENNANT, P HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accouchour. Surgery op-• posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 and from '2 to 5 p. m. - -• - DMcD. GORDON, M.D., O.'1., F.T. • N.S., M (J.L'.S.'L, Physi ;in, Sur- geon, and Attain:hem.. Off ,.•,• next our to W. implement shop. Ilesideove Ross street, oppfite W. U. Little's. '1"*1 . D. (EDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram prowptiy 1L -P attended to. Charges mi )(Jere te. Office, Ci)r- 'rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. LEGAL. • Ashfield Council The above council met on Oct. 23rd. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. No action. was taken in cha S. N -t IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, .iu1t1t1. kautough P. 1TiI • (1 ARROW & PROUD FOOT, BA1UIS- 311' ter, Solicitors, etc , Goderich, T. G: GARROW, Q. C. Wm:.1"ROLIDFOOT. 7,1pILLIOT TRAVER, AT'l'OliNEY AT law, Solicitor in Chancery, Con v'ry- :ander, etc. Office; next door to Murchison's • ewellery•stsme, Luckuow, Ont, TF MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT 1111• law. Solicitor in Chancery, Con-ircis- • aioner, C.onreyancer, etc, Office, over the lliarber shop. WEN EIRAL • ROBERT CIT.NNMGH AM. INSIT.R.. toes, Fire & Marine, Guelph,.Ont. AXONEY TO.I.OA.N1 'KAYE A FEW NS. 'thousand,. ildlla.rs.to,invest for private at 'reasonable liitereiti. ELLIOT . RAVERS. . . •', . .. . ATONEY TOLOAN1 'ON FlatST-CLASS • .11'V1 mortgages at./ to 7i per cent interest. payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply , to RolOilt•D MU•itliAV„ St. Helens. • TOHN'MURCtlISON. C. P. It WICKET Cr' agent. One way excursionsto the North West and Pacitin Coast., Full inforivatildi to intending travellers to any part' of the. world. .1v1ONEY' TO LOAN ! AT 61''ER CENT . • • gfrom 2 to 20 year. histe of farms for sale in Oi.tario as Well As Manitoba. Parties • desirous to sell farms will consulttlitir inter• . et 4 by inspecting the adyerti3ing.fitcilities of . Sithscriber in Great Britain and • Ire.and and. eentinent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWARiC' Land Valuator, Luckn.ow, Ontario. , - • UTEfT W VANt lSH' • MUTUAL VY • Fire Insurance Company, board of' • directors meetsfor.the transacti )n ot business on the first Tssday each month. Parties' wishing.to have their property insured in this ,. increasingly popular•ComoanY, will bir giving • notice. b'e called upcn by an agent or' by (ne . f tne Directors. Business calls prnmitly • attended to. Office, DunRal,non & M. ltonEirrs, Secretary. WM. LANE, Treasurer. . SOCIETIES 1. EAT.T C'K N 0 AV Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'aick ih their hall; Campbell 'street. All brethren dially invited. 1). TAYLOR, Noble Grand HN ELLIOT, Recorder. ei• 0. F., COI' RT • t •,• mood, No. 50., Luc I.; 'low. Meet - every brat and third Monday in eve ry montli, in the Odd- ' fells -Nis • hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e • cordially invited., A. DacisoN, C. R. D. D. YULE SEc. A 0. U. W. LITCKNOW LOD€1•14.; OF XS.* the Ancient Order United Workmen, • meet in the Oddle:lows hall, on'the' last and ,second Monday evenings of each month at , eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially inyited. JOHN' PEA 113.,_*. Master, Workman. ' ' R. 1). CAMERON, Recorder. • T UCKNOW MErHANICW INSTI- , _ tute. Reading rota:I-open every evening , from 6 to 10 m., excepting Satordays, when , the hours will be from '2 tr • ,The • librarian' will be hi attendance daring these' • hours. D. D. YULE, President. sLis.SdlOg„ • vitt. it,. Secretary. . DENTAL' till& 144 cl• ay and Saturday of each month. 'Good sets •drink /Ming and estraotiug •epecialty,„ 1 • .T. S: JEROME, 1,. D.' S., Winghion, will be in Lnknssw• on the seeond and fourth Fzi •• 1.• Gone to Uncle Sam SaniViiindy SkIpOs Out to Evade the Law' WHOLE. NO. 876. ...••••••••• Early. Closing onnYminnil Sande* School Convention. The locknow aleralants take a pfl'oper stand Ender' the A nsistees of Ike Presbytery Dialttand. , te ed that the corpora on of the township 4,f Ashtield take five shares -c•f $20 each in the Dungan- non Agricultural and Driving Park Association. The following accounts were ord6red to be paid : Dr. McKay', $14.00 for medical attendance on the late T. (k}€; P. F. fitinilin, $1.0.88; for breadto R. Curry ; J. Cranston, - 75 cts Crcnston, $4 40 .! M. Alton, $7.50 (amount settled by arbi- tration) ; T. Stothers, $1.76 ; J:••Miller $60.75 ; R. Mourn, $1.50 ; P. Mourn, $2.004 Q_.119.11,_$1.50 J Stevenson, $2.0 ; A. •MeDerrnott,, $3.50 ; D. Ross, $2.40 ; J McDotedu, $46.50 ; D. Rutherford, $3.50; H. Brown,: $12.O0 ; J. McKenzie, $9.75 ;.l. John- ston, $11,50; Jas. Johnston, '81.00 J. Murdoch, $2.50 ;• D. McGregor $1.00 ; J. 13arker, $25.65 ; W. Vroo- man, $9.12 ; T. Dation , $4 00 ; J Sullivan, $2.50 ; J. Nahatly, $18.52 ; J. Martin, $15.43 ; W. McMillan, .$7.00; J. O'Connor, $8.00; N. Mtn- 'docli,. $5.50; J. Johnsten, $1.00 ; J. "Merchison,$36.40 '• G. McKenzie, $6,81 ; McKeith, 83.50 ; C. NiChol, son, .$3. 01 ; K. McKenzie, 3.00;$ J. Late, $2.00 ; A. Beaton„ $10.50 • Ed. Johnston, $12.00 ; C. Rouse, $1,2-5 ; W. Burns, $13.42; J. Miller, $9.5; J.. Webster,- $7.50 ; D. Mc- ''In.tyre,41:80 ; D. McRae, $50; R. McIntosity 1.25;8 1). Girvini $16.01 A.&J. Thyor, $15. C.9 Col bot.re $10.00 ; J. Burrows, $1.75 ; J. Dreany, $1.00; J. MeLeod, $3 00 ; W. H. Maize, $3.50.; E. Mittman, $4.00 ;• W Kilpatrick, W. Lane, and J. Griffin $4.00 each, • for selecting. jurors ; J. Saunders; $22.50; W, Twamley, $2.00; J. Kilpatrick, $62.15 ,• W. Shackleton, $12 50 ; J. Curren, .61.00 ; D. Mc- Donald,- $10.26.; J. Bryan, 840.00 ; Ashfield and. Wawanosh Agricultural Society, $25.00 (usual • grant.) The. next 'meeting will be held on .Nov. 25. .W. UNE, Tp. Clerk. •• BOILN STRONGMAN -In Imcknow, nn Tuesday, Nov 4th,' the wife of Rev. lir. Strongman, of a son. THICLUCK1.01,41 134INKINGCOMI);418.71z (Not ineorp9rated.) • GEORGE MAIN, PROPRIETOR. MONEY TO LOAN •irk tAVTS ISSUED ON ALL, PRIN- .1,1 • cipal pointri. Cherinea, drafts and mortgages cashed. Notes discorinted.* Amer- ican currency & . American bank drafts or cheques bought orsold. Interest allowed,nn depositsfrom five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per denti:aver annum. Money to lend on • farnr-or• yillag property at, the lowest current Vates: Fire insurance effectitEin. firstlelass stock insiiiance conipanies • We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two '80 acre farms f5k sale cheap. Office bona 10 a. m• to 4 , •• ,•, G. A1DAU., Manager. L • THE t litESTAITRANAT' Campbell Street, Lttekitor, J. O. ICINC.AIP„ PROP. Oysters by the quart, pint, oran. • CANNED GOODS, •FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY: .SWEET CIDER, MILK -SHAKE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC„ Constantly •kept in stock. • Give me a ItriaL Remmber theplace, belt to • :417, An, appeared before Magistrates T. Law- rence, R. Graham, and J. Bryan in the Town Hall, to answer the charge of feloniously wounding W. J. Irwin, on the night of the 25th October in this village. He pleaded not guilty to the charge, but on•account of the absence of one of the witnesses, the prosecution •asked for an adjournment of the case" :•tiil Monday, whichwas granted. When the case was called on Monday •it was learned that' Grundy had left for the "Icnd of the free," but as his counsel, Mr. II Morrison, was present the case was proceeded with. • Some five or six'. witnesse's were examined, and notwithstanding the heavy cross- examination of Mr Murrisou, their testimony was strongly against the accused. It appears Irwin suet Grundy at the corner of Inglis and Catupbell streets, tie a• the Whitely 1-1 use, • and without any further warning of his intentions struck at him with an open razor, 'which he had taken from the barber -shop a short time before, and with the avowed intention; as he said, of "cut soniebody o en." Irwin • ut up us san.to protect inuself an. the .weapon struck. him across the finers . inflicting an ugly cut whieh bled pro- fusely. Another witreas also testified that Grundy had threatened to cut and. carrti Irwin ifireget-an opportunitya Ott eotopletion- of the evidence the .the Magistratea remanded the prisoner tu. Walkerton to stand his trial at the next' pourt of competent. jurisdiction. A bench warrant Was also issued for his arrest and placed in the hands Of the -village constable for execution: • , rarftyitount Mr; John Davis left for .the Michi- gan lumber woods last week. Mr. and Mrs. john•Cook, of Wiarton, are visiting in this vieiniz-y. ' W6drie4day, oct: '22nd, at the residence of Mr. A. -C. Crowston,a large gathering assembled 14O witness the the marriage of his dinighter, Mary to Alex.McDiartnid, of Paramount. The bride INV; attired in 'white •alpaca trimmed . with pink. satin, and. was attended by•hersister Belle, the groom being itipported by Arch. Mc -Kenzie. Rev.' Mr. McDonald, of Ashfield, per- formed the, ceremony. After partak- ing of a plentiful repast, the evening was spent in dancing. We wish them all joy on their journey through life. •'We regret being called upon to record the death ,of John Carr who died at hisheine inlitiron Co. Michi- gan after a short•illness of three weeks: Deceased was a.resident of this place .tip to last spring, when he removed to Michigan. He was 'kraiwn and highly. respected; and ,his death canted much regret to his frieMIS dike place: The bereaved widow and family ,hav'e , .sincere • sympat hy. , • Mrs. 'Jane -Richard, relicVof the late Jacob Richards, died after a illness pm October 120, of infiamation of the lungs. DeceaSedi had lived in this 'neighborhood for years and was much beloved by her intitnate, friends and highly respected by all her 'acquain- tanoes. • Her remaina were brought to Lticknow, thence' to Hope church ceuntery, where thy were laid beside ,those of -her. husband. , • • Lattidde 116,1400tien'was very quite here this Year. • •• • .• . Hire,. is a good bargain. A fine roung. driver, buggy and harness for tiale -by Mr McKenzie: Mr. towers; .of West .TOironto,,',. is engaged ,t6 teach in S.'$. No..9, for the ensuing ytqtr. Mies Annie Ross, is4iome °ale visit. Mr. Simon Hurephigi!!'s is honie again. after•spending theeunttner in Wiarton. Saliows exhibitionifailed to come ofl' en accolint of the inclement weather, It,was postponed for a fortnight, The quarterly ..board met in the Methodist•church on Saturday last, , Communion was held in the Metho- dist c,hurch.on Sunday,,, • why our store keepers and other liasi- neS'.s men should' be compelled to keep their places A lelsinese• open tb all' hoafrs of the night jail:. to accortnnOdate a • few people who inVariable maie it - a point to bealvvays late in tieing their. shopping.- Itgrehants and their clerks' are 'only human anct should not be compelled. to work three or four hears extra each evening merely to gratify. a few, and we ate, glad. to see thein 'United --te the ' following agree:- ment : " We, the undersigned burliness men of the Village of Lucknow,-be• lieving that the habit •of keeping -our shops open to late hours is detrimental to the mental and Ohyikai .well being 11f bothemployer and entployeR, and liking an unnecessary expense; do 'hereby agree to close our respective places of of business at 7 o'olo�k'p.m., each evening, except Saturday' even,: ings, and an Saturday evenings at 9.:3,6 p. w., or as soon after these hours as possible, (zed -that this agreeteent shall - continue in force from: nrid'after Nov., 1st, 1890, nntil inutuall cancelled 'D. R. McIntosh, J. Peart, • W. J. Brutnpton, A. Ross, • T. Detlor, -.. • A. E. Brasher, Grundy, W. H. Saab, •W tn. ConneB, - Be. J: Sntith,' • • Dirry 4 bye,.. J.. 'Grenacho, . lOrChlson. • Cameron, MurdPch4. ce:.. witless *Omit '• , The above .61f-Nof.3rd The. Reeve In the ehail%•'••Mefittosh, . • and/ Mi.iliou.se; being -presetit. The minutes hist meeting were read, , approved and signed. The following accounts were.ordered in be r'pai0 :' W Crum, • stationery, $3.08 ; Lockhart, keeping Mrs. McKay, $12 ; James Gana, selecting jurors, $4.00 ; Peter. Reid, selecting jurors,. $4-00,-; Jas. McLeod, snleotiagjarors, • $4.043; John- Gillies, gravel, '$3.45. ; Wat Burns,work on south bouriclary. one f • .50 -cents John. Ketinedt ,gtitare;,. 0 ;1P, KeIIy, Werk on drain,: by• • law 34.• $49:00.;•R. ;Young, gravelling - and cuivprt,•$21J25 • Simon Corrigan; overseeiUg,work,.$106 ; John' David -- son, lumber and nails, $12.00.• James. Marshall, 13 L 8 services 'tin drain 39, $5J15; .Joseph Armstrong, digging drain, $1,5.84 • .; James Marshall,. pervices on drain 51, $5.00 ; Jatres' Marehall, service's 'on drain' 34, $5.00 ; Wm • Johnston, work on north- line, $5.00; .john Itaake, • flour to Wm. Elliot,, 42.50,; J. Black, potatoes to same, .50:cents. Mrs.''W;Eliiott, relief $1.01 ;James Howey, enlvert etc. on 8 con., • $12.25 ; R.. Congratn,. work on Huron houndary.„zone half, $4.00; E P,ennel, ditchiog. ,on12toii. $1.50 ; -,Mcfotosir, serv,ices.on. by-law 34, $2.; Jacob • Miller, it ora, on south botoidary, p30.,87 ; Jac h Miller, cutting •15th' 4th cop., $22.75 ; ,dacob Miller, v.ork • on south • boundari,, o'n Wm Garton, • work on 3,5thside .Colc, Iutiibei, $1.40 •J Portice, -work on: drain, 39; tt.po ; W. Percy, repairing tricige, $10,TIO• ; joint .McNeicei repairing approach t.) baidge $2-00. .The., •cleek...haeded to the treasurer t.ke RU us of .ter. dol tars, sent him by T. Stewart, .being . 'balance left. over. from .the. Sum piti!•ed in his handi, for sending John .Artnitrige , to the' hospital for treatment to his eyes.1 1, 'Moved ..by Valens And seconded 'by. Mtrehouse, • that • thia con eel I d. • not Consider that Andrew Muiliti 'has any. claim . against this inuni.ipality for. damages. for the,hreAking of his thresh- ing' engine:Ca the boundary line be.- 'tween Aslitieldan.d Kitilo,s, and 'con- sequently decline to pay the claitn•put in by hitn. and that the Clerk. seed a copy of this niotion to Mr. Maltin.--, Carried. • • • . The Council then adjourne&t 6' meet again on the l5th day of Decettiber. • Plaint Ran), 'Oak.. The Preribyteril)n Sabbath Sehool Convention, which. was held in the Presbyterian church here on Tuesday7 ,and Widnisday; the' ,28th and 29th' lusts., may fairly be declared a decided' success. The attendance, considering the unpleasant' state uf the weather and the bad' condition of the roads, was very good, the following delegatete• being in attendance : -Mr. and Mrs.'• •Smellie and Miss Smith, Walton • its'• Danid,-Seruh-Dtin-bar; A. Mt:-Lerr-• nan, Port Albert ; Agnes Dick,.Blyth; M iso 724.)rdon, Miss Anderson, Rev. • Mr. Anderson, St. H,elens Rev. W., - H. Geddes, H. D. Henderson,, Mary' Geddes, -John Dawson, A. McWilliams;‘ Robina Simpson, Mary Inglis, John • Inglis, Whitechurch ; Miss Bone, Marnoch Hector McKay, Wni. Rep- " derson, Bervie ; Mrs. Ctibson, T: David -- son, W. L. Henry; \Vrhxeter; McDonald, Miss A Mitchell,, Moles -- worth ; Rev, Geo: Law,, Mr. and Miss•Melltiejohn, Belgrave ; Rev. K Mc, Donald; Mr. Harrison, Ash6eld • Rev,- A,,Y. Hartley, Miss Hartley, elican. 11 a • • Cranlitook ; Rev. S. Jones, Mr. • MO e• Nair, p.SteWarb: -•Mts. 'Aires, Mrs,- Grni:arn, Rev. Mr, Ross, BrOssels ;... 4.'N'o Kay, Mr. Mathieson, W Geddes, - Ntrs... A.- .MeLentian, Mts. .J. Nabb, • Mary Murchison, Mrs. . AL: McKay, Mrs. Connell, Mrs: McDonald; •• Lucknow ;,Mrs. Mitchell, Eadies; Mrs-- Hotigh,. Thiktiberry;. Jas. Dalgarno,- • Martiock.-, The success of the convert lion is largely due : First, to the tact, • , eneiiiv and .untiring zeal -of theefficieni 409.etary, o the.cOuvention Jconitni&tee, • the Bei: Mr. Geddes, of Whitechurch; • second, to the presence of Rev Dr; •• ParsOns, of Toronto, whose earliest.' appeals, ripe experience and rare elo- , quence captivated every mind and every heart; third, to the Presliyteri in Sabbath- *S.clioof of Winghativ;• for thw. liettiktjry satop:rt, arid' encouragement given to Rev. Mr: Geddes in his work • 9U -faith and..,love; and for the oatuple arrangements made for the convenience and comfort .o£:ali,the..delegates. Th'e' • excellent praggarnine, which• appeared irt the last fasue .of !the Tifites;•was and careflitlyrcittried- •otit.-Winghani " . Itmlock City. • • Much rain has.'fallen".that thie reads are 'altruist impassable John Gentles, ef Kinlard •• , • bimght a nuMber Ofaiery fine horses this' vielnior. last-- week* for which • he •• paid a handsome plied.,• T.a he pPle season is,. ended arid packers have left .fOr :other quarters.... 1 Miss -Jean Murray,, of Lticknow, • !spent wieW days with.ifriends in the • last. week.•• Mits,SrSr Digman;:.of• Landon, have • liettied,on. their firnithere„ w high • will again be ar !di AO' the pope! aeon., Mr. T: has' coaiplolted • likcontrAueat Dutalion'anid is now -- home tigain).,. • - ' • , The Miuldelt.'Citty,tgridt Lis flow itt f ..44.1,0,s,t,„an,,J, pretetid ' t 3 be, W300.414E8. prt110)1IRCO, th,• flour itS A:,11 -With • .giOd.1 'ninAieery and 04 ski1ful m WO' the' &nerd tui.m10. ;gd (00.fiito4; urr!,,•,a9.;•7ny, tn ill t •ha • -Mr. William Irwin, son of John Irvin. of this vinage, hat, purchased the Mullorpf Ira), at Belfast for $6000. JJear Slifit 111 AIfl82ftI Alarge biack' 641; has bedn troubling thii farinerslifthe toWnaliiVoif habel fb?sonu-i niontlipi past'by norying: away shOe-p, • pigs; • and. doiug`.,othox'.14opreda • tions.. It has b”in saentrieverai times, but no one had succeeded! ie putting an end Lo. Mr. -13ritip., .'Mr.. joseph Robinson; hearinm :where the, animal was located; -went b the snot, bat- -L bruin, who ialknanning brute, did 1144.t put in an Appearance. when "Tektni.o- Ranger" was,: aeound., ,, „After wai tint till night,..and the •• animal1 not show& u p, Mr.4.idbinSon.,fixed a trap gun • baited At ivith SOrne meat. Onsaffir nightil,aikong grime his bear,§hifrir toololif the meat,-,whiehiwap as.'Oe mouthful'keltsi' fin'avi)y loaded • meld at .vitak..440,k.tof ' 4 1,